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  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,497
    Damn. So nearly worked...
  • TheWhiteRabbitTheWhiteRabbit Posts: 12,442

    Deep thought: If the Tories are by accident or design doing a big old purge of Remainer candidates, and until a few years ago most of their MPs were remainers, there could be quite a few seats where they lose their incumbency bonus. Isn't incumbency supposed to be worth like 5% or something?

    Yes. Labour are the same, though. Higher turnover than usual.

    I don't know if there are any posters who can confirm if the SNP are likely to re-select their former MPs and/or what the churn in their current MPs is likely to be.

  • YorkcityYorkcity Posts: 4,382
    ydoethur said:

    AndyJS said:

    Dream Ticket of Ken Clarke and Harriet Harman proposed by Jo Swinson.

    Oh dear. She really is hopeless. Frank Spencer would do a better job in charge.

    This really is far too important an issue for this student level politics from this rank amateur. If Corbyn is the only deal in town to stop Brexit then do it.
    The touching faith among certain posters that Corbyn would do as he says and not do many disastrous things as well illustrates why our politics has become broken.
    Yes but we have limited options at the moment to stop no deal.
    He is loto , so deserves a chance to stop no deal.
    You never will have a good opinion of Corbyn , whatever he does.
    Your personal hostility is overriding every issue.
  • bigjohnowlsbigjohnowls Posts: 22,571

    Mr. Observer, depends. If Corbyn wants us to leave, and for no deal, and for the Conservatives to pay an electoral price, whilst looking like he can claim he wanted to remain, the letter's rather clever.

    I don't think so. The only way that Corbyn has a chance to win even the most seats at the next GE is to lure voters back from the LibDems and others. He won't get those votes if he is believed to have facilitated No Deal - and he will be seen to have done that if he refuses to accept that anyone else but him could lead a government designed to prevent it. Thger eis still a fair amoiunt of time for that to be shown to be the case and he starts from a position where he is widely disliked by every demographic in every part of the country.

    No the Bollox to Brexit lot

    Who turned down stopping No Deal by becoming the BOLLOX to stopping BREXIT lot

    Will be blamed

    Yes, you and the diminishing number of Labour supporters will blame them. The rest of the country will see that Corbyn rejected any opportunity to stop a No Deal Brexit that did not involve him being Prime Minister and they will hold him in even greater contempt than they do at the moment.

    No chance and Corbyn is the only Remaining opportunity.

    Even Wes Streeting understands that.

    Even a number of Tory Remainer MPs understand that

    Not Tory Swinson though.

    LDs on a downward spiral since Tory Swinson took over
    Swinson is really proving to be a complete Amateur here.

    diehard leavers will do anything to secure brexit. diehard remainers aren't troubled by such determination to achieve their goal.
    Tory Swinson

    Corbyn cant command support

    So i will propose something that has far less probability to deflect the fact i am now a BOLLOX to stopping No Dealer
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504
    HYUFD said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Mr. Observer, depends. If Corbyn wants us to leave, and for no deal, and for the Conservatives to pay an electoral price, whilst looking like he can claim he wanted to remain, the letter's rather clever.

    I don't think so. The only way that Corbyn has a chance to win even the most seats at the next GE is to lure voters back from the LibDems and others. He won't get those votes if he is

    Hypothetically there is another possibility, whereby Labour pulls back its leavers from the BXP and Tories whilst Tory remainers desert in large numbers to the LibDems. Given its edge in the voting system that could deliver Labour most seats.

    Labour has lost 3/4 times more voters to the LDs and Greens than it has to BXP -and the seats where returning Leave voters will tip the balance are few and far between. The vast majority of Labour Leave voters voted Labour in 2017.

    Yes, but it depends on where those voters are. In very many Tory held seats it is better that they vote LibDem.

    My point is that any returning BXP voters are not going to help Labour win many seats given that they are likely to have voted labour in 2017. The very few seats where they might make a difference will be countered by those where votes lost to the LDs and Greens (and the SNP and Plaid in Scotland and Wales) are likely to cost Labour. If Labour ends up with anything close to the seats it holds now at the next GE it will be an extraordinary achievement. It would require huge LD gains in Tory seats for that to leave Labour the biggest party.

    If by win you mean gain, Labour won’t be gaining any seats on current polling or anything like it. The point I was making is that there are still scenarios where they finish with the most seats, if the Tories lose a bunch to the LibDems and Labour holds most of its own.

    For example, on Flavible national shares of Con 28, Lab 27, LibDem 24, BXP 12 makes Labour the largest party, just.
    Except Labour is on just 24% in the latest Survation and 22% in the latest Yougov, the most accurate pollsters from GE17
    You might have noticed that we’re in fast moving politics right now. Week by week, dramatic shifts in support are entirely possible - and this will likely accelerate as the crunch point approaches. Moving from 24% to 27% isn’t unrealistic (as a hypothetical scenario) - indeed its almost within margin of error.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914
    Scott_P said:
    How the f*ck does BoJo rate higher about sticking to principles?
  • SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,845

    Pulpstar said:

    Labour has lost 3/4 times more voters to the LDs and Greens than it has to BXP -and the seats where returning Leave voters will tip the balance are few and far between. The vast majority of Labour Leave voters voted Labour in 2017.

    They're probably amongst the most tribal of the lot if they're STILL voting Labour. Corbyn could do schengen, Euro, the whole nine yards. They'd still stick the X in the Labour box.
    Correct Socialism is a million % more important than BREXIT
    Beat me to it. I think this is something that a lot of Remainers fail to grasp. They come from the mushy centre-ground of politics, with no strong opinions on most issues. Suddenly up pops Brexit, and for them it is the most important thing in the world, and they assume this is the case for everyone.

    However, if you have strong lefty convictions, Brexit is a 2nd order issue, and you can take it or leave it as long as our destination is a fairer society (and theTories suffer).

    You're not going to get a fairer society with a Brexit presided over by the friends of hedge fund multi-millionaires, white supermacists and Putinists.

    Which is why I favour any outcome that causes permanent damage to the Tories. Be that Revoke, Extend or Labour Brexit. Anything other than what Bozo wants, basically.
  • DavidLDavidL Posts: 53,249
    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,497
    Yorkcity said:

    ydoethur said:

    AndyJS said:

    Dream Ticket of Ken Clarke and Harriet Harman proposed by Jo Swinson.

    Oh dear. She really is hopeless. Frank Spencer would do a better job in charge.

    This really is far too important an issue for this student level politics from this rank amateur. If Corbyn is the only deal in town to stop Brexit then do it.
    The touching faith among certain posters that Corbyn would do as he says and not do many disastrous things as well illustrates why our politics has become broken.
    Yes but we have limited options at the moment to stop no deal.
    He is loto , so deserves a chance to stop no deal.
    You never will have a good opinion of Corbyn , whatever he does.
    Your personal hostility is overriding every issue.
    I support Corbyn when he's in the right.

    I think that's been twice in four years.

    That's why I have a low opinion of him. No other reason. You may observe this low opinion is shared by most of his own backbenchers and every other party in the House of Commons.

    If he resigned to facilitate a genuine emergency government, good on him. But he doesn't have the courage or integrity to do so.

    And he is therefore a big problem.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,497
    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
  • Harman and Clarke are plainly far more palatable in terms of the people that need to be got onside for this.

    For Tory moderates, those who left Labour over antisemitism, Sylvia Hermon etc, they can't go back to their constituencies and say they made Corbyn PM.

    They're not more palatable to Corbyn, of course, but he doesn't have the numbers, and this way he gets his General Election in short order, gets credit from Remainers for "doing the right thing", isn't personally the PM who stopped Brexit... it's got a lot going for it.

    Your last paragraph contradicts your first.

    If they're not more palatable to Corbyn and his MP supporters then they're not more palatable to the people who need to be onside for this.

    This is like the indicative votes all over again. We don't have a binary choice and Parliament may be against every single option. To win you need a majority of the [potentially 635] voting MPs onside. Short of that and it doesn't matter how close you get you are too short.
    I tend to agree that there won't be a GONU. But I think Harman has a greater chance than Corbyn.

    That's because too many of the people who need to back a VOC in a new PM can't do it for Corbyn because either they cannot go back to their constituencies having made Corbyn PM, or because they don't trust him (or Milne) to keep their promises, or because they think he's essentially antisemitic. The numbers aren't huge, but enough for it to be impossible - and the people involved aren't in a single bloc. The obstacle to Harman becoming PM, however, is "just" Corbyn. I personally think it's a big enough "just" not to happen, but the route is actually somewhat clearer.
  • nichomarnichomar Posts: 7,483
    Yorkcity said:

    ydoethur said:

    AndyJS said:

    Dream Ticket of Ken Clarke and Harriet Harman proposed by Jo Swinson.

    Oh dear. She really is hopeless. Frank Spencer would do a better job in charge.

    This really is far too important an issue for this student level politics from this rank amateur. If Corbyn is the only deal in town to stop Brexit then do it.
    The touching faith among certain posters that Corbyn would do as he says and not do many disastrous things as well illustrates why our politics has become broken.
    Yes but we have limited options at the moment to stop no deal.
    He is loto , so deserves a chance to stop no deal.
    You never will have a good opinion of Corbyn , whatever he does.
    Your personal hostility is overriding every issue.
    He has no more right than any other MP unless he can command support of HOC if he can then fair enough but he needs to demonstrate it. Being LoTO confers no rights to first go.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914
    edited August 2019

    And yet the public would, according to Survation, vote 55:45 Remain in a fresh referendum. Leavers are still failing to convince those who already thought they were nuts.
    The irony is, that with a 55:45 Remain/Leave split, "Respecting the result" is not a good idea. Respecting it with a No Deal is just plain bad politics, nay, bonkers.
    I don't think 'respecting the result' is a bad slogan, but it comes from people who rejected something 90% of their Tory colleagues thought was respecting the result, and insisted they must get what they want and only that respects the result.

    You cannot repeatedly reject options which plenty of other people think respects the result, then moan when others say your option doesn't respect the result.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,497
    As a serious point, the over rate across both tests has been pathetic.
  • Stark_DawningStark_Dawning Posts: 9,582
    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Is he that good or are you referring to the weather?
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914

    Pulpstar said:

    Labour has lost 3/4 times more voters to the LDs and Greens than it has to BXP -and the seats where returning Leave voters will tip the balance are few and far between. The vast majority of Labour Leave voters voted Labour in 2017.

    They're probably amongst the most tribal of the lot if they're STILL voting Labour. Corbyn could do schengen, Euro, the whole nine yards. They'd still stick the X in the Labour box.
    Correct Socialism is a million % more important than BREXIT
    Beat me to it. I think this is something that a lot of Remainers fail to grasp. They come from the mushy centre-ground of politics, with no strong opinions on most issues. Suddenly up pops Brexit, and for them it is the most important thing in the world, and they assume this is the case for everyone.

    However, if you have strong lefty convictions, Brexit is a 2nd order issue, and you can take it or leave it as long as our destination is a fairer society (and theTories suffer).

    You're not going to get a fairer society with a Brexit presided over by the friends of hedge fund multi-millionaires, white supermacists and Putinists.

    Which is why I favour any outcome that causes permanent damage to the Tories. Be that Revoke, Extend or Labour Brexit. Anything other than what Bozo wants, basically.
    Maybe you might consider making decisions for reasons other than partisan advantage and disadvantage? If you're telling me what is good/bad for Tories/Labour is always going to be good/bad for the counry and so justifies making decisions solely on that basis, that is demonstrably untrue given we have seen even in the last 10 years how far parties can shift.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,497

    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Is he that good or are you referring to the weather?
    He will reign all afternoon.

    Unless it rains, of course.
  • Sean_FSean_F Posts: 36,726

    AndyJS said:

    Dream Ticket of Ken Clarke and Harriet Harman proposed by Jo Swinson.

    Oh dear. She really is hopeless. Frank Spencer would do a better job in charge.

    This really is far too important an issue for this student level politics from this rank amateur. If Corbyn is the only deal in town to stop Brexit then do it.
    The Lib Dems are entitled to be something other than the rural/posh wing of the Labour Party.
  • DavidLDavidL Posts: 53,249
    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Could well be. England have done pretty well this morning both taking wickets and stopping the scoring. With the weather and the slow scoring rate the Aussies are going to find it difficult to get enough of a lead to hammer England in the second innings and force a result. Given the misery of the first (second) morning that is probably a result.
  • kinabalukinabalu Posts: 41,132

    Beat me to it. I think this is something that a lot of Remainers fail to grasp. They come from the mushy centre-ground of politics, with no strong opinions on most issues. Suddenly up pops Brexit, and for them it is the most important thing in the world, and they assume this is the case for everyone.

    However, if you have strong lefty convictions, Brexit is a 2nd order issue, and you can take it or leave it as long as our destination is a fairer society (and theTories suffer).

    Fortunately for left of centre Remainers (like me) there is no dilemma because Labour government means no Brexit.

    The people with a problem are right of centre Remainers - the Toppings, the Nabavis, the Formains of this world.

    They are looking at either a bona fide socialist as PM or National Populism and Hard Brexit under Boris Johnson. The Devil or the Deep Blue Sea. We should feel for them.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    IanB2 said:

    Mr. Observer, depends. If Corbyn wants us to leave, and for no deal, and for the Conservatives to pay an electoral price, whilst looking like he can claim he wanted to remain, the letter's rather clever.

    I don't think so. The only way that Corbyn has a chance to win even the most seats at the next GE is to lure voters back from the LibDems and others. He won't get those votes if he is believed to have facilitated No Deal - and he will be seen to have done that if he refuses to accept that anyone else but him could lead a government designed to prevent it. Thger eis still a fair amoiunt of time for that to be shown to be the case and he starts from a position where he is widely disliked by every demographic in every part of the country.

    Hypothetically there is another possibility, whereby Labour pulls back its leavers from the BXP and Tories whilst Tory remainers desert in large numbers to the LibDems. Given its edge in the voting system that could deliver Labour most seats.

    Labour has lost 3/4 times more voters to the LDs and Greens than it has to BXP -and the seats where returning Leave voters will tip the balance are few and far between. The vast majority of Labour Leave voters voted Labour in 2017.

    Yes, but it depends on where those voters are. In very many Tory held seats it is better that they vote LibDem.

    My point is that any returning BXP voters are not going to help Labour win many seats given that they are likely to have voted labour in 2017. The very few seats where they might make a difference will be countered by those where votes lost to the LDs and Greens (and the SNP and Plaid in Scotland and Wales) are likely to cost Labour. If Labour ends up with anything close to the seats it holds now at the next GE it will be an extraordinary achievement. It would require huge LD gains in Tory seats for that to leave Labour the biggest party.

    If by win you mean gain, Labour won’t be gaining any seats on current polling or anything like it. The point I was making is that there are still scenarios where they finish with the most seats, if the Tories lose a bunch to the LibDems and Labour holds most of its own.

    For example, on Flavible national shares of Con 28, Lab 27, LibDem 24, BXP 12 makes Labour the largest party, just.

    Yep. I just don't see it happening.

    I wouldn’t be putting money on it. It was simply a challenge to your assertion that the only route to ‘most seats’ for Labour is in pulling back votes from the LibDems.
  • Stark_DawningStark_Dawning Posts: 9,582
    ydoethur said:

    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Is he that good or are you referring to the weather?
    He will reign all afternoon.

    Unless it rains, of course.
    His Test average of 30.21 must belie hidden depths.
  • Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 8,163
    kle4 said:

    And yet the public would, according to Survation, vote 55:45 Remain in a fresh referendum. Leavers are still failing to convince those who already thought they were nuts.
    The irony is, that with a 55:45 Remain/Leave split, "Respecting the result" is not a good idea. Respecting it with a No Deal is just plain bad politics, nay, bonkers.
    I don't think 'respecting the result' is a bad slogan, but it comes from people who rejected something 90% of their Tory colleagues thought was respecting the result, and insisted they must get what they want and only that respects the result.

    You cannot repeatedly reject options which plenty of other people think respects the result, then moan when others say your option doesn't respect the result.
    I was not thinking of it that way, more if Boris delivers No Deal, he will not be thanked for it. The public is no longer behind "Leave", quite the opposite.

    Foisting an unwanted policy on the electorate rarely works well, especially something as fundamental as Brexit.

    The behaviour of backbenchers will be irrelevant, it will be the Cabinet and Boris who get the blame.
  • nichomarnichomar Posts: 7,483
    kinabalu said:

    Beat me to it. I think this is something that a lot of Remainers fail to grasp. They come from the mushy centre-ground of politics, with no strong opinions on most issues. Suddenly up pops Brexit, and for them it is the most important thing in the world, and they assume this is the case for everyone.

    However, if you have strong lefty convictions, Brexit is a 2nd order issue, and you can take it or leave it as long as our destination is a fairer society (and theTories suffer).

    Fortunately for left of centre Remainers (like me) there is no dilemma because Labour government means no Brexit.

    The people with a problem are right of centre Remainers - the Toppings, the Nabavis, the Formains of this world.

    They are looking at either a bona fide socialist as PM or National Populism and Hard Brexit under Boris Johnson. The Devil or the Deep Blue Sea. We should feel for them.
    How can you say a labour government means no brexit, do you actually trust corbyn to hold a genuine referendum and campaign for remain. He will try and engineer a labour exit and then campaign for it.
  • Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 8,163
    ydoethur said:

    I support Corbyn when he's in the right.

    I think that's been twice in four years.


    And he is therefore a big problem.

    He is possibly the MAIN problem. With just about any other Labour leader, this crisis would be greatly reduced. In fact we may not even be where we are now...
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504
    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Could well be. England have done pretty well this morning both taking wickets and stopping the scoring. With the weather and the slow scoring rate the Aussies are going to find it difficult to get enough of a lead to hammer England in the second innings and force a result. Given the misery of the first (second) morning that is probably a result.
    Will this pointless cricket never end? The summer clearly has gone away, so should the cricket.
  • PClippPClipp Posts: 2,138
    kle4 said:

    Pulpstar said:

    Labour has lost 3/4 times more voters to the LDs and Greens than it has to BXP -and the seats where returning Leave voters will tip the balance are few and far between. The vast majority of Labour Leave voters voted Labour in 2017.

    They're probably amongst the most tribal of the lot if they're STILL voting Labour. Corbyn could do schengen, Euro, the whole nine yards. They'd still stick the X in the Labour box.
    Correct Socialism is a million % more important than BREXIT
    Beat me to it. I think this is something that a lot of Remainers fail to grasp. They come from the mushy centre-ground of politics, with no strong opinions on most issues. Suddenly up pops Brexit, and for them it is the most important thing in the world, and they assume this is the case for everyone.
    However, if you have strong lefty convictions, Brexit is a 2nd order issue, and you can take it or leave it as long as our destination is a fairer society (and theTories suffer).
    You're not going to get a fairer society with a Brexit presided over by the friends of hedge fund multi-millionaires, white supermacists and Putinists.
    Which is why I favour any outcome that causes permanent damage to the Tories. Be that Revoke, Extend or Labour Brexit. Anything other than what Bozo wants, basically.
    Maybe you might consider making decisions for reasons other than partisan advantage and disadvantage? If you're telling me what is good/bad for Tories/Labour is always going to be good/bad for the counry and so justifies making decisions solely on that basis, that is demonstrably untrue given we have seen even in the last 10 years how far parties can shift.
    There was a time when the Conservative Party used to put the national interest first, at least apparently so. Now it has been taken over by aliens, it operates in the interests of tax-dodgers and foreign corporations. Only tax-dodgers and the easily duped should vote for it nowadays. And those on the payroll, of course.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,497
    IanB2 said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Could well be. England have done pretty well this morning both taking wickets and stopping the scoring. With the weather and the slow scoring rate the Aussies are going to find it difficult to get enough of a lead to hammer England in the second innings and force a result. Given the misery of the first (second) morning that is probably a result.
    Will this pointless cricket never end? The summer clearly has gone away, so should the cricket.
    The pointless cricket ended some time ago. It's proper cricket now.
  • AlastairMeeksAlastairMeeks Posts: 30,340
    kle4 said:

    And yet the public would, according to Survation, vote 55:45 Remain in a fresh referendum. Leavers are still failing to convince those who already thought they were nuts.
    The irony is, that with a 55:45 Remain/Leave split, "Respecting the result" is not a good idea. Respecting it with a No Deal is just plain bad politics, nay, bonkers.
    I don't think 'respecting the result' is a bad slogan, but it comes from people who rejected something 90% of their Tory colleagues thought was respecting the result, and insisted they must get what they want and only that respects the result.

    You cannot repeatedly reject options which plenty of other people think respects the result, then moan when others say your option doesn't respect the result.
    All sides are after fruit machine Brexit - keep pulling the handle until you hit the jackpot.
  • felixfelix Posts: 15,138
    Scott_P said:

    Who will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes? ;)

    Two unpleasant posts both together with the latter apparently suggesting shooting people. Both posters need help.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504
    kle4 said:

    Scott_P said:
    How the f*ck does BoJo rate higher about sticking to principles?
    So by a clear majority most people wouldn’t entrust their children to either the current or principal alternative Prime Minister. Strange times.
  • bigjohnowlsbigjohnowls Posts: 22,571
    ydoethur said:

    AndyJS said:

    Dream Ticket of Ken Clarke and Harriet Harman proposed by Jo Swinson.

    Leaving aside the spelling, why specifically?
    Because its less chance of happening than Tory Swinson becoming PM
    Who's voted with the Conservative whip more times? Swinson or Corbyn?
    Find Corbyn

    Replace Boris

    Find Corbyn

    Replaace Gove

    In all 3 instances the Answer is Tory Swinson
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504
    ydoethur said:

    IanB2 said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Could well be. England have done pretty well this morning both taking wickets and stopping the scoring. With the weather and the slow scoring rate the Aussies are going to find it difficult to get enough of a lead to hammer England in the second innings and force a result. Given the misery of the first (second) morning that is probably a result.
    Will this pointless cricket never end? The summer clearly has gone away, so should the cricket.
    The pointless cricket ended some time ago. It's proper cricket now.
    So come up with a betting angle, or quit posting about it. Anyone who is interested is watching it already.
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871
    IanB2 said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Could well be. England have done pretty well this morning both taking wickets and stopping the scoring. With the weather and the slow scoring rate the Aussies are going to find it difficult to get enough of a lead to hammer England in the second innings and force a result. Given the misery of the first (second) morning that is probably a result.
    Will this pointless cricket never end? The summer clearly has gone away, so should the cricket.
    It is still August, rain or shine as far as I am concerned it is still the cricket season and the soccer season does not start until late September, whatever the Football league think
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504
    HYUFD said:

    IanB2 said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Could well be. England have done pretty well this morning both taking wickets and stopping the scoring. With the weather and the slow scoring rate the Aussies are going to find it difficult to get enough of a lead to hammer England in the second innings and force a result. Given the misery of the first (second) morning that is probably a result.
    Will this pointless cricket never end? The summer clearly has gone away, so should the cricket.
    It is still August, rain or shine as far as I am concerned it is still the cricket season and the soccer season does not start until late September, whatever the Football league think
    Diehard cricket fans should be first up against the wall.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,497
    IanB2 said:

    ydoethur said:

    IanB2 said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Could well be. England have done pretty well this morning both taking wickets and stopping the scoring. With the weather and the slow scoring rate the Aussies are going to find it difficult to get enough of a lead to hammer England in the second innings and force a result. Given the misery of the first (second) morning that is probably a result.
    Will this pointless cricket never end? The summer clearly has gone away, so should the cricket.
    The pointless cricket ended some time ago. It's proper cricket now.
    So come up with a betting angle, or quit posting about it. Anyone who is interested is watching it already.
    Unless they don't have Sky, of course :rage:
  • StereotomyStereotomy Posts: 4,092
    nichomar said:

    kinabalu said:

    Beat me to it. I think this is something that a lot of Remainers fail to grasp. They come from the mushy centre-ground of politics, with no strong opinions on most issues. Suddenly up pops Brexit, and for them it is the most important thing in the world, and they assume this is the case for everyone.

    However, if you have strong lefty convictions, Brexit is a 2nd order issue, and you can take it or leave it as long as our destination is a fairer society (and theTories suffer).

    Fortunately for left of centre Remainers (like me) there is no dilemma because Labour government means no Brexit.

    The people with a problem are right of centre Remainers - the Toppings, the Nabavis, the Formains of this world.

    They are looking at either a bona fide socialist as PM or National Populism and Hard Brexit under Boris Johnson. The Devil or the Deep Blue Sea. We should feel for them.
    How can you say a labour government means no brexit, do you actually trust corbyn to hold a genuine referendum and campaign for remain. He will try and engineer a labour exit and then campaign for it.
    In 2015, Leavers had to choose between voting for UKIP and voting for Cameron, who'd give them a referendum then campaign against their preferred option. They picked Cameron, and it worked out pretty well for them.
  • TheuniondivvieTheuniondivvie Posts: 41,475

    I must be one of the few who isn’t in favour of recruiting 20,000 new police officers.

    I have no confidence they’ll be on my side.

    Now you know how a great many of the population feel.
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871
    PClipp said:

    kle4 said:

    Pulpstar said:

    Labour has lost 3/4 times more voters to the LDs and Greens than it has to BXP -and the seats where returning Leave voters will tip the balance are few and far between. The vast majority of Labour Leave voters voted Labour in 2017.

    They're probably amongst the most tribal of the lot if they're STILL voting Labour. Corbyn could do schengen, Euro, the whole nine yards. They'd still stick the X in the Labour box.
    Correct Socialism is a million % more important than BREXIT
    Beat me to it. I think this is something that a lot of Remainers fail to grasp. They come from the mushy centre-ground of politics, with no strong opinions on most issues. Suddenly up pops Brexit, and for them it is the most important thing in the world, and they assume this is the case for everyone.
    However, if you have strong lefty convictions, Brexit is a 2nd order issue, and you can take it or leave it as long as our destination is a fairer society (and theTories suffer).
    You're not going to get a fairer society with a Brexit presided over by the friends of hedge fund multi-millionaires, white supermacists and Putinists.
    Which is why I favour any outcome that causes permanent damage to the Tories. Be that Revoke, Extend or Labour Brexit. Anything other than what Bozo wants, basically.
    Maybe you might consider making decisions for reasons other than partisan advantage and disadvantage? If you're telling me what is good/bad for Tories/Labour is always going to be good/bad for the counry and so justifies making decisions solely on that basis, that is demonstrably untrue given we have seen even in the last 10 years how far parties can shift.
    There was a time when the Conservative Party used to put the national interest first, at least apparently so. Now it has been taken over by aliens, it operates in the interests of tax-dodgers and foreign corporations. Only tax-dodgers and the easily duped should vote for it nowadays. And those on the payroll, of course.
    Most working class voters voted Leave and most middle class voters voted Remain, so unlike Labour and the LDs the Tories are actually representing the wishes of the working classes on Brexit
  • noneoftheabovenoneoftheabove Posts: 22,055
    kle4 said:

    Scott_P said:
    How the f*ck does BoJo rate higher about sticking to principles?
    Because to no dealers there is only one principle in life. Belief in the gods of brexit, and being willing to destroy anything to make it happen. It is no surprise the % who rate him highly on principle is very similar to support for Brexit.

    A reminder for those opposed to Brexit, especially no deal, how little other things currently matter to the no dealers.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,497

    ydoethur said:

    AndyJS said:

    Dream Ticket of Ken Clarke and Harriet Harman proposed by Jo Swinson.

    Leaving aside the spelling, why specifically?
    Because its less chance of happening than Tory Swinson becoming PM
    Who's voted with the Conservative whip more times? Swinson or Corbyn?
    Find Corbyn

    Replace Boris

    Find Corbyn

    Replaace Gove

    In all 3 instances the Answer is Tory Swinson
    That's two instances.

    And while I would be very happy to replace Boris and Gove, including with my Tom cat, I'm not sure what you're trying to say...
  • Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 8,163
    edited August 2019
    felix said:

    Scott_P said:

    Who will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes? ;)

    Two unpleasant posts both together with the latter apparently suggesting shooting people. Both posters need help.
    Maybe you cannot recall that the phrase "You will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes" was the catchphrase of Citizen Smith in the 70s/80s comedy of the same name? A highly ineffectual revolutionary always looking for a radical solution

    Free Tooting!
  • Harris_TweedHarris_Tweed Posts: 1,337
    IanB2 said:

    kle4 said:

    Scott_P said:
    How the f*ck does BoJo rate higher about sticking to principles?
    So by a clear majority most people wouldn’t entrust their children to either the current or principal alternative Prime Minister. Strange times.
    I think it's a natural consequence of entrusting the selection of the two main party leaders to a combined total of 650,000 party members. I see why it's attractive - why be a member if you don't get to choose? - but I fear most of them have a pretty limited view of what it takes to appeal to a majority of the electorate.

  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504
    HYUFD said:

    PClipp said:

    kle4 said:

    Pulpstar said:

    Labour has lost 3/4 times more voters to the LDs and Greens than it has to BXP -and the seats where returning Leave voters will tip the balance are few and far between. The vast majority of Labour Leave voters voted Labour in 2017.

    They're probably amongst the most tribal of the lot if they're STILL voting Labour. Corbyn could do schengen, Euro, the whole nine yards. They'd still stick the X in the Labour box.
    Correct Socialism is a million % more important than BREXIT
    Beat me to it. I think this is something that a lot of Remainers fail to grasp. They come from the mushy centre-ground of politics, with no strong opinions on most issues. Suddenly up pops Brexit, and for them it is the most important thing in the world, and they assume this is the case for everyone.
    However, if you have strong lefty convictions, Brexit is a 2nd order issue, and you can take it or leave it as long as our destination is a fairer society (and theTories suffer).
    You're not going to get a fairer society with a Brexit presided over by the friends of hedge fund multi-millionaires, white supermacists and Putinists.
    Which is why I favour any outcome that causes permanent damage to the Tories. Be that Revoke, Extend or Labour Brexit. Anything other than what Bozo wants, basically.
    Maybe you might consider making decisions for reasons other than partisan advantage and disadvantage? If you're telling me what is good/bad for Tories/Labour is always going to be good/bad for the counry and so justifies making decisions solely on that basis, that is demonstrably untrue given we have seen even in the last 10 years how far parties can shift.
    There was a time when the Conservative Party used to put the national interest first, at least apparently so. Now it has been taken over by aliens, it operates in the interests of tax-dodgers and foreign corporations. Only tax-dodgers and the easily duped should vote for it nowadays. And those on the payroll, of course.
    Most working class voters voted Leave and most middle class voters voted Remain, so unlike Labour and the LDs the Tories are actually representing the wishes of the working classes on Brexit
    The moment the Tories depart from the “loads’ a money” approach of Bozo and return to their economic policies of old, they will be stranded with support from neither the working nor middle classes.
  • ydoethur said:

    As a serious point, the over rate across both tests has been pathetic.

    I don't think it has been. Especially when you consider how many reviews there have been

    I seem to recall 85 overs being bowled one day in the first Test and about 10 reviews that day. Considering 15 overs an hour, or 90 overs per day was the standard before reviews were introduced and no extra time has been added to account for reviews it makes sense the over rate should fall.

    If reviews take up 20 minutes over the day that takes up the time of 5 overs.
  • DavidLDavidL Posts: 53,249

    felix said:

    Scott_P said:

    Who will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes? ;)

    Two unpleasant posts both together with the latter apparently suggesting shooting people. Both posters need help.
    Maybe you cannot recall that the phrase "You will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes" was the catchphrase of Citizen Smith in the 70s/80s comedy of the same name? A highly ineffectual revolutionary always looking for a radical solution

    Free Tooting!
    It was the "Think ahea" graffiti that ran out of wall that I remember fondly.
  • Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 8,163
    DavidL said:

    felix said:

    Scott_P said:

    Who will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes? ;)

    Two unpleasant posts both together with the latter apparently suggesting shooting people. Both posters need help.
    Maybe you cannot recall that the phrase "You will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes" was the catchphrase of Citizen Smith in the 70s/80s comedy of the same name? A highly ineffectual revolutionary always looking for a radical solution

    Free Tooting!
    It was the "Think ahea" graffiti that ran out of wall that I remember fondly.
  • AlastairMeeksAlastairMeeks Posts: 30,340
    DavidL said:

    felix said:

    Scott_P said:

    Who will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes? ;)

    Two unpleasant posts both together with the latter apparently suggesting shooting people. Both posters need help.
    Maybe you cannot recall that the phrase "You will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes" was the catchphrase of Citizen Smith in the 70s/80s comedy of the same name? A highly ineffectual revolutionary always looking for a radical solution

    Free Tooting!
    It was the "Think ahea" graffiti that ran out of wall that I remember fondly.
    When I went to school in Ipwich, every day my bus went past a bridge that bore the slogan "SMASH THE SOCIAL CONTRACEPTIVE". To this day I have no idea what this meant.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,497

    ydoethur said:

    As a serious point, the over rate across both tests has been pathetic.

    I don't think it has been. Especially when you consider how many reviews there have been

    I seem to recall 85 overs being bowled one day in the first Test and about 10 reviews that day. Considering 15 overs an hour, or 90 overs per day was the standard before reviews were introduced and no extra time has been added to account for reviews it makes sense the over rate should fall.

    If reviews take up 20 minutes over the day that takes up the time of 5 overs.
    Ther have been two reviews this morning and six overs - about 25 minutes' worth of play - has been lost.

    You are not going to persuade me it takes twelve minutes to review a decision!
  • SandyRentoolSandyRentool Posts: 21,845
    DavidL said:

    felix said:

    Scott_P said:

    Who will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes? ;)

    Two unpleasant posts both together with the latter apparently suggesting shooting people. Both posters need help.
    Maybe you cannot recall that the phrase "You will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes" was the catchphrase of Citizen Smith in the 70s/80s comedy of the same name? A highly ineffectual revolutionary always looking for a radical solution

    Free Tooting!
    It was the "Think ahea" graffiti that ran out of wall that I remember fondly.
    And his girlfriend's mother calling him Foxy instead of Wolfie
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,497

    DavidL said:

    felix said:

    Scott_P said:

    Who will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes? ;)

    Two unpleasant posts both together with the latter apparently suggesting shooting people. Both posters need help.
    Maybe you cannot recall that the phrase "You will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes" was the catchphrase of Citizen Smith in the 70s/80s comedy of the same name? A highly ineffectual revolutionary always looking for a radical solution

    Free Tooting!
    It was the "Think ahea" graffiti that ran out of wall that I remember fondly.
    When I went to school in Ipwich, every day my bus went past a bridge that bore the slogan "SMASH THE SOCIAL CONTRACEPTIVE". To this day I have no idea what this meant.
    Clearly it was a slogan that needed rubbering out.
  • DavidLDavidL Posts: 53,249

    DavidL said:

    felix said:

    Scott_P said:

    Who will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes? ;)

    Two unpleasant posts both together with the latter apparently suggesting shooting people. Both posters need help.
    Maybe you cannot recall that the phrase "You will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes" was the catchphrase of Citizen Smith in the 70s/80s comedy of the same name? A highly ineffectual revolutionary always looking for a radical solution

    Free Tooting!
    It was the "Think ahea" graffiti that ran out of wall that I remember fondly.
    And his girlfriend's mother calling him Foxy instead of Wolfie
    Yes. Its a bit disappointing that the LOTO didn't appreciate that this was comedy rather than a role model though.
  • DavidLDavidL Posts: 53,249

    DavidL said:

    felix said:

    Scott_P said:

    Who will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes? ;)

    Two unpleasant posts both together with the latter apparently suggesting shooting people. Both posters need help.
    Maybe you cannot recall that the phrase "You will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes" was the catchphrase of Citizen Smith in the 70s/80s comedy of the same name? A highly ineffectual revolutionary always looking for a radical solution

    Free Tooting!
    It was the "Think ahea" graffiti that ran out of wall that I remember fondly.
    When I went to school in Ipwich, every day my bus went past a bridge that bore the slogan "SMASH THE SOCIAL CONTRACEPTIVE". To this day I have no idea what this meant.
    It's not obvious is it?
  • PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,411
    edited August 2019
    ydoethur said:

    As a serious point, the over rate across both tests has been pathetic.

    Aus over rate was 12.336, I make England's to be 11.89.

    The match lost 7.9 overs yesterday due to slow play. We will probably lose the same again today - that's before taking any sort of rain into consideration.
  • Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 8,163

    DavidL said:

    felix said:

    Scott_P said:

    Who will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes? ;)

    Two unpleasant posts both together with the latter apparently suggesting shooting people. Both posters need help.
    Maybe you cannot recall that the phrase "You will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes" was the catchphrase of Citizen Smith in the 70s/80s comedy of the same name? A highly ineffectual revolutionary always looking for a radical solution

    Free Tooting!
    It was the "Think ahea" graffiti that ran out of wall that I remember fondly.
    When I went to school in Ipwich, every day my bus went past a bridge that bore the slogan "SMASH THE SOCIAL CONTRACEPTIVE". To this day I have no idea what this meant.
    Destroy your TV set? Nine months after the 70s power cuts the birth rate increased. People had no telly to watch...
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914

    kle4 said:

    And yet the public would, according to Survation, vote 55:45 Remain in a fresh referendum. Leavers are still failing to convince those who already thought they were nuts.
    The irony is, that with a 55:45 Remain/Leave split, "Respecting the result" is not a good idea. Respecting it with a No Deal is just plain bad politics, nay, bonkers.
    I don't think 'respecting the result' is a bad slogan, but it comes from people who rejected something 90% of their Tory colleagues thought was respecting the result, and insisted they must get what they want and only that respects the result.

    You cannot repeatedly reject options which plenty of other people think respects the result, then moan when others say your option doesn't respect the result.
    All sides are after fruit machine Brexit - keep pulling the handle until you hit the jackpot.
    And, sadly, one group will succeed, vindicating the approach in their eyes no matter the cost.
  • YorkcityYorkcity Posts: 4,382
    ydoethur said:

    IanB2 said:

    ydoethur said:

    IanB2 said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Could well be. England have done pretty well this morning both taking wickets and stopping the scoring. With the weather and the slow scoring rate the Aussies are going to find it difficult to get enough of a lead to hammer England in the second innings and force a result. Given the misery of the first (second) morning that is probably a result.
    Will this pointless cricket never end? The summer clearly has gone away, so should the cricket.
    The pointless cricket ended some time ago. It's proper cricket now.
    So come up with a betting angle, or quit posting about it. Anyone who is interested is watching it already.
    Unless they don't have Sky, of course :rage:
    Do you listen to cricket then on the radio ,if you do not have sky ?
    I think Crickets big mistake after the 2005 ashes series, was not having any free to air live games on tv.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914
    Weirdest graffiti I've seen is quite recent- lots of messages saying 'help others'.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,497
    Yorkcity said:

    ydoethur said:

    IanB2 said:

    ydoethur said:

    IanB2 said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Could well be. England have done pretty well this morning both taking wickets and stopping the scoring. With the weather and the slow scoring rate the Aussies are going to find it difficult to get enough of a lead to hammer England in the second innings and force a result. Given the misery of the first (second) morning that is probably a result.
    Will this pointless cricket never end? The summer clearly has gone away, so should the cricket.
    The pointless cricket ended some time ago. It's proper cricket now.
    So come up with a betting angle, or quit posting about it. Anyone who is interested is watching it already.
    Unless they don't have Sky, of course :rage:
    Do you listen to cricket then on the radio ,if you do not have sky ?
    I think Crickets big mistake after the 2005 ashes series, was not having any free to air live games on tv.
    Yes, and the description on Cricinfo.

    I couldn't agree with you more about free to air. Stupidest decision the ECB ever made, and that includes the attempt to bankrupt themselves via the Hundred.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914
    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    felix said:

    Scott_P said:

    Who will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes? ;)

    Two unpleasant posts both together with the latter apparently suggesting shooting people. Both posters need help.
    Maybe you cannot recall that the phrase "You will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes" was the catchphrase of Citizen Smith in the 70s/80s comedy of the same name? A highly ineffectual revolutionary always looking for a radical solution

    Free Tooting!
    It was the "Think ahea" graffiti that ran out of wall that I remember fondly.
    When I went to school in Ipwich, every day my bus went past a bridge that bore the slogan "SMASH THE SOCIAL CONTRACEPTIVE". To this day I have no idea what this meant.
    Clearly it was a slogan that needed rubbering out.
    Its left me effectively barren of ideas.
  • ydoethur said:

    ydoethur said:

    As a serious point, the over rate across both tests has been pathetic.

    I don't think it has been. Especially when you consider how many reviews there have been

    I seem to recall 85 overs being bowled one day in the first Test and about 10 reviews that day. Considering 15 overs an hour, or 90 overs per day was the standard before reviews were introduced and no extra time has been added to account for reviews it makes sense the over rate should fall.

    If reviews take up 20 minutes over the day that takes up the time of 5 overs.
    Ther have been two reviews this morning and six overs - about 25 minutes' worth of play - has been lost.

    You are not going to persuade me it takes twelve minutes to review a decision!
    That's slow, 2 overs should have been lost really today (1 due to reviews, 1 due to rain) but that's not same as first test which is what you said.
  • AlastairMeeksAlastairMeeks Posts: 30,340
    DavidL said:

    DavidL said:

    felix said:

    Scott_P said:

    Who will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes? ;)

    Two unpleasant posts both together with the latter apparently suggesting shooting people. Both posters need help.
    Maybe you cannot recall that the phrase "You will be first against the wall when the Revolution comes" was the catchphrase of Citizen Smith in the 70s/80s comedy of the same name? A highly ineffectual revolutionary always looking for a radical solution

    Free Tooting!
    It was the "Think ahea" graffiti that ran out of wall that I remember fondly.
    When I went to school in Ipwich, every day my bus went past a bridge that bore the slogan "SMASH THE SOCIAL CONTRACEPTIVE". To this day I have no idea what this meant.
    It's not obvious is it?
    Ipswich's social contraceptive, whatever it was, so far as I can see remained unsmashed. Another example of the road not taken, I suppose.
  • Beibheirli_CBeibheirli_C Posts: 8,163
    kle4 said:

    Weirdest graffiti I've seen is quite recent- lots of messages saying 'help others'.

    I saw a number of lamposts with little yellow circular stickers saying "Adios Senor Pussycat". Nothing else, no QR code, no web link.

    Clearly a reference to Speedy Gonzales, but it made me smile... carefree days watching cartoons when the biggest worry in life was getting homework done in time to hand it in.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,497
    edited August 2019
    kle4 said:

    Weirdest graffiti I've seen is quite recent- lots of messages saying 'help others'.

    There is graffiti on the A38 passing Quedgeley which invites people to 'bun the Tories.'
  • tlg86tlg86 Posts: 25,995
    ydoethur said:

    Yorkcity said:

    ydoethur said:

    IanB2 said:

    ydoethur said:

    IanB2 said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Could well be. England have done pretty well this morning both taking wickets and stopping the scoring. With the weather and the slow scoring rate the Aussies are going to find it difficult to get enough of a lead to hammer England in the second innings and force a result. Given the misery of the first (second) morning that is probably a result.
    Will this pointless cricket never end? The summer clearly has gone away, so should the cricket.
    The pointless cricket ended some time ago. It's proper cricket now.
    So come up with a betting angle, or quit posting about it. Anyone who is interested is watching it already.
    Unless they don't have Sky, of course :rage:
    Do you listen to cricket then on the radio ,if you do not have sky ?
    I think Crickets big mistake after the 2005 ashes series, was not having any free to air live games on tv.
    Yes, and the description on Cricinfo.

    I couldn't agree with you more about free to air. Stupidest decision the ECB ever made, and that includes the attempt to bankrupt themselves via the Hundred.
    Allen Stanford says hello.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914

    kle4 said:

    Scott_P said:
    How the f*ck does BoJo rate higher about sticking to principles?
    Because to no dealers there is only one principle in life. Belief in the gods of brexit, and being willing to destroy anything to make it happen. It is no surprise the % who rate him highly on principle is very similar to support for Brexit.

    A reminder for those opposed to Brexit, especially no deal, how little other things currently matter to the no dealers.
    But BoJo officially wants a deal (even though his actions say otherwise) so hes not even pure .
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871
    edited August 2019
    IanB2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    PClipp said:

    kle4 said:

    Pulpstar said:

    Labour has lost 3/4 times more voters to the LDs and Greens than it has to BXP -and the seats where returning Leave voters will tip the balance are few and far between. The vast majority of Labour Leave voters voted Labour in 2017.

    They're probably amongst the most tribal of the lot if they're STILL voting Labour. Corbyn could do schengen, Euro, the whole nine yards. They'd still stick the X in the Labour box.
    Correct Socialism is a million % more important than BREXIT
    Beat me to it. I think this is something that a lot uffer).
    You're not going to get a fairer society with a Brexit presided over by the friends of hedge fund multi-millionaires, white supermacists and Putinists.
    Which is why I favour any outcome that causes permanent damage to the Tories. Be that Revoke, Extend or Labour Brexit. Anything other than what Bozo wants, basically.
    Maybe you might consider making decisions for reasons other than partisan advantage and disadvantage? If you're telling me what is good/bad for Tories/Labour is always going to be good/bad for the counry and so justifies making decisions solely on that basis, that is demonstrably untrue given we have seen even in the last 10 years how far parties can shift.
    There was a time when the Conservative Party used to put the national interest first, at least apparently so. Now it has been taken over by aliens, it operates in the interests of tax-dodgers and foreign corporations. Only tax-dodgers and the easily duped should vote for it nowadays. And those on the payroll, of course.
    Most working class voters voted Leave and most middle class voters voted Remain, so unlike Labour and the LDs the Tories are actually representing the wishes of the working classes on Brexit
    The moment the Tories depart from the “loads’ a money” approach of Bozo and return to their economic policies of old, they will be stranded with support from neither the working nor middle classes.
    The Tories actually lead with middle income voters on £20k to £40k in the latest Survation, the LDs lead with richer voters earning £40k+ and Labour lead with poorer voters earning under £20k.

    So it actually makes sense for Boris and the Tories to focus policies and tax cuts and spending on middle income voters not the rich as they are now the Tories core vote
  • DavidLDavidL Posts: 53,249
    In other news this is a bit of a fiasco:

    The Scottish government has nationalised a ship yard that is building 2 ferries for Cal Mac. The ship yard has gone insolvent because of cost overruns on the ferries that they maintain have been caused by numerous variations of contract by Cal Mac. They claim to be due an additional £40m or so. This is disputed but the company is unable to have these claims resolved in a timescale consistent with its survival.

    The owner of Cal Mac is...the Scottish government. So they are now on both sides of this contract and will bear directly or indirectly all of the losses occasioned by it. A truly brilliant use of public money, no doubt. And the private sector in Scotland shrinks just that bit more.
  • logical_songlogical_song Posts: 9,866

    AndyJS said:

    Dream Ticket of Ken Clarke and Harriet Harman proposed by Jo Swinson.

    Oh dear. She really is hopeless. Frank Spencer would do a better job in charge.

    This really is far too important an issue for this student level politics from this rank amateur. If Corbyn is the only deal in town to stop Brexit then do it.
    ... but Corbyn won't stop Brexit, he's in favour of Brexit.
    He won't even stop a 'No Deal' Brexit because he will put off those in the Tory and Labour parties who might otherwise support ditching 'No Deal'.
    Harman or Clarke or practically anyone else would be a better choice for a caretaker PM to stop No Deal.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 94,914
    ydoethur said:

    kle4 said:

    Weirdest graffiti I've seen is quite recent- lots of messages saying 'help others'.

    There is graffiti on the A38 passing Quedgeley which invites people to 'bun the Tories.'
    Seems like it would take a lot of work frankly. And reminiscent of how Tories enjoy babies - on a bun, preferably with ketchup.
  • ydoethurydoethur Posts: 70,497
    tlg86 said:

    ydoethur said:

    Yorkcity said:

    ydoethur said:

    IanB2 said:

    ydoethur said:

    IanB2 said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    DavidL said:

    ydoethur said:

    Damn. So nearly worked...

    Another really poor umpiring decision. Not even close.
    That was our last chance to get Wade today, I think.
    Could well be. England have done pretty well this morning both taking wickets and stopping the scoring. With the weather and the slow scoring rate the Aussies are going to find it difficult to get enough of a lead to hammer England in the second innings and force a result. Given the misery of the first (second) morning that is probably a result.
    Will this pointless cricket never end? The summer clearly has gone away, so should the cricket.
    The pointless cricket ended some time ago. It's proper cricket now.
    So come up with a betting angle, or quit posting about it. Anyone who is interested is watching it already.
    Unless they don't have Sky, of course :rage:
    Do you listen to cricket then on the radio ,if you do not have sky ?
    I think Crickets big mistake after the 2005 ashes series, was not having any free to air live games on tv.
    Yes, and the description on Cricinfo.

    I couldn't agree with you more about free to air. Stupidest decision the ECB ever made, and that includes the attempt to bankrupt themselves via the Hundred.
    Allen Stanford says hello.
    Even worse than that.
  • GardenwalkerGardenwalker Posts: 21,149
    edited August 2019
    I wish we had a proper government.
    Haven’t one in, oh, three years or so.
  • tlg86tlg86 Posts: 25,995
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,504
    kle4 said:

    Weirdest graffiti I've seen is quite recent- lots of messages saying 'help others'.

    Brexit Nom
  • nichomarnichomar Posts: 7,483
    HYUFD said:

    IanB2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    PClipp said:

    kle4 said:

    Pulpstar said:

    Labour has lost 3/4 times more voters to the LDs and Greens than it has to BXP -and the seats where returning Leave voters will tip the balance are few and far between. The vast majority of Labour Leave voters voted Labour in 2017.

    They're probably amongst the most tribal of the lot if they're STILL voting Labour. Corbyn could do schengen, Euro, the whole nine yards. They'd still stick the X in the Labour box.
    Correct Socialism is a million % more important than BREXIT
    Which is why I favour any outcome that causes permanent damage to the Tories. Be that Revoke, Extend or Labour Brexit. Anything other than what Bozo wants, basically.
    Maybe you might consider making decisions for reasons other than partisan advantage and disadvantage? If you're telling me what is good/bad for Tories/Labour is always going to be good/bad for the counry and so justifies making decisions solely on that basis, that is demonstrably untrue given we have seen even in the last 10 years how far parties can shift.
    There was a time when the Conservative Party used to put the national interest first, at least apparently so. Now it has been taken over by aliens, it operates in the interests of tax-dodgers and foreign corporations. Only tax-dodgers and the easily duped should vote for it nowadays. And those on the payroll, of course.
    Most working class voters voted Leave and most middle class voters voted Remain, so unlike Labour and the LDs the Tories are actually representing the wishes of the working classes on Brexit
    The moment the Tories depart from the “loads’ a money” approach of Bozo and return to their economic policies of old, they will be stranded with support from neither the working nor middle classes.
    The Tories actually lead with middle income voters on £20k to £40k in the latest Survation, the LDs lead with richer voters earning £40k+ and Labour lead with poorer voters earning under £20k.

    So it actually makes sense for Boris and the Tories to focus policies on middle income voters not the rich as they are now the Tories core vote
    But brexit is all about the super rich hiding the off shore funds and not having to declare them and others making more money from the upcoming chaos. These are the Tory pay masters who fund TBP to keep the Tory’s pure.
  • kinabalukinabalu Posts: 41,132
    nichomar said:

    How can you say a labour government means no brexit, do you actually trust corbyn to hold a genuine referendum and campaign for remain. He will try and engineer a labour exit and then campaign for it.

    If Ref2 is in the manifesto I am sure we will get it.

    And then I see Remain winning regardless of which side Corbyn supports.

    It's not a slam dunk but I can't see any other route to Remain, can you?
  • HYUFDHYUFD Posts: 120,871
    edited August 2019
    nichomar said:

    HYUFD said:

    IanB2 said:

    HYUFD said:

    PClipp said:

    kle4 said:

    Pulpstar said:

    Labour has lost 3/4 times more voters to the LDs and Greens than it

    They're probably amongst the most tribal of the lot if they're STILL voting Labour. Corbyn could do schengen, Euro, the whole nine yards. They'd still stick the X in the Labour box.
    Correct Socialism is a million % more important than BREXIT
    Which is why I favour any outcome that causes permanent damage to the Tories. Be that Revoke, Extend or Labour Brexit. Anything other than what Bozo wants, basically.
    Maybe you might consider making decisions the last 10 years how far parties can shift.
    There was a time when the Conservative Party used to put the national interest first, at least apparently so. Now it has been taken over by aliens, it urse.
    Most working class voters voted Leave and most middle class voters voted Remain, so unlike Labour and the LDs the Tories are actually representing the wishes of the working classes on Brexit
    The moment the Tories depart from the “loads’ a money” approach of Bozo and return to their economic policies of old, they will be stranded with support from neither the working nor middle classes.
    The Tories actually lead with middle income voters on £20k to £40k in the latest Survation, the LDs lead with richer voters earning £40k+ and Labour lead with poorer voters earning under £20k.

    So it actually makes sense for Boris and the Tories to focus policies on middle income voters not the rich as they are now the Tories core vote
    But brexit is all about the super rich hiding the off shore funds and not having to declare them and others making more money from the upcoming chaos. These are the Tory pay masters who fund TBP to keep the Tory’s pure.
    Most rich people voted Remain (67% of City finance workers voted Remain) and now vote LD, they are less bothered about sovereignty and immigration than middle income earners and are more globalist and more concerned about any hit to their assets from Brexit.

    The posh party is now the LDs not the Tories, like the US Republicans or Canadian Tories the UK Tories now lead most strongly with people in the middle class and middle income bracket
  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 42,910
    Sean_F said:

    AndyJS said:

    Dream Ticket of Ken Clarke and Harriet Harman proposed by Jo Swinson.

    Oh dear. She really is hopeless. Frank Spencer would do a better job in charge.

    This really is far too important an issue for this student level politics from this rank amateur. If Corbyn is the only deal in town to stop Brexit then do it.
    The Lib Dems are entitled to be something other than the rural/posh wing of the Labour Party.
    Swinson is more Tory than the Tories
  • malcolmgmalcolmg Posts: 42,910
    DavidL said:

    In other news this is a bit of a fiasco:

    The Scottish government has nationalised a ship yard that is building 2 ferries for Cal Mac. The ship yard has gone insolvent because of cost overruns on the ferries that they maintain have been caused by numerous variations of contract by Cal Mac. They claim to be due an additional £40m or so. This is disputed but the company is unable to have these claims resolved in a timescale consistent with its survival.

    The owner of Cal Mac is...the Scottish government. So they are now on both sides of this contract and will bear directly or indirectly all of the losses occasioned by it. A truly brilliant use of public money, no doubt. And the private sector in Scotland shrinks just that bit more.

    WE need those ferries David, peanuts compared to the likes of crossrail , Boris bridges , DUP bribes , etc
  • DavidLDavidL Posts: 53,249
    malcolmg said:

    DavidL said:

    In other news this is a bit of a fiasco:

    The Scottish government has nationalised a ship yard that is building 2 ferries for Cal Mac. The ship yard has gone insolvent because of cost overruns on the ferries that they maintain have been caused by numerous variations of contract by Cal Mac. They claim to be due an additional £40m or so. This is disputed but the company is unable to have these claims resolved in a timescale consistent with its survival.

    The owner of Cal Mac is...the Scottish government. So they are now on both sides of this contract and will bear directly or indirectly all of the losses occasioned by it. A truly brilliant use of public money, no doubt. And the private sector in Scotland shrinks just that bit more.

    WE need those ferries David, peanuts compared to the likes of crossrail , Boris bridges , DUP bribes , etc
    Then perhaps Cal Mac should have paid for them instead of driving a company out of business.
This discussion has been closed.