Any Conservative relying on any opposition votes to pass anything has a screw loose. As was stated earlier a pile of horse manure with a red rosette on it would be heartily backed by labour, but a Tory cure all of cancer would be the wrong sort! GE to be called for December!
Why was the vote trailed as being "close" by various bods when it was plain as the day is light the Gov't would get nowhere near if Phil Hammond is abstaining ?
A fear that some Labour Leaver MPs/MPs in Leave areas might not back the amendment.
Ah. That old chestnut. The dog which doesn't bark. Merely opens one eye and goes back to sleep.
If we all had £1 for every time someone on here incorrectly predicted that Labour rebels would rescue Brexit we would all be able to retire to a nice sunny country in the EU from which vantage point to observe the wreckage of the UK.
Indeed. It was only Hoey today. That is the absolute hardcore.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
Boris Johnson repeatedly voted against the Withdrawal Agreement, so looks like he's going to deselected.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
When Boris wins a landslide next week it will be clear you are if you refuse to accept the Brexit vote, you even voted LD in 2017 so are already almost there
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
So there's now no place in the party for people who are not pro-Brexit and pro-Boris?
Labour MP says there are rumours the government may pull the whole NI bill. Speaker says it would be unlikely and he has heard nothing of such. Government ministers in the house shake their heads and confirm no such plan.
Regarding the attempt to block prorogation, isn't there a very easy work around even if the amendment passes? Simply push back royal assent for the Northern Ireland bill until early November.
The debate around prorogation is a complete red kipper. Why exactly would Boris want to do so? Or, turning the question round, what is it that the Commons could do that he is supposed to be so scared of?
- It will be very difficult to pass a Cooper II given the lack of opportunity for MPs to grab control of parliamentary business as they did before; - Even if MPs do gain control, a Cooper II cannot necessarily direct the government to request and accept an A50 extension, never mind the EU - Cooper I didn't and only achieved its ends because May was happy to play along; - There are not the numbers for a Revoke Act
So what would proroguing prevent?
This motion is parliament's shot across the Johnson regime's bows. All governments like to ignore parliament. This says to Johnson, don't try it.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
I think the party belongs to people like him now.
Like the Jedi at the end of Revenge of the Sith, we're biding our time and we will be back.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
So there's now no place in the party for people who are not pro-Brexit and pro-Boris?
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
When Boris wins a landslide next week it will be clear you are if you refuse to accept the Brexit vote, you even voted LD in 2017 so are already almost there
Meanwhile you are also in the wrong party. It is a leave party and you are a Remainer. They don't want you and your sort. Perhaps the LDs for you? Or Greens?
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
So there's now no place in the party for people who are not pro-Brexit and pro-Boris?
There is still a place for Hunt supporters prepared to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal, however for those who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement, voted against No Deal and voted against proroguing Parliament to ensure Brecit there is no place.
Either they sod off to the LDs or we will have to kick them out.
On that front at least we can learn some lessons from Momentum
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
I think the party belongs to people like him now.
Remember he is a remainer. Strictly, the party belongs to the people whom he is now trying to be like.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
At least these people have principles. Unlike the Brexiteers who will crash and burn the economy just to get blue passports and be "free". Completely irresponsible and mad.
Good luck with that . Deselecting will see them resign the whip and the Tories are then totally screwed .
Nope, far better to get rid of the traitors and clean the stables to win back Brexit Party voters
By that definition you are a traitor. A filthy, despicable, Remain-voting traitor. If you think you are a Conservative, having voted Remain you are very much mistaken.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
When Boris wins a landslide next week it will be clear you are if you refuse to accept the Brexit vote, you even voted LD in 2017 so are already almost there
Meanwhile you are also in the wrong party. It is a leave party and you are a Remainer. They don't want you and your sort. Perhaps the LDs for you? Or Greens?
I backed the Withdrawal Agreement and I now back Brexit Deal or No Deal on October 31st.
Remainers who respect democracy are still welcome, those who defy the will of the people are not
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
So there's now no place in the party for people who are not pro-Brexit and pro-Boris?
There is still a place for Hunt supporters prepared to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal, however for those who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement, voted against No Deal and voted agsinst proroguing Parliament to ensure Brecit there is no place.
Either they did off to the LDs or we will have to kick them out.
On that front at least we can learn some lessons from Momentum
No place for remainers either. Off you go sunshine.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
It's a shame Stalin is no longer with us to fill one of the vacancies.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
When Boris wins a landslide next week it will be clear you are if you refuse to accept the Brexit vote, you even voted LD in 2017 so are already almost there
Meanwhile you are also in the wrong party. It is a leave party and you are a Remainer. They don't want you and your sort. Perhaps the LDs for you? Or Greens?
I backed the Withdrawal Agreement and I now back Brexit Deal or No Deal on October 31st.
Remainers who respect democracy are still welcome, those who defy the will of the people are not
Nah, you are a remainer and hence you are in the wrong party. If you haven't worked that out by now (you indeed have been the most vociferous about it) then you really need to get a clue.
Nothing to be embarrassed about but the Conservative Party is not the place for remainers like you.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
So there's now no place in the party for people who are not pro-Brexit and pro-Boris?
There is still a place for Hunt supporters prepared to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal, however for those who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement, voted against No Deal and voted agsinst proroguing Parliament to ensure Brecit there is no place.
Either they did off to the LDs or we will have to kick them out.
On that front at least we can learn some lessons from Momentum
How many of the rebels on this vote, voted for the WA before Boris did?
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
When Boris wins a landslide next week it will be clear you are if you refuse to accept the Brexit vote, you even voted LD in 2017 so are already almost there
Meanwhile you are also in the wrong party. It is a leave party and you are a Remainer. They don't want you and your sort. Perhaps the LDs for you? Or Greens?
I backed the Withdrawal Agreement and I now back Brexit Deal or No Deal on October 31st.
Remainers who respect democracy are still welcome, those who defy the will of the people are not
You supported the modern day equivalent of the Treaty of Versailles. Once a Remainer, always a Remainer.
There is still a place for Hunt supporters prepared to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal, however for those who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement, voted against No Deal and voted agsinst proroguing Parliament to ensure Brecit there is no place.
Either they did off to the LDs or we will have to kick them out.
On that front at least we can learn some lessons from Momentum
Yes, but the lessons that you should learn from Momentum are the complete opposite of what you think they are.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
I think the party belongs to people like him now.
Like the Jedi at the end of Revenge of the Sith, we're biding our time and we will be back.
Isn't quoting from SW Episodes I-III a PB sin on a par with eating pineapple on pizza? (Which is delicious, by the way).
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
So there's now no place in the party for people who are not pro-Brexit and pro-Boris?
There is still a place for Hunt supporters prepared to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal, however for those who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement, voted against No Deal and voted agsinst proroguing Parliament to ensure Brecit there is no place.
Either they did off to the LDs or we will have to kick them out.
On that front at least we can learn some lessons from Momentum
No place for remainers either. Off you go sunshine.
Nope, Remainers who respect democracy and the delivery of Brexit are welcome, those who do not can sod off to the LDs
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
When Boris wins a landslide next week it will be clear you are if you refuse to accept the Brexit vote, you even voted LD in 2017 so are already almost there
Meanwhile you are also in the wrong party. It is a leave party and you are a Remainer. They don't want you and your sort. Perhaps the LDs for you? Or Greens?
I backed the Withdrawal Agreement and I now back Brexit Deal or No Deal on October 31st.
Remainers who respect democracy are still welcome, those who defy the will of the people are not
Nah, you are a remainer and hence you are in the wrong party. If you haven't worked that out by now (you indeed have been the most vociferous about it) then you really need to get a clue.
Nothing to be embarrassed about but the Conservative Party is not the place for remainers like you.
Give it a rest; we certainly don’t want him pushed in our direction, thanks.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
I think the party belongs to people like him now.
Like the Jedi at the end of Revenge of the Sith, we're biding our time and we will be back.
Isn't quoting from SW Episodes I-III a PB sin on a par with eating pineapple on pizza? (Which is delicious, by the way).
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
So there's now no place in the party for people who are not pro-Brexit and pro-Boris?
There is still a place for Hunt supporters prepared to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal, however for those who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement, voted against No Deal and voted agsinst proroguing Parliament to ensure Brecit there is no place.
Either they did off to the LDs or we will have to kick them out.
On that front at least we can learn some lessons from Momentum
No place for remainers either. Off you go sunshine.
Nope, Remainers who respect democracy and the delivery of Brexit are welcome, those who do not can sod off to the LDs
Very very sadly you do not get to determine which remainers are and which remainers are not welcome in the Conservative Party. None are. You are a remainer and therefore you are not welcome. It really is that simple. Remainers simply have the wrong mindset to fit in to current Conservative Party policy.
But not to worry, plenty more parties out there all of which would I'm sure appreciate such a tireless and dedicated foot soldier as you evidently are. Sadly it won't be the Conservatives.
So it seems like the PB consensus is moving against an early election, but with prorogation of Parliament being dealt a big blow here it really seems like a snap election is Boris's only way out. He needs to go to the country ASAP and win a mandate for no deal or go down trying. If October 31 passes he will never be forgiven by his own and will be rebranded as a traitorous remainer in brexiteers clothing. He simply has to Brexit by the 31st and without being able to just shut down parliament he only has the option of challenging Corbyn to an election (who could indeed try and string it out past November but may prefer to just say yes than risk looking frit).
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
So there's now no place in the party for people who are not pro-Brexit and pro-Boris?
There is still a place for Hunt supporters prepared to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal, however for those who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement, voted against No Deal and voted agsinst proroguing Parliament to ensure Brecit there is no place.
Either they did off to the LDs or we will have to kick them out.
On that front at least we can learn some lessons from Momentum
No place for remainers either. Off you go sunshine.
Nope, Remainers who respect democracy and the delivery of Brexit are welcome, those who do not can sod off to the LDs
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
So there's now no place in the party for people who are not pro-Brexit and pro-Boris?
There is still a place for Hunt supporters prepared to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal, however for those who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement, voted against No Deal and voted agsinst proroguing Parliament to ensure Brecit there is no place.
Either they did off to the LDs or we will have to kick them out.
On that front at least we can learn some lessons from Momentum
No place for remainers either. Off you go sunshine.
Nope, Remainers who respect democracy and the delivery of Brexit are welcome, those who do not can sod off to the LDs
Or - "if you don't agree with me on pushing for no deal, bugger off" - I'm not sure that's an election winning strategy. Complete graveyard for the Tories in London and large parts of the commuter land SE, plus Scotland and Wales too.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
So there's now no place in the party for people who are not pro-Brexit and pro-Boris?
There is still a place for Hunt supporters prepared to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal, however for those who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement, voted against No Deal and voted agsinst proroguing Parliament to ensure Brecit there is no place.
Either they did off to the LDs or we will have to kick them out.
On that front at least we can learn some lessons from Momentum
No place for remainers either. Off you go sunshine.
Nope, Remainers who respect democracy and the delivery of Brexit are welcome, those who do not can sod off to the LDs
Why did you vote Remain, HYUFD?
I campaigned against the Euro in 2001 and had that been on the table I would have voted Leave, I voted Remain with reservations for the status quo with the opt outs.
However I respect a majority voted Leave and we must now respect that vote and deliver the Brexit which regains sovereignty and border control and enables global free trade deals as Leavers voted for
Very very sadly you do not get to determine which remainers are and which remainers are not welcome in the Conservative Party. None are. You are a remainer and therefore you are not welcome. It really is that simple. Remainers simply have the wrong mindset to fit in to current Conservative Party policy.
But not to worry, plenty more parties out there all of which would I'm sure appreciate such a tireless and dedicated foot soldier as you evidently are. Sadly it won't be for the Conservatives.
The way HYUFD instinctively backed Theresa May's European Treaty just shows he is still a diehard Remainer under the skin. True Brexit supporters who respect the will of the people know that you need to be on the lookout for establishment betrayal instead of meekly supporting it.
Interesting point here. Of the various and numerous hotchpotch of independents in the House, only Ian Austin supported the Government. Another route to a Boris VONC win appears less possible right now.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
When Boris wins a landslide next week it will be clear you are if you refuse to accept the Brexit vote, you even voted LD in 2017 so are already almost there
Meanwhile you are also in the wrong party. It is a leave party and you are a Remainer. They don't want you and your sort. Perhaps the LDs for you? Or Greens?
I backed the Withdrawal Agreement and I now back Brexit Deal or No Deal on October 31st.
Remainers who respect democracy are still welcome, those who defy the will of the people are not
Well, it has always been my concern that quasi-fascists would take over the Conservative Party. You are a frothing nutter. A remainer who has had a damascene conversion to the Cult of the Charlatan, and the Death Cult of Brexit. You are to be pitied as a man of very little brain who blindly follows his master to destruction. You are definitely not a Conservative, that is for sure. The real Conservatives will eventually rise again from the ashes that have been generated by fools such as you, but it may be a while.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
So there's now no place in the party for people who are not pro-Brexit and pro-Boris?
There is still a place for Hunt supporters prepared to deliver Brexit Deal or No Deal, however for those who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement, voted against No Deal and voted agsinst proroguing Parliament to ensure Brecit there is no place.
Either they did off to the LDs or we will have to kick them out.
On that front at least we can learn some lessons from Momentum
No place for remainers either. Off you go sunshine.
Nope, Remainers who respect democracy and the delivery of Brexit are welcome, those who do not can sod off to the LDs
Why did you vote Remain, HYUFD?
I campaigned against the Euro in 2001 and had that been on the table I would have voted Leave, I voted Remain with reservations for the status quo with the opt outs.
However I respect a majority voted Leave and we must now respect that vote and deliver the Brexit which regains sovereignty and border control and enables global free trade deals as Leavers voted for
What a shame that as a remainer you have forfeited the right to be in the Conservative Party as it tries to do some of those things.
So it seems like the PB consensus is moving against an early election, but with prorogation of Parliament being dealt a big blow here it really seems like a snap election is Boris's only way out. He needs to go to the country ASAP and win a mandate for no deal or go down trying. If October 31 passes he will never be forgiven by his own and will be rebranded as a traitorous remainer in brexiteers clothing. He simply has to Brexit by the 31st and without being able to just shut down parliament he only has the option of challenging Corbyn to an election (who could indeed try and string it out past November but may prefer to just say yes than risk looking frit).
Boris will still try and prorogue Parliament in late October for a November Queen's Speech or else try and call a general election to get a mandate for Brexit yes, with diehard Remainers deselected from the candidates list.
He will not agree to extend, Parliament will have to VONC him and force an election anyway first
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
When Boris wins a landslide next week it will be clear you are if you refuse to accept the Brexit vote, you even voted LD in 2017 so are already almost there
Meanwhile you are also in the wrong party. It is a leave party and you are a Remainer. They don't want you and your sort. Perhaps the LDs for you? Or Greens?
I backed the Withdrawal Agreement and I now back Brexit Deal or No Deal on October 31st.
Remainers who respect democracy are still welcome, those who defy the will of the people are not
You supported the modern day equivalent of the Treaty of Versailles. Once a Remainer, always a Remainer.
Very very sadly you do not get to determine which remainers are and which remainers are not welcome in the Conservative Party. None are. You are a remainer and therefore you are not welcome. It really is that simple. Remainers simply have the wrong mindset to fit in to current Conservative Party policy.
But not to worry, plenty more parties out there all of which would I'm sure appreciate such a tireless and dedicated foot soldier as you evidently are. Sadly it won't be for the Conservatives.
The way HYUFD instinctively backed Theresa May's European Treaty just shows he is still a diehard Remainer under the skin. True Brexit supporters who respect the will of the people know that you need to be on the lookout for establishment betrayal instead of meekly supporting it.
I'm afraid that is so. @Philip_Thompson will soon set the likes of @HYUFD right about the merits of the Withdrawal Agreement and what he thinks of those who support it.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
Soldiers who die for their cause are hailed as heroes. Politicians who die politically for the cause in which they believe are also heroes. You may not agree with them, but they are heroes.
They are fighting for what they believe to be right, and if some of their so-called leaders had the courage to do that we would not be in the mess that we are.
Mike isn't considering the fact that several Tory MPs may resign the whip in response to a No Deal Boris premiership. And despite the fact that many Labour MPs dislike Corbyn, they can hardly be seen to support Boris in a VoNC. So I think one is more likely to pass than he suggests.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
When Boris wins a landslide next week it will be clear you are if you refuse to accept the Brexit vote, you even voted LD in 2017 so are already almost there
Meanwhile you are also in the wrong party. It is a leave party and you are a Remainer. They don't want you and your sort. Perhaps the LDs for you? Or Greens?
I backed the Withdrawal Agreement and I now back Brexit Deal or No Deal on October 31st.
Remainers who respect democracy are still welcome, those who defy the will of the people are not
You supported the modern day equivalent of the Treaty of Versailles. Once a Remainer, always a Remainer.
Polls show most Leavers back the Withdrawal Agreement or No Deal, it is Remainers who oppose both
Not true leavers. Not the @Viceroys and @Philip_Thompsons. They don't back it and they (well the former, as he himself has just pronounced) are what the Conservative Party is these days. You don't belong.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
When Boris wins a landslide next week it will be clear you are if you refuse to accept the Brexit vote, you even voted LD in 2017 so are already almost there
Meanwhile you are also in the wrong party. It is a leave party and you are a Remainer. They don't want you and your sort. Perhaps the LDs for you? Or Greens?
I backed the Withdrawal Agreement and I now back Brexit Deal or No Deal on October 31st.
Remainers who respect democracy are still welcome, those who defy the will of the people are not
You supported the modern day equivalent of the Treaty of Versailles. Once a Remainer, always a Remainer.
Polls show most Leavers back the Withdrawal Agreement or No Deal, it is Remainers who oppose both
Not true leavers. Not the @Viceroys and @Philip_Thompsons. They don't back it and they (well the former, as he has just himself pronounced) are what the Conservative Party is these days. You don't belong.
I wonder if the sane conservatives, those that voted remain and refuse to support no deal are treated like this on Friday and Saturday constituency events are they told to fuck off and join the lib dems or is it that the vocal few on here really are a minority.
So it seems like the PB consensus is moving against an early election, but with prorogation of Parliament being dealt a big blow here it really seems like a snap election is Boris's only way out. He needs to go to the country ASAP and win a mandate for no deal or go down trying. If October 31 passes he will never be forgiven by his own and will be rebranded as a traitorous remainer in brexiteers clothing. He simply has to Brexit by the 31st and without being able to just shut down parliament he only has the option of challenging Corbyn to an election (who could indeed try and string it out past November but may prefer to just say yes than risk looking frit).
I don't think you can assume the same majority for VoNC as there was for today's amendment; this was a safe space for MPs to vent their frustrations, something more substantive might not be. If BoJo does not positively request an extension by 23:00 on the 31st October, we're out. I haven't yet seen a plausible mechanism that this House is likely to deliver that stops that. Like David H, I'm not sure today's vote means as much as some people think it does.
Oh, and HYUFD - breathe. Go sit down, have a cup of tea and a biscuit. Please.
So it seems like the PB consensus is moving against an early election, but with prorogation of Parliament being dealt a big blow here it really seems like a snap election is Boris's only way out. He needs to go to the country ASAP and win a mandate for no deal or go down trying. If October 31 passes he will never be forgiven by his own and will be rebranded as a traitorous remainer in brexiteers clothing. He simply has to Brexit by the 31st and without being able to just shut down parliament he only has the option of challenging Corbyn to an election (who could indeed try and string it out past November but may prefer to just say yes than risk looking frit).
Boris will still try and prorogue Parliament in late October for a November Queen's Speech or else try and call a general election to get a mandate for Brexit yes, with diehard Remainers deselected from the candidates list.
He will not agree to extend, Parliament will have to VONC him and force an election anyway first
If you were taking over leadership of the party, what would you do?
So it seems like the PB consensus is moving against an early election, but with prorogation of Parliament being dealt a big blow here it really seems like a snap election is Boris's only way out. He needs to go to the country ASAP and win a mandate for no deal or go down trying. If October 31 passes he will never be forgiven by his own and will be rebranded as a traitorous remainer in brexiteers clothing. He simply has to Brexit by the 31st and without being able to just shut down parliament he only has the option of challenging Corbyn to an election (who could indeed try and string it out past November but may prefer to just say yes than risk looking frit).
Boris will still try and prorogue Parliament in late October for a November Queen's Speech or else try and call a general election to get a mandate for Brexit yes, with diehard Remainers deselected from the candidates list.
He will not agree to extend, Parliament will have to VONC him and force an election anyway first
This proroguing business is a sideshow. Boris is going to try for a deal.
My weighted predix:
1. VONC & new election or GONU, 40% 2. No Deal, 30% 3. Deal, 30%
As a branch of (1) I think the chances of an election BEFORE October are as high as 25%.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
When Boris wins a landslide next week it will be clear you are if you refuse to accept the Brexit vote, you even voted LD in 2017 so are already almost there
Meanwhile you are also in the wrong party. It is a leave party and you are a Remainer. They don't want you and your sort. Perhaps the LDs for you? Or Greens?
I backed the Withdrawal Agreement and I now back Brexit Deal or No Deal on October 31st.
Remainers who respect democracy are still welcome, those who defy the will of the people are not
You supported the modern day equivalent of the Treaty of Versailles. Once a Remainer, always a Remainer.
Polls show most Leavers back the Withdrawal Agreement or No Deal, it is Remainers who oppose both
Not true leavers. Not the @Viceroys and @Philip_Thompsons. They don't back it and they (well the former, as he has just himself pronounced) are what the Conservative Party is these days. You don't belong.
Don't those two back no deal?
Well exactly. @HYUFD was not only a remainer, but backed the Withdrawal Agreement. As @Viceroy has just confirmed, the Conservative Party is not one where the likes of @HYUFD is welcome.
Well, it has always been my concern that quasi-fascists would take over the Conservative Party. You are a frothing nutter. A remainer who has had a damascene conversion to the Cult of the Charlatan, and the Death Cult of Brexit. You are to be pitied as a man of very little brain who blindly follows his master to destruction. You are definitely not a Conservative, that is for sure. The real Conservatives will eventually rise again from the ashes that have been generated by fools such as you, but it may be a while.
Let me guess. You call yourself a Conservative, but you support Remain/Gay Marriage/Foreign Aid/Interventionism/Paris Agreement/Comprehensive Education. The delusion amongst Cameroons really is tragic to see - just look at how out of touch you are with your own party.
You're not a Conseravative. You're a confused Liberal Democrat. But don't worry, we Kippers (entryists) are working on it so that you'll be able to join the yellow team and come out and be yourselves.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
What a good question.
Yet another reminder that we can't allow parties and elections to be co-opted by the single issue of Brexit. No-one is learning from May's mistake.
Well, it has always been my concern that quasi-fascists would take over the Conservative Party. You are a frothing nutter. A remainer who has had a damascene conversion to the Cult of the Charlatan, and the Death Cult of Brexit. You are to be pitied as a man of very little brain who blindly follows his master to destruction. You are definitely not a Conservative, that is for sure. The real Conservatives will eventually rise again from the ashes that have been generated by fools such as you, but it may be a while.
Let me guess. You call yourself a Conservative, but you support Remain/Gay Marriage/Foreign Aid/Interventionism/Paris Agreement/Comprehensive Education. The delusion amongst Cameroons really is tragic to see - just look at how out of touch you are with your own party.
You're not a Conseravative. You're a confused Liberal Democrat. But don't worry, we Kippers (entryists) are working on it so that you'll be able to join the yellow team and come out and be yourselves.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
They will be deselected, Grieve and Gyimah have already lost no confidence votes in their Associations. This act will be the final straw, they must be thrown out of the party and replaced with pro Brexit and pro Boris candidates instead
You sound very much like some of the more ideological Corbynites.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
When Boris wins a landslide next week it will be clear you are if you refuse to accept the Brexit vote, you even voted LD in 2017 so are already almost there
Meanwhile you are also in the wrong party. It is a leave party and you are a Remainer. They don't want you and your sort. Perhaps the LDs for you? Or Greens?
I backed the Withdrawal Agreement and I now back Brexit Deal or No Deal on October 31st.
Remainers who respect democracy are still welcome, those who defy the will of the people are not
You supported the modern day equivalent of the Treaty of Versailles. Once a Remainer, always a Remainer.
Polls show most Leavers back the Withdrawal Agreement or No Deal, it is Remainers who oppose both
Not true leavers. Not the @Viceroys and @Philip_Thompsons. They don't back it and they (well the former, as he has just himself pronounced) are what the Conservative Party is these days. You don't belong.
Don't those two back no deal?
Well exactly. @HYUFD was not only a remainer, but backed the Withdrawal Agreement. As @Viceroy has just confirmed, the Conservative Party is not one where the likes of @HYUFD is welcome.
Ah, I think you edited your post as previously it implied that those two didn't support either the WA or No Deal.
Well, it has always been my concern that quasi-fascists would take over the Conservative Party. You are a frothing nutter. A remainer who has had a damascene conversion to the Cult of the Charlatan, and the Death Cult of Brexit. You are to be pitied as a man of very little brain who blindly follows his master to destruction. You are definitely not a Conservative, that is for sure. The real Conservatives will eventually rise again from the ashes that have been generated by fools such as you, but it may be a while.
Let me guess. You call yourself a Conservative, but you support Remain/Gay Marriage/Foreign Aid/Interventionism/Paris Agreement/Comprehensive Education. The delusion amongst Cameroons really is tragic to see - just look at how out of touch you are with your own party.
You're not a Conseravative. You're a confused Liberal Democrat. But don't worry, we Kippers (entryists) are working on it so that you'll be able to join the yellow team and come out and be yourselves.
Good luck with that . Deselecting will see them resign the whip and the Tories are then totally screwed .
Nope, far better to get rid of the traitors and clean the stables to win back Brexit Party voters
You know what, I used to think you were just a deluded, gullible, intellectually challenged figure of fun. But when morons like you use phrases such as "traitors" for people that have given a life of service to their party and nation, I realise that you deserve nothing less than contempt. You are a worthless little worm with as much understanding as to what it means to be a Conservative as Jeremy Corbyn. You are completely beneath contempt.
So it seems like the PB consensus is moving against an early election, but with prorogation of Parliament being dealt a big blow here it really seems like a snap election is Boris's only way out. He needs to go to the country ASAP and win a mandate for no deal or go down trying. If October 31 passes he will never be forgiven by his own and will be rebranded as a traitorous remainer in brexiteers clothing. He simply has to Brexit by the 31st and without being able to just shut down parliament he only has the option of challenging Corbyn to an election (who could indeed try and string it out past November but may prefer to just say yes than risk looking frit).
Boris will still try and prorogue Parliament in late October for a November Queen's Speech or else try and call a general election to get a mandate for Brexit yes, with diehard Remainers deselected from the candidates list.
He will not agree to extend, Parliament will have to VONC him and force an election anyway first
This proroguing business is a sideshow. Boris is going to try for a deal.
My weighted predix:
1. VONC & new election or GONU, 40% 2. No Deal, 30% 3. Deal, 30%
As a branch of (1) I think the chances of an election BEFORE October are as high as 25%.
so there is a 25% chance Boris will call an election a week today?
Nor Clark, Gauke, Hammond, S, Stewart or Soames. There are enough One Nation Tories left who haven't sold out (Rudd, Morgan seem to have) to make life difficult for Johnson. They're now (or will be) backbenchers freed from collective responsibility.
So it seems like the PB consensus is moving against an early election, but with prorogation of Parliament being dealt a big blow here it really seems like a snap election is Boris's only way out. He needs to go to the country ASAP and win a mandate for no deal or go down trying. If October 31 passes he will never be forgiven by his own and will be rebranded as a traitorous remainer in brexiteers clothing. He simply has to Brexit by the 31st and without being able to just shut down parliament he only has the option of challenging Corbyn to an election (who could indeed try and string it out past November but may prefer to just say yes than risk looking frit).
Boris will still try and prorogue Parliament in late October for a November Queen's Speech or else try and call a general election to get a mandate for Brexit yes, with diehard Remainers deselected from the candidates list.
He will not agree to extend, Parliament will have to VONC him and force an election anyway first
This proroguing business is a sideshow. Boris is going to try for a deal.
My weighted predix:
1. VONC & new election or GONU, 40% 2. No Deal, 30% 3. Deal, 30%
As a branch of (1) I think the chances of an election BEFORE October are as high as 25%.
so there is a 25% chance Boris will call an election a week today?
I think there is a decent chance of one being called by September, and delivered before November, yes.
Good luck with that . Deselecting will see them resign the whip and the Tories are then totally screwed .
Nope, far better to get rid of the traitors and clean the stables to win back Brexit Party voters
You know what, I used to think you were just a deluded, gullible, intellectually challenged figure of fun. But when morons like you use phrases such as "traitors" for people that have given a life of service to their party and nation, I realise that you deserve nothing less than contempt. You are a worthless little worm with as much understanding as to what it means to be a Conservative as Jeremy Corbyn. You are completely beneath contempt.
So it seems like the PB consensus is moving against an early election, but with prorogation of Parliament being dealt a big blow here it really seems like a snap election is Boris's only way out. He needs to go to the country ASAP and win a mandate for no deal or go down trying. If October 31 passes he will never be forgiven by his own and will be rebranded as a traitorous remainer in brexiteers clothing. He simply has to Brexit by the 31st and without being able to just shut down parliament he only has the option of challenging Corbyn to an election (who could indeed try and string it out past November but may prefer to just say yes than risk looking frit).
I don't think you can assume the same majority for VoNC as there was for today's amendment; this was a safe space for MPs to vent their frustrations, something more substantive might not be. If BoJo does not positively request an extension by 23:00 on the 31st October, we're out. I haven't yet seen a plausible mechanism that this House is likely to deliver that stops that. Like David H, I'm not sure today's vote means as much as some people think it does.
I can't see how Boris survives as PM till 31st October without requesting an extension.
You know what, I used to think you were just a deluded, gullible, intellectually challenged figure of fun. But when morons like you use phrases such as "traitors" for people that have given a life of service to their party and nation, I realise that you deserve nothing less than contempt. You are a worthless little worm with as much understanding as to what it means to be a Conservative as Jeremy Corbyn. You are completely beneath contempt.
Behold, what the middle class Remainers and traitor Tory MPs really think of the Tory membership. A bit like the fruitcakes, loonies and closest racists jibe.
Do keep it up though, it'll make it much easier for us to throw you all out of the party.
Well, it has always been my concern that quasi-fascists would take over the Conservative Party. You are a frothing nutter. A remainer who has had a damascene conversion to the Cult of the Charlatan, and the Death Cult of Brexit. You are to be pitied as a man of very little brain who blindly follows his master to destruction. You are definitely not a Conservative, that is for sure. The real Conservatives will eventually rise again from the ashes that have been generated by fools such as you, but it may be a while.
Let me guess. You call yourself a Conservative, but you support Remain/Gay Marriage/Foreign Aid/Interventionism/Paris Agreement/Comprehensive Education. The delusion amongst Cameroons really is tragic to see - just look at how out of touch you are with your own party.
You're not a Conseravative. You're a confused Liberal Democrat. But don't worry, we Kippers (entryists) are working on it so that you'll be able to join the yellow team and come out and be yourselves.
Well, it has always been my concern that quasi-fascists would take over the Conservative Party. You are a frothing nutter. A remainer who has had a damascene conversion to the Cult of the Charlatan, and the Death Cult of Brexit. You are to be pitied as a man of very little brain who blindly follows his master to destruction. You are definitely not a Conservative, that is for sure. The real Conservatives will eventually rise again from the ashes that have been generated by fools such as you, but it may be a while.
Let me guess. You call yourself a Conservative, but you support Remain/Gay Marriage/Foreign Aid/Interventionism/Paris Agreement/Comprehensive Education. The delusion amongst Cameroons really is tragic to see - just look at how out of touch you are with your own party.
You're not a Conseravative. You're a confused Liberal Democrat. But don't worry, we Kippers (entryists) are working on it so that you'll be able to join the yellow team and come out and be yourselves.
The real litmus tests are seatbelts and smoking. Can you call yourself a conservative if you don't support people's right to drive without a seatbelt and smoke where they like?
Well, it has always been my concern that quasi-fascists would take over the Conservative Party. You are a frothing nutter. A remainer who has had a damascene conversion to the Cult of the Charlatan, and the Death Cult of Brexit. You are to be pitied as a man of very little brain who blindly follows his master to destruction. You are definitely not a Conservative, that is for sure. The real Conservatives will eventually rise again from the ashes that have been generated by fools such as you, but it may be a while.
Let me guess. You call yourself a Conservative, but you support Remain/Gay Marriage/Foreign Aid/Interventionism/Paris Agreement/Comprehensive Education. The delusion amongst Cameroons really is tragic to see - just look at how out of touch you are with your own party.
You're not a Conseravative. You're a confused Liberal Democrat. But don't worry, we Kippers (entryists) are working on it so that you'll be able to join the yellow team and come out and be yourselves.
It is OK, I know that twats have infiltrated the Party. The level of debate in it is now indicated the very low IQ that typifies people with your world view. Parties change. The world does. People like you will consign the Conservative Party as was to the dustbin. It will become a cult for morons, so you are welcome to it. Your world view will never prevail though, because it is so intellectually vacuous, and genuine British people laugh at you childish stupidity. You are mocked, and will continue to be. Enjoy your little bit of time in the sun. It will not last.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
Spoken like a true Corbynite.
You're in the wrong party.
When Boris wins a landslide next week it will be clear you are if you refuse to accept the Brexit vote, you even voted LD in 2017 so are already almost there
Meanwhile you are also in the wrong party. It is a leave party and you are a Remainer. They don't want you and your sort. Perhaps the LDs for you? Or Greens?
I backed the Withdrawal Agreement and I now back Brexit Deal or No Deal on October 31st.
Remainers who respect democracy are still welcome, those who defy the will of the people are not
Nah, you are a remainer and hence you are in the wrong party. If you haven't worked that out by now (you indeed have been the most vociferous about it) then you really need to get a clue.
Nothing to be embarrassed about but the Conservative Party is not the place for remainers like you.
Give it a rest; we certainly don’t want him pushed in our direction, thanks.
Oh, I don't know - think of how powerful the combination of LibDem bar-chartery and HYUFD poll-spinning would be.
Good luck with that . Deselecting will see them resign the whip and the Tories are then totally screwed .
Nope, far better to get rid of the traitors and clean the stables to win back Brexit Party voters
You know what, I used to think you were just a deluded, gullible, intellectually challenged figure of fun. But when morons like you use phrases such as "traitors" for people that have given a life of service to their party and nation, I realise that you deserve nothing less than contempt. You are a worthless little worm with as much understanding as to what it means to be a Conservative as Jeremy Corbyn. You are completely beneath contempt.
It's at times like this that it's worth recalling one of the few wise things Balfour ever said: "Nothing matters very much, and few things matter at all".
C'mon, Nigel, chill. This site is dyspeptic enough as it is.
No, because it prevents proroguing, not No Dealing.
Yes, but the two are the same. If parliament is sitting, parliament can find a way to prevent no-deal, changing the rules if necessary. It is sovereign, as the Leavers used to keep telling us it should be.
So if parliament tells Boris he needs to extend, Does he head off to europe and say parliament has asked me to extend but that it is his personal view he doesn't actually want one ?
Well, it has always been my concern that quasi-fascists would take over the Conservative Party. You are a frothing nutter. A remainer who has had a damascene conversion to the Cult of the Charlatan, and the Death Cult of Brexit. You are to be pitied as a man of very little brain who blindly follows his master to destruction. You are definitely not a Conservative, that is for sure. The real Conservatives will eventually rise again from the ashes that have been generated by fools such as you, but it may be a while.
Let me guess. You call yourself a Conservative, but you support Remain/Gay Marriage/Foreign Aid/Interventionism/Paris Agreement/Comprehensive Education. The delusion amongst Cameroons really is tragic to see - just look at how out of touch you are with your own party.
You're not a Conseravative. You're a confused Liberal Democrat. But don't worry, we Kippers (entryists) are working on it so that you'll be able to join the yellow team and come out and be yourselves.
The deselection process begins next Thursday, especially for those of the above who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement too like Bebb, Grieve, Greening, Gyimah and Lee
What happens if their associations refuse to deselect them or a vote to deselect them is lost?
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
What a good question.
Yet another reminder that we can't allow parties and elections to be co-opted by the single issue of Brexit. No-one is learning from May's mistake.
All Boris needs to do is have a budget with £0 for EU budget - they will throw us out eventually = happened to me with gym membership...
So it seems like the PB consensus is moving against an early election, but with prorogation of Parliament being dealt a big blow here it really seems like a snap election is Boris's only way out. He needs to go to the country ASAP and win a mandate for no deal or go down trying. If October 31 passes he will never be forgiven by his own and will be rebranded as a traitorous remainer in brexiteers clothing. He simply has to Brexit by the 31st and without being able to just shut down parliament he only has the option of challenging Corbyn to an election (who could indeed try and string it out past November but may prefer to just say yes than risk looking frit).
I don't think you can assume the same majority for VoNC as there was for today's amendment; this was a safe space for MPs to vent their frustrations, something more substantive might not be. If BoJo does not positively request an extension by 23:00 on the 31st October, we're out. I haven't yet seen a plausible mechanism that this House is likely to deliver that stops that. Like David H, I'm not sure today's vote means as much as some people think it does.
Oh, and HYUFD - breathe. Go sit down, have a cup of tea and a biscuit. Please.
Even if we leave with no deal, there is a huge difference with leaving with no deal which our sovereign parliament chooses not to stop, or leaving with no deal after a coup. Both are disasters, but if the elected sovereign body accepts it, the rest of us have to move on, if there has been a coup many would not accept its legitimacy and would forever view those involved as traitors as in guilty of treason against the state (not defying a party whip).
For many us it is not just where we we end up, but how we get there that is important.
Would you suspend the whole association and impose a new pro-Boris candidate or would you allow TBP to stand against them and encourage "loyal" Conservatives to vote for the TBP candidate?
What a state we're coming to.
Either they sod off to the LDs or we will have to kick them out.
On that front at least we can learn some lessons from Momentum
Bebb has deselected himself.
Remainers who respect democracy are still welcome, those who defy the will of the people are not
Nothing to be embarrassed about but the Conservative Party is not the place for remainers like you.
But not to worry, plenty more parties out there all of which would I'm sure appreciate such a tireless and dedicated foot soldier as you evidently are. Sadly it won't be the Conservatives.
However I respect a majority voted Leave and we must now respect that vote and deliver the Brexit which regains sovereignty and border control and enables global free trade deals as Leavers voted for
It's our party now. Time for you to leave.
Sadly it is fatal to one’s credibility, and there is no known cure.
He will not agree to extend, Parliament will have to VONC him and force an election anyway first
They are fighting for what they believe to be right, and if some of their so-called leaders had the courage to do that we would not be in the mess that we are.
Oh, and HYUFD - breathe. Go sit down, have a cup of tea and a biscuit. Please.
Boris is going to try for a deal.
My weighted predix:
1. VONC & new election or GONU, 40%
2. No Deal, 30%
3. Deal, 30%
As a branch of (1) I think the chances of an election BEFORE October are as high as 25%.
You're not a Conseravative. You're a confused Liberal Democrat. But don't worry, we Kippers (entryists) are working on it so that you'll be able to join the yellow team and come out and be yourselves.
Do keep it up though, it'll make it much easier for us to throw you all out of the party.
C'mon, Nigel, chill. This site is dyspeptic enough as it is.
Does he head off to europe and say parliament has asked me to extend but that it is his personal view he doesn't actually want one ?
For many us it is not just where we we end up, but how we get there that is important.