I am a beneficiary of slave labour. Every week I enlist PB to help me with my questions for work Zoom quiz, with no payment.
This week I've been given flags and capital cities, but that's too boring so I want to do a riff on it, and try not to ask the questions in the same way. I thought maybe do images with 'where am I?' or do some trivia about the capitals etc.
Any ideas, they would be most welcome!
4 national flags incorporate firearms, but only one has an automatic weapon. Which country?
I am a beneficiary of slave labour. Every week I enlist PB to help me with my questions for work Zoom quiz, with no payment.
This week I've been given flags and capital cities, but that's too boring so I want to do a riff on it, and try not to ask the questions in the same way. I thought maybe do images with 'where am I?' or do some trivia about the capitals etc.
Any ideas, they would be most welcome!
It's a bit peripheral LG - but I quite like the trivia.
Following Paris' construction of the Eiffel tower, which other capital city started construction of a similar but taller structure?
I am a beneficiary of slave labour. Every week I enlist PB to help me with my questions for work Zoom quiz, with no payment.
This week I've been given flags and capital cities, but that's too boring so I want to do a riff on it, and try not to ask the questions in the same way. I thought maybe do images with 'where am I?' or do some trivia about the capitals etc.
Any ideas, they would be most welcome!
4 national flags incorporate firearms, but only one has an automatic weapon. Which country?
I love how the government is telling people to travel to work by bicycle, while reopening drive-in restaurants, drive-in cinemas, and safari parks. Has anyone tried ordering food from a drive-in restaurant while riding a bicycle?
I am a beneficiary of slave labour. Every week I enlist PB to help me with my questions for work Zoom quiz, with no payment.
This week I've been given flags and capital cities, but that's too boring so I want to do a riff on it, and try not to ask the questions in the same way. I thought maybe do images with 'where am I?' or do some trivia about the capitals etc.
Any ideas, they would be most welcome!
Earlier names is a good one - Oslo/Kristiania, Istanbul/Constantinople etc.
Kaliningrad/Koenigsburg (more controversially). Harare /Salisbury (even more controversially). ho Chi Minh / Saigon (you see where I am going with this)
New York is a good one. I wonder how many people know that’s not the original name.
At least two.
SQUEAK, said the Death of Rats.
My daughter (12) just listened to the audiobook of Going Postal and thought it was the funnies thing she'd ever heard.
Then you have clearly succeeded as a parent. Many congratulations.
I'm encouraging my wife to try out Terry Pratchett and started out with Hogfather as it's my favourite but on hindsight would have recommended Going Postal as it is such a good book.
I think the only Discworld I didn't like was Rock Music: it wasn't nearly as enjoyable as all the others I've read.
I am a beneficiary of slave labour. Every week I enlist PB to help me with my questions for work Zoom quiz, with no payment.
This week I've been given flags and capital cities, but that's too boring so I want to do a riff on it, and try not to ask the questions in the same way. I thought maybe do images with 'where am I?' or do some trivia about the capitals etc.
Any ideas, they would be most welcome!
4 national flags incorporate firearms, but only one has an automatic weapon. Which country?
I love how the government is telling people to travel to work by bicycle, while reopening drive-in restaurants, drive-in cinemas, and safari parks. Has anyone tried ordering food from a drive-in restaurant while riding a bicycle?
I suspect more people drive to work than drive to those places on a daily basis.
I am a beneficiary of slave labour. Every week I enlist PB to help me with my questions for work Zoom quiz, with no payment.
This week I've been given flags and capital cities, but that's too boring so I want to do a riff on it, and try not to ask the questions in the same way. I thought maybe do images with 'where am I?' or do some trivia about the capitals etc.
Any ideas, they would be most welcome!
Earlier names is a good one - Oslo/Kristiania, Istanbul/Constantinople etc.
Kaliningrad/Koenigsburg (more controversially). Harare /Salisbury (even more controversially). ho Chi Minh / Saigon (you see where I am going with this)
New York is a good one. I wonder how many people know that’s not the original name.
At least two.
SQUEAK, said the Death of Rats.
My daughter (12) just listened to the audiobook of Going Postal and thought it was the funnies thing she'd ever heard.
Then you have clearly succeeded as a parent. Many congratulations.
I'm encouraging my wife to try out Terry Pratchett and started out with Hogfather as it's my favourite but on hindsight would have recommended Going Postal as it is such a good book.
I think the only Discworld I didn't like was Rock Music: it wasn't nearly as enjoyable as all the others I've read.
There is no Discworld book called Rock Music. I suspect you mean Soul Music.
I am a beneficiary of slave labour. Every week I enlist PB to help me with my questions for work Zoom quiz, with no payment.
This week I've been given flags and capital cities, but that's too boring so I want to do a riff on it, and try not to ask the questions in the same way. I thought maybe do images with 'where am I?' or do some trivia about the capitals etc.
Any ideas, they would be most welcome!
It's a bit peripheral LG - but I quite like the trivia.
Following Paris' construction of the Eiffel tower, which other capital city started construction of a similar but taller structure?
Luckyguy - you don't have to go that far for a few names.
Try the Highlands -
Fort William was (and, importantly, also remains) An Gearasdan ('The Garrison').
Edinburgh: Dùn Èidean.
Though Dingwall might be unfair (Inbhir Pheofharain).
More comprehensible as Inverpeffer.
I'd have guessed Fort William was called Fort William first and then An Gearasdan, cos what garrison would there have been there beforehand?
Oh dear, that's a good point - *googles* yes, of course, I'd forgotten it was a Cromwellian fort, so inherently pre King Willie, and originally The Garrison of Inverlochy (so that's a third name for Luckyguy).
I love how the government is telling people to travel to work by bicycle, while reopening drive-in restaurants, drive-in cinemas, and safari parks. Has anyone tried ordering food from a drive-in restaurant while riding a bicycle?
Has anyone tried riding through a safari park on a bicycle?
So, to take an example, if Monica, Phoebe and Rachel are sharing one flat and Joey, Chandler and Ross are sharing another flat, Ross and Rachel are still on an enforced break (as are Chandler and Monica). Only Phoebe and Joey, if they have partners living on their own elsewhere, have the chance of getting their leg over.
Except, Ross and Phoebe live alone.
Ross can shag Rachel. Monica can shag Chandler. As long as none of them get sick...
Monica can't shag Chandler. Neither of them live alone.
I love how the government is telling people to travel to work by bicycle, while reopening drive-in restaurants, drive-in cinemas, and safari parks. Has anyone tried ordering food from a drive-in restaurant while riding a bicycle?
I was (in my car) at In'n'Out Burger drive through and the man in front of me was on a bicycle, and put his order into his rucksack.
I love how the government is telling people to travel to work by bicycle, while reopening drive-in restaurants, drive-in cinemas, and safari parks. Has anyone tried ordering food from a drive-in restaurant while riding a bicycle?
Has anyone tried riding through a safari park on a bicycle?
I am a beneficiary of slave labour. Every week I enlist PB to help me with my questions for work Zoom quiz, with no payment.
This week I've been given flags and capital cities, but that's too boring so I want to do a riff on it, and try not to ask the questions in the same way. I thought maybe do images with 'where am I?' or do some trivia about the capitals etc.
Any ideas, they would be most welcome!
Earlier names is a good one - Oslo/Kristiania, Istanbul/Constantinople etc.
Kaliningrad/Koenigsburg (more controversially). Harare /Salisbury (even more controversially). ho Chi Minh / Saigon (you see where I am going with this)
New York is a good one. I wonder how many people know that’s not the original name.
At least two.
SQUEAK, said the Death of Rats.
My daughter (12) just listened to the audiobook of Going Postal and thought it was the funnies thing she'd ever heard.
I have to say that the first chapter of Going Postal, which for those not familiar with the book is about a confidence trickster in a condemned cell awaiting execution, is one of the finest pieces of comic writing I've ever read. Unlikely but true.
I am a beneficiary of slave labour. Every week I enlist PB to help me with my questions for work Zoom quiz, with no payment.
This week I've been given flags and capital cities, but that's too boring so I want to do a riff on it, and try not to ask the questions in the same way. I thought maybe do images with 'where am I?' or do some trivia about the capitals etc.
Any ideas, they would be most welcome!
Earlier names is a good one - Oslo/Kristiania, Istanbul/Constantinople etc.
Kaliningrad/Koenigsburg (more controversially). Harare /Salisbury (even more controversially). ho Chi Minh / Saigon (you see where I am going with this)
New York is a good one. I wonder how many people know that’s not the original name.
At least two.
SQUEAK, said the Death of Rats.
My daughter (12) just listened to the audiobook of Going Postal and thought it was the funnies thing she'd ever heard.
Then you have clearly succeeded as a parent. Many congratulations.
I'm encouraging my wife to try out Terry Pratchett and started out with Hogfather as it's my favourite but on hindsight would have recommended Going Postal as it is such a good book.
I think the only Discworld I didn't like was Rock Music: it wasn't nearly as enjoyable as all the others I've read.
There is no Discworld book called Rock Music. I suspect you mean Soul Music.
I love how the government is telling people to travel to work by bicycle, while reopening drive-in restaurants, drive-in cinemas, and safari parks. Has anyone tried ordering food from a drive-in restaurant while riding a bicycle?
Has anyone tried riding through a safari park on a bicycle?
I would be lion if I said yes.
To accuse you of doing anything so silly would be Aslander.
I love how the government is telling people to travel to work by bicycle, while reopening drive-in restaurants, drive-in cinemas, and safari parks. Has anyone tried ordering food from a drive-in restaurant while riding a bicycle?
Has anyone tried riding through a safari park on a bicycle?
I would be lion if I said yes.
To accuse you of doing anything so silly would be Aslander.
I love how the government is telling people to travel to work by bicycle, while reopening drive-in restaurants, drive-in cinemas, and safari parks. Has anyone tried ordering food from a drive-in restaurant while riding a bicycle?
Has anyone tried riding through a safari park on a bicycle?
I would be lion if I said yes.
To accuse you of doing anything so silly would be Aslander.
I love how the government is telling people to travel to work by bicycle, while reopening drive-in restaurants, drive-in cinemas, and safari parks. Has anyone tried ordering food from a drive-in restaurant while riding a bicycle?
Has anyone tried riding through a safari park on a bicycle?
I would be lion if I said yes.
To accuse you of doing anything so silly would be Aslander.
It's a side effect of my MA, on the Spanish contribution to the Allied victory in the Peninsular War.
Is this the military history one you're currently studying for now?
Yes, it's entitled The Great Forgotten. So far as I can tell, there is no such academic study in either English or Spanish. There are a load of studies about various aspects of the Spanish contribution, and chapters about it in solid academic works, and a really good thesis about the Portuguese contribution, but this will be original work.
I am a beneficiary of slave labour. Every week I enlist PB to help me with my questions for work Zoom quiz, with no payment.
This week I've been given flags and capital cities, but that's too boring so I want to do a riff on it, and try not to ask the questions in the same way. I thought maybe do images with 'where am I?' or do some trivia about the capitals etc.
Any ideas, they would be most welcome!
Earlier names is a good one - Oslo/Kristiania, Istanbul/Constantinople etc.
Kaliningrad/Koenigsburg (more controversially). Harare /Salisbury (even more controversially). ho Chi Minh / Saigon (you see where I am going with this)
There are some easy ones you could do: Peking, Bombay, etc.
Point of order. Neither of those have changed their name. Only how their name is transliterated.
In fact if you pronounce them as an Indian would Mumbai and Bombay sound very similar.
I love how the government is telling people to travel to work by bicycle, while reopening drive-in restaurants, drive-in cinemas, and safari parks. Has anyone tried ordering food from a drive-in restaurant while riding a bicycle?
Has anyone tried riding through a safari park on a bicycle?
Its quite clear now that what Whitty and Vallance are trying to hang onto is their influence.
Catapulted from total obscurity, out of nowhere they control the lives of untold millions of people, with no sanction or accountability. They are tied to the public purse for ever, doubtless with excellent salary and pensions arrangements.
This should never have been allowed to happen, and it simply cannot go on.
Huge decisions like these should always have been and should always be in the hands of the accountable.
Its quite clear now that what Whitty and Vallance are trying to hang onto is their influence.
Catapulted from total obscurity, out of nowhere they control the lives of untold millions of people, with no sanction or accountability. They are tied to the public purse for ever, doubtless with excellent salary and pensions arrangements.
This should never have been allowed to happen, and it simply cannot go on.
Huge decisions like these should always have been and should always be in the hands of the accountable.
Its quite clear now that what Whitty and Vallance are trying to hang onto is their influence.
Catapulted from total obscurity, out of nowhere they control the lives of untold millions of people, with no sanction or accountability. They are tied to the public purse for ever, doubtless with excellent salary and pensions arrangements.
This should never have been allowed to happen, and it simply cannot go on.
Huge decisions like these should always have been and should always be in the hands of the accountable.
Neither of those two have made any decisions.
Correct: they gave advice to the government and the government made the decisions.
Luckyguy - you don't have to go that far for a few names.
Try the Highlands -
Fort William was (and, importantly, also remains) An Gearasdan ('The Garrison').
Edinburgh: Dùn Èidean.
Though Dingwall might be unfair (Inbhir Pheofharain).
More comprehensible as Inverpeffer.
I'd have guessed Fort William was called Fort William first and then An Gearasdan, cos what garrison would there have been there beforehand?
Oh dear, that's a good point - *googles* yes, of course, I'd forgotten it was a Cromwellian fort, so inherently pre King Willie, and originally The Garrison of Inverlochy (so that's a third name for Luckyguy).
I am a beneficiary of slave labour. Every week I enlist PB to help me with my questions for work Zoom quiz, with no payment.
This week I've been given flags and capital cities, but that's too boring so I want to do a riff on it, and try not to ask the questions in the same way. I thought maybe do images with 'where am I?' or do some trivia about the capitals etc.
Any ideas, they would be most welcome!
Earlier names is a good one - Oslo/Kristiania, Istanbul/Constantinople etc.
Kaliningrad/Koenigsburg (more controversially). Harare /Salisbury (even more controversially). ho Chi Minh / Saigon (you see where I am going with this)
There are some easy ones you could do: Peking, Bombay, etc.
Its quite clear now that what Whitty and Vallance are trying to hang onto is their influence.
Catapulted from total obscurity, out of nowhere they control the lives of untold millions of people, with no sanction or accountability. They are tied to the public purse for ever, doubtless with excellent salary and pensions arrangements.
This should never have been allowed to happen, and it simply cannot go on.
Huge decisions like these should always have been and should always be in the hands of the accountable.
Neither of those two have made any decisions.
Correct: they gave advice to the government and the government made the decisions.
I don;t blame them I blame Johnson. He painted himself into a corner, what a spectacular and cowardly fool.
The thing is they know that. Their advice now is nothing to do with science and everything to do with human nature
It's a side effect of my MA, on the Spanish contribution to the Allied victory in the Peninsular War.
Is this the military history one you're currently studying for now?
Yes, it's entitled The Great Forgotten. So far as I can tell, there is no such academic study in either English or Spanish. There are a load of studies about various aspects of the Spanish contribution, and chapters about it in solid academic works, and a really good thesis about the Portuguese contribution, but this will be original work.
Just out of interest, has there been any further proper work done on whether having had the virus confers immunity? The reason I ask is I am having my annual blood sugar test tomorrow and have been told that if I want it they can do an antibody test at the same time. I am going to say yes, partly from a sense of morbid curiosity but also of course because I am hoping that when and if they say it confers immunity, I will feel a lot happier about moving around in company without fear of passing anything on.
I don't think there is a single instance of someone having a second episode of disease, so it seems pretty certain given the scale of the epidemic that antibodies give immunity, albeit we do not know how long for. I am awaiting my own antibody results as part of the NHS testing programme.
Caution though, it is quite possible for an immune person to transmit the virus, via contaminated objects, while not personally at risk.
Thanks Foxy
as I said earlier I am not inclined to change my current habits whatever the outcome and whatever the Government advice. I will sit tight until we have a much clearer picture.
I am a beneficiary of slave labour. Every week I enlist PB to help me with my questions for work Zoom quiz, with no payment.
This week I've been given flags and capital cities, but that's too boring so I want to do a riff on it, and try not to ask the questions in the same way. I thought maybe do images with 'where am I?' or do some trivia about the capitals etc.
Any ideas, they would be most welcome!
Only non-rectangular flag? Nepal
Or how about cropping a bit from a flag, on a common theme ( birds or animals?) and asking which country it belongs to?
I am a beneficiary of slave labour. Every week I enlist PB to help me with my questions for work Zoom quiz, with no payment.
This week I've been given flags and capital cities, but that's too boring so I want to do a riff on it, and try not to ask the questions in the same way. I thought maybe do images with 'where am I?' or do some trivia about the capitals etc.
Any ideas, they would be most welcome!
Earlier names is a good one - Oslo/Kristiania, Istanbul/Constantinople etc.
Kaliningrad/Koenigsburg (more controversially). Harare /Salisbury (even more controversially). ho Chi Minh / Saigon (you see where I am going with this)
There are some easy ones you could do: Peking, Bombay, etc.
Point of order. Neither of those have changed their name. Only how their name is transliterated.
For two people to be murdered in the same incident must be quite rare.
It won eight Oscars.
I think the only Discworld I didn't like was Rock Music: it wasn't nearly as enjoyable as all the others I've read.
I'd have guessed Fort William was called Fort William first and then An Gearasdan, cos what garrison would there have been there beforehand?
Which US State has a Union Jack on it?
Wembley has had an interesting history. Unfortunately the place is now blighted by football
Which country has a different picture on each sides of its flag?
A few easy ones:
And then some more obscure ones
And then some really nasty ones
He was - I accept - the exception.
St. Alban's,
First five are correct, and Colchester.
The others are, in order:
But yes, it has got even worse.
This is a slow motion disaster movie.
Catapulted from total obscurity, out of nowhere they control the lives of untold millions of people, with no sanction or accountability. They are tied to the public purse for ever, doubtless with excellent salary and pensions arrangements.
This should never have been allowed to happen, and it simply cannot go on.
Huge decisions like these should always have been and should always be in the hands of the accountable.
Failed to identify ten Roman civitum.
The thing is they know that. Their advice now is nothing to do with science and everything to do with human nature
I'd love to read it one day.
as I said earlier I am not inclined to change my current habits whatever the outcome and whatever the Government advice. I will sit tight until we have a much clearer picture.
Or how about cropping a bit from a flag, on a common theme ( birds or animals?) and asking which country it belongs to?