Told one prominent Boris supporter is phoning MPs saying “we have to keep going. We have to kill off Rishi, and we have to kill off everyone who supports Rishi”. MP tells me, “Boris’s hard core supporters have gone mad. It’s like Waco in there”. So that’s reassuring…
Told one prominent Boris supporter is phoning MPs saying “we have to keep going. We have to kill off Rishi, and we have to kill off everyone who supports Rishi”. MP tells me, “Boris’s hard core supporters have gone mad. It’s like Waco in there”. So that’s reassuring…
There's no perfect system: all contain many, many faults. The only question, really, is which faults do you find least offensive.
My view is that we should move to small multi member wards for local councils (say 3 councilors per ward) elected by STV, and see how that works for us. If it improves governance, then we can talk about whether we'd like to do something similar with Westminster.
The Tories need to let Johnson become PM. The only way they and the country will ever be rid of him is to allow the electorate to deliver their verdict on him. Otherwise he will forever be the prince over the water, the stabbed in the back, the one true leader. He needs the stake through the heart that can only be delivered by the voters. Long term I think even the Tories will be better off.
Told one prominent Boris supporter is phoning MPs saying “we have to keep going. We have to kill off Rishi, and we have to kill off everyone who supports Rishi”. MP tells me, “Boris’s hard core supporters have gone mad. It’s like Waco in there”. So that’s reassuring…
Harry Cole @MrHarryCole · 52m NEW: Chris Heaton Harris tells Boris supporters Whatsapp that the verified paperwork with 100 names backing Johnson has been "completed".
Harry Cole @MrHarryCole · 52m NEW: Chris Heaton Harris tells Boris supporters Whatsapp that the verified paperwork with 100 names backing Johnson has been "completed".
He doesn't actually mention 100 names in the message.
Told one prominent Boris supporter is phoning MPs saying “we have to keep going. We have to kill off Rishi, and we have to kill off everyone who supports Rishi”. MP tells me, “Boris’s hard core supporters have gone mad. It’s like Waco in there”. So that’s reassuring…
There's no perfect system: all contain many, many faults. The only question, really, is which faults do you find least offensive.
My view is that we should move to small multi member wards for local councils (say 3 councilors per ward) elected by STV, and see how that works for us. If it improves governance, then we can talk about whether we'd like to do something similar with Westminster.
To get a decent representation, you probably need wards to be somewhat larger. A mix of 3, 4 and 5-member wards reflecting the local geography would probably work best.
One observation on Twitter was that they can lie about the number of nominations without any fear of being proved to have lied, because if they don't get there they can just pretend they had the numbers if they wanted them, but have withdrawn for the good of the party/country/bank balance or whatever.
Harry Cole @MrHarryCole · 52m NEW: Chris Heaton Harris tells Boris supporters Whatsapp that the verified paperwork with 100 names backing Johnson has been "completed".
That makes as much sense as the average Russian lie about Ukraine. It doesn't work like that. It's like an MP boasting he won his constituency and offering to produce the verified paperwork with 25000 names backing him to prove it.
Told one prominent Boris supporter is phoning MPs saying “we have to keep going. We have to kill off Rishi, and we have to kill off everyone who supports Rishi”. MP tells me, “Boris’s hard core supporters have gone mad. It’s like Waco in there”. So that’s reassuring…
They apparently had the 100 yesterday so why didn’t they announce this then .
He’s probably losing as well as gaining. If someone switches away from the clown, are they really going to go to the trouble of contacting his campaign team to let them know? More likely, the team is phoning round its existing nominator to check they are still on board.
Told one prominent Boris supporter is phoning MPs saying “we have to keep going. We have to kill off Rishi, and we have to kill off everyone who supports Rishi”. MP tells me, “Boris’s hard core supporters have gone mad. It’s like Waco in there”. So that’s reassuring…
The Tories need to let Johnson become PM. The only way they and the country will ever be rid of him is to allow the electorate to deliver their verdict on him. Otherwise he will forever be the prince over the water, the stabbed in the back, the one true leader. He needs the stake through the heart that can only be delivered by the voters. Long term I think even the Tories will be better off.
Well he'd probably go all Trump, deny he actually lost and claim zillions of missing votes and mass electoral fraud. Then for the next 30 years the conspiracy theory would spread.
Even if Boris Johnson drops dead of a heart attack it will be denied by some of his supporters. Nadine Dorries will declare that she spoke to him just last night.
Harry Cole @MrHarryCole · 52m NEW: Chris Heaton Harris tells Boris supporters Whatsapp that the verified paperwork with 100 names backing Johnson has been "completed".
That makes as much sense as the average Russian lie about Ukraine. It doesn't work like that. It's like an MP boasting he won his constituency and offering to produce the verified paperwork with 25000 names backing him to prove it.
He's probably got a list of 100 potential names of his own of people that he feels are broadly credible, some of whom will have told him they might tomorrow but can't go public about it, just so he leaves them alone.
Harry Cole @MrHarryCole · 52m NEW: Chris Heaton Harris tells Boris supporters Whatsapp that the verified paperwork with 100 names backing Johnson has been "completed".
That makes as much sense as the average Russian lie about Ukraine. It doesn't work like that. It's like an MP boasting he won his constituency and offering to produce the verified paperwork with 25000 names backing him to prove it.
He's probably got a list of 100 potential names of his own of people that he feels are broadly credible, some of whom will have told him they might tomorrow but can't go public about it, just so he leaves them alone.
I don't think you need to look for some way in which it isn't just a blatant lie.
Earlier on Francis posed the question of how would team Boris try to explain his not standing in the leadership election.
'Boris has been in the Caribbean as he felt that was the best way to ensure his successor had a free run and wouldn't have to be concerned about big dog watching over her in parliament. When it became clear Truss would resign, he cut short his holiday, rushing back to the UK to endorse Rishi Sunak in person. He felt this was the best way ensure that the party would unite around a new leader and that his supporters wouldn't then cause trouble for Sunak who is now in a position to lead a united party and therefore give Britain the leadership it needs.'
The banter timeline is Boris gets exactly 100 MPs.
Wins the members vote 52/48
As a point of order I feel duty bound to point out that 100 wouldn’t be enough, as one cannot, as I understand it, nominate oneself. 101 is the magic number (I think!!)
The basis of his support is unambitious backbenchers who have nothing to lose by backing him, keeps their local party and constituents happy. That and compromised ex-Ministers who have been rejected by Sunak, and who are otherwise politically finished. What is now obvious is that there just aren't 100 of them.
Earlier on Francis posed the question of how would team Boris try to explain his not standing in the leadership election.
'Boris has been in the Caribbean as he felt that was the best way to ensure his successor had a free run and wouldn't have to be concerned about big dog watching over her in parliament. When it became clear Truss would resign, he cut short his holiday, rushing back to the UK to endorse Rishi Sunak in person. He felt this was the best way ensure that the party would unite around a new leader and that his supporters wouldn't then cause trouble for Sunak who is now in a position to lead a united party and therefore give Britain the leadership it needs.'
“He would like to make clear that “Dudders” has no formal or social connection with Mr Johnson, and that any campaign style communication was effectively Mr Duddridge freelancing, presumably for his own political benefit.”
Harry Cole @MrHarryCole · 52m NEW: Chris Heaton Harris tells Boris supporters Whatsapp that the verified paperwork with 100 names backing Johnson has been "completed".
It it were true (hint: it isn't) it would completely demolish Guido's credibility, since he has Johnson on 60 named backers, 76 with anons.
The Tories need to let Johnson become PM. The only way they and the country will ever be rid of him is to allow the electorate to deliver their verdict on him. Otherwise he will forever be the prince over the water, the stabbed in the back, the one true leader. He needs the stake through the heart that can only be delivered by the voters. Long term I think even the Tories will be better off.
Well he'd probably go all Trump, deny he actually lost and claim zillions of missing votes and mass electoral fraud. Then for the next 30 years the conspiracy theory would spread.
Even if Boris Johnson drops dead of a heart attack it will be denied by some of his supporters. Nadine Dorries will declare that she spoke to him just last night.
Perhaps he would be filmed on a mobile phone working in MaccyD's flipping burgers along with Elvis?
There's no perfect system: all contain many, many faults. The only question, really, is which faults do you find least offensive.
My view is that we should move to small multi member wards for local councils (say 3 councilors per ward) elected by STV, and see how that works for us. If it improves governance, then we can talk about whether we'd like to do something similar with Westminster.
You need a much higher number of seats per ward to make STV close to proportional.
I don't think penny is dead. If Boris says he's not standing at some point then Brady might receive a whole bunch of noms for her with anti Sunak MPs very quickly.
The Tories need to let Johnson become PM. The only way they and the country will ever be rid of him is to allow the electorate to deliver their verdict on him. Otherwise he will forever be the prince over the water, the stabbed in the back, the one true leader. He needs the stake through the heart that can only be delivered by the voters. Long term I think even the Tories will be better off.
Well he'd probably go all Trump, deny he actually lost and claim zillions of missing votes and mass electoral fraud. Then for the next 30 years the conspiracy theory would spread.
Even if Boris Johnson drops dead of a heart attack it will be denied by some of his supporters. Nadine Dorries will declare that she spoke to him just last night.
Perhaps BoJo already has the My Pillow guy waiting on stand-by? And Rudy G? Trumps crack(head) squad!
It does look like campaign bs. The way that congratulatory WhatsApp was phrased didn't ring true. Too desperate. And therefore designed to prevent haemorrhaging of support.
However, against that there are still 100 unknowns on the Guido site and 129 on ConHome.
The banter timeline is Boris gets exactly 100 MPs.
Wins the members vote 52/48
As a point of order I feel duty bound to point out that 100 wouldn’t be enough, as one cannot, as I understand it, nominate oneself. 101 is the magic number (I think!!)
Harry Cole @MrHarryCole · 52m NEW: Chris Heaton Harris tells Boris supporters Whatsapp that the verified paperwork with 100 names backing Johnson has been "completed".
It it were true (hint: it isn't) it would completely demolish Guido's credibility, since he has Johnson on 60 named backers, 76 with anons.
The Tories need to let Johnson become PM. The only way they and the country will ever be rid of him is to allow the electorate to deliver their verdict on him. Otherwise he will forever be the prince over the water, the stabbed in the back, the one true leader. He needs the stake through the heart that can only be delivered by the voters. Long term I think even the Tories will be better off.
Get you but not risk free. When Trump was 1st impeached I thought the same - much better he survives this and gets spanked at the ballot box, otherwise there'll be no end of myth and he'll be forever the wronged hero and "real" president to tens of millions of Americans. Now? - I wish he'd been convicted.
Told one prominent Boris supporter is phoning MPs saying “we have to keep going. We have to kill off Rishi, and we have to kill off everyone who supports Rishi”. MP tells me, “Boris’s hard core supporters have gone mad. It’s like Waco in there”. So that’s reassuring…
Harry Cole @MrHarryCole · 52m NEW: Chris Heaton Harris tells Boris supporters Whatsapp that the verified paperwork with 100 names backing Johnson has been "completed".
It it were true (hint: it isn't) it would completely demolish Guido's credibility, since he has Johnson on 60 named backers, 76 with anons.
It doesn't demolish Guidos credibility at all. MPs don't have to tell him they're nominating Boris. Some might have it between themselves and Brady.
Harry Cole @MrHarryCole · 52m NEW: Chris Heaton Harris tells Boris supporters Whatsapp that the verified paperwork with 100 names backing Johnson has been "completed".
It it were true (hint: it isn't) it would completely demolish Guido's credibility, since he has Johnson on 60 named backers, 76 with anons.
Make that 40 Anons then
Guido paste green cells to 100 now
Amazing how it’s exactly 100. Just after the latest garbage emanating from the Bozo campaign .
It’s good to be back. I last posted about ten years ago but read you all every day.
Good we need old posters back as the tone and general uncouthness of this site has worsened over the years
Bring back Colin W's mum.
well its probably a reason about 3% of posters are female . So yes tone down the language might be more "inclusive"
One reason perhaps, but it’s also a politics/betting site, with side interests in pubs, test cricket, racing, F1 etc, so tends to the male gender and more nerdish element.
There's no perfect system: all contain many, many faults. The only question, really, is which faults do you find least offensive.
My view is that we should move to small multi member wards for local councils (say 3 councilors per ward) elected by STV, and see how that works for us. If it improves governance, then we can talk about whether we'd like to do something similar with Westminster.
I also found it an ironic view. I’d been reading through the debates when PR got passed by Parliament in 1917 (but died in inter-House ping-pong): MPs opposed to STV frequently decried it for strengthening the constituency link, and giving advantage to a type of MP they called “the grubber” who worked their constituency hard - because it gave a choice of MP within Party, and thus the MP couldn’t just get in based on their Party.
You’d think there might be enough partisans in the area to be ready to defuse and remove the mines as soon as Russians vacate. Or even beforehand depending how carefully they’re guarding it.
Harry Cole @MrHarryCole · 52m NEW: Chris Heaton Harris tells Boris supporters Whatsapp that the verified paperwork with 100 names backing Johnson has been "completed".
It it were true (hint: it isn't) it would completely demolish Guido's credibility, since he has Johnson on 60 named backers, 76 with anons.
Make that 40 Anons then
Guido paste green cells to 100 now
Amazing how it’s exactly 100. Just after the latest garbage emanating from the Bozo campaign .
Even dodgy Guido only has him on 79 incl a whole stack of Anons
It’s good to be back. I last posted about ten years ago but read you all every day.
Good we need old posters back as the tone and general uncouthness of this site has worsened over the years
Bring back Colin W's mum.
well its probably a reason about 3% of posters are female . So yes tone down the language might be more "inclusive"
One reason perhaps, but it’s also a politics/betting site, with side interests in pubs, test cricket, racing, F1 etc, so tends to the male gender and more nerdish element.
yes and its easy to get taken in and groupthink (or swear) - its not pleasant for outsiders who at best think its juvenile and clique . This site used to be a wise , informative and above all civil place - now it is no better than twitter , its not an improvement
It does look like campaign bs. The way that congratulatory WhatsApp was phrased didn't ring true. Too desperate. And therefore designed to prevent haemorrhaging of support.
However, against that there are still 100 unknowns on the Guido site and 129 on ConHome.
It's probably that and designed to get a few more waverers to commit, so it "becomes" true after the telling. He could then plausibly deny it was ever anything thus.
I think if Boris actually had them he'd formally launch his campaign. Everyone else has.
Am amusing myself for (part of) Sunday by filling out my 2022 general election ballot.
US Senator, US House, WA Secretary of State, state senate & state house - those choices already decided before today.
What's slowing me down are 1) some contested judicial races (lower level) where I need to do a bit of research (mostly via official voters pamphlet); and 2) competing ballot measures re: changing current Top Two primary system for nominating mayor, city attorney and city councilmembers to something different.
Something different being primary with either
A - affirmative voting (vote for as many candidates as you want for just one position, with Top Two total vote-getters advancing to general; or
B - ranked choice voting (up to five choices) in order of preference, with Top Two finishers advancing.
Of the options, personally prefer A. However, am NOT sure I really want to chance current system; on balance think I probably am.
It’s good to be back. I last posted about ten years ago but read you all every day.
Good we need old posters back as the tone and general uncouthness of this site has worsened over the years
Bring back Colin W's mum.
well its probably a reason about 3% of posters are female . So yes tone down the language might be more "inclusive"
One reason perhaps, but it’s also a politics/betting site, with side interests in pubs, test cricket, racing, F1 etc, so tends to the male gender and more nerdish element.
yes and its easy to get taken in and groupthink (or swear) - its not pleasant for outsiders who at best think its juvenile and clique . This site used to be a wise , informative and above all civil place - now it is no better than twitter , its not an improvement
It is about 2 orders or more more civil than most online forums.
Harry Cole @MrHarryCole · 52m NEW: Chris Heaton Harris tells Boris supporters Whatsapp that the verified paperwork with 100 names backing Johnson has been "completed".
It it were true (hint: it isn't) it would completely demolish Guido's credibility, since he has Johnson on 60 named backers, 76 with anons.
Make that 40 Anons then
Guido paste green cells to 100 now
Amazing how it’s exactly 100. Just after the latest garbage emanating from the Bozo campaign .
Told one prominent Boris supporter is phoning MPs saying “we have to keep going. We have to kill off Rishi, and we have to kill off everyone who supports Rishi”. MP tells me, “Boris’s hard core supporters have gone mad. It’s like Waco in there”. So that’s reassuring…
The basis of his support is unambitious backbenchers who have nothing to lose by backing him, keeps their local party and constituents happy. That and compromised ex-Ministers who have been rejected by Sunak, and who are otherwise politically finished. What is now obvious is that there just aren't 100 of them.
It's a secret ballot so an MP can pretend to support Johnson to appease those locals who are out with their pitchforks but then nominate or vote for someone else in private. Nobody is ever going to know. It's exactly what I would if I had a constituency association full of Johnson zealots.
There's no perfect system: all contain many, many faults. The only question, really, is which faults do you find least offensive.
My view is that we should move to small multi member wards for local councils (say 3 councilors per ward) elected by STV, and see how that works for us. If it improves governance, then we can talk about whether we'd like to do something similar with Westminster.
I also found it an ironic view. I’d been reading through the debates when PR got passed by Parliament in 1917 (but died in inter-House ping-pong): MPs opposed to STV frequently decried it for strengthening the constituency link, and giving advantage to a type of MP they called “the grubber” who worked their constituency hard - because it gave a choice of MP within Party, and thus the MP couldn’t just get in based on their Party.
That's certainly been VERY true in Republic of Ireland. Between parties and within parties.
(((Dan Hodges))) @DPJHodges Twitter Senior Penny Mordaunt ally: "The 100 names thing tonight is definitely a bluff. We've had more Boris backers trickle over and there's increased nervousness within his camp".
Harry Cole @MrHarryCole · 52m NEW: Chris Heaton Harris tells Boris supporters Whatsapp that the verified paperwork with 100 names backing Johnson has been "completed".
It it were true (hint: it isn't) it would completely demolish Guido's credibility, since he has Johnson on 60 named backers, 76 with anons.
Make that 40 Anons then
Guido paste green cells to 100 now
Amazing how it’s exactly 100. Just after the latest garbage emanating from the Bozo campaign .
Even dodgy Guido only has him on 79 incl a whole stack of Anons
Could I point out Heaton Harris' message doesn't actually say there are 100 names. It implies it but could be read as saying to backers we have YOUR signatures in (noting also Tom Newton Dunn's comment that actually the campaign doesn't do this element).
It's clearly deliberate to imply they have the 100... but there's enough there if you read it carefully to allow him to deny that's what he meant.
It’s good to be back. I last posted about ten years ago but read you all every day.
Good we need old posters back as the tone and general uncouthness of this site has worsened over the years
Bring back Colin W's mum.
well its probably a reason about 3% of posters are female . So yes tone down the language might be more "inclusive"
One reason perhaps, but it’s also a politics/betting site, with side interests in pubs, test cricket, racing, F1 etc, so tends to the male gender and more nerdish element.
yes and its easy to get taken in and groupthink (or swear) - its not pleasant for outsiders who at best think its juvenile and clique . This site used to be a wise , informative and above all civil place - now it is no better than twitter , its not an improvement
I think to say it’s no better than twitter is too strong. I’d suggest 20s on twitter to reaquant yourself. There is much useful knowledge on here among the purile puns and insults.
In lead-up to Guy Fawkes Day 2022, another Guido, 417 year later, is yet again toiling beneath the bowels of Westminster, on a mission to blow Parliament sky high.
Boris hasn’t declared. But nor he has he yet pulled out.
The ERG are due to decide tomorrow who they plump for. Though that itself suggests a level of Boris skepticism. Baker, Braverman and IDS are all on Team Rishi.
I know there is a theory that Boris needs to be voted down in a GE, but that underestimates the damage he is capable of.
With luck he will be forced to withdraw from this race in humiliating fashion, and be out of Parliament in a few months under censure from the Privileges Committee.
Based on the Guido 'named' nomimations Sunak 226 Johnson 91 Mordaunt 38
Based on the Guido named + anonymous nomimations Sunak 212 Johnson 105 Mordaunt 38
Take your pick.
Looks close to me on the Guido + anon count.
I assume CHH has an (optimistic) list that looks like the latter, hence his OTT tweet.
True but these extrapolations all look optimistic for BJ - surely it would be a rare election where every single person eligible to make a nomination does so? Though maybe the current situation incentivises it?
Could I point out Heaton Harris' message doesn't actually say there are 100 names. It implies it but could be read as saying to backers we have YOUR signatures in (noting also Tom Newton Dunn's comment that actually the campaign doesn't do this element).
It's clearly deliberate to imply they have the 100... but there's enough there if you read it carefully to allow him to deny that's what he meant.
Or possibly, he really is that thick and doesn't have a clue what he is saying?
(((Dan Hodges))) @DPJHodges Twitter Senior Penny Mordaunt ally: "The 100 names thing tonight is definitely a bluff. We've had more Boris backers trickle over and there's increased nervousness within his camp".
7:04 PM · Oct 23, 2022
It's a good tip of @Pulpstar up thread to keep an eye on Penny.
Like Johnson in the members vote...
I think.
Told one prominent Boris supporter is phoning MPs saying “we have to keep going. We have to kill off Rishi, and we have to kill off everyone who supports Rishi”. MP tells me, “Boris’s hard core supporters have gone mad. It’s like Waco in there”. So that’s reassuring…
#Russia detonates dirty bomb in #Ukraine. Blames Ukraine for ‘provocation’. Then drops tactical nuke in ‘retaliation’ before 1st bomb it attributed
Re PR:
There's no perfect system: all contain many, many faults. The only question, really, is which faults do you find least offensive.
My view is that we should move to small multi member wards for local councils (say 3 councilors per ward) elected by STV, and see how that works for us. If it improves governance, then we can talk about whether we'd like to do something similar with Westminster.
NEW: Chris Heaton Harris tells Boris supporters Whatsapp that the verified paperwork with 100 names backing Johnson has been "completed".
Wins the members vote 52/48
Lying and mendacious tactics should be expected.
Even if Boris Johnson drops dead of a heart attack it will be denied by some of his supporters. Nadine Dorries will declare that she spoke to him just last night.
Surely with most organisations the nominators all sign the "entry form" of the candidate?
'Boris has been in the Caribbean as he felt that was the best way to ensure his successor had a free run and wouldn't have to be concerned about big dog watching over her in parliament. When it became clear Truss would resign, he cut short his holiday, rushing back to the UK to endorse Rishi Sunak in person. He felt this was the best way ensure that the party would unite around a new leader and that his supporters wouldn't then cause trouble for Sunak who is now in a position to lead a united party and therefore give Britain the leadership it needs.'
US slang: slug = counterfeit change, for use in subway turnstiles & similar.
Also means a garden pest known for slime and sloth.
This could all be a play to give him the “I had 100 but for sake of unity etc I withdraw” magnanimous shtick.
At least 6, ideally 8 to 10.
If Boris says he's not standing at some point then Brady might receive a whole bunch of noms for her with anti Sunak MPs very quickly.
However, against that there are still 100 unknowns on the Guido site and 129 on ConHome.
Guido paste green cells to 100 now
What you been up to?
I’d been reading through the debates when PR got passed by Parliament in 1917 (but died in inter-House ping-pong): MPs opposed to STV frequently decried it for strengthening the constituency link, and giving advantage to a type of MP they called “the grubber” who worked their constituency hard - because it gave a choice of MP within Party, and thus the MP couldn’t just get in based on their Party.
I think if Boris actually had them he'd formally launch his campaign. Everyone else has.
US Senator, US House, WA Secretary of State, state senate & state house - those choices already decided before today.
What's slowing me down are 1) some contested judicial races (lower level) where I need to do a bit of research (mostly via official voters pamphlet); and 2) competing ballot measures re: changing current Top Two primary system for nominating mayor, city attorney and city councilmembers to something different.
Something different being primary with either
A - affirmative voting (vote for as many candidates as you want for just one position, with Top Two total vote-getters advancing to general; or
B - ranked choice voting (up to five choices) in order of preference, with Top Two finishers advancing.
Of the options, personally prefer A. However, am NOT sure I really want to chance current system; on balance think I probably am.
Based on the Guido 'named' nomimations
Sunak 226
Johnson 91
Mordaunt 38
Based on the Guido named + anonymous nomimations
Sunak 212
Johnson 105
Mordaunt 38
Take your pick.
Rishi +18
Boris +2
Penny +1
I assume CHH has an (optimistic) list that looks like the latter, hence his OTT tweet.
(((Dan Hodges)))
@DPJHodges Twitter
Senior Penny Mordaunt ally: "The 100 names thing tonight is definitely a bluff. We've had more Boris backers trickle over and there's increased nervousness within his camp".
7:04 PM · Oct 23, 2022
It's clearly deliberate to imply they have the 100... but there's enough there if you read it carefully to allow him to deny that's what he meant.
Coincidence? Kismet? Karma? Conservative?
But nor he has he yet pulled out.
The ERG are due to decide tomorrow who they plump for. Though that itself suggests a level of Boris skepticism. Baker, Braverman and IDS are all on Team Rishi.
I know there is a theory that Boris needs to be voted down in a GE, but that underestimates the damage he is capable of.
With luck he will be forced to withdraw from this race in humiliating fashion, and be out of Parliament in a few months under censure from the Privileges Committee.
It does seem as if the Ukranians are pushing towards the dam rather than to Kherson city itself.