Interesting. Very interesting. I see those two PBers as pretty close to the Yellow grassroots so it does look as if the Liberals now see no chance of redemption.
Yes indeed
I'd say that their lack of confidence makes the 8/11 Clegg to be gone by Jan 1st 2016 an even better bet
A very tidy bet for the serious investor @Isam. I don't like tying my money up however, preferring instead to shovel it all on an out of form golfer and lose it overnight in the Masters crapshoot.
Salmond's clearly got a women problem,all the publicity about his troughing can't have helped or maybe they just see through all the bluff,bluster and bull$hit.
'Only 28.5 per cent of the female electorate would now vote for independence, down from 32.5 per cent in March, according to the Survation poll. Support for the No camp was much higher among women than men (51 per cent compared to 44 per cent).'
Recent poll (forget which it was) gave a different shift. And if you keep equating Mr Salmond = SNP = Independence side you are gong to make as big a mistake as it would be to equate Mr Cameron with the unionist side.
Interesting. Very interesting. I see those two PBers as pretty close to the Yellow grassroots so it does look as if the Liberals now see no chance of redemption.
Yes indeed
I'd say that their lack of confidence makes the 8/11 Clegg to be gone by Jan 1st 2016 an even better bet
Interesting. Very interesting. I see those two PBers as pretty close to the Yellow grassroots so it does look as if the Liberals now see no chance of redemption.
Yes indeed
I'd say that their lack of confidence makes the 8/11 Clegg to be gone by Jan 1st 2016 an even better bet
No indeed not . I am quite choosy who I place my bests with on here . It is much more a reflection of my opinion of you that I will not place bets with you though I was happy to place several with tim . Mike has also explained to you in great detail why he will not place that particular bet with you .
"In her speech to the SNP spring conference in Aberdeen, she will argue independence would "rejuvenate" a Labour Party "no longer dancing to Westminster's tune".
Her comments, which are likely to rile Scots Labour leader Johann Lamont, will be accompanied by an announcement of extra Scottish Government funding for food banks, calculated to highlight the impact of the UK Government's unpopular welfare reforms.
Ms Sturgeon, the "Yes minister" responsible for referendum strategy, will target Labour voters as polls show they are more sympathetic to independence than Conservative or LibDems' supporters, and are prominent among the one million or so Scots who remain undecided about the referendum.
She will say: "To every Labour voter in the country I say this - the Yes campaign is not asking you to change your party, instead it offers you the chance to get your party back.
"Independence will not mean the end of Labour but it might mean a rejuvenated Labour Party, a Labour Party free to make its own decisions, a Labour Party no longer dancing to Westminster's tune.
"For every voter with Labour in their heart, the message is clear: don't vote No to stop the SNP, vote Yes to reclaim the Labour Party.""
Not just rattling Ms Lamont's cage, but prodding her in the ribs as well ...
stultifyingly dumb. Labour is a UK national party, if they vote for Indy they become the Scottish Socialist party.
Here is the Jon Snow attempted hatchet job of Nigel Farage from Wednesday
Snow is unable to control himself. His aged face is a mask of hate and panic during that interrogation.
Farage totally avoids answering the question on expenses.
Another shifty trougher.
No he didn't!
Clear as crystal, he said they took as much as they could and funded the party with it, without gaining personally
I have to say that struck me as a curious line. Using public money for party coffers is OK, so long as you don't enrich yourself personally?
I'd have no problem with Sinn Fein MP's squeezing as much money as they can out of Westminster expenses as using it to fund their party. Same applies to UKIP in Brussels.
I wouldn't have thought the people that vote UKIP and Sinn Fein would mind either. Do you think it will lose them votes?
If they were doing it and spending it on themselves (buying a 2nd hoime/making £1m profit/Wisteria/DuckHouse/Moat) that would be different,
That's an immoral and undemocratic position.
If UKIP believes that parties should be state funded they should have the guts to put it in their manifesto. Money allocated by Parliament for one function should not be diverted to another use.
Well lets agree that all parties have been guilty of over claiming expenses, ok
Labour, Conservatives & Lib Dem MP's have taken from the British taxpayer for their own personal wealth (to buy 2nd homes/clear moats etc)
UKIP have taken from a European pot to fund the party and destroy the thing they have been elected to destroy
We shall see what the public thinks is worse
Just as a factual point, Douglas Hogg never claimed money to clear his moat.
Ok, to clear Wisteria from Chimneys
Not quite - It was to mend a leaky roof, put some outside lights on the property for security and mend some that were broken.
I'd also appreciate your advice - The Veritas party lead by Therese Muchewicz now has 29 twitter followers – what are the chances of them taking more seats than UKIP? ; )
Oh on that 2nd point I have no idea.. more than UKIP I suppose?
Here's an interesting piece on David Cameron's expenses... if he fires Bone having defended Miller I might put money on him being gone before the end of 2014
The Veritas party lead by Therese Muchewicz now has 29 twitter followers
Like those Japanese soldiers in the jungle who havent been told their Emperor has surrendered. Maybe RKS could be prevailed upon to convince them to give up?
LOL - perhaps they should rebrand to that of the Norwegian blue parrot party.
Here is the Jon Snow attempted hatchet job of Nigel Farage from Wednesday
Judge for yourself if it was successful
Personally I thought Snow tried every trick in the book, including allegations of racism (4:07) to get Farage riled, and failed. He even accused Farage of having a bad expenses record (4:13) and then pretended when challenged seconds later, (4:23) that hadn't said it.
Salmond is more popular with men in Scotland for the same reason that Farage is more popular with men in England. They both want to do something slightly risky and daring: men like that sort of thing, women are more risk-averse and prefer stability, generally speaking. A certain type of man likes to risk everything for the chance of glory and honour, even if it might all end disastrously. That's why it's likely young men will be the biggest supporters of Scottish independence in the referendum.
Are you saying independence is the choice of the testosterone fuelled bloke Andy? ;-)
Yes. Would you categorise that as a controversial point of view?
If LD's are wiped out in EU elections (which Brussels party thinks is almost certain), moves will be made against Clegg. I'm not sure if he will be *actually* deposed, but very public talks of "this man cannot lead us into the GE" are being discussed in some quarters.
Interesting. Very interesting. I see those two PBers as pretty close to the Yellow grassroots so it does look as if the Liberals now see no chance of redemption.
Yes indeed
I'd say that their lack of confidence makes the 8/11 Clegg to be gone by Jan 1st 2016 an even better bet
Interesting. Very interesting. I see those two PBers as pretty close to the Yellow grassroots so it does look as if the Liberals now see no chance of redemption.
Yes indeed
I'd say that their lack of confidence makes the 8/11 Clegg to be gone by Jan 1st 2016 an even better bet
No indeed not . I am quite choosy who I place my bests with on here . It is much more a reflection of my opinion of you that I will not place bets with you though I was happy to place several with tim . Mike has also explained to you in great detail why he will not place that particular bet with you .
Oh I want to take that money off you so badly as well!
Never mind
Mike's running scared, he knows exactly who I am, his son has bet with me, lost, and I haven't asked for the money...
These aren't just yellow bellies.. these are MS yellow bellies!
Salmond's clearly got a women problem,all the publicity about his troughing can't have helped or maybe they just see through all the bluff,bluster and bull$hit.
'Only 28.5 per cent of the female electorate would now vote for independence, down from 32.5 per cent in March, according to the Survation poll. Support for the No camp was much higher among women than men (51 per cent compared to 44 per cent).'
Well of course Salmond has a woman problem, the nats are a bunch of blunt irate blokes who ignore ladies and seek male company in a kind of clannish way. There's something vaguely homoerotic about it, think of the film 300 with body hair.
So you think that the cabinet is all male even when a third are by all evidence female? [edited to clarify] I'd like to see what you think isn't homoerotic!
You would have thought Farage, with 116.3K Twitter followers, would have encouraged his supporters to follow the UKIP candidate for Basingstoke, Alan Stone, who currently only has 23:
stultifyingly dumb. Labour is a UK national party, if they vote for Indy they become the Scottish Socialist party.
Too stupid strikes again.
Not sure about that - it's aimed at Scottish Labour voters, not at the Scottish Labour Party. I'd have thought it was quite a smart line.
Smart only in the sense of duping idiots. The whole shenanigans of promising everyone what they want to hear and hang the consequences is a problem in the making. Salmond has overpromised by a country mile and is incapable of delivering.
Salmond's clearly got a women problem,all the publicity about his troughing can't have helped or maybe they just see through all the bluff,bluster and bull$hit.
'Only 28.5 per cent of the female electorate would now vote for independence, down from 32.5 per cent in March, according to the Survation poll. Support for the No camp was much higher among women than men (51 per cent compared to 44 per cent).'
Well of course Salmond has a woman problem, the nats are a bunch of blunt irate blokes who ignore ladies and seek male company in a kind of clannish way. There's something vaguely homoerotic about it, think of the film 300 with body hair.
With a third of the cabinet apparently [edit: intended sarcastically] female? I'd like to see what you think isn't homoerotic!
Here is the Jon Snow attempted hatchet job of Nigel Farage from Wednesday
Judge for yourself if it was successful
Personally I thought Snow tried every trick in the book, including allegations of racism (4:07) to get Farage riled, and failed. He even accused Farage of having a bad expenses record (4:13) and then pretended when challenged seconds later, (4:23) that hadn't said it.
Provided that it is on a fully arms-length basis and at a freely negotiated market rent I wouldnt have an issue in theory.
In practice, however, shared site agreements are notoriously easy to abuse, so I think it is easier to have a bright line test and simply ban the arrangement
Smart only in the sense of duping idiots. The whole shenanigans of promising everyone what they want to hear and hang the consequences is a problem in the making. Salmond has overpromised by a country mile and is incapable of delivering.
Yes, well that is true.
Still, give him his due; people say that the positive case for the union hasn't been made, but he's been doing an excellent job pointing out, in a very positive way, the advantages of a shared currency, shared monarchy, shared institutions, no border controls, integrated economy, and a financial sector which can service the whole UK.
Smart only in the sense of duping idiots. The whole shenanigans of promising everyone what they want to hear and hang the consequences is a problem in the making. Salmond has overpromised by a country mile and is incapable of delivering.
Yes, well that is true.
Still, give him his due; people say that the positive case for the union hasn't been made, but he's been doing an excellent job pointing out, in a very positive way, the advantages of a shared currency, shared monarchy, shared institutions, no border controls, integrated economy, and a financial sector which can service the whole UK.
If LD's are wiped out in EU elections (which Brussels party thinks is almost certain), moves will be made against Clegg. I'm not sure if he will be *actually* deposed, but very public talks of "this man cannot lead us into the GE" are being discussed in some quarters.
The debates are now seen as suicidal.
Is it certain? Aren't the LD MEPs likely to hang on in London and the South East?
If LD's are wiped out in EU elections (which Brussels party thinks is almost certain), moves will be made against Clegg. I'm not sure if he will be *actually* deposed, but very public talks of "this man cannot lead us into the GE" are being discussed in some quarters.
The debates are now seen as suicidal.
Is it certain? Aren't the LD MEPs likely to hang on in London and the South East?
The maths makes a literal wipeout pretty unlikely in my mind, will happily offer odds that they are wiped out if anyone is interested.
EDIT: Not sure I can beat Shadsy's odds here, I will confess.
Here is the Jon Snow attempted hatchet job of Nigel Farage from Wednesday
Judge for yourself if it was successful
Personally I thought Snow tried every trick in the book, including allegations of racism (4:07) to get Farage riled, and failed. He even accused Farage of having a bad expenses record (4:13) and then pretended when challenged seconds later, (4:23) that hadn't said it.
Snow is unable to control himself. His aged face is a mask of hate and panic during that interrogation.
Farage totally avoids answering the question on expenses.
Another shifty trougher.
No he didn't!
Clear as crystal, he said they took as much as they could and funded the party with it, without gaining personally
So misuse of public funds for party political purposes.
I see little difference between that and Councillors giving 10% of 'expenses' to their party.
Or Charles and his chums handing over six figure sums
Prince Charles? - peronally I have no qualms with private individual donating to political parties of their choice - isn't there a cap on donations not exceeding 5 figures?
stultifyingly dumb. Labour is a UK national party, if they vote for Indy they become the Scottish Socialist party.
Too stupid strikes again.
Not sure about that - it's aimed at Scottish Labour voters, not at the Scottish Labour Party. I'd have thought it was quite a smart line.
Undoubtedly aimed at voters. But it would also put pressure on the Labour Party through its low-level activists, and exactly at the incipient fractures in the Labour Party in Scotland - between the hierarchy who are desperate to keep their London links and those who are actual and potential members of Labour for Indy, and again between the hierarchy who are happy to get into bed with Tories, and those who would rather catch a dose of crabs.
Salmond's clearly got a women problem,all the publicity about his troughing can't have helped or maybe they just see through all the bluff,bluster and bull$hit.
'Only 28.5 per cent of the female electorate would now vote for independence, down from 32.5 per cent in March, according to the Survation poll. Support for the No camp was much higher among women than men (51 per cent compared to 44 per cent).'
Well of course Salmond has a woman problem, the nats are a bunch of blunt irate blokes who ignore ladies and seek male company in a kind of clannish way. There's something vaguely homoerotic about it, think of the film 300 with body hair.
With a third of the cabinet apparently [edit: intended sarcastically] female? I'd like to see what you think isn't homoerotic!
Nicola Sturgeon is a bloke.
Admittedly I wasn't too clear. But remind me never to invite you to go on a blind date ...
Current LAB prices in their Scottish target seats:
Dundee East (SNP) 11/4 (FAV = SNP 1/4) East Dunbartonshire (LD) 1/2 FAV Argyll & Bute (LD) 2/1 (FAV = SNP 7/4) Edinburgh West (LD) 4/5 FAV Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale & Tweeddale (Con) 9/4 (FAV = Con 2/5) Western Isles (SNP): no prices yet Gordon (LD) 7/2 (Joint FAV = SNP and LD both on 11/8) Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross (LD) 3/1 (FAV = LD 2/5) Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch & Strathspey (LD) 7/2 (FAV = LD 1/2)
So, LAB are odds-on FAV in two Lib Dem seats. Otherwise, it is looking like an uphill job in those other target seats.
LDs are surely too short in loads of those? They're polling 6-8% in Scottish Westminster polls right now, how can they be favourites in more than one or two seats if that could be their vote share across Scotland? Money to be made betting against them in all the ones they lead, surely?
EDIT: OK, now polling quite as low as I though. But my point still stands.
The Scottish Lib Dems are safe in two Scottish seats:
a) Orkney & Shetland (the Scottish Secretary Carmichael) b) Ross, Skye & Lochaber (Charlie Kennedy)
Otherwise it is smelly breeks time all round for SLD MPs and the new SLD PPCs where the sitting MP is retiring.
I think that the Lib Dems have been priced laughably short by Shadsy in most of their Scottish seats. He has already been forced to lengthen several of them. The pickings are rich for early birds.
Who do you think will take Inverness? The Highlands have been heavily trending away from Labour in recent times, which is why I don't give them any chance at all of taking Caithness or Argyll & Bute despite them being close-ish, but I've been thinking about Inverness purely because they held that seat in the fairly recent past which might mean they have slightly more of a "base" there.
I am very familiar with Inverness, and I would certainly not write off Labour in Inverness itself: they have some good personnel and they know how to get their vote out. However, they are next to non-existent in vast swathes of the constituency. The SNP vote is more evenly spread throughout the entire geographic area.
If pushed I would have this down as SNP FAV with LAB breathing down our necks. Danny Alexander will be fighting it out for 3rd place with his Tory chums.
Here is the Jon Snow attempted hatchet job of Nigel Farage from Wednesday
Judge for yourself if it was successful
Personally I thought Snow tried every trick in the book, including allegations of racism (4:07) to get Farage riled, and failed. He even accused Farage of having a bad expenses record (4:13) and then pretended when challenged seconds later, (4:23) that hadn't said it.
Snow is unable to control himself. His aged face is a mask of hate and panic during that interrogation.
Farage totally avoids answering the question on expenses.
Another shifty trougher.
No he didn't!
Clear as crystal, he said they took as much as they could and funded the party with it, without gaining personally
So misuse of public funds for party political purposes.
I see little difference between that and Councillors giving 10% of 'expenses' to their party.
Or Charles and his chums handing over six figure sums
what I do with my taxed income, none of which comes from public funds, is entirely up to me. As it happenes, I don't donate to the Tories any more, and the maximum I ever gave was only 6 figures if you include the pence as well...
Someone doesn't have her head in the sand about the Labour problem in Scotland:
Carnyx, you don't seriously expect the PB tories and comedy bluenoses to have a clue about the campaign do you?
How out of touch do they have to be not to realise that being associated with the tories is toxic for SLAB in scotland.
For that matter how many of them remember that scottish labour and the the unionist friendly papers were very quick to highlight the gender gap in the polls when SLAB were ahead by double figures before the 2011 election? Roughly as many as remember just how quickly they dropped that line of attack when it all started going pear-shaped. It was their favourite crutch stat until the polls narrowed and then reversed before the landslide. They are simply incapable of learning from past mistakes.
stultifyingly dumb. Labour is a UK national party, if they vote for Indy they become the Scottish Socialist party.
Too stupid strikes again.
Not sure about that - it's aimed at Scottish Labour voters, not at the Scottish Labour Party. I'd have thought it was quite a smart line.
Undoubtedly aimed at voters. But it would also put pressure on the Labour Party through its low-level activists, and exactly at the incipient fractures in the Labour Party in Scotland - between the hierarchy who are desperate to keep their London links and those who are actual and potential members of Labour for Indy, and again between the hierarchy who are happy to get into bed with Tories, and those who would rather catch a dose of crabs.
I mean really Mr Carnyx what is this Tories bollocks ? Who are these mystical Bond villains ? Even someone like myself who Richard will happily vouch has a regular go at SE complacency will tell you the kind of evil masterminds you fantasise about don't exist. Most people in the South of Britain are decent hardworking people with ridiculously high mortgages who don't have the time or inclination to go around telling others what to do. It seems to me most of your villains are in your head. Try getting out more.
Interesting. Very interesting. I see those two PBers as pretty close to the Yellow grassroots so it does look as if the Liberals now see no chance of redemption.
Yes indeed
I'd say that their lack of confidence makes the 8/11 Clegg to be gone by Jan 1st 2016 an even better bet
Interesting. Very interesting. I see those two PBers as pretty close to the Yellow grassroots so it does look as if the Liberals now see no chance of redemption.
Yes indeed
I'd say that their lack of confidence makes the 8/11 Clegg to be gone by Jan 1st 2016 an even better bet
No indeed not . I am quite choosy who I place my bests with on here . It is much more a reflection of my opinion of you that I will not place bets with you though I was happy to place several with tim . Mike has also explained to you in great detail why he will not place that particular bet with you .
If LD's are wiped out in EU elections (which Brussels party thinks is almost certain), moves will be made against Clegg. I'm not sure if he will be *actually* deposed, but very public talks of "this man cannot lead us into the GE" are being discussed in some quarters.
The debates are now seen as suicidal.
Is it certain? Aren't the LD MEPs likely to hang on in London and the South East?
The maths makes a literal wipeout pretty unlikely in my mind, will happily offer odds that they are wiped out if anyone is interested.
EDIT: Not sure I can beat Shadsy's odds here, I will confess.
Salmond is more popular with men in Scotland for the same reason that Farage is more popular with men in England. They both want to do something slightly risky and daring: men like that sort of thing, women are more risk-averse and prefer stability, generally speaking. A certain type of man likes to risk everything for the chance of glory and honour, even if it might all end disastrously. That's why it's likely young men will be the biggest supporters of Scottish independence in the referendum.
Are you saying independence is the choice of the testosterone fuelled bloke Andy? ;-)
Yes. Would you categorise that as a controversial point of view?
Not really. I just thought it was an interesting point of view.
Four times as many people picked up on the Maria Miller expenses story as picked up last week on the Clegg-Farage debate. More people noticed the royal visit to New Zealand this week than noticed the first Clegg-Farage debate two weeks ago.
Is it certain? Aren't the LD MEPs likely to hang on in London and the South East?
IMHO? no. Opinion polls have LD's at 9% - would lose all MEPs. UKIP very strong in South East, Greens have pockets of support in some areas. I expect Labour to dominate in London, along with Tories, UKIP and Greens - LD's will get drowned out.
I cannot see, again my opinion, LD's doing well and gaining enough support to keep any seats.
But I'm more keen in the local elections; it is a perfect time to analysis just have strongly UKIP do take voters Labour. Council elections are predominately in Labour heartlands this year.
Four times as many people picked up on the Maria Miller expenses story as picked up last week on the Clegg-Farage debate. More people noticed the royal visit to New Zealand this week than noticed the first Clegg-Farage debate two weeks ago.
Note also the impact of Oscar Pistorius' trial.
Miller has had no effect on the Tory VI, hence not salient. The poor woman has been kicked out for nothing. A dismal episode.
Is it certain? Aren't the LD MEPs likely to hang on in London and the South East?
IMHO? no. Opinion polls have LD's at 9% - would lose all MEPs. UKIP very strong in South East, Greens have pockets of support in some areas. I expect Labour to dominate in London, along with Tories, UKIP and Greens - LD's will get drowned out.
I cannot see, again my opinion, LD's doing well and gaining enough support to keep any seats.
But I'm more keen in the local elections; it is a perfect time to analysis just have strongly UKIP do take voters Labour. Council elections are predominately in Labour heartlands this year.
stultifyingly dumb. Labour is a UK national party, if they vote for Indy they become the Scottish Socialist party.
Too stupid strikes again.
Not sure about that - it's aimed at Scottish Labour voters, not at the Scottish Labour Party. I'd have thought it was quite a smart line.
Undoubtedly aimed at voters. But it would also put pressure on the Labour Party through its low-level activists, and exactly at the incipient fractures in the Labour Party in Scotland - between the hierarchy who are desperate to keep their London links and those who are actual and potential members of Labour for Indy, and again between the hierarchy who are happy to get into bed with Tories, and those who would rather catch a dose of crabs.
I mean really Mr Carnyx what is this Tories bollocks ? Who are these mystical Bond villains ? Even someone like myself who Richard will happily vouch has a regular go at SE complacency will tell you the kind of evil masterminds you fantasise about don't exist. Most people in the South of Britain are decent hardworking people with ridiculously high mortgages who don't have the time or inclination to go around telling others what to do. It seems to me most of your villains are in your head. Try getting out more.
All I do is mention Tories once! I wasn't even thinking of the people south of the border (I do often criticise Westminster, but that is quite different). The fact is they exist all right. Y9u know, the blokes in blue rosettes. Actually there are quite a few in Scotland as I know very well and often comment (much more than the FPTP system suggests). But I was thinking - in all seriousness - of the Labour voter up here. To such voters, they are, rightly or wrongly, less popular than the aforesaid form of pediculosis - it's a fact of life, so to speak and one that is absolutely fundamental to the apparent paralysis of Labour in the indy debate.
All I do is mention Tories once! I wasn't even thinking of the people south of the border (I do often criticise Westminster, but that is quite different). The fact is they exist all right. Y9u know, the blokes in blue rosettes. Actually there are quite a few in Scotland as I know very well and often comment (much more than the FPTP system suggests). But I was thinking - in all seriousness - of the Labour voter up here. To such voters, they are, rightly or wrongly, less popular than the aforesaid form of pediculosis - it's a fact of life, so to speak and one that is absolutely fundamental to the apparent paralysis of Labour in the indy debate.
Don't worry Carnyx, to certain PBers the Nats are to blame for everything, even SLab voters not wanting to touch touch the Tories with a shi**y stick.
Four times as many people picked up on the Maria Miller expenses story as picked up last week on the Clegg-Farage debate. More people noticed the royal visit to New Zealand this week than noticed the first Clegg-Farage debate two weeks ago.
Note also the impact of Oscar Pistorius' trial.
Miller has had no effect on the Tory VI, hence not salient. The poor woman has been kicked out for nothing. A dismal episode.
In all seriousness, not necessarily for nothing: consider if she had stayed.
Actually I think the press'll find someone else to attack - plenty of potential targets in Parliament if what is said here was correct.
[edit: deleted what turns out to be an unfortunate double entendre in the light of latest news]
stultifyingly dumb. Labour is a UK national party, if they vote for Indy they become the Scottish Socialist party.
Too stupid strikes again.
Not sure about that - it's aimed at Scottish Labour voters, not at the Scottish Labour Party. I'd have thought it was quite a smart line.
Undoubtedly aimed at voters. But it would also put pressure on the Labour Party through its low-level activists, and exactly at the incipient fractures in the Labour Party in Scotland - between the hierarchy who are desperate to keep their London links and those who are actual and potential members of Labour for Indy, and again between the hierarchy who are happy to get into bed with Tories, and those who would rather catch a dose of crabs.
I mean really Mr Carnyx what is this Tories bollocks ? Who are these mystical Bond villains ? Even someone like myself who Richard will happily vouch has a regular go at SE complacency will tell you the kind of evil masterminds you fantasise about don't exist. Most people in the South of Britain are decent hardworking people with ridiculously high mortgages who don't have the time or inclination to go around telling others what to do. It seems to me most of your villains are in your head. Try getting out more.
All I do is mention Tories once! I wasn't even thinking of the people south of the border (I do often criticise Westminster, but that is quite different). The fact is they exist all right. Y9u know, the blokes in blue rosettes. Actually there are quite a few in Scotland as I know very well and often comment (much more than the FPTP system suggests). But I was thinking - in all seriousness - of the Labour voter up here. To such voters, they are, rightly or wrongly, less popular than the aforesaid form of pediculosis - it's a fact of life, so to speak and one that is absolutely fundamental to the apparent paralysis of Labour in the indy debate.
It's rather the accumulation of nat wisdom every time they get under pressure it's toories is the justification. So is what you're saying that you think 1 in 6 Scots are pariahs ? Are you saying people on this board like DavidL or Easterross or Fitalass are somehow evil or out to do you ill ?
Is it certain? Aren't the LD MEPs likely to hang on in London and the South East?
IMHO? no. Opinion polls have LD's at 9% - would lose all MEPs. UKIP very strong in South East, Greens have pockets of support in some areas. I expect Labour to dominate in London, along with Tories, UKIP and Greens - LD's will get drowned out.
I cannot see, again my opinion, LD's doing well and gaining enough support to keep any seats.
But I'm more keen in the local elections; it is a perfect time to analysis just have strongly UKIP do take voters Labour. Council elections are predominately in Labour heartlands this year.
All the Euro opinion polls even those with LD's at 9% show they will keep several seats because the decline is not uniform . London is pretty consistently the area with the highest LD % .
He should be investigated for telling the same sorry old Mrs Bone 'joke' over and over again.
I'm sure the public will be chuckling away right now along with Cammie. Maybe Bone's £90,000 will be deemed chickenfeed and of no consequence too. Like Miller wasn't by the public and even 82% of tory members.
Cochrane's wife is just about as stupid and biased as him. Typical unionist trying to pin it on one person rather than the truth. Fodder for a serial liar like Monica. If women have not made their mind up yet I doubt it is all down to Alex Salmond. Nothing to add to the debate so kick the man as hard as you can. You unionist drones can only wish you had such a colossus in your team instead of the wall to wall donkeys.
All I do is mention Tories once! I wasn't even thinking of the people south of the border (I do often criticise Westminster, but that is quite different). The fact is they exist all right. Y9u know, the blokes in blue rosettes. Actually there are quite a few in Scotland as I know very well and often comment (much more than the FPTP system suggests). But I was thinking - in all seriousness - of the Labour voter up here. To such voters, they are, rightly or wrongly, less popular than the aforesaid form of pediculosis - it's a fact of life, so to speak and one that is absolutely fundamental to the apparent paralysis of Labour in the indy debate.
Don't worry Carnyx, to certain PBers the Nats are to blame for everything, even SLab voters not wanting to touch touch the Tories with a shi**y stick.
stultifyingly dumb. Labour is a UK national party, if they vote for Indy they become the Scottish Socialist party.
Too stupid strikes again.
Not sure about that - it's aimed at Scottish Labour voters, not at the Scottish Labour Party. I'd have thought it was quite a smart line.
Undoubtedly aimed at voters. But it would also put pressure on the Labour Party through its low-level activists, and exactly at the incipient fractures in the Labour Party in Scotland - between the hierarchy who are desperate to keep their London links and those who are actual and potential members of Labour for Indy, and again between the hierarchy who are happy to get into bed with Tories, and those who would rather catch a dose of crabs.
I mean really Mr Carnyx what is this Tories bollocks ? Who are these mystical Bond villains ? Even someone like myself who Richard will happily vouch has a regular go at SE complacency will tell you the kind of evil masterminds you fantasise about don't exist. Most people in the South of Britain are decent hardworking people with ridiculously high mortgages who don't have the time or inclination to go around telling others what to do. It seems to me most of your villains are in your head. Try getting out more.
All I do is mention Tories once!
Carnyx there is crystal clear polling backing that toxicity up even if we were all somehow witless and blind enough to ignore what happened to the lib dems in scotland after their tory love in.
More pandas than scottish tory MPs. They REALLY still don't get it???
Salmond is more popular with men in Scotland for the same reason that Farage is more popular with men in England. They both want to do something slightly risky and daring: men like that sort of thing, women are more risk-averse and prefer stability, generally speaking. A certain type of man likes to risk everything for the chance of glory and honour, even if it might all end disastrously. That's why it's likely young men will be the biggest supporters of Scottish independence in the referendum.
Are you saying independence is the choice of the testosterone fuelled bloke Andy? ;-)
He is just listening to two fannies who would not know the answer if it slapped them in the face. It is not a vote on Salmond or the UK despite what the turnips on here believe. It is actually about Scotland and the YES campaign. The saddo losers who have no clue can only parrot that Salmond has a problem, they wish.
Helena Bonham-Carter protests outside parliament – bloody luvvies at it again..!
The odds on that film actually showing the enormous damage the WSPU did to the cause of female suffrage are very slim. An anachronistic hagiography is likely.
Four times as many people picked up on the Maria Miller expenses story as picked up last week on the Clegg-Farage debate. More people noticed the royal visit to New Zealand this week than noticed the first Clegg-Farage debate two weeks ago.
Note also the impact of Oscar Pistorius' trial.
I like you Antifrank, but why are you spinning this line about the Clegg-Farage debate so persistently?
Another way of interpreting those figures would be to say five times more people noticed the second debate than Kate and Wills NZ visit, but no one can be bothered to do that
The fact that the debate is still in the top ten this week, having happened last week proves you wrong doesn't it? As does the poll bounce for UKIP and the slump of the nations 4th party
Helena Bonham-Carter protests outside parliament – bloody luvvies at it again..!
The odds on that film actually showing the enormous damage the WSPU did to the cause of female suffrage are very slim. An anachronistic hagiography is likely.
You're late!
We had this debate a few months ago. It was a Saturday.
Salmond's clearly got a women problem,all the publicity about his troughing can't have helped or maybe they just see through all the bluff,bluster and bull$hit.
'Only 28.5 per cent of the female electorate would now vote for independence, down from 32.5 per cent in March, according to the Survation poll. Support for the No camp was much higher among women than men (51 per cent compared to 44 per cent).'
Well of course Salmond has a woman problem, the nats are a bunch of blunt irate blokes who ignore ladies and seek male company in a kind of clannish way. There's something vaguely homoerotic about it, think of the film 300 with body hair.
Dear Dear Alan, you are losing the plot now as well, there is no hope.
Is it certain? Aren't the LD MEPs likely to hang on in London and the South East?
IMHO? no. Opinion polls have LD's at 9% - would lose all MEPs. UKIP very strong in South East, Greens have pockets of support in some areas. I expect Labour to dominate in London, along with Tories, UKIP and Greens - LD's will get drowned out.
I cannot see, again my opinion, LD's doing well and gaining enough support to keep any seats.
But I'm more keen in the local elections; it is a perfect time to analysis just have strongly UKIP do take voters Labour. Council elections are predominately in Labour heartlands this year.
All the Euro opinion polls even those with LD's at 9% show they will keep several seats because the decline is not uniform . London is pretty consistently the area with the highest LD % .
Ho ho. Mark is pinning his hopes on the sub-samples. What a chump.
Salmond's clearly got a women problem,all the publicity about his troughing can't have helped or maybe they just see through all the bluff,bluster and bull$hit.
'Only 28.5 per cent of the female electorate would now vote for independence, down from 32.5 per cent in March, according to the Survation poll. Support for the No camp was much higher among women than men (51 per cent compared to 44 per cent).'
Well of course Salmond has a woman problem, the nats are a bunch of blunt irate blokes who ignore ladies and seek male company in a kind of clannish way. There's something vaguely homoerotic about it, think of the film 300 with body hair.
Dear Dear Alan, you are losing the plot now as well, there is no hope.
admit it malc there's nothing more you want to do than buy some nice strappy sandals and walk round Ayshire in a tartan skirt.
Labour gained the seat after it had been long held by the Libdems in 1997, and then they lost it, again to the Libdems in 2005. It should be noted that the boundary changes at that time proved extremely favourable to the Libdems in this seat as well as in Gordon and West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine. The Libdem held Highland/North East seats are an excellent example of why Clegg and his colleagues were determined to find any passing excuse to renege on their Coalition agreement on new boundary changes in this Parliament.
Current LAB prices in their Scottish target seats:
Dundee East (SNP) 11/4 (FAV = SNP 1/4) East Dunbartonshire (LD) 1/2 FAV Argyll & Bute (LD) 2/1 (FAV = SNP 7/4) Edinburgh West (LD) 4/5 FAV Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale & Tweeddale (Con) 9/4 (FAV = Con 2/5) Western Isles (SNP): no prices yet Gordon (LD) 7/2 (Joint FAV = SNP and LD both on 11/8) Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross (LD) 3/1 (FAV = LD 2/5) Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch & Strathspey (LD) 7/2 (FAV = LD 1/2)
So, LAB are odds-on FAV in two Lib Dem seats. Otherwise, it is looking like an uphill job in those other target seats.
LDs are surely too short in loads of those? They're polling 6-8% in Scottish Westminster polls right now, how can they be favourites in more than one or two seats if that could be their vote share across Scotland? Money to be made betting against them in all the ones they lead, surely?
EDIT: OK, now polling quite as low as I though. But my point still stands.
The Scottish Lib Dems are safe in two Scottish seats:
a) Orkney & Shetland (the Scottish Secretary Carmichael) b) Ross, Skye & Lochaber (Charlie Kennedy)
Otherwise it is smelly breeks time all round for SLD MPs and the new SLD PPCs where the sitting MP is retiring.
I think that the Lib Dems have been priced laughably short by Shadsy in most of their Scottish seats. He has already been forced to lengthen several of them. The pickings are rich for early birds.
Who do you think will take Inverness? The Highlands have been heavily trending away from Labour in recent times, which is why I don't give them any chance at all of taking Caithness or Argyll & Bute despite them being close-ish, but I've been thinking about Inverness purely because they held that seat in the fairly recent past which might mean they have slightly more of a "base" there.
Labour candidates selected to replace retiring MPs
Aberavon (35.7% majority): Stephen Kinnock (son of, husband of) St Helens South (30.6%): Marie Rimmer (veteran local Cllr) Lewisham Deptford (30.3%): Vicky Foxcroft (local Cllr since 2010, Unite official) Leeds East (27.2%): Richard Burgon (GMB lawyer) Coventy North East (27.1%): Colleen Fletcher (veteran local Cllr) Greenwich and Woolwich (24.7%): Matthew Pennycook (Greenwich Cllr) Aberdeen North (22.2%): Richard Baker (MSP) Blackburn (21.7%): Kate Hollern (Blackburn with Darwen council leader) Stoke North (20.5%) Ruth Smeeth (Hope not Hate deputy director, 2010 Burton candidate) Dulwich and West Norwood (19.4%): Helen Hayes (Southwark Cllr since 2010) Bristol South (9.8%): Karin Smyth (officer manager of Bristol West 1997-2005 MP) Gower (6.4%): Liz Evans (national officer with the Public and Commercial Services union, from Swansea) Southampton Itchen (0.4%): Rowenna Davies (journalist?) Hampstead and Kilburn (0.1%): Tulip Siddiq (cabinet member on Camden council)
Selections coming up: Batley and Spen (8.5%), Sheffield Heeley (14.2%), Ellesmere Port and Neston (9.8%) and Stirling (17.9%): AWS, AWS, Open, AWS
He should be investigated for telling the same sorry old Mrs Bone 'joke' over and over again.
I'm sure the public will be chuckling away right now along with Cammie. Maybe Bone's £90,000 will be deemed chickenfeed and of no consequence too. Like Miller wasn't by the public and even 82% of tory members.
No, she was deemed not guilty by those who tried her.
Four times as many people picked up on the Maria Miller expenses story as picked up last week on the Clegg-Farage debate. More people noticed the royal visit to New Zealand this week than noticed the first Clegg-Farage debate two weeks ago.
Note also the impact of Oscar Pistorius' trial.
I like you Antifrank, but why are you spinning this line about the Clegg-Farage debate so persistently?
Another way of interpreting those figures would be to say five times more people noticed the second debate than Kate and Wills NZ visit, but no one can be bothered to do that
The fact that the debate is still in the top ten this week, having happened last week proves you wrong doesn't it? As does the poll bounce for UKIP and the slump of the nations 4th party
That poll bounce for UKIP is so visible in today's Populus poll isn't it?
That article is bang on the money in all the points it makes as to why women are not being persuaded by the Yes Campaign. I have said before over the years that I have always found Salmond a very cold fish, excuse the pun.
But right now Salmond is the spiv in a suit asking a lot of women to take the biggest gamble of their lives on their future financial security to realise a nationalist dream of independence they don't share. Its going to be interesting to look back and compare Salmond's personal ratings over the term of this Holyrood Parliament after the Indy Ref and nearer the Scottish elections.
Is it certain? Aren't the LD MEPs likely to hang on in London and the South East?
IMHO? no. Opinion polls have LD's at 9% - would lose all MEPs. UKIP very strong in South East, Greens have pockets of support in some areas. I expect Labour to dominate in London, along with Tories, UKIP and Greens - LD's will get drowned out.
I cannot see, again my opinion, LD's doing well and gaining enough support to keep any seats.
But I'm more keen in the local elections; it is a perfect time to analysis just have strongly UKIP do take voters Labour. Council elections are predominately in Labour heartlands this year.
All the Euro opinion polls even those with LD's at 9% show they will keep several seats because the decline is not uniform . London is pretty consistently the area with the highest LD % .
Ho ho. Mark is pinning his hopes on the sub-samples. What a chump.
Nope you idiot , I am saying that any decline in the LD vote will not be uniform , it will be greater in say the West Midlands and less in say London .
Helena Bonham-Carter protests outside parliament – bloody luvvies at it again..!
The odds on that film actually showing the enormous damage the WSPU did to the cause of female suffrage are very slim. An anachronistic hagiography is likely.
I think you may be right - 'theatreland' do have a habit of airbrushing inconvenient truths.
Four times as many people picked up on the Maria Miller expenses story as picked up last week on the Clegg-Farage debate. More people noticed the royal visit to New Zealand this week than noticed the first Clegg-Farage debate two weeks ago.
Note also the impact of Oscar Pistorius' trial.
I like you Antifrank, but why are you spinning this line about the Clegg-Farage debate so persistently?
Another way of interpreting those figures would be to say five times more people noticed the second debate than Kate and Wills NZ visit, but no one can be bothered to do that
The fact that the debate is still in the top ten this week, having happened last week proves you wrong doesn't it? As does the poll bounce for UKIP and the slump of the nations 4th party
That poll bounce for UKIP is so visible in today's Populus poll isn't it?
Looking at just one poll, which is a clear outlier. Tut tut.
Is it certain? Aren't the LD MEPs likely to hang on in London and the South East?
IMHO? no. Opinion polls have LD's at 9% - would lose all MEPs. UKIP very strong in South East, Greens have pockets of support in some areas. I expect Labour to dominate in London, along with Tories, UKIP and Greens - LD's will get drowned out.
I cannot see, again my opinion, LD's doing well and gaining enough support to keep any seats.
But I'm more keen in the local elections; it is a perfect time to analysis just have strongly UKIP do take voters Labour. Council elections are predominately in Labour heartlands this year.
All the Euro opinion polls even those with LD's at 9% show they will keep several seats because the decline is not uniform . London is pretty consistently the area with the highest LD % .
Ho ho. Mark is pinning his hopes on the sub-samples. What a chump.
Nope you idiot , I am saying that any decline in the LD vote will not be uniform , it will be greater in say the West Midlands and less in say London .
Fess up you little fibber. You love sub-samples. They make you all moist and excited. You just cannot stand it when someone else gives them the look.
He should be investigated for telling the same sorry old Mrs Bone 'joke' over and over again.
I'm sure the public will be chuckling away right now along with Cammie. Maybe Bone's £90,000 will be deemed chickenfeed and of no consequence too. Like Miller wasn't by the public and even 82% of tory members.
No, she was deemed not guilty by those who tried her.
She wasn't on trial and she didn't go to jail. She simply lost an extremely well paid and sought-after cabinet position, which was VERY quickly filled since it isn't actually that onerous. She finally quit long, long after it was clear she and her expenses were damaging the tories. Tory MPs saying it was costing them votes on the doorstep was the last straw. So at least try to get it right.
You don't perhaps think when even 82% of tory members thought she should go then it should be crystal clear that those who are out of touch on this certainly aren't the public but those bizarrely pretending she is a martyr who did nothing wrong?
No doubt Bone's £90,000 in expenses will be viewed with equal equanimity by the public since "we're all in this together".
It's rather the accumulation of nat wisdom every time they get under pressure it's toories is the justification. So is what you're saying that you think 1 in 6 Scots are pariahs ? Are you saying people on this board like DavidL or Easterross or Fitalass are somehow evil or out to do you ill ?
Quite the contrary. If you are talking about people who are of that general political view amongst us and who live and work here, then of course they must be represented.
I know quite a few Tories locally. It's the UK party and the UK system that became the problem, once the Tories as a UK wide party started to appeal only to elements of the populace and in so doing abandoned Scotland totally de facto (certainly in the sense of their favourite voting system) and created the democratic deficit that led to the policies imposed on Scotland being firstly different from those for which it actually voted, and secondly (which is not quite the same thing) run by a steadily diminishing number of people actually elected there. The way the votes were going, if it hadn't been for the Scottish Parliament you can imagine the reaction to Scotland being run by unelected Tory MPs from outwith the country and by peers. As things are, Mr Mundell fortunately has the LDs to accompany him.
That is at the root of where we are today, facing an indy referendum. The Tories created that problem (and I can still not quite believe how appallingly they have managed to do that, given the nature of the Tory vote and Scottish society in the 1950s and 1960s). You may not like that but enough people voted for a party which offered that democratic choice, which I must add parenthetically is a damn sight more than the unionist parties did once Labour had tried to tackle the problem with the Parliament (despite Ms Alexander's urging, which was prescient).
Look how well the Tories do even in the Scottish Parliament as it is now, with its rather different voting system. It is much healthier that Ms Fitalass and Messrs DavidL and Easterross actually get some representation whatever happens in London (which has very seriously shaken me in many ways which I won't go into here). Ms Goldie did a pretty good job of maintaining their point of view during the SNP minority administration and because of that she managed to get some things done her way when Labour were still throwing their toys out of the pram and the LDs didn't have a clue what was going on (though I still think voting for the trams was criminal in terms of opportunities lost as well as the cash). To break the link with London will have a very healthy effect on them and one I can't predict with any confidence.
Four times as many people picked up on the Maria Miller expenses story as picked up last week on the Clegg-Farage debate. More people noticed the royal visit to New Zealand this week than noticed the first Clegg-Farage debate two weeks ago.
Note also the impact of Oscar Pistorius' trial.
I like you Antifrank, but why are you spinning this line about the Clegg-Farage debate so persistently?
Another way of interpreting those figures would be to say five times more people noticed the second debate than Kate and Wills NZ visit, but no one can be bothered to do that
The fact that the debate is still in the top ten this week, having happened last week proves you wrong doesn't it? As does the poll bounce for UKIP and the slump of the nations 4th party
That poll bounce for UKIP is so visible in today's Populus poll isn't it?
Is it certain? Aren't the LD MEPs likely to hang on in London and the South East?
IMHO? no. Opinion polls have LD's at 9% - would lose all MEPs. UKIP very strong in South East, Greens have pockets of support in some areas. I expect Labour to dominate in London, along with Tories, UKIP and Greens - LD's will get drowned out.
I cannot see, again my opinion, LD's doing well and gaining enough support to keep any seats.
But I'm more keen in the local elections; it is a perfect time to analysis just have strongly UKIP do take voters Labour. Council elections are predominately in Labour heartlands this year.
All the Euro opinion polls even those with LD's at 9% show they will keep several seats because the decline is not uniform . London is pretty consistently the area with the highest LD % .
Ho ho. Mark is pinning his hopes on the sub-samples. What a chump.
Nope you idiot , I am saying that any decline in the LD vote will not be uniform , it will be greater in say the West Midlands and less in say London .
Fess up you little fibber. You love sub-samples. They make you all moist and excited. You just cannot stand it when someone else gives them the look.
You were looking in a mirror as you posted that . FWIW I have taken up a small wager with Paddypower that LD's will get 2 or more seats in the Euro elections at 5/6 .
Is it certain? Aren't the LD MEPs likely to hang on in London and the South East?
IMHO? no. Opinion polls have LD's at 9% - would lose all MEPs. UKIP very strong in South East, Greens have pockets of support in some areas. I expect Labour to dominate in London, along with Tories, UKIP and Greens - LD's will get drowned out.
I cannot see, again my opinion, LD's doing well and gaining enough support to keep any seats.
But I'm more keen in the local elections; it is a perfect time to analysis just have strongly UKIP do take voters Labour. Council elections are predominately in Labour heartlands this year.
All the Euro opinion polls even those with LD's at 9% show they will keep several seats because the decline is not uniform . London is pretty consistently the area with the highest LD % .
Ho ho. Mark is pinning his hopes on the sub-samples. What a chump.
Nope you idiot , I am saying that any decline in the LD vote will not be uniform , it will be greater in say the West Midlands and less in say London .
Fess up you little fibber. You love sub-samples. They make you all moist and excited. You just cannot stand it when someone else gives them the look.
Funny folk these Lib Dems. Most people prefer to bet against some one they don't like, makes taking the dough all the sweeter
But then again, their party has sold them out, so understandable they have no faith in it anymore
Is it certain? Aren't the LD MEPs likely to hang on in London and the South East?
IMHO? no. Opinion polls have LD's at 9% - would lose all MEPs. UKIP very strong in South East, Greens have pockets of support in some areas. I expect Labour to dominate in London, along with Tories, UKIP and Greens - LD's will get drowned out.
I cannot see, again my opinion, LD's doing well and gaining enough support to keep any seats.
But I'm more keen in the local elections; it is a perfect time to analysis just have strongly UKIP do take voters Labour. Council elections are predominately in Labour heartlands this year.
All the Euro opinion polls even those with LD's at 9% show they will keep several seats because the decline is not uniform . London is pretty consistently the area with the highest LD % .
Ho ho. Mark is pinning his hopes on the sub-samples. What a chump.
Nope you idiot , I am saying that any decline in the LD vote will not be uniform , it will be greater in say the West Midlands and less in say London .
Fess up you little fibber. You love sub-samples. They make you all moist and excited. You just cannot stand it when someone else gives them the look.
Stuart / Mark - this flirting has to stop. Get a room!
Salmond's clearly got a women problem,all the publicity about his troughing can't have helped or maybe they just see through all the bluff,bluster and bull$hit.
'Only 28.5 per cent of the female electorate would now vote for independence, down from 32.5 per cent in March, according to the Survation poll. Support for the No camp was much higher among women than men (51 per cent compared to 44 per cent).'
Well of course Salmond has a woman problem, the nats are a bunch of blunt irate blokes who ignore ladies and seek male company in a kind of clannish way. There's something vaguely homoerotic about it, think of the film 300 with body hair.
Dear Dear Alan, you are losing the plot now as well, there is no hope.
admit it malc there's nothing more you want to do than buy some nice strappy sandals and walk round Ayshire in a tartan skirt.
LOL, I like the Lederhosen but it would be suicide walking about Ayrshire in them , would have to be Germany and bonus would be the beer. Happy with a special skirt but does not go with sandals, you need at least a nice pair of brogues.
Salmond's clearly got a women problem,all the publicity about his troughing can't have helped or maybe they just see through all the bluff,bluster and bull$hit.
'Only 28.5 per cent of the female electorate would now vote for independence, down from 32.5 per cent in March, according to the Survation poll. Support for the No camp was much higher among women than men (51 per cent compared to 44 per cent).'
Well of course Salmond has a woman problem, the nats are a bunch of blunt irate blokes who ignore ladies and seek male company in a kind of clannish way. There's something vaguely homoerotic about it, think of the film 300 with body hair.
Dear Dear Alan, you are losing the plot now as well, there is no hope.
admit it malc there's nothing more you want to do than buy some nice strappy sandals and walk round Ayshire in a tartan skirt.
Alan, have you seen the Highland regiment uniforms? For instance, those in the regimental museum in Stirling Castle? The sporrans are so huge and hairy there is absolutely no doubt of the gender it is intended to convey. None of those Spartan comrades pulling each others' hairs out with tweezers before a nice supper of blood soup or whatever it was they ate.
That article is bang on the money in all the points it makes as to why women are not being persuaded by the Yes Campaign. I have said before over the years that I have always found Salmond a very cold fish, excuse the pun.
But right now Salmond is the spiv in a suit asking a lot of women to take the biggest gamble of their lives on their future financial security to realise a nationalist dream of independence they don't share. Its going to be interesting to look back and compare Salmond's personal ratings over the term of this Holyrood Parliament after the Indy Ref and nearer the Scottish elections.
'That article is bang on the money in all the points it makes' (trans. from Fitalassian) - 'that article precisely reflects all my personal prejudices'.
That article is bang on the money in all the points it makes as to why women are not being persuaded by the Yes Campaign. I have said before over the years that I have always found Salmond a very cold fish, excuse the pun.
But right now Salmond is the spiv in a suit asking a lot of women to take the biggest gamble of their lives on their future financial security to realise a nationalist dream of independence they don't share. Its going to be interesting to look back and compare Salmond's personal ratings over the term of this Holyrood Parliament after the Indy Ref and nearer the Scottish elections.
That article is bang on the money in all the points it makes as to why women are not being persuaded by the Yes Campaign. I have said before over the years that I have always found Salmond a very cold fish, excuse the pun.
But right now Salmond is the spiv in a suit asking a lot of women to take the biggest gamble of their lives on their future financial security to realise a nationalist dream of independence they don't share. Its going to be interesting to look back and compare Salmond's personal ratings over the term of this Holyrood Parliament after the Indy Ref and nearer the Scottish elections.
They should just be listening to their men and voting the right way , none of this bra burning stuff. Just do what's right and make sure their man's tea is on the table.
that the party system encourages overcentralisation is hardly unique to the conservatives. It has happened with all national parties and the corollary of your representation thread is EVEL and Labour's botched devolution. Indeed much of your approach is simply repeating the idiocy of Brown and Scottish Labour in the 1980s where the vilified southern Tories were responsible for all Scotland's ills. In effect they did half the SNP's job for them and the wedges they drove between different parts of these islands are now starting to work against them. Not only have they half neutered themselves but they've spent their time fighting the wrong enemy. Paradoxically post indy ref and assuming Scotland stays put the evil tory theme will have to fall from labour's arguments or they will continue to slice their own throats.
"Danny Alexander will be fighting it out for 3rd place with his Tory chums."
Oh that makes me happy :-)
I shouldn't be smiling too soon.
@shadsy isn't given to outbreaks of fervent generosity when marking up political markets. Parsimonious springs to mind.
Sometimes he is... Evens about Conservatives in Berwick...
After 42 years with Alan Beith it's trickier to read than I'd like. Good result last time from the Conservatives but a local I know predicts a very tight result so Evens about a Con gain isn't overly wonderful.
Salmond's clearly got a women problem,all the publicity about his troughing can't have helped or maybe they just see through all the bluff,bluster and bull$hit.
'Only 28.5 per cent of the female electorate would now vote for independence, down from 32.5 per cent in March, according to the Survation poll. Support for the No camp was much higher among women than men (51 per cent compared to 44 per cent).'
Well of course Salmond has a woman problem, the nats are a bunch of blunt irate blokes who ignore ladies and seek male company in a kind of clannish way. There's something vaguely homoerotic about it, think of the film 300 with body hair.
Dear Dear Alan, you are losing the plot now as well, there is no hope.
admit it malc there's nothing more you want to do than buy some nice strappy sandals and walk round Ayshire in a tartan skirt.
Alan, have you seen the Highland regiment uniforms? For instance, those in the regimental museum in Stirling Castle? The sporrans are so huge and hairy there is absolutely no doubt of the gender it is intended to convey. None of those Spartan comrades pulling each others' hairs out with tweezers before a nice supper of blood soup or whatever it was they ate.
Women in the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders ????
That article is bang on the money in all the points it makes as to why women are not being persuaded by the Yes Campaign. I have said before over the years that I have always found Salmond a very cold fish, excuse the pun.
But right now Salmond is the spiv in a suit asking a lot of women to take the biggest gamble of their lives on their future financial security to realise a nationalist dream of independence they don't share. Its going to be interesting to look back and compare Salmond's personal ratings over the term of this Holyrood Parliament after the Indy Ref and nearer the Scottish elections.
'That article is bang on the money in all the points it makes' (trans. from Fitalassian) - 'that article precisely reflects all my personal prejudices'.
Salmond's clearly got a women problem,all the publicity about his troughing can't have helped or maybe they just see through all the bluff,bluster and bull$hit.
'Only 28.5 per cent of the female electorate would now vote for independence, down from 32.5 per cent in March, according to the Survation poll. Support for the No camp was much higher among women than men (51 per cent compared to 44 per cent).'
Well of course Salmond has a woman problem, the nats are a bunch of blunt irate blokes who ignore ladies and seek male company in a kind of clannish way. There's something vaguely homoerotic about it, think of the film 300 with body hair.
Dear Dear Alan, you are losing the plot now as well, there is no hope.
admit it malc there's nothing more you want to do than buy some nice strappy sandals and walk round Ayshire in a tartan skirt.
Alan, have you seen the Highland regiment uniforms? For instance, those in the regimental museum in Stirling Castle? The sporrans are so huge and hairy there is absolutely no doubt of the gender it is intended to convey. None of those Spartan comrades pulling each others' hairs out with tweezers before a nice supper of blood soup or whatever it was they ate.
Now you're having a laugh, a sporran is simply a front hung handbag. It's where pipers keep their make-up.
That article is bang on the money in all the points it makes as to why women are not being persuaded by the Yes Campaign. I have said before over the years that I have always found Salmond a very cold fish, excuse the pun.
But right now Salmond is the spiv in a suit asking a lot of women to take the biggest gamble of their lives on their future financial security to realise a nationalist dream of independence they don't share. Its going to be interesting to look back and compare Salmond's personal ratings over the term of this Holyrood Parliament after the Indy Ref and nearer the Scottish elections.
'That article is bang on the money in all the points it makes' (trans. from Fitalassian) - 'that article precisely reflects all my personal prejudices'.
Scottish women can obviously see a spiv in a suit a mile off.
I think there is also a degree of confusion in certain quarters. This is talking about Mr Salmond and you have picked it correctly. (How did the LD chappie score BTW?)
These polls which are for indy yes/no are not talking about Mr Salmond, convenient as it is for some to given him the Emmanuel Goldstein treatment. To make my point, it is just as logical for them to be interpreted as young ladies swooning at Mr Osborne's debonair looks. Or those of Mr Miliband with his Darceyesque air and firm, robust statement of One nation!
That article is bang on the money in all the points it makes as to why women are not being persuaded by the Yes Campaign. I have said before over the years that I have always found Salmond a very cold fish, excuse the pun.
But right now Salmond is the spiv in a suit asking a lot of women to take the biggest gamble of their lives on their future financial security to realise a nationalist dream of independence they don't share. Its going to be interesting to look back and compare Salmond's personal ratings over the term of this Holyrood Parliament after the Indy Ref and nearer the Scottish elections.
Salmond's clearly got a women problem,all the publicity about his troughing can't have helped or maybe they just see through all the bluff,bluster and bull$hit.
'Only 28.5 per cent of the female electorate would now vote for independence, down from 32.5 per cent in March, according to the Survation poll. Support for the No camp was much higher among women than men (51 per cent compared to 44 per cent).'
Well of course Salmond has a woman problem, the nats are a bunch of blunt irate blokes who ignore ladies and seek male company in a kind of clannish way. There's something vaguely homoerotic about it, think of the film 300 with body hair.
Dear Dear Alan, you are losing the plot now as well, there is no hope.
admit it malc there's nothing more you want to do than buy some nice strappy sandals and walk round Ayshire in a tartan skirt.
Alan, have you seen the Highland regiment uniforms? For instance, those in the regimental museum in Stirling Castle? The sporrans are so huge and hairy there is absolutely no doubt of the gender it is intended to convey. None of those Spartan comrades pulling each others' hairs out with tweezers before a nice supper of blood soup or whatever it was they ate.
Women in the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders ????
Shirley Shum Mishtayk ????
Those were Victorian uniforms IIRC! I hardly think there was much chance of that, with the morning inspection as immortalised in Up the Khyber Pass ...
Too stupid strikes again.
Here's an interesting piece on David Cameron's expenses... if he fires Bone having defended Miller I might put money on him being gone before the end of 2014
The debates are now seen as suicidal.
Never mind
Mike's running scared, he knows exactly who I am, his son has bet with me, lost, and I haven't asked for the money...
These aren't just yellow bellies.. these are MS yellow bellies!
If the costs are receipted and published, I think that's best long term solution.
Still, give him his due; people say that the positive case for the union hasn't been made, but he's been doing an excellent job pointing out, in a very positive way, the advantages of a shared currency, shared monarchy, shared institutions, no border controls, integrated economy, and a financial sector which can service the whole UK.
EDIT: Not sure I can beat Shadsy's odds here, I will confess.
If pushed I would have this down as SNP FAV with LAB breathing down our necks. Danny Alexander will be fighting it out for 3rd place with his Tory chums.
How out of touch do they have to be not to realise that being associated with the tories is toxic for SLAB in scotland.
For that matter how many of them remember that scottish labour and the the unionist friendly papers were very quick to highlight the gender gap in the polls when SLAB were ahead by double figures before the 2011 election? Roughly as many as remember just how quickly they dropped that line of attack when it all started going pear-shaped. It was their favourite crutch stat until the polls narrowed and then reversed before the landslide. They are simply incapable of learning from past mistakes.
Four times as many people picked up on the Maria Miller expenses story as picked up last week on the Clegg-Farage debate. More people noticed the royal visit to New Zealand this week than noticed the first Clegg-Farage debate two weeks ago.
Note also the impact of Oscar Pistorius' trial.
I cannot see, again my opinion, LD's doing well and gaining enough support to keep any seats.
But I'm more keen in the local elections; it is a perfect time to analysis just have strongly UKIP do take voters Labour. Council elections are predominately in Labour heartlands this year.
Wellingborough and Rushden MP Peter Bone says he has done nothing wrong as a standards watchdog investigates a claim of £89,185.
Actually I think the press'll find someone else to attack - plenty of potential targets in Parliament if what is said here was correct.
[edit: deleted what turns out to be an unfortunate double entendre in the light of latest news]
Maybe Bone's £90,000 will be deemed chickenfeed and of no consequence too.
Like Miller wasn't by the public and even 82% of tory members.
More pandas than scottish tory MPs. They REALLY still don't get it???
It is not a vote on Salmond or the UK despite what the turnips on here believe. It is actually about Scotland and the YES campaign. The saddo losers who have no clue can only parrot that Salmond has a problem, they wish.
Another way of interpreting those figures would be to say five times more people noticed the second debate than Kate and Wills NZ visit, but no one can be bothered to do that
The fact that the debate is still in the top ten this week, having happened last week proves you wrong doesn't it? As does the poll bounce for UKIP and the slump of the nations 4th party
We had this debate a few months ago. It was a Saturday.
admit it malc there's nothing more you want to do than buy some nice strappy sandals and walk round Ayshire in a tartan skirt.
Aberavon (35.7% majority): Stephen Kinnock (son of, husband of)
St Helens South (30.6%): Marie Rimmer (veteran local Cllr)
Lewisham Deptford (30.3%): Vicky Foxcroft (local Cllr since 2010, Unite official)
Leeds East (27.2%): Richard Burgon (GMB lawyer)
Coventy North East (27.1%): Colleen Fletcher (veteran local Cllr)
Greenwich and Woolwich (24.7%): Matthew Pennycook (Greenwich Cllr)
Aberdeen North (22.2%): Richard Baker (MSP)
Blackburn (21.7%): Kate Hollern (Blackburn with Darwen council leader)
Stoke North (20.5%) Ruth Smeeth (Hope not Hate deputy director, 2010 Burton candidate)
Dulwich and West Norwood (19.4%): Helen Hayes (Southwark Cllr since 2010)
Bristol South (9.8%): Karin Smyth (officer manager of Bristol West 1997-2005 MP)
Gower (6.4%): Liz Evans (national officer with the Public and Commercial Services union, from Swansea)
Southampton Itchen (0.4%): Rowenna Davies (journalist?)
Hampstead and Kilburn (0.1%): Tulip Siddiq (cabinet member on Camden council)
Selections coming up: Batley and Spen (8.5%), Sheffield Heeley (14.2%), Ellesmere Port and Neston (9.8%) and Stirling (17.9%): AWS, AWS, Open, AWS
But right now Salmond is the spiv in a suit asking a lot of women to take the biggest gamble of their lives on their future financial security to realise a nationalist dream of independence they don't share. Its going to be interesting to look back and compare Salmond's personal ratings over the term of this Holyrood Parliament after the Indy Ref and nearer the Scottish elections.
I always thought he was an atheist actually. Egg-cruciating.
Lab 5/4 (Betfair)
UKIP 11/8 (PP)
Con 7/1 (Betfair)
Grn 150/1 (PP)
LD 200/1 (Betfair)
Get religion out of politics.
@shadsy isn't given to outbreaks of fervent generosity when marking up political markets. Parsimonious springs to mind.
So at least try to get it right.
You don't perhaps think when even 82% of tory members thought she should go then it should be crystal clear that those who are out of touch on this certainly aren't the public but those bizarrely pretending she is a martyr who did nothing wrong?
No doubt Bone's £90,000 in expenses will be viewed with equal equanimity by the public since "we're all in this together".
I know quite a few Tories locally. It's the UK party and the UK system that became the problem, once the Tories as a UK wide party started to appeal only to elements of the populace and in so doing abandoned Scotland totally de facto (certainly in the sense of their favourite voting system) and created the democratic deficit that led to the policies imposed on Scotland being firstly different from those for which it actually voted, and secondly (which is not quite the same thing) run by a steadily diminishing number of people actually elected there. The way the votes were going, if it hadn't been for the Scottish Parliament you can imagine the reaction to Scotland being run by unelected Tory MPs from outwith the country and by peers. As things are, Mr Mundell fortunately has the LDs to accompany him.
That is at the root of where we are today, facing an indy referendum. The Tories created that problem (and I can still not quite believe how appallingly they have managed to do that, given the nature of the Tory vote and Scottish society in the 1950s and 1960s). You may not like that but enough people voted for a party which offered that democratic choice, which I must add parenthetically is a damn sight more than the unionist parties did once Labour had tried to tackle the problem with the Parliament (despite Ms Alexander's urging, which was prescient).
Look how well the Tories do even in the Scottish Parliament as it is now, with its rather different voting system. It is much healthier that Ms Fitalass and Messrs DavidL and Easterross actually get some representation whatever happens in London (which has very seriously shaken me in many ways which I won't go into here). Ms Goldie did a pretty good job of maintaining their point of view during the SNP minority administration and because of that she managed to get some things done her way when Labour were still throwing their toys out of the pram and the LDs didn't have a clue what was going on (though I still think voting for the trams was criminal in terms of opportunities lost as well as the cash). To break the link with London will have a very healthy effect on them and one I can't predict with any confidence.
As for Mrs JackW .... No chance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FWIW I have taken up a small wager with Paddypower that LD's will get 2 or more seats in the Euro elections at 5/6 .
But then again, their party has sold them out, so understandable they have no faith in it anymore
As accurate as your prediction that Annabel Goldie was safe mere hours before she quit.
Ipsos satisfaction ratings Sep 2013 - Women
Salmond -4 (DK 14%)
Davidson +3 (DK 42%)
Lamont +11 (DK 39%)
Cameron -25 (DK 10%)
Sturgeon +18 (DK 20%)
Darling +7 (DK 36%)
Scottish women can obviously see a spiv in a suit a mile off.
( long post to reply to )
that the party system encourages overcentralisation is hardly unique to the conservatives. It has happened with all national parties and the corollary of your representation thread is EVEL and Labour's botched devolution. Indeed much of your approach is simply repeating the idiocy of Brown and Scottish Labour in the 1980s where the vilified southern Tories were responsible for all Scotland's ills. In effect they did half the SNP's job for them and the wedges they drove between different parts of these islands are now starting to work against them. Not only have they half neutered themselves but they've spent their time fighting the wrong enemy. Paradoxically post indy ref and assuming Scotland stays put the evil tory theme will have to fall from labour's arguments or they will continue to slice their own throats.
YouGov @YouGov Apr 10
63% of the public think that David Cameron showed poor judgement in standing by Maria Miller
Shirley Shum Mishtayk ????
Fitalassian. I'll have to remember that one.
Tesco's "finest swiss 72% dark chocolate" is v.nice.
These polls which are for indy yes/no are not talking about Mr Salmond, convenient as it is for some to given him the Emmanuel Goldstein treatment. To make my point, it is just as logical for them to be interpreted as young ladies swooning at Mr Osborne's debonair looks. Or those of Mr Miliband with his Darceyesque air and firm, robust statement of One nation!
ConservativeGR @ToryGrassroots 4h
Maria Miller: David Cameron pays the price for grievous lapse of judgment - via @Telegraph
Ha Ha.