politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » His Highness, King Donald the First, the Great Usurping Caesar, violator of the constitution is now talking about delaying the election
So it is safe to send children to schools but not for adults to vote?Gotta to love Trump's logic. https://t.co/hnMX4OLm2D
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The worst possible result for the USA isn't actually the Trump win a lot of people fear, it is a small Biden win that Trump then does everything he can do to question it and remain in power.
If you though Chads and Florida in 2000 was bad I suspect we haven't seen anything yet.
I guess you can't trust Americans to get things right.
Failing schools come mostly down to disengaged kids who don't see the point in education and parents that support that outlook. Changing that is something you have ruled out before.
I went to such a school and the thing that kept me learning wasn't the teaching it was the other kids who not only didn't want to learn they were determined no one else should either.
Even with House buy-in for a change of dates, the constitution fixes the date that the Presidential term ends as January 20th, so any change of dates would still have to have the process completed by then.
Certain other historical leaders through a combination of fear and love have had the popularity/control over the population to do likewise.
Trump simply isn't popular enough to pull this particular feat off, and he doesn't control the House of Representatives and/or SCOTUS. His oratory isn't up to the task to create a populist crusade to upend the constitution on this issue either.
'Estimable colleagues, two bloody years ago this month, his Highness, King Abraham Africanus the First, our Great Usurping Caesar, violator of habeas corpus and freedom of the press, abuser of states' rights.'
One of the few things Don couldn't be called.
Which IIRC was done on a bi-partisan approach.
The Democrats are a strong enough opposition in the US that this sort of de facto 1 party state can't easily exist there.
It was not changed by either the Presidency or Congress though, that was changed by the 20th Amendment.
The one advantage of a two party system is that it's hard to sideline the opposition if it's obvious who that opposition is..
It would take a constitutional amendment, like the 20th, to change it again.
The democrats and the media have questioned their own democratic process incessantly since 2016, after all.
It was hoped that the new estate on the edge of town would result in the parents improving but that lasted until the first court case which forced the other good local school (none Catholic) to expand it's intake just enough to take those children
Trouble is, corona has been used as a reason to shut down all sorts of human activity in recent months, right?
Its like with BLM protests. Ordinary human activity can go ahead when its human activity that suits our agenda.
I sent my eldest to the local primary - very good ratings. Close to private quality.
There were 2 primaries in the catchment area. The outstanding one, and one that is shite, on just about every measure.
The borough, as is common in London has no shortage of council estates.
Some of those estates are so close to the high performing primary that they could throw a tennis ball into the play ground with ease. In fact some council houses back onto the school grounds.
Yet nearly everyone in council housing sends their children to the poor performing primary. All the middle class parents send their children to the good one.
What was interesting was talking to the couple of parents, form the estates, who "dared" to send their children to the successful school.
They told me that they were told by their peers that
"It isn't our school",
"They won't like you there",
"There is too much home work" - a couple of hours a week, tops. Plus reading books,
"They are too strict on the uniform" - uniform was super cheap. What this actually meant was the fashionable trainers were not allowed.
"They don't allow you to take the kids out of school early for holidays" - true(ish), I think.
"The discipline is too strict" - disrupting classes wasn't allowed, and non-attendance was noted.
The comment of the parents who sent their children anyway - they had no problems, and wanted the discipline. And the education.
What was also interesting were their preconceptions of the middle class....
There's really no point delaying the election if you can't delay inauguration day.
Conclusions to be drawn from this: a) NHS is crapper than we believe b) UK government is crapper than those that voted for it believe or c) both
Remember the US postal service isn't the greatest (it's snowed under with letters while Trump is trying to destroy it however he can) and a lot of ballot booths have been intentionally removed from democrat voting areas (especially in Republican States). So the more you can question the legitimatise of Postal votes (which are probably tending Democrat for the reasons above) the better the Republican party may do in States Trump needs to win.
It was a pretty straightforward point. Yes coronavirus has curtailed many normal activities, but the point raised was that the USA has a history of not letting even civil war disrupt such things. Given that history and their law, it is exceedingly hard to see justification for it, even if a good idea since theyve set out that war nor disease should affect that to that degree.
If the UK were to delay holding an election due to coronavirus it would a be a far different point as we have suspended elections during war for example.
Try not seeing hidden motives. Though your attempt to shoehorn in BLM was worth a chuckle.
But quite right about Queen Victoria/QM. THough I see Vicky got her Queen in the end, albeit one of the modern cruise ships!
Sorry to trigger the folks that believe in the Holy Cow, but there we are!
How can any American who believes in a democratic republic vote for this whacko?
Is that a series of typos - or am I missing the joke?
My point is simply that corona can and is be used to selectively control human activity based on agenda and not medicine.
You rightly say that nothing has ever stopped US elections. But that goes for a whole host of other activities too, and they have been stopped or curtailed.
Why are suddenly elections safer than shutting down bars or stopping people flying?
The answer is that they may not be. It just suits someone's agenda. Not yours necessarily, I freely accept.
e) The UK got a different strain to some other countries
f) The UK was unlucky in that it didn't over-react when over-reacting turned out to be the correct choice
g) Other countries had more concentrated outbreaks that led to them locking down earlier
h) No conclusions can be fully drawn until a year after this is over
And there's plenty more...
As for our "govt"... you elect a clown, you should expect a circus.
UK Monarchs have only one Regnal number not different ones for England and Scotland. Her Majesty is QEII in Scotland despite there never having been a Scottish Queen Elizabeth.
The higher Regnal number of the two is used if there's a clash. Hence a future Queen Margaret would be Queen Margaret II and there simply never would have been an English Queen Margaret.
e) Scientifically implausible. A Trumpian type excuse that government might try because of b).
f) Not unlucky, incompetent: see b)
g) See b): Government had ample time to plan
h) nonsense
Plenty more.... denial and excuses from the government and NHS for years to come, yes of course. England has the highest excess deaths in Europe - fact. Our health and political system has been tested and found seriously wanting
America didn't cancel it's elections for either World War or the Civil War.
Thank God for an independent judiciary.
j) The UK had more tourists in viral hotspots seeding this before it was known about.
I'm sure there's more.
And on your logic the William of Orange, and the one that was a sailor in the RN, should be IV and V respectively.
As for what happened after 1707, the typical Scottish Post Office Box shows that HM is QE [alone] in Scotland, and that [whoops - edit[ WAS a Government department.
Now they are expect their opponents to abide by that process and system - in a close result?