Yes we're a huge hotspot with a very new trace system (And no App let alone an internationally compatible one), who'd want a bridge with us at this point ?
The lack of an internationally compatible app is lamentable. I don't understand how we got to this stage.
Because we have to do things our way because well umm, not a clue why..
Yes we're a huge hotspot with a very new trace system (And no App let alone an internationally compatible one), who'd want a bridge with us at this point ?
The lack of an internationally compatible app is lamentable. I don't understand how we got to this stage.
Because we have to do things our way because well umm, not a clue why..
I do not believe that there are any internationally compatible apps, anywhere.
Its relevant because having a Police Force tooled up like they're on a military patrol in Basra leads to a depraved indifference to human life which is what we witnessed in the extrajudicial killing of George Floyd.
You're now blaming a crime where no equipment whatsoever is used on police equipment policy? Anything actually relevant to this incident?
Plus you ignored the element about Trump using his powers ot the Presidency to try and squash peaceful protests like "kneeling" on the ground before someone was killed by kneeling on their neck.
I ignored it because it is not relevant to police reform laws which is what MaxPB and I were referring to and which you claimed this joke of an article is some kind of "explainer" to.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
My sense is that those of my Six Ells ilk are fewer and farer between these days.
Leans Left – Lightly Libertarian – Largely Liberal
We seem to have quite a few socially conservative lefties (some quite disgustingly so) and quite a few socially liberal righties but fewer from my tradition.
I`m with you. I like your "Six Ells" thingy.
I would have put you well to the right of me economically, but dunno!
Thanks for the props!
Well, I think free markets is the best system of a bad bunch and that the state has a significant and necessary role in controlling them, partly to ameliorate inequalities to further liberty for all. Classic liberal position really.
I'm honestly not sure how America goes back to normal from here.
If there was someone other than president dickbag in charge there would be plenty of ways to get this settled but there just seems to be no way out other than letting the riots burn out over the next couple of weeks and hoping some other racist cop doesn't step up and gun down an innocent black person.
Can anyone imagine what America is going to look like after another 4 years of Trump?
This is the first time I think Trump is losing the election. Loads of moderate voters who don't agree with the riots do agree with the protests. They can see the murder of a tax payer by a racist copper is just wrong and by not recognising that the president is throwing their votes away.
He needs to find a way to address the protesters and their real issues. Engage with them and put forwards reforms and harsh sentencing for officers who kill unarmed suspects or who's actions result in the death of suspects who are already subdued. In this instance the officer just needed to cuff the suspect, book him and then he'd be out in a few hours. Ideally th police would have enough training not to even bother this person and there would be sanctions for police who do the above.
I sure that last week/weekend will be seen as a game changer in terms of life in the USA. In what way it will change is harder to predict. I just hope that many of the minorities, who are so often undrrepresented at the ballot box in thee USA get their act together, have a huge "register to vote" campaign and really get their votes to make the difference.
"Organising whilst black" will get you on a government watchlist.
One reason this won't work to Trump's favour even with all of the looting and rioting is that there is a legitimate grievance this time. It's not some police officer gunning down a black gang member running away from a crime scene or a suspected drug dealer with a huge rap sheet. This was a tax payer being murdered in cold blood by a racist copper, there is unsurprisingly and justifiably a lot of anger at this. It's not just going to go away either, the rioting will die down in a couple of weeks but the problem won't go away.
I'm not sure all of that's true - but even if it were, I'm not sure looting or rioting is ever legitimate. Ask yourself, would you be content if they were trashing your property?
Two wrongs dont make a right.
Rioting is not OK. What came before the rioting is not OK either.
There is really only one way for rioting to go, and that is to be put down. Reforms and redress sometimes follow, but not when the riots are actually on. Otherwise it is rule by the mob.
"put down" is an astonishingly loaded term given the circumstances.
It’s clear that the police have been inflaming the protests: Everything they have done is exactly what you /don’t/ do if your intention is to de-escalate & prevent protests turning violent. At this point, I suspect this is deliberate on the part of at least some fraction of the police forces in the US - they know they can use the threat of mob violence to frighten ordinary voters into backing them, so they are cynically channelling this eruption of outrage into violence in order to get what they want. The more violence they can stir up the better - it only serves their own ends.
Where the police in the US have made a point of de-escalating these protests, violence has been minimal and easily brought under control, as the majority of the protesters don’t want violence in the first place & when they have trust in the policing around them are quick to prevent those elements amongst them from acting out. When the police are aiming rubber bullets at people’s heads and firing indiscriminatingly, or spraying with pepper spray before following up with a tear-gas canister to the face (which could easily kill), then all such trust is lost & a more violent outcome is inevitable.
It didn’t have to be this way, but the actions of the police are what has made it inevitable. Talking about "putting down" rioters is wildly inappropriate IMO.
Rubbish only one way to sort out rioters and looters, give it to them hard till they get the picture, these are not protestors they are scumbags, time to send in real troops and clear the streets.
Is that your 'socially liberal' side coming out, malcolm ?
It is indeed Nigel.
I will steer clear of the turnip fields after dark.
Perfectly acceptable if you are going about your way in a peaceful manner. Even enjoying a turnip if you are peckish is acceptable, filling your boot not appropriate.
Yes we're a huge hotspot with a very new trace system (And no App let alone an internationally compatible one), who'd want a bridge with us at this point ?
The lack of an internationally compatible app is lamentable. I don't understand how we got to this stage.
AFAIK there is no "internationally compatible app" standard. Even if you turn on the service for the Google/Apple APIs you need a national or state specific app to go with the service. Without that national app the service will do nothing.
A future version of the service will operate without an app. Only then will there be broad "international compatiblity" and even then people still need to enable the service, and it will still have all the issues of app lifecycles, user interference, and bluetooth signalling problems.
One reason this won't work to Trump's favour even with all of the looting and rioting is that there is a legitimate grievance this time. It's not some police officer gunning down a black gang member running away from a crime scene or a suspected drug dealer with a huge rap sheet. This was a tax payer being murdered in cold blood by a racist copper, there is unsurprisingly and justifiably a lot of anger at this. It's not just going to go away either, the rioting will die down in a couple of weeks but the problem won't go away.
I'm not sure all of that's true - but even if it were, I'm not sure looting or rioting is ever legitimate. Ask yourself, would you be content if they were trashing your property?
I'm not saying that people will be ok with the rioting and looting, clearly they aren't. What I'm saying is that casting the protesters in with them isn't going to work so the voters won't turn against the protesters, which is what Trump needs at the moment. The protests are entirely legitimate, the riots slightly less so and the looting absolutely unacceptable.
The smart play is for Trump to host a roundtable with protest leaders and police commissioners where they get to scream at each other for a couple of hours. He gets to say he's doing something and if there's a compromise found he can sponsor a bill with some federally mandated police training course to not kill unarmed or already subdued suspects with extremely harsh sentencing for those who do.
Unfortunately Trump isn't that smart.
How can you say riots "are slightly less acceptable", they are totally unacceptable. Rioters and looters should be dealt with harshly.
Giving credence to the looting is like giving credence to police officers and departments that behave badly. You can support protests and support the police.
Both sides make it hard though sometimes. Some of the videos we have seen of police in various different states firing rubber bullets at press and people on their own actual doorsteps is wrong and should be called out. Pointing a laser site at a member of the public for filming you is not professional behaviour. They act as if they dont expect repercussions from within.
Another thing about the behaviour of these different law enforcement agencies. They are all autonomous of each other. Its not like here in the UK where everything ultimately lands at the doorstep of the Government (or the Scottish government north of the border). And if we take our UK experiences we might assume that because the federal government is at the top of the tree, that somehow they are responsible for and have seniority over local policing.
What's interesting is that these metropolitan areas are largely Democrat, and have been for generations, headed by local politicians who talk the talk about community engagement etc.
Why are they getting it so wrong, over and over?
Didn't the unlawful killing by a police officer take place in a metropolitan area?
One of the answers to this conundrum is that the police are often not drawn from the communities they’re supposed to be serving. In the case of Minneapolis, I’ve read that the overwhelming majority of officers are (a) white and (b) live out in the suburbs / exurbs. For far too many of them, the black / mixed race neighborhoods in the city itself are the "other" to be policed & controlled, not a part of the same community that the officers regard themselves as a part of.
It’s fairly obvious where this line of thought can end up, whether intentionally or otherwise.
One reason this won't work to Trump's favour even with all of the looting and rioting is that there is a legitimate grievance this time. It's not some police officer gunning down a black gang member running away from a crime scene or a suspected drug dealer with a huge rap sheet. This was a tax payer being murdered in cold blood by a racist copper, there is unsurprisingly and justifiably a lot of anger at this. It's not just going to go away either, the rioting will die down in a couple of weeks but the problem won't go away.
I'm not sure all of that's true - but even if it were, I'm not sure looting or rioting is ever legitimate. Ask yourself, would you be content if they were trashing your property?
Two wrongs dont make a right.
Rioting is not OK. What came before the rioting is not OK either.
There is really only one way for rioting to go, and that is to be put down. Reforms and redress sometimes follow, but not when the riots are actually on. Otherwise it is rule by the mob.
"put down" is an astonishingly loaded term given the circumstances.
It’s clear that the police have been inflaming the protests: Everything they have done is exactly what you /don’t/ do if your intention is to de-escalate & prevent protests turning violent. At this point, I suspect this is deliberate on the part of at least some fraction of the police forces in the US - they know they can use the threat of mob violence to frighten ordinary voters into backing them, so they are cynically channelling this eruption of outrage into violence in order to get what they want. The more violence they can stir up the better - it only serves their own ends.
Where the police in the US have made a point of de-escalating these protests, violence has been minimal and easily brought under control, as the majority of the protesters don’t want violence in the first place & when they have trust in the policing around them are quick to prevent those elements amongst them from acting out. When the police are aiming rubber bullets at people’s heads and firing indiscriminatingly, or spraying with pepper spray before following up with a tear-gas canister to the face (which could easily kill), then all such trust is lost & a more violent outcome is inevitable.
It didn’t have to be this way, but the actions of the police are what has made it inevitable. Talking about "putting down" rioters is wildly inappropriate IMO.
Rubbish only one way to sort out rioters and looters, give it to them hard till they get the picture, these are not protestors they are scumbags, time to send in real troops and clear the streets.
Is that your 'socially liberal' side coming out, malcolm ?
It is indeed Nigel.
I will steer clear of the turnip fields after dark.
Perfectly acceptable if you are going about your way in a peaceful manner. Even enjoying a turnip if you are peckish is acceptable, filling your boot not appropriate.
For some reason I can just see you in one of these -
One reason this won't work to Trump's favour even with all of the looting and rioting is that there is a legitimate grievance this time. It's not some police officer gunning down a black gang member running away from a crime scene or a suspected drug dealer with a huge rap sheet. This was a tax payer being murdered in cold blood by a racist copper, there is unsurprisingly and justifiably a lot of anger at this. It's not just going to go away either, the rioting will die down in a couple of weeks but the problem won't go away.
I'm not sure all of that's true - but even if it were, I'm not sure looting or rioting is ever legitimate. Ask yourself, would you be content if they were trashing your property?
I'm not saying that people will be ok with the rioting and looting, clearly they aren't. What I'm saying is that casting the protesters in with them isn't going to work so the voters won't turn against the protesters, which is what Trump needs at the moment. The protests are entirely legitimate, the riots slightly less so and the looting absolutely unacceptable.
The smart play is for Trump to host a roundtable with protest leaders and police commissioners where they get to scream at each other for a couple of hours. He gets to say he's doing something and if there's a compromise found he can sponsor a bill with some federally mandated police training course to not kill unarmed or already subdued suspects with extremely harsh sentencing for those who do.
Unfortunately Trump isn't that smart.
How can you say riots "are slightly less acceptable", they are totally unacceptable. Rioters and looters should be dealt with harshly.
Giving credence to the looting is like giving credence to police officers and departments that behave badly. You can support protests and support the police.
Both sides make it hard though sometimes. Some of the videos we have seen of police in various different states firing rubber bullets at press and people on their own actual doorsteps is wrong and should be called out. Pointing a laser site at a member of the public for filming you is not professional behaviour. They act as if they dont expect repercussions from within.
Another thing about the behaviour of these different law enforcement agencies. They are all autonomous of each other. Its not like here in the UK where everything ultimately lands at the doorstep of the Government (or the Scottish government north of the border). And if we take our UK experiences we might assume that because the federal government is at the top of the tree, that somehow they are responsible for and have seniority over local policing.
What's interesting is that these metropolitan areas are largely Democrat, and have been for generations, headed by local politicians who talk the talk about community engagement etc.
Why are they getting it so wrong, over and over?
Didn't the unlawful killing by a police officer take place in a metropolitan area?
One of the answers to this conundrum is that the police are often not drawn from the communities they’re supposed to be serving. In the case of Minneapolis, I’ve read that the overwhelming majority of officers are (a) white and (b) live out in the suburbs / exurbs. For far too many of them, the black / mixed race neighborhoods in the city itself are the "other" to be policed & controlled, not a part of the same community that the officers regard themselves as a part of.
It’s fairly obvious where this line of thought can end up, whether intentionally or otherwise.
I would be very surprised if Minneapolis hadn't already tried very hard to get more black officers to join the force, along with every other force in the US.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Peculiarly moronic - Beijing will be rubbing their hands gleefully at incidents like this which all help towards their objective of fracturing the western alliance.
In the meantime they are making life uncomfortable for our 4th biggest company HSBC according to a report in the paywalled Times.
In other news, I think the economy is bouncing back a bit. Some sectors are going to be a write off for a while but loads of others seem to be getting back to normal. Whether this results in the kind of rapid growth we need to be able to call this a one off spending event remains to be seen.
In other news, I think the economy is bouncing back a bit. Some sectors are going to be a write off for a while but loads of others seem to be getting back to normal. Whether this results in the kind of rapid growth we need to be able to call this a one off spending event remains to be seen.
The BBC are interested in making a drama based on the lockdown scandal surrounding Dominic Cummings. The Prime Minister’s chief advisor broke quarantine rules by travelling 260 miles to Durham with his family – including his wife, who had Covid-19 symptoms. He also made a second 60-mile round trip to Barnard Castle on Easter Sunday to check he was fit to drive after suffering coronavirus-related eyesight problems. And amid the furore, Piers Wenger, controller of BBC drama commissioning, has admitted the controversy could make for some seriously juicy dramatisation.
Will Emily Maitlis be directing it ? The BBC wants to inflame the situation and do as much damage as possible to Cummings.. there will little if any impartiality in thd project if it gets off the ground.
Scott_xP, he posts any tweet, he posts any tweet, don't need to read it, he posts any tweet.
In other news, I think the economy is bouncing back a bit. Some sectors are going to be a write off for a while but loads of others seem to be getting back to normal. Whether this results in the kind of rapid growth we need to be able to call this a one off spending event remains to be seen.
That's my sense, too, anecdotally.
Will require a massive injection of public cash but as you say if that can be limited to a one-off splurge then it could be worse.
Peculiarly moronic - Beijing will be rubbing their hands gleefully at incidents like this which all help towards their objective of fracturing the western alliance.
In the meantime they are making life uncomfortable for our 4th biggest company HSBC according to a report in the paywalled Times.
Given the Australian government led the calls for an inquiry into Beijing's handling of Covid they are not very happy with the Chinese government either
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Isn't it just awful that people have the audacity to want to decide who rules them and where the power should lie. Whatever is the world coming to.
I bet you would have been screaming blue murder about the cheek of those Indian fellers asking to be independent.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
Is there a mechanism for returning money to the taxpayer?
Yes. Anyone can do so. You literally just send a cheque (or these days make a bank transfer) to HMRC. Making gifts to the Government is positively encouraged apparently.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
I respect the 'once in a generation referendum' result of 2014 (Salmond's words) to stay in the UK
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
Is there a mechanism for returning money to the taxpayer?
Yes. Anyone can do so. You literally just send a cheque (or these days make a bank transfer) to HMRC. Making gifts to the Government is positively encouraged apparently.
I’d like to, but as a reflection of fairness and equal treatment compared to how HMRC acts, they first need to wade through my complex website to see if they can find the right number. The phone won’t always be manned, and when answered has only a 50% chance of referring them to the right form. Once they’ve filled in the form, and found the address concealed in the form of a cryptic crossword clue, I’ll wait until a time of my own choosing to reply, before sending them a letter informing them that actually overall they owe me money.
The rules seem to be based on the question, has website published the work or have they just provided the platform for someone elses opinion?
All the responsible newspapers consider their opinion articles as being published by them not by the author and will consider this when accepting or rejecting the article. The comments section are either actively moderated or post-hoc moderated as they do not want to be held responsible for unacceptable or illegal comments on their website.
In this respect Twitter is acting like an open opinion section of a newspaper, rather than a "social" media site. It has grown into a portal where people post their opinions so that anyone can read them and are usualy political in the widest sense. There is a strong case that Twitter is much like the Huffington Post and that rules that apply to online newspapers should apply to Twitter too. A tweet has been part published by twitter, and as a result Twitter should take more responsibility for what appears on their site.
As I understand the situation in the US, Twitter doesn't enjoy any particular protections that the Huffington Post doesn't. If the Huffington Post publish an editorial, they're responsible for the content of their article. However, if other people post stuff to their comments section to that article, the Huffington Post isn't responsible for the stuff that other people post.
In Twitter's case, their fact checks may be published by them, so if they were to publish a fact check saying "Donald Trump sexually harassed children" when in fact the people he sexually harassed were all adults, they'd be liable for the content that they published. However, the vast majority of Twitter content remains the equivalent to the Huffington Post's comments section.
Though there is a difference in that someone posting 'comments' on Twitter might have millions of followers.
On America I will believe literally any video anyone can conceive of showing cops arresting kneeled "I live you" protestors, beating foreign journalists on live TV, shooting rubber bullets to maim, shooting reporters, whatever. Literally nothing that sounds like an exaggeration is possible. Its literally mental the stuff I am seeing on Twitter.
But as I tweeted earlier, people get what they vote for. Americans vote for the rights of the maniac to buy guys and murder their children in their classrooms. Vote for a system where the DA and the Police Chief are politicians worried about votes. Where politicians receive cash from lobbyists and then rig the system to stay in office.
Yes the majority didn't vote for Trump. But they vote for politicians who have no interest in changing the system which elected Trump. If enough Americans wanted to change their laws and their constitution they could do so. But they don't, and you get what you vote for.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
The Spanish thing was a Shark jump moment for the EU. Makes the rhetoric about Hungary & Poland sound rather hollow.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
If we wanted to make Scotland a colony that is what we would do, we are not so Scotland is not a colony.
Scots voted to stay in the UK freely and fairly in 2014
The rules seem to be based on the question, has website published the work or have they just provided the platform for someone elses opinion?
All the responsible newspapers consider their opinion articles as being published by them not by the author and will consider this when accepting or rejecting the article. The comments section are either actively moderated or post-hoc moderated as they do not want to be held responsible for unacceptable or illegal comments on their website.
In this respect Twitter is acting like an open opinion section of a newspaper, rather than a "social" media site. It has grown into a portal where people post their opinions so that anyone can read them and are usualy political in the widest sense. There is a strong case that Twitter is much like the Huffington Post and that rules that apply to online newspapers should apply to Twitter too. A tweet has been part published by twitter, and as a result Twitter should take more responsibility for what appears on their site.
As I understand the situation in the US, Twitter doesn't enjoy any particular protections that the Huffington Post doesn't. If the Huffington Post publish an editorial, they're responsible for the content of their article. However, if other people post stuff to their comments section to that article, the Huffington Post isn't responsible for the stuff that other people post.
In Twitter's case, their fact checks may be published by them, so if they were to publish a fact check saying "Donald Trump sexually harassed children" when in fact the people he sexually harassed were all adults, they'd be liable for the content that they published. However, the vast majority of Twitter content remains the equivalent to the Huffington Post's comments section.
Though there is a difference in that someone posting 'comments' on Twitter might have millions of followers.
Don’t forget the reach people with few followers can get through retweets. I do sympathise with twitter over the scale of the issue. They can’t know which tweet will gain a massive profile with almost no notice, and there are too many tweets to police them all.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
As I recall that is exactly what you were advocating. So clearly you do regard Scotland as a colony.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
He has been utterly consistent in claiming, at the least, that we could do so.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
If we wanted to make Scotland a colony that is what we would do, we are not so Scotland is not a colony.
Scots voted to stay in the UK freely and fairly in 2014
You spout the most idiotic nonsense on Scotland
For goodness sake show some respect or go and join Trump in the US
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
5. Is such a passionate Unionist that he wants NI to stay a part of the United Kingdom 6. Is entirely happy that the party he voted for has set in motion a pathway to a united Ireland via the institution of a border in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and the island of Ireland.
On America I will believe literally any video anyone can conceive of showing cops arresting kneeled "I live you" protestors, beating foreign journalists on live TV, shooting rubber bullets to maim, shooting reporters, whatever. Literally nothing that sounds like an exaggeration is possible. Its literally mental the stuff I am seeing on Twitter.
But as I tweeted earlier, people get what they vote for. Americans vote for the rights of the maniac to buy guys and murder their children in their classrooms. Vote for a system where the DA and the Police Chief are politicians worried about votes. Where politicians receive cash from lobbyists and then rig the system to stay in office.
Yes the majority didn't vote for Trump. But they vote for politicians who have no interest in changing the system which elected Trump. If enough Americans wanted to change their laws and their constitution they could do so. But they don't, and you get what you vote for.
There is an unfortunate typo in there, otherwise, couldn't agree more.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
If we wanted to make Scotland a colony that is what we would do, we are not so Scotland is not a colony.
Scots voted to stay in the UK freely and fairly in 2014
You spout the most idiotic nonsense on Scotland
For goodness sake show some respect or go and join Trump in the US
Bit harsh there BigG.
I mean, I know Hyufd can be a bit of a tw8t at times, but sending him to the US? I wouldn’t even wish that on Cummings.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
If we wanted to make Scotland a colony that is what we would do, we are not so Scotland is not a colony.
Scots voted to stay in the UK freely and fairly in 2014
You spout the most idiotic nonsense on Scotland
For goodness sake show some respect or go and join Trump in the US
Bit harsh there BigG.
I mean, I know Hyufd can be a bit of a tw8t at times, but sending him to the US? I wouldn’t even wish that on Cummings.
His intolerance and arrogance towards the Scots is not acceptable
The Episcopalian rector of St. John’s, Gini Gerbasi, is not very happy about the riot staged by Donald Trump on their doorstep.
Yeah, even unto ALL CAPS... The police in their riot gear were literally walking onto the St. John’s, Lafayette Square patio with these metal shields, pushing people off the patio and driving them back. People were running at us as the police advanced toward us from the other side of the patio… We were literally DRIVEN OFF of the St. John’s, Lafayette Square patio with tear gas and concussion grenades and police in full riot gear. We were pushed back 20 feet, and then eventually - with SO MANY concussion grenades - back to K street. By the time I got back to my car, around 7, I was getting texts from people saying that Trump was outside of St. John’s, Lafayette Square. I literally COULD NOT believe it. WE WERE DRIVEN OFF OF THE PATIO AT ST. JOHN’S - a place of peace and respite and medical care throughout the day - SO THAT MAN COULD HAVE A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH!!! PEOPLE WERE HURT SO THAT HE COULD POSE IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH WITH A BIBLE! HE WOULD HAVE HAD TO STEP OVER THE MEDICAL SUPPLIES WE LEFT BEHIND BECAUSE WE WERE BEING TEAR GASSED!!!!
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
As I recall that is exactly what you were advocating. So clearly you do regard Scotland as a colony.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
If we wanted to make Scotland a colony that is what we would do, we are not so Scotland is not a colony.
Scots voted to stay in the UK freely and fairly in 2014
You spout the most idiotic nonsense on Scotland
For goodness sake show some respect or go and join Trump in the US
Bit harsh there BigG.
I mean, I know Hyufd can be a bit of a tw8t at times, but sending him to the US? I wouldn’t even wish that on Cummings.
His intolerance and arrogance towards the Scots is not acceptable
Well, no, of course it isn’t, but there’s still a question of proportionality. Surely you could consider a modest amount of testicular torture or the option of working as Corbyn’s personal secretary before sending him to the US?
(Although I have to say on the last thread it was Stuart Dickson that was being a knob.)
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
If we wanted to make Scotland a colony that is what we would do, we are not so Scotland is not a colony.
Scots voted to stay in the UK freely and fairly in 2014
You spout the most idiotic nonsense on Scotland
For goodness sake show some respect or go and join Trump in the US
Bit harsh there BigG.
I mean, I know Hyufd can be a bit of a tw8t at times, but sending him to the US? I wouldn’t even wish that on Cummings.
Big G is right , not hard to spot the fascists on here, Nigel Foreskin and HYFUD being the worst , with Foreskin a mile ahead.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
If we wanted to make Scotland a colony that is what we would do, we are not so Scotland is not a colony.
Scots voted to stay in the UK freely and fairly in 2014
You spout the most idiotic nonsense on Scotland
For goodness sake show some respect or go and join Trump in the US
Bit harsh there BigG.
I mean, I know Hyufd can be a bit of a tw8t at times, but sending him to the US? I wouldn’t even wish that on Cummings.
His intolerance and arrogance towards the Scots is not acceptable
Argue with him then. You are at your worst, BigG, and you are a great PB contributor, when you act as site policeman.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
I think your account is far too logical. But not a bad effort.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
If we wanted to make Scotland a colony that is what we would do, we are not so Scotland is not a colony.
Scots voted to stay in the UK freely and fairly in 2014
You spout the most idiotic nonsense on Scotland
For goodness sake show some respect or go and join Trump in the US
Bit harsh there BigG.
I mean, I know Hyufd can be a bit of a tw8t at times, but sending him to the US? I wouldn’t even wish that on Cummings.
His intolerance and arrogance towards the Scots is not acceptable
Well, no, of course it isn’t, but there’s still a question of proportionality. Surely you could consider a modest amount of testicular torture or the option of working as Corbyn’s personal secretary before sending him to the US?
(Although I have to say on the last thread it was Stuart Dickson that was being a knob.)
Trump is the ultimate exile but no need if he will show more respect to the Scots
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
If we wanted to make Scotland a colony that is what we would do, we are not so Scotland is not a colony.
Scots voted to stay in the UK freely and fairly in 2014
You spout the most idiotic nonsense on Scotland
For goodness sake show some respect or go and join Trump in the US
You do realise the Tory manifesto on which the 2019 general election was won ruled out indyref2 for a generation?
The Episcopalian rector of St. John’s, Gini Gerbasi, is not very happy about the riot staged by Donald Trump on their doorstep.
Yeah, even unto ALL CAPS... The police in their riot gear were literally walking onto the St. John’s, Lafayette Square patio with these metal shields, pushing people off the patio and driving them back. People were running at us as the police advanced toward us from the other side of the patio… We were literally DRIVEN OFF of the St. John’s, Lafayette Square patio with tear gas and concussion grenades and police in full riot gear. We were pushed back 20 feet, and then eventually - with SO MANY concussion grenades - back to K street. By the time I got back to my car, around 7, I was getting texts from people saying that Trump was outside of St. John’s, Lafayette Square. I literally COULD NOT believe it. WE WERE DRIVEN OFF OF THE PATIO AT ST. JOHN’S - a place of peace and respite and medical care throughout the day - SO THAT MAN COULD HAVE A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH!!! PEOPLE WERE HURT SO THAT HE COULD POSE IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH WITH A BIBLE! HE WOULD HAVE HAD TO STEP OVER THE MEDICAL SUPPLIES WE LEFT BEHIND BECAUSE WE WERE BEING TEAR GASSED!!!!
Imagine if President Obama had cleared a Church with tear gas wielding thugs for a photo op.
I'm not religious but for those who are this must surely be absolute heresy. To attack a holy Church and drive the bishop out of it with force?
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
5. Is such a passionate Unionist that he wants NI to stay a part of the United Kingdom 6. Is entirely happy that the party he voted for has set in motion a pathway to a united Ireland via the institution of a border in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and the island of Ireland.
Only 29% of Northern Irish voters want a United Ireland now after the Withdrawal Agreement
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
I respect the 'once in a generation referendum' result of 2014 (Salmond's words) to stay in the UK
Is @HYUFD to only PB Tory wot voted Remain in 2016?
On America I will believe literally any video anyone can conceive of showing cops arresting kneeled "I live you" protestors, beating foreign journalists on live TV, shooting rubber bullets to maim, shooting reporters, whatever. Literally nothing that sounds like an exaggeration is possible. Its literally mental the stuff I am seeing on Twitter.
The mental stuff is the video of police in Boston systematically putting out piles of bricks around and about the town.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
As I recall that is exactly what you were advocating. So clearly you do regard Scotland as a colony.
I have not advocated the above, only no indyref2 for a generation.
I was merely comparing that as mild compared to Madrid and Beijing's actions
But as I tweeted earlier, people get what they vote for. Americans vote for the rights of the maniac to buy guys and murder their children in their classrooms. Vote for a system where the DA and the Police Chief are politicians worried about votes. Where politicians receive cash from lobbyists and then rig the system to stay in office.
Yes the majority didn't vote for Trump. But they vote for politicians who have no interest in changing the system which elected Trump. If enough Americans wanted to change their laws and their constitution they could do so. But they don't, and you get what you vote for.
To my knowledge the Police Chief in Minneapolis is not a politician. He's also black mexican IIRC.
And Minneapolis has a Democrat mayor. The governor of Minnesota is a Democrat.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
5. Is such a passionate Unionist that he wants NI to stay a part of the United Kingdom 6. Is entirely happy that the party he voted for has set in motion a pathway to a united Ireland via the institution of a border in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and the island of Ireland.
Only 29% of Northern Irish voters want a United Ireland now after the Withdrawal Agreement
Poor them. You voted for a party which has established a pathway to a united Ireland. The PM did something he himself said no British Prime Minister could do. And you are cheering him on.
I do like the "Scotland is not a colony because if it was a colony we would ban it having an independence referendum and we have banned it from having an independence referendum it is not a colony"
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
If we wanted to make Scotland a colony that is what we would do, we are not so Scotland is not a colony.
Scots voted to stay in the UK freely and fairly in 2014
You spout the most idiotic nonsense on Scotland
For goodness sake show some respect or go and join Trump in the US
You do realise the Tory manifesto on which the 2019 general election was won ruled out indyref2 for a generation?
You voted for that as much as I did
That is not the point, the point is your lack of respect towards the Scots shows an intolerance that is just crass
And Indy 2 will happen this parliament if the SNP win Holyrood 21.
And I do not expect them to win Independence especially since covid 19
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
I respect the 'once in a generation referendum' result of 2014 (Salmond's words) to stay in the UK
Is @HYUFD to only PB Tory wot voted Remain in 2016?
You as a PB Tory wot voted leave is in a majority.
i as a non PB Tory wot voted leave in in the minority
The Episcopalian rector of St. John’s, Gini Gerbasi, is not very happy about the riot staged by Donald Trump on their doorstep.
Yeah, even unto ALL CAPS... The police in their riot gear were literally walking onto the St. John’s, Lafayette Square patio with these metal shields, pushing people off the patio and driving them back. People were running at us as the police advanced toward us from the other side of the patio… We were literally DRIVEN OFF of the St. John’s, Lafayette Square patio with tear gas and concussion grenades and police in full riot gear. We were pushed back 20 feet, and then eventually - with SO MANY concussion grenades - back to K street. By the time I got back to my car, around 7, I was getting texts from people saying that Trump was outside of St. John’s, Lafayette Square. I literally COULD NOT believe it. WE WERE DRIVEN OFF OF THE PATIO AT ST. JOHN’S - a place of peace and respite and medical care throughout the day - SO THAT MAN COULD HAVE A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH!!! PEOPLE WERE HURT SO THAT HE COULD POSE IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH WITH A BIBLE! HE WOULD HAVE HAD TO STEP OVER THE MEDICAL SUPPLIES WE LEFT BEHIND BECAUSE WE WERE BEING TEAR GASSED!!!!
Imagine if President Obama had cleared a Church with tear gas wielding thugs for a photo op.
I'm not religious but for those who are this must surely be absolute heresy. To attack a holy Church and drive the bishop out of it with force?
Yup. The Bishop sounded seriously pissed off as well. But thats OK. Bible-toting GOPpers know that God is on Trumps side as his stormtroopers tear gas His ministers to remove them from His house.
The rules seem to be based on the question, has website published the work or have they just provided the platform for someone elses opinion?
All the responsible newspapers consider their opinion articles as being published by them not by the author and will consider this when accepting or rejecting the article. The comments section are either actively moderated or post-hoc moderated as they do not want to be held responsible for unacceptable or illegal comments on their website.
In this respect Twitter is acting like an open opinion section of a newspaper, rather than a "social" media site. It has grown into a portal where people post their opinions so that anyone can read them and are usualy political in the widest sense. There is a strong case that Twitter is much like the Huffington Post and that rules that apply to online newspapers should apply to Twitter too. A tweet has been part published by twitter, and as a result Twitter should take more responsibility for what appears on their site.
As I understand the situation in the US, Twitter doesn't enjoy any particular protections that the Huffington Post doesn't. If the Huffington Post publish an editorial, they're responsible for the content of their article. However, if other people post stuff to their comments section to that article, the Huffington Post isn't responsible for the stuff that other people post.
In Twitter's case, their fact checks may be published by them, so if they were to publish a fact check saying "Donald Trump sexually harassed children" when in fact the people he sexually harassed were all adults, they'd be liable for the content that they published. However, the vast majority of Twitter content remains the equivalent to the Huffington Post's comments section.
Though there is a difference in that someone posting 'comments' on Twitter might have millions of followers.
Don’t forget the reach people with few followers can get through retweets. I do sympathise with twitter over the scale of the issue. They can’t know which tweet will gain a massive profile with almost no notice, and there are too many tweets to police them all.
Of course; it's not a simple problem. But it's perhaps not entirely beyond the bounds of possibility to use some metric (eg x-hundred thousand views) for an AI to kick in to assess the subject matter and pass on posts to editorial ?
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
As I recall that is exactly what you were advocating. So clearly you do regard Scotland as a colony.
I have not advocated the above, only no indyref2 for a generation.
I was merely comparing that as mild compared to Madrid and Beijing's actions
You're backtracking. We have all seen you advocate following Madrid's example, are you retracting that now?
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
I respect the 'once in a generation referendum' result of 2014 (Salmond's words) to stay in the UK
Is @HYUFD to only PB Tory wot voted Remain in 2016?
I voted remain but HYUFD is as far away from me in the conservative party as you can get
But as I tweeted earlier, people get what they vote for. Americans vote for the rights of the maniac to buy guys and murder their children in their classrooms. Vote for a system where the DA and the Police Chief are politicians worried about votes. Where politicians receive cash from lobbyists and then rig the system to stay in office.
Yes the majority didn't vote for Trump. But they vote for politicians who have no interest in changing the system which elected Trump. If enough Americans wanted to change their laws and their constitution they could do so. But they don't, and you get what you vote for.
To my knowledge the Police Chief in Minneapolis is not a politician. He's also black mexican IIRC.
And Minneapolis has a Democrat mayor. The governor of Minnesota is a Democrat.
But why let facts get in the way of anything eh?
Minneapolis (like many American cities) has an all encompassing police union, the head of which - Bob Kroll - is a whack job Trump Supporter who has frequently criticised the Obama administration's "handcuffing" of police.
Tough one for you here. A union is involved, of public sector employees. Who you going to back?
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
5. Is such a passionate Unionist that he wants NI to stay a part of the United Kingdom 6. Is entirely happy that the party he voted for has set in motion a pathway to a united Ireland via the institution of a border in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and the island of Ireland.
Only 29% of Northern Irish voters want a United Ireland now after the Withdrawal Agreement
Poor them. You voted for a party which has established a pathway to a united Ireland. The PM did something he himself said no British Prime Minister could do. And you are cheering him on.
Im sure the NI voters can decide their future for themselves
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
There was someone on PB the other day - I am ashamed to say I cannot remember who, was it one of you? - who suggested that the vote should be UK wide, on the dissolution of the Acts of Union rather than the departure of any one constituent nation. So for instance the English could leave if they wanted. That's quite different from campaigning to keep (say) the Scots in the union. I think that is a valid way in whcih the whole UK could vote. But not otherwise. Did the French or the Greeks have a vote on Brexit? No.
There's also the practical point that there is no legal definition of a Scot, and therefore no easy way of defining the franchise, except by residency. There is no Kingdom of Scotland/ Rioghachd na h-Alba passportt that one can wave when voting in, say, Liverpool in the way that our French fellow-Scots can do when voting for their government back in the Hexagon.
Joking aside my honest view is that it’s obvious that Scotland is on its way to the exit door. If I were a Scot I’d want independence. Far better to facilitate a friendly goodbye with a good natured referendum and have a cooperative disentanglement of assets than to end up at dagger drawn in ten year’s time.
An intelligent response for a change.
I agree with both sentiments. The amicable the better as we should still be able to trade and visit as per usual. I went to a Scottish University and I treasured my time and education there. My brother still lives there.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
If we wanted to make Scotland a colony that is what we would do, we are not so Scotland is not a colony.
Scots voted to stay in the UK freely and fairly in 2014
You spout the most idiotic nonsense on Scotland
For goodness sake show some respect or go and join Trump in the US
You do realise the Tory manifesto on which the 2019 general election was won ruled out indyref2 for a generation?
You voted for that as much as I did
That is not the point, the point is your lack of respect towards the Scots shows an intolerance that is just crass
And Indy 2 will happen this parliament if the SNP win Holyrood 21.
And I do not expect them to win Independence especially since covid 19
Its not just a lack of respect to the Scots. HYUFD modus operandi is to show a lack of respect to everyone.
The fact he's suggested in the past that you and I [and many others] should not vote for the Tories sums it up pretty well too.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
5. Is such a passionate Unionist that he wants NI to stay a part of the United Kingdom 6. Is entirely happy that the party he voted for has set in motion a pathway to a united Ireland via the institution of a border in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and the island of Ireland.
Only 29% of Northern Irish voters want a United Ireland now after the Withdrawal Agreement
Poor them. You voted for a party which has established a pathway to a united Ireland. The PM did something he himself said no British Prime Minister could do. And you are cheering him on.
Im sure the NI voters can decide their future for themselves
I'm sure they can. Thing is, if it walks like a united Ireland, its forms and customs declarations feel like a united Ireland, and its border arrangements reflect a united Ireland, well then....
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
As I recall that is exactly what you were advocating. So clearly you do regard Scotland as a colony.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
He has been utterly consistent in claiming, at the least, that we could do so.
Thanks both of you for confirming my memory - I was sure of it, but could even HYUFD ...?!
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
5. Is such a passionate Unionist that he wants NI to stay a part of the United Kingdom 6. Is entirely happy that the party he voted for has set in motion a pathway to a united Ireland via the institution of a border in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and the island of Ireland.
Only 29% of Northern Irish voters want a United Ireland now after the Withdrawal Agreement
Poor them. You voted for a party which has established a pathway to a united Ireland. The PM did something he himself said no British Prime Minister could do. And you are cheering him on.
Northern Irish voters are very happy with no hard border with the Republic of Ireland while still technically part of the UK.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
There was someone on PB the other day - I am ashamed to say I cannot remember who, was it one of you? - who suggested that the vote should be UK wide, on the dissolution of the Acts of Union rather than the departure of any one constituent nation. So for instance the English could leave if they wanted. That's quite different from campaigning to keep (say) the Scots in the union. I think that is a valid way in whcih the whole UK could vote. But not otherwise. Did the French or the Greeks have a vote on Brexit? No.
There's also the practical point that there is no legal definition of a Scot, and therefore no easy way of defining the franchise, except by residency. There is no Kingdom of Scotland/ Rioghachd na h-Alba passportt that one can wave when voting in, say, Liverpool in the way that our French fellow-Scots can do when voting for their government back in the Hexagon.
Joking aside my honest view is that it’s obvious that Scotland is on its way to the exit door. If I were a Scot I’d want independence. Far better to facilitate a friendly goodbye with a good natured referendum and have a cooperative disentanglement of assets than to end up at dagger drawn in ten year’s time.
An intelligent response for a change.
I agree with both sentiments. The amicable the better as we should still be able to trade and visit as per usual. I went to a Scottish University and I treasured my time and education there. My brother still lives there.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
Point 2 is exactly what William of Occam was on about: there's 4 actual things - England, Scotland, Wales, NI - and on top of that there's Ther Union, an unnecessary construct for HYUFD to be devoted to despite its failure a. to exist and b. to have any practical relevance to an English tory living in Essex. I suspect the heart of the problem is that "Unionist" bit in the party name.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You are forgetting - taking control of Police Scotland, arresting officers for obeying orders from Holyrood. And arresting most of the SNP leadership and putting them in prison on treason charges.
That is exactly what the Spanish government did to Catalan nationalist leaders yes and what Beijing is starting to do to Hong Kong pro independence leaders with its new anti separatism law
I hope you are not claiming we should regard Spain and China as positive examples to follow.
If we wanted to make Scotland a colony that is what we would do, we are not so Scotland is not a colony.
Scots voted to stay in the UK freely and fairly in 2014
You spout the most idiotic nonsense on Scotland
For goodness sake show some respect or go and join Trump in the US
You do realise the Tory manifesto on which the 2019 general election was won ruled out indyref2 for a generation?
You voted for that as much as I did
That is not the point, the point is your lack of respect towards the Scots shows an intolerance that is just crass
And Indy 2 will happen this parliament if the SNP win Holyrood 21.
And I do not expect them to win Independence especially since covid 19
First, no indyref2 will not happen this parliament regardless of what happens next year, the Tories won on a manifesto commitment to no indyref2.
Second, if we go to WTO terms Brexit there is clearly a chance Scots vote for independence so any vote must wait until after the next general election and it is settled whether we are still on WTO terms Brexit with Boris or back in the single market with Starmer
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
As I recall that is exactly what you were advocating. So clearly you do regard Scotland as a colony.
I have not advocated the above, only no indyref2 for a generation.
I was merely comparing that as mild compared to Madrid and Beijing's actions
You're backtracking. We have all seen you advocate following Madrid's example, are you retracting that now?
In fairness Lisa Nandy also recommended "beating" [sic] the SNP with the same methods as used in Catalonia. So maybe HYUFD is a Labourt voter?
"We should look outwards to other countries and other parts of the world where they have had to deal with divisive nationalism and seek to discover the lessons where, in these brief moments in history in places like Catalonia and Quebec, we have managed to go and beat narrow divisive nationalism with a social justice agenda."
If the UK extends the transition period it will not be liable for any future contributions that go towards the MFF including anything in relation to the EU recovery fund .
Leavers need to stop peddling the lie that the UK will be liable for that.
The WA states in clear terms how the process works . It will be a one off payment , that’s it.
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
As I recall that is exactly what you were advocating. So clearly you do regard Scotland as a colony.
I have not advocated the above, only no indyref2 for a generation.
I was merely comparing that as mild compared to Madrid and Beijing's actions
You're backtracking. We have all seen you advocate following Madrid's example, are you retracting that now?
We can certainly ignore an illegal independence referendum, Madrid has set the precedent, even if we do not go as far as them
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
As I recall that is exactly what you were advocating. So clearly you do regard Scotland as a colony.
I have not advocated the above, only no indyref2 for a generation.
I was merely comparing that as mild compared to Madrid and Beijing's actions
You're backtracking. We have all seen you advocate following Madrid's example, are you retracting that now?
In fairness Lisa Nandy also recommended "beating" [sic] the SNP with the same methods as used in Catalonia. So maybe HYUFD is a Labourt voter?
"We should look outwards to other countries and other parts of the world where they have had to deal with divisive nationalism and seek to discover the lessons where, in these brief moments in history in places like Catalonia and Quebec, we have managed to go and beat narrow divisive nationalism with a social justice agenda."
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
5. Is such a passionate Unionist that he wants NI to stay a part of the United Kingdom 6. Is entirely happy that the party he voted for has set in motion a pathway to a united Ireland via the institution of a border in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and the island of Ireland.
Only 29% of Northern Irish voters want a United Ireland now after the Withdrawal Agreement
Poor them. You voted for a party which has established a pathway to a united Ireland. The PM did something he himself said no British Prime Minister could do. And you are cheering him on.
Northern Irish voters are very happy with no hard border with the Republic of Ireland while still technically part of the UK.
Best of both worlds
Boris has put a border down the Irish Sea. Something he said that no British Prime Minister could ever do. Why did he do that?
IndyRef2 is going to be fun if media starts actually fact-checking the BritNat guff.
It would be nice to think we could have an actual debate between those Scots with an understandable wish to be independent and those Scots who wish to be in the Union; and that the rest of the U.K. would stay out of it.
But while the decision is only between those two groups (and those who dont care) the rest of the UK is a legitimately interested party, affected by the outcome, with many for and many against, and how the rest of the UK might react to plans of an indy Scotland or plans for a continuing Union might be of some relevance to those actually making the decision in Scotland, particularly those on the fence.
I don't think it can be as simple as non Scots staying out of it. Which is not to say that the wishes of Scots should not predominate.
I think our only contribution should be to be clear on what we would do/not do in response. But the basic line should be that we’d do what we could to make it as painless and easy as possible. Of course if the Scots really wanted independence I think the quickest way is to support a vote on it in ONLY the rest of the U.K....
One of the complications is that whether you're consisted a Scot for the purpose of the referendum is a matter of timing.
Perhaps you've recently moved away for a job - no longer able to vote in the referendum and vice versa. There are so many people who wouldn't be able to vote, but would be directly affected by the outcome, that it makes the case for Britain remaining one country.
Absolute and utter bollox of the highest order. If the majority in Scotland want it then under any rule of law ( dictatorship maybe excluded) then they are entitled to vote , become independent etc. Just because some English want to retain us as a colony it does not make the case for Britain to stay as a union, Britain is not ONE country. How fe***ng dumb can people on here be.
You are not a colony you dipshit. Scotland has been massively overrepresented in both the modern British state and the British Empire. Scotland is just as much part of Britain as England is. Your colony crap is just chippy nonsense and definitely is "absolute and utter bollox of the highest order". You clearly do not know the history of the country that you claim your own. Typical Little Scotlander, so like your nationalistic small minded Little Englander cousins.
Indeed, if Scotland was truly a colony we would have done what Madrid has done, banned any indyref in 2014 and also scrapped Holyrood and imposed direct rule from Westminster and not even allowed Scottish MPs in the Commons
You position on Scotland seems to be as follows:
1. You don't care a fig about Scots 2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1) 3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2 4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
5. Is such a passionate Unionist that he wants NI to stay a part of the United Kingdom 6. Is entirely happy that the party he voted for has set in motion a pathway to a united Ireland via the institution of a border in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and the island of Ireland.
Only 29% of Northern Irish voters want a United Ireland now after the Withdrawal Agreement
Poor them. You voted for a party which has established a pathway to a united Ireland. The PM did something he himself said no British Prime Minister could do. And you are cheering him on.
Im sure the NI voters can decide their future for themselves
And in fact they can. As, unlike Scotland, a Border Poll has to be called if it looks likely that it would be won
A future version of the service will operate without an app. Only then will there be broad "international compatiblity" and even then people still need to enable the service, and it will still have all the issues of app lifecycles, user interference, and bluetooth signalling problems.
It’s fairly obvious where this line of thought can end up, whether intentionally or otherwise.
In the meantime they are making life uncomfortable for our 4th biggest company HSBC according to a report in the paywalled Times.
The proportion white there seems reasonably close to 87%.
Will require a massive injection of public cash but as you say if that can be limited to a one-off splurge then it could be worse.
We can pay it back on the never-never.
I bet you would have been screaming blue murder about the cheek of those Indian fellers asking to be independent.
They'd have been better off pushing it back into the real economy – organise bar tabs with the local boozers to be spent by their staff.
1. You don't care a fig about Scots
2. You are head over heels in love with the Union (despite point 1)
3. You think Yes would lose IndyRef 2
4. You want desperately to block IndyRef2 (despite point 3)
Do I have this right?
But as I tweeted earlier, people get what they vote for. Americans vote for the rights of the maniac to buy guys and murder their children in their classrooms. Vote for a system where the DA and the Police Chief are politicians worried about votes. Where politicians receive cash from lobbyists and then rig the system to stay in office.
Yes the majority didn't vote for Trump. But they vote for politicians who have no interest in changing the system which elected Trump. If enough Americans wanted to change their laws and their constitution they could do so. But they don't, and you get what you vote for.
Scots voted to stay in the UK freely and fairly in 2014
For goodness sake show some respect or go and join Trump in the US
6. Is entirely happy that the party he voted for has set in motion a pathway to a united Ireland via the institution of a border in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and the island of Ireland.
I mean, I know Hyufd can be a bit of a tw8t at times, but sending him to the US? I wouldn’t even wish that on Cummings.
Yeah, even unto ALL CAPS...
The police in their riot gear were literally walking onto the St. John’s, Lafayette Square patio with these metal shields, pushing people off the patio and driving them back. People were running at us as the police advanced toward us from the other side of the patio… We were literally DRIVEN OFF of the St. John’s, Lafayette Square patio with tear gas and concussion grenades and police in full riot gear. We were pushed back 20 feet, and then eventually - with SO MANY concussion grenades - back to K street. By the time I got back to my car, around 7, I was getting texts from people saying that Trump was outside of St. John’s, Lafayette Square. I literally COULD NOT believe it. WE WERE DRIVEN OFF OF THE PATIO AT ST. JOHN’S - a place of peace and respite and medical care throughout the day - SO THAT MAN COULD HAVE A PHOTO OPPORTUNITY IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH!!! PEOPLE WERE HURT SO THAT HE COULD POSE IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH WITH A BIBLE! HE WOULD HAVE HAD TO STEP OVER THE MEDICAL SUPPLIES WE LEFT BEHIND BECAUSE WE WERE BEING TEAR GASSED!!!!
(Although I have to say on the last thread it was Stuart Dickson that was being a knob.)
You voted for that as much as I did
Imagine if President Obama had cleared a Church with tear gas wielding thugs for a photo op.
I'm not religious but for those who are this must surely be absolute heresy. To attack a holy Church and drive the bishop out of it with force?
115,725 = unavailable
4,285,738 = unavailable
MH integrity = 0
I was merely comparing that as mild compared to Madrid and Beijing's actions
And Minneapolis has a Democrat mayor. The governor of Minnesota is a Democrat.
But why let facts get in the way of anything eh?
And Indy 2 will happen this parliament if the SNP win Holyrood 21.
And I do not expect them to win Independence especially since covid 19
i as a non PB Tory wot voted leave in in the minority
I would prefer they moved to 5 days, each day a specific area and have appropriate minister asked by relevant correspondents.
But it's perhaps not entirely beyond the bounds of possibility to use some metric (eg x-hundred thousand views) for an AI to kick in to assess the subject matter and pass on posts to editorial ?
Tough one for you here. A union is involved, of public sector employees. Who you going to back?
ECB and WICB agree a schedule of three tests next month.
The fact he's suggested in the past that you and I [and many others] should not vote for the Tories sums it up pretty well too.
HYUFD doesn't show any respect to anyone.
Northern Irish voters are very happy with no hard border with the Republic of Ireland while still technically part of the UK.
Best of both worlds
Second, if we go to WTO terms Brexit there is clearly a chance Scots vote for independence so any vote must wait until after the next general election and it is settled whether we are still on WTO terms Brexit with Boris or back in the single market with Starmer
"We should look outwards to other countries and other parts of the world where they have had to deal with divisive nationalism and seek to discover the lessons where, in these brief moments in history in places like Catalonia and Quebec, we have managed to go and beat narrow divisive nationalism with a social justice agenda."
Leavers need to stop peddling the lie that the UK will be liable for that.
The WA states in clear terms how the process works . It will be a one off payment , that’s it.