What professional company would hire Ed Milliband as their Company representative? He is at best a back room ops person that should not be put in front of customers. To think that he is heading to be the PM and representative of the UK, is one of those scarcely believable facts.
It's like one of those horse races where the form suggests that none of them are good enough to win, but somebody has to.
Or, as Sherlock Holmes might have said, 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".
Ed Is Crap is PM, however improbable that may appear.
Am I right in thinking that Dan Hodges is not going to be terribly impressed?
This may be connected:
"@JohnRentoul: Labour member texts to say: "This is the worst speech I have ever heard. In the Manchester hotel I'm in, people are laughing openingly." "
Since I'm not watching, I can't comment personally either way. What is apparent is how keen the commentariat are to see Ed Miliband fail today. That in itself is important.
Just listened to the interview with the punter who had 900,000 on No in the referendum, having missed the thread completely.
Don't know about anybody else, but he didn't pass the smell test as far as I was concerned. He took 1/4 about an outcome that was as big as 2/5 for a while; he used a Bookie, rather than Betfair, where there was ample liquidity available; he didn't sound or talk like a punter; and he got on for a mega-amount with a firm that regularly knocks back fifty pound punters.
We sure this wasn't just a Hills PR stunt?
Probably, although you would be amazed at how many big punters take worse odds than betfair
Why would anyone, ever take bookie odds when betfair was better?? Mystifying
What professional company would hire Ed Milliband as their Company representative? He is at best a back room ops person that should not be put in front of customers. To think that he is heading to be the PM and representative of the UK, is one of those scarcely believable facts.
It's like one of those horse races where the form suggests that none of them are good enough to win, but somebody has to.
Or, as Sherlock Holmes might have said, 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".
Ed Is Crap is PM, however improbable that may appear.
"Equal rights for the self-employed" promises EdM. Is he setting up a union for them? Or will they have new mandatory paternal/maternal laws to tax themselves to pay for more leave?
Open Europe @OpenEurope · 2 mins Current UK target for electricity from renewables is 30% in 2020, Ed Miliband says Labour will increase this to 100% by 2030
BJ4BW again! If you want to bring in a foreign worker then you must provide an apprenticeship... How does that one work with EC workers? presumably they do not count ... but EdM fails to mention that. Foreigners are now non-European?
What professional company would hire Ed Milliband as their Company representative? He is at best a back room ops person that should not be put in front of customers. To think that he is heading to be the PM and representative of the UK, is one of those scarcely believable facts.
It's like one of those horse races where the form suggests that none of them are good enough to win, but somebody has to.
Or, as Sherlock Holmes might have said, 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".
Ed Is Crap is PM, however improbable that may appear.
Are you betting on that, Peter?
Casino, you should know me well enough by now. I do not put up betting suggestions here that I have not already backed myself.
Did he just pledge to get a million job in green tech, and to totally de-carbonise our power by 2030?
Wow. Big aims.
Not really. Probability of Miliband being Prime Minister in 2030? Zero.
No point in setting deadlines for other people to meet. It's only a big aim if it's a target for the next Parliament that he can be judged on by the next election - like Cameron's net migration pledge.
Equal rights for the self-employed. Against whom? Themselves?
I guess that means you can't stop being self-employed without giving yourself formal notice, a consultation with yourself, the option to move to another job with yourself, and 1 week’s pay for each full year you were 22 or older, but under 41. And woe betide you if you get it wrong, otherwise you might find yourself taking yourself to an industrial tribunal.
@hugorifkind: Must be really annoying for Ed when he meets somebody who says something great and they turn out to be called Torquil or Jocasta. Or Gordon.
What professional company would hire Ed Milliband as their Company representative? He is at best a back room ops person that should not be put in front of customers. To think that he is heading to be the PM and representative of the UK, is one of those scarcely believable facts.
It's like one of those horse races where the form suggests that none of them are good enough to win, but somebody has to.
Or, as Sherlock Holmes might have said, 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".
Ed Is Crap is PM, however improbable that may appear.
Are you betting on that, Peter?
Casino, you should know me well enough by now. I do not put up betting suggestions here that I have not already backed myself.
I thought it might just be an opinion you were sharing, rather than a betting suggestion.
I disagree. I think Ed Miliband will fall short of his goal. And I'm also betting on it.
Mark Wallace @wallaceme 7m Having promised an energy price freeze, Ed now pledges a vast increase in the cost of generating energy...what could go wrong? #Lab14
Gawain Towler retweeted Julia Hartley-Brewer @JuliaHB1 2m @chrisdeerin please stop it, you're making me laugh too much and I can't leave my studio while we take the speech live.
Here we go NHS, going to spend fortunes, interesting to see how it will be paid for. Oh Tax Avoidance, Mansion Tax, Tobacco, that is it, we all know the reality tax on jobs again.
NHS - funding from reducing tax avoidance (like his own inheritance tax scheme), mansion tax (already spent on two other things) and from more taxation on tobacco companies (who will just pass the cost on to smokers)
Hang on. A billion from tax avoidance loophole closing, and taxes on mansions and tobacco firms. Will that pay for 8,000 GPs and 20,000 nurses (and more, I think)?
Incidentally, everybody in Britain will die of the Black Death if you vote Conservative.
Just listened to the interview with the punter who had 900,000 on No in the referendum, having missed the thread completely.
Don't know about anybody else, but he didn't pass the smell test as far as I was concerned. He took 1/4 about an outcome that was as big as 2/5 for a while; he used a Bookie, rather than Betfair, where there was ample liquidity available; he didn't sound or talk like a punter; and he got on for a mega-amount with a firm that regularly knocks back fifty pound punters.
We sure this wasn't just a Hills PR stunt?
What's in it for Hills, even PR wise? If they were to "advertise" in this way and then knock back the 50 smacker punters, they upset in theory 10,000 ordinary punters for each one megabetter they keep happy. Rather [edit} counterproductive.
There are two other explanations that come to mind but I don't want to be derided for suggesting them. However, you are in any case infinitely better equipped to judge.
What professional company would hire Ed Milliband as their Company representative? He is at best a back room ops person that should not be put in front of customers. To think that he is heading to be the PM and representative of the UK, is one of those scarcely believable facts.
It's like one of those horse races where the form suggests that none of them are good enough to win, but somebody has to.
Or, as Sherlock Holmes might have said, 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".
Ed Is Crap is PM, however improbable that may appear.
Are you betting on that, Peter?
Casino, you should know me well enough by now. I do not put up betting suggestions here that I have not already backed myself.
I thought that was just an opinion you were sharing, rather than a betting suggestion.
I disagree. I think Ed Miliband will fall short of his goal. And I'm also betting on it.
Well, any backable suggestion you put up on a betting site is by implication a betting tip. That's certainly the way I operate.
I'd add the caveat here that I would not (and have not) bet too heavily on this GE yet. It's a bit of a strange one and this could change suddenly. The only heavily committed position I have at present is on a good UKIP performance.
But EICIPM seems the most the most likely scenario right now, quite possibly as head of a minority Government
"Reform the House of Lords to create a Senate of the nations and regions" - I presume that's nations for Scotland, Wales and NI, and regions for England.
Miliband: Labour to devolve power to communities to insulate 5 million lofts over next ten years #lab14
Hang on - didn't Gordon Brown already use that one on at least three of his conference speeches?
Either they are going to have to reinsulate some houses they have already insulated, or they're going to have to offer free insulation to private landlords and others who normally don't qualify through this sort of scheme.
Not a fan of schoolchildren voting. He wants the Lords to become a 'Senate of the Nations'. And English devolution.
By which he means no English Parliament or English votes for English laws, but sounds like rubbish local devolution. He still wants a constitutional convention.
I said about a week ago that UKIP had a good chance in Heywood & Middleton, particularly since Clacton already appears to be in the bag for them, which means they can send plenty of activists up to Greater Manchester rather than Essex.
What professional company would hire Ed Milliband as their Company representative? He is at best a back room ops person that should not be put in front of customers. To think that he is heading to be the PM and representative of the UK, is one of those scarcely believable facts.
It's like one of those horse races where the form suggests that none of them are good enough to win, but somebody has to.
Or, as Sherlock Holmes might have said, 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".
Ed Is Crap is PM, however improbable that may appear.
Are you betting on that, Peter?
Casino, you should know me well enough by now. I do not put up betting suggestions here that I have not already backed myself.
I thought that was just an opinion you were sharing, rather than a betting suggestion.
I disagree. I think Ed Miliband will fall short of his goal. And I'm also betting on it.
Well, any backable suggestion you put up on a betting site is by implication a betting tip. That's certainly the way I operate.
I'd add the caveat here that I would not (and have not) bet too heavily on this GE yet. It's a bit of a strange one and this could change suddenly. The only heavily committed position I have at present is on a good UKIP performance.
But EICIPM seems the most the most likely scenario right now, quite possibly as head of a minority Government
Not everyone operates like you Peter - but noted for future reference.
I've got an article coming up on this very subject. Watch this space!
Not a fan of schoolchildren voting. He wants the Lords to become a 'Senate of the Nations'. And English devolution.
By which he means no English Parliament or English votes for English laws, but sounds like rubbish local devolution. He still wants a constitutional convention.
Senate of the Nations? Does that mean he wants the same number of seats for England as for Wales and Scotland?
Hang on. A billion from tax avoidance loophole closing, and taxes on mansions and tobacco firms. Will that pay for 8,000 GPs and 20,000 nurses (and more, I think)?
Incidentally, everybody in Britain will die of the Black Death if you vote Conservative.
Imagine how much cheaper it would have been to get an extra 8000 GPs if Labour hadn't given a ridiculously generous settlement as well as letting them off out of hours duties (putting more pressure on A&E and resulted in the need for more out of hours care centres with more GPs on more money, many of which are run by private providers).
Just listened to the interview with the punter who had 900,000 on No in the referendum, having missed the thread completely.
Don't know about anybody else, but he didn't pass the smell test as far as I was concerned. He took 1/4 about an outcome that was as big as 2/5 for a while; he used a Bookie, rather than Betfair, where there was ample liquidity available; he didn't sound or talk like a punter; and he got on for a mega-amount with a firm that regularly knocks back fifty pound punters.
We sure this wasn't just a Hills PR stunt?
Probably, although you would be amazed at how many big punters take worse odds than betfair
Why would anyone, ever take bookie odds when betfair was better?? Mystifying
So how did he get on, Isam?
I can't get 900p on with Hills. Can you?
I can't get anything on the internet or phone, but I'm not banned from all their shops!
I guess if I wrote my name on the bankers draught for 900 large they would clock I was banned and not accept... But you'd just get a mate to put it on wouldn't you?
Did you meet Ed Miliband in a park this week? If so, get in touch...
He just said 20% of working people are on low pay
Now he has said that he is going to abolish low pay by 2025 - taking 2 million people out of low pay.
So we only have 10 million people in work by Ed's figures...
Or perhaps that's just their verdict on it?
"@JohnRentoul: Labour member texts to say: "This is the worst speech I have ever heard. In the Manchester hotel I'm in, people are laughing openingly." "
Since I'm not watching, I can't comment personally either way. What is apparent is how keen the commentariat are to see Ed Miliband fail today. That in itself is important.
Maybe it's an exercise in brain-washing?
I can't get 900p on with Hills. Can you?
'The principle of Together' is not an explanation of how many better paid jobs will magically appear.
Edited extra bit: he wants to break up big banks.
@anntreneman: Oh god I've already forgotten the first 10 year goal of Ed's Principle of Together Plan for Britain
Edited extra bit: All carbon out of electricity by 2030, apparently.
Equal rights for the self-employed. Against whom? Themselves?
Is he setting up a union for them?
Or will they have new mandatory paternal/maternal laws to tax themselves to pay for more leave?
Wow. Big aims.
@MatthewdAncona I also told him I wanted a free owl.
Gareth Morgan @MogsyMorg 5m
So embarrassing, I had a two minute conversation with Ed Miliband and he's mentioned me three times.
@anthonyjwells: @hugorifkind Owls. One of them was definitely owls.
He's pulling a sicky.
WTF is he on?
I have met Ed Miliband lots of times and he's never mentioned me in a speech. I'm really quite pissed off
How on earth is this a prime minister in waiting?
Current UK target for electricity from renewables is 30% in 2020, Ed Miliband says Labour will increase this to 100% by 2030
To use a malcolmg term
They had 13 last time, and how did that work out?
If you want to bring in a foreign worker then you must provide an apprenticeship...
How does that one work with EC workers?
presumably they do not count ... but EdM fails to mention that. Foreigners are now non-European?
Friends, friends, and I mean it most sincerely....
My phone battery is going to die before this speech does. It is not impossible I will die before this speech does.
David Jones @DavidJo52951945 1m
MIliband- 'our aim is that as many youngsters will go on apprenticeships as Uni'- that is a UKIP policy
Paul Waugh @paulwaugh 3m
Did I hear that right? All carbon out of electricity by 2030?
No point in setting deadlines for other people to meet. It's only a big aim if it's a target for the next Parliament that he can be judged on by the next election - like Cameron's net migration pledge.
I disagree. I think Ed Miliband will fall short of his goal. And I'm also betting on it.
Mark Wallace @wallaceme 7m
Having promised an energy price freeze, Ed now pledges a vast increase in the cost of generating energy...what could go wrong? #Lab14
Gawain Towler retweeted
Julia Hartley-Brewer @JuliaHB1 2m
@chrisdeerin please stop it, you're making me laugh too much and I can't leave my studio while we take the speech live.
Pity the coalition has been a lot more robust going after it than the previous Labour government......
I'm blaming Miliband's speech!
Incidentally, everybody in Britain will die of the Black Death if you vote Conservative.
There are two other explanations that come to mind but I don't want to be derided for suggesting them. However, you are in any case infinitely better equipped to judge.
Sky on Obama.
Everything he has said so far has been pie in the sky.
Miliband: Labour to devolve power to communities to insulate 5 million lofts over next ten years #lab14
Hang on - didn't Gordon Brown already use that one on at least three of his conference speeches?
But that's more fantasy than science fiction..
I'd add the caveat here that I would not (and have not) bet too heavily on this GE yet. It's a bit of a strange one and this could change suddenly. The only heavily committed position I have at present is on a good UKIP performance.
But EICIPM seems the most the most likely scenario right now, quite possibly as head of a minority Government
We want EV4EL.
By which he means no English Parliament or English votes for English laws, but sounds like rubbish local devolution. He still wants a constitutional convention.
I've got an article coming up on this very subject. Watch this space!
The Scots who fought will be really chuffed about that
Says it's political tactics about England to have English votes for English laws.
I guess if I wrote my name on the bankers draught for 900 large they would clock I was banned and not accept... But you'd just get a mate to put it on wouldn't you?