Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I can't find the actual survey/report, just the Times summary of, and reporting of, it. Has any kind person got a link to the survey/summary please?
Paywalls exist for a reason. Your consistent evasion of them, via links on here, is - quite seriously - inviting legal action against OGH and the site
@IanB2 lifts entire chunks of Andrew Rawnsley from the Guardian, but I guess that is forgiveable because Ian is a fool and the Guardian has no paywall, yet. The Times certainly does
It's odd that there has been no serious attempt at a take-down of archive.is, however hard it would be. I suppose newspapers can't agitate by writing stories about how awful it is because they don't want to tell their readers it exists.
(I share my mother's Times account. Am I going to Jail?)
Yes and probably no
But this IS serious advice to the site. A modestly prominent website like pb.com cannot constantly have people showing how to steal articles. Depriving the newspapers of money. Because stealing is what it is, just like someone pirating a Sky football broadcast
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I thought GenZ were more right wing? I lose track.
The picture is mixed. GenZ by the Times def'n is 1997-2012 (Blair's victory to the Olympics), which would make them from 12/13 to 27/28. In this group IIRC the women are more left wing, the men are more right wing, but all are more left-wing than their immediate predecessors. However I think that's swinging fast and as they grow to maturity they will swing more right, *but* the housing issue is a huge problem.
They are weird by the standards of earlier generations: they don't drink, they don't go out, they don't do drugs, they don't have sex, they are somewhat puritanical or "you can't do/say that". They are susceptible to online radicalisation and get angry at world events more than their predecessors, but without turning it into action. They are, for want of a better word, powerless: living with their parents far too long, enforced juvenalization into adulthood, playing videogames in their bedrooms in their parent's house when they should be married with kids in their own house.
The picture is different in the States I think, where young men are really right-wing.
If any of the above is wrong please say, as it is my best guess at best.
Doesn't sound like my youngest at all, born 2001. Drink, drugs, angry about Palestine, lovely girlfriend, goes out quite a lot.
I think there would be a huge amount of fascinating, mind-expanding, and stimulating content in a course which has at its core "the toxic legacy of colonialism".
Not least to puncture the exceptionalism of many in this country who might, incidentally, but centrally to the premise, bridle at the topic.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I thought GenZ were more right wing? I lose track.
The picture is mixed. GenZ by the Times def'n is 1997-2012 (Blair's victory to the Olympics), which would make them from 12/13 to 27/28. In this group IIRC the women are more left wing, the men are more right wing, but all are more left-wing than their immediate predecessors. However I think that's swinging fast and as they grow to maturity they will swing more right, *but* the housing issue is a huge problem.
They are weird by the standards of earlier generations: they don't drink, they don't go out, they don't do drugs, they don't have sex, they are somewhat puritanical or "you can't do/say that". They are susceptible to online radicalisation and get angry at world events more than their predecessors, but without turning it into action. They are, for want of a better word, powerless: living with their parents far too long, enforced juvenalization into adulthood, playing videogames in their bedrooms in their parent's house when they should be married with kids in their own house.
The picture is different in the States I think, where young men are really right-wing.
If any of the above is wrong please say, as it is my best guess at best.
There's likely quite a disconnect between the views of those who graduated/left school before the pandemic, and those who endured it while in education.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
Hampshire must be a lot more woke than Lewisham. Maybe we need to move there!
What to you may sound like a bad idea could well be exactly what other parents (say Indian) want to here...
Indeed. I wonder whether some private schools may sound more "woke" because they are trying to attract a foreign parent base. FWIW I don't want my kids' school to teach them that the British Empire was great or that it was evil. I'd like it to teach them the critical reasoning skills to understand both sides of the argument and come to their own conclusions.
It's fairly obvious, from various accounts on this forum over the years, that it's private schools rather than state schools that are spreading the woke mind virus. Unimpeded by the National Curriculum, the private sector is free to pollute young minds with anti-patriotic woke bilge.
The solution is clear. VAT on school fees is not enough. Close down the entire private school sector and free our kids of woke indoctrination.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I think if they consume the kind of drivel that you put out, their IQs would definitely plunge.
Personally, I am quite optimistic about the younger generation. Previously older generations have always had their Daily Express reading versions of @Leon: miserable, moaning negative old failures who wish to psychologically project their disappointments in life on those that are younger them. It is driven by envy. Envy of youth and beauty, the latter of which they probably never had and the former passed them by without them realising its joy.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I thought GenZ were more right wing? I lose track.
It's complicated, they are very right wing on some things, very woke on others.
For example they would use fascist strategies to ensure transgender people got their full rights.
And, interestingly, fewer here would be willing to marry someone of another race than in 2004.
It's a generation that just isn't thinking.
Hey, I am doing my bit to marry people of other races.
It really worries me.
It's a mixture of dogma, intolerance, and stubborn certitude - with an astonishing lack of self-reflection or perspective.
A generation that could swing in any direction and be just as intractable about it and not open to reason.
The thing I've found striking a lot with my friends/colleagues in Gen Z is just how implacably opposed to marriage in any form.
They'd rather spend the money on the here and now/saving up for a deposit.
Marriage (I assume you actually mean the wedding?) doesn't have to cost that much. Ours cost a few thousand and we had it at the local pub (decent sized function room, 50 guests). Attended another with just the couple and four guests. My prejudice suggests that the more money is spent on the wedding, the less chance their is of the marriage lasting.
Divorce is more expensive than marriage, usually .
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
Hang on, it's only 1314 and you're getting excited. And I'm not talking about Bannockburn.
Do you wish we were talking about Bannockburn?
No, I never do, outside a military history context. But for some unaccountable reason PBUnionists asnd PBRightists often assume we in Scotland think of little else but blue paint, bare bottoms and Australian-accented Norman Scots barons. So I was just being helpful, given the coincidence of the timing.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
The Headmaster sounds like a cretin.
If you don't mind saying, @Casino_Royale, are you looking to stay in the independent sector? Becasue what you're describing doesn't sound like the sort of thing that many state schools would have the energy, headspace or freedom to go all-in on. Whereas indies are much more prisoners of their target market, many of whom are more than a bit daft.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
And exactly at the moment when real intelligence is disappearing down the drain, the term "artificial intelligence" is spreading like wildfire.
For a historical parallel, see de-skilling in production.
Recently I met an official online who runs the culture ministry in a small English-speaking country, and this fucking idiot didn't think I'd notice that the long and detailed email she sent me in response to a proposal I put to her had been written by an "AI" program. I ghosted her.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
Hang on, it's only 1314 and you're getting excited. And I'm not talking about Bannockburn.
Do you wish we were talking about Bannockburn?
I remember there was this, er, "documentary" a number of years back that ended with the immortal words:
"In the Year of our Lord 1314, patriots of Scotland - starving and outnumbered - charged the fields of Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets; they fought like Scotsmen, and won their freedom."
And for the "N"th time I have to ask: what does a warrior poet fight like? With quills? In iambic pentameter? What? How? Is parchment involved?
"Don't you see, Henry, the pen is mightier than the sword!"
"And also, Henry, the importance of getting your spaces as well as your commas just so."
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I can't find the actual survey/report, just the Times summary of, and reporting of, it. Has any kind person got a link to the survey/summary please?
Paywalls exist for a reason. Your consistent evasion of them, via links on here, is - quite seriously - inviting legal action against OGH and the site
@IanB2 lifts entire chunks of Andrew Rawnsley from the Guardian, but I guess that is forgiveable because Ian is a fool and the Guardian has no paywall, yet. The Times certainly does
It's odd that there has been no serious attempt at a take-down of archive.is, however hard it would be. I suppose newspapers can't agitate by writing stories about how awful it is because they don't want to tell their readers it exists.
(I share my mother's Times account. Am I going to Jail?)
Yes and probably no
But this IS serious advice to the site. A modestly prominent website like pb.com cannot constantly have people showing how to steal articles. Depriving the newspapers of money. Because stealing is what it is, just like someone pirating a Sky football broadcast
Contact is contact. If there is a cost, it is not real contact.
Speaking of hotels, and passed on entirely without comment, I'm planning a weekend in Cambridge and looking at my hotel chain of choice to find out the cost of parking, I note that the hotel mentions the "infamous University of Cambridge".
Consider how thankless this country was towards young people during COVID. Gen Z owes us nothing.
That's not to say the sacrifices young people made weren't necessary. Just that older generations should not have been such ungracious dicks about it. There remains an unpaid debt to young people.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
And exactly at the moment when real intelligence is disappearing down the drain, the term "artificial intelligence" is spreading like wildfire.
It's all about deskilling.
Recently I met an official online who runs the culture ministry in a small English-speaking country, and this fucking idiot didn't think I'd notice that the long and detailed email she sent me in response to a proposal I put to her had been written by an "AI" program. I ghosted her.
I said just before Trump took hold of the reins of power that I thought stuff wouldn't be too bad because they would get themselves into a mess, fall out with one another and not get much done and just hit the buffers.
I still think the first two will still happen but I was clearly wrong on the 'not getting much done'. I am surprised at the power he has (Well he appears to have but maybe doesn't, but is going for it anyway). And I am surprised at his energy (I was expecting a lot of golfing as before).
I still feel a little positive though. The stuff that gets really broken (and by the looks of it some stuff is going to get badly broken) will eventually have to be fixed and starting again is an opportunity to produce something that works a lot better. Putting it all right though is going to be expensive and won't be much consolation for all those that get hurt in the process.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
Woke = anything I don't like. Windows 11 is Woke.
Thats an unfair description. I think the danger (probably too strong a word) is that you start out trying to be nice to everyone, make people feel comfortable and happy and end up with someone with male genitalia who believes that they are a woman trying to get changed in a female changing room getting upset that other women object to them doing so.
The NHS case in Scotland? As my wife put it, the solution is changing cubicles. She hates open plan changing regardless of genitalia.
Hard to disagree - also no more women's and men's toilets - unisex is the way ahead. (Or the past - that was what I found in Auckland Uni in 1998...)
I was actually at said Uni in 1998 and have no recollection of unisex toilets.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
Woke = anything I don't like. Windows 11 is Woke.
Thats an unfair description. I think the danger (probably too strong a word) is that you start out trying to be nice to everyone, make people feel comfortable and happy and end up with someone with male genitalia who believes that they are a woman trying to get changed in a female changing room getting upset that other women object to them doing so.
The NHS case in Scotland? As my wife put it, the solution is changing cubicles. She hates open plan changing regardless of genitalia.
Hard to disagree - also no more women's and men's toilets - unisex is the way ahead. (Or the past - that was what I found in Auckland Uni in 1998...)
I was actually at said Uni in 1998 and have no recollection of unisex toilets.
It was in the Chemistry Department.
Since there were no women in the Chemistry Department, surely the gendering of toilets was, ahem, academic?
I myself stayed in the Liberal Arts, with occasional forays into Maths as a compulsory part of my Economics studies.
"Albanian criminal’s deportation halted over son’s distaste for chicken nuggets Evidence about child’s picky eating helps convince immigration tribunal that being forced to leave UK would be unduly harsh"
I read the article. The article itself says the judge laughed the nuggets thing out. But the rest of the article is pretty funny:
"The case centred on C’s “additional” needs, which were supported only by evidence from a trainee educational psychologist for whom, the court noted, no CV had been supplied, as well as evidence from a neighbour and a family friend. The court was told there was no formal diagnosis of special educational needs for the boy, but he did have an educational plan to deal with his “emotional regulation, independence; reading and writing.” Child has difficulties with socks Disha’s lawyers said that the needs of C, whose first language was Albanian, also included “sensory difficulties” with some clothing, such as socks in particular, and certain types of food which meant he would seize up and “refuse to do anything.”"
Ok, the part where the child of an Albanian in the UK since 2001 has Albanian as a first language isn't very funny.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
And exactly at the moment when real intelligence is disappearing down the drain, the term "artificial intelligence" is spreading like wildfire.
It's all about deskilling.
Recently I met an official online who runs the culture ministry in a small English-speaking country, and this fucking idiot didn't think I'd notice that the long and detailed email she sent me in response to a proposal I put to her had been written by an "AI" program. I ghosted her.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
And exactly at the moment when real intelligence is disappearing down the drain, the term "artificial intelligence" is spreading like wildfire.
For a historical parallel, see de-skilling in production.
Recently I met an official online who runs the culture ministry in a small English-speaking country, and this fucking idiot didn't think I'd notice that the long and detailed email she sent me in response to a proposal I put to her had been written by an "AI" program. I ghosted her.
Our Quality Manager, when assessing any customer change requests that come through, always gets AI to write his responses. Plenty have seen him do it. It is a bit of a joke at the moment
"Albanian criminal’s deportation halted over son’s distaste for chicken nuggets Evidence about child’s picky eating helps convince immigration tribunal that being forced to leave UK would be unduly harsh"
What the relevant part of the decision actually said:
" But considering the “Stay and Go” scenarios separately, we can only see in the decision a single example of why C could not go to Albania at [27]: “C will not eat the type of chicken nuggets that are available abroad”. We are not persuaded that the addition of this sole example approaches anywhere near the level of harshness for a reasonable judge to find it to be “unduly” so."
So, the appeal on this point was allowed and the matter was remitted to a different judge to determine whether or not C , who was born in this country and lived here his entire life, would be "unduly harshly" treated if he needed to go back to Albania with his dad or stay in the UK without him by his mum.
The decision of the judge at first instance was bizarre. The decision being reported is not.
On bat tunnels, jumping spiders and European Union Law, there are two main pieces of UK legislation that govern the protection of species, The Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981, and more importantly in a recent context (because we were still able to build things in the 80s and 90s), The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations of 2017.
Both were implemented in order to enshrine EU law, despite the fact that in 2017, we'd already voted to leave.
The Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 enshrined the Birds Directive and the Bern Convention into UK law. It was enacted primarily to implement these European Council Directives: 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds and the Bern Convention, which focuses on the conservation of wild flora and fauna and their natural habitats in Europe.
The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 implements guidelines from the European Union's Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) and the Wild Birds Directive (2009/147/EC) specifically within the UK context.
This regulation applies to anyone planning land or property development projects and requires compliance with strict parameters, such as conducting appropriate ecology surveys and obtaining a European Protected Species Licence (EPSL) when necessary.
It also mandates that any plan or project proposal affecting a European site must undergo a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) to ensure it does not significantly harm the designated features of the site.
The regulation is enforced by various organisations including the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), and Natural England, among others.
Hopefully this helps some PBers who have been in denial over this issue.
I did miss it on the previous thread and almost missed it here as well. If I had of done it would not have been intentional.
I appreciate the effort in you replying in detail. Most wouldn't.
a) As you point out we had left in 2017 so we are not implementing an EU law, but implementing our own law. Presumably because those in power (right or wrong) thought the EU law a good law to copy and implement. So this has nothing whatsoever to do with being in the EU. To argue otherwise is nut, because we didn't need to implement it and we did. Do we not implement laws that other countries have just because they have them? Really? I believe murder is against the law in most EU countries and it is against the law here as well. Shall we repeal it then because they have it? No of course not.
So we didn't have to implement it in 2017 and yet we did. So not a consequence of being in the EU then. It is not beyond us to implement bad laws (not that I know this is one) without having to blame the EU.
b) Now laws we implemented when we were in the EU (because I can't use the argument above on them) that you reference. Can you actually point out the 1981 EU wording and compare it to what we put into law and what you find reprehensible about it?
I'm sorry but as I pointed out before Boris tried this trick at the Treasury Select Committee and unfortunately for him when he quoted a bunch of these EU laws committee members were prepared for him and took him apart. A lot of it was on the rules on coffins I believe. This resulted in the famous quote which I can't be bothered to look up but paraphrasing:
'That is all very well Boris, but none of it is actually true is it'.
It is a committee meeting worth watching and is on the internet. Andrew Tyrie made the quote. Boris made a complete arse of himself on the very topic of us implementing EU laws.
We had voted to leave in 2016. We were still members of the EU until the 31st of January 2020. If you're arguing that the British state relished the gold-plating of EU law and always took a maximalist approach, I'd agree, but to claim that the adoption of this law, which was a requirement of member states, had nothing to do with the EU, as you have in bold, is simply absurd.
Thanks for that reply @Luckyguy1983. Good point, but it is not really absurd. We did not have to do it. Nobody was going to do anything about it if we didn't and why didn't we repeal it on leaving. I understand the irony of that point, as it is the one you are constantly making, but do you ever think why not? Why haven't we? Well because the vast majority of the EU laws, which make up only a very, very small percentage of our laws are sensible and ones we would implement ourselves independently.
Re gold plating - I agree.
Now come on, you have dealt with one of my points very well, so what about the rest? Answer them please.
Blaming the EU for £100m bat tunnel is a cop out. We have a whole host of idiots in the UK to blame for duff decisions and duff laws without having to blame French and German idiots. They were a convenient scapegoat while we were in the EU. Not anymore.
Have you seen Boris giving evidence to the committee? Not sure you would feel so confident in your position if you had. I highly recommend a viewing. Easy to find on the internet.
What on earth has Boris being caught with his rhetorical pants down (as you allege) got to do with the factual matters we're discussing? It may make you feel good, but it doesn't have any material bearing.
I am not 'blaming the EU' for the bat tunnel, but it is a fact that the bat tunnel was designed and built to comply with EU-devised species regulations of 2017 as enforced by Natural England. Yes, we could have done something else stupid if we didn't have those regulations, but we only got a vote to leave the EU, not to rid ourselves of all stupid people in authority.
Rather than rewatching Boris gotchas perhaps you should look into the very diligent and evidence-based work of the late Christopher Booker, who relentlessly catalogued how EU regulations were fucking up Britain (yes abetted by eager British agencies and politicians). Here’s a piece on disastrous flooding in Somerset, that was created as a result of a deliberate strategy of 'water storage' in flood plains, an implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=541009169425834&vanity=EUWater&slug=a.418560901670662
Having read the Directive, I can tell you that droughts in the summer and floods in the winter are not bugs, they are features. The overall bias of the document is strongly to rely on 'water saving measures' rather than building new infrastructure - in other words, alarm people about climate change and convince them that water (of all the absurd notions in the UK) is scarce. Or the opposite, make dredging a near impossibility and blame the resulting floods on climate change.
The EU was not alone in pursuing this approach - it is a broad internationalist approach that is seen across Western nations and has prevailed until recently in the US too. But the EU was a major source of such laws, and leaving remains an opportunity to choose a different future for the UK - that of a prosperous well-run country not an impoverished mediaeval inspired shithole.
Thanks again @Luckyguy1983 for your reply. Appreciated.
Re the Boris committee event it has everything to do with what we are discussing. It is almost identical to what we are discussing and I suggest you watch it.
Boris was doing exactly what you are doing. Sadly for him the cross party committee member knew the laws and dismantled his claims comprehensively.
I can see we are now going to get into Climate Change and I know you aren't a believer in that either so I am not going to go down that line. I appreciate that you won't be convinced.
It is not about being convinced or unconvinced by climate change, it is about the creation and enforcement of law that exacerbates its negative externalities, thus leading (I suppose) to more power being handed to the legislators to "deal" with what are effectively the results of their own activities.
We can show each other videos of both sides being 'schooled' by people on the other side of the debate who know more than they do. But we are dealing with the facts of these matters, and as I have shown, EU law is the basis for much of the wasteful and anti-growth decision making that Labour hypocritically rail against.
Just like the ECHR and whether leaving it will get rapists deported, getting rid of the EU has not transformed the UK in and of itself, but it is a necessary precondition for that transformation. I hope we won't need to have exactly this same debate again.
Speaking of hotels, and passed on entirely without comment, I'm planning a weekend in Cambridge and looking at my hotel chain of choice to find out the cost of parking, I note that the hotel mentions the "infamous University of Cambridge".
We visit Cambridge regularly as my son is doing his PhD there and his girlfriend is a fellow. Any recommendations you want feel free to ask. 22 is an excellent restaurant. Parking is a nightmare and hotels know it. If not staying in the centre the park and rides are good. Grantchester is good for a Sunday lunch and a lovely walk from the centre.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
And exactly at the moment when real intelligence is disappearing down the drain, the term "artificial intelligence" is spreading like wildfire.
It's all about deskilling.
Recently I met an official online who runs the culture ministry in a small English-speaking country, and this fucking idiot didn't think I'd notice that the long and detailed email she sent me in response to a proposal I put to her had been written by an "AI" program. I ghosted her.
I hope it wasn’t NZ.
No - it was in the Caribbean.
Most "English-speaking" Caribbean countries actually have populations that use Creole at home. The others, ie. St Lucia and Dominica, use French-based Creole at home.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
Woke = anything I don't like. Windows 11 is Woke.
Thats an unfair description. I think the danger (probably too strong a word) is that you start out trying to be nice to everyone, make people feel comfortable and happy and end up with someone with male genitalia who believes that they are a woman trying to get changed in a female changing room getting upset that other women object to them doing so.
The NHS case in Scotland? As my wife put it, the solution is changing cubicles. She hates open plan changing regardless of genitalia.
Hard to disagree - also no more women's and men's toilets - unisex is the way ahead. (Or the past - that was what I found in Auckland Uni in 1998...)
I was actually at said Uni in 1998 and have no recollection of unisex toilets.
It was in the Chemistry Department.
Since there were no women in the Chemistry Department, surely the gendering of toilets was, ahem, academic?
I myself stayed in the Liberal Arts, with occasional forays into Maths as a compulsory part of my Economics studies.
There most certainly were women in the chemistry department - not least Rae, one of the admin staff, who loved a chat across the cubicle divide. Most unnerving...
BTW - that's a odd comment about chemistry. When I did my UG degree in the early 1990's it was a pretty even split male to female, and seeing the chemists now at Bath it possibly even more than 50% female. I'm guessing you were making a joke, but its rather out of date!
"Albanian criminal’s deportation halted over son’s distaste for chicken nuggets Evidence about child’s picky eating helps convince immigration tribunal that being forced to leave UK would be unduly harsh"
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
And exactly at the moment when real intelligence is disappearing down the drain, the term "artificial intelligence" is spreading like wildfire.
It's all about deskilling.
Recently I met an official online who runs the culture ministry in a small English-speaking country, and this fucking idiot didn't think I'd notice that the long and detailed email she sent me in response to a proposal I put to her had been written by an "AI" program. I ghosted her.
I hope it wasn’t NZ.
No - it was in the Caribbean.
Most "English-speaking" Caribbean countries actually have populations that use Creole at home. The others, ie. St Lucia and Dominica, use French-based Creole at home.
Nearly all of them can speak standard English as well.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I think if they consume the kind of drivel that you put out, their IQs would definitely plunge.
Personally, I am quite optimistic about the younger generation. Previously older generations have always had their Daily Express reading versions of @Leon: miserable, moaning negative old failures who wish to psychologically project their disappointments in life on those that are younger them. It is driven by envy. Envy of youth and beauty, the latter of which they probably never had and the former passed them by without them realising its joy.
I hold no brief for Leon, but he is a successful flint knapper by any standards, and seems to have two well-adjusted clever kids who are doing well, which I think qualifies him as very much not a failure. As for moaning and negative, motes and beams spring to mind.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
The Headmaster sounds like a cretin.
If you don't mind saying, @Casino_Royale, are you looking to stay in the independent sector? Becasue what you're describing doesn't sound like the sort of thing that many state schools would have the energy, headspace or freedom to go all-in on. Whereas indies are much more prisoners of their target market, many of whom are more than a bit daft.
I'm inclined to think that Trump is stuck in his own addled imagination from about the 1970s.
His policies (leaving aside all the damage he is doing to rule of law, international reputation and influence, US economy, building a future, US security and the rest) are focused resolutely on the past.
His energy policies are pre-renewables, focused on fossil fuels - 1970s, Since the 1970s UK demand for oil has approximately halved for example, unlike the USA. One of our reasons for continuing a rapid pivot to renewables is a greater degree self-protection from the lobotomised elephant which is now the USA.
His social policies eg around women as second class citizens are 1950s or maybe 1920s.
His policies around race go back even further.
His international and economic policies are based on an imaginary version of the 1890s, when William Randolph Hearst could foment a war by fake media coverage and the Goverment would follow through.
A future will not be created by racing backwards.
I believe when Khrushev said to Nixon in the late 1950s, that the Soviet Union would 'bury' them (The USA), he was right.
By the 1980s, the Soviet Union produced (tractor stats not withstanding) the most steel, the most concrete in the world.
But the world had moved on. They didn't want concrete or steel then. They wanted electronics, and silicon valley would happily provide. The Soviets lost because they stayed the same.
Trump will lose even worse because he wants to go backwards.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I can't find the actual survey/report, just the Times summary of, and reporting of, it. Has any kind person got a link to the survey/summary please?
Paywalls exist for a reason. Your consistent evasion of them, via links on here, is - quite seriously - inviting legal action against OGH and the site
@IanB2 lifts entire chunks of Andrew Rawnsley from the Guardian, but I guess that is forgiveable because Ian is a fool and the Guardian has no paywall, yet. The Times certainly does
It's odd that there has been no serious attempt at a take-down of archive.is, however hard it would be. I suppose newspapers can't agitate by writing stories about how awful it is because they don't want to tell their readers it exists.
(I share my mother's Times account. Am I going to Jail?)
Yes and probably no
But this IS serious advice to the site. A modestly prominent website like pb.com cannot constantly have people showing how to steal articles. Depriving the newspapers of money. Because stealing is what it is, just like someone pirating a Sky football broadcast
The most serious legal letters OGH has ever received was from The Times when Plato was copying and pasting dozens of articles from The Times on a daily basis after they went behind a paywall.
You make a fair point about this and I guess we'll have to ban those archive links.
Sentence has now been passed in the extraordinary and completely inexplicable Vickers murder case which got discussed here a few days ago (apparently pretty normal father stabs young daughter to death for no reason at all). The one interesting new fact is that the defendant has a 30 years ago previous for wounding with intent, using a knife.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I think if they consume the kind of drivel that you put out, their IQs would definitely plunge.
Personally, I am quite optimistic about the younger generation. Previously older generations have always had their Daily Express reading versions of @Leon: miserable, moaning negative old failures who wish to psychologically project their disappointments in life on those that are younger them. It is driven by envy. Envy of youth and beauty, the latter of which they probably never had and the former passed them by without them realising its joy.
Without bussing my own horn section into Abbey Road Studios if I am a “failure” then fuck knows what constitutes a success in your eyes!
I’ve had a wonderful life (and I still am having such) mostly on other people’s money. Travelling the world in high style. I’ve made millions (and spent them on young women), I’ve fucked myself half to death on too many lovers to count. I’ve been in prison and I’ve slept in palaces etc etc etc blah blah
If my two daughters get to have half the fun and success I’ve had - ten percent even - I will be utterly delighted
My fear is that the world has grown colder, for them, for us all. I hope I am wrong, obvs
Speaking of hotels, and passed on entirely without comment, I'm planning a weekend in Cambridge and looking at my hotel chain of choice to find out the cost of parking, I note that the hotel mentions the "infamous University of Cambridge".
We visit Cambridge regularly as my son is doing his PhD there and his girlfriend is a fellow. Any recommendations you want feel free to ask. 22 is an excellent restaurant. Parking is a nightmare and hotels know it. If not staying in the centre the park and rides are good. Grantchester is good for a Sunday lunch and a lovely walk from the centre.
In particular, a Sunday morning cream tea in the deckchairs at the Orchard at Grantchester is perhaps the most middle-class thing in existence. Upper middle-class if you got there by punt.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
Hampshire must be a lot more woke than Lewisham. Maybe we need to move there!
What to you may sound like a bad idea could well be exactly what other parents (say Indian) want to here...
Indeed. I wonder whether some private schools may sound more "woke" because they are trying to attract a foreign parent base. FWIW I don't want my kids' school to teach them that the British Empire was great or that it was evil. I'd like it to teach them the critical reasoning skills to understand both sides of the argument and come to their own conclusions.
It's fairly obvious, from various accounts on this forum over the years, that it's private schools rather than state schools that are spreading the woke mind virus. Unimpeded by the National Curriculum, the private sector is free to pollute young minds with anti-patriotic woke bilge.
The solution is clear. VAT on school fees is not enough. Close down the entire private school sector and free our kids of woke indoctrination.
Not true, the most wokeism is generally found in state comps and to some extent academies, less so in free schools and grammars and private schools, even if growing a bit in the latter. Even less than that in Roman Catholic, Muslim and Jewish schools, including state schools and a bit less in C of E schools
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I wouldnt pay too much attention to this kind of polling. Were Britain actually attacked by some foreign power, I think the national mood would change entirely. Look at Ukraine where previously a lot of people were sympathetic to Russia, but the horrors of war have changed everything. Not everyone would be keen to fight/risk their lives, but it would be far more than 10% who would defend their families, homes etc.
"Throughout England people, especially elderly people, were thoroughly shocked." They need not have worried.
Thanks for posting, a fascinating look back and a reminder of how these kinds of debates are nothing new - right down to the hyperbolic overreaction of the Tory press!
Thanks for your thanks! Though I am not sure that hyperbole is exclusive preserve of "the Tory press"
I often think of this event in history as the greatest repost to any old fart who moans about young people. My father (RIP) lived through those times and often would quote it if people started saying "young people today". I don't know whether it was true, but he used to say that all those who voted in favour of the motion "were in khaki by 1939".
(note to pedants: yes there was conscription in 1939, but the point is well made nonetheless)
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
Might I point you to the previous information about births in the UK and particularly London.
London remained the region with the greatest proportion of births to parents where either one or both were born outside of the UK (67.4% of live births).
These are the British workers of the future. Their parents are overwhelmingly here by invitation to live their lives. They won't have an Anglocentric view of life and they are likely to have some family knowledge of colonialism. So would you prefer schools to indoctrinate 'values' or educate.
Demographics shape the future. Geography shapes our present trade arrangements. Everything else is shouting at clouds.
Speaking of hotels, and passed on entirely without comment, I'm planning a weekend in Cambridge and looking at my hotel chain of choice to find out the cost of parking, I note that the hotel mentions the "infamous University of Cambridge".
We visit Cambridge regularly as my son is doing his PhD there and his girlfriend is a fellow. Any recommendations you want feel free to ask. 22 is an excellent restaurant. Parking is a nightmare and hotels know it. If not staying in the centre the park and rides are good. Grantchester is good for a Sunday lunch and a lovely walk from the centre.
Thanks, but it's decidedly not a luxury trip My chain of choice is Holiday Inn Express. 90% of the time I'm in the hotel I'll be asleep so I see no benefit in paying extra for a better place, and I don't need to worry about paying extra for breakfast.
It's 45 minutes walk from the main place I'm going to, so I'll just the leave the car at the hotel for a couple of days (£10 total).
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
Might I point you to the previous information about births in the UK and particularly London.
London remained the region with the greatest proportion of births to parents where either one or both were born outside of the UK (67.4% of live births).
These are the British workers of the future. Their parents are overwhelmingly here by invitation to live their lives. They won't have an Anglocentric view of life and they are likely to have some family knowledge of colonialism. So would you prefer schools to indoctrinate 'values' or educate.
Demographics shape the future. Geography shapes our present trade arrangements. Everything else is shouting at clouds.
London of course also has a Reform vote well below the UK average in most polls, voted for Corbyn in 2017 and 2019 and comfortably rejected Brexit in 2016.
London is a different country culturally to the rest of the UK now as well as being more expensive
Speaking of hotels, and passed on entirely without comment, I'm planning a weekend in Cambridge and looking at my hotel chain of choice to find out the cost of parking, I note that the hotel mentions the "infamous University of Cambridge".
We visit Cambridge regularly as my son is doing his PhD there and his girlfriend is a fellow. Any recommendations you want feel free to ask. 22 is an excellent restaurant. Parking is a nightmare and hotels know it. If not staying in the centre the park and rides are good. Grantchester is good for a Sunday lunch and a lovely walk from the centre.
In particular, a Sunday morning cream tea in the deckchairs at the Orchard at Grantchester is perhaps the most middle-class thing in existence. Upper middle-class if you got there by punt.
Jeffrey Archer got everywhere by punt, including Grantchester.
Speaking of hotels, and passed on entirely without comment, I'm planning a weekend in Cambridge and looking at my hotel chain of choice to find out the cost of parking, I note that the hotel mentions the "infamous University of Cambridge".
We visit Cambridge regularly as my son is doing his PhD there and his girlfriend is a fellow. Any recommendations you want feel free to ask. 22 is an excellent restaurant. Parking is a nightmare and hotels know it. If not staying in the centre the park and rides are good. Grantchester is good for a Sunday lunch and a lovely walk from the centre.
In particular, a Sunday morning cream tea in the deckchairs at the Orchard at Grantchester is perhaps the most middle-class thing in existence. Upper middle-class if you got there by punt.
Jeffrey Archer got everywhere by punt, including Grantchester.
Archer was an Oxford man, no wonder he fitted in well there.
"Albanian criminal’s deportation halted over son’s distaste for chicken nuggets Evidence about child’s picky eating helps convince immigration tribunal that being forced to leave UK would be unduly harsh"
Basically, the lower tribunal said he can stay, but this was overturned at the next level up:-
The judge, David Merrigan, said the only example of why the boy could not go to Albania was that he “will not eat the type of chicken nuggets that are available abroad”.
“We are not persuaded that the addition of this sole example approaches anywhere near the level of harshness for a reasonable judge to find it to be ‘unduly’ so,” he said.
"Albanian criminal’s deportation halted over son’s distaste for chicken nuggets Evidence about child’s picky eating helps convince immigration tribunal that being forced to leave UK would be unduly harsh"
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
Hampshire must be a lot more woke than Lewisham. Maybe we need to move there!
What to you may sound like a bad idea could well be exactly what other parents (say Indian) want to here...
Indeed. I wonder whether some private schools may sound more "woke" because they are trying to attract a foreign parent base. FWIW I don't want my kids' school to teach them that the British Empire was great or that it was evil. I'd like it to teach them the critical reasoning skills to understand both sides of the argument and come to their own conclusions.
It's fairly obvious, from various accounts on this forum over the years, that it's private schools rather than state schools that are spreading the woke mind virus. Unimpeded by the National Curriculum, the private sector is free to pollute young minds with anti-patriotic woke bilge.
The solution is clear. VAT on school fees is not enough. Close down the entire private school sector and free our kids of woke indoctrination.
Not true, the most wokeism is generally found in state comps and to some extent academies, less so in free schools and grammars and private schools, even if growing a bit in the latter. Even less than that in Roman Catholic, Muslim and Jewish schools, including state schools and a bit less in C of E schools
Since when did you become on Ofsted inspector as unless you are I would love to know how you know what is taught in schools on a typical day
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I can't find the actual survey/report, just the Times summary of, and reporting of, it. Has any kind person got a link to the survey/summary please?
Paywalls exist for a reason. Your consistent evasion of them, via links on here, is - quite seriously - inviting legal action against OGH and the site
@IanB2 lifts entire chunks of Andrew Rawnsley from the Guardian, but I guess that is forgiveable because Ian is a fool and the Guardian has no paywall, yet. The Times certainly does
It's odd that there has been no serious attempt at a take-down of archive.is, however hard it would be. I suppose newspapers can't agitate by writing stories about how awful it is because they don't want to tell their readers it exists.
(I share my mother's Times account. Am I going to Jail?)
Yes and probably no
But this IS serious advice to the site. A modestly prominent website like pb.com cannot constantly have people showing how to steal articles. Depriving the newspapers of money. Because stealing is what it is, just like someone pirating a Sky football broadcast
The most serious legal letters OGH has ever received was from The Times when Plato was copying and pasting dozens of articles from The Times on a daily basis after they went behind a paywall.
You make a fair point about this and I guess we'll have to ban those archive links.
Yes, this is sincere and well-informed advice. The newspapers are really onto this and don’t take it lightly. If PB was a private WhatsApp group fair enough, but it is public and blatant and you don’t want to be the site they choose to make en example of, pour encourager les autres
A link to that archiv site will get you warned then banned from some subreddits I know, for exactly that reason
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I wouldnt pay too much attention to this kind of polling. Were Britain actually attacked by some foreign power, I think the national mood would change entirely. Look at Ukraine where previously a lot of people were sympathetic to Russia, but the horrors of war have changed everything. Not everyone would be keen to fight/risk their lives, but it would be far more than 10% who would defend their families, homes etc.
"Throughout England people, especially elderly people, were thoroughly shocked." They need not have worried.
Thanks for posting, a fascinating look back and a reminder of how these kinds of debates are nothing new - right down to the hyperbolic overreaction of the Tory press!
Thanks for your thanks! Though I am not sure that hyperbole is exclusive preserve of "the Tory press"
I often think of this event in history as the greatest repost to any old fart who moans about young people. My father (RIP) lived through those times and often would quote it if people started saying "young people today". I don't know whether it was true, but he used to say that all those who voted in favour of the motion "were in khaki by 1939".
(note to pedants: yes there was conscription in 1939, but the point is well made nonetheless)
Quite a few of them would have been "public school" boys and from the more Greyfriars-impersonating grammars - so already through the OTC mill, and a prime target for officer cadet training/TA/RAFVR/RNVR signing up in 1938-9, and reservists in khaki/blue, even while still in civilian life.
But I've never been so sure about the debate myself. Didn't the Union have a tradition of valuing debating skills? It might have been that the one side was simply better at debating than the other never mind the topic in debate. And so much the better if it epated the bourgeoisie and the DM. I seem to remember a staunch defender of the Elgin Marbles inviting Ms Mercouri to the Union to argue for their return when he was convener there.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
Might I point you to the previous information about births in the UK and particularly London.
London remained the region with the greatest proportion of births to parents where either one or both were born outside of the UK (67.4% of live births).
These are the British workers of the future. Their parents are overwhelmingly here by invitation to live their lives. They won't have an Anglocentric view of life and they are likely to have some family knowledge of colonialism. So would you prefer schools to indoctrinate 'values' or educate.
Demographics shape the future. Geography shapes our present trade arrangements. Everything else is shouting at clouds.
London of course also has a Reform vote well below the UK average in most polls, voted for Corbyn in 2017 and 2019 and comfortably rejected Brexit in 2016.
London is a different country culturally to the rest of the UK now as well as being more expensive
Now? I think your last sentence would apply for at least the last millennium.
Speaking of hotels, and passed on entirely without comment, I'm planning a weekend in Cambridge and looking at my hotel chain of choice to find out the cost of parking, I note that the hotel mentions the "infamous University of Cambridge".
We visit Cambridge regularly as my son is doing his PhD there and his girlfriend is a fellow. Any recommendations you want feel free to ask. 22 is an excellent restaurant. Parking is a nightmare and hotels know it. If not staying in the centre the park and rides are good. Grantchester is good for a Sunday lunch and a lovely walk from the centre.
In particular, a Sunday morning cream tea in the deckchairs at the Orchard at Grantchester is perhaps the most middle-class thing in existence. Upper middle-class if you got there by punt.
Jeffrey Archer got everywhere by punt, including Grantchester.
Archer was an Oxford man, no wonder he fitted in well there.
Well he did a Diploma in Education at Oxford as a mature student
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
Might I point you to the previous information about births in the UK and particularly London.
London remained the region with the greatest proportion of births to parents where either one or both were born outside of the UK (67.4% of live births).
These are the British workers of the future. Their parents are overwhelmingly here by invitation to live their lives. They won't have an Anglocentric view of life and they are likely to have some family knowledge of colonialism. So would you prefer schools to indoctrinate 'values' or educate.
Demographics shape the future. Geography shapes our present trade arrangements. Everything else is shouting at clouds.
London of course also has a Reform vote well below the UK average in most polls, voted for Corbyn in 2017 and 2019 and comfortably rejected Brexit in 2016.
London is a different country culturally to the rest of the UK now as well as being more expensive
Now? I think your last sentence would apply for at least the last millennium.
Two millennia. Essex too. The Brits certainly thought so in AD60-61.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I think if they consume the kind of drivel that you put out, their IQs would definitely plunge.
Personally, I am quite optimistic about the younger generation. Previously older generations have always had their Daily Express reading versions of @Leon: miserable, moaning negative old failures who wish to psychologically project their disappointments in life on those that are younger them. It is driven by envy. Envy of youth and beauty, the latter of which they probably never had and the former passed them by without them realising its joy.
I hold no brief for Leon, but he is a successful flint knapper by any standards, and seems to have two well-adjusted clever kids who are doing well, which I think qualifies him as very much not a failure. As for moaning and negative, motes and beams spring to mind.
I guessed you missed the irony of me putting Leon into a broad generalisation. It was a response to statement of crassness that was outstanding (not in a good way) even by his hyperbolic standards.
Speaking of hotels, and passed on entirely without comment, I'm planning a weekend in Cambridge and looking at my hotel chain of choice to find out the cost of parking, I note that the hotel mentions the "infamous University of Cambridge".
We visit Cambridge regularly as my son is doing his PhD there and his girlfriend is a fellow. Any recommendations you want feel free to ask. 22 is an excellent restaurant. Parking is a nightmare and hotels know it. If not staying in the centre the park and rides are good. Grantchester is good for a Sunday lunch and a lovely walk from the centre.
Thanks, but it's decidedly not a luxury trip My chain of choice is Holiday Inn Express. 90% of the time I'm in the hotel I'll be asleep so I see no benefit in paying extra for a better place, and I don't need to worry about paying extra for breakfast.
It's 45 minutes walk from the main place I'm going to, so I'll just the leave the car at the hotel for a couple of days (£10 total).
In the old days when I was a regular business traveller my hotel of, well it can hardly be called choice more compulsion, was Premier Inn or Holiday Inn Express. Both fine at what they set out to do.
When I was contracting away from home and paying for it myself it was always a cheap Travelodge. £9.50 a night, cannot go wrong.
I'm inclined to think that Trump is stuck in his own addled imagination from about the 1970s.
His policies (leaving aside all the damage he is doing to rule of law, international reputation and influence, US economy, building a future, US security and the rest) are focused resolutely on the past.
His energy policies are pre-renewables, focused on fossil fuels - 1970s, Since the 1970s UK demand for oil has approximately halved for example, unlike the USA. One of our reasons for continuing a rapid pivot to renewables is a greater degree self-protection from the lobotomised elephant which is now the USA.
His social policies eg around women as second class citizens are 1950s or maybe 1920s.
His policies around race go back even further.
His international and economic policies are based on an imaginary version of the 1890s, when William Randolph Hearst could foment a war by fake media coverage and the Goverment would follow through.
A future will not be created by racing backwards.
I believe when Khrushev said to Nixon in the late 1950s, that the Soviet Union would 'bury' them (The USA), he was right.
By the 1980s, the Soviet Union produced (tractor stats not withstanding) the most steel, the most concrete in the world.
But the world had moved on. They didn't want concrete or steel then. They wanted electronics, and silicon valley would happily provide. The Soviets lost because they stayed the same.
Trump will lose even worse because he wants to go backwards.
By your own analysis Trump is winning and will win because the Left are staying the same. Starmer is not the future he is a distopian view of the 1970s like Tony Crosland and the hard left wanted it to be.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I can't find the actual survey/report, just the Times summary of, and reporting of, it. Has any kind person got a link to the survey/summary please?
Paywalls exist for a reason. Your consistent evasion of them, via links on here, is - quite seriously - inviting legal action against OGH and the site
@IanB2 lifts entire chunks of Andrew Rawnsley from the Guardian, but I guess that is forgiveable because Ian is a fool and the Guardian has no paywall, yet. The Times certainly does
It's odd that there has been no serious attempt at a take-down of archive.is, however hard it would be. I suppose newspapers can't agitate by writing stories about how awful it is because they don't want to tell their readers it exists.
(I share my mother's Times account. Am I going to Jail?)
Yes and probably no
But this IS serious advice to the site. A modestly prominent website like pb.com cannot constantly have people showing how to steal articles. Depriving the newspapers of money. Because stealing is what it is, just like someone pirating a Sky football broadcast
I have hinted several times that using that site on here isn't a good idea.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I can't find the actual survey/report, just the Times summary of, and reporting of, it. Has any kind person got a link to the survey/summary please?
Paywalls exist for a reason. Your consistent evasion of them, via links on here, is - quite seriously - inviting legal action against OGH and the site
@IanB2 lifts entire chunks of Andrew Rawnsley from the Guardian, but I guess that is forgiveable because Ian is a fool and the Guardian has no paywall, yet. The Times certainly does
It's odd that there has been no serious attempt at a take-down of archive.is, however hard it would be. I suppose newspapers can't agitate by writing stories about how awful it is because they don't want to tell their readers it exists.
(I share my mother's Times account. Am I going to Jail?)
Archive sites are often used on discussion forums like reddit, and were iirc a recentish concession from papers. It may be they are seen as a form of advertising. Certainly I subscribed to the Telegraph as a result of Plato (RIP) posting so many links on pb.
One thing that does annoy me is Lord Rothermere's organ extracting the urine. It has recently added a new paywall that blocks people who have already paid for the previous, cheaper paywall.
Even the Racing Post now demands registration just for its free content. The whole thing is several hundred pounds a year!
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
The Headmaster sounds like a cretin.
If you don't mind saying, @Casino_Royale, are you looking to stay in the independent sector? Becasue what you're describing doesn't sound like the sort of thing that many state schools would have the energy, headspace or freedom to go all-in on. Whereas indies are much more prisoners of their target market, many of whom are more than a bit daft.
I increasingly wonder if it's worth it.
Didn’t Charles - ex of this ‘ere parish - rescue his kid from a private school for exactly this reason? Too much Wokery?
The irony is that Wokeness is now in headlong retreat in America, a retreat that might easily turn into a rout, yet it still thrives in the UK
A reckoning and a revolution is coming, in Blighty too (as ever we are 5 years behind the USA) but it might not come in time to help your kids
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I wouldnt pay too much attention to this kind of polling. Were Britain actually attacked by some foreign power, I think the national mood would change entirely. Look at Ukraine where previously a lot of people were sympathetic to Russia, but the horrors of war have changed everything. Not everyone would be keen to fight/risk their lives, but it would be far more than 10% who would defend their families, homes etc.
"Throughout England people, especially elderly people, were thoroughly shocked." They need not have worried.
Thanks for posting, a fascinating look back and a reminder of how these kinds of debates are nothing new - right down to the hyperbolic overreaction of the Tory press!
Thanks for your thanks! Though I am not sure that hyperbole is exclusive preserve of "the Tory press"
I often think of this event in history as the greatest repost to any old fart who moans about young people. My father (RIP) lived through those times and often would quote it if people started saying "young people today". I don't know whether it was true, but he used to say that all those who voted in favour of the motion "were in khaki by 1939".
(note to pedants: yes there was conscription in 1939, but the point is well made nonetheless)
Quite a few of them would have been "public school" boys and from the more Greyfriars-impersonating grammars - so already through the OTC mill, and a prime target for officer cadet training/TA/RAFVR/RNVR signing up in 1938-9, and reservists in khaki/blue, even while still in civilian life.
But I've never been so sure about the debate myself. Didn't the Union have a tradition of valuing debating skills? It might have been that the one side was simply better at debating than the other never mind the topic in debate. And so much the better if it epated the bourgeoisie and the DM. I seem to remember a staunch defender of the Elgin Marbles inviting Ms Mercouri to the Union to argue for their return when he was convener there.
PS Richard Hillary, the Spitfire pilot in the Battle of Britain where he was dreadfully wounded, was one of the pro-motion people.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
Might I point you to the previous information about births in the UK and particularly London.
London remained the region with the greatest proportion of births to parents where either one or both were born outside of the UK (67.4% of live births).
These are the British workers of the future. Their parents are overwhelmingly here by invitation to live their lives. They won't have an Anglocentric view of life and they are likely to have some family knowledge of colonialism. So would you prefer schools to indoctrinate 'values' or educate.
Demographics shape the future. Geography shapes our present trade arrangements. Everything else is shouting at clouds.
London of course also has a Reform vote well below the UK average in most polls, voted for Corbyn in 2017 and 2019 and comfortably rejected Brexit in 2016.
London is a different country culturally to the rest of the UK now as well as being more expensive
And yet 78% of Londoners in 2021 still report English as their main language (myself included), only 22% have another language as their main language.
Interestingly, 78% is the same % as the USA as a whole at their 2020 Census.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I wouldnt pay too much attention to this kind of polling. Were Britain actually attacked by some foreign power, I think the national mood would change entirely. Look at Ukraine where previously a lot of people were sympathetic to Russia, but the horrors of war have changed everything. Not everyone would be keen to fight/risk their lives, but it would be far more than 10% who would defend their families, homes etc.
"Throughout England people, especially elderly people, were thoroughly shocked." They need not have worried.
Thanks for posting, a fascinating look back and a reminder of how these kinds of debates are nothing new - right down to the hyperbolic overreaction of the Tory press!
Thanks for your thanks! Though I am not sure that hyperbole is exclusive preserve of "the Tory press"
I often think of this event in history as the greatest repost to any old fart who moans about young people. My father (RIP) lived through those times and often would quote it if people started saying "young people today". I don't know whether it was true, but he used to say that all those who voted in favour of the motion "were in khaki by 1939".
(note to pedants: yes there was conscription in 1939, but the point is well made nonetheless)
Quite a few of them would have been "public school" boys and from the more Greyfriars-impersonating grammars - so already through the OTC mill, and a prime target for officer cadet training/TA/RAFVR/RNVR signing up in 1938-9, and reservists in khaki/blue, even while still in civilian life.
But I've never been so sure about the debate myself. Didn't the Union have a tradition of valuing debating skills? It might have been that the one side was simply better at debating than the other never mind the topic in debate. And so much the better if it epated the bourgeoisie and the DM. I seem to remember a staunch defender of the Elgin Marbles inviting Ms Mercouri to the Union to argue for their return when he was convener there.
Yes, I have also wondered the same. The debate could have been "won" simply by the superior debating skills of the proposer/opposer.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I thought GenZ were more right wing? I lose track.
It's complicated, they are very right wing on some things, very woke on others.
For example they would use fascist strategies to ensure transgender people got their full rights.
And, interestingly, fewer here would be willing to marry someone of another race than in 2004.
It's a generation that just isn't thinking.
Hey, I am doing my bit to marry people of other races.
It really worries me.
It's a mixture of dogma, intolerance, and stubborn certitude - with an astonishing lack of self-reflection or perspective.
A generation that could swing in any direction and be just as intractable about it and not open to reason.
The thing I've found striking a lot with my friends/colleagues in Gen Z is just how implacably opposed to marriage in any form.
They'd rather spend the money on the here and now/saving up for a deposit.
Marriage (I assume you actually mean the wedding?) doesn't have to cost that much. Ours cost a few thousand and we had it at the local pub (decent sized function room, 50 guests). Attended another with just the couple and four guests. My prejudice suggests that the more money is spent on the wedding, the less chance their is of the marriage lasting.
Divorce is more expensive than marriage, usually .
It certainly is (in my case, allowing for inflation, about 20 times as expensive). I won't be making that mistake again, and my daughters are clear they aren't going to make that mistake for the first time.
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I wouldnt pay too much attention to this kind of polling. Were Britain actually attacked by some foreign power, I think the national mood would change entirely. Look at Ukraine where previously a lot of people were sympathetic to Russia, but the horrors of war have changed everything. Not everyone would be keen to fight/risk their lives, but it would be far more than 10% who would defend their families, homes etc.
"Throughout England people, especially elderly people, were thoroughly shocked." They need not have worried.
Thanks for posting, a fascinating look back and a reminder of how these kinds of debates are nothing new - right down to the hyperbolic overreaction of the Tory press!
Thanks for your thanks! Though I am not sure that hyperbole is exclusive preserve of "the Tory press"
I often think of this event in history as the greatest repost to any old fart who moans about young people. My father (RIP) lived through those times and often would quote it if people started saying "young people today". I don't know whether it was true, but he used to say that all those who voted in favour of the motion "were in khaki by 1939".
(note to pedants: yes there was conscription in 1939, but the point is well made nonetheless)
Quite a few of them would have been "public school" boys and from the more Greyfriars-impersonating grammars - so already through the OTC mill, and a prime target for officer cadet training/TA/RAFVR/RNVR signing up in 1938-9, and reservists in khaki/blue, even while still in civilian life.
But I've never been so sure about the debate myself. Didn't the Union have a tradition of valuing debating skills? It might have been that the one side was simply better at debating than the other never mind the topic in debate. And so much the better if it epated the bourgeoisie and the DM. I seem to remember a staunch defender of the Elgin Marbles inviting Ms Mercouri to the Union to argue for their return when he was convener there.
Remember the historical context. 15 years after the war to end all wars. A land fit for heroes beset by depression and hunger marchers. Remember too even the Conservative government would oppose rearmament on the scale demanded by Winston Churchill. If you think Britain is broken now, the 30s say hold my beer.
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
The search continues for a school that will teach the kids what a good thing colonialism is ...
This is what happens when you allow leftist ideology to capture educational institutions, brainwash a generation and teach them their country is evil.
They're not learning this in school.
Oh, they are.
They certainly are.
My kids go/went to school in ultra woke Lewisham and they're learning about the Blitz and the Tudors the same as everyone else. They are taught the national curriculum, which is not very woke. The idea that the state education sector is an incubator for the woke mind virus seems to be held in inverse proportion to people's actual experience of it.
I have kids at school now. Only on Friday we attended a school open day (we are looking at alternatives) where the Headmaster addressed the parents and prided himself that his school didn't teach an "anglocentric" view of the world and will focus on the "toxic legacy of colonialism".
This shit is everywhere, it's endemic, pernicious and extremely dangerous.
The Headmaster sounds like a cretin.
If you don't mind saying, @Casino_Royale, are you looking to stay in the independent sector? Becasue what you're describing doesn't sound like the sort of thing that many state schools would have the energy, headspace or freedom to go all-in on. Whereas indies are much more prisoners of their target market, many of whom are more than a bit daft.
I increasingly wonder if it's worth it.
Didn’t Charles - ex of this ‘ere parish - rescue his kid from a private school for exactly this reason? Too much Wokery?
The irony is that Wokeness is now in headlong retreat in America, a retreat that might easily turn into a rout, yet it still thrives in the UK
A reckoning and a revolution is coming, in Blighty too (as ever we are 5 years behind the USA) but it might not come in time to help your kids
A Farage led government like the Trump led government the US has would certainly try and rout wokeism but we are still some way from that
Half of Generation Z think that Britain is a racist country and only a tenth would risk their lives to defend it in a war, landmark research for The Times has shown:
I can't find the actual survey/report, just the Times summary of, and reporting of, it. Has any kind person got a link to the survey/summary please?
Paywalls exist for a reason. Your consistent evasion of them, via links on here, is - quite seriously - inviting legal action against OGH and the site
I am not cut-and-pasting copyrighted material. I am informing the readership that it exists elsewhere and telling them where it can be found. Since they already know the locations of archives and nitters, I am merely facilitating a legal activity on their behalf, and I remind you that if is legal for person X to do a thing, then it is (generally speaking) legal for another person to do it on their behalf.
Of course if the mods want to stop me (pub rules) that is fine, but if they do then they would instantiate a class division between nepobabies with more money than penis and hardworking tech professionals who cannot afford an infinite amount of subscriptions, thereby reducing PB to the signal/noise ratio of the dumbest reactionary
I think there would be a huge amount of fascinating, mind-expanding, and stimulating content in a course which has at its core "the toxic legacy of colonialism".
Not least to puncture the exceptionalism of many in this country who might, incidentally, but centrally to the premise, bridle at the topic.
But why not look at the legacy of colonialism in the round, rather than the toxic legacy?
What other historical subjects have we predetermined the verdict on before we even teach them? The toxic legacy of Elizabeth I? The toxic legacy of the Romans? The toxic legacy of the Industrial Revolution? The toxic legacy of the Smoot Hawley Tariff Act?
It is a cretinously ahistorical approach, which is how we can tell it is propaganda by grifters.
But this IS serious advice to the site. A modestly prominent website like pb.com cannot constantly have people showing how to steal articles. Depriving the newspapers of money. Because stealing is what it is, just like someone pirating a Sky football broadcast
Not least to puncture the exceptionalism of many in this country who might, incidentally, but centrally to the premise, bridle at the topic.
The solution is clear. VAT on school fees is not enough. Close down the entire private school sector and free our kids of woke indoctrination.
Personally, I am quite optimistic about the younger generation. Previously older generations have always had their Daily Express reading versions of @Leon: miserable, moaning negative old failures who wish to psychologically project their disappointments in life on those that are younger them. It is driven by envy. Envy of youth and beauty, the latter of which they probably never had and the former passed them by without them realising its joy.
For a historical parallel, see de-skilling in production.
Recently I met an official online who runs the culture ministry in a small English-speaking country, and this fucking idiot didn't think I'd notice that the long and detailed email she sent me in response to a proposal I put to her had been written by an "AI" program. I ghosted her.
That's not to say the sacrifices young people made weren't necessary. Just that older generations should not have been such ungracious dicks about it. There remains an unpaid debt to young people.
I still think the first two will still happen but I was clearly wrong on the 'not getting much done'. I am surprised at the power he has (Well he appears to have but maybe doesn't, but is going for it anyway). And I am surprised at his energy (I was expecting a lot of golfing as before).
I still feel a little positive though. The stuff that gets really broken (and by the looks of it some stuff is going to get badly broken) will eventually have to be fixed and starting again is an opportunity to produce something that works a lot better. Putting it all right though is going to be expensive and won't be much consolation for all those that get hurt in the process.
I myself stayed in the Liberal Arts, with occasional forays into Maths as a compulsory part of my Economics studies.
"The case centred on C’s “additional” needs, which were supported only by evidence from a trainee educational psychologist for whom, the court noted, no CV had been supplied, as well as evidence from a neighbour and a family friend.
The court was told there was no formal diagnosis of special educational needs for the boy, but he did have an educational plan to deal with his “emotional regulation, independence; reading and writing.”
Child has difficulties with socks
Disha’s lawyers said that the needs of C, whose first language was Albanian, also included “sensory difficulties” with some clothing, such as socks in particular, and certain types of food which meant he would seize up and “refuse to do anything.”"
Ok, the part where the child of an Albanian in the UK since 2001 has Albanian as a first language isn't very funny.
But I still have hope for you.
He probably thinks he is working clever.
" But considering the “Stay and Go” scenarios separately, we can only see in the decision a single example of why C could not go to Albania at [27]: “C will not eat the type of chicken nuggets that are available abroad”. We are not persuaded that the addition of this sole example approaches anywhere near the level of harshness for a reasonable judge to find it to be “unduly” so."
So, the appeal on this point was allowed and the matter was remitted to a different judge to determine whether or not C , who was born in this country and lived here his entire life, would be "unduly harshly" treated if he needed to go back to Albania with his dad or stay in the UK without him by his mum.
The decision of the judge at first instance was bizarre. The decision being reported is not.
We can show each other videos of both sides being 'schooled' by people on the other side of the debate who know more than they do. But we are dealing with the facts of these matters, and as I have shown, EU law is the basis for much of the wasteful and anti-growth decision making that Labour hypocritically rail against.
Just like the ECHR and whether leaving it will get rapists deported, getting rid of the EU has not transformed the UK in and of itself, but it is a necessary precondition for that transformation. I hope we won't need to have exactly this same debate again.
BTW - that's a odd comment about chemistry. When I did my UG degree in the early 1990's it was a pretty even split male to female, and seeing the chemists now at Bath it possibly even more than 50% female. I'm guessing you were making a joke, but its rather out of date!
By the 1980s, the Soviet Union produced (tractor stats not withstanding) the most steel, the most concrete in the world.
But the world had moved on. They didn't want concrete or steel then. They wanted electronics, and silicon valley would happily provide. The Soviets lost because they stayed the same.
Trump will lose even worse because he wants to go backwards.
But I still have hope for you.
You make a fair point about this and I guess we'll have to ban those archive links.
I’ve had a wonderful life (and I still am having such) mostly on other people’s money. Travelling the world in high style. I’ve made millions (and spent them on young women), I’ve fucked myself half to death on too many lovers to count. I’ve been in prison and I’ve slept in palaces etc etc etc blah blah
If my two daughters get to have half the fun and success I’ve had - ten percent even - I will be utterly delighted
My fear is that the world has grown colder, for them, for us all. I hope I am wrong, obvs
I often think of this event in history as the greatest repost to any old fart who moans about young people. My father (RIP) lived through those times and often would quote it if people started saying "young people today". I don't know whether it was true, but he used to say that all those who voted in favour of the motion "were in khaki by 1939".
(note to pedants: yes there was conscription in 1939, but the point is well made nonetheless)
These are the British workers of the future. Their parents are overwhelmingly here by invitation to live their lives. They won't have an Anglocentric view of life and they are likely to have some family knowledge of colonialism. So would you prefer schools to indoctrinate 'values' or educate.
Demographics shape the future. Geography shapes our present trade arrangements. Everything else is shouting at clouds.
It's 45 minutes walk from the main place I'm going to, so I'll just the leave the car at the hotel for a couple of days (£10 total).
London is a different country culturally to the rest of the UK now as well as being more expensive
Basically, the lower tribunal said he can stay, but this was overturned at the next level up:-
The judge, David Merrigan, said the only example of why the boy could not go to Albania was that he “will not eat the type of chicken nuggets that are available abroad”.
“We are not persuaded that the addition of this sole example approaches anywhere near the level of harshness for a reasonable judge to find it to be ‘unduly’ so,” he said.
He remitted the case to be reheard by a different judge in a lower tribunal to decide the “sole issue” of whether the consequences of deportation would be unduly harsh on the 10-year-old boy. The case is ongoing.
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2025/02/09/albanian-criminal-deportation-halted-over-chicken-nuggets/ (£££)
A link to that archiv site will get you warned then banned from some subreddits I know, for exactly that reason
But I've never been so sure about the debate myself. Didn't the Union have a tradition of valuing debating skills? It might have been that the one side was simply better at debating than the other never mind the topic in debate. And so much the better if it epated the bourgeoisie and the DM. I seem to remember a staunch defender of the Elgin Marbles inviting Ms Mercouri to the Union to argue for their return when he was convener there.
When I was contracting away from home and paying for it myself it was always a cheap Travelodge. £9.50 a night, cannot go wrong.
My full title is Head of Regulatory Affairs.
One thing that does annoy me is Lord Rothermere's organ extracting the urine. It has recently added a new paywall that blocks people who have already paid for the previous, cheaper paywall.
Even the Racing Post now demands registration just for its free content. The whole thing is several hundred pounds a year!
The irony is that Wokeness is now in headlong retreat in America, a retreat that might easily turn into a rout, yet it still thrives in the UK
A reckoning and a revolution is coming, in Blighty too (as ever we are 5 years behind the USA) but it might not come in time to help your kids
Interestingly, 78% is the same % as the USA as a whole at their 2020 Census.
Have you thought of trying Moscow?
Of course if the mods want to stop me (pub rules) that is fine, but if they do then they would instantiate a class division between nepobabies with more money than penis and hardworking tech professionals who cannot afford an infinite amount of subscriptions, thereby reducing PB to the signal/noise ratio of the dumbest reactionary
What other historical subjects have we predetermined the verdict on before we even teach them? The toxic legacy of Elizabeth I? The toxic legacy of the Romans? The toxic legacy of the Industrial Revolution? The toxic legacy of the Smoot Hawley Tariff Act?
It is a cretinously ahistorical approach, which is how we can tell it is propaganda by grifters.