“What puts Sadiq Khan in such a great place for this contest is that Ed Miliband also made him Shadow Minister for London two months ago. This remit will enable him to meet, speak, campaign, engage with the whole London electoral college for this selection ahead of elections in 2014 and the general election a year later.
Al-Madinah School
Admissions - Supplementary Information Form for pupils wishing
to apply to the school under the Muslim faith criteria.
This section is to be completed by the Imam* in the presence of the parent/carer and the child/ren.
Name of Imam:
Name of Mosque:
Name of child/ren to
which this form applies:
* Only official Imams employed or appointed by the Mosque as an Imam are
authorised to sign this form. Signatures of Madrasah teachers and unofficial
Imams will not be accepted.
Accepting the Shahadah (proclamation of faith)
• Praying 5 times a day
• Fasting during the month of Ramadan
• Paying Charity (Zakat)
• Pilgrimage (when and if obligatory)
Question 1
I confirm that the immediate family of the child/ren named in this
application adheres to all of the following 5 pillars of Islam:
Yes No
Belief in the oneness of Allah (Tawhid)
• Belief in the finality of the Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him)
• Respect of all the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Question 2
I confirm that the immediate family of the child/ren named in this
application adheres the following principles of Islam:
Yes No
Question 3
In my opinion the immediate family of the child/ren named in this
application follows the Islamic code of dress by dressing appropriately and modestly.
Yes No
Name of Imam:
Signature of Imam:
I confirm that the information given in this form is true and accurate:
Name of parent / carer:
Signature of parent / carer:
Parental Declaration
I confirm that the information given in this form is true and accurate:
Then called Michael Crick "a racist"...
Visit each prisoner personally with a bug scanner ?
I think David Lammy would be an excellent labour choice for mayor. Obviously cares deeply about the city, and I could see him getting along OK with the business types on the other side of the coin.
Obvious difference, innit?
"Not much to say really except for anyone on the centre left this is a very depressing day. Labour is unfit to govern while people like Ed Balls hold positions of "
Stop being such a drama queen! A story by Damien McBride serialised in the Mail is about as interesting as a SeanT post on the Burqa. If that's how trivial your vote is then put your cross against the Tories and have done with it
Of course it may all depend upon his apponent. A grey-squirel, a painted barrier; maybe a challenge from Mandlesoehn (and he has less skeletons then Tessa Jowell)!
So, simply: Too-early; indeterminate.
Sky: Farage to "investigate" Bloom's comments...
thought for a moment i was reading the telegraph equivalent. Spartism almost completely absent.
Not too difficult to do, I suspect.
We'll just have to agree to disagree. I don't think Labour is fit for office with so many of the Brown/Blair warriors still in situ and all that poison still bubbling under the surface. Balls in No 11 spending half his time settling scores with people on his own side who dare to disagree with him is not a happy recipe for government and will do a lot of damage not just to the country but also to the cause of centre left politics.
* If the comments was aimed at journalists!
A slovenly or promiscuous woman.
trollop - strumpet - harlot - streetwalker - slattern
Slag is a pejorative slang term, primarily used in United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and Australia, to describe women who often engage in casual sex and promiscuous behaviour. Its meaning is broadly similar to the terms "slut" and "skank". It originally derives from the same term for piles of impurities skimmed off.
tart - scrubber - whore - pro - brass - prostitute - hooker - hustler - moll - call girl - courtesan - working girl - harlot - slapper - streetwalker - camp follower - loose woman - fallen woman - strumpet - trollop - white slave - bawd - cocotte - fille de joie
One is amateur, the other professional?
A bit like the difference between a barrister and solicitor perhaps?
Anyway, when is the Fruitcake wing of UKIP going to make its power grab?
If they did that every time the media tried a racism smear the media would look for another tactic because they don't want people saying that on the telly.
edit: but nothing looks worse than grovelling so attack is still better.
"Big Labour announcement tonight at 6:30pm #embargo"
FPT @SouthamObserver
"Not much to say really except for anyone on the centre left this is a very depressing day. Labour is unfit to govern while people like Ed Balls hold positions of "
Stop being such a drama queen! A story by Damien McBride serialised in the Mail is about as interesting as a SeanT post on the Burqa. If that's how trivial your vote is then put your cross against the Tories and have done with"
Roger's comment sums up all the problems with Labour - spin,spin,spin then denial, denial denial - nasty party bang to rights.
More, I say, more!
Come on PBers get a sense of humour, leave the faux outrage to the Westminster robots
I know someone who had a client who complained at length about "that slag" who was intending to give evidence against him in his trial for tax evasion, and remarked how much better his prospects of acquittal would be if "that slag" wasn't around to give evidence against him. "That slag" subsequently disappeared.
I'm just going to put posts together, la-la-la.
And meanwhile the armed-wing of the Labour Party did nothing. It is time to reform the Police Service [sic] of England: They should be a law-enforcement agency or bring back the militias (I kid yee not)!
His son Felipe will represent the King at the forthcoming Ibero-American Summit.
Ah, - that brings back memories of fatherly warnings from my childhood…!
All ignored of course.
I think you dismiss the potential impact of MacBride revelations. OK we aren't learning anything politicial anoraks such as ourselves didn't know already (Labout were unfit to govern from before 1997) - but ordinary people will be genuinely shocked or disgusted at what is emerging. Some very smelly stuff may attach to Ed n Ed. They may be forced into 'categorical condemnations' of Brown and Blair's style. Labour is being damaged by it. We just don't yet know how badly. But to poohpooh the potential for serious damage is naive. It is toxic spill.
At 33/1 he was probably fair value, at today's best price of 14/1 (OGH please note), he doesn't look particularly compelling.
Eg I'm gonna get the slag wot grassed me up....
Wasnt one of Ed's reforms supposed to be an open selection for the London Mayor candidate?
I like! Although the 'Labour poll slide deniers' will find fault with it. If you extrapolate the trend of the last 6 months into May 2015 it will show....bad news for Ed.
"I'm gonna sort that slaaag..."
Missed all the fun.
To a kipper it is not the gloss that is important.
It is getting the apostrophe in the right place.
If the same applied in prison, whats the big deal?
The Labour party have a history of intense nastiness and bullying over the last 20 years, if I were a member I would want a purge of the whole lot of them who have proved to be without morals, courage or honesty. The blame for the antics in the Labour party should be shared by all Labour MPs from 1997 to 2010. The are culpable for allowing this to happen in their name, and I think there is therefore a fair argument to say our own Nick Palmer (along with the other Labour MPs) is no better than the main protagonists, as he (they) lacked the morality and strength to stand up and be counted. I think the whole parliamentary party needs to do some soul searching and ask to be forgiven for the deplorable behaviour over those years. Where we as a nation have a right to expect leadership we were given a master class in the destruction of our enemies.
The Blair and Brown years will be remembered as a lost opportunity, internal fighting and economic disaster, peppered with illegal war and dishonest presentation of facts (or fiction) to take us to war.
If there is any good to come from this period of history I hope it will hasten the the dilution and reduction of influence of Political Parties.
The concept of a manifesto covering all areas that parties are then beholden to implement is crass and produces massive negative effects. A manifesto should cover the areas of National Interest. The candidates should then develop an individual and local agenda to cover the remaining detail. Far more engaging for the electorate, the candidate and reduces the influence of central party oily slickers. It would give MPs the chance to actually stand for something and do it in parliament.
Until we weaken political parties we will not overcome all the sleaze and slime that infests politics.
Sort of hip hop style.
Too late for the evening news?
You can get quite a lot more from corporate bonds but you need a short maturity to guarantee no capital loss from having to sell at a time when interest rates might be higher, you won't be covered by the compensation scheme, and of course there's no guarantee that any given issuer won't go bust.
Follow @raceclear & @scoresandscorer ???
So realistic! Every prisoner is a victim of circumstance who is in there through no real fault of their own!
(yes, I know they're urban myths)
Mr. Isam, I haven't seen it but I'm aware of its existence (it's on right before The Walking Dead).
Reminds me slightly of the insane Corston Report, which suggested no women should ever go to prison.
I think that Arthur Ransome was having a lot of fun at his readers' expense, in a more innocent age.