Royston on Barnsley (Lab Defence)
Last Election (2012): Lab 52, Ind 6, Con 5 (Lab overall majority of 41)
Last Election Results in electoral cycle:
2010: Lab 2,175 (46%), Lib Dem 1,078 (23%), Con 628 (13%), BNP 564 (12%), Barnsley Independents 274 (6%)
2011: Lab 1,570 (59%), UKIP 450 (17%), Con 244 (9%), Lib Dem 148 (6%), Socialist Labour Party 114 (4%), BNP 113 (4%)
French polls show surge in support for far-right National Front
Quarter of French voters polled said they would vote for party at 2014 European elections, with 19% for Socialists
Mr. Eagles, quelle surprise.
I'm not for one moment comparing UKIP to the Front National (though Dave probably would)
But would be quite a shock for two of Europe's larger countries to see Eurosceptic/EU withdrawal parties winning the Euros.
Ah Richard Waghorne, he's the gayer against gay marriage
Sky News @SkyNews 45s
INDEPENDENT FRONT PAGE: "Red Cross launches emergency food aid plan for UK's hungry" #skypapers
WMD launchable within 45 mins - bunch of lying barstewards.
'Shortly there will be an election, in which Labour will increase its majority'
Mr. Rag, if working makes people poorer that suggests the benefits system is significantly over-generous or that taxes are too high.
And when it backfires and developers say they won't invest in this country any more, how popular do you think Ed will be then?
Typical short-termist bonkers idea from the red team.
I think I preferred it when it was just a blank sheet of paper.
Sadly, and we all wish it wasn't the case, there isn't always an easy way. Many Tories wish that your party had had to clean up your own mess after the last election. Thank God however you didn't have the chance to make thing even worse. Labour - trully the party with no shame.
We'll miss it when someone points out it's gone.
But fine, if you want to ignore that, and the reasons behind it.
He particularly pointed to the close relations between Mr Dacre and former prime minister Gordon Brown. "Paul Dacre was a guest at many of the most intimate family occasions Gordon Brown had," he said.
I think you're misunderestimating Ed Miliband.
This kind of wasteful political stunt damages the reputation of a once noble organisation.Whoever is behind this nonsense should be sacked.
Edit: Barring The Scots voting for Independence in 2014.
Out of interest have you found that quote from me yet Tim? Or are you just a dishonest liar?
tim's an honest liar!
And Ed, you mark my words, will not only save the Labour Party, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the UK. Thank you very much.
No voting figures given.
Says people prefer Cameron's energy price policy to Miliband's by 60:40.
Off to spend the family Royal Mail windfall.... couple of buttons and some new paperclips for the office should do it.
Option 1- '83. Hope somebody declares war on the UK. To be fair to Cameron there's evidence that he's at his best when his back is really to the wall. Perhaps a major crisis would suffice, but essentially we're looking at a Falklands moment. Unlikely to happen but can't be ruled out.
Option 2 - '87. This one involves creating an economic bubble particularly in housing and selling some state assests on the cheap hoping people won't notice they are being bribed with their own money. This looks to be the one they are following.
Option 3 - '92. This one involves getting rid of the PM and replacing him with someone a bit different. It could work but I doubt they'll try it. And frankly even if they did would the Tories find someone more electable than Cameron?
Fnarr, Fnarr
This is a novel approach. Do you think it will catch on?
Mission accomplished
Yes, much of my experience of Scottish local politics is in rural areas, and many voters ignore party labels and look at the credentials of the individual candidates. I very much doubt that Mark Senior knows much about Keith Cockburn, Morag Kerr or Nancy Norman, but perhaps you do?
I wonder if the Labour candidate Veronica McTernan is any relative of the notorious smear-merchant John McTernan?
Ed vs 000s of employees in energy sector
Ed vs suppliers of key infrastructure
Now, now we both know Labour never smear! They just occssionaly forget the truth - as tim so often illustrates.
Nancy Norman was a former independent councillor, and local minister, who stood for the LDs last time round. Morag Kerr is a vet in the vilage I grew up in and Keith Cockburn is a Peebles businessman!
Up pops the ugly public sector boot to support Diane.