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If Ed M heads to Downing St it depends on how floating voters perceive him, he still evokes similarities to Mr Bean despite attempts to portray him as some sort of neo-Stalinist, are they flocking to his cause?
Ed is no Mr Bean
Dave and George are Ant and Dec according to IDS
January 7, 1967 Nick Clegg,
January 7, 1970 Andy Burnham
January 7, 1924 Ralph Miliband.
I wonder how many pb posters have the same birthday as OGH, though few will match Jack W for age...
That would be this chap, then:
"Ferdinand von Prondzynski, the university principal hand-picked by SNP ministers to review higher education, said abolishing tuition fees has mainly benefited the middle classes."
Seriously if he is to get there he has to convince more Daily Mail readers, more disillusioned LDs, Greens and Tories to back him. Basking in the reflected glow of more Labour voters or party members thinking that he is in some way more prime ministerial is not enough. The Economist pointed out recently that it was not enough for a policy free Ed M to hope that Cameron splits The Right, and opens his way to power.
Blair managed between 1:5 and 1:4 Mail readers to vote Labour, Brown did not, and Labour went to their worst defeat since 1931. If Miliband ends up as an heir to Brown, it won't look good for his electoral chances. He has to show Mail readers that he is not going to feast on their babies. The reappearance of Campbell & McBride on TV screens and newspapers may not yet redress doubts about Labour's nature.
Ed must oppose this with all his being! He introduced most of them and cannot stand idle while his own green legacy is wrecked and left in tatters.
The chances of sharing a specified birthday with a named individual would typically require a larger group
Hope the emails don't lead to headlines of Burnham is broken.
Labour had a conference where Red Ed threw the comrades lots of red meat populist nonsense and then had a big fight with the Daily Mail. If the change persists then it'll be significant.
Seen the highlights, will set about writing up the post-race piece now.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2446274/JAMES-FORSYTH-How-Eds-energy-price-freeze-gave-George-shivers.html
Why would you want to do this?
The 3p claim looks dubious. There is a concrete works in Yatton, but it isn't a 100 yard drive from the constituency office and the Mail article is also wrong on that.
I drive past that concrete works often enough and it isn't 100 yards from the main road.
@pppolitics: Nigel Farage WILL stand as MP at next GE - which constituency? Boston&Skegness, Folkestone&Hythe joint 9/2 favs #UKIP http://t.co/gynHk1NaeY
"Such pantomime misjudgment implies that the MP for Windsor is badly need of some professional PR. In fact, I can exclusively reveal, he already employs his own personal PR, though I won't embarrass the poor man by naming him. I met the guy recently and explained, as gently as possible, that he was handicapped by the fact that no one gave a toss what his client – a conceited schmoozer even by Tory standards – thought about anything. As he is discovering today."
Could you also show where I said he was dumb.
"Ralph", replied Griffith, "was worried about his pension. He was afraid that if he supported the students he would get into trouble."
.......The Scottish government welcomed the recommendations of the review, and the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning announced to the Scottish Parliament that the government would implement its findings."
It seems they aren't doing that much preperation for what they're going to do when they actually get in control.
Oct 5 2012: +59
Oct 4 2013: +41
http://cdn.yougov.com/cumulus_uploads/document/tdixuso356/YG-Archives-Pol-ST-results - 05-071012.pdf
Either that or a typo.
Carlotta cant bear the thought the the Tory party (she/he?) loves is about to be eviscerated in the coming GE.
About 200 leftwing campaigners, trade unionists and Muslim leaders join demonstration outside headquarters in London"
I expect the Mail is deeply troubled......how much free copy do they need?
or walked
Consider this example of our fearless men in uniform tackling risky situations together: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/howaboutthat/10204602/Cat-rescue-descends-into-farce-after-police-and-fire-service-close-road.html
I think AVB has been very impressive, bought well and coped admirably with losing his best player. I didn't see today's game but that is a truly remarkable result. Surely some sort of fluke.
Walked 3/4 mile.
Then walked 3/4 mile back again to pick up his car to go to the next appointment.
And been late.
How, exactly, does that help anyone?
The Premiership has lost a lot of ground but it is still good fun and wonderfully unpredictable. And the new Sky contract should mean Ozil is not the last genuinely world class player to come.
With a full name of Luís André de Pina Cabral e Villas-Boas, an uncle who is the Viscount of Guilhomil and a paternal grandmother, Margaret Kendall, who was a wine merchant with connections to Cheshire, there is plenty of opportunity for good copy.
An outrageous headline, a public complaint and no apology should result in a 45 point bounce in ratings from Spurs fans. This should be enough to see him through to Christmas.
Oops! RT: "@robmckenzieuk: I wonder if this Police Collision Investigation Unit can do its own investigation??? pic.twitter.com/EnsQBBB5FL"
If you leave a cat in a tree, it will eventually float down.
Can't have Defoe playing as the sole striker, doesn't suit his game at all at the top level, although seems to get away with it on a Thursday night
Mark Senior has the details.
Stunning performance by Treve to win the Arc this afternoon.
FireBrigade rescue trapped #Seagull #HappyDays #Brighton
Edit: weird. Won't post - and I'd copied the tweet not the photo. Anyway, you'll just have to imagine the tender scene.
*tries again*
FireBrigade rescue trapped #Seagull #HappyDays #Brighton
Edit - nope.
Sunny O @ChiefWakaWaka 20 Apr FireBrigade rescue trapped #Seagull #HappyDays #Brighton
[what I did was right-click the image-link on its full Twitterpage and "copied the short-cut"]
Might be worth a look. Will they look at the collapse in part 3 - Balkan Wars, WWI Greek War, Population Exchanges etc.
Lord knows what political betting opportunities would have been missed without that getting posted on here