Boeing is moving its corporate headquarters from Chicago to Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC.
Considerable schadenfreude in Seattle, the FIRST city betrayed by Boeing's bean-counting, no-brains leadership.
All the better to lobby from ?
The first target is use of SAA Fixed Price for NASA contracts. Apparently it is very unfair on big companies like Boeing. According to their wholly owned Senators and Congresscriters, anyway.
If Tories get up to 34 in these places in these conditions that will be an excellent outcome for them. 😕
All the boring things from electionologists have been pointing to a Meh result for the last two weeks to be honest. Maybe it’s just the set of elections this year following high tide for anti Tory vote last time they are up, it can’t just be as much fun as hoped?
Us Libdems can still have fun at Labours expense though, taking Hull off Starmer 😈
That would be just a 2% swing to Labour, compared to 2018, equivalent to a Labour lead of 3% nationwide. The Conservatives would be perfectly happy with that.
The way the government is undermining it, you do question it.
A direct line can be traced from Sinn Féin’s performance today and that vote in 2016 which I keep banging on about.
Sinn Féin's performance in the most recent Assembly elections:
2007: 26.2% 2011: 26.9% 2016: 24.0% 2017: 27.9%
The latest tracker poll has them on 26%. If anything stands out post-that-vote-in-2016, it's not Sinn Féin's performance but the growth of the Alliance.
Or rather, the collapse of the DUP
Sinn Fein has a ceiling in the mid 20s %. The overall nationalist vote share seems to have peaked, too.
Re: today's elections what is basic timetable for results? For example, will they start counting in Northern Ireland tonight OR wait until Friday?
Am guessing that returns from local elections in Britain will start trickling in around midnight? Specifically, what about London?
ALSO what are some good links for live blogs & results reporting?
Thanks in advance for your aid & assistance for your fellow PBer(s)!
N. Ireland is Friday. It's STV, a long count with multiple rounds, so needs a full day.
Same as in Republic. Sensible way to do it, election one day, counting the next.
Yours truly has observed plenty of elections, where election workers & administrators put in a full Election Day, and then some - and then work some more processing ballots & counting votes into the wee hours. NOT optimum from efficiency standpoint.
Whereas on the Emerald Isle, having the count the following day gives workers AND observers the opportunity to get a decent night's sleep between plunging into the vote counting bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
I've been a counting agent, most recently for the EU referendum, in Luton. And, you're right, everyone is exhausted, and ballot papers are constantly being put into the wrong pile. You have to concentrate really hard.
Fantastic news, I've often said we should limit the number of grammar school educated people at the elite universities.
Talented grammar school pupils should not be sidelined for the sake of improving diversity, elite universities have been told.
Professor Stephen Toope, the vice-chancellor of Cambridge, has said the university might introduce figures on grammar school recruitment because focusing on intake from state schools as a whole was not an effective indicator of wealth or social class.
Toope, a Canadian who leaves Cambridge this September, told The Times Education Commission on Tuesday that “substituting more grammar school students for students from independent schools” would not “accomplish widening participation goals”.
Just visiting my parents up in Enfield, it's completely dead on the roads. Loads of people out walking and the bars/restaurants are packed. Discretionary spending on petrol/visits has definitely tanked in suburban north London. For now the bars, pubs and restaurants are doing roaring trade.
I recall asking on here a while back, how many PBers have actually observed their local election process.
Number told of their experiences canvassing and otherwise campaigning for candidates.
Very few had actually observed ballot processing and vote counting in person. Which is too bad, as for one thing, increases ones respect for election workers.
When I stood as a candidate (and thankfully lost) I attended my count. Seeing the comments on the spoilt ballots was amusing, and standing on the stage for my declaration was a nice experience. I'd even worn my red tie for the occasion!
The first target is use of SAA Fixed Price for NASA contracts. Apparently it is very unfair on big companies like Boeing. According to their wholly owned Senators and Congresscriters, anyway.
They are probably worried the idea might spread.
It appears that “White British” has dropped from 78% since 2010 to 70%.
Not sure IF that counts as "relatively recently" or not.
Actually, think you'd be an improvement, even if all you know is what you glean from the web!
I presume there might be some of that, but not much.