New polling data just made available on the YouGov website shows the scale of the gamble LAB is taking with the party’s stance on Brexit. To the question “Do you support or oppose the stance that the Labour party have taken towards Brexit?” GE2017 LAB voters split by 28% to 25% on whether they supported or opposed.
Never mind Corbyn. Why is it so bloody difficult to find stylish comfortable blue suede shoes?
HNY to you too!
Any reason for blue ones? Or are you hankering back to earlier eras?
I ADORE shoes. I often decide what shoes I am going to wear first and choose my outfit around the shoes. I wearing a very lovely pair today.
But comfort is most important.
Anyway the search continues. Thank God for online shopping.
Did you spend New Year in your Northern Redoubt or Tory Central down south?
“What we will do is vote against having no deal, we’ll vote against Theresa May’s deal; at that point she should go back to Brussels and say this is not acceptable to Britain and renegotiate a customs union, form a customs union with the European Union to secure trade,” he said.
At least the rest of the world is having a good laugh....
You out of touch/metropolitan/xenophobe Centrist/right/hard right who thinks Blair/D. Miliband/May/Boris/Farage/Cable/? is good are stupid/some other variant on out of touch/ some variant on xenophobe.
The number and variety of my shoe collection would probably appal the men on here.
But you can never have too many shoes or handbags. ☺
It's amazing nobody has tried to tell him that simply remaining in a customs union with the EU won't be enough to obviate a backstop; we also need to remain in the single market to avoid an NI/RoI regulatory border.
What do you expect? For them, the same shoes / wallet / suit can last for years, probably decades....
We are moving out of the Lakes house this month to allow the builders in .....
God and builders willing we should be having next Xmas in our Grand Designs-style house. I am project managing from a nearby cottage while earning the money to pay for it all and trying to limit the arguments with my other half to, ooh, one a week. 😕 😛
Sadly they were from BHS so no more of them....
More likely Jezza is either uninterested in the EU, or thick, or both.
Although at this stage I don't see Labour getting to have a go at that anyway.
Labour's best bet electorally now is avoiding giving May her line about just wanting to stop Brexit, let her deal be killed first.
On the point above, to my eye, a 'look' tailed off my high-heeled shoes can look attractive. But so can a look tailed off by Dr, Marten boots.
And to enlatge on grabcoque's point, fashion in general is inflicted on women by other women.
None of this invisible older woman nonsense for me.
A large dressing room is already laid out in the Northern eyrie.
Heels etc - absolutely worn by women, for women.
Brexiteers who have spent their lives obsessing about the EU tend to see Corbyn as one of them on this topic a la Kate Hoey but that is not really true IMO, he does not see it as a talismanic issue and does not care much about it either way. In the end he will have to listen to the views of his party - as he did at the referendum and has also done on other issues where he is in a clear minority such as Trident.
If I was virtue signalling I'd be piously not-my-place-to-tell-women-what-to-wear.
I'm often slighlty amused at the feminist position on e.g. Daily Mail articles written about what successful sportswomen x wears to an awards ceremony, fuming that the same fuss wouldn't be made about a man. I sympathise - but there is no wat that articles of that struos are written for anything other than a female audience. No man cares what dress Rebecca Adlington wears to SPOTY, or os even sure what anyone female should be wearing. Men generally have no more than four gradations of sartorial formality (pyjamas; not at work; at work; dinner jacket) and find the complex sartorial rules that women have made for themsleves utterly baffling.
Didn't he recently say at some overseas meeting of fellow socialists that he thought of the EU as a capitalists' club?
As I said, I don't know how widely held this view is - this is just my reaction.
Though I do notice an inverse social class gradient with amount of makeup, amongst patients.
There are - at least once you are past your 30's - very few women whose faces look that good completely au naturel, unless they are lucky to have very good skin.
The best thing for any face, though, is a smile.
No one has, so far, sworn off unicorns for the New Year apparently.
I predict an epic Corbyn u-turn soon. I don't care how stubborn he is, the members put him there, the members secured him there, and he won't risk losing them when push comes to shove.
The reason she does not need it, of course, is that she is naturally beautiful.
Our dressing table is sagging under the weight of hair products: then again, she does have the devil's curly hair ...
I do think - and I realise it is the Italian in me - that one ought to look presentable when out in public. Some people are absolute eye sores.
I am married to a woman in her 40s. I wake up to her face every morning. As a man in my forties, I find it extremely attractive.
I've come to feel relaxed about it - if people want to make an effort to look good and feel happy in the results, why not? But I also think it's largely done for personal and peer satisfaction, in the same way as some men like to cultivate a finely-trimmed beard. The exception is hairstyle, which I think does make a major difference to how people look for both sexes and is worth taking time to consider what you want.
Just watched ITV Wales news with an exact mirror image of the complaints in England but the difference here in Wales is the increase of 2.98% by TFW is labour's responsibility.
Why are you not in Cardiff, Corbyn, or is that too embarrasssing
Truth is, I love make-up and high heels. It led to the breakdown of my 1st marriage.
(But you did say: "all those women looking "natural" are in fact wearing make up)
Though most of the men I know are just obsessive about their faces, it's just all sublimated into the beard&stache.
Anyway... i need to get some dinner organised so I can slip into my Louboutins and g-string and wax my eyebrows
Later peeps
My own attitude to make up on women is that most of it is essentially pointless, and the hours-long rigmarole some go through slapping on make up - and taking it off afterwards - is more some form of religion or mental prop than any desire to look good. Especially when they don't look good afterwards.
"Snog, marry, avoid" was brilliant for showing gents and ladies going a little (ahem) too far with clothes and make up. Often less is more.
And don't get me started on fake tans ...
Then again, I'm a scruffy pleb and proud of it.
It is at this point the balloon will go up and with it very serious problems for labour and a possible boost for the lib dems
Anyway, hair - now this is an interesting one and I'm sure you're right: I'm fairly sure that hair is something men do notice about women without realising they're noticing. I think I remember reading something to this affect, and also that hair is a good indicator for fertility, or something to that effect.
It's those rich commuters who subsidise Scottish railways.
That said, I think it would be interesting to see what would happen if the government deregulated rail fares. I currently pay £3,350 for a season ticket from Woking to Waterloo. I reckon the optimum price on that fare would be at least £5,000.
Found out recently thanks to the loyal patronage of drag queens, Manolo Blahnik make all his heels to order up to size 15.
I know a trap when I see it.
So Labour voters might be unhappy with their party’s position on Brexit but not enough to switch allegiance. In those circumstance, why would Labour change that position ?
Looks like really good value to me
In short, high heels are no substitute for emotional intimacy.
Can we keep talking about stuff like this? It's much more fun than endless ****ing Brexit.
I also agree about watches. I complimented a stranger in a bar on his very nice sky dweller and he replied "I bought this to impress girls and all I ever get is compliments from guys!"
Perhaps Rolex should go after the pink pound...
I have never felt such lust for an item of footwear before.
A small amount of public support may be acceptable but in this country they are heavily subsidised and transport is still crap. You go to Europe and it is all integrated, here it is all bits and pieces and almost impossible to get any joined up thinking.