Not a million miles away in a sense. If it weren’t for us they’d all be speaking Eye-tie (though actually quite a few of them do)!
Bingo! Quite a modest museum (St Elmo) for such a massive setting, but good. Quite a nice animation of the Operation Pedestal convoy which if it isn’t already should be defined as a major naval engagement of WWII.
There is also an absolutely magnificent Caravaggio in the cathedral at Valletta. I saw it when I was staying in Gozo, in my early 20s, falling in love with a beautiful 17 year old Jewish girl
Caravaggio painted this masterpiece IN Malta, where he was on the run from a murder rap. Sex and violence, sex and violence...
Yep, hoping to see it tomorrow, massive queues today though 🙁 Currently at that other great cultural spot, the pub (called The Pub) in which Ollie Reed drank his last.
Ah, you're there! Sweet
Very interesting place, Malta. Not the most beautiful Med island, but so much history...
Have you been or are you going to Gozo? Much quieter. Amazing prehistoric sites
Best time of the year for Gozo. Sensible temperatures, green fields, and spring flowers abound.
Brussels has rejected Russia’s demand to lift EU restrictions on a key agro bank as part of a partial ceasefire deal, saying its sanctions regime will stay in place until “unconditional withdrawal” of Moscow’s troops from Ukraine.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
They are wedded to the use of "accident" as some people are for "road accidents", which can provide an excuse for not working hard enough to prevent avoidable incidents.
In that piece 16652 deaths between 2006 and 2018 (ish):
“Since 2006 … a total of 16,652 active-duty personnel and mobilized reservists have died while serving in the US armed forces. Seventy-three percent of these casualties occurred under circumstances unrelated to war,” the report states.
It is a trend that has only seemed to pick up momentum of late, as noncombat deaths have exceeded the number of military members killed in action every year since 2015.
In 2017, nearly four times as many service members died in training accidents as were killed in combat, according to a House Armed Services Committee report related to the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2019 – a key point highlighted by many lawmakers and military officials who argued for additional defense spending to help offset readiness issues that have compounded for years.
Presumably trying to prevent avoidable incidents is too woke.
In India and Pakistan, a bus plunging over a ravine and killing 78 people is invariably referred to as a "mishap"...
Brussels has rejected Russia’s demand to lift EU restrictions on a key agro bank as part of a partial ceasefire deal, saying its sanctions regime will stay in place until “unconditional withdrawal” of Moscow’s troops from Ukraine.
How long before Trump gets bored of Ukraine and puts peace efforts on the backburner?
I don't think there are any possible peace terms that are acceptable to Putin that are within Trump's power to offer.
Incidentally, today is the 25th anniversary of Putin first being elected president.
So the OBR, who got their forecast of this year’s growth wrong by a mere 50%, and are almost certainly still on the optimistic side, are forecasting a sudden and unexplained boost in growth next year and the following years and ON THAT BASIS, is predicting that Reeves will meet her extremely modest targets in 4 years time by £10bn ( about 0.1% of output over that period).
If you put this forward as a potential sitcom it would be instantly rejected as completely implausible.
If you read their exec summary, it's pretty clear they have no idea what's going to happen and have reverted to their medium-term assumption for 2026 onwards. I don't think it's implausible, and they do have to pick a number. The OECD is also relatively positive about the UK, for whatever reason.
I think "persistent high wage growth" is the most interesting thing in their forecast, politically. It also assumes productivity growth, which isn't completely mad if you consider that immigration will fall and the cost of employing people has gone up.
But the killer is tariffs. Any room is wiped out if the trade war escalates.
I do not see significant changes in productivity unless the stuff @Leon is not allowed to talk about comes online much faster than we expect. And if it does assuming that is consistent with a rapid growth in real wages is well beyond optimistic.
I’m sticking with implausible.
Increases in productivity mainly come from a) economies of scale and b) from automation.
It is relatively easy to improve productivity by scaling up on information services (finance, advertising, media, software, pharmaceutical discovery etc) I suspect that the US has higher productivity because it has larger scale. We need to rapidly expand our export of information services. The barrier is probably not technical but international marketing and sales skills.
It is difficult to improve productivity in servicing humans (hair dressing, care homes, hookers, GPs). Automation with AI and robotics no doubt will slowly play a part. But there are no export opportunities without automation.
Basically the courts are saying that it's better that this rapist alcoholic Pakistani assaults British girls, rather than Pakistani girls back home, because..... what? Can someone tell me?
GB News is saying that. There's a good chance that they're 'misinterpreting' what the court actually said.
It's true
"In yet another ludicrous display of a left-wing judge thwarting the deportation of foreign criminals under the ECHR, a Pakistani paedophile, deemed a “danger to the community,” was allowed to stay in the UK last year…because he’s an alcoholic.
The criminal, who’s been granted anonymity, came to the UK in 2010, was jailed in June 2020 for assaulting emergency workers while “heavily intoxicated,” and was jailed again in December 2022 for sexually abusing a girl under 13. At a June 2024 First-tier Tribunal, Judge Leanne Turner ruled that deporting him would breach European human rights law. Her reasoning? He could be persecuted in Pakistan as an alcoholic because alcohol is illegal over there. The judge ruled:
“Sufficient evidence to show the lower standard, that the appellant would face inhuman or degrading treatment on return to Pakistan as a result of a highly likely criminal prosecution and imprisonment for his uncontrollable alcohol consumption. As such, returning to Pakistan would breach the U.K.’s obligations under Article 3 of the ECHR.”
The government could act to issue more guidance on the interpretation of the ECHR by judges which seems to be more the issue . And equally and might be unpalatable to some is that rights sometimes help those who we think don’t deserve that protection . At the same time they do protect those we think do deserve that. The right wing argument is to effectively flush away rights for everyone .
Disapply the ECHR to convicted foreign criminals. We gain nothing from their presence in the country.
I think the invitation to Donald Trump has been sent, I'm afraid.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
@BartholomewRoberts people don’t really want growth. They just want wealth. For themselves, primarily. This is the inherent contradiction in British political culture. They want things to stay exactly the same, but just a little bit better. That’s my experience anyway.
Hence the desire for rising house prices and inheritances.
I disagree slightly. For many people it's not so much about themselves but for their family. They want their children to be better off and to have a better life. That's a human nature thing and has always been a part of our economics and our politics.
It's when the next generation ends up worse off than the previous generation (or when that has been the expectation or perception) that you get problems.
Part of securing that improvement is inheritance - what can I pass on in asset terms to give my children a better future? - but it's also about maintaining a degree of stability though I'd argue in societal, cultural and technological terms, the changes across generations have been profound.
We are still (just) at the stage when if you were to ask when was the best time to be born, the answer would be "yesterday" but that's nowhere near as clear cut as it was and you have to ask with what kind of world those born now will have to deal in 50-60 years and many find the answers troubling.
Sorry but I don't remotely accept that logic.
If you wanted the next generation to be better off then you should want to ensure that the next generation can afford a home of their own when they're young, not want to leave them a nest egg only when you pop your clogs.
If you're alive today then you'll probably still be alive into at least your eighties, which means that your "children" will likely be in their sixties or older by the time you die. An inheritance in your sixties might be a nice pension boost but it doesn't give you something to live well with throughout most of your lifetime - most of which you've already had by then.
If you want the next generation to be better off then help them to be better off throughout their life, not what they have remaining only after you've enjoyed yours.
In a particularly striking passage, Parnes and Allen describe a donors’ reception hosted by Phil Murphy, then governor of New Jersey, on 29 June 2024, two days after the debate disaster. Biden reportedly needed to have florescent tape fixed to the carpet, “colorful bread crumbs [that] showed the leader of the free world where to walk”.
“He knows to look for that,” one aide explained.
At the same event, Biden reportedly needed an autocue for “unscripted” remarks and then spoke haltingly in a Q&A with Murphy.
How did the entire Dem party willingly go along with the lie and cover up of Biden's fitness to be in office ?
Who the fuck cares? Even in that alleged state, he's still ten times better than the shits who took over from him and his team.
Well if they'd accepted reality and had a proper primary then we likely wouldn't have the current shits.
Most sitting Presidents don't have to go through a primary challenge - George HW Bush was unopposed in 1992, George W Bush likewise in 2004 and Obama in 2012 also had no significant opponent. and neither did Trump in 2020.
The notion of a party seriously challenging its own elected President, once that President has opted to run again, is unrealistic.
The better question is asking why Biden chose or was advised to run again - perhaps the view was he was the only one who could beat Trump having done so in 2020. LBJ stood down in 1968, the Democrats had a primary and still lost handily to Nixon.
Had Biden said in March 2024 he wasn't going to run, the Democrats would have had a primary which Harris might well have won anyway but still lost out to Trump. In truth, this was going to be a very hard election for any Democrat presidential candidate.
I'd also conjecture had Trump won in 2020, the Democrats would have won in 2024.
Oh, without a doubt the best scenario would have been for Trump to have just cling on to the Presidency in 2020, but to have lost the Senate and the House. This means we'd have had Trump II while he was severely constrained by his lack of support in Congress.
Not a million miles away in a sense. If it weren’t for us they’d all be speaking Eye-tie (though actually quite a few of them do)!
Bingo! Quite a modest museum (St Elmo) for such a massive setting, but good. Quite a nice animation of the Operation Pedestal convoy which if it isn’t already should be defined as a major naval engagement of WWII.
There is also an absolutely magnificent Caravaggio in the cathedral at Valletta. I saw it when I was staying in Gozo, in my early 20s, falling in love with a beautiful 17 year old Jewish girl
Caravaggio painted this masterpiece IN Malta, where he was on the run from a murder rap. Sex and violence, sex and violence...
Yep, hoping to see it tomorrow, massive queues today though 🙁 Currently at that other great cultural spot, the pub (called The Pub) in which Ollie Reed drank his last.
Ah, you're there! Sweet
Very interesting place, Malta. Not the most beautiful Med island, but so much history...
Have you been or are you going to Gozo? Much quieter. Amazing prehistoric sites
Best time of the year for Gozo. Sensible temperatures, green fields, and spring flowers abound.
You do need to be lucky with the weather though, rain-wise.
There's a really good Sicilian seafood restaurant just after you get off the ferry on the Gozo side, nothing special to look at but some of the best seafood pasta that I have ever had. A Maltese friend I was visiting took me there.
In a particularly striking passage, Parnes and Allen describe a donors’ reception hosted by Phil Murphy, then governor of New Jersey, on 29 June 2024, two days after the debate disaster. Biden reportedly needed to have florescent tape fixed to the carpet, “colorful bread crumbs [that] showed the leader of the free world where to walk”.
“He knows to look for that,” one aide explained.
At the same event, Biden reportedly needed an autocue for “unscripted” remarks and then spoke haltingly in a Q&A with Murphy.
How did the entire Dem party willingly go along with the lie and cover up of Biden's fitness to be in office ?
Who the fuck cares? Even in that alleged state, he's still ten times better than the shits who took over from him and his team.
The point is, doofus, if the inner Democratic party and Biden Crime Family hadn't lied about Biden's mental health for two years then they would've had time to find a better candidate, who should have beaten Trump
So Biden's dementia, and the lies and fraud surrounding it, teally does matter
The point is, asshat, that you discount that MAGA and the GOP would say *anything* about any candidate. Any lie. Any mistruth. The truth does not matter to them.
And shits online would have spread them, true or not. People like you.
The disaster facing the USA, Ukraine, and the world is not down to the Democrats. It is down to the Republicans, their supporters, their appeasers and their shills.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Interesting snippet from the Democrat who just won a GOP seat
He didn't run on an anti-Trump ticket
He ran on an anti-Musk ticket
Partly because Musk isn't Trump- he doesn't have the whatever-it-is-but-it's-real that DJT has. Without that, the public support for MAGA probably falls away pretty quickly. (Farage has "it" as well. So did Johnson in his prime. It does gain public support, but that's probably a bad thing.)
But also, Trump is, however awful, the legitimately elected President. To attack him now carries a bit of "voters- you got it wrong" baggage. Whereas Musk is some rich bloke who blagged his way in and it's not entirely clear on what formal basis.
They’ve asked Musk to investigate how Goldberg got added to the chat .
I know why - they like his money - but why get Musk to do such a thing? Is this like an elderly grandparent asking their grandchildren how the internet or something?
(That analogy is now outdated, my 75 year old dad is never off his smartphone).
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
She's such a charmer.
Maybe you need to be there. But the gratuitous rudeness of her, Vance, Hegseth and Waltz really makes it clear that the US is no longer our friend or ally. We need to act accordingly and stop pretending.
I think we are seriously close to the point when US forces in the UK should be asked to leave.
That's a wonderful picture for everything it shows. The Tower of London and the skyscrapers, the new and old; the Thames - the artery that built the modern world; viewed from Tower Bridge, perhaps the archetype of Victorian engineering excess.
Lower Thames Crossing, finally, got a planning decision yesterday after years of work, a DCO over 700,000 pages in length and over £1bn being spent on it.
It will now almost certainly be challenged under Net Zero legislation and carbon budgets, which are law, and potentially subject to judicial review.
A good example of the ratchet effect of laws that politicians don't understand and how failure to exercise leadership stifles growth.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Why do they take such pleasure in being unpleasant? It's not like we should get an attack of vapours at rudeness, but there just seems not purpose in being that hostile.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Why do they take such pleasure in being unpleasant? It's not like we should get an attack of vapours at rudeness, but there just seems not purpose in being that hostile.
@BartholomewRoberts people don’t really want growth. They just want wealth. For themselves, primarily. This is the inherent contradiction in British political culture. They want things to stay exactly the same, but just a little bit better. That’s my experience anyway.
Hence the desire for rising house prices and inheritances.
I disagree slightly. For many people it's not so much about themselves but for their family. They want their children to be better off and to have a better life. That's a human nature thing and has always been a part of our economics and our politics.
It's when the next generation ends up worse off than the previous generation (or when that has been the expectation or perception) that you get problems.
Part of securing that improvement is inheritance - what can I pass on in asset terms to give my children a better future? - but it's also about maintaining a degree of stability though I'd argue in societal, cultural and technological terms, the changes across generations have been profound.
We are still (just) at the stage when if you were to ask when was the best time to be born, the answer would be "yesterday" but that's nowhere near as clear cut as it was and you have to ask with what kind of world those born now will have to deal in 50-60 years and many find the answers troubling.
Sorry but I don't remotely accept that logic.
If you wanted the next generation to be better off then you should want to ensure that the next generation can afford a home of their own when they're young, not want to leave them a nest egg only when you pop your clogs.
If you're alive today then you'll probably still be alive into at least your eighties, which means that your "children" will likely be in their sixties or older by the time you die. An inheritance in your sixties might be a nice pension boost but it doesn't give you something to live well with throughout most of your lifetime - most of which you've already had by then.
If you want the next generation to be better off then help them to be better off throughout their life, not what they have remaining only after you've enjoyed yours.
Perhaps I didn't explain myself very well - not the first time and won't be the last - perhaps you didn't quite get the point I was trying to make.
I did say "Part of securing that improvement" was inheritance - not all of it and by no means the only part of it. I agree we should be giving as many people as possible the opportunity to live independently - I don't just mean home ownership which I appreciate is important to Conservatives as a method of rebuilding their shattered voting coalition - but the ability to rent as well if that's the choice.
To have your children on a secure financial footing must be the aim of every parent - that's part of ensuring the next generation have better prospects and greater opportunities but there are other elements.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Why do they take such pleasure in being unpleasant? It's not like we should get an attack of vapours at rudeness, but there just seems not purpose in being that hostile.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Why do they take such pleasure in being unpleasant? It's not like we should get an attack of vapours at rudeness, but there just seems not purpose in being that hostile.
It's her schtick.
Without it, she'd be nothing.
With it, she is still nothing.
Sure, but whilst she may be among the most egregious, they're all like that to some degree.
It reminds me of normal untalented politicians trying to deal with what they expect to be hostile journalists and overcorrecting by being truculent right off the bat, before the journalist gives them an excuse, but taken to a complete extreme where they have no other gear than hostility and blustering.
It's a real shame the Gherkin (and, to a much lesser extent, the Cheesegrater) are now obscured in the great mountain of steel and glass that is the City cluster. The Gherkin is like a world class sculpture hidden in a builder's yard
However they have successfully managed to soften and hide the damage of the hideous clunking 22 Bishopsgate; soon one hopes they can similarly surround and hide the Walkie Talkie
It's a fascinating skyline, it has many flaws and unique virtues
The truly remarkable thing is that contrast between: ultra hi tech financial cluster and iconic Norman Castle - Tower of London - and Roman ruins - the wall. Nowhere else on earth does that
You can see Traitor's Gate and the Gherkin in one image, taken from Tower Bridge, probably the most famous bridge in the world
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
She's such a charmer.
Maybe you need to be there. But the gratuitous rudeness of her, Vance, Hegseth and Waltz really makes it clear that the US is no longer our friend or ally. We need to act accordingly and stop pretending.
I think we are seriously close to the point when US forces in the UK should be asked to leave.
We are near the point where they are more likely to be used against us as along side us.
Basically the courts are saying that it's better that this rapist alcoholic Pakistani assaults British girls, rather than Pakistani girls back home, because..... what? Can someone tell me?
GB News is saying that. There's a good chance that they're 'misinterpreting' what the court actually said.
It's true
"In yet another ludicrous display of a left-wing judge thwarting the deportation of foreign criminals under the ECHR, a Pakistani paedophile, deemed a “danger to the community,” was allowed to stay in the UK last year…because he’s an alcoholic.
The criminal, who’s been granted anonymity, came to the UK in 2010, was jailed in June 2020 for assaulting emergency workers while “heavily intoxicated,” and was jailed again in December 2022 for sexually abusing a girl under 13. At a June 2024 First-tier Tribunal, Judge Leanne Turner ruled that deporting him would breach European human rights law. Her reasoning? He could be persecuted in Pakistan as an alcoholic because alcohol is illegal over there. The judge ruled:
“Sufficient evidence to show the lower standard, that the appellant would face inhuman or degrading treatment on return to Pakistan as a result of a highly likely criminal prosecution and imprisonment for his uncontrollable alcohol consumption. As such, returning to Pakistan would breach the U.K.’s obligations under Article 3 of the ECHR.”
The government could act to issue more guidance on the interpretation of the ECHR by judges which seems to be more the issue . And equally and might be unpalatable to some is that rights sometimes help those who we think don’t deserve that protection . At the same time they do protect those we think do deserve that. The right wing argument is to effectively flush away rights for everyone .
We are inevitably going to leave the ECHR, it will either happen slowly with Labour reluctantly loosening the court's grip on our laws, or it will happen with a bang under the next government, and it will be total
Every one of these insane judgements adds major fuel to an underground fire, ready to break out
The ECHR can be reformed and there’s many countries that would support that .
I genuinely wish that was the case, but I don't believe it is. It's a lumbering bureaucratic blob that is unreformable, the only option is to excise it from our constitution entirely. And sack about 500 judges
I don’t know if the failing lies with the ECHR or with those who interpret it in perverse ways.
The real problem is the way that rights get decoupled from responsibilities. So, the tribunals uphold a right to remain in this country, but impose no responsibility on the person claiming that right, to obey our criminal laws.
I think the fault lies with the ECHR as is, AND with Woke British judges determined to interpret it in the most ridiculous manner
How about the human rights of British people who will be attacked by this alcoholic Pakistani pedophile? Because he will obviously do it again, look at his record. Why do HIS human rights override British rights to be safe on the street?
Fact is, when a foreigner with a violent criminal history gets convicted for sexually assaulting a 13 year old girl, he shoud be on a plane home the very next day. That's it. No question, no delay. He can "appeal" from Lahore on his own shilling, if he insists
First of all, the government appealed, and won the appeal, which Guido and GBNews seem to have overlooked. The case will be reheard in the fullness of time.
Second, this is another cue for the Man for All Seasons Sir Thomas More speech we discussed the other day.
Third, cases like this create absurd perverse incentives against seeking treatment for whichever condition is preventing deportation.
Fourth, there might be a case for the alternative to deportation being custody here rather than freedom.
So, we have to pay £50k a year for him to go to jail, and get humane treatment for his alcoholism, instead of just sending him home, where he can't attack British thirteen year olds
You people are insane. You are ushering in a hard right government
What it amounts to is that anyone who lands on our shores essentially acquires the human rights of British citizens immediately, and cannot be deported, unless they agree to be.
Lower Thames Crossing, finally, got a planning decision yesterday after years of work, a DCO over 700,000 pages in length and over £1bn being spent on it.
It will now almost certainly be challenged under Net Zero legislation and carbon budgets, which are law, and potentially subject to judicial review.
A good example of the ratchet effect of laws that politicians don't understand and how failure to exercise leadership stifles growth.
And costs for any frivolous challenges are limited due to The Aarhus convention too.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Why do they take such pleasure in being unpleasant? It's not like we should get an attack of vapours at rudeness, but there just seems not purpose in being that hostile.
One is inclined to ask whether the response should be aggressive, equally unpleasant in response …..much the same thing, I suppose……. or simply dismissive.
@jimsciutto Breaking: A divided federal appeals court has maintained a temporary block on President Donald Trump’s ability to use the Alien Enemies Act to quickly deport alleged members of a Venezuelan gang. The DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that a pair of lower-court orders blocking Trump’s use of the sweeping wartime authority can stand while a legal challenge to the president’s invocation of the law plays out.
That feels like I should LOL but obvs that's wrong
Jonny Rotten is so old he's FINISHED being a full time carer
Given the propensity for celeb marriages to collapse at the first sign of trouble, there's a part of me that thinks sticking with her till the end is the most punk think he could have done.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Why do they take such pleasure in being unpleasant? It's not like we should get an attack of vapours at rudeness, but there just seems not purpose in being that hostile.
That feels like I should LOL but obvs that's wrong
Jonny Rotten is so old he's FINISHED being a full time carer
Given the propensity for celeb marriages to collapse at the first sign of trouble, there's a part of me that thinks sticking with her till the end is the most punk think he could have done.
@jimsciutto Breaking: A divided federal appeals court has maintained a temporary block on President Donald Trump’s ability to use the Alien Enemies Act to quickly deport alleged members of a Venezuelan gang. The DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that a pair of lower-court orders blocking Trump’s use of the sweeping wartime authority can stand while a legal challenge to the president’s invocation of the law plays out.
Problem is that Trump has got a bunch of hoodlums in the SC who will see him alright, whatever the law may be.
That feels like I should LOL but obvs that's wrong
Jonny Rotten is so old he's FINISHED being a full time carer
Given the propensity for celeb marriages to collapse at the first sign of trouble, there's a part of me that thinks sticking with her till the end is the most punk think he could have done.
That feels like I should LOL but obvs that's wrong
Jonny Rotten is so old he's FINISHED being a full time carer
Given the propensity for celeb marriages to collapse at the first sign of trouble, there's a part of me that thinks sticking with her till the end is the most punk think he could have done.
That feels like I should LOL but obvs that's wrong
Jonny Rotten is so old he's FINISHED being a full time carer
Wow. You say a lot of OTT things - but even entertaining the idea of LOL or FINISHED at someone who watched over and cared for the love of their life as they slowly lost them to Alzheimer's is quite something.
That feels like I should LOL but obvs that's wrong
Jonny Rotten is so old he's FINISHED being a full time carer
Given the propensity for celeb marriages to collapse at the first sign of trouble, there's a part of me that thinks sticking with her till the end is the most punk think he could have done.
@jimsciutto Breaking: A divided federal appeals court has maintained a temporary block on President Donald Trump’s ability to use the Alien Enemies Act to quickly deport alleged members of a Venezuelan gang. The DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that a pair of lower-court orders blocking Trump’s use of the sweeping wartime authority can stand while a legal challenge to the president’s invocation of the law plays out.
If they were 2-1 on the temporary block then what bet the SC position. I know they aren't entirely lapdogs, but they have some severe lapdog tendencies when it comes to enhancing Trump's powers.
That feels like I should LOL but obvs that's wrong
Jonny Rotten is so old he's FINISHED being a full time carer
Given the propensity for celeb marriages to collapse at the first sign of trouble, there's a part of me that thinks sticking with her till the end is the most punk think he could have done.
A year or two ago, when the esteemed Hanif Kureishi had HIS terrible medical emergency, which has left him basically tetrapelgic (I think?), a travel writer friend and I were in Bangkok for a few weeks, chilling out together in the January sun, as everyone sensible should
We developed this technique, when we were wondering "whether to go review that new hotel", "do that article on that new cocktail bar", "see if the brothels in Patpong are really on the rebound" and our answer was "What would Hanif do?"
ie, given that at any moment you might be slammed by some disaster and left immobile from the neck down, or worse (especially as the years pass), then the answer is, What would Hanif do? HANIF WOULD SAY YES
Check out the hotel, sample the cocktails, go see the naked gogo dancers in the new retro bordello, who knows if this chance will come by again
Because life is not just short, it is often cruel. Seize the day, indeed, seize the hour
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Why do they take such pleasure in being unpleasant? It's not like we should get an attack of vapours at rudeness, but there just seems not purpose in being that hostile.
MTG is a vile scum sucking loathsome piece of trash . I wasn’t sure if the C word was bannable so refrained from using it !
SCOOP: A WIRED review of public data shows that national security adviser Mike Waltz, White House chief of staff Susie Wiles, and other top officials left sensitive information exposed via Venmo—until WIRED asked about it.
That feels like I should LOL but obvs that's wrong
Jonny Rotten is so old he's FINISHED being a full time carer
Wow. You say a lot of OTT things - but even entertaining the idea of LOL or FINISHED at someone who watched over and cared for the love of their life as they slowly lost them to Alzheimer's is quite something.
Don't be a twat, you are misconstruing me entirely
1. I deeply admire Jonny Rotten as a cantankerous character willing to endure the consensus of hostility (notice a tiny parallel?)
2. He's smart and funny
3. His caring for his wife was touching, sincere and poignant
4. He's a dude
I am saluting him, and the task accomplished, you ninny
A rough breakdown of the Avengers Doomsday cast by their group affiliation
Doctor Doom: Robert Downey Jr
Thor: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston
Captain America: Anthony Mackie, Danny Ramirez
Black Panther: Letitia Wright, Winston Duke, Tenoch Huerta Mejía
Thunderbolts: Sebastian Stan, Florence Pugh, David Harbour, Wyatt Russell, Hannah John-Kamen, Lewis Pullman
Shang-Chi: Simu Liu
X-Men: Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, James Marsden, Kelsey Grammer, Alan Cumming, Rebecca Romijn, Channing Tatum
Fantastic Four: Pedro Pascal, Vanessa Kirby, Joseph Quinn, Ebon Moss-Bachrach
Conspicuous by their absence: Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Famke Janssen, Halle Berry, Olga Kurylenko, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, the whole of the X-Men reboot cast...
SCOOP: A WIRED review of public data shows that national security adviser Mike Waltz, White House chief of staff Susie Wiles, and other top officials left sensitive information exposed via Venmo—until WIRED asked about it.
I first remember him in I, Claudius. I really hope he's amassed a gargantuan amount of cash by now and spaffs it all on some bizarre niche charity one day.
SCOOP: A WIRED review of public data shows that national security adviser Mike Waltz, White House chief of staff Susie Wiles, and other top officials left sensitive information exposed via Venmo—until WIRED asked about it.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Why do they take such pleasure in being unpleasant? It's not like we should get an attack of vapours at rudeness, but there just seems not purpose in being that hostile.
I agree, but on the other hand, is there not something in her advice to 'care about your own borders'? Of course that journalist was there to report on foreign affairs and there are other journalists covering the borders, but the amount of btl comments here outraged at Trump’s japes and Signal messages vs. the amount of outrage about a judge giving a Pakistani paedophile leave to remain in our country on the basis of the ECHR is telling.
Are we just so beaten down by these outrages we've given up even feeling angry about them?
I first remember him in I, Claudius. I really hope he's amassed a gargantuan amount of cash by now and spaffs it all on some bizarre niche charity one day.
I Claudius was just so good. You wonder what could have been done with it now in terms of CGI and big budgets as opposed to the tiny little sets they had to work off but all these decades later the scene of a slightly drunk Claudius letting Livia know what he really thought is so vivid. Brilliant acting all round and a fabulous script.
That feels like I should LOL but obvs that's wrong
Jonny Rotten is so old he's FINISHED being a full time carer
Given the propensity for celeb marriages to collapse at the first sign of trouble, there's a part of me that thinks sticking with her till the end is the most punk think he could have done.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Not a million miles away in a sense. If it weren’t for us they’d all be speaking Eye-tie (though actually quite a few of them do)!
Bingo! Quite a modest museum (St Elmo) for such a massive setting, but good. Quite a nice animation of the Operation Pedestal convoy which if it isn’t already should be defined as a major naval engagement of WWII.
There is also an absolutely magnificent Caravaggio in the cathedral at Valletta. I saw it when I was staying in Gozo, in my early 20s, falling in love with a beautiful 17 year old Jewish girl
Caravaggio painted this masterpiece IN Malta, where he was on the run from a murder rap. Sex and violence, sex and violence...
Yep, hoping to see it tomorrow, massive queues today though 🙁 Currently at that other great cultural spot, the pub (called The Pub) in which Ollie Reed drank his last.
I loved the stretch of Ordnance Street with what I presume are parking spaces allocated to government ministers, all the may up to PM Across Grand Harbour (do take the small boat ferry) the Italian Inquisitor’s Palace was…unexpected 😁
More evidence of stupidity. What are the odds of the Atlantic being prosecuted for disclosing official secrets?
None. There's a longstanding journalistic defence, confirmed by Supreme Court precedent.
But those precedents were issued when the SC actually upheld the law. Those days are past and those precedents can be overturned.
Even the Atlantic was a bit queasy about that and sought assurances that the White House really meant it when they said that there was no official secrets in the material (although clearly there were) and they redacted the name of a CIA official.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Why do they take such pleasure in being unpleasant? It's not like we should get an attack of vapours at rudeness, but there just seems not purpose in being that hostile.
I agree, but on the other hand, is there not something in her advice to 'care about your own borders'? Of course that journalist was there to report on foreign affairs and there are other journalists covering the borders, but the amount of btl comments here outraged at Trump’s japes and Signal messages vs. the amount of outrage about a judge giving a Pakistani paedophile leave to remain in our country on the basis of the ECHR is telling.
Are we just so beaten down by these outrages we've given up even feeling angry about them?
Nicely phrased
The Pakistani pedophile thing is clearly the most outrageous thing on this thread, but people would much rather ventilate at the Trump admin
There are many things deeply wrong with the current American government, but I fear they are becoming a pantomime villain for us to hiss at, so we don't think of darker truer problems in our own lives
Indeed, the two are linked. A lot of Americans believe Europe is now do decadently woke and overrun by migration it is beyond saving (and this grieves them, as they are almost always European in origin). At the same time the most prominent Americans saying this tend to be cartoony people from the Trump government (tho you can find sober serious American voices saying the same, in more measured tones)
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Why do they take such pleasure in being unpleasant? It's not like we should get an attack of vapours at rudeness, but there just seems not purpose in being that hostile.
Because they don’t have the authority to close down discussion firmly but politely. So they use brute force
I first remember him in I, Claudius. I really hope he's amassed a gargantuan amount of cash by now and spaffs it all on some bizarre niche charity one day.
With the Star Trek and X-Men franchises I think he's OK for cash.
Patrick Stewart is 84. Iain McKellen is 85. God knows what Rebecca Romjin (52) or Alan Cumming (60) can do. Bringing back the 1990s X-Men cast when they had the reboot cast is stupid. It's not like Jennifer Lawrence or Michael Fassbender are kicking roles out of bed.
Famously, the 1973 Doctor Who episode "Carnival of Monsters" has dialogue in Polari, the implications of which would have gone over the heads of its audience.
Reeves was again good today, and Stride again completely painful.
Badenoch badly needs a GE just to clear out the poor selection of MPs that she has. However she doesn't have anything like the control of the party needed to make it work.
The Tories are looking into the abyss that Corbyn ran Labour round the edge of.
The same Corbyn who even at his lowest was polling more than Labour are now? Many polls now give a Tory and Reform government
Basically the courts are saying that it's better that this rapist alcoholic Pakistani assaults British girls, rather than Pakistani girls back home, because..... what? Can someone tell me?
GB News is saying that. There's a good chance that they're 'misinterpreting' what the court actually said.
Basically the courts are saying that it's better that this rapist alcoholic Pakistani assaults British girls, rather than Pakistani girls back home, because..... what? Can someone tell me?
GB News is saying that. There's a good chance that they're 'misinterpreting' what the court actually said.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Why do they take such pleasure in being unpleasant? It's not like we should get an attack of vapours at rudeness, but there just seems not purpose in being that hostile.
I agree, but on the other hand, is there not something in her advice to 'care about your own borders'? Of course that journalist was there to report on foreign affairs and there are other journalists covering the borders, but the amount of btl comments here outraged at Trump’s japes and Signal messages vs. the amount of outrage about a judge giving a Pakistani paedophile leave to remain in our country on the basis of the ECHR is telling.
Are we just so beaten down by these outrages we've given up even feeling angry about them?
Nicely phrased
The Pakistani pedophile thing is clearly the most outrageous thing on this thread, but people would much rather ventilate at the Trump admin
There are many things deeply wrong with the current American government, but I fear they are becoming a pantomime villain for us to hiss at, so we don't think of darker truer problems in our own lives
Indeed, the two are linked. A lot of Americans believe Europe is now do decadently woke and overrun by migration it is beyond saving (and this grieves them, as they are almost always European in origin). At the same time the most prominent Americans saying this tend to be cartoony people from the Trump government (tho you can find sober serious American voices saying the same, in more measured tones)
OTOH, Ukraine is being overrun by Russians with tacit American blessing.
Reeves was again good today, and Stride again completely painful.
Badenoch badly needs a GE just to clear out the poor selection of MPs that she has. However she doesn't have anything like the control of the party needed to make it work.
The Tories are looking into the abyss that Corbyn ran Labour round the edge of.
The same Corbyn who even at his lowest was polling more than Labour are now? Many polls now give a Tory and Reform government
The next election is all to play for.
My guess is, one of the three, Con/Lab/Ref will eventually break away from the other two and head upwards.
But which one will the country decide to rally behind?
Basically the courts are saying that it's better that this rapist alcoholic Pakistani assaults British girls, rather than Pakistani girls back home, because..... what? Can someone tell me?
GB News is saying that. There's a good chance that they're 'misinterpreting' what the court actually said.
"Should the Defense Secretary.." Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?" "From the UK" "OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
Why do they take such pleasure in being unpleasant? It's not like we should get an attack of vapours at rudeness, but there just seems not purpose in being that hostile.
I agree, but on the other hand, is there not something in her advice to 'care about your own borders'? Of course that journalist was there to report on foreign affairs and there are other journalists covering the borders, but the amount of btl comments here outraged at Trump’s japes and Signal messages vs. the amount of outrage about a judge giving a Pakistani paedophile leave to remain in our country on the basis of the ECHR is telling.
Are we just so beaten down by these outrages we've given up even feeling angry about them?
Nicely phrased
The Pakistani pedophile thing is clearly the most outrageous thing on this thread, but people would much rather ventilate at the Trump admin
It's a good job there are no posters on this thread who would post about drunkenly perving young teenage girls. The tone has definitely been raised since we got rid of SeanT.
Surprised Leon and Billy Glenn haven't spammed PB with this, given how keen they were to expose Biden going gaga.
Donald Trump: "We're gonna have tremendous goodies in the bag for women too. The women…Fertilization. I'm still very proud of it, I don't care. I'll be known as the fertilization president and that's okay."
Surprised Leon and Billy Glenn haven't spammed PB with this, given how keen they were to expose Biden going gaga.
Donald Trump: "We're gonna have tremendous goodies in the bag for women too. The women…Fertilization. I'm still very proud of it, I don't care. I'll be known as the fertilization president and that's okay."
...and suffers from the same disadvantage: resurrecting legacy charaters with elderly actors. Stewart and McKellen are two/three years older than Joe Biden
Brussels has rejected Russia’s demand to lift EU restrictions on a key agro bank as part of a partial ceasefire deal, saying its sanctions regime will stay in place until “unconditional withdrawal” of Moscow’s troops from Ukraine.
How long before Trump gets bored of Ukraine and puts peace efforts on the backburner?
I don't think there are any possible peace terms that are acceptable to Putin that are within Trump's power to offer.
Incidentally, today is the 25th anniversary of Putin first being elected president.
...and suffers from the same disadvantage: resurrecting legacy charaters with elderly actors. Stewart and McKellen are two/three years older than Joe Biden
Nah, the plot is clear.
You need to follow the subtle hints.
Alternate universes meet, they'll recast during the film.
Remember how in Deadpool and Wolverine Deadpool thought Chris Evans was Captain America but was in fact Johnny Storm.
Best time of the year for Gozo. Sensible temperatures, green fields, and spring flowers abound.
Plus, dirt cheap hotels. AndĠgantija which has a decent new museum attached.
You do need to be lucky with the weather though, rain-wise.
America, take note.
"Should the Defense Secretary.."
Marjorie Taylor Greene: "Wait what country are you from?"
"From the UK"
"OK we don't give a crap about your opinion and your reporting. Why don't you go back to your country. We have a major migrant problem. You should care about your own borders"
(Scroll down)
If you wanted the next generation to be better off then you should want to ensure that the next generation can afford a home of their own when they're young, not want to leave them a nest egg only when you pop your clogs.
If you're alive today then you'll probably still be alive into at least your eighties, which means that your "children" will likely be in their sixties or older by the time you die. An inheritance in your sixties might be a nice pension boost but it doesn't give you something to live well with throughout most of your lifetime - most of which you've already had by then.
If you want the next generation to be better off then help them to be better off throughout their life, not what they have remaining only after you've enjoyed yours.
Julie Burchill is now in a wheelchair, probably for good
All these livewire writers and artists of my youth
Jonny Rotten is a fulltime carer
And shits online would have spread them, true or not. People like you.
The disaster facing the USA, Ukraine, and the world is not down to the Democrats. It is down to the Republicans, their supporters, their appeasers and their shills.
He didn't run on an anti-Trump ticket
He ran on an anti-Musk ticket
Americans aren't the sort of folk to go to Canada to apologise for Trump's disastrous Government.
Partly because Musk isn't Trump- he doesn't have the whatever-it-is-but-it's-real that DJT has. Without that, the public support for MAGA probably falls away pretty quickly. (Farage has "it" as well. So did Johnson in his prime. It does gain public support, but that's probably a bad thing.)
But also, Trump is, however awful, the legitimately elected President. To attack him now carries a bit of "voters- you got it wrong" baggage. Whereas Musk is some rich bloke who blagged his way in and it's not entirely clear on what formal basis.
Jonny Rotten is so old he's FINISHED being a full time carer
(That analogy is now outdated, my 75 year old dad is never off his smartphone).
I think we are seriously close to the point when US forces in the UK should be asked to leave.
Catch the train to London, stopping at Rejection, Disappointment, Backstabbing Central and Shattered Dreams Parkway
I love it.
It will now almost certainly be challenged under Net Zero legislation and carbon budgets, which are law, and potentially subject to judicial review.
A good example of the ratchet effect of laws that politicians don't understand and how failure to exercise leadership stifles growth.
Fucking hero, that guy.
Without it, she'd be nothing.
With it, she is still nothing.
The Polari line would have been interesting.
I did say "Part of securing that improvement" was inheritance - not all of it and by no means the only part of it. I agree we should be giving as many people as possible the opportunity to live independently - I don't just mean home ownership which I appreciate is important to Conservatives as a method of rebuilding their shattered voting coalition - but the ability to rent as well if that's the choice.
To have your children on a secure financial footing must be the aim of every parent - that's part of ensuring the next generation have better prospects and greater opportunities but there are other elements.
It reminds me of normal untalented politicians trying to deal with what they expect to be hostile journalists and overcorrecting by being truculent right off the bat, before the journalist gives them an excuse, but taken to a complete extreme where they have no other gear than hostility and blustering.
However they have successfully managed to soften and hide the damage of the hideous clunking 22 Bishopsgate; soon one hopes they can similarly surround and hide the Walkie Talkie
It's a fascinating skyline, it has many flaws and unique virtues
The truly remarkable thing is that contrast between: ultra hi tech financial cluster and iconic Norman Castle - Tower of London - and Roman ruins - the wall. Nowhere else on earth does that
You can see Traitor's Gate and the Gherkin in one image, taken from Tower Bridge, probably the most famous bridge in the world
Breaking: A divided federal appeals court has maintained a temporary block on President Donald Trump’s ability to use the Alien Enemies Act to quickly deport alleged members of a Venezuelan gang. The DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that a pair of lower-court orders blocking Trump’s use of the sweeping wartime authority can stand while a legal challenge to the president’s invocation of the law plays out.
DER SPIEGEL reporters were able to find mobile phone numbers, email addresses and some passwords for some of Donald Trump’s top security officials….
We developed this technique, when we were wondering "whether to go review that new hotel", "do that article on that new cocktail bar", "see if the brothels in Patpong are really on the rebound" and our answer was "What would Hanif do?"
ie, given that at any moment you might be slammed by some disaster and left immobile from the neck down, or worse (especially as the years pass), then the answer is, What would Hanif do? HANIF WOULD SAY YES
Check out the hotel, sample the cocktails, go see the naked gogo dancers in the new retro bordello, who knows if this chance will come by again
Because life is not just short, it is often cruel. Seize the day, indeed, seize the hour
SCOOP: A WIRED review of public data shows that national security adviser Mike Waltz, White House chief of staff Susie Wiles, and other top officials left sensitive information exposed via Venmo—until WIRED asked about it.
1. I deeply admire Jonny Rotten as a cantankerous character willing to endure the consensus of hostility (notice a tiny parallel?)
2. He's smart and funny
3. His caring for his wife was touching, sincere and poignant
4. He's a dude
I am saluting him, and the task accomplished, you ninny
- Doctor Doom: Robert Downey Jr
- Thor: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston
- Captain America: Anthony Mackie, Danny Ramirez
- Black Panther: Letitia Wright, Winston Duke, Tenoch Huerta Mejía
- Thunderbolts: Sebastian Stan, Florence Pugh, David Harbour, Wyatt Russell, Hannah John-Kamen, Lewis Pullman
- Shang-Chi: Simu Liu
- X-Men: Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, James Marsden, Kelsey Grammer, Alan Cumming, Rebecca Romijn, Channing Tatum
- Fantastic Four: Pedro Pascal, Vanessa Kirby, Joseph Quinn, Ebon Moss-Bachrach
Conspicuous by their absence: Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Famke Janssen, Halle Berry, Olga Kurylenko, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, the whole of the X-Men reboot cast...But we are at the point that no one can do any wrong in one's tribe anymore.
So much better than the mega-cringe "Lionesses"
I hope that whoever comes in next as mayor or government has the cullions to change some of these dreadful names and GIVE US POLARI
Are we just so beaten down by these outrages we've given up even feeling angry about them?
There's a longstanding journalistic defence, confirmed by Supreme Court precedent.
Across Grand Harbour (do take the small boat ferry) the Italian Inquisitor’s Palace was…unexpected 😁
Even the Atlantic was a bit queasy about that and sought assurances that the White House really meant it when they said that there was no official secrets in the material (although clearly there were) and they redacted the name of a CIA official.
The Pakistani pedophile thing is clearly the most outrageous thing on this thread, but people would much rather ventilate at the Trump admin
There are many things deeply wrong with the current American government, but I fear they are becoming a pantomime villain for us to hiss at, so we don't think of darker truer problems in our own lives
Indeed, the two are linked. A lot of Americans believe Europe is now do decadently woke and overrun by migration it is beyond saving (and this grieves them, as they are almost always European in origin). At the same time the most prominent Americans saying this tend to be cartoony people from the Trump government (tho you can find sober serious American voices saying the same, in more measured tones)
Patrick Stewart is 84. Iain McKellen is 85. God knows what Rebecca Romjin (52) or Alan Cumming (60) can do. Bringing back the 1990s X-Men cast when they had the reboot cast is stupid. It's not like Jennifer Lawrence or Michael Fassbender are kicking roles out of bed.
It's full scorched earth now as he has nothing to lose (certainly for the next two years anyway)
For the GOP it's a different matter but the time for them to reign Trump in has long since passed...
My guess is, one of the three, Con/Lab/Ref will eventually break away from the other two and head upwards.
But which one will the country decide to rally behind?
Avengers Doomsday.
Better than
sexseason three of Picard.Donald Trump: "We're gonna have tremendous goodies in the bag for women too. The women…Fertilization. I'm still very proud of it, I don't care. I'll be known as the fertilization president and that's okay."
You need to follow the subtle hints.
Alternate universes meet, they'll recast during the film.
Remember how in Deadpool and Wolverine Deadpool thought Chris Evans was Captain America but was in fact Johnny Storm.