A mixed bag. Welfare cuts and toughness on immigration are likely to be welcomed, the tax cuts are clearly the same people reversing their opinions, and the unemployed/NHS figures are also nearly a mirror image.
In truth, the only significantly different result is the welfare cuts one. This seems to be popular amongst most people.
How can people seriously believe that a party which prioritised tax cuts for people leaving £2m in the teeth of a recession believe they would represent one small segment of society.
All Daves fake rebranding was for nothing
How can people seriously believe that a party which prioritised tax cuts leaving the first £10k tax free in the teeth of a recession believe they would represent one small segment of society.
At the moment, the group that the Tories need to detoxify with are the UKIP switchers. The centre ground is pretty solid: there's been little slippage to the Lib Dems or Labour. In that context, the above polling will be viewed by CCHQ with less concern than if the situation was as in 1995.
How can people seriously believe that a party which prioritised tax cuts for people leaving £2m in the teeth of a recession believe they would represent one small segment of society.
All Daves fake rebranding was for nothing
How can people seriously believe that a party which prioritised tax cuts leaving the first £10k tax free in the teeth of a recession believe they would represent one small segment of society.
All "tim's" smearing is for nothing
Well it's clear from the polling that they credit the Lib Dems for that, the same people who stopped Dave and George prioritising inheritance tax cuts for their own families, that's the whole point of the thread if you'd bothered to try and understand instead of posting oh so hilarious polling fantasies
You still haven't got a handle on this Coalition governing business have you "tim".
No matter you've still got the farm to look after and that interesting vintner sideline.
I don't really think that characterization is accurate or at least not obviously so which suggests it's down to the party's image which precisely dates from 1979-1990.
The public's view of Conservatism is almost 100% correct: Cameron's concept of Conservatism is defective and merely 'heir to Blair'.
Successive generations of UK politicians (since WW2) have squandered every penny they can obtain on buying votes through increasing Welfare benefits, rather than ensuring future prosperity through buying infrastructure.
Beginning with Marshall Aid and continuing to the obscenity of the Brown years.
Morning all and as a Tory I think those results will be seen positively by the sort of people likely to vote Tory who haven't done so recently. Frankly we don't give a flying fart what people who would never vote Tory under any circumstances think.
For Roger's benefit, Gerald Ratner has been the biggest online jewellery retailer in the UK for about a decade. The source of my information was Gerald Ratner himself when he was guest speaker at a conference I was running a few years ago in Aviemore.
That was a fascinating piece about the substance of Labour's real level of support listed among last night's Nighthawk. 32% is not so far from the alleged Tory strategy of 31%.
The root cause of that is Cameron is seen as a fake, he'd have been better off, instead of humiliating himself with a load of fake photo stunts over a decade saying "yes I'm Tory scum, but I'll be competent Tory scum"
As it is people just think he's a Typical Tory, but a chinless fake one.
That's an interesting line of attack from a fake Cheshire agriculturalist and wine merchant.
I'm afraid Ed's flailing at the moment. I thought he had a strategy of based around the Tories looking after the wrong people but it seems that wasn't the strategy at all. I fear in 2036 the only well known Milliband will be Ralph.
Morning all and as a Tory I think those results will be seen positively by the sort of people likely to vote Tory who haven't done so recently. Frankly we don't give a flying fart what people who would never vote Tory under any circumstances think.
100% correct. Which was why the Cameron Project was fundamentally flawed from the outset - it's the Little/Middle Englanders he needed to win over and he squandered that with gratuitous 'Greenery' and failed to end Carbon Dioxide-obsessed punitive taxation when in No10.
AGW - whether 100% right, 100% wrong, or something in between, is not going to be affected one iota by whether we generate electricity 100% from coal, or 100% from 'renewables': we produce <0.2% of annual global CO2 emissions.
The utter inconsequential effects of the UK's energy policy on Gaia's world is something no PM can seemingly accept - the UK simply doesn't matter.
The effect of raising fuel costs by 50% (or more) by 2030, and by >100% by 2050, OTOH, matter massively: he could ensure an energy cost cut of 10-20% tomorrow by ending all 'Greenery' - a stealth tax imposed on the UK/EU by scientifically-ignorant politicians who just want an excuse to impose taxes.
Mr Ratner reinvented himself online didn't he? Something like www.diamonds... I remember looking on there and then discovering it was him.
The funny think is that the 80s Ratner's sold some great quality stuff - my wedding/eternity ring came from there and its never bent, the claws are still perfect and the stones in place 18yrs on.
Morning all and as a Tory I think those results will be seen positively by the sort of people likely to vote Tory who haven't done so recently. Frankly we don't give a flying fart what people who would never vote Tory under any circumstances think.
For Roger's benefit, Gerald Ratner has been the biggest online jewellery retailer in the UK for about a decade. The source of my information was Gerald Ratner himself when he was guest speaker at a conference I was running a few years ago in Aviemore.
That was a fascinating piece about the substance of Labour's real level of support listed among last night's Nighthawk. 32% is not so far from the alleged Tory strategy of 31%.
I don't really think that characterization is accurate or at least not obviously so which suggests it's down to the party's image which precisely dates from 1979-1990.
But we love a good baddy in the movies .... "Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves" - Sod off Kevin Costner. Three cheers for Alan Rickman's Sheriff of Nottingham !!
I'm afraid Ed's flailing at the moment. I thought he had a strategy of based around the Tories looking after the wrong people but it seems that wasn't the strategy at all. I fear in 2036 the only well known Milliband will be Ralph.
1979-1990 was the only decent period of UK governance since WW2 - and even THAT period was nothing but centre-right, when we needed 20-30 more years of genuinely right-wing government to reduce the size of the State back to an affordable (= tiny) level: one spending <33% of GDP (according to LD Ed Minister Laws, that's the maximum sustainable)
At the moment, the group that the Tories need to detoxify with are the UKIP switchers. The centre ground is pretty solid: there's been little slippage to the Lib Dems or Labour. In that context, the above polling will be viewed by CCHQ with less concern than if the situation was as in 1995.
That's right but it's what one might call the Tory 35% strategy - they want to keep losses from 2010 to a minimum (which they have a fair chance of doing IMO) and are giving up on getting much more (which is also realistic IMO). The only way it leads to a Tory government is if the LibDems do splendidly in Con-Lab marginals.
Welsh Owl and Easterross implicitly are relaxed about settling for 35% - people who don't agree with the basic right-wing agenda can get stuffed. That's actually a perfectly viable strategy in countries with PR, but works poorly with FPTP.
FPT: Financier said:
This morning we see from YouGov that the LDs are back to 8 again - a level they frequently found themselves about one year ago.
However, some PBers have expectations of 15-18 in 2015. So where will the extra LD voters come from?
Today's YouGov gives a 2010LD split of Con: 11; LAB: 38; LD:33; UKIP:12; GN:5; and Others 2: However currently 20% of the 2010LDers came under the Don't Knows.
At the same time, this poll shows that 70% of LDVI support the current coalition whilst 26% oppose. This contrasts with 58% of ConsVI who support whilst 39% oppose.
So, will LDs claw back supporters from LAB or UKIP or reel in the DKs? Baxtering shows quite small seat gains between 10% and 15% with larger seat gains at >15%.
So what will the LDs have to do to bring back voters in their fold? Perhaps PBers like OGH and MarkS could advise?
It's one of the two right questions IMO (the other even harder one is "How does Cameron persuade people who preferred Gordon Brown to him in 2010?"). But the more relevant stat is probably that of 2010 LDs, the coalition is opposed by 55-37. Of those 37, 22% (70% of 33%) are people who currently vote LibDem AND like the coalition. So there is overwhelming opposition among 2010 LDs who aren't currently among the 8% still planning to vote LD. If you look at the approval stats it's even more marked.
Conclusion: the LibDems need to come close to ruling out a repeat of the Coalition, or accept that they aren't going to get these guys back in 2015.
The people ignoring Goves Madrassa will be furious with Bercow.
Paul Waugh @paulwaugh 8m Speaker has agreed Urgent Question in Commons on Al Madinah FreeSchool chaos. 10.30am. Another test for @TristramHuntMP v Gove
What's the question - "Why is Ofsted working so effectively ?"
I'm afraid Ed's flailing at the moment. I thought he had a strategy of based around the Tories looking after the wrong people but it seems that wasn't the strategy at all. I fear in 2036 the only well known Milliband will be Ralph.
I may need to lie down. A whole post of Roger's that seems to be on the money!
Ed's problem when telling people the Tories are "looking after the wrong people" is that Ed just doesn't connect as "one of the right people" to deliver that approach. The North-London intelligentsia millionaire nerd subset just doesn't click with anyone.
I have still to find anyone who has a good word to say about Ed Miliband - and that includes my chums who are Labour Party activists. The nearest parallel I can think of is if John Redwood were parachuted in as Tory leader on the back of a handful of big donors requiring it. It might fire up a handful of small-state Tories, looking forward to swingeing cuts in what government does. But most party activists would think "how the hell do I sell this guy on the doorstep?".
The people ignoring Goves Madrassa will be furious with Bercow.
Paul Waugh @paulwaugh 8m Speaker has agreed Urgent Question in Commons on Al Madinah FreeSchool chaos. 10.30am. Another test for @TristramHuntMP v Gove
What's the question - "Why is Ofsted working so effectively ?"
It took them over a year to stop Gove. All the decisions went across his desk
Probably too busy writing amusingly crafted letters and chortling.
" The only way it leads to a Tory government is if the LibDems do splendidly in Con-Lab marginals."
Surely both parties must realise their best strategy is to engineer 'furious rows' about hmm January 2015. A planned and deliberate 'breakdown' in January 2015 or some such ?
look on it as Dave being the 5-Year Nanny. For sure toddlers don't like to be told not to eat too many sweets or run into the road or juggle with bread knives but it's necessary for parents to enforce these rules nevertheless.
It makes for a stronger relationship and a more balanced and healthier child.
The root cause of that is Cameron is seen as a fake, he'd have been better off, instead of humiliating himself with a load of fake photo stunts over a decade saying "yes I'm Tory scum, but I'll be competent Tory scum"
As it is people just think he's a Typical Tory, but a chinless fake one.
Best joke of the day. Tim calling other people a fake.
The people ignoring Goves Madrassa will be furious with Bercow.
Paul Waugh @paulwaugh 8m Speaker has agreed Urgent Question in Commons on Al Madinah FreeSchool chaos. 10.30am. Another test for @TristramHuntMP v Gove
What's the question - "Why is Ofsted working so effectively ?"
It took them over a year to stop Gove. All the decisions went across his desk
Probably too busy writing amusingly crafted letters and chortling.
Is this school open today or is it on strike ?
I note that Tristram Hunt was whining about 400 children missing out on a week of school at the 'Tim Obsession Madrassa'.
Has he passed any comment on the millions of pupils at 10,000 schools who are losing a day of education?
The people ignoring Goves Madrassa will be furious with Bercow.
Paul Waugh @paulwaugh 8m Speaker has agreed Urgent Question in Commons on Al Madinah FreeSchool chaos. 10.30am. Another test for @TristramHuntMP v Gove
What's the question - "Why is Ofsted working so effectively ?"
It took them over a year to stop Gove. All the decisions went across his desk
Probably too busy writing amusingly crafted letters and chortling.
Is this school open today or is it on strike ?
I note that Tristram Hunt was whining about 400 children missing out on a week of school at the 'Tim Obsession Madrassa'.
Has he passed any comment on the millions of pupils at 10,000 schools who are losing a day of education?
Look 17% of teachers voted for this strike - how can you argue with that.
Most aren't even on strike - they just don't confirm they are coming in, Head shuts the schools and then the teachers turn up and demand a days pay.
They don't even have the courage of their convictions.
The Home Office @ukhomeoffice 14m Crime Survey for England & Wales down 7% year on year to 8.5million crimes in the 12 months to June 2013 #crimeisfalling
Remember how the PB Kinnocks were saying crime was going to go through the roof due to cuts.
The people ignoring Goves Madrassa will be furious with Bercow.
Paul Waugh @paulwaugh 8m Speaker has agreed Urgent Question in Commons on Al Madinah FreeSchool chaos. 10.30am. Another test for @TristramHuntMP v Gove
What's the question - "Why is Ofsted working so effectively ?"
It took them over a year to stop Gove. All the decisions went across his desk
Probably too busy writing amusingly crafted letters and chortling.
Is this school open today or is it on strike ?
I note that Tristram Hunt was whining about 400 children missing out on a week of school at the 'Tim Obsession Madrassa'.
Has he passed any comment on the millions of pupils at 10,000 schools who are losing a day of education?
tim focussing on the 1% and ignoring the hard working families denied a days education for their kids by militant unions running a political strike.
Best joke of the day. Tim calling other people a fake.
Cameron a fake? What's he done? Traveled first class on a train and hidden the evidence? I remember some posh millionaire's son did that once, remind me who it was?
The people ignoring Goves Madrassa will be furious with Bercow.
Paul Waugh @paulwaugh 8m Speaker has agreed Urgent Question in Commons on Al Madinah FreeSchool chaos. 10.30am. Another test for @TristramHuntMP v Gove
What's the question - "Why is Ofsted working so effectively ?"
It took them over a year to stop Gove. All the decisions went across his desk
Probably too busy writing amusingly crafted letters and chortling.
Is this school open today or is it on strike ?
I note that Tristram Hunt was whining about 400 children missing out on a week of school at the 'Tim Obsession Madrassa'.
Has he passed any comment on the millions of pupils at 10,000 schools who are losing a day of education?
Look 17% of teachers voted for this strike - how can you argue with that.
Most aren't even on strike - they just don't confirm they are coming in, Head shuts the schools and then the teachers turn up and demand a days pay.
They don't even have the courage of their convictions.
Fake strikers?
Farmer Tim can join them on the picket line with his tractor, and a trailer load of Chilean Merlot.
The pre May 2010 shroud waving Friends of the Troops will be furious again
Brian Groom @GroomB 6m Govt plan to part-privatise UK defence procurement close to collapse because of Serco's troubles. http://on.ft.com/GZhW8H
Not sure the servers will handle it all
Your memory is shorter than usual tim. Cast your mind back to Options for Change. Arguably one of the largest reorgs of HMF of recent times, scythed through regiments and all on the Cons watch.
Cons are happier to be bold about defence spending because they, ahem, we are seen as the party of the armed forces. As Cam or one of his forebears once said in PMQ on this subject, there are more honourable members behind me with military experience than in the party opposite...
I'm afraid Ed's flailing at the moment. I thought he had a strategy of based around the Tories looking after the wrong people but it seems that wasn't the strategy at all. I fear in 2036 the only well known Milliband will be Ralph.
I may need to lie down. A whole post of Roger's that seems to be on the money!
Ed's problem when telling people the Tories are "looking after the wrong people" is that Ed just doesn't connect as "one of the right people" to deliver that approach. The North-London intelligentsia millionaire nerd subset just doesn't click with anyone.
I have still to find anyone who has a good word to say about Ed Miliband - and that includes my chums who are Labour Party activists. The nearest parallel I can think of is if John Redwood were parachuted in as Tory leader on the back of a handful of big donors requiring it. It might fire up a handful of small-state Tories, looking forward to swingeing cuts in what government does. But most party activists would think "how the hell do I sell this guy on the doorstep?".
Ed's stock is up and down like a whore's drawers this year - takes on the unions, floors Cameron with energy cap and is a superhero but the rest of the time briefed against by Very Senior Figures in the party. None of this tells us which he will be in 2015, but I am quietly confident he will buckle spectacularly in the white heat of a GE campaign. The relevant figure of speech will be less about whores' drawers and more about dockside hookers.
1979-1990 was the only decent period of UK governance since WW2 - and even THAT period was nothing but centre-right, when we needed 20-30 more years of genuinely right-wing government to reduce the size of the State back to an affordable (= tiny) level: one spending <33% of GDP (according to LD Ed Minister Laws, that's the maximum sustainable)</p>
The Tories did nothing during that period to sort out the education system. In fact they made things worse by bringing in GCSEs in 1988.
The root cause of that is Cameron is seen as a fake, he'd have been better off, instead of humiliating himself with a load of fake photo stunts over a decade saying "yes I'm Tory scum, but I'll be competent Tory scum"
As it is people just think he's a Typical Tory, but a chinless fake one.
And Boris would be even more unpopular than Cameron in the North IMO.
Not surprised - they are getting in before the cap. Sensible risk management. Thanks Ed.
They've priced in a Labour election win?
As Labour are favourites to win "most seats" in the betfair market that would seem a reasonable assessment.
Not quite as "nailed on majority" as you are predicting tim but still clear favourites - as the current polls suggest.
I'm just a little surprised that posters on a politics site wouldn't know that these rises have been in the pipeline for more than a month. But these are PB Tories, always wrong, never learn.
Sensitive price information has been common knowledge for months ? You should call the competition commission ! Perhaps a look back at why there are so few players in this market - who allowed that to happen ?
Ed Conway @EdConwaySky Here's how energy bills have increased (vs CPI inflation) since 2005. We're about to have another of those big jumps pic.twitter.com/FBDOtaUBMB
It is true that the trend of rising crime which began after the war continued under Mrs Thatcher's government. That trend came to an end during the later stages of Michael Howard's tenure as Secretary of State, and the fall in crime continued under Labour. Perhaps the tougher stance of the Howard/Straw/Blunkett years was responsible, or more likely, the policies of the government of the day have very little impact on the rate of crime.
A few decades ago the maximum Tory vote was about 45%. Today it's about 40%. I don't know what all this fuss about detoxification is all about. If the Tories were hoping they could change the fact that 60% can't stand them they were always wasting their time IMO.
"According to the Office of National Statistics in May 2010 UK unemployment increased to 2.51 million or a rate of 8%.
According to the Office of National Statistics in a release yesterday in August 2013 UK unemployment decreased to 2.49 million and the unemployment rate dropped to 7.7%
The rising energy costs would've largely occurred anyway, but the firms will clearly be thinking ahead to Red Ed's price freeze. However, the public will feel their wallets being lightened once again by the companies, which, perversely, will make the price freeze seem more attractive.
In pure party politics, it's a clever move. In terms of being sensible for the country, it's bloody stupid. It's also deeply concerning that Red Ed's prior experience was as the minister for energy, yet he either has no idea how the industry works (in which case he's a cretin) or he does but is willing to bugger it up to try and get into power (in which case he's Gordon Brown II).
Mr. Flashman (deceased), whilst Hollande appears to be considered merde by almost everyone, surely there's no real prospect of Le Pen becoming president? [Incidentally, wasn't she arrested after the EU retroactively altered the rules on protected free speech for MEPs?]
Nigel Farage @Nigel_Farage 1m The coalitions's Defence and Security review will be remembered in history for being an utter disaster. Scrapping... http://fb.me/23rQ10P85
Letting Osborne do the defence review in 2010 was a joke, as even some Tories on here pointed out at the time. Gift to UKIP.
Laws replying to The Hon Tristram Hunt as Gove is abroad....
I was discussing why the Chinese don't seem to have problms integrating with some of my ethnically Chinese friends at the weekend. I think religion has some part to play, or rather the lack of it in that most Chinese are either atheist or vaguely Christian - similar to UK 'natives'. They've never caused much trouble really either, and tend to be hard working & intelligent types... That is the perception anyway.
The root cause of that is Cameron is seen as a fake, he'd have been better off, instead of humiliating himself with a load of fake photo stunts over a decade saying "yes I'm Tory scum, but I'll be competent Tory scum"
As it is people just think he's a Typical Tory, but a chinless fake one.
That's an interesting line of attack from a fake Cheshire agriculturalist and wine merchant.
The Conservatives' Northern problems are specifically problems in Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, and Newcastle. Outside those four cities, they enjoy substantial support.
"According to the Office of National Statistics in May 2010 UK unemployment increased to 2.51 million or a rate of 8%.
According to the Office of National Statistics in a release yesterday in August 2013 UK unemployment decreased to 2.49 million and the unemployment rate dropped to 7.7%
Éoin Clarke is an idiot…"
Fortunatley the 'recovery deniers' seem to be an ever dwindling band. Surely one day even they will have stop talking Britain down!
Mr. Flashman (deceased), whilst Hollande appears to be considered merde by almost everyone, surely there's no real prospect of Le Pen becoming president? [Incidentally, wasn't she arrested after the EU retroactively altered the rules on protected free speech for MEPs?]
I guess progress for MLP would be to reach the final two.
But interesting that a Eurosceptic in France is becoming popular..
Mr. Pulpstar, of the (admittedly few) Chinese immgrants' children I've met, they've been model cicitzens. They study and work hard, integrate well and even take English first names.
On religion, I saw a piece a year or two ago about Protestantism becoming a little more popular in CHina, and the authorities being relaxed about it because they like the work ethic.
On the day tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of children are missing school because of a Teacher's strike, not sure the honourable Tristram Hunt was wise to focus on '400 children missing school for a week'.......Laws gave him a deserved smacking......
The root cause of that is Cameron is seen as a fake, he'd have been better off, instead of humiliating himself with a load of fake photo stunts over a decade saying "yes I'm Tory scum, but I'll be competent Tory scum"
As it is people just think he's a Typical Tory, but a chinless fake one.
That's an interesting line of attack from a fake Cheshire agriculturalist and wine merchant.
The Conservatives' Northern problems are specifically problems in Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, and Newcastle. Outside those four cities, they enjoy substantial support.
Indeed so, and not just in rural seats. Many important marginals find themselves in the suburbs and towns of the north.
The root cause of that is Cameron is seen as a fake, he'd have been better off, instead of humiliating himself with a load of fake photo stunts over a decade saying "yes I'm Tory scum, but I'll be competent Tory scum"
As it is people just think he's a Typical Tory, but a chinless fake one.
That's an interesting line of attack from a fake Cheshire agriculturalist and wine merchant.
The Conservatives' Northern problems are specifically problems in Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, and Newcastle. Outside those four cities, they enjoy substantial support.
I left Sheffield in 1997 and Sheffield Hallam went LD.
My return to Sheffield will herald a return to Sheffield being a Tory city* in 2015
*only if you count Sheffield Hallam and ignore all the other Sheffield seats.
"However Piara Powar, executive director of Fare (Football Against Racism in Europe), told the BBC: "This was a silly phrase to use in a diverse workforce. One assumes it wasn't Freudian - there is no evidence to suggest it was.""
On topic, decontamination was going pretty well until about a year into the parliament, then they threw is away with top-rage tax cuts and a lot of little right-wing populist gestures. Arguably that was the right move considering the way they've been bleeding support to UKIP, but it's hard to make the transition without the voters thinking you're full of shit. They should have either stuck at it consistently and hoped the kippers would come home of their own accord or ditched Cameron and switched him out for someone who could sell the pivot.
Guido Fawkes @GuidoFawkes A lot of support from Labour MPs for @GloriaDePieroMP's desire to suppress topless photos on the grounds that it was before she was an MP.
The root cause of that is Cameron is seen as a fake, he'd have been better off, instead of humiliating himself with a load of fake photo stunts over a decade saying "yes I'm Tory scum, but I'll be competent Tory scum"
As it is people just think he's a Typical Tory, but a chinless fake one.
That's an interesting line of attack from a fake Cheshire agriculturalist and wine merchant.
The Conservatives' Northern problems are specifically problems in Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, and Newcastle. Outside those four cities, they enjoy substantial support.
I left Sheffield in 1997 and Sheffield Hallam went LD.
My return to Sheffield will herald a return to Sheffield being a Tory city* in 2015
*only if you count Sheffield Hallam and ignore all the other Sheffield seats.
Are you predicting a Conservative gain in Sheffield Hallam ?!?
"However Piara Powar, executive director of Fare (Football Against Racism in Europe), told the BBC: "This was a silly phrase to use in a diverse workforce. "One assumes it wasn't Freudian - there is no evidence to suggest it was.""
The root cause of that is Cameron is seen as a fake, he'd have been better off, instead of humiliating himself with a load of fake photo stunts over a decade saying "yes I'm Tory scum, but I'll be competent Tory scum"
As it is people just think he's a Typical Tory, but a chinless fake one.
That's an interesting line of attack from a fake Cheshire agriculturalist and wine merchant.
The Conservatives' Northern problems are specifically problems in Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, and Newcastle. Outside those four cities, they enjoy substantial support.
I left Sheffield in 1997 and Sheffield Hallam went LD.
My return to Sheffield will herald a return to Sheffield being a Tory city* in 2015
*only if you count Sheffield Hallam and ignore all the other Sheffield seats.
Are you predicting a Conservative gain in Sheffield Hallam ?!?
Very brave indeed.
God no.
Clegg is going to win.
The more interesting aspect is will Labour finish second and push the Tories into third.
Well done to the government for the Commission on Social Mobility. Well done to Alan Milburn for leading it. Sounds like the report is a top class piece of work. Hopefully, what it says will be taken seriously by all sides. It really is the defining issue of this post-crash era.
A few decades ago the maximum Tory vote was about 45%. Today it's about 40%. I don't know what all this fuss about detoxification is all about. If the Tories were hoping they could change the fact that 60% can't stand them they were always wasting their time IMO.
The amazing thing is why so many support Labour. They must believe in the money tree - is it a new religion?
1 day 4 minutes 6 seconds
In truth, the only significantly different result is the welfare cuts one. This seems to be popular amongst most people.
A question about pensions would've been good.
All "tim's" smearing is for nothing
Surprising really. Even Gerald Ratner might have expected absolution after 23 years
Jenny Colgan @jennycolgan
Opening page of the Morrissey book. OMINOUS. RT @jackseale pic.twitter.com/Xh7Ei1oRyl
Bear in mind that people who live in those areas are more likely to know people who take advantage of the system.
No matter you've still got the farm to look after and that interesting vintner sideline.
"A crap post"
It's all Robin Hood in reverse stuff. (The graph)
I don't really think that characterization is accurate or at least not obviously so which suggests it's down to the party's image which precisely dates from 1979-1990.
Successive generations of UK politicians (since WW2) have squandered every penny they can obtain on buying votes through increasing Welfare benefits, rather than ensuring future prosperity through buying infrastructure.
Beginning with Marshall Aid and continuing to the obscenity of the Brown years.
For Roger's benefit, Gerald Ratner has been the biggest online jewellery retailer in the UK for about a decade. The source of my information was Gerald Ratner himself when he was guest speaker at a conference I was running a few years ago in Aviemore.
That was a fascinating piece about the substance of Labour's real level of support listed among last night's Nighthawk. 32% is not so far from the alleged Tory strategy of 31%.
Lib Dems are claiming @George_Osborne is the Coalition's John Terry. FT's @BethRigby has the quote: polho.me/1etfMK6
What is it with the LDs and the nasty personal attacks? I find it really unattractive.
"For Gerald Ratner read Ed in 2036."
I'm afraid Ed's flailing at the moment. I thought he had a strategy of based around the Tories looking after the wrong people but it seems that wasn't the strategy at all. I fear in 2036 the only well known Milliband will be Ralph.
AGW - whether 100% right, 100% wrong, or something in between, is not going to be affected one iota by whether we generate electricity 100% from coal, or 100% from 'renewables': we produce <0.2% of annual global CO2 emissions.
The utter inconsequential effects of the UK's energy policy on Gaia's world is something no PM can seemingly accept - the UK simply doesn't matter.
The effect of raising fuel costs by 50% (or more) by 2030, and by >100% by 2050, OTOH, matter massively: he could ensure an energy cost cut of 10-20% tomorrow by ending all 'Greenery' - a stealth tax imposed on the UK/EU by scientifically-ignorant politicians who just want an excuse to impose taxes.
The funny think is that the 80s Ratner's sold some great quality stuff - my wedding/eternity ring came from there and its never bent, the claws are still perfect and the stones in place 18yrs on.
Ed is more Ralph Wiggum than Ralph Miliband.
Net support:
OA: -16
Labour VI: +30
Welsh Owl and Easterross implicitly are relaxed about settling for 35% - people who don't agree with the basic right-wing agenda can get stuffed. That's actually a perfectly viable strategy in countries with PR, but works poorly with FPTP.
Financier said:
This morning we see from YouGov that the LDs are back to 8 again - a level they frequently found themselves about one year ago.
However, some PBers have expectations of 15-18 in 2015. So where will the extra LD voters come from?
Today's YouGov gives a 2010LD split of Con: 11; LAB: 38; LD:33; UKIP:12; GN:5; and Others 2: However currently 20% of the 2010LDers came under the Don't Knows.
At the same time, this poll shows that 70% of LDVI support the current coalition whilst 26% oppose. This contrasts with 58% of ConsVI who support whilst 39% oppose.
So, will LDs claw back supporters from LAB or UKIP or reel in the DKs? Baxtering shows quite small seat gains between 10% and 15% with larger seat gains at >15%.
So what will the LDs have to do to bring back voters in their fold? Perhaps PBers like OGH and MarkS could advise?
It's one of the two right questions IMO (the other even harder one is "How does Cameron persuade people who preferred Gordon Brown to him in 2010?"). But the more relevant stat is probably that of 2010 LDs, the coalition is opposed by 55-37. Of those 37, 22% (70% of 33%) are people who currently vote LibDem AND like the coalition. So there is overwhelming opposition among 2010 LDs who aren't currently among the 8% still planning to vote LD. If you look at the approval stats it's even more marked.
Conclusion: the LibDems need to come close to ruling out a repeat of the Coalition, or accept that they aren't going to get these guys back in 2015.
UK Sep retail sales inc fuel +0.6% m/m (RT poll: +0.4%); +2.2% y/y (RT poll: +2.1%), ex .fuel: +0.7% m/m; +2.8% y/y
ONS @statisticsONS
#Crime in England & Wales fell 7% in 12 months to June 2013 bit.ly/18hi2CI
Ed's problem when telling people the Tories are "looking after the wrong people" is that Ed just doesn't connect as "one of the right people" to deliver that approach. The North-London intelligentsia millionaire nerd subset just doesn't click with anyone.
I have still to find anyone who has a good word to say about Ed Miliband - and that includes my chums who are Labour Party activists. The nearest parallel I can think of is if John Redwood were parachuted in as Tory leader on the back of a handful of big donors requiring it. It might fire up a handful of small-state Tories, looking forward to swingeing cuts in what government does. But most party activists would think "how the hell do I sell this guy on the doorstep?".
Surely both parties must realise their best strategy is to engineer 'furious rows' about hmm January 2015.
A planned and deliberate 'breakdown' in January 2015 or some such
look on it as Dave being the 5-Year Nanny. For sure toddlers don't like to be told not to eat too many sweets or run into the road or juggle with bread knives but it's necessary for parents to enforce these rules nevertheless.
It makes for a stronger relationship and a more balanced and healthier child.
Amusing that in the Daily Mail polling, even in the North, more people think Cameron is doing well as a leader than Miliband. How bad must EdM be?
Has he passed any comment on the millions of pupils at 10,000 schools who are losing a day of education?
Most aren't even on strike - they just don't confirm they are coming in, Head shuts the schools and then the teachers turn up and demand a days pay.
They don't even have the courage of their convictions.
Crime Survey for England & Wales down 7% year on year to 8.5million crimes in the 12 months to June 2013 #crimeisfalling
Remember how the PB Kinnocks were saying crime was going to go through the roof due to cuts.
Always wrong, all the time...
UK retail sales up 1.5% in Q3 => best quarter since Q1 2008 (2nd best for 9 years) pic.twitter.com/MuxbMkM15O
Farmer Tim can join them on the picket line with his tractor, and a trailer load of Chilean Merlot.
Cons are happier to be bold about defence spending because they, ahem, we are seen as the party of the armed forces. As Cam or one of his forebears once said in PMQ on this subject, there are more honourable members behind me with military experience than in the party opposite...
No one thought that through did they.
As Labour are favourites to win "most seats" in the betfair market that would seem a reasonable assessment.
Not quite as "nailed on majority" as you are predicting tim but still clear favourites - as the current polls suggest.
< Another EdM win, err
Then for some reason she turned on us.
Perhaps when we tried to head off the wilder excesses and give people elected representatives was one turning point among many.
Here's how energy bills have increased (vs CPI inflation) since 2005. We're about to have another of those big jumps pic.twitter.com/FBDOtaUBMB
"According to the Office of National Statistics in May 2010 UK unemployment increased to 2.51 million or a rate of 8%.
According to the Office of National Statistics in a release yesterday in August 2013 UK unemployment decreased to 2.49 million and the unemployment rate dropped to 7.7%
Éoin Clarke is an idiot…"
Fire up the open cast coal mines I say.
More or fewer Chinese visitors?
More: 37
Fewer: 9
Same: 35
(UKIP: 45/11/30)
Where should UK look to for trade:
China: 53
Europe: 35
Aus/NZ: 34
N. Amer: 33
Laws replying to The Hon Tristram Hunt as Gove is abroad....
In pure party politics, it's a clever move. In terms of being sensible for the country, it's bloody stupid. It's also deeply concerning that Red Ed's prior experience was as the minister for energy, yet he either has no idea how the industry works (in which case he's a cretin) or he does but is willing to bugger it up to try and get into power (in which case he's Gordon Brown II).
Clearly you've never heard about the DFS sale?
New CSA poll: 46% of French think Marine Le Pen is "best challenger" to President #Hollande. #UMP's Fillon (18%) and Copé (13%) well behind.
But what the eff are The Times playing at.
They commissioned a 2,000 voter strong poll, and all the coverage they gave it is a paragraph in Tim Montgomerie's column today.
An 8 strong focus group showing Ed is crap gets two pages of coverage
But interesting that a Eurosceptic in France is becoming popular..
Christ, Clive Tyldsley commentating on England winning the world cup might be worth 15%.
On religion, I saw a piece a year or two ago about Protestantism becoming a little more popular in CHina, and the authorities being relaxed about it because they like the work ethic.
- Hills, PP and Coral all shorten their LAB prices
- Ladbrokes suspend their John Black (IND) price
Anyone know why Shadsy might suspend that price? It was 100/1 before the suspension.
Best prices - Dunfermline by-election
Lab 1/3 (BetVictor, Betway)
SNP 3/1 (Hills)
LD 89/1 (Betfair)
Ind 100/1 (Betway, Coral)
Grn 125/1
UKIP 125/1
Con 200/1
I left Sheffield in 1997 and Sheffield Hallam went LD.
My return to Sheffield will herald a return to Sheffield being a Tory city* in 2015
*only if you count Sheffield Hallam and ignore all the other Sheffield seats.
Not too sure this Emergency Question was a wise one from Labour - confusion all round.
"However Piara Powar, executive director of Fare (Football Against Racism in Europe), told the BBC: "This was a silly phrase to use in a diverse workforce. One assumes it wasn't Freudian - there is no evidence to suggest it was.""
what evidence, I wonder, would Piara require for him to conclude beyond reasonable doubt that it _was_ Freudian?
Guido Fawkes @GuidoFawkes
A lot of support from Labour MPs for @GloriaDePieroMP's desire to suppress topless photos on the grounds that it was before she was an MP.
Very brave indeed.
Piara "double standards" Powar?
This man has the potential to cause race wars with his hypocrisy
Still this has to be Scotland's best moment in a world cup?
(Don't worry it's not the Trainspotting version)
Clegg is going to win.
The more interesting aspect is will Labour finish second and push the Tories into third.
Loved it.
Irving Welsh and James McAvoy are utter geniuses.
Poor start from Hunt in the Commons unlike his solid TV performances on Sunday. Oh dear.