politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Corbyn’s Opinium net approval ratings trail both Cable and May by 10 points
The May Opinium poll for the Observer is just including what is the only leader approval ratings series from any UK pollster.
Read the full story here
LAB 39 (-1)
Also, why would Cable's score have improved? Has he done anything recently that I was not aware of?
Within weeks he had a 4% lead.
Labour will have to disband!
It was Labour MP Dennis Skinner who perhaps best captured the caustic mood of those left cold by the happy couple’s big day. Posting a “do not disturb sign” on his Twitter account, the Beast of Bolsover, displayed a four point checklist: “Newspaper in the bin. CHECK; TV unplugged. CHECK; Radio, batteries removed. CHECK; Twitter feed disabled. CHECK; Have a lovely day.”
The new target is Con gain Scotland.
All Corbyn did last time was squeeze the leftwing LD, Green, SNP and UKIP voters behind him, he made virtually no net gains from the Tories in terms of voters on 2015. Next time he has little more leftwing voters to squeeze and will have to win over Tories to become PM, this poll confirms he is still a long way from doing that
Help her unlock her talent, I will be sleeping outside with the dog (if I am lucky), or be looking for a new significant other (if she isn’t feeling so generous).
Even a super lefty friend of mine thought it a very ill judged message, although clearly it didn't harm them any, and it's not like any political party gets all its messages right, the Tories certainly do not. You know Mr Skinner, you could have just gone outside, or read a book, you didn't need to unplug everything. And why buy a paper in the first place if you intended to throw it away?
Wouldn't a more powerful and effective demonstration of not being interested in the royal wedding have been to just not mention it, and go about your day?
Theresa at GE2017 = 13 Scottish Seats
Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz was the first mixed race member of the British Royal Family.
Critics of Valdes's theory point out that Margarita's and Madragana's distant perch in the queen's family tree – nine and 15 generations removed, respectively – makes any African ancestry that they bequeathed to Charlotte negligible and even doubt whether Madragana was black.
Go back so many centuries I'd assume we were all mixed race.
Any assumption that Corbyn will see a similar shift in support is just denying political reality.
But please keep on deluding yourself.
And that's not to mention the links to non christian deities like Woden!
Night all.
Looks like as well as losing voters, UKIP is also losing spellers!
I know the Observer and OGH would like to present this as 'Vince Cable level pegging with Mrs May' - but Vince's levels of "Don't know" technically "neither approve nor disapprove" are twice the level of May & Corbyn's historically - this poll's data isn't up yet, but from April:
May: 35 / 43 / 22
Corbyn: 29 / 48 / 23
Cable: 16 / 34 / 50
Perhaps Vince's 'Neither Approve nor Disapprove' have shifted to 'approve' - better wait until we see the tables, but it feels a bit like there's some whistling in the dark going on here.
Singapore orchid on Meghan Markle's wedding veil featuring national flowers of Commonwealth countries
Malaysia's Bunga Raya Hibiscus, Bangladesh's White Water Lily and Pakistan's Jasmine also made it onto the long veil.
Europe, says Bernard-Henri Lévy, will collapse if Brexit goes ahead. “It will collapse because when the body is deprived of its brain and its heart, its spirit dies. Britain is not just an additional piece of the European Union, it is the brain.” I never expected to hear a Frenchman say that, certainly not a great French intellectual. But there’s more: “Brexit will be a much bigger catastrophe than most people expect or think, a catastrophe for Britain and a catastrophe for Europe. Europe is unthinkable without Great Britain. Everyone who reflects deeply about Europe knows that the UK is its beating heart.”
All ardent monarchist [ to those to whom this matters ] do not vote Labour.
What ever Bercow's faults, he was an improvement on Martin - but still Boothroyde best in a long while.....saw her on a number 82 bus once.....