I can understand conservative mps in leave areas resigning and kicking up a fuss as they need to be standing up for Brexit
However, I expect Brexit will be agreed in the next 6 months and we leave on 31st March 2019. I doubt the Country will be pleased with on going fighting when the NHS and economy become number one.
Also the pound and markets will strengthen and Companies will unfreeze their investments into the UK creating a feel good factor and security of employment
India's population is about 20 times the size of France's so it doesn't mean very much.
have to differ with you on this one, it's a re-run of China though admittedly at a slower pace. Any forward projection I have seen says any European country will be lucky to be in the worlds top 10 economies by 2050.
And with size and growth comes the will to do things their own way. You could argue the Asian summits will soon speak for more people and more wealth than the G7
The G20 overtook the G7 about a decade ago as the main forum for global economic decision making as it contains the main Asian economic powers like Japan, India, China and Indonesia and Saudi Arabia as well as the key western economies while the G7 just contains Japan
Well, that's technically true. And, of course, there are a wide variety of Leave views, with myself and Daniel Hannan at one end, and Nigel Farage at the other. On this board, you have people who want EFTA/EEA, through CETA+ all the way to WTO.
Personally, I think anything that didn't address:
CAP/CFP Political integration (i.e. the ability of EU to interfere in domestic issues, rather than in merely inter-state commerce) and Immigration
Would not be honouring the result. Of course, within Immigration there are a degree of difference from the current structure:
- no benefits but free to come - needs a job offer - needs a job offer, and the employer needs to get preapproval (normally granted) to hire a foreign national (the US-Canada system) - needs to get specific "points" and needs applicable job offer, etc.
I love how for PB Brexiteers TMay is simultaneously the most incompetent Prime Minister in history and a machiavellian operator beyond compare!
it's the mirror image of how Remainers are all super smart with whizzo degrees but were outwitted by a bus
This always strikes me as an odd meme.
It was the Leavers who were outwitted by the bus.
They were foolish enough to believe it.
nobody from Leave is complaining about the bus, it's remainers who despair about it most and constantly revel in their own stupidity
I mean you were beaten by Nigel Farage and David Davis, that's at a level where some of you couldn't spell EU let alone explain it.
I didn't bring up the bus – you did. I merely pointed out that it was Leavers who were foolish enough to believe it, not Remainers. It really is quite simple to understand.
I voted Leave and didnt believe a single word of the bus. I also didn't believe Osborne's impending doom scenario.
The bus is simply indicative of sour grape losers who have blamed the inadequacies of their own campaign intermittently on
- everyones a racist - Vladimir Putin - Leave cheated - the bus - rain in London
they just cant accept the ran a crap campaign selling a defective product to an electorate they didn't understand.
run the campaign again and you'll still lose since you have learned nothing from the experience.
Unlike you, I assume that the voters have learnt something from the experience of the last two years. Despite the massive chip on your shoulder, there's an implicit contempt for ordinary people that runs through many of your posts.
Massive chip on his shoulders lol says the guy that brexit will be stopped he backed a grand on it,how many ordinary people would do that ?
Given that Ben Bradley supported Remain, why has he resigned?
Although only around 140 Tory MPs officially voted to leave there must be a number more highly eurosceptical MPs who only supported Remain out of loyalty to Cameron and Osborne. Javid is known to be one and Bradley may well be another. Alternatively they may just feel they should represent their constituents views.
That depends. When it breaks, she will own it. Personally. She also gives the leavers a way out - she will be seen to have forced them out and stopped them from adopting their harder position - so they will be able to say that it's not THEIR Brexit. I suspect most Leave voters will accept that view.
Remain now own the chequers plan, they have kicked out leave, the blame will fall rightly on TM
You can smell the desperation from here. I thought Brexit was meant to be great? Everyone seems to be running from it.
What TM is offering is not brexit it is continued attachment to the EU, surrender of every red line she promised to uphold, it is now just a paper exercise. Brexit ended when we offered 39 billion with no strings attached
I love how for PB Brexiteers TMay is simultaneously the most incompetent Prime Minister in history and a machiavellian operator beyond compare!
it's the mirror image of how Remainers are all super smart with whizzo degrees but were outwitted by a bus
This always strikes me as an odd meme.
It was the Leavers who were outwitted by the bus.
They were foolish enough to believe it.
nobody from Leave is complaining about the bus, it's remainers who despair about it most and constantly revel in their own stupidity
I mean you were beaten by Nigel Farage and David Davis, that's at a level where some of you couldn't spell EU let alone explain it.
I didn't bring up the bus – you did. I merely pointed out that it was Leavers who were foolish enough to believe it, not Remainers. It really is quite simple to understand.
I voted Leave and didnt believe a single word of the bus. I also didn't believe Osborne's impending doom scenario.
The bus is simply indicative of sour grape losers who have blamed the inadequacies of their own campaign intermittently on
- everyones a racist - Vladimir Putin - Leave cheated - the bus - rain in London
they just cant accept the ran a crap campaign selling a defective product to an electorate they didn't understand.
run the campaign again and you'll still lose since you have learned nothing from the experience.
Unlike you, I assume that the voters have learnt something from the experience of the last two years. Despite the massive chip on your shoulder, there's an implicit contempt for ordinary people that runs through many of your posts.
coming from the man who defends daily a self serving bureaucracy in Brussels that's quite a laugh. Go tug your forelock to someone else your posts daily seek to subvert the votes of ordinary people and creep up to those ho don't think votes are relevant.
your post says it is the people who must learn not the politicians, Bertold Brecht's observations on the 17 June is written all over you.
India's population is about 20 times the size of France's so it doesn't mean very much.
A bizarre post. By such token, sliding down the global GDP league is just fine, provided those who have surpassed you have greater populations. I look forward to your sanguinity when the Democratic Republic of Congo overtakes the UK.
No it was correct. Most people would rather live in Luxembourg, Switzerland or Singapore than India or China or Brazil even though the latter has a larger gdp as the former has far higher GDP per capita and a higher standard of living
Oh crikey. The fact that France has been surpassed by India is still important. But you know what, have it. I can't be bothered to argue with you after the fiasco of the west London Tories. Life is just way, way, way too short.
Not really. India and China were the dominant global economies until the 16th century as they should have been given they had the largest populations.
The UK and France only overtook them because of their Empires. So once we gave up the Empire India and China would obviously overtake us again eventually. Unless you are advocating using Brexit as an excuse to restart the British Empire? If not then I am sure your support for the EU Empire can take its place
One assumes that Stewart Jackson was not allowed to stay in position because he was unable to offer the necessary assurances of loyalty.
No. Dominic Raab wanted him to continue but it was Downing Streets opportunity to show Dominic Raab who was boss in the Brexit Department. Raab should have put his foot down whilst he was in a strong position instead of being weak like Davis.
That depends. When it breaks, she will own it. Personally. She also gives the leavers a way out - she will be seen to have forced them out and stopped them from adopting their harder position - so they will be able to say that it's not THEIR Brexit. I suspect most Leave voters will accept that view.
Remain now own the chequers plan, they have kicked out leave, the blame will fall rightly on TM
Who has kicked out whom? Leavers cried off, nobody kicked them out. They resigned. The clue is in the fact that they tabled resignation letters of their own volition. Nobody sacked them.
TM left them with no option, she offered them a huge steaming mass of turd, pretending it was a 5 star michelin meal, she has sabotaged brexit from the beginning. She is the cuckoo in the nest
Just table the letters and be done with it. Either you have the numbers or not, either way dragging this out is inane.
I agree. If you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.
Or perhaps they are taking a play out of the press playbook...drip drip drip, without people quite knowing where it will go.
It gives the impression of a Prime Minister losing authority within her own party, at some point 48 letters need to be sent in though and the issue forced. Like throwing up when one has the flu, the Tories will probably be better for it after the VoNC is triggered.
India's population is about 20 times the size of France's so it doesn't mean very much.
A bizarre post. By such token, sliding down the global GDP league is just fine, provided those who have surpassed you have greater populations. I look forward to your sanguinity when the Democratic Republic of Congo overtakes the UK.
No it was correct. Most people would rather live in Luxembourg, Switzerland or Singapore than India or China or Brazil even though the latter has a larger gdp as the former has far higher GDP per capita and a higher standard of living
Oh crikey. The fact that France has been surpassed by India is still important. But you know what, have it. I can't be bothered to argue with you after the fiasco of the west London Tories. Life is just way, way, way too short.
Not really. India and China were the dominant global economies until the 16th century as they should have been given they had the largest populations.
The UK and France only overtook them because of their Empires. So once we gave up the Empire India and China would obviously overtake us again eventually. Unless you are advocating using Brexit as an excuse to restart the British Empire? If not then I am sure your support for the EU Empire can take its place
China remained the biggest world economy up till about 1860, but in terms of living standards, or economic importance in the world, it had fallen far behind the UK, the US, France, or Prussia by then.
I'm sure that by 2050, India will be a very important player, economically, but it isn't at this stage.
Just table the letters and be done with it. Either you have the numbers or not, either way dragging this out is inane.
I agree. If you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.
Or perhaps they are taking a play out of the press playbook...drip drip drip, without people quite knowing where it will go.
It gives the impression of a Prime Minister losing authority within her own party, at some point 48 letters need to be sent in though and the issue forced. Like throwing up when one has the flu, the Tories will probably be better for it after the VoNC is triggered.
There is only two weeks. Then she is safe until the autumn.
Just table the letters and be done with it. Either you have the numbers or not, either way dragging this out is inane.
I agree. If you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.
Or perhaps they are taking a play out of the press playbook...drip drip drip, without people quite knowing where it will go.
Mogg says it is about changing the policy, not the person, so I suppose one can take him at his word.
Or more likely maybe they know they don't have the numbers.
They don't have the numbers but that doesn't excuse the spiteful blocking of Jackson who only lost his seat because TM called the unnecessary 2017 election. She should at least be seen to be building bridges. If Leavers choose not to accept them that's another matter.
That depends. When it breaks, she will own it. Personally. She also gives the leavers a way out - she will be seen to have forced them out and stopped them from adopting their harder position - so they will be able to say that it's not THEIR Brexit. I suspect most Leave voters will accept that view.
Remain now own the chequers plan, they have kicked out leave, the blame will fall rightly on TM
Who has kicked out whom? Leavers cried off, nobody kicked them out. They resigned. The clue is in the fact that they tabled resignation letters of their own volition. Nobody sacked them.
TM left them with no option, she offered them a huge steaming mass of turd, pretending it was a 5 star michelin meal, she has sabotaged brexit from the beginning. She is the cuckoo in the nest
Or, she attempted to concoct a stew that would actually get through the House of Commons.
India's population is about 20 times the size of France's so it doesn't mean very much.
A bizarre post. By such token, sliding down the global GDP league is just fine, provided those who have surpassed you have greater populations. I look forward to your sanguinity when the Democratic Republic of Congo overtakes the UK.
If country A has 60m people and a GDP $2.4 trn, and country B has a population of 1.2 bn, and a GDP of $2.5 trn, which do you think is the more successful?
Yes I know, but this is not a league of GDP per capita (which is an entirely separate scale). The fact that India has surpassed France remains important and interesting despite the large differential in their population.
Not particularly, for the us what matters is how well the middle classes are growing and how much we can sell and buy from them. India is a country that has a vast, vast gap between the rich and the poor. It's wealth is ridiculously concentrated and hundreds of millions of people live in dirt poverty. Any statistic that says their economy is better than France's is a phantom.
That depends. When it breaks, she will own it. Personally. She also gives the leavers a way out - she will be seen to have forced them out and stopped them from adopting their harder position - so they will be able to say that it's not THEIR Brexit. I suspect most Leave voters will accept that view.
Remain now own the chequers plan, they have kicked out leave, the blame will fall rightly on TM
Who has kicked out whom? Leavers cried off, nobody kicked them out. They resigned. The clue is in the fact that they tabled resignation letters of their own volition. Nobody sacked them.
TM left them with no option, she offered them a huge steaming mass of turd, pretending it was a 5 star michelin meal, she has sabotaged brexit from the beginning. She is the cuckoo in the nest
One could equally take the view that Brexit itself is a steaming mass, and May merely attempting to render it slightly less unpalatable.
The true believers in and around the cabinet sabotaged themselves, and failed to propose an alternative recipe.
That depends. When it breaks, she will own it. Personally. She also gives the leavers a way out - she will be seen to have forced them out and stopped them from adopting their harder position - so they will be able to say that it's not THEIR Brexit. I suspect most Leave voters will accept that view.
Remain now own the chequers plan, they have kicked out leave, the blame will fall rightly on TM
Who has kicked out whom? Leavers cried off, nobody kicked them out. They resigned. The clue is in the fact that they tabled resignation letters of their own volition. Nobody sacked them.
TM left them with no option, she offered them a huge steaming mass of turd, pretending it was a 5 star michelin meal, she has sabotaged brexit from the beginning. She is the cuckoo in the nest
One could equally take the view that Brexit itself is a steaming mass, and May merely attempting to render it slightly less unpalatable.
The true believers in and around the cabinet sabotaged themselves, and failed to propose an alternative recipe.
One assumes that Stewart Jackson was not allowed to stay in position because he was unable to offer the necessary assurances of loyalty.
No. Dominic Raab wanted him to continue but it was Downing Streets opportunity to show Dominic Raab who was boss in the Brexit Department. Raab should have put his foot down whilst he was in a strong position instead of being weak like Davis.
I honestly don't know why Raab has taken this job especially as it seems his department is going to reduced to ruins in the next few weeks anyway.
The only thing I can think of is that he thinks its got a high enough profile to use is as a spring board to contest the leadership when May's finally ousted.
India's population is about 20 times the size of France's so it doesn't mean very much.
A bizarre post. By such token, sliding down the global GDP league is just fine, provided those who have surpassed you have greater populations. I look forward to your sanguinity when the Democratic Republic of Congo overtakes the UK.
No it was correct. Most people would rather live in Luxembourg, Switzerland or Singapore than India or China or Brazil even though the latter has a larger gdp as the former has far higher GDP per capita and a higher standard of living
Oh crikey. The fact that France has been surpassed by India is still important. But you know what, have it. I can't be bothered to argue with you after the fiasco of the west London Tories. Life is just way, way, way too short.
Not really. India and China were the dominant global economies until the 16th century as they should have been given they had the largest populations.
The UK and France only overtook them because of their Empires. So once we gave up the Empire India and China would obviously overtake us again eventually. Unless you are advocating using Brexit as an excuse to restart the British Empire? If not then I am sure your support for the EU Empire can take its place
China remained the biggest world economy up till about 1860, but in terms of living standards, or economic importance in the world, it had fallen far behind the UK, the US, France, or Prussia by then.
I'm sure that by 2050, India will be a very important player, economically, but it isn't at this stage.
Which just emphasise the point further as the 19th century was the height of the British and French Empires.
You are correct by 2050 the biggest economies will likely be China, India and the US plus the EU if it is still around then
Well, that's technically true. And, of course, there are a wide variety of Leave views, with myself and Daniel Hannan at one end, and Nigel Farage at the other. On this board, you have people who want EFTA/EEA, through CETA+ all the way to WTO.
Personally, I think anything that didn't address:
CAP/CFP Political integration (i.e. the ability of EU to interfere in domestic issues, rather than in merely inter-state commerce) and Immigration
Would not be honouring the result. Of course, within Immigration there are a degree of difference from the current structure:
- no benefits but free to come - needs a job offer - needs a job offer, and the employer needs to get preapproval (normally granted) to hire a foreign national (the US-Canada system) - needs to get specific "points" and needs applicable job offer, etc.
I think the EU will want option 2, but we shouldn't settle for anything less than option 2 coupled with option 1. No entitlement to any UK welfare without a minimum of 2 years worth of contributions (no tax credits, no housing benefits, no child benefits and an additional £90 per month flat rate NHS charge, plus additional charges for dependents). I'd make it a deal-breaker because it still leaves an open border, but will be enough for the government to say that people won't be able to come here and just claim loads of benefits while doing part time minimum wage jobs.
One assumes that Stewart Jackson was not allowed to stay in position because he was unable to offer the necessary assurances of loyalty.
No. Dominic Raab wanted him to continue but it was Downing Streets opportunity to show Dominic Raab who was boss in the Brexit Department. Raab should have put his foot down whilst he was in a strong position instead of being weak like Davis.
I honestly don't know why Raab has taken this job especially as it seems his department is going to reduced to ruins in the next few weeks anyway.
The only thing I can think of is that he thinks its got a high enough profile to use is as a spring board to contest the leadership when May's finally ousted.
As Dan Hannan said on the radio at lunchtime the Chequers deal is on the fringes of being ok as it stands but any further watering down would render it unacceptable. Raab at least is in a perfect position to make a point by resigning if the Government make further major concessions to the EU given that Boris has already shot his bolt by quitting.
Well, that's technically true. And, of course, there are a wide variety of Leave views, with myself and Daniel Hannan at one end, and Nigel Farage at the other. On this board, you have people who want EFTA/EEA, through CETA+ all the way to WTO.
Personally, I think anything that didn't address:
CAP/CFP Political integration (i.e. the ability of EU to interfere in domestic issues, rather than in merely inter-state commerce) and Immigration
Would not be honouring the result. Of course, within Immigration there are a degree of difference from the current structure:
- no benefits but free to come - needs a job offer - needs a job offer, and the employer needs to get preapproval (normally granted) to hire a foreign national (the US-Canada system) - needs to get specific "points" and needs applicable job offer, etc.
I think the EU will want option 2, but we shouldn't settle for anything less than option 2 coupled with option 1. No entitlement to any UK welfare without a minimum of 2 years worth of contributions (no tax credits, no housing benefits, no child benefits and an additional £90 per month flat rate NHS charge, plus additional charges for dependents). I'd make it a deal-breaker because it still leaves an open border, but will be enough for the government to say that people won't be able to come here and just claim loads of benefits while doing part time minimum wage jobs.
The system will also need to deal with partners and families, and students.
Just table the letters and be done with it. Either you have the numbers or not, either way dragging this out is inane.
I agree. If you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.
Or perhaps they are taking a play out of the press playbook...drip drip drip, without people quite knowing where it will go.
It gives the impression of a Prime Minister losing authority within her own party, at some point 48 letters need to be sent in though and the issue forced. Like throwing up when one has the flu, the Tories will probably be better for it after the VoNC is triggered.
There is only two weeks. Then she is safe until the autumn.
And by then it will be far too late for any no deal option. (Hint: it is already).
Question: does any Tory leadership candidate hard Brexiter have the votes of over a third of the Tory MPs?
I have seen an analysis that there are 125 members and ex members of the ERG. 80 turned up to the meeting last night, the rest are or were in government. Look at the names resigning Maria Caulfield and Ben Bradley, not known as hard core leavers, in fact completely off the leaver radar before showing their colours.
Question: does any Tory leadership candidate hard Brexiter have the votes of over a third of the Tory MPs?
I have seen an analysis that there are 125 members and ex members of the ERG. 80 turned up to the meeting last night, the rest are or were in government. Look at the names resigning Maria Caulfield and Ben Bradley, not known as hard core leavers, in fact completely off the leaver radar before showing their colours.
It's not as simple as that. There are members of the ERG who campaigned on Leave, and who campaigned for EFTA/EEA. They are probably reasonably happy with the current May position.
Yeah but it's not only hardline Brexiteers who might be sending letters in. They'll also be enemies of Theresa. And the associates of Theresa's enemies,
And then there must have been a fair few sent in after last years election balls up (they may or may not have been recanted)
Well, that's technically true. And, of course, there are a wide variety of Leave views, with myself and Daniel Hannan at one end, and Nigel Farage at the other. On this board, you have people who want EFTA/EEA, through CETA+ all the way to WTO.
Personally, I think anything that didn't address:
CAP/CFP Political integration (i.e. the ability of EU to interfere in domestic issues, rather than in merely inter-state commerce) and Immigration
Would not be honouring the result. Of course, within Immigration there are a degree of difference from the current structure:
- no benefits but free to come - needs a job offer - needs a job offer, and the employer needs to get preapproval (normally granted) to hire a foreign national (the US-Canada system) - needs to get specific "points" and needs applicable job offer, etc.
I think the EU will want option 2, but we shouldn't settle for anything less than option 2 coupled with option 1. No entitlement to any UK welfare without a minimum of 2 years worth of contributions (no tax credits, no housing benefits, no child benefits and an additional £90 per month flat rate NHS charge, plus additional charges for dependents). I'd make it a deal-breaker because it still leaves an open border, but will be enough for the government to say that people won't be able to come here and just claim loads of benefits while doing part time minimum wage jobs.
The system will also need to deal with partners and families, and students.
I think Javid is a few days away from exempting students from the figures anyway. Families and partners would be subject to the same rules. No job, no cover - minimum of two years to qualify. Any dependents would mean the main income earner would pay additional charges for NHS insurance.
I, like many others, have no problem with immigration. I do have a problem with people working minimum wage jobs and then claiming £1.5-2k per month worth of various benefits ranging from housing benefits to tax credits to be maintained in that minimum wage job. I can just about understand subsidising our own working poor, but importing an underclass and then subsidising them to the extent that we do is not sustainable.
The real brexit dividend would be winding down in working benefits to EU nationals. Unfortunately the ONS and HMRC don't release the split on benefit payments but previously the sums I've done show about £10-12bn spent on in work benefits for them.
Question: does any Tory leadership candidate hard Brexiter have the votes of over a third of the Tory MPs?
I have seen an analysis that there are 125 members and ex members of the ERG. 80 turned up to the meeting last night, the rest are or were in government. Look at the names resigning Maria Caulfield and Ben Bradley, not known as hard core leavers, in fact completely off the leaver radar before showing their colours.
It's not as simple as that. There are members of the ERG who campaigned on Leave, and who campaigned for EFTA/EEA. They are probably reasonably happy with the current May position.
Even that doesn’t capture all the nuances. There are people who campaigned for EFTA/EEA but were actually extreme headbangers, such as Owen Paterson.
As they digest the reality of Brexit they could split any number of ways.
Well, that's technically true. And, of course, there are a wide variety of Leave views, with myself and Daniel Hannan at one end, and Nigel Farage at the other. On this board, you have people who want EFTA/EEA, through CETA+ all the way to WTO.
Personally, I think anything that didn't address:
CAP/CFP Political integration (i.e. the ability of EU to interfere in domestic issues, rather than in merely inter-state commerce) and Immigration
Would not be honouring the result. Of course, within Immigration there are a degree of difference from the current structure:
- no benefits but free to come - needs a job offer - needs a job offer, and the employer needs to get preapproval (normally granted) to hire a foreign national (the US-Canada system) - needs to get specific "points" and needs applicable job offer, etc.
I think the EU will want option 2, but we shouldn't settle for anything less than option 2 coupled with option 1. No entitlement to any UK welfare without a minimum of 2 years worth of contributions (no tax credits, no housing benefits, no child benefits and an additional £90 per month flat rate NHS charge, plus additional charges for dependents). I'd make it a deal-breaker because it still leaves an open border, but will be enough for the government to say that people won't be able to come here and just claim loads of benefits while doing part time minimum wage jobs.
The system will also need to deal with partners and families, and students.
Students would be presumably exempt from the NHS charge, in the same way that an American who gets into Cambridge, pays fees, and gets a student visa is exempt. Indeed, I would suspect that for students coming from the EU, then the process could be largely automated:
- is the sponsoring educational institution on the approved list? - does the candidate have a criminal record?
Question: does any Tory leadership candidate hard Brexiter have the votes of over a third of the Tory MPs?
I have seen an analysis that there are 125 members and ex members of the ERG. 80 turned up to the meeting last night, the rest are or were in government. Look at the names resigning Maria Caulfield and Ben Bradley, not known as hard core leavers, in fact completely off the leaver radar before showing their colours.
It's not as simple as that. There are members of the ERG who campaigned on Leave, and who campaigned for EFTA/EEA. They are probably reasonably happy with the current May position.
Indeed, though I would suggest that if she goes any further she will lose a lot of support.
Question: does any Tory leadership candidate hard Brexiter have the votes of over a third of the Tory MPs?
I have seen an analysis that there are 125 members and ex members of the ERG. 80 turned up to the meeting last night, the rest are or were in government. Look at the names resigning Maria Caulfield and Ben Bradley, not known as hard core leavers, in fact completely off the leaver radar before showing their colours.
It's not as simple as that. There are members of the ERG who campaigned on Leave, and who campaigned for EFTA/EEA. They are probably reasonably happy with the current May position.
All this “drip drip” of resignations will do is demonstrate to voters that the Tories are a bunch of in-fighting self indulgent navel gazers. But I guess it’s easier than actually coming up with an alternative plan....
All this “drip drip” of resignations will do is demonstrate to voters that the Tories are a bunch of in-fighting self indulgent navel gazers. But I guess it’s easier than actually coming up with an alternative plan....
It's school playground level behaviour. Voters will accept principled resignations but they won't put up with childish games. Everyone who is/was going to resign should have gone yesterday and then everyone would know better where they stand.
My longstanding position of the last 2 years (which I have stuck to firmly on this site and elsewhere), that though I am a Remainer I accept the referendum result, has started to seriously crumble over the last few days as I watch the antics of the Brexiteers who won but aren't willing to accept their victory keep wanting to push for even more.
However, I expect Brexit will be agreed in the next 6 months and we leave on 31st March 2019. I doubt the Country will be pleased with on going fighting when the NHS and economy become number one.
Also the pound and markets will strengthen and Companies will unfreeze their investments into the UK creating a feel good factor and security of employment
Personally, I think anything that didn't address:
Political integration (i.e. the ability of EU to interfere in domestic issues, rather than in merely inter-state commerce)
Would not be honouring the result. Of course, within Immigration there are a degree of difference from the current structure:
- no benefits but free to come
- needs a job offer
- needs a job offer, and the employer needs to get preapproval (normally granted) to hire a foreign national (the US-Canada system)
- needs to get specific "points" and needs applicable job offer, etc.
First lesson of any PM is to learn how to count - votes in the Commons.
your post says it is the people who must learn not the politicians, Bertold Brecht's observations on the 17 June is written all over you.
The UK and France only overtook them because of their Empires. So once we gave up the Empire India and China would obviously overtake us again eventually. Unless you are advocating using Brexit as an excuse to restart the British Empire? If not then I am sure your support for the EU Empire can take its place
Or more likely maybe they know they don't have the numbers.
I'm sure that by 2050, India will be a very important player, economically, but it isn't at this stage.
Complex reality of compromise is proving more difficult
Winning with a bus isn't something to be proud of
The true believers in and around the cabinet sabotaged themselves, and failed to propose an alternative recipe.
If she's telling the truth, we may as well proceed to no deal.
now try you ran a shit campaign selling a defective product to an audience you didn't understand
I could add half your salesforce didn't want to meet the punters but that's just rubbing it in
The only thing I can think of is that he thinks its got a high enough profile to use is as a spring board to contest the leadership when May's finally ousted.
The haggling is over the name.
Edit: Mr Brooke … spot on, but best keep quiet, we don't want to help them.
You are correct by 2050 the biggest economies will likely be China, India and the US plus the EU if it is still around then
minimum of 2 years worth of contributions (no tax credits, no housing benefits, no child benefits and an additional £90 per month flat rate NHS charge, plus additional charges for dependents). I'd make it a deal-breaker because it still leaves an open border, but will be enough for the government to say that people won't be able to come here and just claim loads of benefits while doing part time minimum wage jobs.
Look at the names resigning Maria Caulfield and Ben Bradley, not known as hard core leavers, in fact completely off the leaver radar before showing their colours.
And then there must have been a fair few sent in after last years election balls up (they may or may not have been recanted)
I, like many others, have no problem with immigration. I do have a problem with people working minimum wage jobs and then claiming £1.5-2k per month worth of various benefits ranging from housing benefits to tax credits to be maintained in that minimum wage job. I can just about understand subsidising our own working poor, but importing an underclass and then subsidising them to the extent that we do is not sustainable.
The real brexit dividend would be winding down in working benefits to EU nationals. Unfortunately the ONS and HMRC don't release the split on benefit payments but previously the sums I've done show about £10-12bn spent on in work benefits for them.
As they digest the reality of Brexit they could split any number of ways.
- is the sponsoring educational institution on the approved list?
- does the candidate have a criminal record?
My longstanding position of the last 2 years (which I have stuck to firmly on this site and elsewhere), that though I am a Remainer I accept the referendum result, has started to seriously crumble over the last few days as I watch the antics of the Brexiteers who won but aren't willing to accept their victory keep wanting to push for even more.