Not what I heard on radio leeds news reports,creagh sounded all in favour of HS2,bringing jobs to the north and all that.
Yes, sounds as if Creagh is a committed HS2-ite:
17:16pm There's been much talk of how Maria Eagle's departure as shadow transport secretary (she is now shadow environment secretary) could pave the way for a Labour U-turn over High Speed 2. But during this afternoon's reshuffle briefing, the party's spokesman emphasised that Mary Creagh is a "supporter of HS2" and that "there is no change in the party's position".
What are we to make of today's goings and other goings ? As many have said, the Osbornians, the Osborniates, the Osbornites or whatever we finish up calling them are in the ascendant which means Osborne comes out of 2015 either in pole position to take over the Conservative Party when Cameron stands down or joining his ally in the political wilderness.
It's a huge personal and political gamble and if the Conservatives lose in 2015, Osborne and his allies will have a long time to contemplate that failure.
On the LD side, I presume the replacement of Moore by Carmichael will allow Moore to fight to hold his seat. As for the exit of Jeremy Browne, I don't pretend to know the whys and wherefores. Could Browne realistically be a challenger for a post-Clegg leadership battle ? If he keeps his seat, I suppose he could.
It's worth mentioning the Leeds tram/trolleybus system. There isn't one, despite it being promised for ages, and last time a large sum (over £100m, I think) was spent preparing for it only for the Government (then Labour) to pull the plug. The suspicion would be that HS2 might go ahead but that we wouldn't benefit.
Tim Shipman (Mail) @ShippersUnbound 2m M.Eagle - Creagh job swap clears the way for Labour to ditch HS2
Besides Osbornes ever tightening ligature around the throat of the Tory Party, that's the biggest news.
Not what I heard on radio leeds news reports,creagh sounded all in favour of HS2,bringing jobs to the north and all that.
You've got a lot of marginals in Yorkshire out of which you shoud get a lot of leverage.
They should spend the HS2 money on improving Northern inter city travel.
It will be a joke that once HS2 is complete, it will take roughly half the time it takes to go from Sheffield to London, to go from Sheffield to Manchester.
This post is nothing to do with the fact that I have a daily train commute from Sheffield to Manchester.
Not what I heard on radio leeds news reports,creagh sounded all in favour of HS2,bringing jobs to the north and all that.
Yes, sounds as if Creagh is a committed HS2-ite:
17:16pm There's been much talk of how Maria Eagle's departure as shadow transport secretary (she is now shadow environment secretary) could pave the way for a Labour U-turn over High Speed 2. But during this afternoon's reshuffle briefing, the party's spokesman emphasised that Mary Creagh is a "supporter of HS2" and that "there is no change in the party's position".
Balls is the scapper, and I suspect Miliband will continue wholeheartedly with the project, if only to emphasize Balls's continuing impotence.
Oh dear,for all those against the HS2 project,labour did the old grand duke of York tactic,they marched you up to the top of the hill and - so on,you know the rest ;-)
Unless they playing the lib dem strategy of saying one thing in the north and another in the south,just poor.
It's worth mentioning the Leeds tram/trolleybus system. There isn't one, despite it being promised for ages, and last time a large sum (over £100m, I think) was spent preparing for it only for the Government (then Labour) to pull the plug. The suspicion would be that HS2 might go ahead but that we wouldn't benefit.
Even if it is built YOU won't benefit MD.
Your role would be to pay extra taxes so that politicians and civil servants could have subsidised executive travel.
HuffPost UK @HuffPostUK "Robin Cook was on Ministry of Defence land,I believe,when he died and I have doubts over what happened"Norman Baker
Paul Richards @Labourpaul If a civil servant wrote a book alleging what Norman Baker's book alleges, there is no way they'd survive vetting for a Home Office job.
Like the US Govt making one of the "Obama is a secret Muslim" crowd a security advisor, bonkers.
I think for sheer comedy value, Obama should end a speech, not with God Bless America, but with Allah bless America, Allahu Akbar.
Tim Shipman (Mail) @ShippersUnbound 2m M.Eagle - Creagh job swap clears the way for Labour to ditch HS2
Besides Osbornes ever tightening ligature around the throat of the Tory Party, that's the biggest news.
Not what I heard on radio leeds news reports,creagh sounded all in favour of HS2,bringing jobs to the north and all that.
You've got a lot of marginals in Yorkshire out of which you shoud get a lot of leverage.
They should spend the HS2 money on improving Northern inter city travel.
It will be a joke that once HS2 is complete, it will take roughly half the time it takes to go from Sheffield to London, to go from Sheffield to Manchester.
This post is nothing to do with the fact that I have a daily train commute from Sheffield to Manchester.
One can only wonder at someone who willing lives in Yorkshire without the excuse of a job to tie him there.
Tim Shipman (Mail) @ShippersUnbound 2m M.Eagle - Creagh job swap clears the way for Labour to ditch HS2
Besides Osbornes ever tightening ligature around the throat of the Tory Party, that's the biggest news.
Not what I heard on radio leeds news reports,creagh sounded all in favour of HS2,bringing jobs to the north and all that.
You've got a lot of marginals in Yorkshire out of which you shoud get a lot of leverage.
They should spend the HS2 money on improving Northern inter city travel.
It will be a joke that once HS2 is complete, it will take roughly half the time it takes to go from Sheffield to London, to go from Sheffield to Manchester.
This post is nothing to do with the fact that I have a daily train commute from Sheffield to Manchester.
It's worth mentioning the Leeds tram/trolleybus system. There isn't one...
Really? When I visited Sheffield many, many years, all the talk was that the 'Supertram' (then under construction) was only being built so Sheffield could keep up with its bitter rival Leeds. So they wasted all that money on a financial catastrophe and Leeds never even built its own one anyway?
HuffPost UK @HuffPostUK "Robin Cook was on Ministry of Defence land,I believe,when he died and I have doubts over what happened"Norman Baker
Paul Richards @Labourpaul If a civil servant wrote a book alleging what Norman Baker's book alleges, there is no way they'd survive vetting for a Home Office job.
Like the US Govt making one of the "Obama is a secret Muslim" crowd a security advisor, bonkers.
To be fair it wouldn't matter what Obama did as the swivel-eyed loons and warmongering Neocon chickenhawks will always repeatedly make a fool of themselves.
Obama launches a drone strike killing a terrorist? He's still a secret muslim who hates America. They are simply incapable of changing and the GOP is continuing to lose it's mind as it becomes ever more obsessive and paranoid. Just we predicted back when Romney was beaten.
The PB Romneys are just yet more hilarious proof of that.
The first key difference between Blair and Brown and Cameron and Osborne is that the latter trust each other. This takes a lot of the tension and "balancing" out of reshuffles.
The second and more important difference is that the latter are in fact trustworthy. What a difference to government that makes.
Everyone makes mistakes and misjudgments. Everyone is a genius in retrospect. But I really don't think this country could stand another government riven like the Blair/Brown one.
With that in mind I think Miliband's changes make a kind of sense. Right or wrong the dimissal of the Blairite tendency means that the front bench at least is more united than it has been for a very long time.
Concerning Tory plundering, I came across an article in Private Eye number 1349 (20 Sept to 3 Oct, pages 19-22) entitled "Tax Lies and Videotape (Britain's shadow tax system revealed)" that seems to me to be saying that Osborne, if anything, has made it easier for *rich* individuals and *large* companies to avoid tax.
I know little economics, but it looks to me to be, err, right on the money.
"Obama launches a drone strike killing a terrorist? He's still a secret muslim who hates America."
If, heaven forbid, Obama was a secret muslim, he wouldn't care a damn for the lives of fellow muslims. In every country where islam holds sway, muslims are killing other muslims (of the wrong sect) by the thousand's every day; sometimes every hour. If you wanted to find a religeon of death this is it.
Just like when Labour sold off what became QinetiQ? Though in that case it was a small coterie of those in the inner circle rather than ordinary people who benefited.
"Obama launches a drone strike killing a terrorist? He's still a secret muslim who hates America."
If, heaven forbid, Obama was a secret muslim, he wouldn't care a damn for the lives of fellow muslims. In every country where islam holds sway, muslims are killing other muslims (of the wrong sect) by the thousand's every day; sometimes every hour. If wanted to find a religeon of death this is it.
Did you ever come up with evidence for your claim that 30,000 Brits a year were converting to Islam?
How about reading Malala Yousafzais piece and listening to her interview before judging an entire religion from the standpoint of those who categorise all Jews or Christians as the same
"Obama launches a drone strike killing a terrorist? He's still a secret muslim who hates America."
If, heaven forbid, Obama was a secret muslim, he wouldn't care a damn for the lives of fellow muslims. In every country where islam holds sway, muslims are killing other muslims (of the wrong sect) by the thousand's every day; sometimes every hour. If wanted to find a religeon of death this is it.
Did you ever come up with evidence for your claim that 30,000 Brits a year were converting to Islam?
How about reading Malala Yousafzais piece and listening to her interview before judging an entire religion from the standpoint of those who categorise all Jews or Christians as the same
Do you agree with Islamic attitudes to alcohol?
I've said it before, no alcohol, no gambling, no porn, no sex before marriage, no wonder so many young Muslims want to blow themselves up.
Apologies for linking to a screen grab of an EDL supporting website, but they manage to dish Malala, and prove once again, that they are utter douches, and the bags you put the douche in
"Obama launches a drone strike killing a terrorist? He's still a secret muslim who hates America."
If, heaven forbid, Obama was a secret muslim, he wouldn't care a damn for the lives of fellow muslims. In every country where islam holds sway, muslims are killing other muslims (of the wrong sect) by the thousand's every day; sometimes every hour. If wanted to find a religeon of death this is it.
Did you ever come up with evidence for your claim that 30,000 Brits a year were converting to Islam?
How about reading Malala Yousafzais piece and listening to her interview before judging an entire religion from the standpoint of those who categorise all Jews or Christians as the same
"Obama launches a drone strike killing a terrorist? He's still a secret muslim who hates America."
If, heaven forbid, Obama was a secret muslim, he wouldn't care a damn for the lives of fellow muslims. In every country where islam holds sway, muslims are killing other muslims (of the wrong sect) by the thousand's every day; sometimes every hour. If wanted to find a religeon of death this is it.
Did you ever come up with evidence for your claim that 30,000 Brits a year were converting to Islam?
How about reading Malala Yousafzais piece and listening to her interview before judging an entire religion from the standpoint of those who categorise all Jews or Christians as the same
One Malala (and more power to her elbow) does not change the facts that I have written, that is staring you in the face every day and which you ignore because it doesn't suit your bigoted ethos.
"Obama launches a drone strike killing a terrorist? He's still a secret muslim who hates America."
If, heaven forbid, Obama was a secret muslim, he wouldn't care a damn for the lives of fellow muslims. In every country where islam holds sway, muslims are killing other muslims (of the wrong sect) by the thousand's every day; sometimes every hour. If wanted to find a religeon of death this is it.
Did you ever come up with evidence for your claim that 30,000 Brits a year were converting to Islam?
How about reading Malala Yousafzais piece and listening to her interview before judging an entire religion from the standpoint of those who categorise all Jews or Christians as the same
One Malala (and more power to her elbow) does not change the facts that I have written, that is staring you in the face every day and which you ignore because it doesn't suit your bigoted ethos.
maaarsh - Fighting talk, I was born and bred in Sheffield.
Another Richard - It is, especially if you go on the local stopping service, rather than Manchester Airport service.
Stark Dawning - Supertram is a success, they are finally expanding it to my part of Sheffield for HS2
Supertram suffered some big PR blows in the early years, which it has never recovered from in some quarters. ISTR that was due to the choice of lines and stations in the middle of nowhere, but development helped these; perhaps the Supertram actually enabled them. I haven't been to Sheffield much since I dated a girl there, and when I went to Sheffield Midland station a couple of years ago I was amazed at the transformation. What had been a grey, bleak area was now all glass and grass.
These light rail projects in the UK never make their money back in terms of fares. What they do is enable travel and business. The same thing happened in Nottingham and Croydon, two other tram networks I know a small amount about.
On another note: I don't agree with Tim about much, by on Malala we're as one. An inspirational and rather brave young woman. It's a shame she didn't get Time's POTY last year. She would have been a much better and wiser choice than Obama, again.
Indeed, how about the Nobel Peace Price for Malala? She'd certainly fit in more easily with Tawakol Karman than Obama.
Although I'm rather hesitant about thrusting such a young person further into the limelight.
The first key difference between Blair and Brown and Cameron and Osborne is that the latter trust each other. This takes a lot of the tension and "balancing" out of reshuffles.
The second and more important difference is that the latter are in fact trustworthy. What a difference to government that makes.
I think this absolutely right and a really important point. Sure, there have been mistakes (certainly of presentation, and also of policy I'm sure most people would say) but the government seems to have been more or less stable over the last three years. Which is all the more remarkable considering the economic situation and the fact that there are two different parties in government.
Personally, I've found the latter point easy to forget, given the contrast between this government's relative harmony and the backbiting and off-the-record briefing that characterised the previous government.
Apologies for linking to a screen grab of an EDL supporting website, but they manage to dish Malala, and prove once again, that they are utter douches, and the bags you put the douche in
uhm, is there a way to link videos without having them appear on the comment? I mean, I would like to post just the instead of inviding all the comment section
uhm, is there a way to link videos without having them appear on the comment? I mean, I would like to post just the instead of inviding all the comment section
No, vanilla automatically converts the youtube link into a video preview screen
@iankatz1000: .@BBCAllegra reveals privy council committee has rejected press's plan for beefed up regulation regime. Expect v angry papers tomorrow...
He means angrier though they will struggle to top 'Leveson hates Britain' thanks to Dacre's PR genius.
@iankatz1000: .@BBCAllegra reveals privy council committee has rejected press's plan for beefed up regulation regime. Expect v angry papers tomorrow...
Not sure the papers will be angry, tim.
This is a perfect outcome for those resisting the imposition of regulation by politicians and makes an agreed regulatory solution before the next GE less likely.
Hold on ! This cannot be correct. I thought Labour was going to be in trouble on this. The PBTories told us....
Still not sure if I classify as one of those mythical beasts, a PBTory, but I said on here that Burnham must have thought he was on firm ground with this one.
Although the story may not yet be over, in either direction.
Apologies for linking to a screen grab of an EDL supporting website, but they manage to dish Malala, and prove once again, that they are utter douches, and the bags you put the douche in
I like to look on the optimistic side of things. At least there were only about 3 posters on the website
Is English their second or third language?, Malala vs the EDL in a spelling death match is what we need
One of the reasons the left hate the EDL so much is that they genuinely are a working class organisation. Along with that comes with generally poor standards of literacy and less developed communication skills.
Hold on ! This cannot be correct. I thought Labour was going to be in trouble on this. The PBTories told us....
Hunt weighed up his options: a messy court case for Labour at some point in the distant future, or keep Burnham in post as the continuous face of 'NHS under Labour'. Hunt made his decision.
Hold on ! This cannot be correct. I thought Labour was going to be in trouble on this. The PBTories told us....
It is only the Guardian spinning that line, Surby.
Hunt has not apologised nor withdrawn his tweet.
He has written to Burnham highlighting the basis of his accusation: that the Department of Health under Burnham imposed restrictions on the CQC's briefings to the media.
It is quite evident from the published emails that this was the perception of CQC officials.
Hunt is undertaking to legislate to prevent such political interference in future.
Apologies for linking to a screen grab of an EDL supporting website, but they manage to dish Malala, and prove once again, that they are utter douches, and the bags you put the douche in
uhm, is there a way to link videos without having them appear on the comment? I mean, I would like to post just the instead of inviding all the comment section
No, vanilla automatically converts the youtube link into a video preview screen
I thought that you could do it by missing off the initial http://
The first key difference between Blair and Brown and Cameron and Osborne is that the latter trust each other. This takes a lot of the tension and "balancing" out of reshuffles.
The second and more important difference is that the latter are in fact trustworthy. What a difference to government that makes.
I think this absolutely right and a really important point. Sure, there have been mistakes (certainly of presentation, and also of policy I'm sure most people would say) but the government seems to have been more or less stable over the last three years. Which is all the more remarkable considering the economic situation and the fact that there are two different parties in government.
Personally, I've found the latter point easy to forget, given the contrast between this government's relative harmony and the backbiting and off-the-record briefing that characterised the previous government.
I have tended to think the same, and give them some credit for that, but in fairness I don't really remember the early New Labour years, so it I don't really have a conception of how outwardly stable yet internally bitter it may have been in the early days, when the latter years were so full of bile and lies about unity. I imagine during the last days of the Tories in 1997 and what popular history tells me was an impression of oodles of sleaze all over the place, many youngsters found it strange to have a non-tained by sleaze governing group (at that stage and comparitively though it may have been).
Apologies for linking to a screen grab of an EDL supporting website, but they manage to dish Malala, and prove once again, that they are utter douches, and the bags you put the douche in
@iankatz1000: .@BBCAllegra reveals privy council committee has rejected press's plan for beefed up regulation regime. Expect v angry papers tomorrow...
Not sure the papers will be angry, tim.
This is a perfect outcome for those resisting the imposition of regulation by politicians and makes an agreed regulatory solution before the next GE less likely.
The mistake you always make is thinking Cameron commands the support of his backbenchers
The mistake you always make is to think that anyone but Cameron controls the legislative agenda.
Josias, you are correct, this story doesn't appear to be over yet. Hunt has not apologised to Andy Burnham, and the original tweet is still there in the public domain. Hunt has also now tweeted a link to his letter in response to Andy Burnham, and it looks like a very robust defence of his position on this issue.
Hold on ! This cannot be correct. I thought Labour was going to be in trouble on this. The PBTories told us....
Still not sure if I classify as one of those mythical beasts, a PBTory, but I said on here that Burnham must have thought he was on firm ground with this one.
Although the story may not yet be over, in either direction.
Hunt is undertaking to legislate to prevent such political interference in future.
Quite right. Whatever you think of Hunt, even he wouldn't claim to be able to outlaw lying Labour ministers in the future. It was weak and failing processes he had in his sights. Strange though that Burnham panicked and immediately presumed it was all about him. The strength of paranoia gripping the man must be debilitating.
@iankatz1000: .@BBCAllegra reveals privy council committee has rejected press's plan for beefed up regulation regime. Expect v angry papers tomorrow...
Not sure the papers will be angry, tim.
This is a perfect outcome for those resisting the imposition of regulation by politicians and makes an agreed regulatory solution before the next GE less likely.
The mistake you always make is thinking Cameron commands the support of his backbenchers
The mistake you always make is to think that anyone but Cameron controls the legislative agenda.
Apologies for linking to a screen grab of an EDL supporting website, but they manage to dish Malala, and prove once again, that they are utter douches, and the bags you put the douche in
I like to look on the optimistic side of things. At least there were only about 3 posters on the website
Is English their second or third language?, Malala vs the EDL in a spelling death match is what we need
One of the reasons the left hate the EDL so much is that they genuinely are a working class organisation. Along with that comes with generally poor standards of literacy and less developed communication skills.
An easy target for metropolitan leftie elites.
So, people what can spell and knows grammar is metropolitan elites now?
Tim posted-
Tim Shipman (Mail) @ShippersUnbound 2m
M.Eagle - Creagh job swap clears the way for Labour to ditch HS2
Besides Osbornes ever tightening ligature around the throat of the Tory Party, that's the biggest news.
Not what I heard on radio leeds news reports,creagh sounded all in favour of HS2,bringing jobs to the north and all that.
17:16pm There's been much talk of how Maria Eagle's departure as shadow transport secretary (she is now shadow environment secretary) could pave the way for a Labour U-turn over High Speed 2. But during this afternoon's reshuffle briefing, the party's spokesman emphasised that Mary Creagh is a "supporter of HS2" and that "there is no change in the party's position".
Balls is the scapper, and I suspect Miliband will continue wholeheartedly with the project, if only to emphasize Balls's continuing impotence.
What are we to make of today's goings and other goings ? As many have said, the Osbornians, the Osborniates, the Osbornites or whatever we finish up calling them are in the ascendant which means Osborne comes out of 2015 either in pole position to take over the Conservative Party when Cameron stands down or joining his ally in the political wilderness.
It's a huge personal and political gamble and if the Conservatives lose in 2015, Osborne and his allies will have a long time to contemplate that failure.
On the LD side, I presume the replacement of Moore by Carmichael will allow Moore to fight to hold his seat. As for the exit of Jeremy Browne, I don't pretend to know the whys and wherefores. Could Browne realistically be a challenger for a post-Clegg leadership battle ? If he keeps his seat, I suppose he could.
It's worth mentioning the Leeds tram/trolleybus system. There isn't one, despite it being promised for ages, and last time a large sum (over £100m, I think) was spent preparing for it only for the Government (then Labour) to pull the plug. The suspicion would be that HS2 might go ahead but that we wouldn't benefit.
It will be a joke that once HS2 is complete, it will take roughly half the time it takes to go from Sheffield to London, to go from Sheffield to Manchester.
This post is nothing to do with the fact that I have a daily train commute from Sheffield to Manchester.
Unless they playing the lib dem strategy of saying one thing in the north and another in the south,just poor.
Your role would be to pay extra taxes so that politicians and civil servants could have subsidised executive travel.
Nadine Dorries MP @NadineDorriesMP
Very sad to see Kris Hopkins promoted. One of parliaments slimiest, nastiest MPs. Really. Awful. Decision.
Another Richard - It is, especially if you go on the local stopping service, rather than Manchester Airport service.
Stark Dawning - Supertram is a success, they are finally expanding it to my part of Sheffield for HS2
Obama launches a drone strike killing a terrorist? He's still a secret muslim who hates America.
They are simply incapable of changing and the GOP is continuing to lose it's mind as it becomes ever more obsessive and paranoid. Just we predicted back when Romney was beaten.
The PB Romneys are just yet more hilarious proof of that.
The second and more important difference is that the latter are in fact trustworthy. What a difference to government that makes.
Everyone makes mistakes and misjudgments. Everyone is a genius in retrospect. But I really don't think this country could stand another government riven like the Blair/Brown one.
With that in mind I think Miliband's changes make a kind of sense. Right or wrong the dimissal of the Blairite tendency means that the front bench at least is more united than it has been for a very long time.
I can't think of two better character references for the awesomeness of Mr Hopkins
Cam on @tombradby's ITV1 Agenda tonight: EdM 'struck a chord' on energy prices. See PolHome
How can Nadine Dorries get away with tweeting something like that about a colleague and still retain the Tory whip?
*Even though I am directly responsible for them being significantly increased over the last 4-5 years.
Not the museum anecdote where Cameron ignored everyone but the African but the one where Charles's mum was ignored by Cameron at a dinner.
I think it might cast more light on the reshuffle.
MI5 pregnant with Diana's baby, or something
via @hendopolis
I am from Lancashire, incidentally (and rather obviously..
I know little economics, but it looks to me to be, err, right on the money.
"Obama launches a drone strike killing a terrorist? He's still a secret muslim who hates America."
If, heaven forbid, Obama was a secret muslim, he wouldn't care a damn for the lives of fellow muslims. In every country where islam holds sway, muslims are killing other muslims (of the wrong sect) by the thousand's every day; sometimes every hour. If you wanted to find a religeon of death this is it.
Perfect #reshuffle cartoon from @Adamstoon1:
I'm afraid there are no Blairites left.
Good Luck
Your shoes were worse!
This will definitely end well.
EDLNewsXtra @EDLNewsXtra 6m
Malala Yousafzai, who fought Islamic Extremism for real, continues to be held in low regard, by the #EDL.
It was that he "doesn't know how to listen".
Though converts out of Islam are often quiet about it, for cultural reasons:
A third of British muslims support the death penalty for those who leave Islam according to this article.
Despite this persecution, there is quite an active house church movement in Iran.
These light rail projects in the UK never make their money back in terms of fares. What they do is enable travel and business. The same thing happened in Nottingham and Croydon, two other tram networks I know a small amount about.
On another note: I don't agree with Tim about much, by on Malala we're as one. An inspirational and rather brave young woman. It's a shame she didn't get Time's POTY last year. She would have been a much better and wiser choice than Obama, again.
Indeed, how about the Nobel Peace Price for Malala? She'd certainly fit in more easily with Tawakol Karman than Obama.
Although I'm rather hesitant about thrusting such a young person further into the limelight.
Personally, I've found the latter point easy to forget, given the contrast between this government's relative harmony and the backbiting and off-the-record briefing that characterised the previous government.
(second in SW)
(first in East)
(top in Wales)
(top in Yorkshire)
(second in SE)
(top in West Midlands)
(second in NW)
(second in East Midlands)
I leave out sitting MPs, Diane James (as you probably already saw her in action) and a couple who didn't upload a short video.
Thanks. So you have to see all the UKIP winnable candidates or be damned!
All the best people met Hitler...'s+second+visit.jpg
Hold on ! This cannot be correct. I thought Labour was going to be in trouble on this. The PBTories told us....
This is a perfect outcome for those resisting the imposition of regulation by politicians and makes an agreed regulatory solution before the next GE less likely.
Although the story may not yet be over, in either direction.
An easy target for metropolitan leftie elites.
Hunt has not apologised nor withdrawn his tweet.
He has written to Burnham highlighting the basis of his accusation: that the Department of Health under Burnham imposed restrictions on the CQC's briefings to the media.
It is quite evident from the published emails that this was the perception of CQC officials.
Hunt is undertaking to legislate to prevent such political interference in future.
Over to Burnham and his legal team.
The tory comedy spinners on PB are all the proof anyone ever needs of that.
He is quite articulate, but a public schoolboy as Education spokesman for the Labour party says it all...