I asked both @ChukaUmunna and @Anna_Soubry directly tonight if they were considering leaving their respective parties for a new movement. Umunna said: “When I joined the Labour Party I thought I’d be a member to my dying day…..” https://t.co/vgqUTwKHpb
It has emerged that the vast majority of Islamist fighters returning to the UK from Syria have been placed on “secretive” government rehabilitation schemes rather than be prosecuted. Only 1 in 10 have been prosecuted.
Even though it's valentines, should I consider divorce?
The answer is the public won't reward whoever gives in, so extremist ideologically driven wankers in the parties will drive things as the majority prepared to go with the flow don't have the stomach to stop them More joy over one sinner who repents and so on and so forth - everyone's a work in progress. But it is pushing it.
Jim Callaghan’s remark seems more inflammatory to me than how McD put it. In fact Callaghan’s remark, 68 years after the event, is itself revealing about the extent tonypandy tarnished views of Churchill in the Labour movement.
Everyone should justifiably hold our MPs in contempt over their internecine bickering, indecision, gutlessness, displacement activity, cowardice, and outright dishonesty of intention. But we the public will say that and then cast our votes for the same old shower. After all, the 'other lot', whoever they are, will be so much worse, right?
Not to be too woe is me, but Brexit is making me despise myself right now. Some would say that is at least halfway recompense. I truly never expected even a fraught and fractious politics to get this pathetic.
They justify it in lots of ways: loyalty to colleagues, wanting to stay and fight and change from "within", not wanting to give up, thinking that someone else was doing something, it's not my responsibility, what can I do - I'm too unimportant, fear of the consequences, concern for their families etc etc. And all those reasons can seem justifiable and reasonable. But in the end people are rationalising their unwillingness to act, their cowardice.
Most people aren't heroes, most people don't want to be heroes, most people don't want to stick out or speak up or be left out in the cold, outside the group, treated as snitches or as disloyal or as "traitors" to a group or a cause. Most of us are like this.
Physical courage is admired. Moral courage is rarer and is not much admired. In theory maybe. But not in practice. Loyalty is valued. Little wonder that we get lots of huddling within the group and relatively few examples of moral courage.
If you ever decided yourself to enter politics though, I'd advise not to make 'most people are cowards' your campaign slogan.
Why not suspend HoC until the Autumn, so they can all take in the full season and the Grouse moors?
When push comes to shove, most people will display physical courage, but moral courage is so much harder.
It’s what Churchill would have ordered.
Did you fight for ISIS,
Cos we have a lovely 2 up 2 down for you.
We need more "speaking truth to power".
We know this because there are MPs being utterly false about fearing certain options while being very prepared to see them come to pass so long as they have the chance of their ideal option, and many many people praise them for their noble integrity.
Moral courage requires you to be willing to be hated, to be seen as a traitor, to be a pariah.
I just don't know.
Sigh, but we mustn't wallow I suppose, we must all keep trying even in small ways, try to retain some level of optimism. It's why at times I can almost admire the intensely loyal party faithfuls, even if too much of the intensity is rooted in hatred of the other lot. And that's certainly true of those too afraid to just quit - if they have such contempt for what their own side has become, but take no meaningful action, it's because of hate for something else, not values.
Sending in troops with orders to shoot to alter course of a strike is fairly going to colour views as to whether someone is a hero or not, unless you don’t like any strikes and like idea of them stopped like that. Trump can learn from this Churchill geezer 🙃
Take another look at the picture...
Don’t do it Donald, don’t do it.
And it has consequences for you because that bad behaviour of others damages your hard work, your integrity, your reputation, your good name. Your own self-respect, your own sense of what is right, your own internal conscience (that still small voice of calm) should make you realise that you harm yourself when you turn a blind eye or condone behaviour that is wrong. You will not remain unscathed. The bad smell that hangs around the wrongdoers will hang around you too.
It's not easy. But if more people did it, then the insults of traitors and pariahs would have less force.
If we value loyalty to a tribe above having a moral conscience, a sense of what is right and wrong, then the sort of behaviour exhibited by MPs is what we will get.
Perhaps the unifying factor in Brexit is both sides acquiring a visceral loathing of our politicians?
He seems to have come to us from a lost age of decent politicians doing their best for the nation.
The rest seem stuck in a quagmire and are rapidly sinking, bringing the rest of us down with them.
Oh well, 42 days stockpiling to go..........
'Olly Robbins is a draughts player in a chess world'
It doesn't help that I've forgotten how to play draughts. What could this possibly mean?
In order to leave the EU we have to sign it.
So one has to assume that we will.
Send them to the old whaling station at Stromness. That place still has its asbestos.
Anyway I'm hoping my property purchase goes through tomorrow. Short of some surprising overnight news I assume I'm safe.
But, yes, I can see why they might think that. Suppose people voted for May's Deal in a referendum. They couldn't be certain that this current Parliament wouldn't still faff around arguing about implementing that. So we've become like Italy - in our politics anyway - just on the point of our departure.
So the only thing left that does not require EU agreement is...... revoking Art. 50.
And since that seems unlikely No Deal is - and has been for a while - the racing certainty.
Anyway night all.
Will any promises he makes be found out over time though as his career inevitably progresses? Also he looks like the villain not hero from a Dickensian novel.
It is indeed spectacular. A terrifying beauty at the end of the world. Enjoy. Take a decent whisky with you, to drink over Shackleton's grave. That's the tradition.
Stromness was where Shackleton emerged after walking over the glacier. You can still see the station manger's house where he had a bath and a shave. They had such massive beards they were utterly unrecogniseable until then.
This programme on him is very interesting. I think he is too much of a loner to make it to the very top. But he has impressed in recent weeks in a way that very few of his colleagues have done. He'll get his reward in Heaven, I expect.
There is an article on the LSE blogs today from the Chief Economist at Allianz and he has said that the uncertainty caused by the EU not getting the trade sorted early has meant that the EU27 over the past 2 years has lost 60bill of exports.
If they continue this then the RoW will continue to eat into their exports to the UK.
Dumb and Dumber run the EU.
We don't make em like we used to...
History will not be kind on the EU's position over Brexit. Not that it will adversely affect any of their players. The are untouchable. Which is why we were right to get the fuck out.
Saw this. Thought of you.
"During his campaign, he produced a letter that said he would be the "healthiest individual ever elected", but the doctor named as the author later said Mr Trump had written the letter himself."
In February 2015, Fedotov made his first trip to Bulgaria. On 15 February 2015 he flew from Moscow to Belgrade in neighboring Serbia. On the next day he traveled on to Bulgaria, and stayed there until February 22, when he flew back from Sofia to Moscow.
His second trip, which was previously reported by Bellingcat, was in April 2015. He landed in the seaside resort of Burgas on a direct flight from Moscow on 24 April 2015. While he had bought a return flight from Sofia to Moscow on 30 April 2015, he did not use that ticket. Instead, on the evening of April 28 at 20:20, he flew from Sofia to Istanbul, where he bought an onward ticket to Moscow that same night.
It was earlier that same day, April 28, that the Bulgarian arms manufacturer and trader Emilian Gebrev collapsed during a dinner event with his trading partners from Poland at an upscale Sofia restaurant.
So over a two year period their exports have decreased by 0.6% due to Brexit uncertainty.
[http://www.worldstopexports.com/top-european-export-countries/ ]
[Any stupid mistakes I've made, point them out]
The UK is 15% of the EU's GDP, but only 8% of its exports.
That's a clear sign - to me at least - that the UK's economy is unsustainable. Simply, we need to divert economic output away from consumers, and towards - errr - foreigners. That is going to be extremely painful.
The currency is going to devalue again, isn't it?
(looks up bookie's odds, considers increasing bet...
Here is another dataset that says Germany exports 1.33Tril in 2017 (no services), yet 877bill of those are exports to the single market. So the question is why are sales to the single market classed as exports? Are sales from California to Florida classed as exports?
Or one part of China to another classed as exports?
That may not be a pun...
(I thank you!)
And a number of that 20,000 people would, within a few years, be fighting Germany - and more working in the war effort.
People are odd.
QNLZ is still conducting sea trials and has no declared combat capability. It will not achieve "Initial Operating Capability (Carrier Strike) until late 2020/2021 at which point it will go on its EASTPAC deployment which, according to the Fireplace Salesman, will shit up the Chinese.
IOC(CS) is very basic and includes no AEW capability and "up to" 12 embarked F-35B. The second squadron of the air wing on the Pacific deployment will be USMC. The strike group will be brought up to strength by the French and Dutch navies.
Full Operating Capability (Carrier Strike) is planned for 2023 and will still only be a single F-35B squadron but now with AEW provided by a flight of Merlin HM2 with CROWSNEST radar.
IOC for Carrier Enabled Power Projection (ie both carriers operating to FOC(CS) standard) is late 2023. Although QNLZ will probably enter a lengthy refit at that point. Funds permitting...
Full Operating Capability (Carrier Enabled Power Projection) is scheduled, if nothing else goes wrong, for mid 2026. This schedule is largely being driven by the miserly rate of acquisition of F-35B. The delivery of the full 48 jets of the order will not be complete until the end of 2024.
So that's the story with the carriers despite what the Fireplace Salesman imagines.
We already have a party for wet centrists who have no discernible beliefs apart from an all-consuming love affair with the EU. What need or place is there for a second one?
A porn shop would only involve two balls.