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The link between actual migration flow and concern level In Ipsos-MORI Issues Index
See trend chart pic.twitter.com/QzyEJKVADp
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Edit: apparently not.
I guess for some people that comes under 'economy' anyway.
I don't have a strong view either way on whether Scotland should go independent, but it seems to me the argument for 'No' has been much more coherent. Several times (ISTM...) the 'Yes' camp has made claims which have dissolved under just a bit of scrutiny - like the stuff about joining the European Union, what currency an independent Scotland would use, and so on.
I'm certainly not opposed to Scotland becoming independent if that's what they want, but the Yes campaign needs to confront the issues and questions raised by the No-ers, rather than trying to sweep them under the carpet.
OGH is Capt Horatio Hornblower and I claim my ships prize money…!
Is the number of answers people are giving increasing?
Captain Pugwash?
Similarly, those in private rented accommodation give the least number of responses, while those with mortgages give the most.
The mean number of mentions is marginally higher now, at 3.33, than in May 2010, when it was 3.21. I've no idea how stable this value is from month-to-month, though.
This isn't a metric which you can use to boast of greater Tory competence on the economy, I am afraid. Try Real Household Disposable Income instead.
Today is one of those days.
Ricardhos - you're actually wrong about tim being generally disliked (quite apart from that sort of personal comment being unhelpful and tiresome) - when he was absent for a few days, numerous people said the forum wasn't as good without him. He's the grit in our oyster, as is SeanT, a comparison which probably neither would welcome.
With respect, your own contributions haven't yet attracted great interest, because you usually plough the same furrow: "the Government will win, polls are rubbish, OGH doesn't know what he's talking about". Tell us a bit about yourself or your wider interests?
Well, news, anyway.
Sir Edric's Temple, a middling length comedy, is now up at Smashwords. For the next week or so you can get a two-thirds discount using the code KF49K: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/373077
Of course, if you want me to have more money you don't have to use the code. It's in the pipline at Amazon and should appear there tomorrow.
It's just that the graph shows that concern about the economy was lower during eleven years of the last Labour government than it is at present, so your argument that it is going down because time is passing from the last time that Labour was in government is contradicted by the facts you are trying to use in support of it.
As I said, there are likely to be other statistics/evidence that you can use to make such an argument, but the Ipsos Mori issues index isn't it.
"When Tim disappeared for a week or so, most of the PB Tories ended up asking where he was, over and over again."
What's happened to Tim?
Some victims manage to get over what happens; others do not. Our friend lived with the pain for thirty years, but in the end it claimed him.
On a bittersweet note, we found it archetypal of him to have planned his death as an engineer, with the details covered, including instructions to the police about what to do ...
It's been on every news outlet in the country after being announced in open court. Whoever thinks they're acting in Mike's best interest really isn't.
I know it won't make up for the loss of your friend, but at least if he's behind bars he won't be able to abuse anyone else.
That raised a wry smile in my house, too.
Or bad, because it means other issue come more into play, which is certainly not what the Tories want?
Or a bit of both, cancelling out?
Or neither, because opinion is pretty settled?
If he had only done that, we would have merely deleted his comments.
Tim has been previously warned for doing what he did again today.
Mike isn't prepared to let his financial wellbeing put at risk just so Tim can make smears and engage in partisan point scoring on topics he knows are off limits.
As the site was and is going to be unmoderated, for parts of today, we decided Tim wouldn't be allowed to abuse his posting privileges for the rest of today.
He is fortunate his posting privileges haven't been suspended until the conclusion of the phone hacking trials.
When was the last time an Opposition made the running so comprehensively in the way Miliband has with this Cost of Living thing?
If all that wonky predistribution talk was too complicated for you, or you wanted to know how it might translate to real world, here it is.
Almost makes me wonder if Labour haven't showed their hand too early. Though as others here have said, I'm sure Miliband has other targets he can have a crack at further down the line.
As far as that stuff goes, I'm surprised Ricardhos is still here. All he ever does is pop up and slag off the site's owner.
If it was my site I'd ban him, then when he came whining asking for an explanation, I'd simply say "I banned you because I can. Go away".
On the fuel price freeze, for example, I expect more people will wonder whether it will really work (indeed, whether the proposal has already prompted the companies to increase their prices). Generally, there'll be more critical analysis and comment from the media and my own view is that many of Labour's proposals will be shown to be populist / counter-productive / unhelpful.
So either all these new immigrants a) don't exist, b) don't vote , c) don't vote Labour or d) the number of long term residents deserting Labour is very high indeed.
We're not sure: we know Steve was interviewed several times by (I think) Queensland police a few years back, and sadly his mood deteriorated each time. I think I know the case, and if I'm right, then the guy is in jail. There is another possibility which has been in the news recently, and the suspect is claiming he is too ill to attend court. *&^%$(**&&^&
Steve wouldn't talk about what happened during his childhood, and I know very little, despite being friends with him for over 15 years. He told Mrs J a little more, and she's never broached his confidence by telling me. Which is fair enough.
But the worst thing about the mess, the real icing-on-a-shit-sandwich, is that his mother believed, and I think still does believe, the priest over her own child. That awful fact was at the heart of his problems, and his estrangement from most of his family.
I can't wait for Hodges article about Ed Miliband on the day Ed Miliband enters No 10.
Cameron called these 'quite shocking'
I wonder what ed miliband thinks. He is certain to be asked.
Humour forgives all...
Bizarrely, Low Bungay Road is a road composed entirely of BungaLows.
Is this some 1970s developer's idea of a joke?
Arguing that bad employers should have 'nowhere to hide'
Now, as to what constitutes a bad employer, that will presumably be arbitrarily decided by Unite.
And what 'nowhere to hide' means, again, will be a decision best left to chairman len.
Of course its a non-story....
No family members were at the inquest. Indeed, aside from the policeman who found him, there were just four people.
The whole thing is just so ineffably tragic.
I wonder what will happen then?
First The Police Federation, now Unite. Whatever next? Maybe their members will call them to to task.
You never know.
Indeed, because the torrent of legislation that has been passed in the last 30 years to strengthen rights in the workplace is not nearly enough.
We need thugs to intimidate families.
They were at it again on Monday night, 'even though independent research says it would hit the poorest Brits the hardest.'
Blimey, even more reason to vote for them. Not sure they have, though, have they?
Embarrassing, this would never have happened under Turkish rule – But then things have been going downhill since Alexander the Great as MD might say?
Do you also believe oil will be worthless, our phone bills will increase , we will be bombed by terrorists , our families will be foreigners , etc etc etc .
'Almost makes me wonder if Labour haven't showed their hand too early. Though as others here have said, I'm sure Miliband has other targets he can have a crack at further down the line.'
He has,and rolling back the green taxes will give the consumer a much better deal than a 20 months freeze.Although he needs to explain that to Caroline Flint.
Ed needs to confirm he will continue to freeze the council tax ,then water rates,petrol,land line & mobile charges, only supermarkets left after that.
Advise your kids to go shovel sh!t on the minimum wage on a zero hour contract instead, it's a much easier life.
The problem is when they are abused. Sadly, you do not make that distinction.
I read a month or two ago that the Greek leader (not sure if it was a PM or president) reckons they'll leave leave recession next year.
•Hillary Clinton (D) 50.7% (48.5%)
•Paul Ryan (R) 43.0% (43.5%)
•Hillary Clinton (D) 50.0% (46.5%)
•Chris Christie (R) 40.3% (40.0%)
•Hillary Clinton (D) 53.3% (50.2%)
•Scott Walker (R) 40.6% (41.7%)
•Hillary Clinton (D) 55.3%
•Ted Cruz (R) 33.4%
•Chris Christie 19%
•Ted Cruz 17%
•Rand Paul 13%
•Marco Rubio 12%
•Paul Ryan 12%
•Bobby Jindal 6%
•Not sure 21%
South Carolina General Election
•Marco Rubio (R) 47%
•Hillary Clinton (D) 40%
•Chris Christie (R) 43%
•Hillary Clinton (D) 38%
•Hillary Clinton (D) 42%
•Ted Cruz (R) 41%
Hahaha! That's majestic!
I can't wait for Hodges article about Ed Miliband on the day Ed Miliband enters No 10.
Can't wait to see your face when he doesn't
Until recently there was a rule here that anything even mildly controversial had to be accompanied by a link to a reputable newspaper.
Why has that been abandoned in favour of a blanket ban on a subject so central to a politics site that you might as well close down and reopen when the story has run its course?
Another option is to emigrate.
'I haven't noticed any of the usual suspects complaining about this latest Hodges blog, maybe because he's quite nice to Miliband in it."
His articles have become so predictable the usual suspects don't read him anymore. Tories feel the same but he gives them a sense of hope.
Tis such sport to see the engineer hoist by his own petard.
Like when Gordon Brown refused to name his favourite biscuit.
‘Leverage’ my arse, this is intimidation - pure and simple.
Unite ought to recall that.
On its own no. If Mili doesn't condemn it, possibly.