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SystemSystem Posts: 12,054
edited February 2020 in General » Blog Archive » Expect Warren to get the biggest boost from last night – and that could be at the expense of Sanders

One of the reasons why Sanders has soared in the polling in recent weeks has been that his main opponent on the progressive wing, Elizabeth Warren, has been falling like a lead balloon. This followed her less than convincing performances in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Read the full story here



  • Sunil_PrasannanSunil_Prasannan Posts: 51,128
    edited February 2020
    First like Sanders
  • Philip_ThompsonPhilip_Thompson Posts: 65,826
    edited February 2020
    Second like any socialist.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,622
    edited February 2020

    Edit/ oops. Third like Eadric, again.
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,251
    I'm reading Skygods: The Fall of PanAm, and it's really rather good. Recommended to all PBers who want something a little bit different
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,622
    Why don’t we tax our citizens (subjects) wherever they live?
  • QuincelQuincel Posts: 4,042
    edited February 2020
    rcs1000 said:

    Quincel said:

    Quincel said:

    Sandpit said:

    Bloomberg now out to 6.2, Buttigeig in to 8.
    They were 5 and 11 this morning.

    Must admit I think the market has picked the wrong possible replacement for Bloomberg. If Bloomberg was hurt last night then Biden is best placed to come 2nd a Super Tuesday. He was even pretty good at the debate, too.
    Biden is crap and his campaign is just a vanity trip. All he has is name recognition and his fundraising has been very poor. When tested against real election results he does far worse than his polling.
    There have been two states voting so far, both demographically weak for him. It's not been encouraging, but writing him off this early is nuts. We shouldn't extrapolate too confidently from small samples.

    Keep in mind that if the 4 early states were reversed (i.e. going SC/NV/NH/IA) then Biden would probably be cruising at the top with his rivals hoping to catch up before Super Tuesday. He's not on course to win right now, but he hasn't run a particularly poor campaign.

    The more voters see of Biden, the less impressed they were with him. Why would South Carolina be different?
    What makes you think that the more voters see of Biden etc? His polling was stable for months as scrutiny and media coverage happened until he underperformed in Iowa.

    Also, even if Biden had underperformed his polls in a hypothetical first-in-the-nation SC then he'd still have won it comfortably given his ~20% leads there pre-Iowa. That would have given him a boost just like Sanders winning NH by a slim margin given the demographics gave him a sizeable national boost.
  • IanB2 said:

    Why don’t we tax our citizens (subjects) wherever they live?

    We tax foreign nationals on their income in the UK and we don't fancy picking and choosing our taxation principles when it suits.

  • I can’t believe I ever doubted my strategy in this market.

    Biden and Sanders are rubbish.
  • Elizabeth Warren seems to have got most of the attention last night, and justly so - she obviously had three shredded wheat before the debate last night. Will it translate into support? Not sure.
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,622

    IanB2 said:

    Why don’t we tax our citizens (subjects) wherever they live?

    We tax foreign nationals on their income in the UK and we don't fancy picking and choosing our taxation principles when it suits.

    The US doesn’t tax foreign nationals working in the States?
  • I can’t believe I ever doubted my strategy in this market.

    Biden and Sanders are rubbish.

    I really have no knowledge of US politics but surely the US are not going to re-elect Trump, God forbid

    Who do you think the next President will be
  • I can’t believe I ever doubted my strategy in this market.

    Biden and Sanders are rubbish.

    I really have no knowledge of US politics but surely the US are not going to re-elect Trump, God forbid

    Who do you think the next President will be
    History suggests Trump will win re-election this November.

    So the next President might well be Mike Pence in 2025.
  • Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 62,064
    edited February 2020
    Scotland Yard says the stabbing in the London Mosque is not considered terrorist related
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,519

    I can’t believe I ever doubted my strategy in this market.

    Biden and Sanders are rubbish.

    I put a smidge on Biden this morning at 12.5 as he was my only larger red position and hated myself for it.
  • brokenwheelbrokenwheel Posts: 3,352
    Warren's attacks on Bloomberg will play well with the left of the party, but she's still fishing in the same pool as Sanders. Improvement in her results just secures a contested convention.
  • Richard_NabaviRichard_Nabavi Posts: 30,821
    edited February 2020
    Looks like there's going to be a hunk of Bloomberg support available for other candidates. Don't forget also that Tom Steyer has been polling well in some of the upcoming primaries - 15.7% in the RCP average for South Carolina, for example. Is that really going to happen? I'm sceptical, but even if it does, he's not going to be in the race in any realistic sense for long, so that's a further chunk of support to be distributed elsewhere.

    Looking further ahead, there is the significant probability of Sanders getting more delegates than anyone else but not a majority or a decisive plurality. That is likely to trigger horse-trading and perhaps bring the super-delegates into play. That would would be a very messy and bitter shambles, with Sanders supporters distinctly dischuffed if their man is 'robbed' of the nomination ('robbed' as in 'he lost according to the rules'). That would be great for Trump, of course.

    What I think this means is that the Dem Nom contest is more open than it looks.
  • rcs1000rcs1000 Posts: 56,251

    Looks like there's going to be a hunk of Bloomberg support available for other candidates. Don't forget also that Tom Steyer has been polling well in some of the upcoming primaries - 15.7% in the RCP average for South Carolina, for example. Is that really going to happen? I'm sceptical, but even if it does, he's not going to be in the race for in any realistic sense for long., so that's a further chunk of support to be distributed elsewhere.

    Looking further ahead, there is the significant probability of Sanders getting more delegates than anyone else but not a majority or a decisive plurality. That is likely to trigger horse-trading and perhaps bring the super-delegates into play. That would would be a very messy and bitter shambles, with Sanders supporters distinctly dischuffed if their man is 'robbed' of the nomination ('robbed' as in 'he lost according to the rules'). That would be great for Trump, of course.

    What I think this means is that the Dem Nom contest is more open than it looks.

  • FishingFishing Posts: 4,777
    edited February 2020

    Fishing said:

    It is if the Democrats choose a socialist.

    Some polls have Sanders as the most popular Democrat and beating Trump. He could be worth a shot in case Trump screws up disastrously or dies or something and none of the other candidates are exactly brilliant.

    No Teflon Bullshitters (TBs, or Tony Blairs) in sight.
    Polls are not infallible oracles. Sanders will lose and lose heavily in a full Presidential election.
    Polls are not infallible oracles, but they are better than evidence-free assertions.
  • FishingFishing Posts: 4,777
    edited February 2020
    Removed duplicate post.

  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,622

    Looks like there's going to be a hunk of Bloomberg support available for other candidates. Don't forget also that Tom Steyer has been polling well in some of the upcoming primaries - 15.7% in the RCP average for South Carolina, for example. Is that really going to happen? I'm sceptical, but even if it does, he's not going to be in the race in any realistic sense for long, so that's a further chunk of support to be distributed elsewhere.

    Looking further ahead, there is the significant probability of Sanders getting more delegates than anyone else but not a majority or a decisive plurality. That is likely to trigger horse-trading and perhaps bring the super-delegates into play. That would would be a very messy and bitter shambles, with Sanders supporters distinctly dischuffed if their man is 'robbed' of the nomination ('robbed' as in 'he lost according to the rules'). That would be great for Trump, of course.

    What I think this means is that the Dem Nom contest is more open than it looks.

    I can’t see Steyer sticking around.
  • Fishing said:


    Fishing said:

    It is if the Democrats choose a socialist.

    Some polls have Sanders as the most popular Democrat and beating Trump. He could be worth a shot in case Trump screws up disastrously or dies or something and none of the other candidates are exactly brilliant.

    No Teflon Bullshitters (TBs, or Tony Blairs) in sight.
    Polls are not infallible oracles. Sanders will lose and lose heavily in a full Presidential election.
    Polls are not infallible oracles, but they are better than evidence-free assertions.
    Sanders might just carry his home state.
  • Looks like there's going to be a hunk of Bloomberg support available for other candidates. Don't forget also that Tom Steyer has been polling well in some of the upcoming primaries - 15.7% in the RCP average for South Carolina, for example. Is that really going to happen? I'm sceptical, but even if it does, he's not going to be in the race for in any realistic sense for long., so that's a further chunk of support to be distributed elsewhere.

    Looking further ahead, there is the significant probability of Sanders getting more delegates than anyone else but not a majority or a decisive plurality. That is likely to trigger horse-trading and perhaps bring the super-delegates into play. That would would be a very messy and bitter shambles, with Sanders supporters distinctly dischuffed if their man is 'robbed' of the nomination ('robbed' as in 'he lost according to the rules'). That would be great for Trump, of course.

    What I think this means is that the Dem Nom contest is more open than it looks.

    Bernie Sanders' price looks way too short to me. He has to win by knock-out blow as you describe and while that is certainly possible, it doesn't look an 11/10 shot or anything like. It looks less likely if Elizabeth Warren siphons off some of his support.

    Anyway, I've followed up my lay of Michael Bloomberg yesterday with a further lay of Bernie Sanders today. So I'm deep red on the two favourites. Let no one say I play it safe!
  • Fishing said:


    Fishing said:

    It is if the Democrats choose a socialist.

    Some polls have Sanders as the most popular Democrat and beating Trump. He could be worth a shot in case Trump screws up disastrously or dies or something and none of the other candidates are exactly brilliant.

    No Teflon Bullshitters (TBs, or Tony Blairs) in sight.
    Polls are not infallible oracles. Sanders will lose and lose heavily in a full Presidential election.
    Polls are not infallible oracles, but they are better than evidence-free assertions.
    True but it takes zero effort to just respout whatever the polls currently claim.

    Making a real prediction entails saying what you believe and being prepared to back it up with a reason, not just parroting what an opinion poll says today.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,519

    Looks like there's going to be a hunk of Bloomberg support available for other candidates. Don't forget also that Tom Steyer has been polling well in some of the upcoming primaries - 15.7% in the RCP average for South Carolina, for example. Is that really going to happen? I'm sceptical, but even if it does, he's not going to be in the race in any realistic sense for long, so that's a further chunk of support to be distributed elsewhere.

    Looking further ahead, there is the significant probability of Sanders getting more delegates than anyone else but not a majority or a decisive plurality. That is likely to trigger horse-trading and perhaps bring the super-delegates into play. That would would be a very messy and bitter shambles, with Sanders supporters distinctly dischuffed if their man is 'robbed' of the nomination ('robbed' as in 'he lost according to the rules'). That would be great for Trump, of course.

    What I think this means is that the Dem Nom contest is more open than it looks.

    Plus, Trump was not wrong. It's not as easy as some think it is. Despite everyone's views on him, he (Trump) managed to become President of the United States and that is not something that just happens. I can't see him being beaten by any of the Dems candidates.
  • I can’t believe I ever doubted my strategy in this market.

    Biden and Sanders are rubbish.

    I really have no knowledge of US politics but surely the US are not going to re-elect Trump, God forbid

    Who do you think the next President will be
    History suggests Trump will win re-election this November.

    So the next President might well be Mike Pence in 2025.
    Thank you but not sure that is a good outcome
  • The Scottish Tory leader, Jackson Carlaw, plans to lobby Boris Johnson over complaints that Home Office plans for a points-based immigration system could damage Scotland’s economy.

    In his first public statement on Priti Patel’s plans, Carlaw told reporters at Holyrood he has been pressurising the home secretary to relax many of the obstacles to low-skilled, low-waged migrants she plans to introduce.

    Carlaw described Patel’s proposals as a “work in progress”, implying they broke the Scottish party’s manifesto pledges in December’s general election to introduce a system which worked for Scotland, particularly in remote areas suffering depopulation.
  • philiphphiliph Posts: 4,704

    Looks like there's going to be a hunk of Bloomberg support available for other candidates. Don't forget also that Tom Steyer has been polling well in some of the upcoming primaries - 15.7% in the RCP average for South Carolina, for example. Is that really going to happen? I'm sceptical, but even if it does, he's not going to be in the race in any realistic sense for long, so that's a further chunk of support to be distributed elsewhere.

    Looking further ahead, there is the significant probability of Sanders getting more delegates than anyone else but not a majority or a decisive plurality. That is likely to trigger horse-trading and perhaps bring the super-delegates into play. That would would be a very messy and bitter shambles, with Sanders supporters distinctly dischuffed if their man is 'robbed' of the nomination ('robbed' as in 'he lost according to the rules'). That would be great for Trump, of course.

    What I think this means is that the Dem Nom contest is more open than it looks.

    They really need a rule to bar non party members standing for selection. That would change the race.
  • I see the disgraced national security risk has been accused of bullying as well.
  • The Scottish Tory leader, Jackson Carlaw, plans to lobby Boris Johnson over complaints that Home Office plans for a points-based immigration system could damage Scotland’s economy.

    In his first public statement on Priti Patel’s plans, Carlaw told reporters at Holyrood he has been pressurising the home secretary to relax many of the obstacles to low-skilled, low-waged migrants she plans to introduce.

    Carlaw described Patel’s proposals as a “work in progress”, implying they broke the Scottish party’s manifesto pledges in December’s general election to introduce a system which worked for Scotland, particularly in remote areas suffering depopulation.

    If Scotland wants a different policy maybe they should become independent then they can control their own policy.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,519

    I see the disgraced national security risk has been accused of bullying as well.

    Bullyin' surely?
  • What happens when you put people in positions of responsibility that should never have them in the first place. The Once-Disgraced Home Secretary Priti Patel showing her true self:
  • The Scottish Tory leader, Jackson Carlaw, plans to lobby Boris Johnson over complaints that Home Office plans for a points-based immigration system could damage Scotland’s economy.

    In his first public statement on Priti Patel’s plans, Carlaw told reporters at Holyrood he has been pressurising the home secretary to relax many of the obstacles to low-skilled, low-waged migrants she plans to introduce.

    Carlaw described Patel’s proposals as a “work in progress”, implying they broke the Scottish party’s manifesto pledges in December’s general election to introduce a system which worked for Scotland, particularly in remote areas suffering depopulation.

    I'm struggling to picture these would-be immigrants chafing at the bit to be allowed to settle in remote depopulated areas of Scotland.
  • I can’t believe I ever doubted my strategy in this market.

    Biden and Sanders are rubbish.

    I really have no knowledge of US politics but surely the US are not going to re-elect Trump, God forbid

    Who do you think the next President will be
    History suggests Trump will win re-election this November.

    So the next President might well be Mike Pence in 2025.
    Thank you but not sure that is a good outcome
    Neither is Brexit but vox populi, vox Dei.
  • I see the disgraced national security risk has been accused of bullying as well.

    Ahh you beat me to it!
  • IanB2IanB2 Posts: 49,622

    I can’t believe I ever doubted my strategy in this market.

    Biden and Sanders are rubbish.

    I really have no knowledge of US politics but surely the US are not going to re-elect Trump, God forbid

    Who do you think the next President will be
    Surely, when Trump comes out against ‘no deal’, you’ll be cheering him on big time?
  • The Scottish Tory leader, Jackson Carlaw, plans to lobby Boris Johnson over complaints that Home Office plans for a points-based immigration system could damage Scotland’s economy.

    In his first public statement on Priti Patel’s plans, Carlaw told reporters at Holyrood he has been pressurising the home secretary to relax many of the obstacles to low-skilled, low-waged migrants she plans to introduce.

    Carlaw described Patel’s proposals as a “work in progress”, implying they broke the Scottish party’s manifesto pledges in December’s general election to introduce a system which worked for Scotland, particularly in remote areas suffering depopulation.

    If Scotland wants a different policy maybe they should become independent then they can control their own policy.
    No t at all. Jackson Carlaw is making sensible representation and no doubt, will be mirrored by some conservative mps south of the border
  • The Scottish Tory leader, Jackson Carlaw, plans to lobby Boris Johnson over complaints that Home Office plans for a points-based immigration system could damage Scotland’s economy.

    In his first public statement on Priti Patel’s plans, Carlaw told reporters at Holyrood he has been pressurising the home secretary to relax many of the obstacles to low-skilled, low-waged migrants she plans to introduce.

    Carlaw described Patel’s proposals as a “work in progress”, implying they broke the Scottish party’s manifesto pledges in December’s general election to introduce a system which worked for Scotland, particularly in remote areas suffering depopulation.

    I'm struggling to picture these would-be immigrants chafing at the bit to be allowed to settle in remote depopulated areas of Scotland.
    I’m sure there’s a gag to be made about moving refugees from Syria to Glasgow but we’re both better than that.
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    edited February 2020
    Pakistan Super League has started... one of the nice things about watching the coverage on the Asian channels is the localised adverts ,like being in a cinema in the 80s. There is a apparently a chicken outlet called "Pepes" and they shout out a different town each time the ad is played, and tell you the address. So far, Burnley, Leicester, & Cheltenham
  • I see the disgraced national security risk has been accused of bullying as well.

    I haven't yet seen the same outpourings of concern from our resident Leavers about this accusation as was shown about the allegations about John Bercow. I'm worried, lest the pent-up outrage about such appalling treatment should cause them to pop blood vessels. Because it couldn't possibly have been wholly synthetic horror for base partisan reasons, could it?
  • Labour members are still too stupid to listen to the man that actually won them power.
  • speedy2speedy2 Posts: 981
    edited February 2020
    I can see Bloomberg's Buble bursting, but I can not see who will gain from it yet.

    Why would Warren gain at the expense of Sanders when she went after Bloomberg?

    Why would Buttigieg gain after his nasty fights with Klobuchar?

    Biden could be the one but confidence in his candidacy has been badly shaken for months now.

    Right now Bloomberg's articifial vote share could be redistributed to many different candidates.
  • Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

  • I see the disgraced national security risk has been accused of bullying as well.

    I haven't yet seen the same outpourings of concern from our resident Leavers about this accusation as was shown about the allegations about John Bercow. I'm worried, lest the pent-up outrage about such appalling treatment should cause them to pop blood vessels. Because it couldn't possibly have been wholly synthetic horror for base partisan reasons, could it?
    Bercow's allegations were made years ago, investigations were postponed for years until he retired then all that was said was that the allegations should now be investigated before a peerage is bestowed.

    If you're suggesting we should let Patel get on with her job for a decade and then postpone any peerage she might get post-retirement until after a belated allegation then that's an interesting proposal.
  • Looks like there's going to be a hunk of Bloomberg support available for other candidates. Don't forget also that Tom Steyer has been polling well in some of the upcoming primaries - 15.7% in the RCP average for South Carolina, for example. Is that really going to happen? I'm sceptical, but even if it does, he's not going to be in the race for in any realistic sense for long., so that's a further chunk of support to be distributed elsewhere.

    Looking further ahead, there is the significant probability of Sanders getting more delegates than anyone else but not a majority or a decisive plurality. That is likely to trigger horse-trading and perhaps bring the super-delegates into play. That would would be a very messy and bitter shambles, with Sanders supporters distinctly dischuffed if their man is 'robbed' of the nomination ('robbed' as in 'he lost according to the rules'). That would be great for Trump, of course.

    What I think this means is that the Dem Nom contest is more open than it looks.

    Bernie Sanders' price looks way too short to me. He has to win by knock-out blow as you describe and while that is certainly possible, it doesn't look an 11/10 shot or anything like. It looks less likely if Elizabeth Warren siphons off some of his support.

    Anyway, I've followed up my lay of Michael Bloomberg yesterday with a further lay of Bernie Sanders today. So I'm deep red on the two favourites. Let no one say I play it safe!
    That’s exactly what I’ve done.

    (I did it several hours before this post in case anyone thinks I’m a copycat)
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,519

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    Isn't that @Dura_Ace?
  • Looks like there's going to be a hunk of Bloomberg support available for other candidates. Don't forget also that Tom Steyer has been polling well in some of the upcoming primaries - 15.7% in the RCP average for South Carolina, for example. Is that really going to happen? I'm sceptical, but even if it does, he's not going to be in the race for in any realistic sense for long., so that's a further chunk of support to be distributed elsewhere.

    Looking further ahead, there is the significant probability of Sanders getting more delegates than anyone else but not a majority or a decisive plurality. That is likely to trigger horse-trading and perhaps bring the super-delegates into play. That would would be a very messy and bitter shambles, with Sanders supporters distinctly dischuffed if their man is 'robbed' of the nomination ('robbed' as in 'he lost according to the rules'). That would be great for Trump, of course.

    What I think this means is that the Dem Nom contest is more open than it looks.

    Bernie Sanders' price looks way too short to me. He has to win by knock-out blow as you describe and while that is certainly possible, it doesn't look an 11/10 shot or anything like. It looks less likely if Elizabeth Warren siphons off some of his support.

    Anyway, I've followed up my lay of Michael Bloomberg yesterday with a further lay of Bernie Sanders today. So I'm deep red on the two favourites. Let no one say I play it safe!
    That’s exactly what I’ve done.

    (I did it several hours before this post in case anyone thinks I’m a copycat)
    I've remained deeply red on Sanders through the whole thing. Losing hope a bit though that the Dems aren't that stupid as to hand Trump four more years and the destruction of the republic on a plate.
  • Big_G_NorthWalesBig_G_NorthWales Posts: 62,064
    edited February 2020

    Labour members are still too stupid to listen to the man that actually won them power.
    And Corbyn turning up in South Wales demanding Boris calls on cobrra and deals with the floods.

    The numpty needs to understand the Welsh labour government are responsible here in Wales and it is his fellow Corbynista, Mark Drakeford's responsibilty.

    Mind you, he is as useless as Corbyn
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,024
    edited February 2020

    Alistair said:
    I don't know if that works. I'm naturally sympathetic, but it makes me think "With that sort of money at stake, he can hire some expensive lawyers to dodge it". I may well be too pessimistic, but I wonder if voters won't feel similar scepticism.
    Well that's the case with a lot of political promises. I guess it depends on whether even if the voter is sceptical they like the intent behind the promise - I know someone who voted Labour, they say because the broadband policy, even though they said they did not really believe it would be workable. They felt iit showed a good priority, for them at least.
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
  • TheScreamingEaglesTheScreamingEagles Posts: 118,600
    edited February 2020

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    Union Jack has been a Marvel character since the 1970s.

    (Well in three different guises.)
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,024

    Labour members are still too stupid to listen to the man that actually won them power.
    How many Labour PMs do retain positive feeling, out of interest? I assume Attlee at least.
  • Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    Union Jack has been a Marvel character since the 1970s.
    He was a shop steward at Longbridge in those days though.
  • Brilliant, so she's saying that if she becomes Deputy Leader there will be a further raft of defections by Labour MPs. I can see her point.
  • kle4 said:

    Labour members are still too stupid to listen to the man that actually won them power.
    How many Labour PMs do retain positive feeling, out of interest? I assume Attlee at least.
    They should reflect on why the list of PMs is so small.
  • I see the disgraced national security risk has been accused of bullying as well.

    I haven't yet seen the same outpourings of concern from our resident Leavers about this accusation as was shown about the allegations about John Bercow. I'm worried, lest the pent-up outrage about such appalling treatment should cause them to pop blood vessels. Because it couldn't possibly have been wholly synthetic horror for base partisan reasons, could it?
    It's a bit like when there's terrorism involved and the victims are Muslims/perpetrators aren't Muslims isn't it?

    Tumbleweed is thy name.
  • speedy2speedy2 Posts: 981

    I can’t believe I ever doubted my strategy in this market.

    Biden and Sanders are rubbish.

    I really have no knowledge of US politics but surely the US are not going to re-elect Trump, God forbid

    Who do you think the next President will be
    History suggests Trump will win re-election this November.

    So the next President might well be Mike Pence in 2025.
    In case Trump wins you could have the following:

    From the Republican side you can have Pence, DeSandis, some Senator or two, or one of the Trump kids.

    From the Democratic side, Warren, Yang, Klobuchar, Kamala will definitely run again, Beto, Buttigieg, Biden, Bloomberg, Sanders won't.
    Who knows about Booker.
  • Luckyguy1983Luckyguy1983 Posts: 27,759
    edited February 2020
    Haha I absolutely love those new comic characters!

    Grammar is horrible though - hills echoes?
  • Brilliant, so she's saying that if she becomes Deputy Leader there will be a further raft of defections by Labour MPs. I can see her point.
    Labour will be drowning in pledges at this rate.

    It's all some kind of project to exert control by the Left.
  • speedy2 said:

    I can’t believe I ever doubted my strategy in this market.

    Biden and Sanders are rubbish.

    I really have no knowledge of US politics but surely the US are not going to re-elect Trump, God forbid

    Who do you think the next President will be
    History suggests Trump will win re-election this November.

    So the next President might well be Mike Pence in 2025.
    In case Trump wins you could have the following:

    From the Republican side you can have Pence, DeSandis, some Senator or two, or one of the Trump kids.

    From the Democratic side, Warren, Yang, Klobuchar, Kamala will definitely run again, Beto, Buttigieg, Biden, Bloomberg, Sanders won't.
    Who knows about Booker.
    Nikki Haley is the next Republican president.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,519

    I see the disgraced national security risk has been accused of bullying as well.

    I haven't yet seen the same outpourings of concern from our resident Leavers about this accusation as was shown about the allegations about John Bercow. I'm worried, lest the pent-up outrage about such appalling treatment should cause them to pop blood vessels. Because it couldn't possibly have been wholly synthetic horror for base partisan reasons, could it?
    It's a bit like when there's terrorism involved and the victims are Muslims/perpetrators aren't Muslims isn't it?

    Tumbleweed is thy name.
    Hush. It's only an accusation against PP and we know that PB Leavers are proverbially good at waiting for the outcome of any enquiry or investigation before they launch into their vitriolic ramblings.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,024
    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
  • Luckyguy1983Luckyguy1983 Posts: 27,759
    As a PB Leaver, I am officially happy to declare that Priti Patel should not be given an automatic peerage upon leaving office, until all bullying allegations have been fully investigated.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,519

    As a PB Leaver, I am officially happy to declare that Priti Patel should not be given an automatic peerage upon leaving office, until all bullying allegations have been fully investigated.

    Noted. I will pause however while you gather together an appropriate slew of insults against her of the type that were deployed against Bercow when those allegations emerged.
  • speedy2 said:

    I can’t believe I ever doubted my strategy in this market.

    Biden and Sanders are rubbish.

    I really have no knowledge of US politics but surely the US are not going to re-elect Trump, God forbid

    Who do you think the next President will be
    History suggests Trump will win re-election this November.

    So the next President might well be Mike Pence in 2025.
    In case Trump wins you could have the following:

    From the Republican side you can have Pence, DeSandis, some Senator or two, or one of the Trump kids.

    From the Democratic side, Warren, Yang, Klobuchar, Kamala will definitely run again, Beto, Buttigieg, Biden, Bloomberg, Sanders won't.
    Who knows about Booker.
    Nikki Haley is the next Republican president.
    Unlikely, she'll have to spend the entirety of the 2024 primaries/general election campaign denying she gave Donald Trump a blowjob.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,024

    kle4 said:

    Labour members are still too stupid to listen to the man that actually won them power.
    How many Labour PMs do retain positive feeling, out of interest? I assume Attlee at least.
    They should reflect on why the list of PMs is so small.
    Sure, though it could be worse!
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 13,077
    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    So we have a Welsh one, an Irish one, a Scottish one and, er, a British one. Some oversight, surely?
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    Cookie said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    So we have a Welsh one, an Irish one, a Scottish one and, er, a British one. Some oversight, surely?
    Union Jack is English!
  • isam said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    BRITANNIA, surely!
  • Cookie said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    So we have a Welsh one, an Irish one, a Scottish one and, er, a British one. Some oversight, surely?
    2 British.
    I was just going to point that out. I think they have made the rookie error of conflating Union Jack and England (or perhaps they really are being meta satirical).
  • isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    Sinn Fein will be happy with that last cartoon.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,024
    edited February 2020
    TOPPING said:

    As a PB Leaver, I am officially happy to declare that Priti Patel should not be given an automatic peerage upon leaving office, until all bullying allegations have been fully investigated.

    Noted. I will pause however while you gather together an appropriate slew of insults against her of the type that were deployed against Bercow when those allegations emerged.
    Patel, though much derided for many past statements and beliefs, has far fewer rememberable instances of or a public persona focused on belittling people (deservedly or otherwise) which make it easy to believe accusations. That said I can easily believe she is a bully, but for general purposes there is less to go on for a casual observer than with Bercow (though she has other flaws which he does not have as compensation). I hope any bully gets suitable comeuppance and that if she is one that will be her fate, but lacking the lead in time of the Bercow stuff (in addition to the political angle against him and for her) it is not going to be an identical reaction and without a smoking gun will probably take more time to have any effect. After all, there was no effect on Bercow while in office, and its not certain there will be now.
  • brokenwheelbrokenwheel Posts: 3,352
    edited February 2020
    isam said:

    Cookie said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    So we have a Welsh one, an Irish one, a Scottish one and, er, a British one. Some oversight, surely?
    Union Jack is English!
    The Union Jack is British identity, not English. This is typical conflation of Britain and England in an attempt to erase English identity.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,024

    Cookie said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    So we have a Welsh one, an Irish one, a Scottish one and, er, a British one. Some oversight, surely?
    2 British.
    I was just going to point that out. I think they have made the rookie error of conflating Union Jack and England (or perhaps they really are being meta satirical).
    I don't know how someone engaged in such a work could do that in error in this day and age - surely someone at the MarvelUK offices would know even if not everyone did?
  • kinabalukinabalu Posts: 41,276
    That's a very disturbing story about Patel. Perhaps it isn't true but one senses it almost certainly is.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,024

    isam said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    BRITANNIA, surely!
    Looks more like titania to me. Such is comics.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,519
    isam said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    A family pack of Quality Street?
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    kle4 said:

    TOPPING said:

    As a PB Leaver, I am officially happy to declare that Priti Patel should not be given an automatic peerage upon leaving office, until all bullying allegations have been fully investigated.

    Noted. I will pause however while you gather together an appropriate slew of insults against her of the type that were deployed against Bercow when those allegations emerged.
    Patel, though much derided for many past statements and beliefs, has far fewer rememberable instances of or a public persona focused on belittling people (deservedly or otherwise). I can easily believe she is a bully, but for general purposes there is less to go on for a casual observer than with Bercow (though she has other flaws which he does not have as compensation). I hope any bully gets suitable comeuppance and that if she is one that will be her fate, but lacking the lead in time of the Bercow stuff (in addition to the political angle against him and for her) it is not going to be an identical reaction and without a smoking gun will probably take more time to have any effect. After all, there was no effect on Bercow while in office, and its not certain there will be now.
    She seems to be the Emmanuel Goldstein of the month for Remain voters who aren't over it's 2 mins hate. "Why doesn't she get stick like Diane Abbott?" was last week, now it's Bercow.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,024
    isam said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    The captions are just golden. Why would she do that? Why did she bring them that? How are those shield eyes glowing?
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    TOPPING said:

    isam said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    A family pack of Quality Street?
  • Looks like there's going to be a hunk of Bloomberg support available for other candidates. Don't forget also that Tom Steyer has been polling well in some of the upcoming primaries - 15.7% in the RCP average for South Carolina, for example. Is that really going to happen? I'm sceptical, but even if it does, he's not going to be in the race for in any realistic sense for long., so that's a further chunk of support to be distributed elsewhere.

    Looking further ahead, there is the significant probability of Sanders getting more delegates than anyone else but not a majority or a decisive plurality. That is likely to trigger horse-trading and perhaps bring the super-delegates into play. That would would be a very messy and bitter shambles, with Sanders supporters distinctly dischuffed if their man is 'robbed' of the nomination ('robbed' as in 'he lost according to the rules'). That would be great for Trump, of course.

    What I think this means is that the Dem Nom contest is more open than it looks.

    Bernie Sanders' price looks way too short to me. He has to win by knock-out blow as you describe and while that is certainly possible, it doesn't look an 11/10 shot or anything like. It looks less likely if Elizabeth Warren siphons off some of his support.

    Anyway, I've followed up my lay of Michael Bloomberg yesterday with a further lay of Bernie Sanders today. So I'm deep red on the two favourites. Let no one say I play it safe!
    That’s exactly what I’ve done.

    (I did it several hours before this post in case anyone thinks I’m a copycat)
    I've remained deeply red on Sanders through the whole thing. Losing hope a bit though that the Dems aren't that stupid as to hand Trump four more years and the destruction of the republic on a plate.
    I think the question is whether, if Sanders scoops up only 35% of the delegates, whether all the other Democratic delegates fold and rally round him in the unbound vote that follows, or whether they go for a compromise candidate.

    I think it really depends on the national polling face-ups with Trump. And that there’s consensus on who that compromise candidate could be.

    I’m willing to speculate a liability of £500 on it at current odds. But there’s a good chance I lose because it might just be easier for the convention to say yes to Sanders in a very divided moderate field, and with national face ups not looking decisive either way.
  • IshmaelZIshmaelZ Posts: 21,830

    Cookie said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?


    I think they're serious

    These are hilarious, I love it.
    So we have a Welsh one, an Irish one, a Scottish one and, er, a British one. Some oversight, surely?
    2 British.
    I was just going to point that out. I think they have made the rookie error of conflating Union Jack and England (or perhaps they really are being meta satirical).
    It says Ingerland in small letters under Union Jack.
  • kle4 said:

    Cookie said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    So we have a Welsh one, an Irish one, a Scottish one and, er, a British one. Some oversight, surely?
    2 British.
    I was just going to point that out. I think they have made the rookie error of conflating Union Jack and England (or perhaps they really are being meta satirical).
    I don't know how someone engaged in such a work could do that in error in this day and age - surely someone at the MarvelUK offices would know even if not everyone did?
    Perhaps the 'finding out which country he's really fighting for' involves UJ transforming to Cross George.

    'Cross? I'm fcuking fuming!'
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118

    isam said:

    Cookie said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    So we have a Welsh one, an Irish one, a Scottish one and, er, a British one. Some oversight, surely?
    Union Jack is English!
    The Union Jack is British identity, not English. This is typical conflation of Britain and England in an attempt to erase English identity.
    Well I know that, but it says "England" under his name on the picture, so he is the English character I'd say
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,024

    kle4 said:

    Cookie said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    So we have a Welsh one, an Irish one, a Scottish one and, er, a British one. Some oversight, surely?
    2 British.
    I was just going to point that out. I think they have made the rookie error of conflating Union Jack and England (or perhaps they really are being meta satirical).
    I don't know how someone engaged in such a work could do that in error in this day and age - surely someone at the MarvelUK offices would know even if not everyone did?
    Perhaps the 'finding out which country he's really fighting for' involves UJ transforming to Cross George.

    'Cross? I'm fcuking fuming!'
    I honestly think you might be correct.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,024
    edited February 2020

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    Sinn Fein will be happy with that last cartoon.
    Better for a US market then?

    Edit: I hope they don't make any changes to these after what I am sure will be intense internet mockery, I haven't chuckled like this for ages.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,519
    isam said:

    isam said:

    Cookie said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    So we have a Welsh one, an Irish one, a Scottish one and, er, a British one. Some oversight, surely?
    Union Jack is English!
    The Union Jack is British identity, not English. This is typical conflation of Britain and England in an attempt to erase English identity.
    Well I know that, but it says "England" under his name on the picture, so he is the English character I'd say
    If Jason Statham plays him in the inevitable film they might have to rename the character Turkish. For proper, authentic Englishness.
  • brokenwheelbrokenwheel Posts: 3,352
    edited February 2020
  • QuincelQuincel Posts: 4,042

    I think the question is whether, if Sanders scoops up only 35% of the delegates, whether all the other Democratic delegates fold and rally round him in the unbound vote that follows, or whether they go for a compromise candidate.

    I think it really depends on the national polling face-ups with Trump. And that there’s consensus on who that compromise candidate could be.

    I’m willing to speculate a liability of £500 on it at current odds. But there’s a good chance I lose because it might just be easier for the convention to say yes to Sanders in a very divided moderate field, and with national face ups not looking decisive either way.

    I suspect the delegates will be reasonable on this because they won't act in a way which appears too unfair. If Sanders wins 40% of the delegates and 3 other candidates are on 15/20/25% each then he's a clear leader and I expect lots of briefing and intrigue but for him to ultimately win fairly easily. But if he leads 40% to 35% and a bunch of moderate candidates have the other delegates then it's just not as unreasonable to argue Sanders hasn't 'won' the race.
  • kle4kle4 Posts: 95,024
    I've never liked Blair, but he is a good speaker and able to concisely set out his ideas well.
  • TOPPING said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Cookie said:

    kle4 said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    isam said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    I think they're serious
    These are hilarious, I love it.
    So we have a Welsh one, an Irish one, a Scottish one and, er, a British one. Some oversight, surely?
    Union Jack is English!
    The Union Jack is British identity, not English. This is typical conflation of Britain and England in an attempt to erase English identity.
    Well I know that, but it says "England" under his name on the picture, so he is the English character I'd say
    If Jason Statham plays him in the inevitable film they might have to rename the character Turkish. For proper, authentic Englishness.
    Union Jack’s real name would be Mohammed Faisal.

    That’ll get the Ain’t No Black in the Union Jack John Bullers excited.
  • TOPPING said:

    Ok lads, my antennae are way off on this one; is it some meta satirical take on Britishness/Englishness, or is it just wank?

    Isn't that @Dura_Ace?
    Isn't it @HYUFD getting ready to put down SindyRef2 ?
  • sladeslade Posts: 1,989
    Back from my travels. Only one bye-election - in Middlesbrough. The former Tory councillor has been charged with sex offences so should be a Labour gain. But Labour are on the floor in Teesside Could be a surprise Independent win?
This discussion has been closed.