Oh dear - it's one thing to moan about the spare room subsidy being removed but quite another to actually reintroduce it. Are people renting in the private sector going to get it back as well?
I wonder if Farage is following Salmond.....as the goal draws near, caution and respectability beckon - and the things that got them to where they are are quietly abandoned.....
@MrHarryCole: Really? How exclusive? RT @robindbrant: BBC has exclusive 'bedroom tax/spare room subsidy' news from ed Miliband.
If Ed's first official policy announcement is an unfunded welfare give away then Dave's day just gets even better
"Labour will pay the unemployed to have empty rooms in their houses..."
Ed: Are you busting a gut to provide for your family? Well, tough, because we're going to increase your taxes and force you to downsize. We're going to give the money we take from you to other people. All in the interest o fairness, you understand?
Ed: Are you busting a gut to provide for your family? Well, tough, because we're going to increase your taxes and force you to downsize. We're going to give the money we take from you to other people. All in the interest o fairness, you understand?
The squeezed middle have not suffered enough. Ed will tax them to give spare rooms to workshy scroungers. Awesome.
@tim - Yes tim, and I expect they'd like lower taxes, higher pensions, an end to overcrowding amongst people who actually need those surplus rooms, a reduction in the deficit, free beer, and cheap foreign holidays as well.
But to govern is to choose, and Ed claims to be choosing to continue a subsidy to some at the expense of those in need, as well as to the public purse. Up to him, of course, but I very much doubt that choice will survive contact with reality.
Oh dear - it's one thing to moan about the spare room subsidy being removed but quite another to actually reintroduce it. Are people renting in the private sector going to get it back as well?
Clinging to his core vote.
Polling vs PB Tory anecdote
@DuncanKeeling: UK: Six out of ten voters want #BedroomTax scrapped http://t.co/dIA2JaCNbW 79% of #Labour voters, 65% of #LibDems and (even) 34% of #Tories
How many want IHT and income tax scrapped ? A dolt of a post even for you.
Mr Miliband has now said the change would be paid for by scrapping a tax break for hedge funds and the Treasury's new shares-for-rights scheme
Hang-on - I thought the Labour line was that the Treasury's shares-for-rights scheme was a complete damp squib and take-up would be risible - so how can there be any savings from scrapping it?
I think that UKIP starting with a clean slate for MEPs each time is a good thing. It is important to avoid the sinecure element of being an MEP. A turnover of 30-40% each time keeps them hungry, and the job fresh. A weakness of the list system of PR is that if you don't aim for a churn, second, and especially third term MEPs start coasting.
Why not go for a ride on your imaginary tractor? Get some virtual fresh air.
Hmm - that is not good - a lot of private sector workers are going to lose out if Ed gets his way.
But to govern is to choose, and Ed claims to be choosing to continue a subsidy to some at the expense of those in need, as well as to the public purse. Up to him, of course, but I very much doubt that choice will survive contact with reality.
How many want IHT and income tax scrapped ? A dolt of a post even for you.
Hang-on - I thought the Labour line was that the Treasury's shares-for-rights scheme was a complete damp squib and take-up would be risible - so how can there be any savings from scrapping it?