If you’re a lurker, why not delurk, you can even talk about whether England will be playing in the likes of Rio next summer, hopefully England’s world cup chances won’t crumble like the Carthaginians at Zama or Starfleet at Wolf 359 tonight. If you have The Reflex not to post, ignore it tonight, you won’t become Notorious if you delurk.
Guess this more a 'Nighthawks' post... reminds me of my game playing days on the SNES.
This been on yet? I ranked 'minister'.
I don't judge people's ability by their names, but by their track record.
You might choose to do otherwise, but that just reflects your rather narrow mindset.
On another topic I wonder how many more LibDem MPs will announce their retirement at 2015? I expect at least 1 more in Scotland, if he is allowed to by the party.
Here is to the next 1000!
*been playing it a lot*
Sky News @SkyNews 11s
THE TIMES FRONT PAGE: "Britain and Germany in secret pact to defy EU laws" #skypapers pic.twitter.com/mLVIjvvIiM
@rosschawkins: Industry source tells me some in press considering judicial review of rejection of press' charter
"It also appears that the number of comments posted on the article in question was above average and indicated a great deal of interest in the matter among the readers and those who posted their comments. Thus, the court concludes that the applicant company was expected to exercise a degree of caution in the circumstances of the present case in order to avoid being held liable for an infringement of other persons' reputations."
Good news for Con.
The Wiki entries imply that other buildings they designed have also been pulled down, so there is some hope that the Barbican might follow. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamberlin,_Powell_and_Bon
There's an 1800 word piece going up by Paul Dacre on the Miliband row at CiF
Nick Sutton @suttonnick 6m
Page 44 of The Guardian tomorrow looks interesting #tomorrowspaperstoday
UKIP has “ridden on the back of the success of the English Defence League”, Tommy Robinson, the founder of the nationalist street protest movement, claims today.
Then again, I do admire Dacre on one level, without him, the murderers of Stephen Lawrence would still be walking the streets
Plus I enjoyed most of the original Alien and Predator films, and the AvP computer games.
The films sucked more than a hooker that swallowed a dyson
What impact, if any, would an application by the newspapers for a judicial review of the Privy Council Committee decision to reject the IPSO draft for a Royal Charter have on the ability of the Privy Council to seal the alternative 'tripartite' draft of the charter?
You perhaps missed the fact that Leveson was set up to examine the culture, practices and ethics of newspapers and that part 2 hasn't even happened yet.
As for the newspaper proprietors supposed outrage at a statute backed system - it certainly hasn't stopped the Irish Daily Mail, the Irish Sun, The Irish Times, Irish Mirror, Irish Daily Star, Irish Express, Irish Independent and the rest of the papers and their proprietors operating under their system of a press council underpinned by statute - all of which they have done without the sky falling in.
Funny that, isn't it?
It's their choice though. They stay out then they don't get the benefits and the next scandal is all on them as will be the consequences.
edit: forgot link
His recent tone suggests that he has fallen off the wagon and collided with the whisky truck.
It may well be that, if challenged, the High Court would rule that this press regulation charter is outwith the Royal Prerogative."
It does seem outrageous to end the free press without at least the consent of parliament.
“The improving Mexican economy, lower Mexican fertility, the U.S. construction bust, and increased enforcement have combined to bring net Mexican immigration to zero or negative since 2008. That bears repeating: On net, Mexicans are no longer moving to the United States at all.”
Instead, it is Asians who are moving to America “at a rate of about half a million a year… the Asian-American percentage of the population has already reached 6%.”
Thinking about it, this seems to makes sense. After all, Asia has plenty of people to spare, right? Well, no, actually:
“In 2012, the working-age population of China fell by 3.45 million. In other words, last year China lost a number of workers approximately equal to the entire population of Lebanon. This year the drop will be bigger, and the drops will accelerate through the 2030s. That means that China’s inexhaustible supply of cheap labor is going to be exhausted a lot faster than most people expected.”
For me, Dacre vs Campbell is Iran vs Iraq all over again.
Or even Alien vs. Predator - whoever wins, we lose?
Nah, it's a pity both can't lose.
Plus I enjoyed most of the original Alien and Predator films, and the AvP computer games.
The films sucked more than a hooker that swallowed a dyson
Predator is arguably the most perfect film ever. I read somewhere that if you restricted the script to the dialogue used, it would be about 4 pages long: i.e. it is ALL ACTION. And completely gripping thereby and nonetheless. There is not a spare ounce of flesh on the bones. Everything drives the plot forward to its climaxially violent ending.
It's also watchable again and again, in the same way as the (much more wordy) Zulu.
I quite agree. Predator - which I watched again last night - is the perfect thriller/fantasy film.
Unfortunately that is probably just wishful thinking on my part.
For that matter Campbell's odious lies about Iraq were not just bought wholesale by gullible and inept tories and labour supporters but also parroted eagerly by the likes of the Mail, the Sun and most of the press.
Bit much for those who believed his obvious nonsense on Iraq to now complain about it.
RTE are doing a mini-series on Charles J. Haughey right now. It will look like an over-the-top version of House of Cards.
Ref Jack's point, if parliament has already agreed in principle that such a Charter can exist, then surely it's within HM's right (or ministers on her behalf) to create one?
A question to which I am awaiting an answer from Town, LJ.
Yes the next thing we know the Irish will be having some kind of D Notice system or, perish the thought, the chief of their security services will publicly castigate/threaten a paper for releasing leaks from a whistleblower that exposed a massive surveilance system operating in the US.
They're fine with the Irish system and show no sign of pulling out. (Even Desmond signed up to it for god's sake) The royal press charter isn't what Leveson proposed (which was closer to the Irish model) but a hastily cobbled together 'compromise' after Cameron rejected Leveson's main findings.
So to be clear this is a compromise on Leveson they would be rejecting in favour of their idea of a PCC mark 2 and a return to business as usual, which they absolutely can.
I hope they all have demons. They deserve them, after what they visited on us.
Of course, now, post-Blair, that seems a ridiculous position, but how were we to know that at the time?
If such an application is made and accepted then would not any further connected action being contemplated or planned by the PC be deferred until the 'appeal' process is complete?
My guess is that any application for a judicial review will be as much motivated by its ability to delay as it would to resolve any claimed breach of procedure or law.
Boomtime: Britain bounces back Share prices, house prices, luxury cars... The recession is over and the country has started spending again
Yellow boxes! That makes it official and correct!
Please translate for us ordinary mortals.
The only bit I think I understand is the last sentence where it appears you are suggesting that the actions of the Privy Council are subject to challenge on basis that they conflict with the European Convention on Human Rights (?).
I can make neither head nor tail of your first two sentences though.
Some things will never change.
Not looking good for Dave, or more importantly the voters.
1. The "series of incentives for members of the press in the application of costs and exemplary damages" may not be compliant or consistent with ECHR rights. Such incentives being promoted as encouragement for publications to participate in the voluntary regulatory body (or probably better described as penalties for not participating).
2. HRA 98 gives a limited and conditional right to publication when "in the public interest", or at least a right not to be restrained from publication.
3. Article 7 of the ECHR appears to prohibit and/or constrain retrospective application of the law. This bit appears not to fit unless I am missing something.
Am I right that these are (some if not all) the potential grounds for 'appeal' by the IPSO connections of the Privy Council decision to outlaw their charter?
I hope the Tate Modern has got hold of one. They'll be changing hands for a pretty penny in the auction houses before you can say radical chic.
The Red Cross parcels contain tins of spam and baked beans to compensate those unfortunate enough not to have been sufficiently funded and street wise to have stagged the Royal Mail IPO.
Don't mock the actions of the Red Cross. What they are doing clearly a valuable contribution to the fairness of society. All hard working families up and down the country will welcome this one nation initiative.