US government shutdown over, Mitch McDonnell gets a dam.
If the Democrats and the Tea Party hadn't tried to stop pork barrel spending they could have just given everyone else a dam two weeks ago and avoided the whole expensive palava.
Why the hell didn't Hodgson just say "keep giving the ball to Andros"?
No need for allegorys at half time surely?
I've sat through some awful halftime team talks (including, but not limited to, "come on guys, we can keep this to single figures") but that one does sound special.
I think this is the best laugh I have had this week. Superb.
It's good to see the right catching up on something the left has known for decades. Putting that to one side, though, it's clear something has to change.
The SBA statement in July summarised the position:
First indications from selected banks in Switzerland show that there are fewer untaxed UK assets in Switzerland than had been previously assumed. This is mainly due to the fact that many clients have resident non-domiciled status. These clients are not liable to taxation in the UK and thus do not fall under the Agreement. Furthermore, numerous UK clients have opted for voluntary disclosure, which comes as no surprise given the latest developments in Switzerland with regard to the announced adoption of a global standard for the automatic exchange of information.
In spite of the shift towards direct declaration, the Treasury has continued to receive payments from the Swiss Banks. By the time of the OBR's commentary on the August finances, it was able to report:
Capital tax receipts from the UK-Swiss tax agreement are likely to be less than the £3.2 billion estimate included in the March 2013 EFO. A further payment from the Swiss authorities has been received, bringing the total payment so far to £0.7 billion, which is accrued to May 2013.
Chote also noted that even though indirect receipts were much lower than he originally forecast they had still contributed to net reductions in public sector borrowing. He also suggested that the Treasury, HMRC and the OBR get together to rework forecast receipts from the Swiss and other similar agreement before the OBR released its next EFO at the time of the autumn forecast.
So to summarise. The original over optimistic forecast by the OBR (not George Osborne) was withdrawn and no longer appears in the ONS Public Finances figures. Only actual receipts are now being booked. Lower receipts from the Swiss Banks does not mean that all due tax has been lost: HRMC are likely to have made up much of the orginal forecast from direct disclosure. Money is still being received from the Swiss Banks. Even after reducing the forecast for Swiss receipts, cumulative Public Sector Net Borrowing is already lower than the original OBR forecast. So any 'black hole' article is already a "non-story". A full reconciliation of receipts and new forecasts are expected in time for the OBR's next EFO release due in December.
LOL, the OBR have never got a forecast right in their history, they even think we will be getting oil at half of today's prices in teh future
Re: the Elmbridge dogging story, I used to live in Esher. I find it hilarious that people are surprised that an area whose local residents include Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood, Chris Tarrant and John Terry, should attract sh*ggers.
That is pretty damning! I think he's toast, and he knows it. Considering how he was on his high horse for most of the last couple of days, this is a humiliation. I wouldn't be surprised that if he has the equipment, the CC is sacked!
It's good to see the right catching up on something the left has known for decades. Putting that to one side, though, it's clear something has to change.
I think this goes beyond left or right however to remain partisan :-) if this has been known by the left for 'decades', why didn't the 13 year tenure of the left do something about it?
It's good to see the right catching up on something the left has known for decades. Putting that to one side, though, it's clear something has to change.
I think this goes beyond left or right however to remain partisan :-) if this has been known by the left for 'decades', why didn't the 13 year tenure of the left do something about it?
I agree. But I wonder what the reaction would have been to "Labour doing something about it" before the Mitchell story. You only have to look at the litany of police scandals of the last few decades to see there has been a serious problem for years.
What's your evidence that the population of that dressing room is offended or that cheeky monkeys play centre in Chorley is seen as oppressing black children in Lancashire?
So Tim, are you saying the fans banned for monkey chanting and making monkey gestures at black players were treated unjustly?
I'm not calling for Roy's sacking, I'm not claiming he's racist. I'm just saying he should be reminded not to metaphorically reference a black player as a monkey. I'm sure he made a mistake, and has realised it now.
If you can't see the difference between the two there's little point in me trying to explain it to you.
Faux outrage from a PC freakoid, you are wasting your time Tim
So Tim, are you saying the fans banned for monkey chanting and making monkey gestures at black players were treated unjustly?
All the circumstances must be taken into account, including the context of the utterance and the intention of the speaker. You are trying to draw hard and fast rules where they are not warranted.
Which is why I'm not (and I don't think anyone is) calling for any disciplinary action.
You can unintentionally say the wrong thing without meaning offence by it. I'd place metaphorically referencing a black player as a monkey as under that.
Get a life , if they are such big jessies and so easily upset they should not be playing football
Tristram Hunt, the shadow education secretary, said the Ofsted report showed that Michael Gove's reform programme, in which the new schools are freed from local education authority control and allowed to appoint unqualified teachers if they choose, has become a "dangerous free-for-all".
Hunt told the Guardian: "What this report exposes is that David Cameron and Michael Gove's Free School programme has become a dangerous free-for-all: an out of control ideological experiment that has left 400 children losing an entire week of learning."
He seems to be more concerned with the fact that the school closed temporarily for a week during the Ofsted inspection, than with the report's conclusions that this seems to be a f***ing useless school. So happy to consign children to a life ruined by a useless education, as long as they get it for the regulation 39 weeks a year.
My five year old grandson can't go to school tomorrow because the teachers are on strike. Obviously three months holiday and index linked gold plated pensions are not enough.
Ask them if you can take your child out of school for a couple of days for a short holiday and you are treated like a mass murderer. Gove is doing a great job in breaking up these self serving tossers
If you think teaching is either easy or relaxing you know nothing about it.
Corporal, I am waiting for you to explain to me why my five year old grandson cannot go to school tomorrow
If you want to know the full breakdown then that'd take a while and if you google you'll find it elsewhere. The short answer is teacher's believe their working conditions and pay are being downgraded by the government.
LOL , they are being asked to work more than 3 or 4 hours a day , and maybe shorten their 17 weeks holidays. I am sure the public will be behind them.
Re: the Elmbridge dogging story, I used to live in Esher. I find it hilarious that people are surprised that an area whose local residents include Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood, Chris Tarrant and John Terry, should attract sh*ggers.
Why the hell didn't Hodgson just say "keep giving the ball to Andros"?
No need for allegorys at half time surely?
I've sat through some awful halftime team talks (including, but not limited to, "come on guys, we can keep this to single figures") but that one does sound special.
I've heard a few like that in my Peebles Thistle days, Neil. I think 27-0 was our worst result. Thank God we had a good keeper or it could have been really embarrassing.
Pretty sure we were the only team in that league that preferred a half time cigarette to oranges!
I agree. But I wonder what the reaction would have been to "Labour doing something about it" before the Mitchell story. You only have to look at the litany of police scandals of the last few decades to see there has been a serious problem for years.
The problem is that it is nearly always the policy of the Labour Party to give the police more power. Lord Acton's aphorism on power applies here. The sensible on the right have never gone in for unadulterated worship of the police.
This morning we see from YouGov that the LDs are back to 8 again - a level they frequently found themselves about one year ago.
However, some PBers have expectations of 15-18 in 2015. So where will the extra LD voters come from?
Today's YouGov gives a 2010LD split of Con: 11; LAB: 38; LD:33; UKIP:12; GN:5; and Others 2: However currently 20% of the 2010LDers came under the Don't Knows.
At the same time, this poll shows that 70% of LDVI support the current coalition whilst 26% oppose. This contrasts with 58% of ConsVI who support whilst 39% oppose.
So, will LDs claw back supporters from LAB or UKIP or reel in the DKs? Baxtering shows quite small seat gains between 10% and 15% with larger seat gains at >15%.
So what will the LDs have to do to bring back voters in their fold? Perhaps PBers like OGH and MarkS could advise?
It's good to see the right catching up on something the left has known for decades. Putting that to one side, though, it's clear something has to change.
The memo said then Home Secretary Douglas Hurd intended to welcome the "broad thrust" of the report.
But the PM urged him to welcome its "thoroughness and recommendations"."
She owed them for Orgreave.
That old tripe!
"Thatcher’s response, according to the recorded documentation, was to demand a change of emphasis; “What do we mean by ‘welcoming the broad thrust of the report’? The broad thrust is devastating criticism of the police. Is that for us to welcome?” (See sections 2.6.122 through to 2.6.135 of the Report of the Hillsborough Independent Panel.)...
.....In this case, it is quite implicit from the later sentence that what Thatcher was saying was that it would be foolish for the Government to announce that it actually welcomed the discovery that the South Yorkshire Police were habitually deceitful and irresponsible, and were perfectly willing to behave corruptly in order to avoid carrying the can for their own foul-ups. The inadvertent suggestion of the briefing was that Hurd should in effect imply that the Government warmly approved of Police corruption, and Thatcher was therefore asking for the emphasis of the statement to be shifted to applauding Taylor’s diligence instead."
This morning we see from YouGov that the LDs are back to 8 again - a level they frequently found themselves about one year ago.
However, some PBers have expectations of 15-18 in 2015. So where will the extra LD voters come from?
Today's YouGov gives a 2010LD split of Con: 11; LAB: 38; LD:33; UKIP:12; GN:5; and Others 2: However currently 20% of the 2010LDers came under the Don't Knows.
At the same time, this poll shows that 70% of LDVI support the current coalition whilst 26% oppose. This contrasts with 58% of ConsVI who support whilst 39% oppose.
So, will LDs claw back supporters from LAB or UKIP or reel in the DKs? Baxtering shows quite small seat gains between 10% and 15% with larger seat gains at >15%.
So what will the LDs have to do to bring back voters in their fold? Perhaps PBers like OGH and MarkS could advise?
If the lib dems recover to 15/18 somehow, it is rather difficult to see how labour will get a their share must fall.
"So what will the LDs have to do to bring back voters in their fold? Perhaps PBers like OGH and MarkS could advise?"
Difficult to see anything with regard to policies over which they have no control. It's got to be personnel. I would think nothing short of Clegg and Alexander's resignation followed by a very public row with their coalition partners would do the trick
This morning we see from YouGov that the LDs are back to 8 again - a level they frequently found themselves about one year ago.
However, some PBers have expectations of 15-18 in 2015. So where will the extra LD voters come from?
Today's YouGov gives a 2010LD split of Con: 11; LAB: 38; LD:33; UKIP:12; GN:5; and Others 2: However currently 20% of the 2010LDers came under the Don't Knows.
At the same time, this poll shows that 70% of LDVI support the current coalition whilst 26% oppose. This contrasts with 58% of ConsVI who support whilst 39% oppose.
So, will LDs claw back supporters from LAB or UKIP or reel in the DKs? Baxtering shows quite small seat gains between 10% and 15% with larger seat gains at >15%.
So what will the LDs have to do to bring back voters in their fold? Perhaps PBers like OGH and MarkS could advise?
It's one of the two right questions IMO (the other even harder one is "How does Cameron persuade people who preferred Gordon Brown to him in 2010?"). But the more relevant stat is probably that of 2010 LDs, the coalition is opposed by 55-37. Of those 37, 22% (70% of 33%) are people who currently vote LibDem AND like the coalition. So there is overwhelming opposition among 2010 LDs who aren't currently among the 8% still planning to vote LD. If you look at the approval stats it's even more marked.
Conclusion: the LibDems need to come close to ruling out a repeat of the Coalition, or accept that they aren't going to get these guys back in 2015.
Hunt told the Guardian: "What this report exposes is that David Cameron and Michael Gove's Free School programme has become a dangerous free-for-all: an out of control ideological experiment that has left 400 children losing an entire week of learning."
He seems to be more concerned with the fact that the school closed temporarily for a week during the Ofsted inspection, than with the report's conclusions that this seems to be a f***ing useless school. So happy to consign children to a life ruined by a useless education, as long as they get it for the regulation 39 weeks a year.
My five year old grandson can't go to school tomorrow because the teachers are on strike. Obviously three months holiday and index linked gold plated pensions are not enough.
Ask them if you can take your child out of school for a couple of days for a short holiday and you are treated like a mass murderer. Gove is doing a great job in breaking up these self serving tossers
If you think teaching is either easy or relaxing you know nothing about it.
Corporal, I am waiting for you to explain to me why my five year old grandson cannot go to school tomorrow
If you want to know the full breakdown then that'd take a while and if you google you'll find it elsewhere. The short answer is teacher's believe their working conditions and pay are being downgraded by the government.
LOL , they are being asked to work more than 3 or 4 hours a day , and maybe shorten their 17 weeks holidays. I am sure the public will be behind them.
If you think teachers only work 3 or 4 hours a day, you're just displaying your idiocy.
If the Democrats and the Tea Party hadn't tried to stop pork barrel spending they could have just given everyone else a dam two weeks ago and avoided the whole expensive palava.
LOL , they are being asked to work more than 3 or 4 hours a day , and maybe shorten their 17 weeks holidays. I am sure the public will be behind them.
Pretty sure we were the only team in that league that preferred a half time cigarette to oranges!
Teachers striking again today:
I expect sympathy will be fairly low.
However, some PBers have expectations of 15-18 in 2015. So where will the extra LD voters come from?
Today's YouGov gives a 2010LD split of Con: 11; LAB: 38; LD:33; UKIP:12; GN:5; and Others 2: However currently 20% of the 2010LDers came under the Don't Knows.
At the same time, this poll shows that 70% of LDVI support the current coalition whilst 26% oppose. This contrasts with 58% of ConsVI who support whilst 39% oppose.
So, will LDs claw back supporters from LAB or UKIP or reel in the DKs? Baxtering shows quite small seat gains between 10% and 15% with larger seat gains at >15%.
So what will the LDs have to do to bring back voters in their fold? Perhaps PBers like OGH and MarkS could advise?
"Thatcher’s response, according to the recorded documentation, was to demand a change of emphasis; “What do we mean by ‘welcoming the broad thrust of the report’? The broad thrust is devastating criticism of the police. Is that for us to welcome?” (See sections 2.6.122 through to 2.6.135 of the Report of the Hillsborough Independent Panel.)...
.....In this case, it is quite implicit from the later sentence that what Thatcher was saying was that it would be foolish for the Government to announce that it actually welcomed the discovery that the South Yorkshire Police were habitually deceitful and irresponsible, and were perfectly willing to behave corruptly in order to avoid carrying the can for their own foul-ups. The inadvertent suggestion of the briefing was that Hurd should in effect imply that the Government warmly approved of Police corruption, and Thatcher was therefore asking for the emphasis of the statement to be shifted to applauding Taylor’s diligence instead."
"So what will the LDs have to do to bring back voters in their fold? Perhaps PBers like OGH and MarkS could advise?"
Difficult to see anything with regard to policies over which they have no control. It's got to be personnel. I would think nothing short of Clegg and Alexander's resignation followed by a very public row with their coalition partners would do the trick
Conclusion: the LibDems need to come close to ruling out a repeat of the Coalition, or accept that they aren't going to get these guys back in 2015.
'Are the people ignoring the army chaos and Goves Madrassa ignoring that as well?'
Labour is toxic on defence,had you forgotten about Iraq & Afghanistan?
Labour's education legacy confirmed by the recent OECD report versus one failing school,your having a laugh. .
If you think teachers only work 3 or 4 hours a day, you're just displaying your idiocy.