The better class of boarding school could in theory be the ideal pedophilia hunting ground? Most of victims would go on to be politicians, judges,etc, and if they perceived it as part of "normal growing up"?
I won't even link to it, as it is so disturbing and abhorrent.
Again it touches on the death penalty debate. It's a shame Watkins doesn't live in the Yemen then we could zap him with a drone. Probably save money in the long run.
Careful... people will say you laughed when Derek Bentley was hanged & Lenny from Mice and Men died.
Hmmm "Hi Sam" and "Camerons hair neither here nor there"....
Indeed, on both points.
There's an incredible story of Establishment pedophilia, and ensuing cover-up, at Cleggy's old prep school - in the Times today. Sometimes I wonder if the David Icke-view of pedophilia, as a vast elite conspiracy, has some merit.
Those who boarded at late 1960s prep schools will find very little of surprise in the story of what happened at Caldicott.
Of course the devil is in the detail: it is that which will distinguish pervasive culture and criminal acts.
Um, are you saying pedophilia is "non-criminal" if it is part of a "pervasive culture", as existed at Caldicott?
I hope not.
You have to define paedophilia, Sean.
Ohhhkayyyy...... I know there was a pederastic, pseudoHellenic culture at public schools, in the past, and we are looking at history through the moral prism of the present... which can warp things.....
BUT the Times report goes way beyond what you describe: it details sodomy and oral sex, between 11 year old boys and 36 year old teachers, and lots of it, too.
Which, of course, is seriously criminal and very wrong. Right?
I can't say it never happened Sean but I was never aware of any such acts taking place in any school I attended. Suppressed and controlled sexual desire and discussion, yes: practice, no.
Your description of the culture as "pederastic" and "pseudoHellenic" is spot on but there was always a heavy dose of irony and parody in its deployment. The dangers of such a culture is that it stretches the limits towards temptation and it relies wholly on individual self-restraint to remain safe.
Most pupils attending prep and public schools will know of masters who suddenly disappeared in mid-term causing great speculation as to cause. The incidences were very rare but played a great role in the myths of boarding.
That's very candid and enlightening. Brave of you to be so honest. I must admit I am shocked that parents - even in the distant 1960s - would happily let their sons board at a school with known pedophile teachers.
I'd be more likely to firebomb a school where teachers menaced my, say, 11 year old daughter, rather than pay them to educate her.
I agree
Waiting for several posters to attack Sean for wanting more than a custodial sentence for certain crimes, possible smearing of his views etc etc
Or not, if they're cowardly hypocrites...
Clearly you can't let things lie.
As I said, Kippers, the Fuzzy wuzzies of British Politics, you just don't like it up you.
I was talking about your reactionary and stupid suggestion on punishing barristers who defend people.
A proposal you admitted you were wrong to propose.
Oh SeanT and I have been involved a few insulting comments and attacks on each other.
He once said a speculum removed from Gordon Brown's anus had more intelligence than me.
One query - does your maximum 29 years mean that he HAS to be released after 29 years? He will be 64 then - potentially still a threat to kids (and he was close to murder, it seems, judging by the case just heard).
Do they HAVE to release him in 2048, even if he is judged a menace?
He will have to be released on license in 2042. However, he will be on licence until 2048, and if he breaches the conditions of his licence or offends, he will be liable to recall to prison by the Secretary of State. The notification requirements under Part 2 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 will continue to apply to him indefinitely.
I won't even link to it, as it is so disturbing and abhorrent.
Again it touches on the death penalty debate. It's a shame Watkins doesn't live in the Yemen then we could zap him with a drone. Probably save money in the long run.
Careful... people will say you laughed when Derek Bentley was hanged & Lenny from Mice and Men died.
Hmmm "Hi Sam" and "Camerons hair neither here nor there"....
Indeed, on both points.
There's an incredible story of Establishment pedophilia, and ensuing cover-up, at Cleggy's old prep school - in the Times today. Sometimes I wonder if the David Icke-view of pedophilia, as a vast elite conspiracy, has some merit.
Those who boarded at late 1960s prep schools will find very little of surprise in the story of what happened at Caldicott.
Of course the devil is in the detail: it is that which will distinguish pervasive culture and criminal acts.
Um, are you saying pedophilia is "non-criminal" if it is part of a "pervasive culture", as existed at Caldicott?
I hope not.
Ohhhkayyyy...... I know there was a pederastic, pseudoHellenic culture at public schools, in the past, and we are looking at history through the moral prism of the present... which can warp things.....
BUT the Times report goes way beyond what you describe: it details sodomy and oral sex, between 11 year old boys and 36 year old teachers, and lots of it, too.
Which, of course, is seriously criminal and very wrong. Right?
Your description of the culture as "pederastic" and "pseudoHellenic" is spot on but there was always a heavy dose of irony and parody in its deployment. The dangers of such a culture
Creating a general culture like that is also a good way for any paedophiles to mask their abuse. It would be much easier to convince a teenager that being abused was normal if they saw similar behaviour going on around them.
What you say is quite true. What is accepted as "just a harmless piece of fun" can easily lead to acts of real abuse and the proximity of the two can lead to an acceptance of both.
But my recollection is that the boys, even at prep school when pre-pubescent and innocent, were still knowledgeable and aware of dangers and limits. Even if this wasn't the case individually a collective defence would quickly be deployed.
So if any incident did occur and was observed or discussed later then it would almost certainly have have led to a report to the headmaster or housemaster.
And 99.9% of all teachers, whatever their underlying sexual inclinations, knew and played by the rules.
Far more boy on boy abuse took place than anything between master and pupil. Remember that the public school culture of senior boys being in charge and the main guardians of discipline lasted long after Tom Brown type floggings and fagging was abolished. It will be there that most abuse, of what little existed, actually took place.
We need Roger on to give a second opinion. Sean F I believe also has similar experiences.
I had a couple of years at boarding school in Scotland in the early 70s. The violence levels were unbelievable. Huge numbers of beatings by teachers on pupils, prefects on pupils, pupils on pupils. With the benefit of hindsight several of the staff should have been prosecuted for assault, even under the slack laws of the time.
Careful... people will say you laughed when Derek Bentley was hanged & Lenny from Mice and Men died.
Hmmm "Hi Sam" and "Camerons hair neither here nor there"....
Indeed, on both points.
There's an incredible story of Establishment pedophilia, and ensuing cover-up, at Cleggy's old prep school - in the Times today. Sometimes I wonder if the David Icke-view of pedophilia, as a vast elite conspiracy, has some merit.
Those who boarded at late 1960s prep schools will find very little of surprise in the story of what happened at Caldicott.
Of course the devil is in the detail: it is that which will distinguish pervasive culture and criminal acts.
Um, are you saying pedophilia is "non-criminal" if it is part of a "pervasive culture", as existed at Caldicott?
I hope not.
You have to define paedophilia, Sean.
I can't say it never happened Sean but I was never aware of any such acts taking place in any school I attended. Suppressed and controlled sexual desire and discussion, yes: practice, no.
Your description of the culture as "pederastic" and "pseudoHellenic" is spot on but there was always a heavy dose of irony and parody in its deployment. The dangers of such a culture is that it stretches the limits towards temptation and it relies wholly on individual self-restraint to remain safe.
Most pupils attending prep and public schools will know of masters who suddenly disappeared in mid-term causing great speculation as to cause. The incidences were very rare but played a great role in the myths of boarding.
That's very candid and enlightening. Brave of you to be so honest. I must admit I am shocked that parents - even in the distant 1960s - would happily let their sons board at a school with known pedophile teachers.
I'd be more likely to firebomb a school where teachers menaced my, say, 11 year old daughter, rather than pay them to educate her.
I agree
Waiting for several posters to attack Sean for wanting more than a custodial sentence for certain crimes, possible smearing of his views etc etc
Or not, if they're cowardly hypocrites...
Clearly you can't let things lie.
As I said, Kippers, the Fuzzy wuzzies of British Politics, you just don't like it up you.
I was talking about your reactionary and stupid suggestion on punishing barristers who defend people.
A proposal you admitted you were wrong to propose.
Oh SeanT and I have been involved a few insulting comments and attacks on each other.
He once said a speculum removed from Gordon Brown's anus had more intelligence than me.
I was impressed by that insult.
I don't think I'll ever be impressed by you.
I admitted I was wrong regarding the lawyer, I was wound up by what he said in court and over reacted
I don't see admitting to over reacting as a weakness
I notice you dont mention the people being defended by name mind you
But you accused me of cheering on the police shooting Jean de Menezes, which i never did and would never do...
I don't mind if you are impressed by me or not, but I wouldn't claim you would do awful things just for one upmanship in an argument on a website
I noticed you don't criticise Sean for saying much the same as i did, not unexpected....
I remember it, because it was elegant and yet had me reaching for the mind bleach.
I think it was around the time you were criticising old Poncey Boots Gaylording Cameron for cancelling his European speech because of some terrorist attack in Africa.
I think part of the problem is assuming that "safe Tory" versus "marginal Tory" is the relevant distinction. Folkestone is quite a weird seat in many ways, but I would guess it massively favours UKIP relative to the national trend, thanks to all the immigration tensions that come from being a port. For instance, a Google search on "Folkestone immigrants" turns up as its first hit the BNP talking about a public knifefight between Afghan immigrants as "Beirut in Folkestone". I'm not aware of the streets of Witney or Macclesfield being compared to Beirut. So even compared to Ashford next door, UKIP will poll well in Folkestone - and anywhere on the Kent coast will favour UKIP relative to an equivalent seat in the Cotswolds.
I don't know Bognor, but I'd guess it sees some similar pressures. So I'd be very wary of extrapolating UKIP shares of the national vote from places like Folkestone and Thanet for whom immigration is such a particular concern. It's not a safe seat thing, it's a South Coast thing.
YouGov/Sun poll tonight: Labour lead back down to four points: CON 34%, LAB 38%, LD 10%, UKIP 11%
Show me the crossover........SHOW ME THE CROSSOVER!
I mean this time a year ago, the Lab lead was 11%
Avery LP explicitly said not only a few weeks ago there will be a crossover in the polls before xmas. I hope you are not saying he is wrong.....splitter.
Smarmeron Indeed particularly personal sessions on 'amo, amas, amat ..'
A chaplain at my public school was arrested in Germany selling dodgy videos. Another master was asked to leave a few years after I left, though I believe that was more a case of an excessive response of punishment to a pupil who was harassing his cat than anything malicious.
Several years after my sister left her prep school for grammar school her English teacher and form tutor was convicted of downloading illegal material. So it is an issue, although most teachers are clearly decent, dedicated professionals
YouGov/Sun poll tonight: Labour lead back down to four points: CON 34%, LAB 38%, LD 10%, UKIP 11%
Show me the crossover........SHOW ME THE CROSSOVER!
I mean this time a year ago, the Lab lead was 11%
Avery LP explicitly said not only a few weeks ago there will be a crossover in the polls before xmas. I hope you are not saying he is wrong.....splitter.
Believe it or not, posters are allowed to have differing thoughts on here.
YouGov/Sun poll tonight: Labour lead back down to four points: CON 34%, LAB 38%, LD 10%, UKIP 11%
Show me the crossover........SHOW ME THE CROSSOVER!
I mean this time a year ago, the Lab lead was 11%
Avery LP explicitly said not only a few weeks ago there will be a crossover in the polls before xmas. I hope you are not saying he is wrong.....splitter.
Believe it or not, posters are allowed to have differing thoughts on here.
I think part of the problem is assuming that "safe Tory" versus "marginal Tory" is the relevant distinction. Folkestone is quite a weird seat in many ways, but I would guess it massively favours UKIP relative to the national trend, thanks to all the immigration tensions that come from being a port. For instance, a Google search on "Folkestone immigrants" turns up as its first hit the BNP talking about a public knifefight between Afghan immigrants as "Beirut in Folkestone". I'm not aware of the streets of Witney or Macclesfield being compared to Beirut. So even compared to Ashford next door, UKIP will poll well in Folkestone - and anywhere on the Kent coast will favour UKIP relative to an equivalent seat in the Cotswolds.
I don't know Bognor, but I'd guess it sees some similar pressures. So I'd be very wary of extrapolating UKIP shares of the national vote from places like Folkestone and Thanet for whom immigration is such a particular concern. It's not a safe seat thing, it's a South Coast thing.
Yeah i agree that's a big part of it. Not polling for Ukip isn't so much hiding the national picture as hiding the local distinctions. It effects the national picture only indirectly through averaging.
Soldiers in the first world war were told that too. The problem was that which Christmas was not clearly specified.
It's eerily reminiscent of some of our more porcine posters consistently failing to understand that Seth's prediction of Lansley becoming Leader had actually come to pass.
YouGov/Sun poll tonight: Labour lead back down to four points: CON 34%, LAB 38%, LD 10%, UKIP 11%
Show me the crossover........SHOW ME THE CROSSOVER!
It`s in the marginals and it`s between the Tories and UKIP.
No that's wrong. Hodges and Rentoul both know this ** ahem ** source in the Tory Party who says the Tories are doing fantastic in the marginals........just don't ask them to name him or publish the polls.....they are Top Secret.
I think part of the problem is assuming that "safe Tory" versus "marginal Tory" is the relevant distinction. Folkestone is quite a weird seat in many ways, but I would guess it massively favours UKIP relative to the national trend, thanks to all the immigration tensions that come from being a port. For instance, a Google search on "Folkestone immigrants" turns up as its first hit the BNP talking about a public knifefight between Afghan immigrants as "Beirut in Folkestone". I'm not aware of the streets of Witney or Macclesfield being compared to Beirut. So even compared to Ashford next door, UKIP will poll well in Folkestone - and anywhere on the Kent coast will favour UKIP relative to an equivalent seat in the Cotswolds.
I don't know Bognor, but I'd guess it sees some similar pressures. So I'd be very wary of extrapolating UKIP shares of the national vote from places like Folkestone and Thanet for whom immigration is such a particular concern. It's not a safe seat thing, it's a South Coast thing.
A girl I was dating recently was from Faversham in Kent, and her family lived on the North Kent coast... She was a bit of a lefty but said people in places like margate were also up in arms about ex druggies and the homeless being sent to the coast straight from rehab by the council... Bedsit central and the natives are restless
I think part of the problem is assuming that "safe Tory" versus "marginal Tory" is the relevant distinction. Folkestone is quite a weird seat in many ways, but I would guess it massively favours UKIP relative to the national trend, thanks to all the immigration tensions that come from being a port. For instance, a Google search on "Folkestone immigrants" turns up as its first hit the BNP talking about a public knifefight between Afghan immigrants as "Beirut in Folkestone". I'm not aware of the streets of Witney or Macclesfield being compared to Beirut. So even compared to Ashford next door, UKIP will poll well in Folkestone - and anywhere on the Kent coast will favour UKIP relative to an equivalent seat in the Cotswolds.
I don't know Bognor, but I'd guess it sees some similar pressures. So I'd be very wary of extrapolating UKIP shares of the national vote from places like Folkestone and Thanet for whom immigration is such a particular concern. It's not a safe seat thing, it's a South Coast thing.
A girl I was dating recently was from Faversham in Kent, and her family lived on the North Kent coast... She was a bit of a lefty but said people in places like margate were also up in arms about ex druggies and the homeless being sent to the coast straight from rehab by the council... Bedsit central and the natives are restless
I can see South Thanet being up in arms, but in Margate they`ll fit right in.
Homosexuality at all male public schools is a given at one level or another. Raging hormones in teenage boys will find an outlet somewhere or other, much of it entirely innocent and often transitory among boys who suddenly find their todger might give them hours of idle pleasure.
Talking of which I recall a lad a year older than me who was constantly pleasuring his old chap. Couldn't stop, morning, noon and all night. At the back of a class one day he obliged himself to the chagrin of the Master, who told him to stand up and read the work on the board. The lad couldn't and the master advised him he was clearly going blind already !!
I think part of the problem is assuming that "safe Tory" versus "marginal Tory" is the relevant distinction. Folkestone is quite a weird seat in many ways, but I would guess it massively favours UKIP relative to the national trend, thanks to all the immigration tensions that come from being a port. For instance, a Google search on "Folkestone immigrants" turns up as its first hit the BNP talking about a public knifefight between Afghan immigrants as "Beirut in Folkestone". I'm not aware of the streets of Witney or Macclesfield being compared to Beirut. So even compared to Ashford next door, UKIP will poll well in Folkestone - and anywhere on the Kent coast will favour UKIP relative to an equivalent seat in the Cotswolds.
I don't know Bognor, but I'd guess it sees some similar pressures. So I'd be very wary of extrapolating UKIP shares of the national vote from places like Folkestone and Thanet for whom immigration is such a particular concern. It's not a safe seat thing, it's a South Coast thing.
A girl I was dating recently was from Faversham in Kent, and her family lived on the North Kent coast... She was a bit of a lefty but said people in places like margate were also up in arms about ex druggies and the homeless being sent to the coast straight from rehab by the council... Bedsit central and the natives are restless
Overspill from London being sent to the coast - started 10-12 years ago and allowed to get worse.
Have just been catching up with PMQ's and Turkey Balls on the iplayer - LOL!!!!!
Tories ending 2013 with their dander up. Labour looking increasingly like a busted flush as the "Cost of living crisis" fizzles out and Ed The Younger is left with nothing to say.
Set's us up for a very interesting 2014 to say the least.
I won't even link to it, as it is so disturbing and abhorrent.
Again it touches on the death penalty debate. It's a shame Watkins doesn't live in the Yemen then we could zap him with a drone. Probably save money in the long run.
Careful... people will say you laughed when Derek Bentley was hanged & Lenny from Mice and Men died.
Hmmm "Hi Sam" and "Camerons hair neither here nor there"....
Indeed, on both points.
There's an incredible story of Establishment pedophilia, and ensuing cover-up, at Cleggy's old prep school - in the Times today. Sometimes I wonder if the David Icke-view of pedophilia, as a vast elite conspiracy, has some merit.
Those who boarded at late 1960s prep schools will find very little of surprise in the story of what happened at Caldicott.
Of course the devil is in the detail: it is that which will distinguish pervasive culture and criminal acts.
Um, are you saying pedophilia is "non-criminal" if it is part of a "pervasive culture", as existed at Caldicott?
I hope not.
You have to define paedophilia, Sean.
Undoubtedly we were taught by teachers who were known by parents, pupils and headmaster alike to have a sexual interest in pre-pubescent boys.
Boys between 7 and 13 attended the school so the passage of puberty was much discussed and masturbation was occasionally in the company of other boys but never with teachers present.
Far more physical contact between master and boy was permissable and acceptable as part of the culture than is allowed today.
The Caldicott article refers to the convicted Headmaster's time as a Sports Master and his interest in 12-13 year old boys of athletic abilities.
This is not in the least bit surprising and such masters would often talk openly in praise of "beautiful specimens". If the boys were bright they would be said to be an "ideal combination of Athenian and Spartan ideals".
Most boys were aware of such unnatural interest and many courted it and boasted about the attention they received.
Apart from incidents such as hugging a fully clothed boy or Masters talking lewdly about erections and sexual attraction, I witnessed nothing that went beyond such limits.
Ohhhkayyyy...... I know there was a pederastic, pseudoHellenic culture at public schools, in the past, and we are looking at history through the moral prism of the present... which can warp things.....
BUT the Times report goes way beyond what you describe: it details sodomy and oral sex, between 11 year old boys and 36 year old teachers, and lots of it, too.
Which, of course, is seriously criminal and very wrong. Right?
Not too long ago, homosexual rape in public schools was considered to be character-forming. The armed forces of classical Sparta were the model to be emulated.
My school was normal. I figured I was a bit old for Skirmer when all the 'list 99' stuff came out about him (Oh And Vardon). We all found it absolutely hilarious to be perfectly honest.
Certainly was no culture as AveryLP described - that sounds whacked and completely out there !
I think there is/was a big difference between boarding and day private schools. And the 60s and the 90s...
Homosexuality at all male public schools is a given at one level or another. Raging hormones in teenage boys will find an outlet somewhere or other, much of it entirely innocent and often transitory among boys who suddenly find their todger might give them hours of idle pleasure.
Talking of which I recall a lad a year older than me who was constantly pleasuring his old chap. Couldn't stop, morning, noon and all night. At the back of a class one day he obliged himself to the chagrin of the Master, who told him to stand up and read the work on the board. The lad couldn't and the master advised him he was clearly going blind already !!
But isn't this an argument against all male public schools? If you lock boys and young men up together, without access to girls, they will pleasure each other and accept overtures from older men. Look at Iran or Pakistan.
This is NOT healthy. Neuroses develop.
That said, I'm not sure it makes sense to deny boys and girls any sexual outlet until they are over 16. Freud reckoned this disconnect - between the age of puberty (12-13?), and the age of legal sexual engagement (16?) - was the root of western unhappiness. He was possibly right.
In my teenage years the lads, for the most part, weren't entering puberty until 14/15 years old. Today it appears more like 12/13. Better nutrition no doubt.
As for all male public schools I can only say the vast majority of my peers became happily married men with the odd dash of rotters probably in line with the general population. I know of one gay man, a fine fellow and formerly a stalwart of the 1st XV rugby team.
I have never met a man or woman who went to single-sex school and has not been mucked up by it. Anecdotally, there seems to be something about missing interaction with boys or girls of the opposite sex that causes problems with relationships later in life.
This seemed to be much worse in the case of religious schools: single sex schools may get better results, but I wonder if they prepare children properly for relationships?
It leads me to wonder if such abuses (whether of boys or girls) by responsible adults are more common in single-sex or mixed-sex schools?
Homosexuality at all male public schools is a given at one level or another. Raging hormones in teenage boys will find an outlet somewhere or other, much of it entirely innocent and often transitory among boys who suddenly find their todger might give them hours of idle pleasure.
Talking of which I recall a lad a year older than me who was constantly pleasuring his old chap. Couldn't stop, morning, noon and all night. At the back of a class one day he obliged himself to the chagrin of the Master, who told him to stand up and read the work on the board. The lad couldn't and the master advised him he was clearly going blind already !!
But isn't this an argument against all male public schools? If you lock boys and young men up together, without access to girls, they will pleasure each other and accept overtures from older men. Look at Iran or Pakistan.
This is NOT healthy. Neuroses develop.
That said, I'm not sure it makes sense to deny boys and girls any sexual outlet until they are over 16. Freud reckoned this disconnect - between the age of puberty (12-13?), and the age of legal sexual engagement (16?) - was the root of western unhappiness. He was possibly right.
Single-sex schools get good results, though.
Both my sister and step-daughter, who went to all-girls' schools in the 80s and 90s, say they had some female teachers who were unhealthily interested in their pupils.
YouGov/Sun poll tonight: Labour lead back down to four points: CON 34%, LAB 38%, LD 10%, UKIP 11%
Show me the crossover........SHOW ME THE CROSSOVER!
It`s in the marginals and it`s between the Tories and UKIP.
No that's wrong. Hodges and Rentoul both know this ** ahem ** source in the Tory Party who says the Tories are doing fantastic in the marginals........just don't ask them to name him or publish the polls.....they are Top Secret.
Since when would any journalist ever give up the name of an 'off the record' source?
I have never met a man or woman who went to single-sex school and has not been mucked up by it. Anecdotally, there seems to be something about missing interaction with boys or girls of the opposite sex that causes problems with relationships later in life.
This seemed to be much worse in the case of religious schools: single sex schools may get better results, but I wonder if they prepare children properly for relationships?
It leads me to wonder if such abuses (whether of boys or girls) by responsible adults are more common in single-sex or mixed-sex schools?
Can an old fashioned Comprehensive be classed as normal?
Moat Mount was an old-fashioned comprehensive near me in Mill Hill. One boy from my primary school, St. paul's, went there. He fell foul of the school bullies, who kidnapped him one lunchtime, took him down to the gym and "tried" him. They sentenced him to death, and proceeded to hang him from a gym rope. Very fortunately, one of the teachers interrupted proceedings.
Personally, I'd try to find a way to impose punitive taxes on private education.
Not only are public schools tax advantaged by their charity status but they are also subsidised by taxpayers through access to public service pension schemes for their teaching staff.
Ed's going to (at the very least) completely strip these cancerous private schools of their charitable status, I hope.
Would that be before or after Labour luminaries have their children educated there ??
I don't really care.
A bash at private schools would certainly fit in well with the themes that Miliband and Labour are trying to develop, reinforce the charges they're leveling at the Tories.
And I would welcome it as a small step in the right direction. Personally, I'd try to find a way to impose punitive taxes on private education.
This thread's made me feel ill.
Perhaps Labour's magic money tree will also finance the extra places in state schools required when private schools close.
Yet again the politics of envy from the left. Will you never learn?
Ed's going to (at the very least) completely strip these cancerous private schools of their charitable status, I hope.
Would that be before or after Labour luminaries have their children educated there ??
I don't really care.
A bash at private schools would certainly fit in well with the themes that Miliband and Labour are trying to develop, reinforce the charges they're leveling at the Tories.
And I would welcome it as a small step in the right direction. Personally, I'd try to find a way to impose punitive taxes on private education.
This thread's made me feel ill.
A pupil in a private school means there is more room in state schools.
I went to a comp, and thinking back there was some funny old stuff going on there... One History teacher, who seemed very camp and the running joke was that he was gay, used to force himself down on boys from behind when they were sitting down so they were pressed against the desk under the weight of his forearms... And this was for not really doing anything wrong, maybe a bit of lip... Did it to me and it was weird but we just used to laugh about it and say he was a big poof...
An art teacher used to put his hand up the back of girls jumpers while he was talking to them, and was always a bit seedy in general... Also used to run the girls rounders team... Nickname of "kinky"...
Nothing more than this went on though as far as I know
Seems amazing that we didn't do more than laugh and take the piss out of them about it at the time... As a 39 yr old man now, I certainly wouldn't even think of doing anything like that and would report anyone that did
Can an old fashioned Comprehensive be classed as normal?
Moat Mount was an old-fashioned comprehensive near me in Mill Hill. One boy from my primary school, St. paul's, went there. He fell foul of the school bullies, who kidnapped him one lunchtime, took him down to the gym and "tried" him. They sentenced him to death, and proceeded to hang him from a gym rope. Very fortunately, one of the teachers interrupted proceedings.
Someone reassure me I'm not the only person who is in fits of laughter over this paragraph.
Thursday's By-Elections Last one's for 2013.....can UKIP win some?....
BOLTON - Harper Green (Labour died)
2012 - Lab 1656, Con 389, LD 222 2011 - Lab 1918, Con 616, LD 326 2010 - Lab 2312, LD 1203, Con 903, Ind 625, Grn 114 2008 - Lab 1181, Con 1071, LD 390 2007 - Lab 1182, Con 719, LD 419 2006 - Lab 1194, Con 768, LD 454
Asha ALI ISMAIL (Labour Party Candidate) Wendy CONNOR (Liberal Democrats) *Peter MCGEEHAN (UKIP) Kathy SYKES (Green Party) Robert TYLER (The Conservative Party Candidate)
FENLAND - Elm and Christchurch (Conservative died)
2011 - Con 711/489, Ind 268/198, Lab 221, LD 118 2007 - Con 700/540, Ind 319 2003 - Con 550/486, Ind 368
Trevor BROOKMAN (Liberal Democrat) *Alan BURBRIDGE (UKIP) Dean REEVES (Labour Party Candidate) Michelle TANFIELD (The Conservative Party Candidate) Phil WEBB (Independent)
FOREST HEATH - Market (Conservative died)
2011 - Con 615/570, Lab 261/237 2007 - Con 494/436, UKIP 254/214 2003 - Con 339/251, Lab 250, WSIA 149, Ind 108, UKIP 106/86
John BLOODWORTH (Conservative Party) *David CHANDLER (UKIP)
HIGHLAND - Black Isle (Independent died)
2012 - Ind 1130/677/240/212, LD 646, SNP 610, Grn 292, Lab 216, Con 141, SCP 57 2007 - Ind 1233/985/433, LD 973, SNP 558, Con 408, Grn 267, Lab 192
Jennifer BARCLAY (Independent) Myra CARUS (Scottish Green Party) Shaun FINLAYSON (Scottish Labour Party) Bill FRASER (Independent) Jackie HENDRY (Scottish National Party (SNP)) Douglas MACLEAN (Scottish Conservative and Unionist) George NORMINGTON (Scottish Liberal Democrats) Gwyn PHILLIPS (Independent) *NO UKIP Candidate
LINCOLNSHIRE - Scotter Rural (Conservative died)
2013 - Con 717, UKIP 428, LD 392, Lab 172 2009 - Con 1447, LD 791, Lab 204 2005 - Con 1844, LD 1674
Richard BUTROID (The Conservative Party Candidate) Chris DARCEL (Lincolnshire Independent) Lesley ROLLINGS (Liberal Democrats) *Nick SMITH (UKIP)
2011 - Con 950/897, LD 400/389, Lab 214/209 Jul 2010 by - Con 545, LD 464, Ind 63 2007 - Con 756/675, Ind 420, LD 239/226, Lab 125 2003 - Con 548/521, LD 330/324, Lab 134/133
*Howard BURRELL (UKIP) Roderick CLARKE (The Conservative Party Candidate) Miranda DIBOLL (Green Party Stop Fracking Now) Anne-Marie LUCRAFT (Liberal Democrat) Gregory MOUNTAIN (Labour Party Candidate)
TORFAEN - Croesyceiliog North (Labour died)
2012 - Lab 627/479, Ind 256/224/92, Con 175 2008 - Lab x2 unopposed 2004 - Lab x2 unopposed
Nigel DAVIES (Welsh Labour / Llafur Cymru) Darren HACKLEY-GREEN (Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales) Terry IRONS (Independent) Nick JONES (Welsh Conservative Party Candidate) *Aneurin PREECE (UKIP)
WEST LINDSEY - Scotter (Conservative died)
2011 - Con 1164/934, Ind 623, LD 332 2008 - Con 945, LD 705 2007 - Con 782, LD 781
Barry COWARD (Liberal Democrats) John COX (The Conservative Party Candidate) Chris DAY *Howard THOMPSON (UKIP)
WEST SUSSEX - Haywards Heath East (Conservative died)
2013 - Con 789, UKIP 647, Lab 505, LD 424 2009 - LD 1237, Con 1194, Lab 406, BNP 168 2005 - Con 1779, LD 1615, Lab 1504
Paul BROWN (Green Party Stop Fracking Now) *Charles BURRELL (UKIP) Richard GODDARD (Labour Party Candidate) Anne HALL (Liberal Democrat) Stephen HILLIER (The Conservative Party Candidate)
Personally, I'd try to find a way to impose punitive taxes on private education.
Not only are public schools tax advantaged by their charity status but they are also subsidised by taxpayers through access to public service pension schemes for their teaching staff.
They should really be permitted to convert to Free Schools, Neil.
It is the only way to satisfy the need for equal tax treatment and fair pensions.
Yep, many thanks to Patrick for this very good piece (apart from the tendentious last paragraph).
I was particularly struck by one of the points he makes:
Firstly data from ONS implies that approximately 5% of the population of an average constituency might move out of the area each year. With the 2010 general election now three and a half years passed and coupled with new electors coming of age and old ones passing away, that suggests that 15-20% of the population resident in an average constituency today might not have been resident there at the time of the last election, making past vote weighting targets much less accurate on a constituency basis than they are nationally.
It's a good point - but I wonder if the conclusion drawn from it is right? Maybe this is a good reason for relying more on national polls than on constituency-specific polls?
Imagine if these jolly tales of casual child abuse were being told about state schools?
The curious thing is, how ordinary it seemed at the time. People laughed about it, but no one thought it outrageous. We had a very pretty boy, who a classics master took a real shine to. He recited homosexual Latin love poetry to him, in front of the class. We had a French teacher who liked to playfully slap boys' bottoms. A hockey teacher who enjoyed looking down one's shorts. A music teacher who had to flee to France after going a bit too far with a boy.
Can an old fashioned Comprehensive be classed as normal?
Moat Mount was an old-fashioned comprehensive near me in Mill Hill. One boy from my primary school, St. paul's, went there. He fell foul of the school bullies, who kidnapped him one lunchtime, took him down to the gym and "tried" him. They sentenced him to death, and proceeded to hang him from a gym rope. Very fortunately, one of the teachers interrupted proceedings.
Thursday's By-Elections Last one's for 2013.....can UKIP win some?....
BOLTON - Harper Green (Labour died)
2012 - Lab 1656, Con 389, LD 222 2011 - Lab 1918, Con 616, LD 326 2010 - Lab 2312, LD 1203, Con 903, Ind 625, Grn 114 2008 - Lab 1181, Con 1071, LD 390 2007 - Lab 1182, Con 719, LD 419 2006 - Lab 1194, Con 768, LD 454
Asha ALI ISMAIL (Labour Party Candidate) Wendy CONNOR (Liberal Democrats) *Peter MCGEEHAN (UKIP) Kathy SYKES (Green Party) Robert TYLER (The Conservative Party Candidate)
FENLAND - Elm and Christchurch (Conservative died)
2011 - Con 711/489, Ind 268/198, Lab 221, LD 118 2007 - Con 700/540, Ind 319 2003 - Con 550/486, Ind 368
Trevor BROOKMAN (Liberal Democrat) *Alan BURBRIDGE (UKIP) Dean REEVES (Labour Party Candidate) Michelle TANFIELD (The Conservative Party Candidate) Phil WEBB (Independent)
FOREST HEATH - Market (Conservative died)
2011 - Con 615/570, Lab 261/237 2007 - Con 494/436, UKIP 254/214 2003 - Con 339/251, Lab 250, WSIA 149, Ind 108, UKIP 106/86
John BLOODWORTH (Conservative Party) *David CHANDLER (UKIP)
HIGHLAND - Black Isle (Independent died)
2012 - Ind 1130/677/240/212, LD 646, SNP 610, Grn 292, Lab 216, Con 141, SCP 57 2007 - Ind 1233/985/433, LD 973, SNP 558, Con 408, Grn 267, Lab 192
Jennifer BARCLAY (Independent) Myra CARUS (Scottish Green Party) Shaun FINLAYSON (Scottish Labour Party) Bill FRASER (Independent) Jackie HENDRY (Scottish National Party (SNP)) Douglas MACLEAN (Scottish Conservative and Unionist) George NORMINGTON (Scottish Liberal Democrats) Gwyn PHILLIPS (Independent) *NO UKIP Candidate
LINCOLNSHIRE - Scotter Rural (Conservative died)
2013 - Con 717, UKIP 428, LD 392, Lab 172 2009 - Con 1447, LD 791, Lab 204 2005 - Con 1844, LD 1674
Richard BUTROID (The Conservative Party Candidate) Chris DARCEL (Lincolnshire Independent) Lesley ROLLINGS (Liberal Democrats) *Nick SMITH (UKIP)
2011 - Con 950/897, LD 400/389, Lab 214/209 Jul 2010 by - Con 545, LD 464, Ind 63 2007 - Con 756/675, Ind 420, LD 239/226, Lab 125 2003 - Con 548/521, LD 330/324, Lab 134/133
*Howard BURRELL (UKIP) Roderick CLARKE (The Conservative Party Candidate) Miranda DIBOLL (Green Party Stop Fracking Now) Anne-Marie LUCRAFT (Liberal Democrat) Gregory MOUNTAIN (Labour Party Candidate)
TORFAEN - Croesyceiliog North (Labour died)
2012 - Lab 627/479, Ind 256/224/92, Con 175 2008 - Lab x2 unopposed 2004 - Lab x2 unopposed
Nigel DAVIES (Welsh Labour / Llafur Cymru) Darren HACKLEY-GREEN (Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales) Terry IRONS (Independent) Nick JONES (Welsh Conservative Party Candidate) *Aneurin PREECE (UKIP)
WEST LINDSEY - Scotter (Conservative died)
2011 - Con 1164/934, Ind 623, LD 332 2008 - Con 945, LD 705 2007 - Con 782, LD 781
Barry COWARD (Liberal Democrats) John COX (The Conservative Party Candidate) Chris DAY *Howard THOMPSON (UKIP)
WEST SUSSEX - Haywards Heath East (Conservative died)
2013 - Con 789, UKIP 647, Lab 505, LD 424 2009 - LD 1237, Con 1194, Lab 406, BNP 168 2005 - Con 1779, LD 1615, Lab 1504
Paul BROWN (Green Party Stop Fracking Now) *Charles BURRELL (UKIP) Richard GODDARD (Labour Party Candidate) Anne HALL (Liberal Democrat) Stephen HILLIER (The Conservative Party Candidate)
Possibly all holds except Scotters Rural and Haywards Heath East which could go to UKIP.
Ed's going to (at the very least) completely strip these cancerous private schools of their charitable status, I hope.
Would that be before or after Labour luminaries have their children educated there ??
I don't really care.
A bash at private schools would certainly fit in well with the themes that Miliband and Labour are trying to develop, reinforce the charges they're leveling at the Tories.
And I would welcome it as a small step in the right direction. Personally, I'd try to find a way to impose punitive taxes on private education.
This thread's made me feel ill.
A pupil in a private school means there is more room in state schools.
So what?
We'd need to "find room" for the relatively tiny number of private school pupils who would get normal education instead?
Removing the generous taxpayer support that private schools currently get could pay for that.
Well by definition it isn't as generous as the support state schools have.
What are you trying to achieve with these proposals ? Sorry don't quite understand it.
BOLTON - Harper Green (Labour died) FENLAND - Elm and Christchurch (Conservative died) FOREST HEATH - Market (Conservative died) HIGHLAND - Black Isle (Independent died) LINCOLNSHIRE - Scotter Rural (Conservative died) MID SUSSEX - Haywards Heath Franklands (Conservative died) TORFAEN - Croesyceiliog North (Labour died) WEST LINDSEY - Scotter (Conservative died) WEST SUSSEX - Haywards Heath East (Conservative died)
Where they all on the same bus and it fell off a cliff? Have they been saving them up to do just before Christmas, if so, could be quite a few random winners tomorrow as only those with an axe to grind will turn up to vote. Also, have the Green Party in Scotland fell out with their English counterparts and agreed with fracking?
I think pb has achieved its singularity of Maximum Thread Weirdness. We are simultaneously, and quite candidly, discussing pederasty, torture, masturbation, Survation polling techniques, drone strikes, personal experiences of child abuse, and Tory hopes in Folkestone.
Can an old fashioned Comprehensive be classed as normal?
Moat Mount was an old-fashioned comprehensive near me in Mill Hill. One boy from my primary school, St. paul's, went there. He fell foul of the school bullies, who kidnapped him one lunchtime, took him down to the gym and "tried" him. They sentenced him to death, and proceeded to hang him from a gym rope. Very fortunately, one of the teachers interrupted proceedings.
I think pb has achieved its singularity of Maximum Thread Weirdness. We are simultaneously, and quite candidly, discussing pederasty, torture, masturbation, Survation polling techniques, drone strikes, personal experiences of child abuse, and Tory hopes in Folkestone.
I hope OGH is proud.
Post of the Year 2013
My nomination for Post of the Year 2013 comes from StJohn
Can an old fashioned Comprehensive be classed as normal?
Moat Mount was an old-fashioned comprehensive near me in Mill Hill. One boy from my primary school, St. paul's, went there. He fell foul of the school bullies, who kidnapped him one lunchtime, took him down to the gym and "tried" him. They sentenced him to death, and proceeded to hang him from a gym rope. Very fortunately, one of the teachers interrupted proceedings.
Were you at Mill Hill School between 1973-75?
No. St. paul's, C of E Primary 1971-78.
I was hoping to discover the true nature of the "incident" which caused the new Headmaster of Mill Hill School to leave unexpectedly early.
Most of victims would go on to be politicians, judges,etc, and if they perceived it as part of "normal growing up"?
As I said, Kippers, the Fuzzy wuzzies of British Politics, you just don't like it up you.
I was talking about your reactionary and stupid suggestion on punishing barristers who defend people.
A proposal you admitted you were wrong to propose.
Oh SeanT and I have been involved a few insulting comments and attacks on each other.
He once said a speculum removed from Gordon Brown's anus had more intelligence than me.
I was impressed by that insult.
I don't think I'll ever be impressed by you.
But my recollection is that the boys, even at prep school when pre-pubescent and innocent, were still knowledgeable and aware of dangers and limits. Even if this wasn't the case individually a collective defence would quickly be deployed.
So if any incident did occur and was observed or discussed later then it would almost certainly have have led to a report to the headmaster or housemaster.
And 99.9% of all teachers, whatever their underlying sexual inclinations, knew and played by the rules.
Far more boy on boy abuse took place than anything between master and pupil. Remember that the public school culture of senior boys being in charge and the main guardians of discipline lasted long after Tom Brown type floggings and fagging was abolished. It will be there that most abuse, of what little existed, actually took place.
We need Roger on to give a second opinion. Sean F I believe also has similar experiences.
But we didn't have any of that kind of nonsense.
Yes you did.
I remember it, because it was elegant and yet had me reaching for the mind bleach.
I think it was around the time you were criticising old Poncey Boots Gaylording Cameron for cancelling his European speech because of some terrorist attack in Africa.
I think part of the problem is assuming that "safe Tory" versus "marginal Tory" is the relevant distinction. Folkestone is quite a weird seat in many ways, but I would guess it massively favours UKIP relative to the national trend, thanks to all the immigration tensions that come from being a port. For instance, a Google search on "Folkestone immigrants" turns up as its first hit the BNP talking about a public knifefight between Afghan immigrants as "Beirut in Folkestone". I'm not aware of the streets of Witney or Macclesfield being compared to Beirut. So even compared to Ashford next door, UKIP will poll well in Folkestone - and anywhere on the Kent coast will favour UKIP relative to an equivalent seat in the Cotswolds.
I don't know Bognor, but I'd guess it sees some similar pressures. So I'd be very wary of extrapolating UKIP shares of the national vote from places like Folkestone and Thanet for whom immigration is such a particular concern. It's not a safe seat thing, it's a South Coast thing.
I mean this time a year ago, the Lab lead was 11%
The times have put the story up that follows up yesterday's story
A chaplain at my public school was arrested in Germany selling dodgy videos. Another master was asked to leave a few years after I left, though I believe that was more a case of an excessive response of punishment to a pupil who was harassing his cat than anything malicious.
Several years after my sister left her prep school for grammar school her English teacher and form tutor was convicted of downloading illegal material. So it is an issue, although most teachers are clearly decent, dedicated professionals
Only the poor commit crimes, The rich commit "indiscretions", or "errors of judgement", as a wise man once said
That said when after being boring for ages we get movements of 4, 6 and 4 in consecutive polls pretty much anything could happen.
And is neccesary in FPTP.
A bit of lumpiness in it's vote.
I've had to turn the heating off through pure embarrassment on someone else's behalf
Yet a minority of your countrymen remain unsatisified
I am not sure I will recover.
I give you.."affluenza" .
Where is your rebuke for Sean T regarding Ian Watkins?
Talking of which I recall a lad a year older than me who was constantly pleasuring his old chap. Couldn't stop, morning, noon and all night. At the back of a class one day he obliged himself to the chagrin of the Master, who told him to stand up and read the work on the board. The lad couldn't and the master advised him he was clearly going blind already !!
Tories ending 2013 with their dander up. Labour looking increasingly like a busted flush as the "Cost of living crisis" fizzles out and Ed The Younger is left with nothing to say.
Set's us up for a very interesting 2014 to say the least.
Titters ....
Your name vill also go in zee book .....
I wonder if Gottlieb keeps a big picture of him on his wall ?
*tears of laughter etc.*
Certainly was no culture as AveryLP described - that sounds whacked and completely out there !
I think there is/was a big difference between boarding and day private schools. And the 60s and the 90s...
As for all male public schools I can only say the vast majority of my peers became happily married men with the odd dash of rotters probably in line with the general population. I know of one gay man, a fine fellow and formerly a stalwart of the 1st XV rugby team.
I have never met a man or woman who went to single-sex school and has not been mucked up by it. Anecdotally, there seems to be something about missing interaction with boys or girls of the opposite sex that causes problems with relationships later in life.
This seemed to be much worse in the case of religious schools: single sex schools may get better results, but I wonder if they prepare children properly for relationships?
It leads me to wonder if such abuses (whether of boys or girls) by responsible adults are more common in single-sex or mixed-sex schools?
I await howls of anguish and protest. ;-)
Both my sister and step-daughter, who went to all-girls' schools in the 80s and 90s, say they had some female teachers who were unhealthily interested in their pupils.
His walking out is on par with his statement "The Universal Credit is on time and on budget".
Yet again the politics of envy from the left. Will you never learn?
I don't know how they manage to be so attractive. I'm sure if I had a sex change I'd end up looking like Ann Widdecombe plus one.
Fiona Twycross AM has declared her interest in Dulwich
An art teacher used to put his hand up the back of girls jumpers while he was talking to them, and was always a bit seedy in general... Also used to run the girls rounders team... Nickname of "kinky"...
Nothing more than this went on though as far as I know
Seems amazing that we didn't do more than laugh and take the piss out of them about it at the time... As a 39 yr old man now, I certainly wouldn't even think of doing anything like that and would report anyone that did
We cant have it - Dulwich should be forever Dora's!
Thursday's By-Elections
Last one's for 2013.....can UKIP win some?....
BOLTON - Harper Green (Labour died)
2012 - Lab 1656, Con 389, LD 222
2011 - Lab 1918, Con 616, LD 326
2010 - Lab 2312, LD 1203, Con 903, Ind 625, Grn 114
2008 - Lab 1181, Con 1071, LD 390
2007 - Lab 1182, Con 719, LD 419
2006 - Lab 1194, Con 768, LD 454
Asha ALI ISMAIL (Labour Party Candidate)
Wendy CONNOR (Liberal Democrats)
Kathy SYKES (Green Party)
Robert TYLER (The Conservative Party Candidate)
FENLAND - Elm and Christchurch (Conservative died)
2011 - Con 711/489, Ind 268/198, Lab 221, LD 118
2007 - Con 700/540, Ind 319
2003 - Con 550/486, Ind 368
Trevor BROOKMAN (Liberal Democrat)
Dean REEVES (Labour Party Candidate)
Michelle TANFIELD (The Conservative Party Candidate)
Phil WEBB (Independent)
FOREST HEATH - Market (Conservative died)
2011 - Con 615/570, Lab 261/237
2007 - Con 494/436, UKIP 254/214
2003 - Con 339/251, Lab 250, WSIA 149, Ind 108, UKIP 106/86
John BLOODWORTH (Conservative Party)
HIGHLAND - Black Isle (Independent died)
2012 - Ind 1130/677/240/212, LD 646, SNP 610, Grn 292, Lab 216, Con 141, SCP 57
2007 - Ind 1233/985/433, LD 973, SNP 558, Con 408, Grn 267, Lab 192
Jennifer BARCLAY (Independent)
Myra CARUS (Scottish Green Party)
Shaun FINLAYSON (Scottish Labour Party)
Bill FRASER (Independent)
Jackie HENDRY (Scottish National Party (SNP))
Douglas MACLEAN (Scottish Conservative and Unionist)
George NORMINGTON (Scottish Liberal Democrats)
Gwyn PHILLIPS (Independent)
*NO UKIP Candidate
LINCOLNSHIRE - Scotter Rural (Conservative died)
2013 - Con 717, UKIP 428, LD 392, Lab 172
2009 - Con 1447, LD 791, Lab 204
2005 - Con 1844, LD 1674
Richard BUTROID (The Conservative Party Candidate)
Chris DARCEL (Lincolnshire Independent)
Lesley ROLLINGS (Liberal Democrats)
MID SUSSEX - Haywards Heath Franklands (Conservative died)
2011 - Con 950/897, LD 400/389, Lab 214/209
Jul 2010 by - Con 545, LD 464, Ind 63
2007 - Con 756/675, Ind 420, LD 239/226, Lab 125
2003 - Con 548/521, LD 330/324, Lab 134/133
Roderick CLARKE (The Conservative Party Candidate)
Miranda DIBOLL (Green Party Stop Fracking Now)
Anne-Marie LUCRAFT (Liberal Democrat)
Gregory MOUNTAIN (Labour Party Candidate)
TORFAEN - Croesyceiliog North (Labour died)
2012 - Lab 627/479, Ind 256/224/92, Con 175
2008 - Lab x2 unopposed
2004 - Lab x2 unopposed
Nigel DAVIES (Welsh Labour / Llafur Cymru)
Darren HACKLEY-GREEN (Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales)
Terry IRONS (Independent)
Nick JONES (Welsh Conservative Party Candidate)
*Aneurin PREECE (UKIP)
WEST LINDSEY - Scotter (Conservative died)
2011 - Con 1164/934, Ind 623, LD 332
2008 - Con 945, LD 705
2007 - Con 782, LD 781
Barry COWARD (Liberal Democrats)
John COX (The Conservative Party Candidate)
Chris DAY
WEST SUSSEX - Haywards Heath East (Conservative died)
2013 - Con 789, UKIP 647, Lab 505, LD 424
2009 - LD 1237, Con 1194, Lab 406, BNP 168
2005 - Con 1779, LD 1615, Lab 1504
Paul BROWN (Green Party Stop Fracking Now)
Richard GODDARD (Labour Party Candidate)
Anne HALL (Liberal Democrat)
Stephen HILLIER (The Conservative Party Candidate)
It is the only way to satisfy the need for equal tax treatment and fair pensions.
I was particularly struck by one of the points he makes:
Firstly data from ONS implies that approximately 5% of the population of an average constituency might move out of the area each year. With the 2010 general election now three and a half years passed and coupled with new electors coming of age and old ones passing away, that suggests that 15-20% of the population resident in an average constituency today might not have been resident there at the time of the last election, making past vote weighting targets much less accurate on a constituency basis than they are nationally.
It's a good point - but I wonder if the conclusion drawn from it is right? Maybe this is a good reason for relying more on national polls than on constituency-specific polls?
Were you at Mill Hill School between 1973-75?
It seems a serial killer is bumping off Conservative councillors -
it's either "tim" in his newly found spare time or an episode of Midsomer Murders - Andrea will be hoping for the latter !!
All dead Conservative councillors will be featured in the Midsomer Christmas special
What are you trying to achieve with these proposals ? Sorry don't quite understand it.
However, UKIP are not frightened by any season.
Good Nite All ....
FENLAND - Elm and Christchurch (Conservative died)
FOREST HEATH - Market (Conservative died)
HIGHLAND - Black Isle (Independent died)
LINCOLNSHIRE - Scotter Rural (Conservative died)
MID SUSSEX - Haywards Heath Franklands (Conservative died)
TORFAEN - Croesyceiliog North (Labour died)
WEST LINDSEY - Scotter (Conservative died)
WEST SUSSEX - Haywards Heath East (Conservative died)
Where they all on the same bus and it fell off a cliff? Have they been saving them up to do just before Christmas, if so, could be quite a few random winners tomorrow as only those with an axe to grind will turn up to vote. Also, have the Green Party in Scotland fell out with their English counterparts and agreed with fracking?
" Oh what fun we had,
But did it really make us bad?"
It went something along the lines of:
Hello Me_
Is that You_?
I was hoping to discover the true nature of the "incident" which caused the new Headmaster of Mill Hill School to leave unexpectedly early.