The biggest political development over the weekend, I’d suggest, was the report in the Observer about the replacement of Paul Dacre as Daily Mail editor with the Geordie Gregg, of the Mail on Sunday, who has taken a totally different view of the referendum outcome.
At the margin, perhaps .
May's approach is the most damaging form of Brexit imaginable. None of the freedoms of Brexit with pretty much all of the downsides of EU membership. An outcome in which the people who won the referendum feel betrayed. The decline of the effectiveness of the UK Civil Service seems to be somehow tied into this notion that the best solution to every problem is a messy compromise that achieves nothing and satisfies nobody.
Maybe that is why people voted against the Establishment.
The changeover could also impact on whether there’s a CON leadership challenge and the position of the Etonian hard line Brexiter duo of Moggsy and BoJo. It is hard to see them getting the backing from Greig that you’d expect Dacre to have given?
Will have the greatest impact. It won’t be so much what Grieg will say, but what he won’t say....
You apparently have a very poor imagination.
Banks borrowing in dollars to lend in Lira is very reminiscent of the Asian crash of 97.
The SunDaily Mail
The only Remain supporting tabloid, which is the Mirror, has gone down by 40%+ in the same period.
The Star is only down by 20%, so a more powerful suggestion might be for the printed Mail to import the Sidebar of Imagined Celebrity from the website.
It's astonishing how much influence one man can have over the whole paper's editorial line.
I'd have thought he needs to be careful he doesn't lose readers to the Express and Telegraph either way.
Possibly useful comment from Peter Preston, about who was responsible for Katie Hopkins and Gina Miller sending legal letters to the wrong place.
I doubt he will ditch all those.
And online its wall to wall Meghan, with the Boris Burka row the first political story.....well down:
Not sure 'powerful' is the word I'd use for the judge article. Still amazed at the openly homosexual line.
In unrelated news, the Muslim Council of Britain want the book thrown at Boris:
A good opinion piece here on the subject:
"Out of the 3,000 people surveyed, only 20% expressed they see themselves as being represented by those organisations who claim to speak for their communities, and The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) was identified by just 9% of those who preferred to engage via Muslim organisations. This equates to only 1.9% of British Muslims surveyed saying that the MCB represents them."
Key line - "Half of organisations with recruitment problems said they had increased starting salaries in response."
"In this candidate-short landscape the pressure is on employers to not only offer an attractive salary, but also additional benefits.”
Brexit increasing wages for the low and medium skilled just as predicted.
The Mail plays on the fears and concerns of the provincial middle middle classes, and has done for decades, whilst also shamelessly riding both horses of human hypocrisy at the same time (sexual conservatism, and the sidebar of shame) and its a very effective business model.
I wouldn’t expect Gregg (a businessman) to change much except work out how to make that even more effective.
It's also why another referendum would be won by Leave.2
If he wants daily circulation numbers up he’s going to need to do something innovative.
On the other hand, if the share taken by profit is at or below normal levels, then firms will react to higher wage costs by reducing investment in the UK - which negatively affects the long-term growth prospects for the economy.
I don't know the answer - although I can probably find it out
Cooler. Six weeks.
And to think it was once a serious rival to the Times.
That should terrify anyone invested in US stocks: corporate profits average between 4% and 8% of GDP over the last 70-odd years, and are now 10%.
The eurozone’s chief financial watchdog has become concerned about the exposure of some of the currency area’s biggest lenders to Turkey — chiefly BBVA, UniCredit and BNP Paribas — in light of the lira’s dramatic fall....
It does not yet view the situation as critical. But it sees Spain’s BBVA, Italy’s UniCredit and France’s BNP Paribas, which all have significant operations in Turkey, as particularly exposed, according to two people familiar with the matter.
The ECB is concerned about the risk that Turkish borrowers might not be hedged against the lira’s weakness and begin to default on foreign currency loans, which make up about 40 per cent of the Turkish banking sector’s assets.
It is the paper edition but available on line from 11.00pm daily including the sunday mail and it is good to see that the editorial between the daily and sunday mail will become more nuanced and not contradictory.
My wife particularly likes the puzzles
It is not to be confused with mail on line which is not the actual newspaper
I am very pleased if it supports a less aggressive hard Brexit
Good article. Its why I suspect Mrs May will want to go on & on....
And on Brexit:
Downing Street believes that most Brexit issues can be fudged; money and borders cannot.
Commuters now read the free papers, or entertain themselves using phones. On the longer rail commutes, you see a lot of laptop users as well (not so easy when you are strap-hanging on the tube!). Of course, these days a lot of the phone users could actually be dealing with work emails rather than playing Candy Crush.
If there is exposure I am unaware of, it will be banks' holdings of Turkish firms Euro and USD denominated bonds. (Unicredit has a sizeable capital markets business there, as it owns the former Hypovereinsbank.)
Turkish Lira denominate debt held by local subsidiaries is mostly not a problem, because the entities are locally funded.
Step forward the Guardian, the newspaper for taking offence on behalf of others, and also the easily offended.
"Nuns look like penguins." Yawn.
!Muslims look like letterboxes." Meltdown.
And the tweet that led to it:
"There are hotel chains that make bulk purchases and hand them out for free to their guests."
At a small hotel in San Diego, I saw a pile of the local newspapers, and took one before heading for the lift. I was suddenly pursued by a local who'd been sitting nearby demanding I pay for it.
Obviously not US practice.
I don’t think we’ve heard of that sub-species before.
I am just not interested in paying for news. If people like me aren't willing to do so newspapers have serious problems and they will have far less political power going forward.
I also like their crossword: I’m not up to the Times’ one.
If it was the Tribune it's not a bad paper.
But I dread to think what the rent and rates bill is for the latter - they’re always in prime locations.
Newspapers cut all the fact-finders. But facts are harder to come by and what people might actually pay for.
In the US, they refer to (for example) Irish Americans. That makes the ethnicity an adjective and the nationality a noun. So, they're Americans who might be tall, and thin, and of Irish ancestry.
In the UK, it's the opposite. They're Asians who happen to be British.
Prefer the American way, personally.
On a less pedantic point, I predict this will get less coverage than it might, and those irked by Boris' comments will be less keen to address this:
"The survey found that less than half of respondents - 43% - thought same-sex relationships were acceptable."
Also, nationality is seen as less important than religion, amongst 'Asian British' [after writing the above, scrolled down and saw the article inverted the order above a graph] compared to the general population.
"On religion, over half of 18-34 year olds in the general population said it wasn't important to them "at all". Just 8% of young British Asians said the same."
Interesting stats but nothing especially new. Trevor Phillips, formerly the Racial Equality, had a very good programme on Channel 4 a couple of years ago looking at this sort of thing.
Not sure if it’s still around, but there used to be a service that licenced scans of newspapers to hotels to print themselves, so for example a businessman in Dubai or HK could wake up to a printed copy of the FT with his cornflakes, or in London the NYT.
The evidence (And excuse me if I've missed something) seem to consist of the unfortunate man getting Lymphona, and him using glyphosate heavily in his job. That's not enough to ascertain a link.
Are there any peer reviewed papers to support the assertion ?
Should keep an intern gainfully employed, at least.
You can't expect the Times to have a regular reporter in Erbil, but a network of occasional contributors across the world would be a cheap substitute which might gain readers, in the same way that Radio 4 will sometimes draw you into a report on the lives of fishermen in Burkino Faso or something equally esoteric.
I've not looked into this particular case, but this is a bizarre judgement. There are a very few cancers with some degree of specificity and exclusivity.. Mesotheliomas are strongly associated with asbestos, but that's a rare exception, and for the others there are confounding factors by the score.
At the simplest level an increase in wages could see prices rise or investment fall.
Relatively few firms are likely to throw their hands up in the air and just accept lower profit margins. Of course if they are forced to make efficiency gains, and are able to do so, that would be a positive.
Edit: of course we have already had significant price rises since Brexit.
The Telegraph as an example can find £7k a week to pay Boris for one column, but can’t find £1k for another sub-editor to catch all the mistakes that make it into print. If I were the recently redundant sub I’d be questioning their priorities.
I agree that what people will pay for is impartial, well-researched news and investigations - old fashioned journalism rather than just opinions. The problem is that’s really expensive to do well.
I don’t understand why newspapers didn’t internationalise: if the Guardian, the New York Times etc etc formed a one world alliance they could share journalists and give much more in depth coverage.
However with 74% of Mail readers voting Tory in 2017 and just 17% voting Labour and 3% voting LD and UKIP it will remain a strongly pro Tory paper even under Greig regardless of whether it becomes less pro Boris and more pro May
Very few others have the time to do them, or the space to fill.