Yes this is a far more sensible measure than trying to reduce some people's pensions. And the lifetime limit should be brought back - people should not be given tax breaks to accumulate private pensi… (View Post)
The problem with creating a taper system or other way of reducing pensions is that it creates a disincentive to save - why bother to put an extra £X in your SIPP if it will just lead to a loss of £Y … (View Post)
Labour has made a big thing of being "the builders not the blockers". Of course they may not follow through, however a large development bitterly opposed by NIMBYS near where I live has rec… (View Post)
Would it enhance the value by more than the cost of the lease extension? 100 years is still adequately long, mortgage companies only start getting cold feet when you get below 90. Bearing in mind tha… (View Post)
The turning point seems to have been the Uxbridge by-election - the Tories' unexpected win convinced Sunak to abandon the dull, competent approach and start taking "initiatives" most of whi… (View Post)