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Queen Elizabeth. Lessons from a life well lived. –



  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,942
    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    You have two arseholes? A multiplicity of choice, as you say. I congratulate you. Some of us are deprived, like Yorkshiremen, and only have one.
    You're too modest. As a committed supporter of the Scottish government you have dozens.
    Come now, that's not with your usual subtlety.
    Trying to make up for the absence of @Leon tonight. Had most of a bottle of wine and everything. Not sure I am cutting it though.
    Where's @Leon? Not in the queue shirley?
  • Options
    NickPalmerNickPalmer Posts: 21,438
    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    But if, as you say, they feel that it doesn't matter who wins, why vote tribally, or at all? I don't care who wins Wimbledon, so I don't attend. Do you take sides in things you don't care about?

    Over time, I don't think voting globally has gone up or down much. As HYUFD implies, it goes up a bit when there's a charismatic leader on the field (to love or hate), down a bit when they're all a bit colourless.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,738
    edited September 2022

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    You have two arseholes? A multiplicity of choice, as you say. I congratulate you. Some of us are deprived, like Yorkshiremen, and only have one.
    You're too modest. As a committed supporter of the Scottish government you have dozens.
    Come now, that's not with your usual subtlety.
    Trying to make up for the absence of @Leon tonight. Had most of a bottle of wine and everything. Not sure I am cutting it though.
    Where's @Leon? Not in the queue shirley?
    He got cancelled. Too woke, allegedly (accounts vary, and I was not there).
  • Options
    turbotubbsturbotubbs Posts: 16,480

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    You have two arseholes? A multiplicity of choice, as you say. I congratulate you. Some of us are deprived, like Yorkshiremen, and only have one.
    You're too modest. As a committed supporter of the Scottish government you have dozens.
    Come now, that's not with your usual subtlety.
    Trying to make up for the absence of @Leon tonight. Had most of a bottle of wine and everything. Not sure I am cutting it though.
    Where's @Leon? Not in the queue shirley?
    Sadly found himself banned again…
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,942
    IshmaelZ said:

    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    Plenty of people loved and were enthused by Corbyn and Johnson, turnout was 67% at the last general election even if plenty hated them too.

    Starmer and Truss are more bland, few love them, few hate them
    True of Starmer. Truss is highly distinctive, like the doll in Child's Play.
    I still say Queenie in Blackadder 2
  • Options
    DavidLDavidL Posts: 52,584
    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    You have two arseholes? A multiplicity of choice, as you say. I congratulate you. Some of us are deprived, like Yorkshiremen, and only have one.
    You're too modest. As a committed supporter of the Scottish government you have dozens.
    Come now, that's not with your usual subtlety.
    Trying to make up for the absence of @Leon tonight. Had most of a bottle of wine and everything. Not sure I am cutting it though.
    Where's @Leon? Not in the queue shirley?
    He got cancelled. Too woke, allegedly (accounts vary, and I was not there).
    Or too alien. Or something.
  • Options
    Carnyx said:

    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:


    HYUFD said:

    Macron goes incognito on Funeral eve to see some of those queuing

    Is stealing Trussy's thunder a good look?
    Trussy doesn't have any thunder. Politicians make the mistake of thinking they matter

    people meet Tom cruise, arnold schwarzenegger, penelope cruz, olivia wilde they generally want a selfie shot. People meet most politicians and it is "sorry who are you"
    Sorry, if you are President of a major nation like Macron plenty would want a selfie, even a few of that largely British crowd were taking pictures.

    Boris and Trump and Corbyn always attracted huge numbers wanting selfies with them
    Huge numbers of people like you....most people aren't like you and wouldnt recognise a politician if one fell on them. We really dont give a shit about politicians they are vaguely ugly people who try and tell us what to do and we ignore them.

    Everyone in Britain knows who Boris and Corbyn are indeed probably far more than most actors and sports stars with a few exceptions like Beckham. Top politicians are recognised, especially if charismatic
    I might recognise johnson if I bumped into him, I certainly wouldnt recognise corbyn. I didnt recognise May when I bumped into her when I lived in maidenhead
    Yes but May was not charismatic, if you wanted a photo with her it would be because she was PM and you recognised her not her warm and charismatic personality
    Such loyalty to your Party Leader.
    Blind loyalty that sees no wrong !!!
  • Options

    ydoethur said:

    ydoethur said:

    ydoethur said:

    Cyclefree said:

    ydoethur said:

    Cyclefree said:

    Based on this list -

    - female
    - Mother long-lived & kept her marbles; father died young but all the females in his family were exceptionally long-lived & became wildly eccentric in later years
    - don't smoke
    - married with 3 children & on good terms with pretty much everyone
    - Catholic
    - Still working & interested in lots of stuff
    - Reasonably active with gardening but could do more on that front

    Need to lose weight & have shit lungs and peculiar blood. But have managed to dodge Covid so maybe have something going for me. I've had something like 11 ops in my life and survived some really very serious illness which nearly killed me in my 20's so I have sort of lived life backwards, in terms of health. So am vaguely hoping that my latter years will be healthier than my younger years. Probably foolish.

    I would only add one thing to this list.

    A day without laughter is a day wasted.

    An hour without an awesome pun is an hour of all hour time wasted.
    Oh well done! A big smile on my face right now.

    I shall get you to smuggle City based puns into my drama.
    I'm willing to try, and I think you can bank on my efforts being a success.
    Try any more like that and I’ll have you cashiered

    I'll withdraw.
    Hmmh. I’ll need to cheque that’s allowed.
    You are a card.
    I can't think of a response to that one atm.
    It would be a shame to put a cap on the possibilities.
  • Options
    TimSTimS Posts: 11,429
    HYUFD said:

    DavidL said:

    IshmaelZ said:

    Pagan2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:


    HYUFD said:

    Macron goes incognito on Funeral eve to see some of those queuing

    Is stealing Trussy's thunder a good look?
    Trussy doesn't have any thunder. Politicians make the mistake of thinking they matter

    people meet Tom cruise, arnold schwarzenegger, penelope cruz, olivia wilde they generally want a selfie shot. People meet most politicians and it is "sorry who are you"
    Sorry, if you are President of a major nation like Macron plenty would want a selfie, even a few of that largely British crowd were taking pictures.

    Boris and Trump and Corbyn always attracted huge numbers wanting selfies with them
    Huge numbers of people like you....most people aren't like you and wouldnt recognise a politician if one fell on them. We really dont give a shit about politicians they are vaguely ugly people who try and tell us what to do and we ignore them.

    Macron is one of a dozen or so non UK politicians I instantly recognise, he is remarkably good looking and he doesn't tell me what to do. Apart from that...
    The current PM of Italy, Mario Draghi, I would recognise but only from his time at the ECB.

    I doubt the average Briton in the bus queue
    would recognise Draghi however
    No they wouldn’t. Some former European politicians would be more recognised than many current ones: Merkel, Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Schroeder, Chirac, Varoufakis, Aherne.

  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,738
    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    You have two arseholes? A multiplicity of choice, as you say. I congratulate you. Some of us are deprived, like Yorkshiremen, and only have one.
    You're too modest. As a committed supporter of the Scottish government you have dozens.
    Come now, that's not with your usual subtlety.
    Trying to make up for the absence of @Leon tonight. Had most of a bottle of wine and everything. Not sure I am cutting it though.
    Just been rereading Cockburn's Memorials, BTW. I wonder if your colleagues (I do not presume to include you) were half such a mixed bunch as Cockburn describes the Scottish courts as having in his day.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,942

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    You have two arseholes? A multiplicity of choice, as you say. I congratulate you. Some of us are deprived, like Yorkshiremen, and only have one.
    You're too modest. As a committed supporter of the Scottish government you have dozens.
    Come now, that's not with your usual subtlety.
    Trying to make up for the absence of @Leon tonight. Had most of a bottle of wine and everything. Not sure I am cutting it though.
    Where's @Leon? Not in the queue shirley?
    Sadly found himself banned again…
    Good grief, what for this time? Doxxing himself again?
  • Options
    ydoethurydoethur Posts: 69,120

    ydoethur said:

    ydoethur said:

    ydoethur said:

    Cyclefree said:

    ydoethur said:

    Cyclefree said:

    Based on this list -

    - female
    - Mother long-lived & kept her marbles; father died young but all the females in his family were exceptionally long-lived & became wildly eccentric in later years
    - don't smoke
    - married with 3 children & on good terms with pretty much everyone
    - Catholic
    - Still working & interested in lots of stuff
    - Reasonably active with gardening but could do more on that front

    Need to lose weight & have shit lungs and peculiar blood. But have managed to dodge Covid so maybe have something going for me. I've had something like 11 ops in my life and survived some really very serious illness which nearly killed me in my 20's so I have sort of lived life backwards, in terms of health. So am vaguely hoping that my latter years will be healthier than my younger years. Probably foolish.

    I would only add one thing to this list.

    A day without laughter is a day wasted.

    An hour without an awesome pun is an hour of all hour time wasted.
    Oh well done! A big smile on my face right now.

    I shall get you to smuggle City based puns into my drama.
    I'm willing to try, and I think you can bank on my efforts being a success.
    Try any more like that and I’ll have you cashiered

    I'll withdraw.
    Hmmh. I’ll need to cheque that’s allowed.
    You are a card.
    I can't think of a response to that one atm.
    I think we need to branch out a bit.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,738
    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    You have two arseholes? A multiplicity of choice, as you say. I congratulate you. Some of us are deprived, like Yorkshiremen, and only have one.
    You're too modest. As a committed supporter of the Scottish government you have dozens.
    Come now, that's not with your usual subtlety.
    Trying to make up for the absence of @Leon tonight. Had most of a bottle of wine and everything. Not sure I am cutting it though.
    Where's @Leon? Not in the queue shirley?
    He got cancelled. Too woke, allegedly (accounts vary, and I was not there).
    Or too alien. Or something.
    That too. Probing investigation ongoing.
  • Options
    MexicanpeteMexicanpete Posts: 26,771
    IshmaelZ said:

    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    Plenty of people loved and were enthused by Corbyn and Johnson, turnout was 67% at the last general election even if plenty hated them too.

    Starmer and Truss are more bland, few love them, few hate them
    True of Starmer. Truss is highly distinctive, like the doll in Child's Play.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,942

    ydoethur said:

    ydoethur said:

    ydoethur said:

    Cyclefree said:

    ydoethur said:

    Cyclefree said:

    Based on this list -

    - female
    - Mother long-lived & kept her marbles; father died young but all the females in his family were exceptionally long-lived & became wildly eccentric in later years
    - don't smoke
    - married with 3 children & on good terms with pretty much everyone
    - Catholic
    - Still working & interested in lots of stuff
    - Reasonably active with gardening but could do more on that front

    Need to lose weight & have shit lungs and peculiar blood. But have managed to dodge Covid so maybe have something going for me. I've had something like 11 ops in my life and survived some really very serious illness which nearly killed me in my 20's so I have sort of lived life backwards, in terms of health. So am vaguely hoping that my latter years will be healthier than my younger years. Probably foolish.

    I would only add one thing to this list.

    A day without laughter is a day wasted.

    An hour without an awesome pun is an hour of all hour time wasted.
    Oh well done! A big smile on my face right now.

    I shall get you to smuggle City based puns into my drama.
    I'm willing to try, and I think you can bank on my efforts being a success.
    Try any more like that and I’ll have you cashiered

    I'll withdraw.
    Hmmh. I’ll need to cheque that’s allowed.
    You are a card.
    I can't think of a response to that one atm.
    It would be a shame to put a cap on the possibilities.
    Hah! A bonus pun!
  • Options

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    You have two arseholes? A multiplicity of choice, as you say. I congratulate you. Some of us are deprived, like Yorkshiremen, and only have one.
    You're too modest. As a committed supporter of the Scottish government you have dozens.
    Come now, that's not with your usual subtlety.
    Trying to make up for the absence of @Leon tonight. Had most of a bottle of wine and everything. Not sure I am cutting it though.
    Where's @Leon? Not in the queue shirley?
    Sadly found himself banned again…
    Good grief, what for this time? Doxxing himself again?
    There was discussion earlier. It seems more AI images.
  • Options
    kinabalukinabalu Posts: 40,256
    HYUFD said:

    Some people now queuing twice to see the coffin for their last chance at the lying in state

    Don't even think about it. You've done enough.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,738

    ydoethur said:

    ydoethur said:

    ydoethur said:

    Cyclefree said:

    ydoethur said:

    Cyclefree said:

    Based on this list -

    - female
    - Mother long-lived & kept her marbles; father died young but all the females in his family were exceptionally long-lived & became wildly eccentric in later years
    - don't smoke
    - married with 3 children & on good terms with pretty much everyone
    - Catholic
    - Still working & interested in lots of stuff
    - Reasonably active with gardening but could do more on that front

    Need to lose weight & have shit lungs and peculiar blood. But have managed to dodge Covid so maybe have something going for me. I've had something like 11 ops in my life and survived some really very serious illness which nearly killed me in my 20's so I have sort of lived life backwards, in terms of health. So am vaguely hoping that my latter years will be healthier than my younger years. Probably foolish.

    I would only add one thing to this list.

    A day without laughter is a day wasted.

    An hour without an awesome pun is an hour of all hour time wasted.
    Oh well done! A big smile on my face right now.

    I shall get you to smuggle City based puns into my drama.
    I'm willing to try, and I think you can bank on my efforts being a success.
    Try any more like that and I’ll have you cashiered

    I'll withdraw.
    Hmmh. I’ll need to cheque that’s allowed.
    You are a card.
    I can't think of a response to that one atm.
    It would be a shame to put a cap on the possibilities.
    Hah! A bonus pun!
    A statement of the obvious.
  • Options
    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,206

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    But if, as you say, they feel that it doesn't matter who wins, why vote tribally, or at all? I don't care who wins Wimbledon, so I don't attend. Do you take sides in things you don't care about?

    Over time, I don't think voting globally has gone up or down much. As HYUFD implies, it goes up a bit when there's a charismatic leader on the field (to love or hate), down a bit when they're all a bit colourless.
    I havent cast a vote in a general election since 2010,I was implying turnout is upheld by tribal votes. As more and more general feeling becomes it doesnt matter who wins I still get shat on that tribal voting will decrease and I think more people will become like me non voters. It doesn't mean we dont care because we do. It means we dont think voting makes a difference under the current system.
  • Options
    kjhkjh Posts: 11,145
    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:

    IshmaelZ said:

    Pagan2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:


    HYUFD said:

    Macron goes incognito on Funeral eve to see some of those queuing

    Is stealing Trussy's thunder a good look?
    Trussy doesn't have any thunder. Politicians make the mistake of thinking they matter

    people meet Tom cruise, arnold schwarzenegger, penelope cruz, olivia wilde they generally want a selfie shot. People meet most politicians and it is "sorry who are you"
    Sorry, if you are President of a major nation like Macron plenty would want a selfie, even a few of that largely British crowd were taking pictures.

    Boris and Trump and Corbyn always attracted huge numbers wanting selfies with them
    Huge numbers of people like you....most people aren't like you and wouldnt recognise a politician if one fell on them. We really dont give a shit about politicians they are vaguely ugly people who try and tell us what to do and we ignore them.

    Macron is one of a dozen or so non UK politicians I instantly recognise, he is remarkably good looking and he doesn't tell me what to do. Apart from that...
    would you recognize him if stood next to him at a bus stop probably not
    Of foreign political leaders I expect most British people would at least recognise Macron, Putin and Biden even if not very political, maybe Trudeau at a push too
    Sadly I think you are wrong. When people are shown pictures of politicians most haven't a clue who, to us, are really well known people. I suspect of all UK politicians only Boris would get a high number. I suspect Trudeau will score less than 5%, Macron less than 10%, Putin and Biden less than 30%.
  • Options
    Closure of The Queue is imminent.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,942

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    You have two arseholes? A multiplicity of choice, as you say. I congratulate you. Some of us are deprived, like Yorkshiremen, and only have one.
    You're too modest. As a committed supporter of the Scottish government you have dozens.
    Come now, that's not with your usual subtlety.
    Trying to make up for the absence of @Leon tonight. Had most of a bottle of wine and everything. Not sure I am cutting it though.
    Where's @Leon? Not in the queue shirley?
    Sadly found himself banned again…
    Good grief, what for this time? Doxxing himself again?
    There was discussion earlier. It seems more AI images.
    He does seem to be addicted to them.

    Personally I find the whole AI thing completely underwhelming. When it is used for something useful like spotting tumours on CT scans, great.

    When it's used for making code prose or stupid pictures well, FFS, get a life.
  • Options
    kjhkjh Posts: 11,145
    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    You have two arseholes? A multiplicity of choice, as you say. I congratulate you. Some of us are deprived, like Yorkshiremen, and only have one.
    You're too modest. As a committed supporter of the Scottish government you have dozens.
    Come now, that's not with your usual subtlety.
    Trying to make up for the absence of @Leon tonight. Had most of a bottle of wine and everything. Not sure I am cutting it though.
    Where's @Leon? Not in the queue shirley?
    He got cancelled. Too woke, allegedly (accounts vary, and I was not there).
    Or too alien. Or something.
    I think it was discovered that he escaped from a lab.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,942
    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    But if, as you say, they feel that it doesn't matter who wins, why vote tribally, or at all? I don't care who wins Wimbledon, so I don't attend. Do you take sides in things you don't care about?

    Over time, I don't think voting globally has gone up or down much. As HYUFD implies, it goes up a bit when there's a charismatic leader on the field (to love or hate), down a bit when they're all a bit colourless.
    I havent cast a vote in a general election since 2010,I was implying turnout is upheld by tribal votes. As more and more general feeling becomes it doesnt matter who wins I still get shat on that tribal voting will decrease and I think more people will become like me non voters. It doesn't mean we dont care because we do. It means we dont think voting makes a difference under the current system.
    Would you be more inclined to vote under a PR system?
  • Options
    DavidLDavidL Posts: 52,584
    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    You have two arseholes? A multiplicity of choice, as you say. I congratulate you. Some of us are deprived, like Yorkshiremen, and only have one.
    You're too modest. As a committed supporter of the Scottish government you have dozens.
    Come now, that's not with your usual subtlety.
    Trying to make up for the absence of @Leon tonight. Had most of a bottle of wine and everything. Not sure I am cutting it though.
    Just been rereading Cockburn's Memorials, BTW. I wonder if your colleagues (I do not presume to include you) were half such a mixed bunch as Cockburn describes the Scottish courts as having in his day.
    Going by the pictures in Parliament House I would say not. There was at that time a bar at what is now the entrance of the court and the Judges would sit in the booths off the main hall. The centre of the hall has advocates walking (or staggering) up and down waiting for someone to put a fee in their gown. The rest spent their time in the bar, mainly drinking port, allegedly. Consumption of drink seems to have formed the major use of time for most. These days we normally wait for court to be over for the day.

    And yet those were in some ways the glory days for Scots law where Scottish businesses had world wide operations and dealt with much of the wealth of the British empire. Court of Session judges dealt with and developed commerical law that was as welcome south of the border as it was in Scotland. Today we have clever and sober men and women with less and less of substance to consider.
  • Options
    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,206

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    But if, as you say, they feel that it doesn't matter who wins, why vote tribally, or at all? I don't care who wins Wimbledon, so I don't attend. Do you take sides in things you don't care about?

    Over time, I don't think voting globally has gone up or down much. As HYUFD implies, it goes up a bit when there's a charismatic leader on the field (to love or hate), down a bit when they're all a bit colourless.
    I havent cast a vote in a general election since 2010,I was implying turnout is upheld by tribal votes. As more and more general feeling becomes it doesnt matter who wins I still get shat on that tribal voting will decrease and I think more people will become like me non voters. It doesn't mean we dont care because we do. It means we dont think voting makes a difference under the current system.
    Would you be more inclined to vote under a PR system?
    No because under pr I cast a vote with no idea what I am voting for. PR would stop me voting altogether
  • Options
    Pagan2 said:

    Carnyx said:

    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:


    HYUFD said:

    Macron goes incognito on Funeral eve to see some of those queuing

    Is stealing Trussy's thunder a good look?
    Trussy doesn't have any thunder. Politicians make the mistake of thinking they matter

    people meet Tom cruise, arnold schwarzenegger, penelope cruz, olivia wilde they generally want a selfie shot. People meet most politicians and it is "sorry who are you"
    Sorry, if you are President of a major nation like Macron plenty would want a selfie, even a few of that largely British crowd were taking pictures.

    Boris and Trump and Corbyn always attracted huge numbers wanting selfies with them
    Huge numbers of people like you....most people aren't like you and wouldnt recognise a politician if one fell on them. We really dont give a shit about politicians they are vaguely ugly people who try and tell us what to do and we ignore them.

    Everyone in Britain knows who Boris and Corbyn are indeed probably far more than most actors and sports stars with a few exceptions like Beckham. Top politicians are recognised, especially if charismatic
    I might recognise johnson if I bumped into him, I certainly wouldnt recognise corbyn. I didnt recognise May when I bumped into her when I lived in maidenhead
    Yes but May was not charismatic, if you wanted a photo with her it would be because she was PM and you recognised her not her warm and charismatic personality
    Such loyalty to your Party Leader.
    I might actually recognize sturgeon but the I would be thinking she is wee jimmie crankie which my confuse her
    The mere thought of Sturgeon has detached you from the English language.
    Kneel before her, puny mortals.
  • Options
    DynamoDynamo Posts: 651
    edited September 2022

    HYUFD said:

    kle4 said:

    Surprised there hasn't been more pouring over His Majesty's statement to faith leaders

    He will be defender of faith as well as protector of the Anglican settlement
    No quarrel with that - looks great.
    Compare with the hypothetical situation in which he kept his mouth shut.

    Who asked him to promote principles with all his heart? How does he intend to do it? With whose money?

    What do his principles mean for the establishment of the CofE? (*Chortle*.)
  • Options
    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,206

    Pagan2 said:

    Carnyx said:

    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    Pagan2 said:


    HYUFD said:

    Macron goes incognito on Funeral eve to see some of those queuing

    Is stealing Trussy's thunder a good look?
    Trussy doesn't have any thunder. Politicians make the mistake of thinking they matter

    people meet Tom cruise, arnold schwarzenegger, penelope cruz, olivia wilde they generally want a selfie shot. People meet most politicians and it is "sorry who are you"
    Sorry, if you are President of a major nation like Macron plenty would want a selfie, even a few of that largely British crowd were taking pictures.

    Boris and Trump and Corbyn always attracted huge numbers wanting selfies with them
    Huge numbers of people like you....most people aren't like you and wouldnt recognise a politician if one fell on them. We really dont give a shit about politicians they are vaguely ugly people who try and tell us what to do and we ignore them.

    Everyone in Britain knows who Boris and Corbyn are indeed probably far more than most actors and sports stars with a few exceptions like Beckham. Top politicians are recognised, especially if charismatic
    I might recognise johnson if I bumped into him, I certainly wouldnt recognise corbyn. I didnt recognise May when I bumped into her when I lived in maidenhead
    Yes but May was not charismatic, if you wanted a photo with her it would be because she was PM and you recognised her not her warm and charismatic personality
    Such loyalty to your Party Leader.
    I might actually recognize sturgeon but the I would be thinking she is wee jimmie crankie which my confuse her
    The mere thought of Sturgeon has detached you from the English language.
    Kneel before her, puny mortals.
    Are you suggesting I perform fellatio on wee jimmie crankie lookalikes?
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,942
    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    But if, as you say, they feel that it doesn't matter who wins, why vote tribally, or at all? I don't care who wins Wimbledon, so I don't attend. Do you take sides in things you don't care about?

    Over time, I don't think voting globally has gone up or down much. As HYUFD implies, it goes up a bit when there's a charismatic leader on the field (to love or hate), down a bit when they're all a bit colourless.
    I havent cast a vote in a general election since 2010,I was implying turnout is upheld by tribal votes. As more and more general feeling becomes it doesnt matter who wins I still get shat on that tribal voting will decrease and I think more people will become like me non voters. It doesn't mean we dont care because we do. It means we dont think voting makes a difference under the current system.
    Would you be more inclined to vote under a PR system?
    No because under pr I cast a vote with no idea what I am voting for. PR would stop me voting altogether
    Ever thought of changing your ID to Misanthrope?
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,738
    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    DavidL said:

    Carnyx said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    You have two arseholes? A multiplicity of choice, as you say. I congratulate you. Some of us are deprived, like Yorkshiremen, and only have one.
    You're too modest. As a committed supporter of the Scottish government you have dozens.
    Come now, that's not with your usual subtlety.
    Trying to make up for the absence of @Leon tonight. Had most of a bottle of wine and everything. Not sure I am cutting it though.
    Just been rereading Cockburn's Memorials, BTW. I wonder if your colleagues (I do not presume to include you) were half such a mixed bunch as Cockburn describes the Scottish courts as having in his day.
    Going by the pictures in Parliament House I would say not. There was at that time a bar at what is now the entrance of the court and the Judges would sit in the booths off the main hall. The centre of the hall has advocates walking (or staggering) up and down waiting for someone to put a fee in their gown. The rest spent their time in the bar, mainly drinking port, allegedly. Consumption of drink seems to have formed the major use of time for most. These days we normally wait for court to be over for the day.

    And yet those were in some ways the glory days for Scots law where Scottish businesses had world wide operations and dealt with much of the wealth of the British empire. Court of Session judges dealt with and developed commerical law that was as welcome south of the border as it was in Scotland. Today we have clever and sober men and women with less and less of substance to consider.
    It was a different world - and one wherre you could stand in St Andrew Square and hear the corncrakes in the fields on the slope down towards Trinity.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,738
    This thread has reached a turning point as its obsequies loom.
  • Options
    CarnyxCarnyx Posts: 41,738

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    But if, as you say, they feel that it doesn't matter who wins, why vote tribally, or at all? I don't care who wins Wimbledon, so I don't attend. Do you take sides in things you don't care about?

    Over time, I don't think voting globally has gone up or down much. As HYUFD implies, it goes up a bit when there's a charismatic leader on the field (to love or hate), down a bit when they're all a bit colourless.
    I havent cast a vote in a general election since 2010,I was implying turnout is upheld by tribal votes. As more and more general feeling becomes it doesnt matter who wins I still get shat on that tribal voting will decrease and I think more people will become like me non voters. It doesn't mean we dont care because we do. It means we dont think voting makes a difference under the current system.
    Would you be more inclined to vote under a PR system?
    No because under pr I cast a vote with no idea what I am voting for. PR would stop me voting altogether
    Ever thought of changing your ID to Misanthrope?
    That would convey an entirely too positive impression of his/her response to the Aristotelean dictum that 'the human is a political animal'.
  • Options
    BenpointerBenpointer Posts: 33,942
    New Thread
  • Options
    Pagan2Pagan2 Posts: 9,206

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    Pagan2 said:

    I am a normal run of the mill person. We think most politicians are crap no bodies. I talk to people all over the world and they all seem to think the same. No one cares who gets elected anymore as they are all crap

    Why, then, do you think that turnout at elections in most countries exceeds 50% - indeed over 80% in some? You, like most of us, extrapolate from the people you know, who by semi-conscious self-selection tend to be people like you.
    because most people still turn out and vote tribally frankly. On the other hand you have people like me , I like politics , I follow politics who have now stopped bothering because there frankly is no longer any point voting because its arsehole A or arselhole b the only choice is how you want to be buggered. As tribal voting decreases and it is I expect turnout to fall.
    But if, as you say, they feel that it doesn't matter who wins, why vote tribally, or at all? I don't care who wins Wimbledon, so I don't attend. Do you take sides in things you don't care about?

    Over time, I don't think voting globally has gone up or down much. As HYUFD implies, it goes up a bit when there's a charismatic leader on the field (to love or hate), down a bit when they're all a bit colourless.
    I havent cast a vote in a general election since 2010,I was implying turnout is upheld by tribal votes. As more and more general feeling becomes it doesnt matter who wins I still get shat on that tribal voting will decrease and I think more people will become like me non voters. It doesn't mean we dont care because we do. It means we dont think voting makes a difference under the current system.
    Would you be more inclined to vote under a PR system?
    No because under pr I cast a vote with no idea what I am voting for. PR would stop me voting altogether
    Ever thought of changing your ID to Misanthrope?
    What is misanthopitic about saying I dont like the idea of pr? Under pr I cast a vote then the people I vote for get to decide what I voted for. Personally I prefer to vote for something rather than wait for politicians to decide what I voted for. Old fashioned views maybe but I dont understand why it makes me a misanthrope
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    Al Murray - DKMS.ORG.UK 🇺🇦
    The live stream of the lying in state on the iPlayer offers you the chance to restart the programme 🫠
This discussion has been closed.