It really is NOT going to happen, if Scotland votes YES. No Westminster party will commit suicide by creating a tiny new ex-UK eurozone, vastly unpopular with voters.
Scotland, we want you to stay. You're part of the family! But if you go, you GO.
Sean, stop worrying the SNP are all prima donnas - think antifrank but a bit gay.
I'm now lovebombing nats for the next 6 months and Mick's my bitch.
It really is NOT going to happen, if Scotland votes YES. No Westminster party will commit suicide by creating a tiny new ex-UK eurozone, vastly unpopular with voters.
Scotland, we want you to stay. You're part of the family! But if you go, you GO.
Of course rUk doesn't want a currency union - civil service advice and what the chancellor thinks is here nor there - pitchforks have kept us out of the Euro - ditto any say in our fine currency for the splitters.
It's amusing to note that in spite of these heroic efforts to bolster the UK government's propaganda campaign, YouGov have still managed to uncover a slight DECREASE in English opposition to a currency union since they asked the question at the time of George Osborne's speech.
Much more interesting is the finding that a paltry 8% of respondents in England, Wales and Northern Ireland think they would be financially better off if Scotland became independent. It seems that deep down, voters south of the border do have a sense that London media mythology about resource-rich Scotland being "subsidised" is probably garbage.
As an out of touch mockney might say, Gertcha! Jellied eels.
It's amusing to note that in spite of these heroic efforts to bolster the UK government's propaganda campaign, YouGov have still managed to uncover a slight DECREASE in English opposition to a currency union since they asked the question at the time of George Osborne's speech.
Much more interesting is the finding that a paltry 8% of respondents in England, Wales and Northern Ireland think they would be financially better off if Scotland became independent. It seems that deep down, voters south of the border do have a sense that London media mythology about resource-rich Scotland being "subsidised" is probably garbage.
As an out of touch mockney might say, Gertcha! Jellied eels.
You think once any referendum for rUk starts that it will switch the other way - oh dear.
Not sure this is the best way to put the last Labour Government's Iraq legacy behind them.....
Twitter Nick Robinson @bbcnickrobinson 2m The self-styled "under-estimated" leader @Ed_Miliband tells me on a visit to Israel that he wants to be the "Post Iraq Prime Minister"
It really is NOT going to happen, if Scotland votes YES. No Westminster party will commit suicide by creating a tiny new ex-UK eurozone, vastly unpopular with voters.
Scotland, we want you to stay. You're part of the family! But if you go, you GO.
Of course rUk doesn't want a currency union - civil service advice and what the chancellor thinks is here nor there - pitchforks have kept us out of the Euro - ditto any say in our fine currency for the splitters.
Sure, but what amazes me is that the Scots clearly believe a currency union will happen, no worries. And this is SUCH a fundamental issue - it is the basis of their independent economy.
The only remote way a currency union might be agreed (in the teeth of polls like this) would be if the Bank of England got absolute control of Scottish borrowing, taxes, interest rates and the rest, without Scotland having a political say.
i.e. Scotland will be less autonomous than it is now. This would be wholly unacceptable to Scots (of course) so they would be forced into the only alternative: informal sterlingisation.
The Panama Solution is what will inevitably happen in iScotland, pending eventual entry into the euro. Scots need to know this.
It's not too poor. It's not too wee. It's too STUPID that's the killer. can any nation really be that dumb - and I'm fking Irish !
"I'm now lovebombing nats for the next 6 months and Mick's my bitch"
Dear God! Well, if you must can't you do it in private?
I fear you may just have struck on his entire problem. LOL Don't worry I'm sure he won't be making such a complete tit of himself when he finally sobers up.
It really is NOT going to happen, if Scotland votes YES. No Westminster party will commit suicide by creating a tiny new ex-UK eurozone, vastly unpopular with voters.
Scotland, we want you to stay. You're part of the family! But if you go, you GO.
Yes, those are crushing numbers. The nations of the sterling zone might - just might - take pity on Scotland if they could be persuaded that having an economically devastated neighbour is in no one's interest - the political turmoil, the fleeing migrants, the threat of insurrection etc. In the end some kind of annexation might be the only way to save Scotland, but it could become another Balkans.
1. Stephen Mangan has lost a lot of weight plus his hair thing is off-putting. 2. Typical luvvie-fest lapping up NFarage's presence. 3. NFarage did fine. Smile a bit forced but understandably so. He was super-butt of the jokes. 4. They were ruthless and relentless in a way they wouldn't have been with any other party leader. 5. Then again UKIP often asks for it. 6. I thought he was ingenuous; he seemed to be genuinely happy that he had got eg. the floods one right. Almost touchingly so. 7. The over-riding impression will be: good old boy, well done - no other leader would have submitted themselves to it nor been treated that way.
"The Panama Solution is what will inevitably happen in iScotland, pending eventual entry into the euro."
I am not at all sure how a country can meet the criteria for entry into the Euro without first having its own currency. The Panama solution would actually be a Panama stop-gap whilst iScotland got their own central bank etc set up.
It really is NOT going to happen, if Scotland votes YES. No Westminster party will commit suicide by creating a tiny new ex-UK eurozone, vastly unpopular with voters.
Scotland, we want you to stay. You're part of the family! But if you go, you GO.
Oh dear. Someone still thinks politicians listen to people. The currency union will happen. Westminster will spin it. "Better a currency union than 1 million economic migrants flooding down south"
Of course there will be a currency union Says senior UK Government Minister #businessforscotland #indyref
You have to feel sorry for the PB tories. Made to look gullible fools time after time after time by Cammie's Cast Iron EU posturing, then they shriek for weeks about Osbrowne's comical currency posturing and the precise same thing happens.
Remember the PB Golden rule.
The PB tories are always wrong. The PB tories never learn.
It's amusing to note that in spite of these heroic efforts to bolster the UK government's propaganda campaign, YouGov have still managed to uncover a slight DECREASE in English opposition to a currency union since they asked the question at the time of George Osborne's speech.
Much more interesting is the finding that a paltry 8% of respondents in England, Wales and Northern Ireland think they would be financially better off if Scotland became independent. It seems that deep down, voters south of the border do have a sense that London media mythology about resource-rich Scotland being "subsidised" is probably garbage.
As an out of touch mockney might say, Gertcha! Jellied eels.
Yeah, opposition to currency union of about 2 to 1, down from about 2 to 1. Fascinating movements.
Moreover, note this:
"Scottish Financial Enterprise has calculated that nine in ten customers of Scotland's many banks, pension providers and investment institutions are based elsewhere in the UK. If 42% of those customers were to move their money out of Scotland, as the YouGov/UKForex poll suggests, it could mean as much as £280bn moving south of the border."
Imagine Northern Rock, times a thousand. A run on all Scottish banks, as English depositors get nervy.
A bank run?
I think Usain Bolt would have trouble keeping up...
It really is NOT going to happen, if Scotland votes YES. No Westminster party will commit suicide by creating a tiny new ex-UK eurozone, vastly unpopular with voters.
Scotland, we want you to stay. You're part of the family! But if you go, you GO.
Oh dear. Someone still thinks politicians listen to people. The currency union will happen. Westminster will spin it. "Better a currency union than 1 million economic migrants flooding down south"
Of course there will be a currency union Says senior UK Government Minister #businessforscotland #indyref
You have to feel sorry for the PB tories. Made to look gullible fools time after time after time by Cammie's Cast Iron EU posturing, then they shriek for weeks about Osbrowne's comical currency posturing and the precise same thing happens.
Remember the PB Golden rule.
The PB tories are always wrong. The PB tories never learn.
George Osborne really is pinging Ed Balls economic elastic.... Twitter Tim Montgomerie @TimMontgomerie 4m George Osborne nails the Left, whatever the circumstances: spend, spend, spend
Mr. Eh, unless the UK allowed Scotland into the EU the border could be closed to prevent the '1 million migrants' coming south.
More seriously, pissing off three-fifths of the electorate by u-turning on something that's crystal clear immediately ahead of an election would be not so much brave as suicidal.
Of course there will be a currency union Says senior UK Government Minister #businessforscotland #indyref
You have to feel sorry for the PB tories. Made to look gullible fools time after time after time by Cammie's Cast Iron EU posturing, then they shriek for weeks about Osbrowne's comical currency posturing and the precise same thing happens.
Remember the PB Golden rule.
The PB tories are always wrong. The PB tories never learn.
Of course there will be a currency union Says senior UK Government Minister #businessforscotland #indyref
You have to feel sorry for the PB tories. Made to look gullible fools time after time after time by Cammie's Cast Iron EU posturing, then they shriek for weeks about Osbrowne's comical currency posturing and the precise same thing happens.
Remember the PB Golden rule.
The PB tories are always wrong. The PB tories never learn.
The emanations of impotence from the PB Eunuchs are strong tonight, and it's not even a full moon.
It really is NOT going to happen, if Scotland votes YES. No Westminster party will commit suicide by creating a tiny new ex-UK eurozone, vastly unpopular with voters.
Scotland, we want you to stay. You're part of the family! But if you go, you GO.
Oh dear. Someone still thinks politicians listen to people. The currency union will happen. Westminster will spin it. "Better a currency union than 1 million economic migrants flooding down south"
By your logic we have would have the Euro by now.
And of course the only way you could sell this currency union, as an emergency measure, is AFTER Scotland has got into serious trouble, not before. The British voter would need to see evidence that this drastic and unwanted step was unavoidable.
And nothing that the rUK government does could stop 5 million rUK Brits voting with their deposits, and starting a run on Scottish banks.
I wonder if this capital flight out of Edinburgh is already happening. There's no knowing what idiocy Salmond might try.
Mr. Eh, unless the UK allowed Scotland into the EU the border could be closed to prevent the '1 million migrants' coming south.
More seriously, pissing off three-fifths of the electorate by u-turning on something that's crystal clear immediately ahead of an election would be not so much brave as suicidal.
Seriously pissing off three-fifths of the electorate is what Westminster does on a daily basis.
If you really want to be independent you need to grow a pair,do your own thing & stop pathetically clinging onto nurse .Time to $hit or get off the pot.
Of course there will be a currency union Says senior UK Government Minister #businessforscotland #indyref
You have to feel sorry for the PB tories. Made to look gullible fools time after time after time by Cammie's Cast Iron EU posturing, then they shriek for weeks about Osbrowne's comical currency posturing and the precise same thing happens.
Remember the PB Golden rule.
The PB tories are always wrong. The PB tories never learn.
The emanations of impotence from the PB Eunuchs are strong tonight, and it's not even a full moon.
"The Panama Solution is what will inevitably happen in iScotland, pending eventual entry into the euro."
I am not at all sure how a country can meet the criteria for entry into the Euro without first having its own currency. The Panama solution would actually be a Panama stop-gap whilst iScotland got their own central bank etc set up.
Mr L, putting Porkie on his dog lead aside, the best quote I have seen this week is
"Thirty years from now there will be a huge amount of oil - and no buyers. Oil will be left in the ground. The Stone Age came to an end, not because we had a lack of stones, and the oil age will come to an end not because we have a lack of oil,"
The whole premise of Nattery is based on a false platfrom and easy bucks never are; life has an irritating habit of changing the slam dunks so that they're never slam nor dunk but just an almost could have been.
Odd? The kippers certainly don't look stone dead or anything close to their 2010 3.1%. Never mind. Some more fop posturing should keep the PB Cameroons happy.
And of course the only way you could sell this currency union, as an emergency measure, is AFTER Scotland has got into serious trouble, not before. The British voter would need to see evidence that this drastic and unwanted step was unavoidable.
And nothing that the rUK government does could stop 5 million rUK Brits voting with their deposits, and starting a run on Scottish banks.
So, from no chance to a slight chance. Westminster would "pre-empt any cataclysmic event" and tell you all how clever they are.
Of course there will be a currency union Says senior UK Government Minister #businessforscotland #indyref
You have to feel sorry for the PB tories. Made to look gullible fools time after time after time by Cammie's Cast Iron EU posturing, then they shriek for weeks about Osbrowne's comical currency posturing and the precise same thing happens.
Remember the PB Golden rule.
The PB tories are always wrong. The PB tories never learn.
The emanations of impotence from the PB Eunuchs are strong tonight, and it's not even a full moon.
They do seem unusually grumpy don't they? They must have missed their regular delivery of Viagra, the poor old sausages.
Of course there will be a currency union Says senior UK Government Minister #businessforscotland #indyref
You have to feel sorry for the PB tories. Made to look gullible fools time after time after time by Cammie's Cast Iron EU posturing, then they shriek for weeks about Osbrowne's comical currency posturing and the precise same thing happens.
Remember the PB Golden rule.
The PB tories are always wrong. The PB tories never learn.
The emanations of impotence from the PB Eunuchs are strong tonight, and it's not even a full moon.
They do seem unusually grumpy don't they? They must have missed their regular delivery of Viagra, the poor old sausages.
Which front page is worse for LDs - Mail or Times ?
Which front page is worse for tories - independent or telegraph ;-)
FFS,miliband doesn't have to lift a finger for the keys of number 10,the telegraph really do hate Cameron.
Not all the Telegraph surely? There must be a mockney clickbaiter still in there gullible enough to implicitly believe all the fop posturing. Be it on currency or the EU.
Let's be fair - most people under 40 won't have a clue who Cyril Smith was and trying to portray this as some kind of "damage" to the LDs is as preposterous as suggesting the Profumo scandal would damage today's Conservative Party.
I suspect Mr Flashman's ghost is wandering the corridors making mischief this evening...
Of far more interest - Randwick stages the inaugural Championships weekend - the most valuable day's racing ever staged in the Southern Hemisphere. The first day has almost as much prize money at £5,350,000 as Arc day in Paris.
My kind of Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere is...
"So, from no chance to a slight chance. Westminster would "pre-empt any cataclysmic event" and tell you all how clever they are."
So.... vote YES on the "slight chance" that Westminster will agree to a currency union as the Scottish economy will collapse otherwise.
Is that the Nat prospectus?
Vote YES on the "slight chance" that Westminster will agree to a currency union as the Scottish economy will collapse otherwise!!
A large chunk of my family lives in Scotland. They are free to vote YES, and good luck to them, but I want them to do it knowing the facts, not a lot of dangerously wishful thinking.
If you really believe Osborne, Balls and Alexander then no problem. After all these guys never lie.
There is no longer any point to the Liberal Democrats, one of the party’s most senior MPs has claimed. Voters cannot be blamed for abandoning the party, according to Jeremy Browne, a Liberal Democrat minister until October, who puts the blame at the feet of Nick Clegg for pandering to its left wing.
Is Jeremy Browne about to defect to the Tories? Now that would be a turn-up.
There is no longer any point to the Liberal Democrats, one of the party’s most senior MPs has claimed. Voters cannot be blamed for abandoning the party, according to Jeremy Browne, a Liberal Democrat minister until October, who puts the blame at the feet of Nick Clegg for pandering to its left wing.
Is Jeremy Browne about to defect to the Tories? Now that would be a turn-up.
The interesting thing is that there have been angry rumblings against Browne from some of Clegg's most loyal spinners lately. So this outburst may have been expected.
No getting away from's been a bad week for Cameron and the tories and still in one poll today,one point behind labour ;-)
That poll is remarkable, given the awful week Tories have endured.
It tells me the VI narrowing is real, and based on an improving economy - nothing else. And that's why lefties are worried.
You should do a Blog about it - There's nothing more guaranteed ti raise the ire of the Telegraph blog community than suggesting things may be looking up for Cameron and the government.
There is no longer any point to the Liberal Democrats, one of the party’s most senior MPs has claimed. Voters cannot be blamed for abandoning the party, according to Jeremy Browne, a Liberal Democrat minister until October, who puts the blame at the feet of Nick Clegg for pandering to its left wing.
Is Jeremy Browne about to defect to the Tories? Now that would be a turn-up.
I'd be surprised if Jeremy Browne has actually said that direct quote but it will no doubt be seized on by those not well disposed toward the Party in general.
I'm keen to read Browne's book and the advance notices will no doubt help his sales. He represents a strong strand of opinion within the party though the stench of sour grapes toward Nick Clegg won't help his cause if he sees himself (which I suspect he doesn't) as a future leadership contender.
Much of his prospectus sounds like the Liberal Party of the 1950s which was the most right-wing of the three parties (and included members of the IEA and other Thatcherite think-tanks among its membership) and rejected much of the prevailing Butskellite consensus.
Twitter Media Guido @MediaGuido 4m N.B. At no point in the interview with @thetimes (splash "Lib Dems 'are pointless' ") does Jeremy Browne say the Lib Dems are pointless.
Have the people at UK Polling Report fallen asleep? The table showing their polling data hasn't been updated since 2 April nine days ago.
That's probably why Dr. Stephen Fisher hasn't yet updated his GE Seats Forecast which he usually does on a Friday based on UKPR's latest polling figures.
There is no longer any point to the Liberal Democrats, one of the party’s most senior MPs has claimed. Voters cannot be blamed for abandoning the party, according to Jeremy Browne, a Liberal Democrat minister until October, who puts the blame at the feet of Nick Clegg for pandering to its left wing.
Is Jeremy Browne about to defect to the Tories? Now that would be a turn-up.
I'd be surprised if Jeremy Browne has actually said that direct quote but it will no doubt be seized on by those not well disposed toward the Party in general.
I'm keen to read Browne's book and the advance notices will no doubt help his sales. He represents a strong strand of opinion within the party though the stench of sour grapes toward Nick Clegg won't help his cause if he sees himself (which I suspect he doesn't) as a future leadership contender.
Book quotables are indeed hardly new. Though I think you may be stretching all credibility if you think there is strong strand of opinion that thinks Clegg is useless because he's too left-wing??? Quite the reverse.
There is no longer any point to the Liberal Democrats, one of the party’s most senior MPs has claimed. Voters cannot be blamed for abandoning the party, according to Jeremy Browne, a Liberal Democrat minister until October, who puts the blame at the feet of Nick Clegg for pandering to its left wing.
Is Jeremy Browne about to defect to the Tories? Now that would be a turn-up.
I'd be surprised if Jeremy Browne has actually said that direct quote but it will no doubt be seized on by those not well disposed toward the Party in general.
I'm keen to read Browne's book and the advance notices will no doubt help his sales. He represents a strong strand of opinion within the party though the stench of sour grapes toward Nick Clegg won't help his cause if he sees himself (which I suspect he doesn't) as a future leadership contender.
Much of his prospectus sounds like the Liberal Party of the 1950s which was the most right-wing of the three parties (and included members of the IEA and other Thatcherite think-tanks among its membership) and rejected much of the prevailing Butskellite consensus.
Have the people at UK Polling Report fallen asleep? The table showing their polling data hasn't been updated since 2 April nine days ago.
That's probably why Dr. Stephen Fisher hasn't yet updated his GE Seats Forecast which he usually does on a Friday based on UKPR's latest polling figures.
Perhaps Anthony is unwell? Or having a holiday? It must be hard work running that website and keeping it updated. I think AW does a grand job.
There is no longer any point to the Liberal Democrats, one of the party’s most senior MPs has claimed. Voters cannot be blamed for abandoning the party, according to Jeremy Browne, a Liberal Democrat minister until October, who puts the blame at the feet of Nick Clegg for pandering to its left wing.
Is Jeremy Browne about to defect to the Tories? Now that would be a turn-up.
I'd be surprised if Jeremy Browne has actually said that direct quote but it will no doubt be seized on by those not well disposed toward the Party in general.
I'm keen to read Browne's book and the advance notices will no doubt help his sales. He represents a strong strand of opinion within the party though the stench of sour grapes toward Nick Clegg won't help his cause if he sees himself (which I suspect he doesn't) as a future leadership contender.
Much of his prospectus sounds like the Liberal Party of the 1950s which was the most right-wing of the three parties (and included members of the IEA and other Thatcherite think-tanks among its membership) and rejected much of the prevailing Butskellite consensus.
If he sounds like a Tory, then he is a Tory.
He's also dire on stuff like QT so there is no chance whatsoever that he has any realistic leadership ambitions as stodge says. Though to be fair Clegg is toxic and he's still leader.
Just remind us how much the current SNP Government has cost the Scots taxpayers trying to hide their non existent legal advice on EU membership! After Megrahi, letting our tax raising powers lapse in the last Parliament etc, I wouldn't trust Salmond & Co if they told me it was raining outside these days.
"So, from no chance to a slight chance. Westminster would "pre-empt any cataclysmic event" and tell you all how clever they are."
So.... vote YES on the "slight chance" that Westminster will agree to a currency union as the Scottish economy will collapse otherwise.
Is that the Nat prospectus?
Vote YES on the "slight chance" that Westminster will agree to a currency union as the Scottish economy will collapse otherwise!!
A large chunk of my family lives in Scotland. They are free to vote YES, and good luck to them, but I want them to do it knowing the facts, not a lot of dangerously wishful thinking.
If you really believe Osborne, Balls and Alexander then no problem. After all these guys never lie.
It's not the Jewishness per se, of course, it is the perceived associations with Israel (not a seller), and the general north London foreign-ness that goes with.
....You what?
I thought that package was one of the best I've ever seen Ed come across. One of his main problems is, when he's doing one of his pre-prepared soundbites for the news, he sounds SO wooden and insincere. This time he actually seemed more natural. He'll always be a geek, but if he atleast come across as an authentic and sincere geek then that would be an improvement.
There was an SNP landslide win. Meanwhile there are still more Pandas than scottish tory MPs. So unless someone still has their head stuck up Cameron's backside it's blatantly obvious who the public trusts more and it ain't old biddies from SCON or Cammie.
@Stodge Some interesting races tommorow here too - Guineas/Derby prospect Kingman runs in the Abdullah colours of Frankel fame at Newbury, and My Tent or Yours tries to defy over a stone at Ayr.
I wonder whether Ed Milliband's ever been drunk in his life? I get the feeling that while Willie Hague was downing 34 pints in one sitting Ed would have been more likely to be playing with his Rublix Cube...
Just remind us how much the current SNP Government has cost the Scots taxpayers trying to hide their non existent legal advice on EU membership! After Megrahi, letting our tax raising powers lapse in the last Parliament etc, I wouldn't trust Salmond & Co if they told me it was raining outside these days.
Of course George and co. have their own non-existent legal advice, these days:
GIN1138 (I think) says 'There's nothing more guaranteed to raise the ire of the Telegraph blog community than suggesting things may be looking up for Cameron and the government.'
There are a lot of sad people about who can only rant and rave. Its one reason why the Telegraph has become a joke. At least the Mail concentrates on cellulite and women out of their make up.
In 45 of Labour's 106 target seats, the Labour candidate is female and their opponent is male. And there's some evidence that women prefer to vote for female candidates IIRC.
I wonder whether Ed Milliband's ever been drunk in his life? I get the feeling that while Willie Hague was downing 34 pints in one sitting Ed would have been more likely to be playing with his Rublix Cube...
Maria Miller expenses scandal: Tory MP ‘says Cameron would have sacked her days ago – if she was called Mark'
You know you want to.
Could I have 5 unsliced loaves please & directions to the fish counter.. #CameronJesus
Tickle your sporran for a tenner ?
Sean, stop worrying the SNP are all prima donnas - think antifrank but a bit gay.
I'm now lovebombing nats for the next 6 months and Mick's my bitch.
Robert Colvile @rcolvile 4m
@Nigel_Farage really getting it in the neck on Have I Got News For You. Smile increasingly strained...
Much more interesting is the finding that a paltry 8% of respondents in England, Wales and Northern Ireland think they would be financially better off if Scotland became independent. It seems that deep down, voters south of the border do have a sense that London media mythology about resource-rich Scotland being "subsidised" is probably garbage.
As an out of touch mockney might say, Gertcha! Jellied eels.
Dear God! Well, if you must can't you do it in private?
Labour 1,763
Conservatives 1,535
LibDem 691
Ind 85
Greens 18"
In truth Mick will jump about all over the place but's it's only so he can have a dominator.
18th september he'll vote No as he has been told, he's from the same mould as Osborne.
'You think once any referendum for rUk starts that it will switch the other way - oh dear.'
Desperate straw clutching.and good comedy.
If you try really hard you might even sound as bright as your chums here. Keep at it.
It makes Benefit Street look subtle.
Nick Robinson @bbcnickrobinson 2m
The self-styled "under-estimated" leader @Ed_Miliband tells me on a visit to Israel that he wants to be the "Post Iraq Prime Minister"
Is he up against a Kinnock or a Miliband ?
(numbers from wikipedia)
1. Stephen Mangan has lost a lot of weight plus his hair thing is off-putting.
2. Typical luvvie-fest lapping up NFarage's presence.
3. NFarage did fine. Smile a bit forced but understandably so. He was super-butt of the jokes.
4. They were ruthless and relentless in a way they wouldn't have been with any other party leader.
5. Then again UKIP often asks for it.
6. I thought he was ingenuous; he seemed to be genuinely happy that he had got eg. the floods one right. Almost touchingly so.
7. The over-riding impression will be: good old boy, well done - no other leader would have submitted themselves to it nor been treated that way.
I am not at all sure how a country can meet the criteria for entry into the Euro without first having its own currency. The Panama solution would actually be a Panama stop-gap whilst iScotland got their own central bank etc set up.
The currency union will happen.
Westminster will spin it. "Better a currency union than 1 million economic migrants flooding down south"
Of course there will be a currency union Says senior UK Government Minister #businessforscotland #indyref
You have to feel sorry for the PB tories. Made to look gullible fools time after time after time by Cammie's Cast Iron EU posturing, then they shriek for weeks about Osbrowne's comical currency posturing and the precise same thing happens.
Remember the PB Golden rule.
The PB tories are always wrong. The PB tories never learn.
I think Usain Bolt would have trouble keeping up...
Tim Montgomerie @TimMontgomerie 4m
George Osborne nails the Left, whatever the circumstances: spend, spend, spend
PoliticsHome @politicshome 4m
Tomorrow's Financial Times front page: 'Osborne tightens net on tax havens' …
Duncan Williams @weeklies 1h
Corker of a headline...>>"INDEPENDENT FRONT PAGE: Expenses inquiry into sex party at Tory conference."
Cammie's having quite the week. No wonder the usual suspects sound on the verge of tears.
Don't let go of those straws.
More seriously, pissing off three-fifths of the electorate by u-turning on something that's crystal clear immediately ahead of an election would be not so much brave as suicidal.
Edited extra bit: huzzah, a quick refresh sorted it. And with that, I'm off.
you think that's what Cammie's was thinking was by keeping the expenses embarrassment Miller on for so long? That went well, didn't it?
They want to be independent but don't want to let go of nurse,pathetic.
If you really want to be independent you need to grow a pair,do your own thing & stop pathetically clinging onto nurse .Time to $hit or get off the pot.
"Thirty years from now there will be a huge amount of oil - and no buyers. Oil will be left in the ground. The Stone Age came to an end, not because we had a lack of stones, and the oil age will come to an end not because we have a lack of oil,"
The whole premise of Nattery is based on a false platfrom and easy bucks never are; life has an irritating habit of changing the slam dunks so that they're never slam nor dunk but just an almost could have been.
Conservatives could hold Lisbon Treaty referendum after ratification
A Conservative government could hold a referendum on the European Union's Lisbon Treaty even if it has already been ratified, William Hague has said
Not just gullible but Cast Iron gullible.
How's Osbrowne's EU master strategy going BTW?
Odd? The kippers certainly don't look stone dead or anything close to their 2010 3.1%.
Never mind. Some more fop posturing should keep the PB Cameroons happy.
And of course the only way you could sell this currency union, as an emergency measure, is AFTER Scotland has got into serious trouble, not before. The British voter would need to see evidence that this drastic and unwanted step was unavoidable.
And nothing that the rUK government does could stop 5 million rUK Brits voting with their deposits, and starting a run on Scottish banks.
So, from no chance to a slight chance.
Westminster would "pre-empt any cataclysmic event" and tell you all how clever they are.
Not so for tory MPs.
Ian Horrocks @ianoryx 12m
Tories being savaged by press at present MT @amolrajan Inquiry into Tory conference 'sex party paid on expenses'
More expenses headlines and even more amusing ones than Bone and his £90,000.
Can't see how that could be bad for Cammie.
FFS,miliband doesn't have to lift a finger for the keys of number 10,the telegraph really do hate Cameron.
Mind you, the second headline is a bit bizarre:
'Mercer faces suspension as MP to cap Cameron's woes.'
Cap Cameron's woes? I'd have thought Dave would regard it as the one bright point of the week:
Another Tory MP under investigation for expenses claims! Peter Bone MP being investigated for upkeep of second home -
Pablo Byrne @anBhanna
Peter Bone, thanks his wife for letting him on #bbcsp. She should be thanking him, given we pay her £50k - the highest paid MP’s secretary.
The cretins wanting to bring up politicians wives on today of all days are a wee bit dolly dimple.
Let's be fair - most people under 40 won't have a clue who Cyril Smith was and trying to portray this as some kind of "damage" to the LDs is as preposterous as suggesting the Profumo scandal would damage today's Conservative Party.
I suspect Mr Flashman's ghost is wandering the corridors making mischief this evening...
My kind of Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere is...
Former shadow Tory minister Patrick Mercer expected to be banned for up to six months
Old Holborn @OHwinsAgain 2h
Ex Tory Minister to be banned for 6 months for cash for questions …
It's all getting a bit omnishambolic now, isn't it?
Comedy fops.
"So, from no chance to a slight chance.
Westminster would "pre-empt any cataclysmic event" and tell you all how clever they are."
So.... vote YES on the "slight chance" that Westminster will agree to a currency union as the Scottish economy will collapse otherwise.
Is that the Nat prospectus?
Vote YES on the "slight chance" that Westminster will agree to a currency union as the Scottish economy will collapse otherwise!!
A large chunk of my family lives in Scotland. They are free to vote YES, and good luck to them, but I want them to do it knowing the facts, not a lot of dangerously wishful thinking.
If you really believe Osborne, Balls and Alexander then no problem.
After all these guys never lie.
There is no longer any point to the Liberal Democrats, one of the party’s most senior MPs has claimed. Voters cannot be blamed for abandoning the party, according to Jeremy Browne, a Liberal Democrat minister until October, who puts the blame at the feet of Nick Clegg for pandering to its left wing.
Is Jeremy Browne about to defect to the Tories? Now that would be a turn-up.
Lorena @LogicalLorena
@David_Cameron Do you really think what I just watched #GypsiesOnBenefitsAndProud is fair to the tax paying ppl of this country. Im outraged
BBC as just done a clip on the news trying to cool the tensions.
This perfectly reasonable polling assessment;
Has generated over 2000 comments!!!!!
I'm keen to read Browne's book and the advance notices will no doubt help his sales. He represents a strong strand of opinion within the party though the stench of sour grapes toward Nick Clegg won't help his cause if he sees himself (which I suspect he doesn't) as a future leadership contender.
Much of his prospectus sounds like the Liberal Party of the 1950s which was the most right-wing of the three parties (and included members of the IEA and other Thatcherite think-tanks among its membership) and rejected much of the prevailing Butskellite consensus.
Media Guido @MediaGuido 4m
N.B. At no point in the interview with @thetimes (splash "Lib Dems 'are pointless' ") does Jeremy Browne say the Lib Dems are pointless.
That's probably why Dr. Stephen Fisher hasn't yet updated his GE Seats Forecast which he usually does on a Friday based on UKPR's latest polling figures.
Westminster would "pre-empt any cataclysmic event" and tell you all how clever they are."
So.... vote YES on the "slight chance" that Westminster will agree to a currency union as the Scottish economy will collapse otherwise.
Is that the Nat prospectus?
Vote YES on the "slight chance" that Westminster will agree to a currency union as the Scottish economy will collapse otherwise!!
A large chunk of my family lives in Scotland. They are free to vote YES, and good luck to them, but I want them to do it knowing the facts, not a lot of dangerously wishful thinking.
If you really believe Osborne, Balls and Alexander then no problem.
After all these guys never lie.
I thought that package was one of the best I've ever seen Ed come across. One of his main problems is, when he's doing one of his pre-prepared soundbites for the news, he sounds SO wooden and insincere. This time he actually seemed more natural. He'll always be a geek, but if he atleast come across as an authentic and sincere geek then that would be an improvement.
Tory MP, Peter Bone's, expenses under investigation by Standards Cttee …
When 2 scandals collide: Sexpenses RT @amolrajan EXCLUSIVE: EXPENSES INQUIRY INTO SEX PARTY AT TORY CONF @Independent
Daily_Express @Daily_Express
David Cameron claims 'Big Society' is the work of Jesus, as he calls himself 'Dyno-rod'
Foptastic. Happy Easter.
And of the Scottish or UK parliaments, looks to me like the Scottish one was the more honourable over Lockerbie/Megrahi
" I wouldn't trust Salmond & Co if they told me it was raining outside these days."
to be fair, I don't think this is a change in your position
GIN1138 (I think) says 'There's nothing more guaranteed to raise the ire of the Telegraph blog community than suggesting things may be looking up for Cameron and the government.'
There are a lot of sad people about who can only rant and rave. Its one reason why the Telegraph has become a joke. At least the Mail concentrates on cellulite and women out of their make up.
Talking of the Daily Mail, how sad is this story;
In 45 of Labour's 106 target seats, the Labour candidate is female and their opponent is male. And there's some evidence that women prefer to vote for female candidates IIRC.
LOL. As Tories with their heads screwed on you both know better than to take solace in an outlier?