On a special episode of the PB / Polling Matters podcast, Keiran Pedley and Leo Barasi discuss a momentous 24 hours in Westminster that has seen both David Davis and Boris Johnson resign. Keiran and Leo ask what happens next and look at what polling of Tory members by YouGov tells us about the future direction of the Conservative Party and who might come to lead it.
We haven't begun to see it be taken apart by the EU yet. This is where she's starting from not where she's prepared to finish...
Wait for her and Robbins to start conceding most of this away over the next weeks. And she will because that's what she does...
A smart move appearing to declare war on the loonies in the Tory party. It worked for Major and it should work for her. The secret is not to give them an inch. She might lose some on the extreme right to a slightly revamped UKIP but she'll more than make up for it with Labour and Tory Remainers who can see that Corbyn is full of shit.
PS Dominic Grieve V funny about Boris and he's got him spot on
I can understand why Labour supporters hate him because he turned them over in "their" city - Twice - But the hate he espouses from Tories on here is really quite odd.
Keiran thinks the leave coalition has fractured a bit, highlighting the Carswell reaction. Not so sure it is as significant as that. I can believe that claimed 1922er saying he could have sold May's proposal, but cannot now because of what has happened.
I suspect the EU will realise there isn't much flexibility for the government to survive if they concede any more.
Why bother voting to re-elect them ?
A few MPs including a one in the cabinet, the deputy leader of the Labour Party, ex MPs like Alex Salmond. Odd MEPs and Councillors.
A few SPADS such as SPADS to Penny Mordaunt and Sajid Javid.
The political editors of Sky, The Sun, The Times, Sunday Times, The Mail on Sunday, and a lot of political journalists too.
I have most of the major pollsters and their underlings following me like Ben Page, Martin Boon, Damian Lowes Lyon. Lord Ashcroft used to until I upset him
Huw Edwards and Kate Williams following me did wonders for the ego.
Fortunately I'm not a rampant egotist who'd let things like this go to his head.
May's biggest achievement in all this is having Chequers being now accepted as the soft Brexit position.
For 15% of the economy.
The big question is what May does then. She'll be left with the framework of a deal that does a good job of balancing the spirit of the 2016 referendum, but that most people think is not in the national interest. In those circumstances a second referendum makes perfect sense.
It is a starting point that is well beyond an acceptable finishing point for me.
A technical brexit won't win them many votes, and will lose them some, but perhaps they have time to recover from it. A crash out, which is the preferred option of others (as there's no time for anything else now)? It's popular among Tories, but wider than that?
Massive wrench for me to leave health - I know some staff haven’t found me the easiest Health Sec but the NHS, and particularly patient safety, has become my passion & it really was the greatest privilege of my life to serve for so many year
Podcast - Gavin Williamson not popular among the members apparently, who knew?
Populism is on the rise all over the place from Trump to Le Pen, Sanders to Corbyn, Brexit to indyref, Mogg to Salvini, One Nation to the AfD, the Swedish Democrats to Wilders, Tsipras to Podemos, Five Star to Lopez Obrador and Melenchon.
The Western Alliance is going to be under severe strain regardless
"Mr Farage pointed out that the tenure of Gerard Batten, the current leader of Ukip, will come to an end in March 2019 - the same month when Article 50 ends.The MEP added: "Unless Brexit is back on track by then, I will have to seriously consider putting my name forward to return as Ukip leader. I can ensure any Conservatives listening to this, sitting in marginal seats, who are not prepared to honour the wishes of the electorate, I will make damn sure that you all lose your seats There are millions on Conservative voters who are very unhappy indeed.”
Will the Tory Brexiteers move against her while she's out of the country?
Con 39 (-2)
Lab 39 (-1)
LD 9 (nc)
Fieldwork Sunday and Monday.
No other Party VI given.
First time since April the Tories haven’t led with YouGov.
18 per cent thought the government was doing well at negotiating Brexit and 66 per cent thought it was doing badly.
For each marginal, if more people flip Tory -> UKIP over perceived BINO than flip Labour -> Tory over fear of Corbyn, seats go Labour. The Con MPs will overestimate the fear of Labour and underestimate the anger of BINO - they need to look at their members and activists and realise that they cannot control this. People will have an emotional response to this situation that will wash them away if they get it wrong.
The reason we are in this position is that the EU have always said that frictionless trade cannot apply to parts of the economy because of the NI border. There is no way the EU will agree to limited consequences for divergence. Otherwise the UK would selectively diverge to its hearts content because in many sectors a bit of friction at the border would be irrelevant.
The NI backstop will still be the thing that kills of May's deal.
Steve Baker made it clear that the EU had agreed they would accept a CETA deal. Remainers don't want it.
May blackmailed herself when she agreed to the NI backstop simply because she knew that she would be forced to agree a CETA deal and as a Remainer this would mean a complete break with the EU that she would not accept.
The only barrier to CETA is the NI border trap which May deliberately jumped into,
In fact, Mrs May is proposing Switzerland ii to the EU, with the exception that the UK is a lot more important export market for the EU.