Perhaps, but I think in good grace you should give Meloni half a chance.
No doubt people said the same about Hitler.
FFS. Meloni is not Hitler
No more than ex-communist Nick Palmer is Pol Pot, nor many other senior Labour figures who dallied with Far Left politics when younger
Absolutely right. People are being silly about the labelling here. In the bigger picture Our current UK government is to the right of Meloni’s, because UK electorate more right wing than italys.
Tho I’m not sure the UK is further right than Italy
You can hear Hard Right views expressed openly in Italy that you simply don’t in the UK
FWIW I think all the western world is moving sharply to the right on matters of things like migration, even as they often become “left” in social attitudes, or perhaps more secular
A complex picture
Unfortunately many of the people we let in as refugees are criminals. Some beyond that are near so.
The weird people that haunt traffic queues should all be sent in their way.
I see according to some in Labour I'm superficially a brown man.
"Culturally white" is the most recent one I've had said to/about me. From a self appointed "anti-racist" too. Wankers.
Polite way of saying coconut isn't it?
Wankers indeed.
I was going to say that it's surprising that some people, otherwise being against racism, still think (correctly) that they can get away with such things, but I'm really not surprised at all.
It's not hard to not do. Yes, apologies will get made, as in this case, which is about all that can be demanded I guess, but such comment is not made in the heat of the moment, its considered and deliberate, so whilst apologies have to be made it's generally pretty clear what the genuine feeling is.
And it gives cover to more 'overt' racism to boot. Fantastic.
But then I say that as a white man on behalf of non whites everywhere.
It is amusing, recently I had to listen a non racist white person tell me that it seems like I'm betraying my cultures and people by only ever being in relationships with white people.
It's the kind of logic the National Front espouse.
That's where Wokery ends.
Which is why I oppose it. Sounds like you do too.
I don't really think it's anything to do with woke. It's just another variation on the old story of many people not being willing to try to understand why someone might disagree with them, but simply looking for a quick way of declaring the opposing view invalid.
It happened before woke. It will happen after woke. After all, I had a monarchist on here tell me I disagreed with monarchism only because I was autistic. That's the same sort of insulting approach to dismissing someone for having a different point of view.
Nah, it's Woke. Because everything is judged through the prism of skin colour - whites are culturally appropriating non-whites and non whites are sell outs the other way. Woke. It's about groups not individuals. Woke.
Understand it.
And you are definitely autistic if you're a republican. Or an intellectual snob. You pick.
And the thing is, I am autistic. I have a diagnosis. But that has nothing to do with me being a republican. And it doesn't prevent me from being able to understand the reasons why people support a monarchy.
But for some reason you have to find a way of dismissing opposing views on this, and so you find it easy to do so by saying those who disagree with you don't have a valid reason for doing so. Then you don't have to think about it.
It's rude and dehumanising to those who disagree. It's the sort of thinking that is a major threat to democracy. Don't do it.
I'm not sure it is irrelevant
When I use the word "autistic" I use it advisedly - there is autism in my family (as in most families, probably)
In some forms it describes a mindset which lacks emotional empathy, or is possessed of an unusual or narrowed imagination
I am pretty certain engineers (and political betting geeks) are more likely to be autistic than artists
eg I bet the overlap between autism, republicanism, and atheism is really quite striking
He's criticised for saying republicans are autistic and it turns out that he is.. autistic.
I reckon at least 20-30% of PB-ers are on the Spectrum, TBH
It's that kinda place. And that IS NOT AN INSULT. It's just a fact about geeks + politics + stats + betting
Sure, I don't have a problem with that. But my opinions are my own. They are not a tragic result of my neurology, to be dismissed by neurotypical monarchists for that reason alone.
Surely we just need to attack the woke signs in Waterloo Station again, that's how to win elections
Young Battery Bloke - If you find yourself attacking signs you're well on your way to madness.
He's been called out by his own side for his juvenile football supporter Labour behaviour over the last few nights. It's almost as embarrassing as his incessant neediness (You alright mate? Love you mate!) and chronic insecurity.
If he wants respect (and he can absolutely get it) then he needs to confine himself to measured commentary that speaks for itself.
Oh come off it Casino. You are quite happy to give us your uber partisan views but you are critical of Horse for having his opposite uber- partisan views
It seems to me that this really is going to be Labour decade.
We spoke about the Tories dominating, that time has passed. I think the Tories will now be out of power for a generation, maybe even 20 years.
Hubris my young friend. Looking odds on for Starmer to be next PM, but 20 years in power? I’ll have what you are sniffing…
I really wish people would learn that not all of my posts are serious and are sometimes said with tongue firmly in cheek...
You need to evidence a sense of humour, in that case
If it's bully Horse night here on PB, I'd better be off.
Well, he's just admitted "I like winding people up" in the comment immediately preceding yours
If you're gonna do that, you will get pushback. You will, er, wind people up. What on earth does he expect?
He wants people to be on his side and to agree with him. It gives him a sense of herd protection because he secretly worries he's not enough.
Of course, he's then shocked when there's pushback because it generates quite a different feeling in him - one he doesn't like - and he then gets rather personal. Reinforces the herd protection and also allows him to vent his feelings.
Surely we just need to attack the woke signs in Waterloo Station again, that's how to win elections
Young Battery Bloke - If you find yourself attacking signs you're well on your way to madness.
He's been called out by his own side for his juvenile football supporter Labour behaviour over the last few nights. It's almost as embarrassing as his incessant neediness (You alright mate? Love you mate!) and chronic insecurity.
If he wants respect (and he can absolutely get it) then he needs to confine himself to measured commentary that speaks for itself.
I cannot imagine why you might have posted the above.
It's for his own good.
What a pompous prick you are
Your possibly the only poster I hold in lower esteem.
I thought you were thick even when when you were on my own side.
I could not care less what you think of me. TBH, having seen what you post, I would not want to be associated with you in any way.
I see according to some in Labour I'm superficially a brown man.
"Culturally white" is the most recent one I've had said to/about me. From a self appointed "anti-racist" too. Wankers.
Polite way of saying coconut isn't it?
Wankers indeed.
I was going to say that it's surprising that some people, otherwise being against racism, still think (correctly) that they can get away with such things, but I'm really not surprised at all.
It's not hard to not do. Yes, apologies will get made, as in this case, which is about all that can be demanded I guess, but such comment is not made in the heat of the moment, its considered and deliberate, so whilst apologies have to be made it's generally pretty clear what the genuine feeling is.
And it gives cover to more 'overt' racism to boot. Fantastic.
But then I say that as a white man on behalf of non whites everywhere.
It is amusing, recently I had to listen a non racist white person tell me that it seems like I'm betraying my cultures and people by only ever being in relationships with white people.
It's the kind of logic the National Front espouse.
That's where Wokery ends.
Which is why I oppose it. Sounds like you do too.
I don't really think it's anything to do with woke. It's just another variation on the old story of many people not being willing to try to understand why someone might disagree with them, but simply looking for a quick way of declaring the opposing view invalid.
It happened before woke. It will happen after woke. After all, I had a monarchist on here tell me I disagreed with monarchism only because I was autistic. That's the same sort of insulting approach to dismissing someone for having a different point of view.
Nah, it's Woke. Because everything is judged through the prism of skin colour - whites are culturally appropriating non-whites and non whites are sell outs the other way. Woke. It's about groups not individuals. Woke.
Understand it.
And you are definitely autistic if you're a republican. Or an intellectual snob. You pick.
And the thing is, I am autistic. I have a diagnosis. But that has nothing to do with me being a republican. And it doesn't prevent me from being able to understand the reasons why people support a monarchy.
But for some reason you have to find a way of dismissing opposing views on this, and so you find it easy to do so by saying those who disagree with you don't have a valid reason for doing so. Then you don't have to think about it.
It's rude and dehumanising to those who disagree. It's the sort of thinking that is a major threat to democracy. Don't do it.
I'm not sure it is irrelevant
When I use the word "autistic" I use it advisedly - there is autism in my family (as in most families, probably)
In some forms it describes a mindset which lacks emotional empathy, or is possessed of an unusual or narrowed imagination
I am pretty certain engineers (and political betting geeks) are more likely to be autistic than artists
eg I bet the overlap between autism, republicanism, and atheism is really quite striking
He's criticised for saying republicans are autistic and it turns out that he is.. autistic.
I reckon at least 20-30% of PB-ers are on the Spectrum, TBH
It's that kinda place. And that IS NOT AN INSULT. It's just a fact about geeks + politics + stats + betting
I see according to some in Labour I'm superficially a brown man.
"Culturally white" is the most recent one I've had said to/about me. From a self appointed "anti-racist" too. Wankers.
Polite way of saying coconut isn't it?
Wankers indeed.
I was going to say that it's surprising that some people, otherwise being against racism, still think (correctly) that they can get away with such things, but I'm really not surprised at all.
It's not hard to not do. Yes, apologies will get made, as in this case, which is about all that can be demanded I guess, but such comment is not made in the heat of the moment, its considered and deliberate, so whilst apologies have to be made it's generally pretty clear what the genuine feeling is.
And it gives cover to more 'overt' racism to boot. Fantastic.
But then I say that as a white man on behalf of non whites everywhere.
It is amusing, recently I had to listen a non racist white person tell me that it seems like I'm betraying my cultures and people by only ever being in relationships with white people.
It's the kind of logic the National Front espouse.
That's where Wokery ends.
Which is why I oppose it. Sounds like you do too.
I don't really think it's anything to do with woke. It's just another variation on the old story of many people not being willing to try to understand why someone might disagree with them, but simply looking for a quick way of declaring the opposing view invalid.
It happened before woke. It will happen after woke. After all, I had a monarchist on here tell me I disagreed with monarchism only because I was autistic. That's the same sort of insulting approach to dismissing someone for having a different point of view.
Nah, it's Woke. Because everything is judged through the prism of skin colour - whites are culturally appropriating non-whites and non whites are sell outs the other way. Woke. It's about groups not individuals. Woke.
Understand it.
And you are definitely autistic if you're a republican. Or an intellectual snob. You pick.
And the thing is, I am autistic. I have a diagnosis. But that has nothing to do with me being a republican. And it doesn't prevent me from being able to understand the reasons why people support a monarchy.
But for some reason you have to find a way of dismissing opposing views on this, and so you find it easy to do so by saying those who disagree with you don't have a valid reason for doing so. Then you don't have to think about it.
It's rude and dehumanising to those who disagree. It's the sort of thinking that is a major threat to democracy. Don't do it.
I'm not sure it is irrelevant
When I use the word "autistic" I use it advisedly - there is autism in my family (as in most families, probably)
In some forms it describes a mindset which lacks emotional empathy, or is possessed of an unusual or narrowed imagination
I am pretty certain engineers (and political betting geeks) are more likely to be autistic than artists
eg I bet the overlap between autism, republicanism, and atheism is really quite striking
Sometimes it's a mixture on the empathy front: I have an autistic friend who is acutely sensitive to others' suffering, but cannot work out for the life of him why someone might enjoy sport.
Yes, quite. Which is why I said "in some forms"
ASD is actually not just a spectrum, it is a roseate mandala, and highly complex
It is also deeply relevant and important to our subject, I am pretty sure levels of ASD are rising fast in homo sapiens, driven by the introverted reliance on the smartphone screen (amongst other things). This leads to declining birth rates
Surely we just need to attack the woke signs in Waterloo Station again, that's how to win elections
Young Battery Bloke - If you find yourself attacking signs you're well on your way to madness.
He's been called out by his own side for his juvenile football supporter Labour behaviour over the last few nights. It's almost as embarrassing as his incessant neediness (You alright mate? Love you mate!) and chronic insecurity.
If he wants respect (and he can absolutely get it) then he needs to confine himself to measured commentary that speaks for itself.
I cannot imagine why you might have posted the above.
It's for his own good.
What a pompous prick you are
Your possibly the only poster I hold in lower esteem.
I thought you were thick even when when you were on my own side.
I could not care less what you think of me. TBH, having seen what you post, I would not want to be associated with you in any way.
Except you cared enough to post in response to me, didn't you?
A change of direction will always cause instability, but that doesn't make it wrong. Of course Sir Humphrey will give warnings about that, if he didn't he wouldn't be doing his job. And if a politician went along with every warning they were ever given, they'd never be doing anything at all. Except they'd be warned against doing nothing too, so I suppose spontaneous combustion would be the only option left.
I see according to some in Labour I'm superficially a brown man.
"Culturally white" is the most recent one I've had said to/about me. From a self appointed "anti-racist" too. Wankers.
Polite way of saying coconut isn't it?
Wankers indeed.
I was going to say that it's surprising that some people, otherwise being against racism, still think (correctly) that they can get away with such things, but I'm really not surprised at all.
It's not hard to not do. Yes, apologies will get made, as in this case, which is about all that can be demanded I guess, but such comment is not made in the heat of the moment, its considered and deliberate, so whilst apologies have to be made it's generally pretty clear what the genuine feeling is.
And it gives cover to more 'overt' racism to boot. Fantastic.
But then I say that as a white man on behalf of non whites everywhere.
It is amusing, recently I had to listen a non racist white person tell me that it seems like I'm betraying my cultures and people by only ever being in relationships with white people.
It's the kind of logic the National Front espouse.
That's where Wokery ends.
Which is why I oppose it. Sounds like you do too.
I don't really think it's anything to do with woke. It's just another variation on the old story of many people not being willing to try to understand why someone might disagree with them, but simply looking for a quick way of declaring the opposing view invalid.
It happened before woke. It will happen after woke. After all, I had a monarchist on here tell me I disagreed with monarchism only because I was autistic. That's the same sort of insulting approach to dismissing someone for having a different point of view.
Nah, it's Woke. Because everything is judged through the prism of skin colour - whites are culturally appropriating non-whites and non whites are sell outs the other way. Woke. It's about groups not individuals. Woke.
Understand it.
And you are definitely autistic if you're a republican. Or an intellectual snob. You pick.
And the thing is, I am autistic. I have a diagnosis. But that has nothing to do with me being a republican. And it doesn't prevent me from being able to understand the reasons why people support a monarchy.
But for some reason you have to find a way of dismissing opposing views on this, and so you find it easy to do so by saying those who disagree with you don't have a valid reason for doing so. Then you don't have to think about it.
It's rude and dehumanising to those who disagree. It's the sort of thinking that is a major threat to democracy. Don't do it.
I'm not sure it is irrelevant
When I use the word "autistic" I use it advisedly - there is autism in my family (as in most families, probably)
In some forms it describes a mindset which lacks emotional empathy, or is possessed of an unusual or narrowed imagination
I am pretty certain engineers (and political betting geeks) are more likely to be autistic than artists
eg I bet the overlap between autism, republicanism, and atheism is really quite striking
He's criticised for saying republicans are autistic and it turns out that he is.. autistic.
I reckon at least 20-30% of PB-ers are on the Spectrum, TBH
It's that kinda place. And that IS NOT AN INSULT. It's just a fact about geeks + politics + stats + betting
Sure, I don't have a problem with that. But my opinions are my own. They are not a tragic result of my neurology, to be dismissed by neurotypical monarchists for that reason alone.
And in this instance I agree with you
What we can't have is situations where girly twats like @Mexicanpete try to rule out any discussion of psychological types because they have some personal experience of it. If my sister was murdered by an alcoholic great-uncle I would not say HOW DARE YOU DISCUSS ALCOHOLISM, because I am not a lame-assed twit like @Mexicanpete
No. Some will get in with BBB. And don’t confuse standard offer with what gets accepted. Often Unis will take near misses (a grade or two below offer).
I looked to apply for Medicine and needed 3 As.
Yeah was 3 As in my day too, top places like Imperial needed 4 As. It's why I did chemistry, ended up getting the grades anyway lol.
You did much better than me Max, you're a smart cookie. How is the baby?
Still waking up at 3am sadly. I'm back in office this week too which my wife was pretty cut up about. I need the concentration time for work but it's pretty tough leaving them behind this morning and will do Thursday and Friday.
How's life in tech?
Good luck, Max. That 3am thing is a tough gig. You'll get through it, but sometimes you'll wonder how.
Surely we just need to attack the woke signs in Waterloo Station again, that's how to win elections
Young Battery Bloke - If you find yourself attacking signs you're well on your way to madness.
He's been called out by his own side for his juvenile football supporter Labour behaviour over the last few nights. It's almost as embarrassing as his incessant neediness (You alright mate? Love you mate!) and chronic insecurity.
If he wants respect (and he can absolutely get it) then he needs to confine himself to measured commentary that speaks for itself.
Oh come off it Casino. You are quite happy to give us your uber partisan views but you are critical of Horse for having his opposite uber- partisan views
What's sauce for the goose...
Except I'm not uber partisan.
More black cab ?
To be fair mate, I'm not.
Sure, I'm a Tory member. Yes, I have my own views. But if you review my posts from earlier today you'll see I've been excoriating my own government. I also criticise Tory politicians. I havent always voted Tory in the past. I might not next time. I bet with my head not my heart. I try to make arguments from first principles and not based on what's in the manifesto or what the latest party line is.
I see according to some in Labour I'm superficially a brown man.
"Culturally white" is the most recent one I've had said to/about me. From a self appointed "anti-racist" too. Wankers.
Polite way of saying coconut isn't it?
Wankers indeed.
I was going to say that it's surprising that some people, otherwise being against racism, still think (correctly) that they can get away with such things, but I'm really not surprised at all.
It's not hard to not do. Yes, apologies will get made, as in this case, which is about all that can be demanded I guess, but such comment is not made in the heat of the moment, its considered and deliberate, so whilst apologies have to be made it's generally pretty clear what the genuine feeling is.
And it gives cover to more 'overt' racism to boot. Fantastic.
But then I say that as a white man on behalf of non whites everywhere.
It is amusing, recently I had to listen a non racist white person tell me that it seems like I'm betraying my cultures and people by only ever being in relationships with white people.
It's the kind of logic the National Front espouse.
That's where Wokery ends.
Which is why I oppose it. Sounds like you do too.
I don't really think it's anything to do with woke. It's just another variation on the old story of many people not being willing to try to understand why someone might disagree with them, but simply looking for a quick way of declaring the opposing view invalid.
It happened before woke. It will happen after woke. After all, I had a monarchist on here tell me I disagreed with monarchism only because I was autistic. That's the same sort of insulting approach to dismissing someone for having a different point of view.
Nah, it's Woke. Because everything is judged through the prism of skin colour - whites are culturally appropriating non-whites and non whites are sell outs the other way. Woke. It's about groups not individuals. Woke.
Understand it.
And you are definitely autistic if you're a republican. Or an intellectual snob. You pick.
And the thing is, I am autistic. I have a diagnosis. But that has nothing to do with me being a republican. And it doesn't prevent me from being able to understand the reasons why people support a monarchy.
But for some reason you have to find a way of dismissing opposing views on this, and so you find it easy to do so by saying those who disagree with you don't have a valid reason for doing so. Then you don't have to think about it.
It's rude and dehumanising to those who disagree. It's the sort of thinking that is a major threat to democracy. Don't do it.
I'm not sure it is irrelevant
When I use the word "autistic" I use it advisedly - there is autism in my family (as in most families, probably)
In some forms it describes a mindset which lacks emotional empathy, or is possessed of an unusual or narrowed imagination
I am pretty certain engineers (and political betting geeks) are more likely to be autistic than artists
eg I bet the overlap between autism, republicanism, and atheism is really quite striking
He's criticised for saying republicans are autistic and it turns out that he is.. autistic.
I reckon at least 20-30% of PB-ers are on the Spectrum, TBH
It's that kinda place. And that IS NOT AN INSULT. It's just a fact about geeks + politics + stats + betting
You really are a piece of work. You have no idea.
I have a medical diagnosis of autism and I completely understand why a forum like this appeals to people like me, who have autism and find it easier to discuss in text online instead of in spoke word at a pub.
Yep. Policy wonks and ideologues like to bang on about foreign policy, the public are indifferent to most of it, or pretty unified about it I think (Brexit is an exception as it is far more than just foreign policy).
Most people don't spend their time thinking about foreign policy. People want politicians to tell them how they are going to improve their lives. Labour now has a chance to focus solely on that, because these issues have been put to bed permanently.
Perhaps, but I think in good grace you should give Meloni half a chance.
No doubt people said the same about Hitler.
FFS. Meloni is not Hitler
No more than ex-communist Nick Palmer is Pol Pot, nor many other senior Labour figures who dallied with Far Left politics when younger
Absolutely right. People are being silly about the labelling here. In the bigger picture Our current UK government is to the right of Meloni’s, because UK electorate more right wing than italys.
Tho I’m not sure the UK is further right than Italy
You can hear Hard Right views expressed openly in Italy that you simply don’t in the UK
FWIW I think all the western world is moving sharply to the right on matters of things like migration, even as they often become “left” in social attitudes, or perhaps more secular
A complex picture
Unfortunately many of the people we let in as refugees are criminals. Some beyond that are near so.
The weird people that haunt traffic queues should all be sent in their way.
Surely we just need to attack the woke signs in Waterloo Station again, that's how to win elections
Young Battery Bloke - If you find yourself attacking signs you're well on your way to madness.
He's been called out by his own side for his juvenile football supporter Labour behaviour over the last few nights. It's almost as embarrassing as his incessant neediness (You alright mate? Love you mate!) and chronic insecurity.
If he wants respect (and he can absolutely get it) then he needs to confine himself to measured commentary that speaks for itself.
I cannot imagine why you might have posted the above.
It's for his own good.
What a pompous prick you are
Your possibly the only poster I hold in lower esteem.
I thought you were thick even when when you were on my own side.
I could not care less what you think of me. TBH, having seen what you post, I would not want to be associated with you in any way.
Except you cared enough to post in response to me, didn't you?
I guess I did, because I reckon you have no friends and your only way to get interaction is to come on here and insult people. It is not like tonight is the first time.
So, Casino-NoMates, enjoy my response. Savour the attention I have lavished on you...
No. Some will get in with BBB. And don’t confuse standard offer with what gets accepted. Often Unis will take near misses (a grade or two below offer).
I looked to apply for Medicine and needed 3 As.
Yeah was 3 As in my day too, top places like Imperial needed 4 As. It's why I did chemistry, ended up getting the grades anyway lol.
You did much better than me Max, you're a smart cookie. How is the baby?
Still waking up at 3am sadly. I'm back in office this week too which my wife was pretty cut up about. I need the concentration time for work but it's pretty tough leaving them behind this morning and will do Thursday and Friday.
How's life in tech?
Good luck, Max. That 3am thing is a tough gig. You'll get through it, but sometimes you'll wonder how.
The human mind is blessed with a bizarre but marvellous ability to BLOCK OUT ALL THE SHIT (sometimes literally, when it comes to the early days of parenting)
I genuinely believe we would not survive, psychologically, without it
Three airline industry bosses have criticised the government today. ✈️ Virgin’s Shai Weiss: govt should ‘reverse course’ ✈️ Willie Walsh: ‘I am not sure all these policies were thought through’ ✈️ Michael O’Leary: Budget has ‘poured petrol on a bonfire’
Nobody going on foreign holidays is it?
More years of staycations it is then.
Except staycations will be priced out because the UK will be cheaper for foreigners so demand
will be sky high (with sky high prices to match)
Staycation means a holiday in one’s own home.
Do you mean domestic holidays?
I might have to add staycation to mean UK holidays to the list!!
Biden of course famously said that 'if Russia invades there will be no Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it' and 'i promise you we will be able to do that' Unfortunate words.
I see according to some in Labour I'm superficially a brown man.
"Culturally white" is the most recent one I've had said to/about me. From a self appointed "anti-racist" too. Wankers.
Polite way of saying coconut isn't it?
Wankers indeed.
I was going to say that it's surprising that some people, otherwise being against racism, still think (correctly) that they can get away with such things, but I'm really not surprised at all.
It's not hard to not do. Yes, apologies will get made, as in this case, which is about all that can be demanded I guess, but such comment is not made in the heat of the moment, its considered and deliberate, so whilst apologies have to be made it's generally pretty clear what the genuine feeling is.
And it gives cover to more 'overt' racism to boot. Fantastic.
But then I say that as a white man on behalf of non whites everywhere.
It is amusing, recently I had to listen a non racist white person tell me that it seems like I'm betraying my cultures and people by only ever being in relationships with white people.
It's the kind of logic the National Front espouse.
That's where Wokery ends.
Which is why I oppose it. Sounds like you do too.
I don't really think it's anything to do with woke. It's just another variation on the old story of many people not being willing to try to understand why someone might disagree with them, but simply looking for a quick way of declaring the opposing view invalid.
It happened before woke. It will happen after woke. After all, I had a monarchist on here tell me I disagreed with monarchism only because I was autistic. That's the same sort of insulting approach to dismissing someone for having a different point of view.
Nah, it's Woke. Because everything is judged through the prism of skin colour - whites are culturally appropriating non-whites and non whites are sell outs the other way. Woke. It's about groups not individuals. Woke.
Understand it.
And you are definitely autistic if you're a republican. Or an intellectual snob. You pick.
And the thing is, I am autistic. I have a diagnosis. But that has nothing to do with me being a republican. And it doesn't prevent me from being able to understand the reasons why people support a monarchy.
But for some reason you have to find a way of dismissing opposing views on this, and so you find it easy to do so by saying those who disagree with you don't have a valid reason for doing so. Then you don't have to think about it.
It's rude and dehumanising to those who disagree. It's the sort of thinking that is a major threat to democracy. Don't do it.
I'm not sure it is irrelevant
When I use the word "autistic" I use it advisedly - there is autism in my family (as in most families, probably)
In some forms it describes a mindset which lacks emotional empathy, or is possessed of an unusual or narrowed imagination
I am pretty certain engineers (and political betting geeks) are more likely to be autistic than artists
eg I bet the overlap between autism, republicanism, and atheism is really quite striking
He's criticised for saying republicans are autistic and it turns out that he is.. autistic.
I reckon at least 20-30% of PB-ers are on the Spectrum, TBH
It's that kinda place. And that IS NOT AN INSULT. It's just a fact about geeks + politics + stats + betting
Sure, I don't have a problem with that. But my opinions are my own. They are not a tragic result of my neurology, to be dismissed by neurotypical monarchists for that reason alone.
And in this instance I agree with you
What we can't have is situations where girly twats like @Mexicanpete try to rule out any discussion of psychological types because they have some personal experience of it. If my sister was murdered by an alcoholic great-uncle I would not say HOW DARE YOU DISCUSS ALCOHOLISM, because I am not a lame-assed twit like @Mexicanpete
Bollocks. There's discussions to be had about the relative high intellectual functioning of Ashkenazi jews, for example, and that doesn't by any means legitimize neanderthal gruntings about yebbut they are awfully careful with their money innit.
I see according to some in Labour I'm superficially a brown man.
"Culturally white" is the most recent one I've had said to/about me. From a self appointed "anti-racist" too. Wankers.
Polite way of saying coconut isn't it?
Wankers indeed.
I was going to say that it's surprising that some people, otherwise being against racism, still think (correctly) that they can get away with such things, but I'm really not surprised at all.
It's not hard to not do. Yes, apologies will get made, as in this case, which is about all that can be demanded I guess, but such comment is not made in the heat of the moment, its considered and deliberate, so whilst apologies have to be made it's generally pretty clear what the genuine feeling is.
And it gives cover to more 'overt' racism to boot. Fantastic.
But then I say that as a white man on behalf of non whites everywhere.
It is amusing, recently I had to listen a non racist white person tell me that it seems like I'm betraying my cultures and people by only ever being in relationships with white people.
It's the kind of logic the National Front espouse.
That's where Wokery ends.
Which is why I oppose it. Sounds like you do too.
I don't really think it's anything to do with woke. It's just another variation on the old story of many people not being willing to try to understand why someone might disagree with them, but simply looking for a quick way of declaring the opposing view invalid.
It happened before woke. It will happen after woke. After all, I had a monarchist on here tell me I disagreed with monarchism only because I was autistic. That's the same sort of insulting approach to dismissing someone for having a different point of view.
Nah, it's Woke. Because everything is judged through the prism of skin colour - whites are culturally appropriating non-whites and non whites are sell outs the other way. Woke. It's about groups not individuals. Woke.
Understand it.
And you are definitely autistic if you're a republican. Or an intellectual snob. You pick.
And the thing is, I am autistic. I have a diagnosis. But that has nothing to do with me being a republican. And it doesn't prevent me from being able to understand the reasons why people support a monarchy.
But for some reason you have to find a way of dismissing opposing views on this, and so you find it easy to do so by saying those who disagree with you don't have a valid reason for doing so. Then you don't have to think about it.
It's rude and dehumanising to those who disagree. It's the sort of thinking that is a major threat to democracy. Don't do it.
I'm not sure it is irrelevant
When I use the word "autistic" I use it advisedly - there is autism in my family (as in most families, probably)
In some forms it describes a mindset which lacks emotional empathy, or is possessed of an unusual or narrowed imagination
I am pretty certain engineers (and political betting geeks) are more likely to be autistic than artists
eg I bet the overlap between autism, republicanism, and atheism is really quite striking
He's criticised for saying republicans are autistic and it turns out that he is.. autistic.
I reckon at least 20-30% of PB-ers are on the Spectrum, TBH
It's that kinda place. And that IS NOT AN INSULT. It's just a fact about geeks + politics + stats + betting
Sure, I don't have a problem with that. But my opinions are my own. They are not a tragic result of my neurology, to be dismissed by neurotypical monarchists for that reason alone.
And in this instance I agree with you
What we can't have is situations where girly twats like @Mexicanpete try to rule out any discussion of psychological types because they have some personal experience of it. If my sister was murdered by an alcoholic great-uncle I would not say HOW DARE YOU DISCUSS ALCOHOLISM, because I am not a lame-assed twit like @Mexicanpete
Bollocks. There's discussions to be had about the relative high intellectual functioning of Ashkenazi jews, for example, and that doesn't by any means legitimize neanderthal gruntings about yebbut they are awfully careful with their money innit.
That's an utterly stupid analogy, you drunken autistic fuck
Perhaps, but I think in good grace you should give Meloni half a chance.
No doubt people said the same about Hitler.
FFS. Meloni is not Hitler
No more than ex-communist Nick Palmer is Pol Pot, nor many other senior Labour figures who dallied with Far Left politics when younger
Absolutely right. People are being silly about the labelling here. In the bigger picture Our current UK government is to the right of Meloni’s, because UK electorate more right wing than italys.
Tho I’m not sure the UK is further right than Italy
You can hear Hard Right views expressed openly in Italy that you simply don’t in the UK
FWIW I think all the western world is moving sharply to the right on matters of things like migration, even as they often become “left” in social attitudes, or perhaps more secular
A complex picture
Unfortunately many of the people we let in as refugees are criminals. Some beyond that are near so.
The weird people that haunt traffic queues should all be sent in their way.
So there are no immigrant crime communities here in the UK?
I am very far from a xenophobe.
It's often pointed out that most illegal immigrants (for example Mexicans in the US) are visa overstayers rather than illegal entrants. But it ignores the fact that the visa overstayers are less likely to cause trouble: if they had a criminal record in Mexiso, they would not have been granted the visa in the first place.
Surely we just need to attack the woke signs in Waterloo Station again, that's how to win elections
Young Battery Bloke - If you find yourself attacking signs you're well on your way to madness.
He's been called out by his own side for his juvenile football supporter Labour behaviour over the last few nights. It's almost as embarrassing as his incessant neediness (You alright mate? Love you mate!) and chronic insecurity.
If he wants respect (and he can absolutely get it) then he needs to confine himself to measured commentary that speaks for itself.
I cannot imagine why you might have posted the above.
Casino is pissed off about something in his own life, probably lost another friend.
He only comes on here when he's pissed off, gets a joy out of putting others down. He's the worst poster on this site by a country mile.
No he isn't. He and I have had our disagreements but he is in reality a very nice person.
Three airline industry bosses have criticised the government today. ✈️ Virgin’s Shai Weiss: govt should ‘reverse course’ ✈️ Willie Walsh: ‘I am not sure all these policies were thought through’ ✈️ Michael O’Leary: Budget has ‘poured petrol on a bonfire’
Nobody going on foreign holidays is it?
More years of staycations it is then.
Except staycations will be priced out because the UK will be cheaper for foreigners so demand
will be sky high (with sky high prices to match)
Staycation means a holiday in one’s own home.
Do you mean domestic holidays?
I might have to add staycation to mean UK holidays to the list!!
I could understand this post if staycation had meant what you say it means ever since Beowulf or Piers fucking Plowman, but given that it prolly firstappears in the littricher in the late 90s is it really a hill to die on?
Three airline industry bosses have criticised the government today. ✈️ Virgin’s Shai Weiss: govt should ‘reverse course’ ✈️ Willie Walsh: ‘I am not sure all these policies were thought through’ ✈️ Michael O’Leary: Budget has ‘poured petrol on a bonfire’
Nobody going on foreign holidays is it?
More years of staycations it is then.
Except staycations will be priced out because the UK will be cheaper for foreigners so demand
will be sky high (with sky high prices to match)
Staycation means a holiday in one’s own home.
Do you mean domestic holidays?
I might have to add staycation to mean UK holidays to the list!!
While I agree 100%, sadly the battle has been lost. Once the media, grabbed hold of the concept that a holiday could be in the U.K. (the horror!), that was it. I preferred the original idea of staying at home and having day trips out.
I see according to some in Labour I'm superficially a brown man.
"Culturally white" is the most recent one I've had said to/about me. From a self appointed "anti-racist" too. Wankers.
Polite way of saying coconut isn't it?
Wankers indeed.
I was going to say that it's surprising that some people, otherwise being against racism, still think (correctly) that they can get away with such things, but I'm really not surprised at all.
It's not hard to not do. Yes, apologies will get made, as in this case, which is about all that can be demanded I guess, but such comment is not made in the heat of the moment, its considered and deliberate, so whilst apologies have to be made it's generally pretty clear what the genuine feeling is.
And it gives cover to more 'overt' racism to boot. Fantastic.
But then I say that as a white man on behalf of non whites everywhere.
It is amusing, recently I had to listen a non racist white person tell me that it seems like I'm betraying my cultures and people by only ever being in relationships with white people.
It's the kind of logic the National Front espouse.
That's where Wokery ends.
Which is why I oppose it. Sounds like you do too.
I don't really think it's anything to do with woke. It's just another variation on the old story of many people not being willing to try to understand why someone might disagree with them, but simply looking for a quick way of declaring the opposing view invalid.
It happened before woke. It will happen after woke. After all, I had a monarchist on here tell me I disagreed with monarchism only because I was autistic. That's the same sort of insulting approach to dismissing someone for having a different point of view.
Nah, it's Woke. Because everything is judged through the prism of skin colour - whites are culturally appropriating non-whites and non whites are sell outs the other way. Woke. It's about groups not individuals. Woke.
Understand it.
And you are definitely autistic if you're a republican. Or an intellectual snob. You pick.
And the thing is, I am autistic. I have a diagnosis. But that has nothing to do with me being a republican. And it doesn't prevent me from being able to understand the reasons why people support a monarchy.
But for some reason you have to find a way of dismissing opposing views on this, and so you find it easy to do so by saying those who disagree with you don't have a valid reason for doing so. Then you don't have to think about it.
It's rude and dehumanising to those who disagree. It's the sort of thinking that is a major threat to democracy. Don't do it.
I'm not sure it is irrelevant
When I use the word "autistic" I use it advisedly - there is autism in my family (as in most families, probably)
In some forms it describes a mindset which lacks emotional empathy, or is possessed of an unusual or narrowed imagination
I am pretty certain engineers (and political betting geeks) are more likely to be autistic than artists
eg I bet the overlap between autism, republicanism, and atheism is really quite striking
He's criticised for saying republicans are autistic and it turns out that he is.. autistic.
I reckon at least 20-30% of PB-ers are on the Spectrum, TBH
It's that kinda place. And that IS NOT AN INSULT. It's just a fact about geeks + politics + stats + betting
Sure, I don't have a problem with that. But my opinions are my own. They are not a tragic result of my neurology, to be dismissed by neurotypical monarchists for that reason alone.
And in this instance I agree with you
What we can't have is situations where girly twats like @Mexicanpete try to rule out any discussion of psychological types because they have some personal experience of it. If my sister was murdered by an alcoholic great-uncle I would not say HOW DARE YOU DISCUSS ALCOHOLISM, because I am not a lame-assed twit like @Mexicanpete
Bollocks. There's discussions to be had about the relative high intellectual functioning of Ashkenazi jews, for example, and that doesn't by any means legitimize neanderthal gruntings about yebbut they are awfully careful with their money innit.
That's an utterly stupid analogy, you drunken autistic fuck
Yes, you arse, but that's exactly what I am, is the point. Got a sick note from a proper psychiatrist. And I can promise you autism doesn't determine monarchism yes/no views.
Three airline industry bosses have criticised the government today. ✈️ Virgin’s Shai Weiss: govt should ‘reverse course’ ✈️ Willie Walsh: ‘I am not sure all these policies were thought through’ ✈️ Michael O’Leary: Budget has ‘poured petrol on a bonfire’
Nobody going on foreign holidays is it?
More years of staycations it is then.
Except staycations will be priced out because the UK will be cheaper for foreigners so demand
will be sky high (with sky high prices to match)
Staycation means a holiday in one’s own home.
Do you mean domestic holidays?
I might have to add staycation to mean UK holidays to the list!!
I could understand this post if staycation had meant what you say it means ever since Beowulf or Piers fucking Plowman, but given that it prolly firstappears in the littricher in the late 90s is it really a hill to die on?
Perhaps if I can get people to use staycation to mean, "a vacation where you go to stay somewhere," it will become a word so devoid of meaning that the hideous portmanteau will cease to be used altogether.
The surge in #gilt yields is a much bigger threat to the UK economy than the fall in the #pound (though the two are related). Sentiment needs to turn quickly to prevent lasting damage.
Surely we just need to attack the woke signs in Waterloo Station again, that's how to win elections
Young Battery Bloke - If you find yourself attacking signs you're well on your way to madness.
He's been called out by his own side for his juvenile football supporter Labour behaviour over the last few nights. It's almost as embarrassing as his incessant neediness (You alright mate? Love you mate!) and chronic insecurity.
If he wants respect (and he can absolutely get it) then he needs to confine himself to measured commentary that speaks for itself.
Oh come off it Casino. You are quite happy to give us your uber partisan views but you are critical of Horse for having his opposite uber- partisan views
What's sauce for the goose...
Except I'm not uber partisan.
More black cab ?
To be fair mate, I'm not.
Sure, I'm a Tory member. Yes, I have my own views. But if you review my posts from earlier today you'll see I've been excoriating my own government. I also criticise Tory politicians. I havent always voted Tory in the past. I might not next time. I bet with my head not my heart. I try to make arguments from first principles and not based on what's in the manifesto or what the latest party line is.
Three airline industry bosses have criticised the government today. ✈️ Virgin’s Shai Weiss: govt should ‘reverse course’ ✈️ Willie Walsh: ‘I am not sure all these policies were thought through’ ✈️ Michael O’Leary: Budget has ‘poured petrol on a bonfire’
Nobody going on foreign holidays is it?
More years of staycations it is then.
Except staycations will be priced out because the UK will be cheaper for foreigners so demand
will be sky high (with sky high prices to match)
Staycation means a holiday in one’s own home.
Do you mean domestic holidays?
I might have to add staycation to mean UK holidays to the list!!
I could understand this post if staycation had meant what you say it means ever since Beowulf or Piers fucking Plowman, but given that it prolly firstappears in the littricher in the late 90s is it really a hill to die on?
I find it annoying as it denigrates thise who only holiday at home. But, yes, there are bigger things to worry about.
I see according to some in Labour I'm superficially a brown man.
"Culturally white" is the most recent one I've had said to/about me. From a self appointed "anti-racist" too. Wankers.
Polite way of saying coconut isn't it?
Wankers indeed.
I was going to say that it's surprising that some people, otherwise being against racism, still think (correctly) that they can get away with such things, but I'm really not surprised at all.
It's not hard to not do. Yes, apologies will get made, as in this case, which is about all that can be demanded I guess, but such comment is not made in the heat of the moment, its considered and deliberate, so whilst apologies have to be made it's generally pretty clear what the genuine feeling is.
And it gives cover to more 'overt' racism to boot. Fantastic.
But then I say that as a white man on behalf of non whites everywhere.
It is amusing, recently I had to listen a non racist white person tell me that it seems like I'm betraying my cultures and people by only ever being in relationships with white people.
It's the kind of logic the National Front espouse.
That's where Wokery ends.
Which is why I oppose it. Sounds like you do too.
I don't really think it's anything to do with woke. It's just another variation on the old story of many people not being willing to try to understand why someone might disagree with them, but simply looking for a quick way of declaring the opposing view invalid.
It happened before woke. It will happen after woke. After all, I had a monarchist on here tell me I disagreed with monarchism only because I was autistic. That's the same sort of insulting approach to dismissing someone for having a different point of view.
Nah, it's Woke. Because everything is judged through the prism of skin colour - whites are culturally appropriating non-whites and non whites are sell outs the other way. Woke. It's about groups not individuals. Woke.
Understand it.
And you are definitely autistic if you're a republican. Or an intellectual snob. You pick.
And the thing is, I am autistic. I have a diagnosis. But that has nothing to do with me being a republican. And it doesn't prevent me from being able to understand the reasons why people support a monarchy.
But for some reason you have to find a way of dismissing opposing views on this, and so you find it easy to do so by saying those who disagree with you don't have a valid reason for doing so. Then you don't have to think about it.
It's rude and dehumanising to those who disagree. It's the sort of thinking that is a major threat to democracy. Don't do it.
I'm not sure it is irrelevant
When I use the word "autistic" I use it advisedly - there is autism in my family (as in most families, probably)
In some forms it describes a mindset which lacks emotional empathy, or is possessed of an unusual or narrowed imagination
I am pretty certain engineers (and political betting geeks) are more likely to be autistic than artists
eg I bet the overlap between autism, republicanism, and atheism is really quite striking
He's criticised for saying republicans are autistic and it turns out that he is.. autistic.
I reckon at least 20-30% of PB-ers are on the Spectrum, TBH
It's that kinda place. And that IS NOT AN INSULT. It's just a fact about geeks + politics + stats + betting
Sure, I don't have a problem with that. But my opinions are my own. They are not a tragic result of my neurology, to be dismissed by neurotypical monarchists for that reason alone.
And in this instance I agree with you
What we can't have is situations where girly twats like @Mexicanpete try to rule out any discussion of psychological types because they have some personal experience of it. If my sister was murdered by an alcoholic great-uncle I would not say HOW DARE YOU DISCUSS ALCOHOLISM, because I am not a lame-assed twit like @Mexicanpete
Bollocks. There's discussions to be had about the relative high intellectual functioning of Ashkenazi jews, for example, and that doesn't by any means legitimize neanderthal gruntings about yebbut they are awfully careful with their money innit.
That's an utterly stupid analogy, you drunken autistic fuck
Yes, you arse, but that's exactly what I am, is the point. Got a sick note from a proper psychiatrist. And I can promise you autism doesn't determine monarchism yes/no views.
IMF: "We are closely monitoring recent economic developments in the UK and are engaged with the authorities... we do not recommend large and untargeted fiscal packages at this juncture"
It's an extraordinarily political intervention that will probably stiffen Truss and Kwarteng's resolve.
Fiscal measures adopted by Britain will likely increase inequality, a spokesperson for the International Monetary Fund said on Tuesday, urging UK authorities to consider providing more targeted support to affected families and businesses.
If you think it's not the IMF's job to comment on countries' economic policies then I suggest you don't read any Article IV reports, or you're going to be mad as hell.
I see according to some in Labour I'm superficially a brown man.
"Culturally white" is the most recent one I've had said to/about me. From a self appointed "anti-racist" too. Wankers.
Polite way of saying coconut isn't it?
Wankers indeed.
I was going to say that it's surprising that some people, otherwise being against racism, still think (correctly) that they can get away with such things, but I'm really not surprised at all.
It's not hard to not do. Yes, apologies will get made, as in this case, which is about all that can be demanded I guess, but such comment is not made in the heat of the moment, its considered and deliberate, so whilst apologies have to be made it's generally pretty clear what the genuine feeling is.
And it gives cover to more 'overt' racism to boot. Fantastic.
But then I say that as a white man on behalf of non whites everywhere.
It is amusing, recently I had to listen a non racist white person tell me that it seems like I'm betraying my cultures and people by only ever being in relationships with white people.
It's the kind of logic the National Front espouse.
That's where Wokery ends.
Which is why I oppose it. Sounds like you do too.
I don't really think it's anything to do with woke. It's just another variation on the old story of many people not being willing to try to understand why someone might disagree with them, but simply looking for a quick way of declaring the opposing view invalid.
It happened before woke. It will happen after woke. After all, I had a monarchist on here tell me I disagreed with monarchism only because I was autistic. That's the same sort of insulting approach to dismissing someone for having a different point of view.
Nah, it's Woke. Because everything is judged through the prism of skin colour - whites are culturally appropriating non-whites and non whites are sell outs the other way. Woke. It's about groups not individuals. Woke.
Understand it.
And you are definitely autistic if you're a republican. Or an intellectual snob. You pick.
And the thing is, I am autistic. I have a diagnosis. But that has nothing to do with me being a republican. And it doesn't prevent me from being able to understand the reasons why people support a monarchy.
But for some reason you have to find a way of dismissing opposing views on this, and so you find it easy to do so by saying those who disagree with you don't have a valid reason for doing so. Then you don't have to think about it.
It's rude and dehumanising to those who disagree. It's the sort of thinking that is a major threat to democracy. Don't do it.
I'm not sure it is irrelevant
When I use the word "autistic" I use it advisedly - there is autism in my family (as in most families, probably)
In some forms it describes a mindset which lacks emotional empathy, or is possessed of an unusual or narrowed imagination
I am pretty certain engineers (and political betting geeks) are more likely to be autistic than artists
eg I bet the overlap between autism, republicanism, and atheism is really quite striking
He's criticised for saying republicans are autistic and it turns out that he is.. autistic.
I reckon at least 20-30% of PB-ers are on the Spectrum, TBH
It's that kinda place. And that IS NOT AN INSULT. It's just a fact about geeks + politics + stats + betting
Sure, I don't have a problem with that. But my opinions are my own. They are not a tragic result of my neurology, to be dismissed by neurotypical monarchists for that reason alone.
And in this instance I agree with you
What we can't have is situations where girly twats like @Mexicanpete try to rule out any discussion of psychological types because they have some personal experience of it. If my sister was murdered by an alcoholic great-uncle I would not say HOW DARE YOU DISCUSS ALCOHOLISM, because I am not a lame-assed twit like @Mexicanpete
Bollocks. There's discussions to be had about the relative high intellectual functioning of Ashkenazi jews, for example, and that doesn't by any means legitimize neanderthal gruntings about yebbut they are awfully careful with their money innit.
That's an utterly stupid analogy, you drunken autistic fuck
Surely we just need to attack the woke signs in Waterloo Station again, that's how to win elections
Young Battery Bloke - If you find yourself attacking signs you're well on your way to madness.
He's been called out by his own side for his juvenile football supporter Labour behaviour over the last few nights. It's almost as embarrassing as his incessant neediness (You alright mate? Love you mate!) and chronic insecurity.
If he wants respect (and he can absolutely get it) then he needs to confine himself to measured commentary that speaks for itself.
I cannot imagine why you might have posted the above.
It's calling out a bot.
Congrats, you win a Too Thick To Post Here award*. CHB has a track record of posting which utterly rules out the bot hypothesis for anyone more intelligent than a vole.
*being kind there, it's more a bar on an existing medal.
He has spent two years trying to engratiate himself on here. BOT might be the wrong word but it sort of gives the picture. You are not going to frigthen me with your bully boy insults. Look back on CHB's comments.. over the last 48 hrs....
Perhaps, but I think in good grace you should give Meloni half a chance.
No doubt people said the same about Hitler.
FFS. Meloni is not Hitler
No more than ex-communist Nick Palmer is Pol Pot, nor many other senior Labour figures who dallied with Far Left politics when younger
Absolutely right. People are being silly about the labelling here. In the bigger picture Our current UK government is to the right of Meloni’s, because UK electorate more right wing than italys.
Tho I’m not sure the UK is further right than Italy
You can hear Hard Right views expressed openly in Italy that you simply don’t in the UK
FWIW I think all the western world is moving sharply to the right on matters of things like migration, even as they often become “left” in social attitudes, or perhaps more secular
A complex picture
Unfortunately many of the people we let in as refugees are criminals. Some beyond that are near so.
The weird people that haunt traffic queues should all be sent in their way.
So there are no immigrant crime communities here in the UK?
I am very far from a xenophobe.
It's often pointed out that most illegal immigrants (for example Mexicans in the US) are visa overstayers rather than illegal entrants. But it ignores the fact that the visa overstayers are less likely to cause trouble: if they had a criminal record in Mexiso, they would not have been granted the visa in the first place.
Have you had any recent experience of crime where the protagonists were not from overseas? Have you seen crimes reported in the papers where the that was not true?
Immigrants are great - nearly all of them. However there are a significant number that are criminal.
If true, Russian troops in Lyman can be encircled or forced to retreat but Ukraine doesn't comment yet
Certainly have heard a lot about potential encirclements, but the slippery bastards are proving stubborn unfortunately.
FWIW the shit seems to be hitting the fan across the Rusky Mir. Another breakthrough seems imminent in the Donbas, and half a million men fleeing the country, with open rebellion in several areas. This is not looking anything like victory for Russia. More and more like meltdown.
More desperate measures include a possible attack from Belarus, where the army has gone on alert. This may have been the subject of the Luko/Putin summit, but this is very high risk and could trigger a collapse in Minsk.
The pipeline sabotage is another warning, and we could see Russia actually go nuclear, maybe even make a direct attack on NATO. The regime is on the brink, and there is a madness in the air right now.
Biden of course famously said that 'if Russia invades there will be no Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it' and 'i promise you we will be able to do that' Unfortunate words.
I see according to some in Labour I'm superficially a brown man.
"Culturally white" is the most recent one I've had said to/about me. From a self appointed "anti-racist" too. Wankers.
Polite way of saying coconut isn't it?
Wankers indeed.
I was going to say that it's surprising that some people, otherwise being against racism, still think (correctly) that they can get away with such things, but I'm really not surprised at all.
It's not hard to not do. Yes, apologies will get made, as in this case, which is about all that can be demanded I guess, but such comment is not made in the heat of the moment, its considered and deliberate, so whilst apologies have to be made it's generally pretty clear what the genuine feeling is.
And it gives cover to more 'overt' racism to boot. Fantastic.
But then I say that as a white man on behalf of non whites everywhere.
It is amusing, recently I had to listen a non racist white person tell me that it seems like I'm betraying my cultures and people by only ever being in relationships with white people.
It's the kind of logic the National Front espouse.
That's where Wokery ends.
Which is why I oppose it. Sounds like you do too.
I don't really think it's anything to do with woke. It's just another variation on the old story of many people not being willing to try to understand why someone might disagree with them, but simply looking for a quick way of declaring the opposing view invalid.
It happened before woke. It will happen after woke. After all, I had a monarchist on here tell me I disagreed with monarchism only because I was autistic. That's the same sort of insulting approach to dismissing someone for having a different point of view.
Nah, it's Woke. Because everything is judged through the prism of skin colour - whites are culturally appropriating non-whites and non whites are sell outs the other way. Woke. It's about groups not individuals. Woke.
Understand it.
And you are definitely autistic if you're a republican. Or an intellectual snob. You pick.
And the thing is, I am autistic. I have a diagnosis. But that has nothing to do with me being a republican. And it doesn't prevent me from being able to understand the reasons why people support a monarchy.
But for some reason you have to find a way of dismissing opposing views on this, and so you find it easy to do so by saying those who disagree with you don't have a valid reason for doing so. Then you don't have to think about it.
It's rude and dehumanising to those who disagree. It's the sort of thinking that is a major threat to democracy. Don't do it.
I'm not sure it is irrelevant
When I use the word "autistic" I use it advisedly - there is autism in my family (as in most families, probably)
In some forms it describes a mindset which lacks emotional empathy, or is possessed of an unusual or narrowed imagination
I am pretty certain engineers (and political betting geeks) are more likely to be autistic than artists
eg I bet the overlap between autism, republicanism, and atheism is really quite striking
He's criticised for saying republicans are autistic and it turns out that he is.. autistic.
I reckon at least 20-30% of PB-ers are on the Spectrum, TBH
It's that kinda place. And that IS NOT AN INSULT. It's just a fact about geeks + politics + stats + betting
Sure, I don't have a problem with that. But my opinions are my own. They are not a tragic result of my neurology, to be dismissed by neurotypical monarchists for that reason alone.
And in this instance I agree with you
What we can't have is situations where girly twats like @Mexicanpete try to rule out any discussion of psychological types because they have some personal experience of it. If my sister was murdered by an alcoholic great-uncle I would not say HOW DARE YOU DISCUSS ALCOHOLISM, because I am not a lame-assed twit like @Mexicanpete
Bollocks. There's discussions to be had about the relative high intellectual functioning of Ashkenazi jews, for example, and that doesn't by any means legitimize neanderthal gruntings about yebbut they are awfully careful with their money innit.
Change that to "theres discussions to be had about the relative high intellectual functioning of whites" and you would rightly be cast as an abominal racist
I see according to some in Labour I'm superficially a brown man.
"Culturally white" is the most recent one I've had said to/about me. From a self appointed "anti-racist" too. Wankers.
Polite way of saying coconut isn't it?
Wankers indeed.
I was going to say that it's surprising that some people, otherwise being against racism, still think (correctly) that they can get away with such things, but I'm really not surprised at all.
It's not hard to not do. Yes, apologies will get made, as in this case, which is about all that can be demanded I guess, but such comment is not made in the heat of the moment, its considered and deliberate, so whilst apologies have to be made it's generally pretty clear what the genuine feeling is.
And it gives cover to more 'overt' racism to boot. Fantastic.
But then I say that as a white man on behalf of non whites everywhere.
It is amusing, recently I had to listen a non racist white person tell me that it seems like I'm betraying my cultures and people by only ever being in relationships with white people.
It's the kind of logic the National Front espouse.
That's where Wokery ends.
Which is why I oppose it. Sounds like you do too.
I don't really think it's anything to do with woke. It's just another variation on the old story of many people not being willing to try to understand why someone might disagree with them, but simply looking for a quick way of declaring the opposing view invalid.
It happened before woke. It will happen after woke. After all, I had a monarchist on here tell me I disagreed with monarchism only because I was autistic. That's the same sort of insulting approach to dismissing someone for having a different point of view.
Nah, it's Woke. Because everything is judged through the prism of skin colour - whites are culturally appropriating non-whites and non whites are sell outs the other way. Woke. It's about groups not individuals. Woke.
Understand it.
And you are definitely autistic if you're a republican. Or an intellectual snob. You pick.
And the thing is, I am autistic. I have a diagnosis. But that has nothing to do with me being a republican. And it doesn't prevent me from being able to understand the reasons why people support a monarchy.
But for some reason you have to find a way of dismissing opposing views on this, and so you find it easy to do so by saying those who disagree with you don't have a valid reason for doing so. Then you don't have to think about it.
It's rude and dehumanising to those who disagree. It's the sort of thinking that is a major threat to democracy. Don't do it.
I'm not sure it is irrelevant
When I use the word "autistic" I use it advisedly - there is autism in my family (as in most families, probably)
In some forms it describes a mindset which lacks emotional empathy, or is possessed of an unusual or narrowed imagination
I am pretty certain engineers (and political betting geeks) are more likely to be autistic than artists
eg I bet the overlap between autism, republicanism, and atheism is really quite striking
He's criticised for saying republicans are autistic and it turns out that he is.. autistic.
I reckon at least 20-30% of PB-ers are on the Spectrum, TBH
It's that kinda place. And that IS NOT AN INSULT. It's just a fact about geeks + politics + stats + betting
Sure, I don't have a problem with that. But my opinions are my own. They are not a tragic result of my neurology, to be dismissed by neurotypical monarchists for that reason alone.
And in this instance I agree with you
What we can't have is situations where girly twats like @Mexicanpete try to rule out any discussion of psychological types because they have some personal experience of it. If my sister was murdered by an alcoholic great-uncle I would not say HOW DARE YOU DISCUSS ALCOHOLISM, because I am not a lame-assed twit like @Mexicanpete
Bollocks. There's discussions to be had about the relative high intellectual functioning of Ashkenazi jews, for example, and that doesn't by any means legitimize neanderthal gruntings about yebbut they are awfully careful with their money innit.
That's an utterly stupid analogy, you drunken autistic fuck
Yes, you arse, but that's exactly what I am, is the point. Got a sick note from a proper psychiatrist. And I can promise you autism doesn't determine monarchism yes/no views.
It were joke
Know that I.
Gonna watch Midnight Express on Netflix, last watched it in 1980 at the PPP where "Oxford is my true alma mater" got the laugh of the evening
Three airline industry bosses have criticised the government today. ✈️ Virgin’s Shai Weiss: govt should ‘reverse course’ ✈️ Willie Walsh: ‘I am not sure all these policies were thought through’ ✈️ Michael O’Leary: Budget has ‘poured petrol on a bonfire’
Nobody going on foreign holidays is it?
More years of staycations it is then.
Except staycations will be priced out because the UK will be cheaper for foreigners so demand
will be sky high (with sky high prices to match)
Staycation means a holiday in one’s own home.
Do you mean domestic holidays?
I might have to add staycation to mean UK holidays to the list!!
On the whole the domestic and international visitor British tourism is not in direct competition. Some over lap, but mostly not.
The surge in #gilt yields is a much bigger threat to the UK economy than the fall in the #pound (though the two are related). Sentiment needs to turn quickly to prevent lasting damage.
As mentioned, if it doesn't, and international bodies like the IMF are forced to intervene, the modern Tory brand will be over, possibly even presaging a new party or parties. The entire modern Tory mindset , and press support, has been built on distinction from the supposed experience of "Labour chaos", represented by going to the IMF, and disorder.
Chaos with Ed Miliband, or four Tory PM's in six years and going to the International Monetary Fund ?
Surely we just need to attack the woke signs in Waterloo Station again, that's how to win elections
Young Battery Bloke - If you find yourself attacking signs you're well on your way to madness.
He's been called out by his own side for his juvenile football supporter Labour behaviour over the last few nights. It's almost as embarrassing as his incessant neediness (You alright mate? Love you mate!) and chronic insecurity.
If he wants respect (and he can absolutely get it) then he needs to confine himself to measured commentary that speaks for itself.
I cannot imagine why you might have posted the above.
It's for his own good.
What a pompous prick you are
Your possibly the only poster I hold in lower esteem.
I thought you were thick even when when you were on my own side.
I could not care less what you think of me. TBH, having seen what you post, I would not want to be associated with you in any way.
Except you cared enough to post in response to me, didn't you?
I guess I did, because I reckon you have no friends and your only way to get interaction is to come on here and insult people. It is not like tonight is the first time.
So, Casino-NoMates, enjoy my response. Savour the attention I have lavished on you...
I see according to some in Labour I'm superficially a brown man.
"Culturally white" is the most recent one I've had said to/about me. From a self appointed "anti-racist" too. Wankers.
Polite way of saying coconut isn't it?
Wankers indeed.
I was going to say that it's surprising that some people, otherwise being against racism, still think (correctly) that they can get away with such things, but I'm really not surprised at all.
It's not hard to not do. Yes, apologies will get made, as in this case, which is about all that can be demanded I guess, but such comment is not made in the heat of the moment, its considered and deliberate, so whilst apologies have to be made it's generally pretty clear what the genuine feeling is.
And it gives cover to more 'overt' racism to boot. Fantastic.
But then I say that as a white man on behalf of non whites everywhere.
It is amusing, recently I had to listen a non racist white person tell me that it seems like I'm betraying my cultures and people by only ever being in relationships with white people.
It's the kind of logic the National Front espouse.
That's where Wokery ends.
Which is why I oppose it. Sounds like you do too.
I don't really think it's anything to do with woke. It's just another variation on the old story of many people not being willing to try to understand why someone might disagree with them, but simply looking for a quick way of declaring the opposing view invalid.
It happened before woke. It will happen after woke. After all, I had a monarchist on here tell me I disagreed with monarchism only because I was autistic. That's the same sort of insulting approach to dismissing someone for having a different point of view.
Nah, it's Woke. Because everything is judged through the prism of skin colour - whites are culturally appropriating non-whites and non whites are sell outs the other way. Woke. It's about groups not individuals. Woke.
Understand it.
And you are definitely autistic if you're a republican. Or an intellectual snob. You pick.
And the thing is, I am autistic. I have a diagnosis. But that has nothing to do with me being a republican. And it doesn't prevent me from being able to understand the reasons why people support a monarchy.
But for some reason you have to find a way of dismissing opposing views on this, and so you find it easy to do so by saying those who disagree with you don't have a valid reason for doing so. Then you don't have to think about it.
It's rude and dehumanising to those who disagree. It's the sort of thinking that is a major threat to democracy. Don't do it.
I'm not sure it is irrelevant
When I use the word "autistic" I use it advisedly - there is autism in my family (as in most families, probably)
In some forms it describes a mindset which lacks emotional empathy, or is possessed of an unusual or narrowed imagination
I am pretty certain engineers (and political betting geeks) are more likely to be autistic than artists
eg I bet the overlap between autism, republicanism, and atheism is really quite striking
He's criticised for saying republicans are autistic and it turns out that he is.. autistic.
I reckon at least 20-30% of PB-ers are on the Spectrum, TBH
It's that kinda place. And that IS NOT AN INSULT. It's just a fact about geeks + politics + stats + betting
Sure, I don't have a problem with that. But my opinions are my own. They are not a tragic result of my neurology, to be dismissed by neurotypical monarchists for that reason alone.
And in this instance I agree with you
What we can't have is situations where girly twats like @Mexicanpete try to rule out any discussion of psychological types because they have some personal experience of it. If my sister was murdered by an alcoholic great-uncle I would not say HOW DARE YOU DISCUSS ALCOHOLISM, because I am not a lame-assed twit like @Mexicanpete
Bollocks. There's discussions to be had about the relative high intellectual functioning of Ashkenazi jews, for example, and that doesn't by any means legitimize neanderthal gruntings about yebbut they are awfully careful with their money innit.
Change that to "theres discussions to be had about the relative high intellectual functioning of whites" and you would rightly be cast as an abominal racist
A gut feeling, for sure
Also complete nonsense, look at Indian physicists and mathematicians
Perhaps, but I think in good grace you should give Meloni half a chance.
No doubt people said the same about Hitler.
FFS. Meloni is not Hitler
No more than ex-communist Nick Palmer is Pol Pot, nor many other senior Labour figures who dallied with Far Left politics when younger
Absolutely right. People are being silly about the labelling here. In the bigger picture Our current UK government is to the right of Meloni’s, because UK electorate more right wing than italys.
Tho I’m not sure the UK is further right than Italy
You can hear Hard Right views expressed openly in Italy that you simply don’t in the UK
FWIW I think all the western world is moving sharply to the right on matters of things like migration, even as they often become “left” in social attitudes, or perhaps more secular
A complex picture
Unfortunately many of the people we let in as refugees are criminals. Some beyond that are near so.
The weird people that haunt traffic queues should all be sent in their way.
So there are no immigrant crime communities here in the UK?
I am very far from a xenophobe.
It's often pointed out that most illegal immigrants (for example Mexicans in the US) are visa overstayers rather than illegal entrants. But it ignores the fact that the visa overstayers are less likely to cause trouble: if they had a criminal record in Mexiso, they would not have been granted the visa in the first place.
Have you had any recent experience of crime where the protagonists were not from overseas? Have you seen crimes reported in the papers where the that was not true?
Immigrants are great - nearly all of them. However there are a significant number that are criminal.
Yes, we agree. Not sure what you're reacting to in my comment. I was just pointing out an interesting (to me, anyway) nuance.
The surge in #gilt yields is a much bigger threat to the UK economy than the fall in the #pound (though the two are related). Sentiment needs to turn quickly to prevent lasting damage.
As mentioned, if it doesn't, and international bodies like the IMF are forced to intervene, the modern Tory brand will be over, possibly even presaging a new party or parties. The entire modern Tory mindset , and press support, has been built on distinction from this experience of "Labour chaos" and disorder.
Chaos with Ed Miliband, or going to the I.M.F. ?
The IMF do not choose to intervene. They have to be asked.
Surely we just need to attack the woke signs in Waterloo Station again, that's how to win elections
Young Battery Bloke - If you find yourself attacking signs you're well on your way to madness.
He's been called out by his own side for his juvenile football supporter Labour behaviour over the last few nights. It's almost as embarrassing as his incessant neediness (You alright mate? Love you mate!) and chronic insecurity.
If he wants respect (and he can absolutely get it) then he needs to confine himself to measured commentary that speaks for itself.
I cannot imagine why you might have posted the above.
Casino is pissed off about something in his own life, probably lost another friend.
He only comes on here when he's pissed off, gets a joy out of putting others down. He's the worst poster on this site by a country mile.
No he isn't. He and I have had our disagreements but he is in reality a very nice person.
You should all be chilled like me, sitting next to a fire, feet up, while Husband and Daughter cook dinner.
That definitely sounds like a plan, but I am on the wagon for a while. At a friend's a few days ago and I had too much wine, so I am off it for the rest of the month.
I have a meal out on Thursday, so I might give in to temptation
Biden of course famously said that 'if Russia invades there will be no Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it' and 'i promise you we will be able to do that' Unfortunate words.
Pretty unlikely this was the US, nonetheless.
The threads (unfortunate word) I’ve read on this seem to point either to Gazprom escaping lawsuits through force majeure, or this being a warning shot to NATO that Russia can do it more damage.
Subsea cable sabotage has been a known Russian submarine threat for years. Sabotaging a pipeline is pretty adjacent to that.
Labour are on record agreeing with about £16 billion of that.
But it is much easier for them to walk away from it. This way, they give the Tories no target to shoot at.
I just had magnificent lamb leg steak, with cavolo nero flash fried with garlic and chili flakes, and M&S goosefat roast potatoes, washed down with Chateau de Bergey Fronsac 2019, an old skool Merlot and quite the bargain at £14, I'd say
Perhaps, but I think in good grace you should give Meloni half a chance.
No doubt people said the same about Hitler.
FFS. Meloni is not Hitler
No more than ex-communist Nick Palmer is Pol Pot, nor many other senior Labour figures who dallied with Far Left politics when younger
Absolutely right. People are being silly about the labelling here. In the bigger picture Our current UK government is to the right of Meloni’s, because UK electorate more right wing than italys.
Tho I’m not sure the UK is further right than Italy
You can hear Hard Right views expressed openly in Italy that you simply don’t in the UK
FWIW I think all the western world is moving sharply to the right on matters of things like migration, even as they often become “left” in social attitudes, or perhaps more secular
A complex picture
Unfortunately many of the people we let in as refugees are criminals. Some beyond that are near so.
The weird people that haunt traffic queues should all be sent in their way.
So there are no immigrant crime communities here in the UK?
I am very far from a xenophobe.
It's often pointed out that most illegal immigrants (for example Mexicans in the US) are visa overstayers rather than illegal entrants. But it ignores the fact that the visa overstayers are less likely to cause trouble: if they had a criminal record in Mexiso, they would not have been granted the visa in the first place.
Have you had any recent experience of crime where the protagonists were not from overseas? Have you seen crimes reported in the papers where the that was not true?
Immigrants are great - nearly all of them. However there are a significant number that are criminal.
Yes, we agree. Not sure what you're reacting to in my comment. I was just pointing out an interesting (to me, anyway) nuance.
Biden of course famously said that 'if Russia invades there will be no Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it' and 'i promise you we will be able to do that' Unfortunate words.
Pretty unlikely this was the US, nonetheless.
Yes, as i said, unfortunate words. But proof of nothing
“Senior gov't officials warned the PM and the Chancellor that [the Budget] would trigger market volatility and cause a shock to the economy. Officials who advised against Friday’s plans included civil servants in the Treasury and Downing Street, as well as Simon Case.”
Labour are on record agreeing with about £16 billion of that.
But it is much easier for them to walk away from it. This way, they give the Tories no target to shoot at.
I just had magnificent lamb leg steak, with cavolo nero flash fried with garlic and chili flakes, and M&S goosefat roast potatoes, washed down with Chateau de Bergey Fronsac 2019, an old skool Merlot and quite the bargain at £14, I'd say
Labour are on record agreeing with about £16 billion of that.
But it is much easier for them to walk away from it. This way, they give the Tories no target to shoot at.
I just had magnificent lamb leg steak, with cavolo nero flash fried with garlic and chili flakes, and M&S goosefat roast potatoes, washed down with Chateau de Bergey Fronsac 2019, an old skool Merlot and quite the bargain at £14, I'd say
You should all be chilled like me, sitting next to a fire, feet up, while Husband and Daughter cook dinner.
That definitely sounds like a plan, but I am on the wagon for a while. At a friend's a few days ago and I had too much wine, so I am off it for the rest of the month.
I have a meal out on Thursday, so I might give in to temptation
Three airline industry bosses have criticised the government today. ✈️ Virgin’s Shai Weiss: govt should ‘reverse course’ ✈️ Willie Walsh: ‘I am not sure all these policies were thought through’ ✈️ Michael O’Leary: Budget has ‘poured petrol on a bonfire’
Nobody going on foreign holidays is it?
More years of staycations it is then.
Except staycations will be priced out because the UK will be cheaper for foreigners so demand
will be sky high (with sky high prices to match)
Staycation means a holiday in one’s own home.
Do you mean domestic holidays?
I might have to add staycation to mean UK holidays to the list!!
I could understand this post if staycation had meant what you say it means ever since Beowulf or Piers fucking Plowman, but given that it prolly firstappears in the littricher in the late 90s is it
Labour are on record agreeing with about £16 billion of that.
But it is much easier for them to walk away from it. This way, they give the Tories no target to shoot at.
True. I wonder how much of the market reaction is about Kwarteng not getting an OBR report. It was a bit Boris, that move.
The danger of asking for such a report is it might say (in summary) "Do NOT do this. It will wreck markets". If they then went ahead and did it after such a report then they are doomed.
Far better to do it, claim surprise, and then offer to modify it
The surge in #gilt yields is a much bigger threat to the UK economy than the fall in the #pound (though the two are related). Sentiment needs to turn quickly to prevent lasting damage.
As mentioned, if it doesn't, and international bodies like the IMF are forced to intervene, the modern Tory brand will be over, possibly even presaging a new party or parties. The entire modern Tory mindset , and press support, has been built on distinction from this experience of "Labour chaos" and disorder.
Chaos with Ed Miliband, or going to the I.M.F. ?
The IMF do not choose to intervene. They have to be asked.
PS(edit). And then they can choose not to
They are asked and then choose which way to intervene, or not at all, but sometimes are forced to intervene in particular ways by the vagaries of international systemic pressure.
Britain is already being considered a systemic problem and threat to the international architecture in Washington and Europe.
Three airline industry bosses have criticised the government today. ✈️ Virgin’s Shai Weiss: govt should ‘reverse course’ ✈️ Willie Walsh: ‘I am not sure all these policies were thought through’ ✈️ Michael O’Leary: Budget has ‘poured petrol on a bonfire’
Nobody going on foreign holidays is it?
More years of staycations it is then.
Except staycations will be priced out because the UK will be cheaper for foreigners so demand
will be sky high (with sky high prices to match)
Staycation means a holiday in one’s own home.
Do you mean domestic holidays?
I might have to add staycation to mean UK holidays to the list!!
While I agree 100%, sadly the battle has been lost. Once the media, grabbed hold of the concept that a holiday could be in the U.K. (the horror!), that was it. I preferred the original idea of staying at home and having day trips out.
If I go to the Cotswolds hotel for a long weekend with the missus is that now a staycation?
Such a moment is still a long way off, but what a moment it would be if the IMF had to intervene.
The much-beloved and somewhat one-dimensional Tory mythology of the "Labour 1970's" , missing out both the entirety of Tory 1970-74 and the more positive aspects of greater equality, living affordability and measured social contentment, would never be listened to again. As it is, it's already looking a bit wobbly.
After a Winter of Disconnect in which the bodies pile up on the streets and we can't even bury our rubbish.
You should all be chilled like me, sitting next to a fire, feet up, while Husband and Daughter cook dinner.
I am amazed. I would have thought you would have found something negative to say about the Govt. You usually do. Are you having a night off?
Might as well, the International Monetary Fund seems to have reached the front of the long line of people who have queued overnight to give the government a well-deserved kicking. Regular centre left PB posters can afford to take tonight off, I think.
You should all be chilled like me, sitting next to a fire, feet up, while Husband and Daughter cook dinner.
That definitely sounds like a plan, but I am on the wagon for a while. At a friend's a few days ago and I had too much wine, so I am off it for the rest of the month.
I have a meal out on Thursday, so I might give in to temptation
I did not mention wine .....
I had better stay on the wagon for a few more days......
Three airline industry bosses have criticised the government today. ✈️ Virgin’s Shai Weiss: govt should ‘reverse course’ ✈️ Willie Walsh: ‘I am not sure all these policies were thought through’ ✈️ Michael O’Leary: Budget has ‘poured petrol on a bonfire’
Nobody going on foreign holidays is it?
More years of staycations it is then.
Except staycations will be priced out because the UK will be cheaper for foreigners so demand
will be sky high (with sky high prices to match)
Staycation means a holiday in one’s own home.
Do you mean domestic holidays?
I might have to add staycation to mean UK holidays to the list!!
While I agree 100%, sadly the battle has been lost. Once the media, grabbed hold of the concept that a holiday could be in the U.K. (the horror!), that was it. I preferred the original idea of staying at home and having day trips out.
If I go to the Cotswolds hotel for a long weekend with the missus is that now a staycation?
Biden of course famously said that 'if Russia invades there will be no Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it' and 'i promise you we will be able to do that' Unfortunate words.
Pretty unlikely this was the US, nonetheless.
The threads (unfortunate word) I’ve read on this seem to point either to Gazprom escaping lawsuits through force majeure, or this being a warning shot to NATO that Russia can do it more damage.
Subsea cable sabotage has been a known Russian submarine threat for years. Sabotaging a pipeline is pretty adjacent to that.
"Who said anything about sabotage?!" - Sean Connery.
Out in the Gulf of Mexico here lurks the rest of the week’s main non-Ukraine story:
Storm surge and massive flooding with up to 600-700mm of rain around Tampa Bay, DeSantis gets to look heroic, seals the deal on getting the nomination in 2024.
The Chancellor’s priority must be to restore market confidence in his fiscal policy. This requires doing things that are politically difficult/humiliating because that shows that he takes market sentiment seriously. If he can’t do that, he can’t do the job that needs to be done.
The pipe sabotage is extraordinary. I don't see how Russia destroys its own means of leverage with Europe. I don't see how Ukraine has the capability - or would be able to act without American sponsorship. That seems to leave only one suspect.
Biden of course famously said that 'if Russia invades there will be no Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it' and 'i promise you we will be able to do that' Unfortunate words.
Pretty unlikely this was the US, nonetheless.
The threads (unfortunate word) I’ve read on this seem to point either to Gazprom escaping lawsuits through force majeure, or this being a warning shot to NATO that Russia can do it more damage.
Subsea cable sabotage has been a known Russian submarine threat for years. Sabotaging a pipeline is pretty adjacent to that.
"Who said anything about sabotage?!" - Sean Connery.
The surge in #gilt yields is a much bigger threat to the UK economy than the fall in the #pound (though the two are related). Sentiment needs to turn quickly to prevent lasting damage.
As mentioned, if it doesn't, and international bodies like the IMF are forced to intervene, the modern Tory brand will be over, possibly even presaging a new party or parties. The entire modern Tory mindset , and press support, has been built on distinction from this experience of "Labour chaos" and disorder.
Chaos with Ed Miliband, or going to the I.M.F. ?
The IMF do not choose to intervene. They have to be asked.
PS(edit). And then they can choose not to
They are asked and then choose which way to intervene, or not at all, but sometimes are forced to intervene in particular ways by the vagaries of international systemic pressure.
Britain is already being considered a systemic financial problem in Wahington and Europe.
Please forgive me, but I don't think what you're saying is true.
The general mood here outspired me to try a new word. It is TRUMPRUSS, as in "that's a Trumpruss of a haemorrhoid". It seems to have confused the spell checker no end.
Three airline industry bosses have criticised the government today. ✈️ Virgin’s Shai Weiss: govt should ‘reverse course’ ✈️ Willie Walsh: ‘I am not sure all these policies were thought through’ ✈️ Michael O’Leary: Budget has ‘poured petrol on a bonfire’
Nobody going on foreign holidays is it?
More years of staycations it is then.
Except staycations will be priced out because the UK will be cheaper for foreigners so demand
will be sky high (with sky high prices to match)
Staycation means a holiday in one’s own home.
Do you mean domestic holidays?
I might have to add staycation to mean UK holidays to the list!!
While I agree 100%, sadly the battle has been lost. Once the media, grabbed hold of the concept that a holiday could be in the U.K. (the horror!), that was it. I preferred the original idea of staying at home and having day trips out.
If I go to the Cotswolds hotel for a long weekend with the missus is that now a staycation?
Three airline industry bosses have criticised the government today. ✈️ Virgin’s Shai Weiss: govt should ‘reverse course’ ✈️ Willie Walsh: ‘I am not sure all these policies were thought through’ ✈️ Michael O’Leary: Budget has ‘poured petrol on a bonfire’
Nobody going on foreign holidays is it?
More years of staycations it is then.
Except staycations will be priced out because the UK will be cheaper for foreigners so demand
will be sky high (with sky high prices to match)
Staycation means a holiday in one’s own home.
Do you mean domestic holidays?
I might have to add staycation to mean UK holidays to the list!!
On the whole the domestic and international visitor British tourism is not in direct competition. Some over lap, but mostly not.
I think that post needs an edit, not clear about your point
You should all be chilled like me, sitting next to a fire, feet up, while Husband and Daughter cook dinner.
That definitely sounds like a plan, but I am on the wagon for a while. At a friend's a few days ago and I had too much wine, so I am off it for the rest of the month.
I have a meal out on Thursday, so I might give in to temptation
I did not mention wine .....
It was the "chilled". That read subliminally as wine.
Labour are on record agreeing with about £16 billion of that.
But it is much easier for them to walk away from it. This way, they give the Tories no target to shoot at.
I just had magnificent lamb leg steak, with cavolo nero flash fried with garlic and chili flakes, and M&S goosefat roast potatoes, washed down with Chateau de Bergey Fronsac 2019, an old skool Merlot and quite the bargain at £14, I'd say
Jealous. I am on Co-op Moldovan Merlot at £5.25. It ain't much, but it ain't bad.
Rule 1 all figs are approximate... . A 5 quid bottle of wine has wine worth about 20p in it..... the rest is tax vat transport costs and profit for the vendor and supermarket/shop .A ten quid bottle might have wine worth 2.00 in it So you get ten times better wine if you don't buy the cheap stuff....and you don't get the nasty acidic taste either ...esp with red.
The surge in #gilt yields is a much bigger threat to the UK economy than the fall in the #pound (though the two are related). Sentiment needs to turn quickly to prevent lasting damage.
As mentioned, if it doesn't, and international bodies like the IMF are forced to intervene, the modern Tory brand will be over, possibly even presaging a new party or parties. The entire modern Tory mindset , and press support, has been built on distinction from the supposed experience of "Labour chaos", represented by going to the IMF, and disorder.
Chaos with Ed Miliband, or four Tory PM's in six years and going to the International Monetary Fund ?
I wish I could quite get my head around yields on gilts. I get that as the price of a gilt drops the yield goes up, but I don't see why that means it costs the government more to have the debt.
Surely these yields are on existing gilts that have already been bought from the government and that the government will pay the coupon % on every six months or annually and that coupon remains the same???
Biden of course famously said that 'if Russia invades there will be no Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it' and 'i promise you we will be able to do that' Unfortunate words.
Pretty unlikely this was the US, nonetheless.
The threads (unfortunate word) I’ve read on this seem to point either to Gazprom escaping lawsuits through force majeure, or this being a warning shot to NATO that Russia can do it more damage.
Subsea cable sabotage has been a known Russian submarine threat for years. Sabotaging a pipeline is pretty adjacent to that.
It is well known that Russian submarines are not particularly quiet and UK and US subs regularly track them. I would expect an subs in the area would have have the pipe explosions and would know of any Russian subs in the vicinty.
If so, no doubt we will soon find out. If it was the US, expect silence...
The mini budget seems to have done the perfect job for Labour . No 10 and 11 have trashed the alleged Tories competence on the economy just before the Labour conference . Starmer might not be Mr Charisma but looks like a safe pair of hands and won’t gamble your money to give tax cuts to those who don’t need them .
The Tories trashed the economy to help their rich friends ! Stick that on the side of a bus !
Three airline industry bosses have criticised the government today. ✈️ Virgin’s Shai Weiss: govt should ‘reverse course’ ✈️ Willie Walsh: ‘I am not sure all these policies were thought through’ ✈️ Michael O’Leary: Budget has ‘poured petrol on a bonfire’
Nobody going on foreign holidays is it?
More years of staycations it is then.
Except staycations will be priced out because the UK will be cheaper for foreigners so demand
will be sky high (with sky high prices to match)
Staycation means a holiday in one’s own home.
Do you mean domestic holidays?
I might have to add staycation to mean UK holidays to the list!!
While I agree 100%, sadly the battle has been lost. Once the media, grabbed hold of the concept that a holiday could be in the U.K. (the horror!), that was it. I preferred the original idea of staying at home and having day trips out.
If I go to the Cotswolds hotel for a long weekend with the missus is that now a staycation?
It is. And it's Bake Off night. People should watch Bake Off when they feel the blood getting up. It settles you right down. Does me anyway.
Under recent governments I have become accustomed to having my cake and eating it. With bake off all that happens is I get to watch other people have the bloody things.
Of course, he's then shocked when there's pushback because it generates quite a different feeling in him - one he doesn't like - and he then gets rather personal. Reinforces the herd protection and also allows him to vent his feelings.
He needs help.
Reportedly, Ukrainian forces have reached Ridkodub village, 10 km further east of the previously confirmed liberated areas of Kharkiv Oblast—circulating videos& Russian sources
If true, Russian troops in Lyman can be encircled or forced to retreat but Ukraine doesn't comment yet
ASD is actually not just a spectrum, it is a roseate mandala, and highly complex
It is also deeply relevant and important to our subject, I am pretty sure levels of ASD are rising fast in homo sapiens, driven by the introverted reliance on the smartphone screen (amongst other things). This leads to declining birth rates
Japan is a nation of ASD-ers
A change of direction will always cause instability, but that doesn't make it wrong. Of course Sir Humphrey will give warnings about that, if he didn't he wouldn't be doing his job. And if a politician went along with every warning they were ever given, they'd never be doing anything at all. Except they'd be warned against doing nothing too, so I suppose spontaneous combustion would be the only option left.
What we can't have is situations where girly twats like @Mexicanpete try to rule out any discussion of psychological types because they have some personal experience of it. If my sister was murdered by an alcoholic great-uncle I would not say HOW DARE YOU DISCUSS ALCOHOLISM, because I am not a lame-assed twit like @Mexicanpete
Sure, I'm a Tory member. Yes, I have my own views. But if you review my posts from earlier today you'll see I've been excoriating my own government. I also criticise Tory politicians. I havent always voted Tory in the past. I might not next time. I bet with my head not my heart. I try to make arguments from first principles and not based on what's in the manifesto or what the latest party line is.
So no, I'm not uber partisan.
I have a medical diagnosis of autism and I completely understand why a forum like this appeals to people like me, who have autism and find it easier to discuss in text online instead of in spoke word at a pub.
Why is he a bad person for noticing the obvious?
Most people don't spend their time thinking about foreign policy. People want politicians to tell them how they are going to improve their lives. Labour now has a chance to focus solely on that, because these issues have been put to bed permanently.
I am very far from a xenophobe.
So, Casino-NoMates, enjoy my response. Savour the attention I have lavished on you...
I genuinely believe we would not survive, psychologically, without it
Do you mean domestic holidays?
I might have to add staycation to mean UK holidays to the list!!
Unfortunate words.
Sir Charles Bean, former deputy governor at the Bank of England tells @cathynewman that investors see Kwasi Kwarteng’s package as “irresponsible”.
Even I can't put a positive spin on this... 👇
The surge in #gilt yields is a much bigger threat to the UK economy than the fall in the #pound (though the two are related). Sentiment needs to turn quickly to prevent lasting damage.
(I think it will, but it's not looking good.)
You should all be chilled like me, sitting next to a fire, feet up, while Husband and Daughter cook dinner.
Quite embarrassing really
You are not going to frigthen me with your bully boy insults. Look back on CHB's comments.. over the last 48 hrs....
Immigrants are great - nearly all of them. However there are a significant number that are criminal.
More desperate measures include a possible attack from Belarus, where the army has gone on alert. This may have been the subject of the Luko/Putin summit, but this is very high risk and could trigger a collapse in Minsk.
The pipeline sabotage is another warning, and we could see Russia actually go nuclear, maybe even make a direct attack on NATO. The regime is on the brink, and there is a madness in the air right now.
Gonna watch Midnight Express on Netflix, last watched it in 1980 at the PPP where "Oxford is my true alma mater" got the laugh of the evening
Chaos with Ed Miliband, or four Tory PM's in six years and going to the International Monetary Fund ?
Also complete nonsense, look at Indian physicists and mathematicians
PS(edit). And then they can choose not to
I have a meal out on Thursday, so I might give in to temptation
Subsea cable sabotage has been a known Russian submarine threat for years. Sabotaging a pipeline is pretty adjacent to that.
If you can buy it for £14: BUY
Comfort food at the beginning of autumn. Mmmmmmmm
Wow. ~AA
Far better to do it, claim surprise, and then offer to modify it
Britain is already being considered a systemic problem and threat to the international architecture in Washington and Europe.
Storm surge and massive flooding with up to 600-700mm of rain around Tampa Bay, DeSantis gets to look heroic, seals the deal on getting the nomination in 2024.
Deleted - messed up block quotes.
nasty acidic taste either ...esp with red.
Surely these yields are on existing gilts that have already been bought from the government and that the government will pay the coupon % on every six months or annually and that coupon remains the same???
If so, no doubt we will soon find out. If it was the US, expect silence...
The Tories trashed the economy to help their rich friends ! Stick that on the side of a bus !