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So far the polling’s not looking bad for LizT –



  • Options
    MoonRabbitMoonRabbit Posts: 13,202

    eek said:

    eek said:

    IFS - Truss's plans are completely unsustainable

    NEW: In the absence of official scrutiny from
    alongside Friday's announcement, we've provided our own #IFSGreenBudget fiscal forecasts with

    We find that planned tax cuts with stalling economic growth would leave debt on an unsustainable path.

    How does this show the tories are “competent” with the economy. It looks like Truss is about to blow the whole thing up. No idea why - presumably to stick two fingers up to the embedded dogma of the treasury?!
    I think I know why - she's promised her master mates that she will reduce taxes and no matter what the treasury says that is what she is going to do...
    To be honest I think she is highly likely to actually believe she is right about economics and wants to prove it. And she also figures she has nothing to lose. Labour are quite likely to remove the Tory majority at GE 24/5 and if she is wrong and the economy implodes then they get to clear up the mess and only limp on for a couple of years.

    She is convinced and is not prevaricating when asked to justify it

    The fact is tax cuts are very popular and no matter the IFS, OBR, labour and others object she is, as one would say, 'a Lady that is not for turning'

    The truth is we are in uncertain and unpredictable times and it may pay off, as much as it may not, and as I have said previously the result of all this will determine the 2024 election
    The new government are certainly over confident even bloodied minded, that’s got to be a bad thing isn’t it?
  • Options
    Andy_JS said:

    Seattle Times - Boeing will outsource more corporate jobs to India

    Boeing told nonunion corporate staff in an all-hands virtual meeting this month that it will begin outsourcing finance and accounting jobs to Tata Consultancy Services of India.

    Boeing said Tuesday that about 150 jobs nationwide will be cut in the first batch of layoffs, with more to come next year and thereafter. The first layoff notices will go out in October.

    “The Finance team is planning for lower staffing levels as it simplifies processes, improves efficiency and shares select work with an outside partner,” Boeing said in a statement, adding that it “will assess future impacts as the process continues in the coming years.”

    SSI - so is THIS Boeing's contribution re: war against Ukraine?

    More likely, part of the pitch to India to buy more Boeing airplanes & etc. BUT one hand washes another.

    American businesses still doing the things that led to Trumpism.
    Not sure how you are connecting those dots?

    Seeing as how American business has ALWAYS been focused on making money, whenever AND where ever it can be achieved, with at least a figleaf of legality.
  • Options
    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.
  • Options
    RobDRobD Posts: 59,458

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    Who sacks someone by telling them they are the most competent at their job and the best communicator. Madness.
  • Options

    eek said:

    eek said:

    IFS - Truss's plans are completely unsustainable

    NEW: In the absence of official scrutiny from
    alongside Friday's announcement, we've provided our own #IFSGreenBudget fiscal forecasts with

    We find that planned tax cuts with stalling economic growth would leave debt on an unsustainable path.

    How does this show the tories are “competent” with the economy. It looks like Truss is about to blow the whole thing up. No idea why - presumably to stick two fingers up to the embedded dogma of the treasury?!
    I think I know why - she's promised her master mates that she will reduce taxes and no matter what the treasury says that is what she is going to do...
    To be honest I think she is highly likely to actually believe she is right about economics and wants to prove it. And she also figures she has nothing to lose. Labour are quite likely to remove the Tory majority at GE 24/5 and if she is wrong and the economy implodes then they get to clear up the mess and only limp on for a couple of years.

    She is convinced and is not prevaricating when asked to justify it

    The fact is tax cuts are very popular and no matter the IFS, OBR, labour and others object she is, as one would say, 'a Lady that is not for turning'

    The truth is we are in uncertain and unpredictable times and it may pay off, as much as it may not, and as I have said previously the result of all this will determine the 2024 election
    Except Liz Truss is for turning, her career shows that, I mean she's so principled that's why she's remained a Lib Dem and republican.
  • Options
    Dynamo said:

    WillG said:

    Cookie said:

    WillG said:

    WillG said:

    Cookie said:

    Cookie said:

    Leon said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    "Leicester Muslim-Hindu clashes spread to Smethwick as masked mob descend on temple

    Video shows up to 200 masked and hooded men gathered outside a Hindu temple near Birmingham, shouting 'Allahu akbar'" (£)

    So looks like we will be having a mini India Pakistan conflict in our biggest Midlands cities and maybe even beyond over the next few days
    Congratulations to everyone on the British Left from 1960-2020. Good work
    *rubbing the right's nose in diversity* - I think they'll be very pleased with the outcome.
    Out of curiousity, I've just googled this individual - he now works as a communications officer for TfL dealing with air quality.
    I sometimes wonder whether we need to do what the US does with quotas for different nationalities for some visas, to ensure integration happens. The theory is that if people all come from different backgrounds they are more likely to intermix into the host culture.

    A really smart way to do it would be to base it on levels of integration, from statistics on concentration of where people live or levels of mixed marriage. If you are from a group like Thais or Poles that have become part of the melting pot, we can sustain more immigration. If you are from a group that forms its own enclaves and only marries their own, we might need a cooling off period before more come.
    One thing that 1st generation immigrants in my own family have commented on, is that they have felt the "Keep your own culture" thing as coming across as "Brits only can be Brits".

    They came here to become British. Not to be an ethnic enclave.
    Yes, this is the sensible middle way. What unites us is more important than what divides us. We have to reject the hard right view that different ethnic groups should live separate lives in separate countries and the hard left view that different ethnic groups should live separate lives in separate communities.

    Integration, integration, integration. You could win a general election on that sort of message, if done tactfully.
    The Norwegians have an excellent record on integration. They have strict rules on immigrants learning the language and taking exams in culture and history of Norway. When I worked there, settlement rights (not even citizenship) required 200 hours of compulsory classes. They work very, very hard to prevent enclaves forming and are extremely successful at it.
    In Denmark, which has a similar system, there are still issues. According to a friend who is going through the process, a number of people go

    - this is too hard
    - I won’t do it
    - It’s racist that I have less rights
    - I hate this society
    - Etc etc
    No citizenship for those who cannot use 'less' amd 'fewer' the right way around.
    Jokes aside, sounds like the perfect screening tool for finding difficult types that won't adapt to the host society.
    Millions in France would tell the state where it could stick its citizenship if they were ever treated like that.
    The mothers and grandmothers are as of now in open riot on the streets of St Petersburg, Moscow and other Russian cities demonstrating against the war criminal Putin and his henchmen and this is not going to end well for Putin
  • Options
    TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 117,070
    edited September 2022
    RobD said:

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    Who sacks someone by telling them they are the most competent at their job and the best communicator. Madness.
    Only a moron would do such a thing.

    A wise man has predicted she'll be ousted before the next election.
  • Options
    Current live feed from Russia (as posted by Frank Booth) is showing scenes from Yekaterinburg.

    Which is somewhat ironic, seeing as how that was the locale for the murder of Nicholas II, who is clearly Putin's (unintentional?) role model.
  • Options

    eek said:

    eek said:

    IFS - Truss's plans are completely unsustainable

    NEW: In the absence of official scrutiny from
    alongside Friday's announcement, we've provided our own #IFSGreenBudget fiscal forecasts with

    We find that planned tax cuts with stalling economic growth would leave debt on an unsustainable path.

    How does this show the tories are “competent” with the economy. It looks like Truss is about to blow the whole thing up. No idea why - presumably to stick two fingers up to the embedded dogma of the treasury?!
    I think I know why - she's promised her master mates that she will reduce taxes and no matter what the treasury says that is what she is going to do...
    To be honest I think she is highly likely to actually believe she is right about economics and wants to prove it. And she also figures she has nothing to lose. Labour are quite likely to remove the Tory majority at GE 24/5 and if she is wrong and the economy implodes then they get to clear up the mess and only limp on for a couple of years.

    She is convinced and is not prevaricating when asked to justify it

    The fact is tax cuts are very popular and no matter the IFS, OBR, labour and others object she is, as one would say, 'a Lady that is not for turning'

    The truth is we are in uncertain and unpredictable times and it may pay off, as much as it may not, and as I have said previously the result of all this will determine the 2024 election
    The new government are certainly over confident even bloodied minded, that’s got to be a bad thing isn’t it?
    Why - if you do not believe in yourself what is the point of being in office
  • Options
    DynamoDynamo Posts: 651

    Mind you, this Putin mobilisation is the dampest of squibs compared with the 1914 version. In just 312 hours, Germany ran 11,000 trains to mass 119,754 officers, 2.1 million men, and 600,000 horses on the French, Luxembourg and Belgian borders. Even the sclerotic Tsarist regime, with poor communications, a dysfunctional bureaucracy, and a much poorer railway network, managed an impressive mobilisation in days. This Putin guy is a rank amateur.

    All we know at the moment is he's calling up reservists - about 300,000 according to Shoigu, out of 25m possibles. We don't know how many will be rushed to the warzone or when. That will probably become clearer next week after the results of the four referendums.[*] In March 2014 formal annexation of Crimea occurred two days after the referendum. The referendums in the Donbas, Kherson, and Zaporozhye are scheduled from the day after tomorrow until next Tuesday.

    Expect annexation of all four regions by next Thursday or Friday.

    The Russian state position will then switch to "This war is happening inside Russia".

    That implies the position that NATO countries are supplying Russia's enemies with lethal weapons they are using against the Russian army on Russian soil.

    * I used to say "referenda" but decided that if the word wanted to integrate it had to obey the rules of English.
  • Options

    ydoethur said:

    HYUFD said:

    "The next James Bond films will have bigger roles for women and a more sensitive 007, according to the producers, who said “Bond is evolving just as men are evolving”

    ™The Spy Who Really Respected Me"?
    I hate to sound like Leon, but this strikes me as a very stupid move. Bond fans won't buy any 'evolved' agenda and it's unlikely to attract new ones by pretending to be more in tune with the modern world.

    If you feel it's inappropriate for the modern world, don't make any more films.
    Please, the last Bond film featured a black woman as 007, the world has moved on.
    In a portrayal that was deeply patronising and insulting to black people.
  • Options

    Andy_JS said:

    Seattle Times - Boeing will outsource more corporate jobs to India

    Boeing told nonunion corporate staff in an all-hands virtual meeting this month that it will begin outsourcing finance and accounting jobs to Tata Consultancy Services of India.

    Boeing said Tuesday that about 150 jobs nationwide will be cut in the first batch of layoffs, with more to come next year and thereafter. The first layoff notices will go out in October.

    “The Finance team is planning for lower staffing levels as it simplifies processes, improves efficiency and shares select work with an outside partner,” Boeing said in a statement, adding that it “will assess future impacts as the process continues in the coming years.”

    SSI - so is THIS Boeing's contribution re: war against Ukraine?

    More likely, part of the pitch to India to buy more Boeing airplanes & etc. BUT one hand washes another.

    American businesses still doing the things that led to Trumpism.
    Not sure how you are connecting those dots?

    Seeing as how American business has ALWAYS been focused on making money, whenever AND where ever it can be achieved, with at least a figleaf of legality.
    Have you forgotten how he won the presidency?

    Our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization - moving our jobs, our wealth and our factories to Mexico and overseas.

    Globalization has made the financial elite who donate to politicians very wealthy. But it has left millions of our workers with nothing but poverty and heartache.

    When subsidized foreign steel is dumped into our markets, threatening our factories, the politicians do nothing.

    For years, they watched on the sidelines as our jobs vanished and our communities were plunged into depression-level unemployment.

    Many of these areas have still never recovered.

    Our politicians took away from the people their means of making a living and supporting their families.

    Skilled craftsmen and tradespeople and factory workers have seen the jobs they loved shipped thousands of miles away.

    This wave of globalization has wiped out our middle class.
  • Options

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    Sounds like self-serving bullshit that Michael Green said perhaps, rather than Liz Truss.
  • Options

    eek said:

    eek said:

    IFS - Truss's plans are completely unsustainable

    NEW: In the absence of official scrutiny from
    alongside Friday's announcement, we've provided our own #IFSGreenBudget fiscal forecasts with

    We find that planned tax cuts with stalling economic growth would leave debt on an unsustainable path.

    How does this show the tories are “competent” with the economy. It looks like Truss is about to blow the whole thing up. No idea why - presumably to stick two fingers up to the embedded dogma of the treasury?!
    I think I know why - she's promised her master mates that she will reduce taxes and no matter what the treasury says that is what she is going to do...
    To be honest I think she is highly likely to actually believe she is right about economics and wants to prove it. And she also figures she has nothing to lose. Labour are quite likely to remove the Tory majority at GE 24/5 and if she is wrong and the economy implodes then they get to clear up the mess and only limp on for a couple of years.

    She is convinced and is not prevaricating when asked to justify it

    The fact is tax cuts are very popular and no matter the IFS, OBR, labour and others object she is, as one would say, 'a Lady that is not for turning'

    The truth is we are in uncertain and unpredictable times and it may pay off, as much as it may not, and as I have said previously the result of all this will determine the 2024 election
    The new government are certainly over confident even bloodied minded, that’s got to be a bad thing isn’t it?
    Why - if you do not believe in yourself what is the point of being in office
    Believing in yourself because you have demonstrable talent and a track record of success, and sure, be confident. But this is the Truss government we're talking about. Where the opposite isn't just true, its *perceived* to be true by voters. Who then see "over confident" as sneering arrogance.
  • Options
    MalmesburyMalmesbury Posts: 46,451
    Leon said:

    Mind you, this Putin mobilisation is the dampest of squibs compared with the 1914 version. In just 312 hours, Germany ran 11,000 trains to mass 119,754 officers, 2.1 million men, and 600,000 horses on the French, Luxembourg and Belgian borders. Even the sclerotic Tsarist regime, with poor communications, a dysfunctional bureaucracy, and a much poorer railway network, managed an impressive mobilisation in days. This Putin guy is a rank amateur.

    I sense of bit of "prep" there, as the chefs say
    In 1914 the mobilisation plans were, essentially, railway timetables. Very elaborate, complex ones. Which led some staff officers to claim they couldn’t be changed.

    After the war, the head of the German mobilisation effort wrote a whole boo to prove that he could, if asked, have mobilised only against Russia, rather than both Russia and France. The number of people who could understand it were said to rather limited.
  • Options

    eek said:

    eek said:

    IFS - Truss's plans are completely unsustainable

    NEW: In the absence of official scrutiny from
    alongside Friday's announcement, we've provided our own #IFSGreenBudget fiscal forecasts with

    We find that planned tax cuts with stalling economic growth would leave debt on an unsustainable path.

    How does this show the tories are “competent” with the economy. It looks like Truss is about to blow the whole thing up. No idea why - presumably to stick two fingers up to the embedded dogma of the treasury?!
    I think I know why - she's promised her master mates that she will reduce taxes and no matter what the treasury says that is what she is going to do...
    To be honest I think she is highly likely to actually believe she is right about economics and wants to prove it. And she also figures she has nothing to lose. Labour are quite likely to remove the Tory majority at GE 24/5 and if she is wrong and the economy implodes then they get to clear up the mess and only limp on for a couple of years.

    She is convinced and is not prevaricating when asked to justify it

    The fact is tax cuts are very popular and no matter the IFS, OBR, labour and others object she is, as one would say, 'a Lady that is not for turning'

    The truth is we are in uncertain and unpredictable times and it may pay off, as much as it may not, and as I have said previously the result of all this will determine the 2024 election
    Except Liz Truss is for turning, her career shows that, I mean she's so principled that's why she's remained a Lib Dem and republican.
    That can be said of many politicians not least Starmer who campaigned for Corbyn and was anti brexit and a US trade deal and now has Corbyn side-lined, supports brexit and apparently wants a trade deal with the US
  • Options
    Dynamo said:

    * I used to say "referenda" but decided that if the word wanted to integrate it had to obey the rules of English.

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    wooliedyedwooliedyed Posts: 9,946
    edited September 2022
    Fed gives it the big mo again
  • Options
    boulayboulay Posts: 5,127
    Dynamo said:

    WillG said:

    Cookie said:

    WillG said:

    WillG said:

    Cookie said:

    Cookie said:

    Leon said:

    HYUFD said:

    Andy_JS said:

    "Leicester Muslim-Hindu clashes spread to Smethwick as masked mob descend on temple

    Video shows up to 200 masked and hooded men gathered outside a Hindu temple near Birmingham, shouting 'Allahu akbar'" (£)

    So looks like we will be having a mini India Pakistan conflict in our biggest Midlands cities and maybe even beyond over the next few days
    Congratulations to everyone on the British Left from 1960-2020. Good work
    *rubbing the right's nose in diversity* - I think they'll be very pleased with the outcome.
    Out of curiousity, I've just googled this individual - he now works as a communications officer for TfL dealing with air quality.
    I sometimes wonder whether we need to do what the US does with quotas for different nationalities for some visas, to ensure integration happens. The theory is that if people all come from different backgrounds they are more likely to intermix into the host culture.

    A really smart way to do it would be to base it on levels of integration, from statistics on concentration of where people live or levels of mixed marriage. If you are from a group like Thais or Poles that have become part of the melting pot, we can sustain more immigration. If you are from a group that forms its own enclaves and only marries their own, we might need a cooling off period before more come.
    One thing that 1st generation immigrants in my own family have commented on, is that they have felt the "Keep your own culture" thing as coming across as "Brits only can be Brits".

    They came here to become British. Not to be an ethnic enclave.
    Yes, this is the sensible middle way. What unites us is more important than what divides us. We have to reject the hard right view that different ethnic groups should live separate lives in separate countries and the hard left view that different ethnic groups should live separate lives in separate communities.

    Integration, integration, integration. You could win a general election on that sort of message, if done tactfully.
    The Norwegians have an excellent record on integration. They have strict rules on immigrants learning the language and taking exams in culture and history of Norway. When I worked there, settlement rights (not even citizenship) required 200 hours of compulsory classes. They work very, very hard to prevent enclaves forming and are extremely successful at it.
    In Denmark, which has a similar system, there are still issues. According to a friend who is going through the process, a number of people go

    - this is too hard
    - I won’t do it
    - It’s racist that I have less rights
    - I hate this society
    - Etc etc
    No citizenship for those who cannot use 'less' amd 'fewer' the right way around.

    Jokes aside, sounds like the perfect screening tool for finding difficult types that won't adapt to the host society.
    Millions in France would tell the state where it could stick its citizenship if they were ever treated like that.
    Good evening Dynamo. If you were a Russian Troll (I’m not convinced you are, maybe British sympathetic to Russia like a few people I’ve known through life - if you were then you would be by far the most sophisticated at British Idiom and random knowledge) would you think, “this whole Ukraine adventure is a shitshow and isn’t going to end well but I have to keep pumping the propaganda” or would it be something you truly believe in? Or is there a point where you would think that it cannot be supported?

    Either you are British then it’s easier to be “pro” this situation with the war escalation etc as it’s unlikely to ever sweep you up to the front line. If you weren't British and say, Russian, then surely it’s clearly not good for Russia (or anyone frankly).

    Just interested, if you could put yourself in the shoes of a different nationality (which maybe you can) how you view this mess?

  • Options
    RobDRobD Posts: 59,458

    Fed gives it the big mo again

    When is the BoE's decision?
  • Options

    RobD said:

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    Who sacks someone by telling them they are the most competent at their job and the best communicator. Madness.
    Only a moron would do such a thing.

    A wise man has predicted she'll be ousted before the next election.
    Wise men/women surely? There's several of us on PB i think?
  • Options

    eek said:

    eek said:

    IFS - Truss's plans are completely unsustainable

    NEW: In the absence of official scrutiny from
    alongside Friday's announcement, we've provided our own #IFSGreenBudget fiscal forecasts with

    We find that planned tax cuts with stalling economic growth would leave debt on an unsustainable path.

    How does this show the tories are “competent” with the economy. It looks like Truss is about to blow the whole thing up. No idea why - presumably to stick two fingers up to the embedded dogma of the treasury?!
    I think I know why - she's promised her master mates that she will reduce taxes and no matter what the treasury says that is what she is going to do...
    To be honest I think she is highly likely to actually believe she is right about economics and wants to prove it. And she also figures she has nothing to lose. Labour are quite likely to remove the Tory majority at GE 24/5 and if she is wrong and the economy implodes then they get to clear up the mess and only limp on for a couple of years.

    She is convinced and is not prevaricating when asked to justify it

    The fact is tax cuts are very popular and no matter the IFS, OBR, labour and others object she is, as one would say, 'a Lady that is not for turning'

    The truth is we are in uncertain and unpredictable times and it may pay off, as much as it may not, and as I have said previously the result of all this will determine the 2024 election
    The new government are certainly over confident even bloodied minded, that’s got to be a bad thing isn’t it?
    Why - if you do not believe in yourself what is the point of being in office
    Believing in yourself because you have demonstrable talent and a track record of success, and sure, be confident. But this is the Truss government we're talking about. Where the opposite isn't just true, its *perceived* to be true by voters. Who then see "over confident" as sneering arrogance.
    As in all things time will tell, but it does look as if quite a few on here and elsewhere may have underestimated her

    Of course it could all go pear shaped but at present her improvement in popularity over Starmer in red wall seats is remarkable even if the polls have not moved much
  • Options
    RobD said:

    Fed gives it the big mo again

    When is the BoE's decision?
    tomorrow - delayed because of the Queen
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    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,777
    Another 75bps from the Fed. That won’t go down well in UK and Europe.
  • Options
    DriverDriver Posts: 4,567

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    And we're accepting Shapps' word as gospel because...?
  • Options
    Sandpit said:

    Another 75bps from the Fed. That won’t go down well in UK and Europe.

    massive pressure now on BoE to raise by 75 points tomorrow- dollar already strongest for a generation
  • Options
    Driver said:

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    And we're accepting Shapps' word as gospel because...?
    Because I've heard similar stories about other ministers Truss has fired.

    In short, they didn't back her, they got fired.
  • Options

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    She can get the best of both worlds. The people who supported her are mad and/or incompetent so she can reward them for their loyalty, then sack them when they do something mad and/or incompetent and fill the slot with a competent person who has loyally performed their backbench STFU duties.
  • Options
    Question - why are MPs swearing an oath today? If you listen to the words it is clear they have aleady pledged fealty to the King in the "heirs and successors" bit.

    So instead of faffing about they could have been working on genuine urgent politics issues.
  • Options
    Still the good news is that Jonathan Gullis is now a minister in the Department for Education.
  • Options
    SandpitSandpit Posts: 51,777

    Sandpit said:

    Another 75bps from the Fed. That won’t go down well in UK and Europe.

    massive pressure now on BoE to raise by 75 points tomorrow- dollar already strongest for a generation
    Yep. The Fed are likely over-reacting to what’s still just about an imported supply shock, but it’s killing everyone on the currency markets. Cable $1.13 today, could go to $1.10 tomorrow if the BoE doesn’t follow up with at least 75bps of their own.
  • Options

    Question - why are MPs swearing an oath today? If you listen to the words it is clear they have aleady pledged fealty to the King in the "heirs and successors" bit.

    So instead of faffing about they could have been working on genuine urgent politics issues.

    I cannot fathom the quaint (some would so obsolete) customs of the royal accession
  • Options

    Driver said:

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    And we're accepting Shapps' word as gospel because...?
    Because I've heard similar stories about other ministers Truss has fired.

    In short, they didn't back her, they got fired.
    Its kinda honest of her to say so (if indeed she has been so frank) .Overall though not wise to totally fill your cabinet with your supporters as it makes you easy to attack from outside but more fundamentally shows you think you are more important than the running of the country -
  • Options
    DriverDriver Posts: 4,567

    Question - why are MPs swearing an oath today? If you listen to the words it is clear they have aleady pledged fealty to the King in the "heirs and successors" bit.

    So instead of faffing about they could have been working on genuine urgent politics issues.

    At least the death of the monarch doesn't cause an immediate general election any more.
  • Options
    Leon said:


    I'm going to the Groucho to drink my entire bodyweight, and the last of my Covid Credit, in Perrier Jouet, see you all on the other side

    With the James Bond producers?
  • Options

    Driver said:

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    And we're accepting Shapps' word as gospel because...?
    Because I've heard similar stories about other ministers Truss has fired.

    In short, they didn't back her, they got fired.
    Besides, it's blooming obvious looking at the membership of the Cabinet.

    48 percent Mates of Liz
    48 percent ERG members needing buying off
    Penny Mordaunt in a bit of a nonjob

    That's about it, really.
  • Options
    ChrisChris Posts: 11,647

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    "Friends of Grant Shapps claim Liz Truss told him he was the best communicator in government, and go on to compare him with the baby Jesus."
  • Options
    DriverDriver Posts: 4,567

    Driver said:

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    And we're accepting Shapps' word as gospel because...?
    Because I've heard similar stories about other ministers Truss has fired.

    In short, they didn't back her, they got fired.
    Its kinda honest of her to say so (if indeed she has been so frank) .Overall though not wise to totally fill your cabinet with your supporters as it makes you easy to attack from outside but more fundamentally shows you think you are more important than the running of the country -
    Why bring into Cabinet, and bind with collective responsibility, people who spent several months saying how terrible your policies were?
  • Options
    Sandpit said:

    Sandpit said:

    Another 75bps from the Fed. That won’t go down well in UK and Europe.

    massive pressure now on BoE to raise by 75 points tomorrow- dollar already strongest for a generation
    Yep. The Fed are likely over-reacting to what’s still just about an imported supply shock, but it’s killing everyone on the currency markets. Cable $1.13 today, could go to $1.10 tomorrow if the BoE doesn’t follow up with at least 75bps of their own.
    Soon the rapper 50 Cent will be renamed 50p
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120
    Chris said:

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    "Friends of Grant Shapps claim Liz Truss told him he was the best communicator in government, and go on to compare him with the baby Jesus."
    Jesus wasn't a dog (except in Blackadder's Christmas Carol).
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    Chris said:

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    "Friends of Grant Shapps claim Liz Truss told him he was the best communicator in government, and go on to compare him with the baby Jesus."
    Are you sure it wasn't baby cheeses?
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    ydoethur said:

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    That really is a worrying story that says something terrible about Truss.

    How on earth could she think Shapps was competent unless she's actually insane?
    I did hear today the new transport secretary is to call the unions and employers into her department and attempt to resolve the issues

    Shapps never gave it a moments thought
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    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    Still the good news is that Jonathan Gullis is now a minister in the Department for Education.

    At least he has worked in a school.
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    Sandpit said:

    Sandpit said:

    Another 75bps from the Fed. That won’t go down well in UK and Europe.

    massive pressure now on BoE to raise by 75 points tomorrow- dollar already strongest for a generation
    Yep. The Fed are likely over-reacting to what’s still just about an imported supply shock, but it’s killing everyone on the currency markets. Cable $1.13 today, could go to $1.10 tomorrow if the BoE doesn’t follow up with at least 75bps of their own.
    Not to alarm anybody, but my holiday starts on Friday, and I return to work on the 10th of October.
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    paulyork64paulyork64 Posts: 2,505
    This thread has been demobilised
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    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    We have a verified recording of those glowing tributes do we?
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    bigglesbiggles Posts: 5,562
    eek said:

    IFS - Truss's plans are completely unsustainable

    NEW: In the absence of official scrutiny from
    alongside Friday's announcement, we've provided our own #IFSGreenBudget fiscal forecasts with

    We find that planned tax cuts with stalling economic growth would leave debt on an unsustainable path.

    No fan of the Truss approach, but presumably she would say “but that’s the point - we won’t have stalled growth”. And at a top level, she’ll be right. The totality of what she’s up to, plus the efforts of other allied counties, will see our growth rate do better and she’ll say “told you so”.
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    turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,480
    ydoethur said:

    Chris said:

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    "Friends of Grant Shapps claim Liz Truss told him he was the best communicator in government, and go on to compare him with the baby Jesus."
    Jesus wasn't a dog (except in Blackadder's Christmas Carol).
    Arrgggh - you’ve regenerated!
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    bigglesbiggles Posts: 5,562
    RobD said:

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    Who sacks someone by telling them they are the most competent at their job and the best communicator. Madness.
    To be fair, I have seen many get promoted despite being the least competent and the worst communicators….
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    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771

    eek said:

    eek said:

    IFS - Truss's plans are completely unsustainable

    NEW: In the absence of official scrutiny from
    alongside Friday's announcement, we've provided our own #IFSGreenBudget fiscal forecasts with

    We find that planned tax cuts with stalling economic growth would leave debt on an unsustainable path.

    How does this show the tories are “competent” with the economy. It looks like Truss is about to blow the whole thing up. No idea why - presumably to stick two fingers up to the embedded dogma of the treasury?!
    I think I know why - she's promised her master mates that she will reduce taxes and no matter what the treasury says that is what she is going to do...
    To be honest I think she is highly likely to actually believe she is right about economics and wants to prove it. And she also figures she has nothing to lose. Labour are quite likely to remove the Tory majority at GE 24/5 and if she is wrong and the economy implodes then they get to clear up the mess and only limp on for a couple of years.

    She is convinced and is not prevaricating when asked to justify it

    The fact is tax cuts are very popular and no matter the IFS, OBR, labour and others object she is, as one would say, 'a Lady that is not for turning'

    The truth is we are in uncertain and unpredictable times and it may pay off, as much as it may not, and as I have said previously the result of all this will determine the 2024 election
    The new government are certainly over confident even bloodied minded, that’s got to be a bad thing isn’t it?
    Why - if you do not believe in yourself what is the point of being in office
    A mantra that would find favour with Vladimir Putin.
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    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    edited September 2022

    eek said:

    eek said:

    IFS - Truss's plans are completely unsustainable

    NEW: In the absence of official scrutiny from
    alongside Friday's announcement, we've provided our own #IFSGreenBudget fiscal forecasts with

    We find that planned tax cuts with stalling economic growth would leave debt on an unsustainable path.

    How does this show the tories are “competent” with the economy. It looks like Truss is about to blow the whole thing up. No idea why - presumably to stick two fingers up to the embedded dogma of the treasury?!
    I think I know why - she's promised her master mates that she will reduce taxes and no matter what the treasury says that is what she is going to do...
    To be honest I think she is highly likely to actually believe she is right about economics and wants to prove it. And she also figures she has nothing to lose. Labour are quite likely to remove the Tory majority at GE 24/5 and if she is wrong and the economy implodes then they get to clear up the mess and only limp on for a couple of years.

    She is convinced and is not prevaricating when asked to justify it

    The fact is tax cuts are very popular and no matter the IFS, OBR, labour and others object she is, as one would say, 'a Lady that is not for turning'

    The truth is we are in uncertain and unpredictable times and it may pay off, as much as it may not, and as I have said previously the result of all this will determine the 2024 election
    Except Liz Truss is for turning, her career shows that, I mean she's so principled that's why she's remained a Lib Dem and republican.
    That can be said of many politicians not least Starmer who campaigned for Corbyn and was anti brexit and a US trade deal and now has Corbyn side-lined, supports brexit and apparently wants a trade deal with the US
    Do you disagree that sidelining Corbyn is a positive?

    I doubt Starmer supports Brexit, he has presumably realised despite it being an act of monumental half-wittery, like it or not, we are lumbered with it and as such we need a trade deal with the US.
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    Impressed that people need to keep saying that Russia is banning males 18 to 65 from leaving the country. The average male life expectancy in Russia is just over 66 years. We are talking about almost all living Russian males here.
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    AnabobazinaAnabobazina Posts: 21,734
    I was watching Daily Politics on tape while cooking tonight and Jacob Rees showed up. He was introduced as ‘Business Secretary’.

    WTAF? I assumed he had been put out to pasture. A google confirmed he is back in the cabinet.

    Truss is clearly mad.
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    kle4kle4 Posts: 94,488

    I was watching Daily Politics on tape while cooking tonight and Jacob Rees showed up. He was introduced as ‘Business Secretary’.

    WTAF? I assumed he had been put out to pasture. A google confirmed he is back in the cabinet.

    Truss is clearly mad.

    Not just back, but with real responsibility this time! Remember, he was Leader of the House (ie muggins to the rest of the Cabinet) and junior 'Minister for Brexit Opportunities' before.
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    RobD said:

    What a vindictive person Liz Truss is, shades of Gordon Brown and Boris Johnson at their usual worst.

    It is a terrible recruitment policy.

    Who sacks someone by telling them they are the most competent at their job and the best communicator. Madness.
    Liz Truss is a moron.
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    IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,201
    edited September 2022
    AlistairM said:

    IanB2 said:

    It’s a beautiful morning here on the sleepy James river, having breakfast in the sunshine while watching the herons on the far shore and turtles nosing around the boat waiting for any scraps. A shame we have to leave this morning bound for Carolina, with two must-stops on the way, Isle of Wight County, Virginia, followed by the Great Dismal Swamp.

    Is that a genuine place? Is it even an "Isle"?! Americans really were very bad at inventing names for places.
    No, it's not an island. It's a warm, flat, low-lying area with a small bit of coast and a swampy creek, mostly peanut farms away from the swampy bits, with a small town also called 'Isle of Wight'. Apparently it was renamed in the later 1600s after a lot of settlers from the island arrived here, and Southampton County is adjacent so at least this is a very rare example of the Americans getting their geography in some sort of order!

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    DavidLDavidL Posts: 52,584
    Carnyx said:

    Chris said:

    Carnyx said:

    HYUFD said:

    Men who eat meat should be banned from having sex, the animal rights group Peta has demanded, claiming that devouring sausages and schnitzel is a symptom of “toxic masculinity” which is killing the planet.

    Peta’s German operation cited research from the scientific journal PLOS One which showed that men caused 41 per cent more greenhouse gas emissions than women largely because they consumed more meat.

    Peta demanded a “sex ban for all meat-eating men” and called on women to “go on sex strike to save the world”.

    If we're not supposed to eat animals why are they made out of meat?

    Can PETA also ask crocodiles, sharks, lions and tigers to stop eating us?
    I think that on average (if you don't live in Sudan, Cornwall, or the Northern Territory) the stats rather point to the reverse.
    But are you taking into account that HYUFD is a donkey?
    No, I don't eat donkeys (but have eaten shark, in the form of huss).
    Lawyers are not supposed to eat shark, it’s a professional courtesy thing.

    But I have.

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    IanB2 said:

    AlistairM said:

    IanB2 said:

    It’s a beautiful morning here on the sleepy James river, having breakfast in the sunshine while watching the herons on the far shore and turtles nosing around the boat waiting for any scraps. A shame we have to leave this morning bound for Carolina, with two must-stops on the way, Isle of Wight County, Virginia, followed by the Great Dismal Swamp.

    Is that a genuine place? Is it even an "Isle"?! Americans really were very bad at inventing names for places.
    No, it's not an island. It's a warm, flat, low-lying area with a small bit of coast and a swampy creek, mostly peanut farms away from the swampy bits, with a small town also called 'Isle of Wight'. Apparently it was renamed in the later 1600s after a lot of settlers from the island arrived here, and Southampton County is adjacent so at least this is a very rare example of the Americans getting their geography in some sort of order!

    I recognise that dog!
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    DavidLDavidL Posts: 52,584
    RobD said:

    Fed gives it the big mo again

    When is the BoE's decision?
    That was it. They will have to follow suit now.

This discussion has been closed.