I'm old enough to remember having a four digit phone number.
I'm old enough to remember not having a phone at home.
Me too,and it was quite an event when we got one. I still remember the number - AMHurst 0806. I must admit I'm nostalgic for those old area names.
Remember WHItehall 1212 ? Sigh.
I can still remember the phone number of Corsham Building Plastics, I company I have never used, because they would play a jingle a lot on the radio station my mother listened to 30+ years ago. But my home number? I'd probably get it right, but I'd want to check.
Apparently Meloni proposed extending NATO Article 5 cover to include Ukraine but without formal accession to NATO. I can't see that flying but interesting never the less that it is being proposed by Italy.
... that's the US out then. I would have thought the most aggressive position possible would be a *conventional* security guarantee. Not actual nukes.
Article 5 just says that when called upon, the other states do *something*. Nothing about nukes.
In theory, a strongly worded letter of support could meet the obligation.
NATO was designed not to make the same mistake that the earlier alliance systems made, with automatic declarations of war.
Apparently Meloni proposed extending NATO Article 5 cover to include Ukraine but without formal accession to NATO. I can't see that flying but interesting never the less that it is being proposed by Italy.
... that's the US out then. I would have thought the most aggressive position possible would be a *conventional* security guarantee. Not actual nukes.
Article 5 just says that when called upon, the other states do *something*. Nothing about nukes.
In theory, a strongly worded letter of support could meet the obligation.
NATO was designed not to make the same mistake that the earlier alliance systems made, with automatic declarations of war.
But if Russia steamrollers Ukraine despite Art 5 protection, the whole thing collapses with Estonia etc suddenly looking vulnerable. Way too risky IMO unless you have European boots on the ground in Ukraine immediately after the guarantee has been provided.
Apparently Meloni proposed extending NATO Article 5 cover to include Ukraine but without formal accession to NATO. I can't see that flying but interesting never the less that it is being proposed by Italy.
... that's the US out then. I would have thought the most aggressive position possible would be a *conventional* security guarantee. Not actual nukes.
Article 5 just says that when called upon, the other states do *something*. Nothing about nukes.
In theory, a strongly worded letter of support could meet the obligation.
NATO was designed not to make the same mistake that the earlier alliance systems made, with automatic declarations of war.
I think Article 5 was a US requirement, because under the US Constitution declaring war was a a perogative of the Congress. Back in the days when the Constitution was considered important.
Apparently Meloni proposed extending NATO Article 5 cover to include Ukraine but without formal accession to NATO. I can't see that flying but interesting never the less that it is being proposed by Italy.
... that's the US out then. I would have thought the most aggressive position possible would be a *conventional* security guarantee. Not actual nukes.
Article 5 just says that when called upon, the other states do *something*. Nothing about nukes.
In theory, a strongly worded letter of support could meet the obligation.
NATO was designed not to make the same mistake that the earlier alliance systems made, with automatic declarations of war.
I think Article 5 was a US requirement, because under the US Constitution declaring war was a a perogative of the Congress. Back in the days when the Constitution was considered important.
It was specifically about avoiding automatic declarations of war - pre WWI Europe as the “tent of swords” - this was discussed in the negotiations that led to NATO.
In fact, I cannot remember the last time I met an actual right wing lawyer. As in: a full-on Brexity Tory gin-swilling hang-em-high justice of the peace
I wonder if they even exist any more
On the other hand, I have met many many many left wing lawyers and judges, some very left, nearly always Remainery
There are a whole host of reasons why the poor black man ends up in prison and the rich white women doesn’t.
Poor people are much more likely to go to prison, whatever their colour. Their propensity to steal, for example, is driven by their situation and lack of options.
They are less likely to be in employment so less able to pay compensation.
They are more likely to live in criminal environs making recidivism more likely.
They are less likely to have a secure address or a stable family relationship.
They are likely to be less well represented.
They are more likely to have a problematic relationship with drugs and alcohol, not least because their life is shit.
I could go on but if the courts are going to find ways of not sending a disproportionate number of poor black men to prison they need to think outside the box a bit more and a pre-sentencing report can help with that.
These guidelines are based on real evidence and real experiences of those at the sharp end. Having given it some thought I back them and regret that Labour ran away because they thought it looked “woke”.
And a bleeding heart liberal I ain’t.
I am appalled by this.
We don't see eye to eye on many issues these days, but I tend to regard your capacity to reason as sound, if you often reach conclusions that I think are erroneous.
This is not that - this is a perversion of logic. It is not for the courts to maladminister justice to try to redress some societal imbalance that they have cod-analysed. If more poor black men have committed crimes severe enough to warrant a custodial sentence, then they must be given a custodial sentence - if for public protection alone.
'Having given some thought' is a good one. Perhaps giving such 'thought' is what it takes to be promoted these days.
But wait, racist anti-white sentencing laws make him a bit "twitchy", so that's OK
It's just integrity leaving the body.
That's a brilliant analogy
I believe these pre-death rhapsodies often occur in lawyers entering late middle age, pre-retirement, when it just seems so much easier to - you know - go with the flow, don't make a fuss....
DavidL is one of the finest posters on this site.
I hope he returns to his senses. His posts today have been shameful
Boringly so. I am genuinely surprised my comments have been thought controversial. I have explained that there are many reasons why people from ethnic backgrounds may be more prone to being sentenced to jail than the stereotype of racist judges ( in which respect I agree with @Leon’s observations).
The question is whether the court should respond to these factors or simply say that is the way it is. I think exploring other options than jail makes sense. It reduces the likelihood of further offending. It improves the chances of the offender becoming a useful citizen. That is in all our interests, not just the accused.
For the record I have no intention ever of applying to become a judge. I much prefer prosecution and probably wouldn’t be considered anyway. The guidelines we have been discussing do not apply in Scotland. If they did I would inevitably have been more circumspect in expressing any view about them.
I am fully on board with better use of noncustodial sentences. The most sensible thing ever said on prisons was by Douglas Hurd "prison is an expensive way of making bad people worse".
It would make sense to have a PSR for everybody, albeit it could be fairly brief.
The probation service privatisation in England was rather a disaster so I am not sure it could cope with doing everyone a PSR, but that needs sorting out. Maybe the Scottish equivalent is in better shape.
I took time to read the actual document and supporting papers from the Sentencing Council, which had a long consultation under the last government. There is a strong emphasis on following guidance in the "Equal Treatment Bench Book" published in July 2024, so once again drafted under the Tories.
Kind of as predicted by some of us I see NBC are reporting that UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada are discussing ending the Five Eyes relationship with the USA and scaling back on what intelligence they share with them.
Let’s hope the move toward four eyes doesn’t prove to be shortsighted.
LOL. But being more serious I would think the obvious response would be to keep Five Eyes with France replacing the US. No matter how much we might like to scorn them on occassion, in the longer term I think they have proved far more trustworthy than the US, not least because they have been very open when they are not happy about something.
On Froggy trustworthiness, you might want to ask the New Zealanders. France is the only democratic country I recall that ever committed an act of murderous terrorism in another democratic country, and still hasn't apologised for it, or brought those who committed it to book. I am just about old enough to remember the debate in that odious country, where the public wasn't shocked about the morality or even advisability of the act, only that the French agents had been clumsy enough to be caught.
Or the Canadians whose country the French have tried repeatedly to undermine by maliciously stirring up ethnic tensions.
Or other NATO members, whom France flaked on in the 1960s for four decades.
Or the Ukrainians, many of whom were horrified at Macron's self-created "Putin-whispering" role at the start of the war.
Or the French electorate, which might well go for Le Pen in a couple of years, whose party was financed directly by Moscow.
Or the British people, who Macron tried desperately to screw over as much as possible when we exercised our democratic and constitutional right to leave the EU, to an extent that eventually annoyed even many in Brussels.
Macron is desperate to salvage his failed Presidency by carving out a role for himself internationally. He would happily screw us over again if that got him a legacy. We should have as little to do with him and his odious country as possible. They are like one of their prostitutes - if you get into bed with them, you end up regretting it as you'll almost certainly catch something nasty.
Kind of as predicted by some of us I see NBC are reporting that UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada are discussing ending the Five Eyes relationship with the USA and scaling back on what intelligence they share with them.
Let’s hope the move toward four eyes doesn’t prove to be shortsighted.
LOL. But being more serious I would think the obvious response would be to keep Five Eyes with France replacing the US. No matter how much we might like to scorn them on occassion, in the longer term I think they have proved far more trustworthy than the US, not least because they have been very open when they are not happy about something.
On Froggy trustworthiness, you might want to ask the New Zealanders. France is the only democratic country I recall that ever committed an act of murderous terrorism in another democratic country, and still hasn't apologised for it, or brought those who committed it to book. I am just about old enough to remember the debate in that odious country, where the public wasn't shocked about the morality or even advisability of the act, only that the French agents had been clumsy enough to be caught.
Or the Canadians whose country the French have tried repeatedly to undermine by maliciously stirring up ethnic tensions.
Or other NATO members, whom France flaked on in the 1960s for four decades.
Or the Ukrainians, many of whom were horrified at Macron's self-created "Putin-whispering" role at the start of the war.
Or the French electorate, which might well go for Le Pen in a couple of years, whose party was financed directly by Moscow.
Or the British people, who Macron tried desperately to screw over as much as possible when we exercised our democratic and constitutional right to leave the EU, to an extent that eventually annoyed even many in Brussels.
Macron is desperate to salvage his failed Presidency by carving out a role for himself internationally. He would happily screw us over again if that got him a legacy. We should have as little to do with him and his odious country as possible. They are like one of their prostitutes - if you get into bed with them, you end up regretting it as you'll almost certainly catch something nasty.
India has murdered Sikh activists recently in Canada, both being democracies.
Of course there may be other killings that have never come to light. James Bond is not the only agent with a licence to kill.
Funny that , it was all the rage last November. You’ll find the Maga cult aren’t bothered about the price of eggs now. The latest coping strategy is to say any pain will be worth it in the end .
Normally, left wingers would be concerned about the cost of living. Mocking voters for caring about the price of eggs was a big misstep.
Yes, Trump's policies may in fact increase the price of eggs. But laughing at the concerns of the poor was and is shitty behaviour.
Examples of leftwingers mocking people for caring about the price of eggs so we know who you are complaining aboit?
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
Breaking: The Federal Aviation Administration is halting flights into Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, and Orlando airports for "falling space debris." The move follows the failed launch of SpaceX's Starship, which lifted off from SpaceX’s Starbase facility in South Texas around 5:30 p.m. CST, or 6:30 p.m. EST.
Won’t companies think twice about investing in the US if this chaos continues ?
I see that Walgreen Boots has been sold off after losing 80% of its value in 5 years. US market can be a graveyard for companies. Ask Marks and Spencer
Funny that , it was all the rage last November. You’ll find the Maga cult aren’t bothered about the price of eggs now. The latest coping strategy is to say any pain will be worth it in the end .
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
Funny that , it was all the rage last November. You’ll find the Maga cult aren’t bothered about the price of eggs now. The latest coping strategy is to say any pain will be worth it in the end .
Normally, left wingers would be concerned about the cost of living. Mocking voters for caring about the price of eggs was a big misstep.
Yes, Trump's policies may in fact increase the price of eggs. But laughing at the concerns of the poor was and is shitty behaviour.
Examples of leftwingers mocking people for caring about the price of eggs so we know who you are complaining aboit?
I think you misunderstand what they are laughing at... they are not laughing at the price of eggs per se. They are laughing at the people most sensitive to the price of eggs confidently voting for politicians who's policies will seriously aggravate the issue. They are laughing at the dunning Kruger effect - not eggs.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
That is so stupid if it is true 🤣🤣🤣🤣
DOGE also inadvertently revealed the location of a CIA black site. I'm not sure whether that was DEI related, or just because they were trying to sell it off.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
That is so stupid if it is true 🤣🤣🤣🤣
DOGE also inadvertently revealed the location of a CIA black site. I'm not sure whether that was DEI related, or just because they were trying to sell it off.
Some say that colours have joined numbers and words as the eternal enemies of Trump's America.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
It’s interesting to see the Trumpists start to crawl out from under their rocks pushing Moscow’s lines . Yesterday we had imminent civil war in the UK, today we can’t trust the French.
Drip, drip, drip. Lord Haw Haw would be proud of his grandchildren.
It’s interesting to see the Trumpists start to crawl out from under their rocks pushing Moscow’s lines . Yesterday we had imminent civil war in the UK, today we can’t trust the French.
Drip, drip, drip. Lord Haw Haw would be proud of his grandchildren.
There is much re-Joyce-ing going on among these people.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
That is so stupid if it is true 🤣🤣🤣🤣
And it would mess up one of the story lines in London Fields where Nicola Six invents a young girl called Enola Gay who is raped and has Little Boy as a result.
Giving every child the best start in life means excellent foundations in reading and writing.
Through our Plan for Change, we're investing in measures to boost reading skills and putting reading for pleasure at the heart of our 100-year partnership with Ukraine.
Giving every child the best start in life means excellent foundations in reading and writing.
Through our Plan for Change, we're investing in measures to boost reading skills and putting reading for pleasure at the heart of our 100-year partnership with Ukraine.
I've given up wondering that where the DfE is concerned.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
First they came for trans people. They then came for immigrants. Then they came for the homosexuals.
One group they'll never go after: men.
Remember, trans people are apparently a threat to women. The Tate brothers, not...
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
First they came for trans people. They then came for immigrants. Then they came for the homosexuals.
One group they'll never go after: men.
Remember, trans people are apparently a threat to women. The Tate brothers, not...
It dos seem that the Trans-gender mice project that was defunded in Trump's SOTU address the other day were actually Transgenic mice used in research studies.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
First they came for trans people. They then came for immigrants. Then they came for the homosexuals.
One group they'll never go after: men.
Remember, trans people are apparently a threat to women. The Tate brothers, not...
It dos seem that the Trans-gender mice project that was defunded in Trump's SOTU address the other day were actually Transgenic mice used in research studies.
It seems very unlikely mice are concerned about pronouns.
Funny that , it was all the rage last November. You’ll find the Maga cult aren’t bothered about the price of eggs now. The latest coping strategy is to say any pain will be worth it in the end .
Normally, left wingers would be concerned about the cost of living. Mocking voters for caring about the price of eggs was a big misstep.
Yes, Trump's policies may in fact increase the price of eggs. But laughing at the concerns of the poor was and is shitty behaviour.
Examples of leftwingers mocking people for caring about the price of eggs so we know who you are complaining aboit?
I think you misunderstand what they are laughing at... they are not laughing at the price of eggs per se. They are laughing at the people most sensitive to the price of eggs confidently voting for politicians who's policies will seriously aggravate the issue. They are laughing at the dunning Kruger effect - not eggs.
I'm just wondering who these leftwingers mocking concerns about inflation are?
I can see Trump is taking the piss out of voters by promising to tackle inflation on "day one" while campaigning, and now saying price rises are good for you or something.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
First they came for trans people. They then came for immigrants. Then they came for the homosexuals.
One group they'll never go after: men.
Remember, trans people are apparently a threat to women. The Tate brothers, not...
It dos seem that the Trans-gender mice project that was defunded in Trump's SOTU address the other day were actually Transgenic mice used in research studies.
Its not so much lunatics in charge of the Asylum as infants in charge of the nursery. These transgenic mice were involved in research of Alzheimer's. To see a once great country reduced to this.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
First they came for trans people. They then came for immigrants. Then they came for the homosexuals.
One group they'll never go after: men.
Remember, trans people are apparently a threat to women. The Tate brothers, not...
In lab experiments it's only the males they off. Females are not used (though it's changing). Seems male rats are more 'stable'.
Family member used to off a lot of rats to study the effects of K on the rats' brain chemistry. Note to Elon. It's not good.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
First they came for trans people. They then came for immigrants. Then they came for the homosexuals.
One group they'll never go after: men.
Remember, trans people are apparently a threat to women. The Tate brothers, not...
It dos seem that the Trans-gender mice project that was defunded in Trump's SOTU address the other day were actually Transgenic mice used in research studies.
Its not so much lunatics in charge of the Asylum as infants in charge of the nursery. These transgenic mice were involved in research of Alzheimer's. To see a once great country reduced to this.
Funny that , it was all the rage last November. You’ll find the Maga cult aren’t bothered about the price of eggs now. The latest coping strategy is to say any pain will be worth it in the end .
That's the Russian line too.
In which case, both will fail.
If Putin sent ethnic Russians from Moscow or St. Petersburg in any numbers to Ukraine, as opposed to Buryats, Chechens, Dagestanis etc, then he'd be dead in a week. The North Korean cannon fodder is already dead. The pain for Russians is limited to the gradual economic crack up- and even this carries high risks for the Kremlin.
That's kind of the point of Fascism- the herrenvolk should inflict suffering and not suffer themselves. Sooner or later, however, reality intervenes.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
First they came for trans people. They then came for immigrants. Then they came for the homosexuals.
One group they'll never go after: men.
Remember, trans people are apparently a threat to women. The Tate brothers, not...
It dos seem that the Trans-gender mice project that was defunded in Trump's SOTU address the other day were actually Transgenic mice used in research studies.
To be clear, I was not referring to the mice. I was referring to the various anti-trans measures introduced by Trump's regime, e.g. the order to remove trans people from the military.
The news, the rocket or Musk's reputation for technical competence?
Can any non-musk fans explain how spacex is getting away with raining debris over Turks and Caicos islands? Are the FAA just too scared of Musk? Just seems to be lucky that they haven't resulted in serious injury.
The news, the rocket or Musk's reputation for technical competence?
Can any non-musk fans explain how spacex is getting away with raining debris over Turks and Caicos islands? Are the FAA just too scared of Musk? Just seems to be lucky that they haven't resulted in serious injury.
According to the SpaceX fanbois, no debris did rain down on the Turks and Caicos islands after the January RUD. Evidence seems to indicate otherwise, but they debate that.
Basically: Musk doesn't care about anyone who isn't him, and Trump's regime have neutered the FAA.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
That is clearly done by an automated system without a human thinking about it or checking.
It’s obviously stupid.
But the issue in presenting gleefully that they have done it is that it undermines the criticism of the more serious stuff they have done
Won’t companies think twice about investing in the US if this chaos continues ?
I see that Walgreen Boots has been sold off after losing 80% of its value in 5 years. US market can be a graveyard for companies. Ask Marks and Spencer
Won’t companies think twice about investing in the US if this chaos continues ?
I see that Walgreen Boots has been sold off after losing 80% of its value in 5 years. US market can be a graveyard for companies. Ask Marks and Spencer
Walgreens is a US company
Boots wasn't until it was taken over. I assume that is what Battlebus is referring to.
In fact, I cannot remember the last time I met an actual right wing lawyer. As in: a full-on Brexity Tory gin-swilling hang-em-high justice of the peace
I wonder if they even exist any more
On the other hand, I have met many many many left wing lawyers and judges, some very left, nearly always Remainery
There are a whole host of reasons why the poor black man ends up in prison and the rich white women doesn’t.
Poor people are much more likely to go to prison, whatever their colour. Their propensity to steal, for example, is driven by their situation and lack of options.
They are less likely to be in employment so less able to pay compensation.
They are more likely to live in criminal environs making recidivism more likely.
They are less likely to have a secure address or a stable family relationship.
They are likely to be less well represented.
They are more likely to have a problematic relationship with drugs and alcohol, not least because their life is shit.
I could go on but if the courts are going to find ways of not sending a disproportionate number of poor black men to prison they need to think outside the box a bit more and a pre-sentencing report can help with that.
These guidelines are based on real evidence and real experiences of those at the sharp end. Having given it some thought I back them and regret that Labour ran away because they thought it looked “woke”.
And a bleeding heart liberal I ain’t.
I am appalled by this.
We don't see eye to eye on many issues these days, but I tend to regard your capacity to reason as sound, if you often reach conclusions that I think are erroneous.
This is not that - this is a perversion of logic. It is not for the courts to maladminister justice to try to redress some societal imbalance that they have cod-analysed. If more poor black men have committed crimes severe enough to warrant a custodial sentence, then they must be given a custodial sentence - if for public protection alone.
'Having given some thought' is a good one. Perhaps giving such 'thought' is what it takes to be promoted these days.
But wait, racist anti-white sentencing laws make him a bit "twitchy", so that's OK
It's just integrity leaving the body.
That's a brilliant analogy
I believe these pre-death rhapsodies often occur in lawyers entering late middle age, pre-retirement, when it just seems so much easier to - you know - go with the flow, don't make a fuss....
DavidL is one of the finest posters on this site.
I hope he returns to his senses. His posts today have been shameful
Boringly so. I am genuinely surprised my comments have been thought controversial. I have explained that there are many reasons why people from ethnic backgrounds may be more prone to being sentenced to jail than the stereotype of racist judges ( in which respect I agree with @Leon’s observations).
The question is whether the court should respond to these factors or simply say that is the way it is. I think exploring other options than jail makes sense. It reduces the likelihood of further offending. It improves the chances of the offender becoming a useful citizen. That is in all our interests, not just the accused.
For the record I have no intention ever of applying to become a judge. I much prefer prosecution and probably wouldn’t be considered anyway. The guidelines we have been discussing do not apply in Scotland. If they did I would inevitably have been more circumspect in expressing any view about them.
Choosing from many of the plethora of reasons why your apologia for this policy is completely off the wall, firstly, when have these ham-fisted attempts to redress the perceived imbalances of society by enshrining unfairness ever actually worked? Did the community policing of the gangs who shall not be named work? Has the deprecation of stop and search worked? These communities have in fact been victims of such policies, exposed to disgrace on the one hand and violence and danger on the other by the light touch policing they've been treated to. Can you not see how releasing ethnic minority criminals back into their communities with low-or-no custodial sentences might not actually be great for those communities?
Secondly, even if this approach had any social benefit, it is still completely unwarranted discrimination on racial grounds. We know that white working class males are now the lowest attainment group. Why should they receive tougher sentences than their equivalent ethnic minority defendants when they may well be even less privileged? Where is the handwringing about too many young poor white males going to gaol?
This is a despicable policy that if implemented would undermine the whole fabric of our legal system and have damaging consequences we cannot even anticipate. If a 'not a bleeding heart liberal' Tory within the profession can tolerate it with flatulent acquiescence, God help our legal system.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
First they came for trans people. They then came for immigrants. Then they came for the homosexuals.
One group they'll never go after: men.
Remember, trans people are apparently a threat to women. The Tate brothers, not...
It dos seem that the Trans-gender mice project that was defunded in Trump's SOTU address the other day were actually Transgenic mice used in research studies.
Its not so much lunatics in charge of the Asylum as infants in charge of the nursery. These transgenic mice were involved in research of Alzheimer's. To see a once great country reduced to this.
It’s actually very instructive (clutching at straws!)
It clearly demonstrates the limitations of automated procedures without human oversight.
As with “enola gay” someone has written a script saying “defund anything with the word trans in the the title” and not applied any judgement to the output
(FWIW transgenic SPF mice are critical to almost all advanced medical research not just Alzheimer’s)
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
That is so stupid if it is true 🤣🤣🤣🤣
DOGE also inadvertently revealed the location of a CIA black site. I'm not sure whether that was DEI related, or just because they were trying to sell it off.
Some say that colours have joined numbers and words as the eternal enemies of Trump's America.
Are there any dodgy State symbols that need to be banned?
The state flower of Idaho is "mock orange". Chump may be triggered. He'll like Nebraska and South Carolina's Goldenrod. Oklahoma's Indian Blanket is a bit DEI, as is Wyoming's Indian Paintbrush.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
Funny thing, the human memory.
In theory, a strongly worded letter of support could meet the obligation.
NATO was designed not to make the same mistake that the earlier alliance systems made, with automatic declarations of war.
Vivary Bridge (Pendle) Council By-Election Result:
🔶 LDM: 34.9% (+3.5)
➡️ RFM: 32.2% (New)
🌳 CON: 22.0% (-16.9)
🌹 LAB: 10.9% (-11.9)
No GRN (-6.9) as previous.
Liberal Democrat GAIN from Conservative.
Changes w/ 2024.
It would make sense to have a PSR for everybody, albeit it could be fairly brief.
The probation service privatisation in England was rather a disaster so I am not sure it could cope with doing everyone a PSR, but that needs sorting out. Maybe the Scottish equivalent is in better shape.
I took time to read the actual document and supporting papers from the Sentencing Council, which had a long consultation under the last government. There is a strong emphasis on following guidance in the "Equal Treatment Bench Book" published in July 2024, so once again drafted under the Tories.
They are well thought out documents.
Elon's government email addy has been leaked online. Can I post it?
Or the Canadians whose country the French have tried repeatedly to undermine by maliciously stirring up ethnic tensions.
Or other NATO members, whom France flaked on in the 1960s for four decades.
Or the Ukrainians, many of whom were horrified at Macron's self-created "Putin-whispering" role at the start of the war.
Or the French electorate, which might well go for Le Pen in a couple of years, whose party was financed directly by Moscow.
Or the British people, who Macron tried desperately to screw over as much as possible when we exercised our democratic and constitutional right to leave the EU, to an extent that eventually annoyed even many in Brussels.
Macron is desperate to salvage his failed Presidency by carving out a role for himself internationally. He would happily screw us over again if that got him a legacy. We should have as little to do with him and his odious country as possible. They are like one of their prostitutes - if you get into bed with them, you end up regretting it as you'll almost certainly catch something nasty.
Of course there may be other killings that have never come to light. James Bond is not the only agent with a licence to kill.
The US military has removed photos of the B-29 bomber “Enola Gay” — which dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan — apparently because it contains the word “gay,” which violates their new anti-DEI rules.
Breaking: The Federal Aviation Administration is halting flights into Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, and Orlando airports for "falling space debris." The move follows the failed launch of SpaceX's Starship, which lifted off from SpaceX’s Starbase facility in South Texas around 5:30 p.m. CST, or 6:30 p.m. EST.
I'm not sure whether that was DEI related, or just because they were trying to sell it off.
Simple solution is to rename it Enola Straight.
Drip, drip, drip. Lord Haw Haw would be proud of his grandchildren.
I'll get my coat.
Probably not worth it.
Bridget Phillipson:
Giving every child the best start in life means excellent foundations in reading and writing.
Through our Plan for Change, we're investing in measures to boost reading skills and putting reading for pleasure at the heart of our 100-year partnership with Ukraine.
One group they'll never go after: men.
Remember, trans people are apparently a threat to women. The Tate brothers, not...
I can see Trump is taking the piss out of voters by promising to tackle inflation on "day one" while campaigning, and now saying price rises are good for you or something.
Family member used to off a lot of rats to study the effects of K on the rats' brain chemistry. Note to Elon. It's not good.
If Putin sent ethnic Russians from Moscow or St. Petersburg in any numbers to Ukraine, as opposed to Buryats, Chechens, Dagestanis etc, then he'd be dead in a week. The North Korean cannon fodder is already dead. The pain for Russians is limited to the gradual economic crack up- and even this carries high risks for the Kremlin.
That's kind of the point of Fascism- the herrenvolk should inflict suffering and not suffer themselves. Sooner or later, however, reality intervenes.
Just seems to be lucky that they haven't resulted in serious injury.
Basically: Musk doesn't care about anyone who isn't him, and Trump's regime have neutered the FAA.
It’s obviously stupid.
But the issue in presenting gleefully that they have done it is that it undermines the criticism of the more serious stuff they have done
Secondly, even if this approach had any social benefit, it is still completely unwarranted discrimination on racial grounds. We know that white working class males are now the lowest attainment group. Why should they receive tougher sentences than their equivalent ethnic minority defendants when they may well be even less privileged? Where is the handwringing about too many young poor white males going to gaol?
This is a despicable policy that if implemented would undermine the whole fabric of our legal system and have damaging consequences we cannot even anticipate. If a 'not a bleeding heart liberal' Tory within the profession can tolerate it with flatulent acquiescence, God help our legal system.
It clearly demonstrates the limitations of automated procedures without human oversight.
As with “enola gay” someone has written a script saying “defund anything with the word trans in the the title” and not applied any judgement to the output
(FWIW transgenic SPF mice are critical to almost all advanced medical research not just Alzheimer’s)
The state flower of Idaho is "mock orange". Chump may be triggered.
He'll like Nebraska and South Carolina's Goldenrod.
Oklahoma's Indian Blanket is a bit DEI, as is Wyoming's Indian Paintbrush.
They seem to be quite promiscuous with their symbols.
The state firearm of Tennessee is the Barrett M82 - beloved of the IRA.
Endless fun awaits.