The chart shows the latest betting on who will be the next President in Betfair’s now £30m market. The amount that’s been gambled so far is by far a record this far out but the interesting thing is that the uncertainty that still remains over who is going to be heading the ticket for either side.
The UK holds the cards.
As I've said multiple times before the only reason for talks to avoid being blamed when the talks fall apart.
I have every respect for teachers and I strongly suspect almost all teachers will be more than happy to be back teaching their pupils. I believe teachers go into teaching to help children not play politics.
But I’m more worried right now that even if schools reopen parents won’t send their children in. What do we do then? Prosecute? Wouldn’t look good, nor would it be cheap. Set learning online? But if for them, why not others? Build elastic classrooms, dining facilities and more toilets to enforce social distancing?
I’m not a member of the NEU, but they are quite right to say there are more questions than answers out there right now. I don’t know if they’re asking the right questions, but at least they are not offering a free ride.
There's been a number of media reports recently that Barnier was preparing to give up on demanding that and the fact that he hasn't even referenced it in the letter whereas Frost did certainly seems to indicate that. Barnier seems to know full well he's lost that battle and is moving on to other areas.
Its different negotiating with a government that is willing and able to simply walk away if need be, not like May's mess. Barnier could lay down the law to May because he knew that his allies like Grieve would prevent us walking away. Now he's in very difficult terrain and he's struggling to get us to concede in the same way.
No, I will not put my coat on, it’s too bloody hot.
Some really depressing numbers in there, particularly on how the Independent voting intention breaks
Read the bloody advice before posting crap about teachers:
Then I realised the indefinite leave part referred to families.
If that’s in place in September it’s going to be very, very difficult.
I will be very interested when the eventual enquiry is done, to find out who was pushing back against increasing capacity.
ἔργῳ οἱ θαπτόμενοι τὰ μὲν ἤδη κεκόσμηνται, τὰ δὲ αὐτῶν τοὺς παῖδας τὸ ἀπὸ τοῦδε δημοσίᾳ ἡ πόλις μέχρι ἥβης θρέψει, ὠφέλιμον στέφανον τοῖσδέ τε καὶ τοῖς λειπομένοις τῶν τοιῶνδε ἀγώνων προτιθεῖσα· ἆθλα γὰρ οἷς κεῖται ἀρετῆς μέγιστα, τοῖς δὲ καὶ ἄνδρες ἄριστοι πολιτεύουσιν.
'... those who are buried have already been honoured in deed, and as for their children, the state shall nurture them henceforth at public expense until adulthood, offering a beneficial prize both for these men and for those they have left behind after such struggles as theirs. For where the rewards for virtue are greatest, there are the finest men enlisted in the service of the state'.
It’s the one aircraft large enough to allow social distancing.
No way there is a 3-4% chance of Biden dropping out, Clinton being chosen, Clinton winning popular vote.
So this requirement is less than it seems in practice.
We should have an occasional PB thread about the best return possible in a given period (say 6 months) with a negligible risk.
NHSX better get their skates on.
One thing I noted is that the API now requires Android 6.0 (API level 23) rather than the earlier version's requirement of Android 5.0 (API level 21).
It’s utter balls, frankly. Trying to socialise in such a way under penalty of enforcement is ludicrous. We really are not thinking straight about risk nor are we learning the lessons from our forefathers who did have to live with such risks - and much more recently than many realise.
The glorious weather notwithstanding, it seems my mask isn't keeping the pollen at bay and sneezing with a mask on doesn't end well.
Dowden had the rare good fortune of having nothing negative or downbeat to say and it's amazing how easy Press Conferences are when the news is all good. It won't do him any harm in the pecking order and I wonder if he will move up the Cabinet at the next re-shuffle.
Flash Services and Manufacturing PMI numbers due tomorrow morning which may be of interest though the financial markets seem willing to ignore all bad news currently - there seems a belief the recovery will be swift thought what that is based on I'm not sure.
This caught my eye from one of the countries which has arguably been most successful in responding to covid-19:
I imagine Sunak and some on here might not approve but the notion of extra public holidays and a shorter working week to get people to travel and spend in the UK doesn't seem the most fanciful.
2020- the summer of the great "staycation" - the summer that never ends.
How is it that the number of confirmed cases in London reported today was 50 more than yesterday, then? And that the daily number of new cases has been around 80 a day over the past few days?
We do not all need to spend the rest of eternity sealed in individual concrete tombs to prevent a total massacre of everybody over the age of 65.
Manufacturing around 37
Services around 24
Composite around 26
My gut reaction is those look toppy, but I'm the arch pessimist.
Devon's beaches "like August" now so wtf are they going to be like in August?
Devon's beaches "like August" now so wtf are they going to be like in August? I am praying for rubbish weather.
This election is going to be hijacked into a who is toughest on China event. Can Biden make it about anything else?
Not that that explains why the report gives credence to the nonsense about a claim based on modelling that the infection rate in London is only a couple of dozen a day - when even the official figure is much higher than that, and the antibody testing indicates that the official figure is still a severe underestimate.
We seem to have politicians, modellers and journalists vying to show who can talk most nonsense.
We know that, unlike older children and adults, early years and primary age children cannot be expected to remain 2 metres apart from each other and staff. In deciding to bring more children back to early years and schools, we are taking this into account.
Meanwhile Trump is repeatedly firing Inspectors General to keep them from investigating his probably criminal behaviour.
"Scots are now locked in a woke chamber: virtue signalling, pandering to perceived victimhood, punishing any who assert biological fact, placing a halter of criminality on free thought when articulated by speech, abandoning common sense. It is all there in the Scottish government’s hate crime and public order bill. From the towering height of the Enlightenment, the Scottish nation’s leaders have fallen to a low where intellectual rigour is not only an unknown concept, but can put those who practice it in the clink."
Edit Previous thread at 07:58
This is great. Weather fantastic. School out. Work cancelled for weeks. Etc etc.
Meanwhile the economy collapses and we enter the Covid Depression.
If 2m doesn't apply why are they being sat 2m apart and being taught part time in classes cut in size to allow 2m spacing?
I hope that the government is prepared for the possibility that the most effective vaccine against COVID will be developed overseas, possibly in China.
It will also result in journalists (who should know better) saying things like "Germany's economy, which contracted 9% in the quarter did better than the US which fell 38%".
But if you'd read more than the first sentence of the article before rushing here to quote it, you'd have known that.
I wouldn't mind so much if people weren't so sensitive when it's pointed out they're behaving moronically.
Irish consumer sentiment rebounded from its April low but still a long way from March. I believe March was 77.3, April 42.6, May 52.3 - whether this is of any relevance I don't know.
The longer such prohibitions exist, the more people will lose patience, or discipline, or get desperate, and break them. Especially if the households concerned consist only of members who are at very low risk (which is essentially everyone under 50 apart from those who are clinically vulnerable.)
The Government has the power to shutter businesses quite easily, but we're not a police state. There is very little it can do to forcibly separate private citizens. We'll all simply have to hope that these kinds of interactions don't make a massive difference to the rate of transmission of the illness or significantly increase the exposure of more vulnerable groups.
First that the only precedent for the agreement is the Political Declaration, not any other deals that the EU has made in the past, as Gove and Frost claim. Barnier clearly interprets the PD to his advantage, but he's right on the principle. The UK and Johnson in particular signed up to the PD as the negotiating brief.
Secondly that the Level Playing Field protections are a two way street. The UK is protected as well. He doesn't say this, generally the weaker party sign treaties for protection. Which is precisely why Trump is tearing up treaties.
That would imply roughly 20 unreported cases for every reported case based on 250,000 actual cases which I've always thought was in the right area.
The mortality rate for those aged 60 or over is about 4% while for those under 60 it's more like 0.33% based on those case numbers.
We are still a long way from a true picture - it's all supposition looking at numbers who have had very mild symptoms let alone the asymptomatic.