If it is this Gauke business, the decision to release Worboys wasn't the government, and maybe I'm naiive, but even with the PM being at the top I don't see that probably having to replace her Justice Secretary will cause her that much disruption. His choice clearly wasn't unfounded, even though it has turned out he probably should have taken the risk, so if he resigns over that she appoints someone else, and I don't know how easily a partisan point will stick longer term to cause trouble.
We do not doubt the strength and sincerity of the Mayor’s concerns on behalf of the victims in particular and Londoners in general. However, in our judgment none of these matters confers standing on the Mayor to bring this claim.
We do not doubt the strength and sincerity of the Mayor’s concerns on behalf of the victims in particular and Londoners in general. However, in our judgment none of these matters confers standing on the Mayor to bring this claim.
There are no obvious reasons why the open justice principle should not apply to the Parole Board in the context of providing information on matters of public concern to the very group of individuals who harbour such concern, namely thepublic itself. Indeed, it seems to us that there are clear and obvious reasons why the Parole Board should do so. This information can readily be provided in a fashion which in no way undermines the Article 8 rights of the prisoner and the confidentiality which attaches to it
I think the parole board needs reform, after the rape and torture case that saw two murder convicts go back to jail after being paroled it's clearly not fit for purpose. More scepticism would be welcome.
We do not doubt the strength and sincerity of the Mayor’s concerns on behalf of the victims in particular and Londoners in general. However, in our judgment none of these matters confers standing on the Mayor to bring this claim.
Back in yer box.....
Beginning to wonder if Team Corbo will begin to realise what a threat Khan is to their dear leader.
He's an ambitious chap and will be looking at a bigger job than Mayor soon.
Looks like it has been locked down? Still 16/1 on Betfair.
And now I hope he does resign. With £25 on it that would be a nice little present to have, particularly since I missed out on a promotion not long ago.
Regardless of how we reached Brexit, the referendum result has three powerful guarantors: the first is the Conservative backbench, the second is the Labour frontbench and the third, and most important, is public opinion.
I'm not exactly a hardcore Brexiteer, but your repeated posting of that's becoming a little sad. It wasn't exactly funny the first time ...
Now you've said that he'll probably repost the "this is going to be useful" one of Boris in front of the £350m poster. Again.
I can see why you'd rather it was forgotten.
Nope, the £350m bus is an obsession of the ultra-Remainers, not one of mine.
The constant moaning about it (in public) helped greatly in amplifying its message, and consequently helped Leave win the referendum. Something you lot still don't understand.
Though the right wing, Brexity, female clickbaiter market sector seems to be ever expanding, it's a source of constant amazement to me that Oakeshott continues to get gigs.
He could say he saved money by letting someone else JR the decision.
In all seriousness, Mr Herdson is right about politicians having to sense-check advice, but it doesn't personally feel to me like a resignable instance. However, he might well do so to avoid a storm.
Must be a value bet at 60-1 next out cabinet..
And I didn't move fast enough. Oh well, the road not travelled.
He could say he saved money by letting someone else JR the decision.
In all seriousness, Mr Herdson is right about politicians having to sense-check advice, but it doesn't personally feel to me like a resignable instance. However, he might well do so to avoid a storm.
Must be a value bet at 60-1 next out cabinet..
And I didn't move fast enough. Oh well, the road not travelled.
Smith and Bancroft won't be considered for leadership roles for 12 months after their bans end.
Warner will not be considered for team leadership roles ever.
I feel Warner is the real cancer, not only in this, but in sledging and all of the overly nasty competitiveness. Nothing wrong with being competitive but he seems totally humourless and constantly on the edge of physical violence. I think he's a really nasty piece of work. Cricket would be better off without him.
He could say he saved money by letting someone else JR the decision.
In all seriousness, Mr Herdson is right about politicians having to sense-check advice, but it doesn't personally feel to me like a resignable instance. However, he might well do so to avoid a storm.
Must be a value bet at 60-1 next out cabinet..
And I didn't move fast enough. Oh well, the road not travelled.
Likewise. Now evens on Betfair.
I'll lay a ton at 11-10 if any reputable posters want to beat Evens
He could say he saved money by letting someone else JR the decision.
In all seriousness, Mr Herdson is right about politicians having to sense-check advice, but it doesn't personally feel to me like a resignable instance. However, he might well do so to avoid a storm.
Must be a value bet at 60-1 next out cabinet..
And I didn't move fast enough. Oh well, the road not travelled.
Mr. kle4, I had a similar result at the General Election. Finished mildly ahead, but could've hedged Con 50 seat majority, or thereabouts, to be all green. Shows what I know... still, grateful to finish a little green given how wrong most of my assumptions were.
Mr. kle4, I had a similar result at the General Election. Finished mildly ahead, but could've hedged Con 50 seat majority, or thereabouts, to be all green. Shows what I know... still, grateful to finish a little green given how wrong most of my assumptions were.
While the decision itself still leads to periods of self doubt, I have fond memories of the Brexit to win odds on the day of the referendum at least. Good times.
Mr. kle4, I think I steered clear of that betting, and certainly didn't stay up late.
Still, I have benefited from the odd fluke in the past. Miffed the 201 on Perez last year (Azerbaijan) didn't come off, but the 251 on Verstappen in Spain 2016 remains a rather nice memory.
How Bancroft has escaped so lightly amazes me - he was the one who actually DID the CHEATING!
Young, inexperienced, pressured by the 'leadership group' (which is only Smith and Warner, yeah right), I can see why they went slightly less hard.
I agree. It would have been very difficult for Bancroft to have said no - I can just imagine Warner's reaction.
Lot of talk in the last week, referencing past issues, that Warner is a nasty piece of work. If so I suspect we'll hear more out of that dressing room,
Look at these epic posters - totally box tickingly awesome !
It appears the ultra remainers are unleashing a coalition of Rolf Harris, Bella Emberg, the cast of the full Monty, rat boy and some public sector extras from a 1990s Labour PPB.
Look at these epic posters - totally box tickingly awesome !
It appears the ultra remainers are unleashing a coalition of Rolf Harris, Bella Emberg, the cast of the full Monty, rat boy and some public sector extras from a 1990s Labour PPB.
I'm not exactly a hardcore Brexiteer, but your repeated posting of that's becoming a little sad. It wasn't exactly funny the first time ...
Now you've said that he'll probably repost the "this is going to be useful" one of Boris in front of the £350m poster. Again.
I can see why you'd rather it was forgotten.
Nope, the £350m bus is an obsession of the ultra-Remainers, not one of mine.
The constant moaning about it (in public) helped greatly in amplifying its message, and consequently helped Leave win the referendum. Something you lot still don't understand.
Look at these epic posters - totally box tickingly awesome !
It appears the ultra remainers are unleashing a coalition of Rolf Harris, Bella Emberg, the cast of the full Monty, rat boy and some public sector extras from a 1990s Labour PPB.
I'm not exactly a hardcore Brexiteer, but your repeated posting of that's becoming a little sad. It wasn't exactly funny the first time ...
Now you've said that he'll probably repost the "this is going to be useful" one of Boris in front of the £350m poster. Again.
I can see why you'd rather it was forgotten.
Nope, the £350m bus is an obsession of the ultra-Remainers, not one of mine.
The constant moaning about it (in public) helped greatly in amplifying its message, and consequently helped Leave win the referendum. Something you lot still don't understand.
Thanks for helping out.
So, you don't mind winning on a lie?
Its not as embarrassing as repeatedly publicising it.....
Hmm, David Gauke says in the statement he's just released:
I took expert legal advice from leading counsel on whether I should bring a challenge. The bar for judicial review is set high. I considered whether the decision was legally rational - in other words, a decision which no reasonable Parole Board could have made.
The advice I received was that such an argument was highly unlikely to succeed. And, indeed, this argument did not succeed. However, the victims succeeded in a different argument.
The court summary says:
We uphold the challenge by DSD and NBV, as we have slightly reformulated it, to the rationality of the decision of the Parole Board directing the release of Mr Radford on the basis that it should have undertaken further inquiry into the circumstances of his offending and, in particular, the extent to which the limited way in which he has described his offending may undermine his overall credibility and reliability. That is so even in relation to the offences of which he was convicted, let alone any other offending
Not that much of a different argument, if I've understood correctly.
I hope this doesn't wreck David Gauke's career, because I think he's a talented minister. But that juxtaposition doesn't look good.
If it is this Gauke business, the decision to release Worboys wasn't the government, and maybe I'm naiive, but even with the PM being at the top I don't see that probably having to replace her Justice Secretary will cause her that much disruption. His choice clearly wasn't unfounded, even though it has turned out he probably should have taken the risk, so if he resigns over that she appoints someone else, and I don't know how easily a partisan point will stick longer term to cause trouble.
Gauke/Worboys will be splashed on more front pages than Jeremy Corbyn's Facebook adventures in anti-semitism, even if the latter runs for longer.
Whether or not to challenge shouldn;t have been decided base don how bad the victims would feel, as terrible as they would. Surely a challenge should only have been made if it was felt something legally or procedurally was wrong (including irrationality)?? Turns out Gauke should probably have taken that up, but victims feelings is not so much a part of it (not sharing info with them was an issue though it seems)
Yes, we'd love to see a thread by you on Defence matters.
Copy that.
Look forward to it. (As an aside, ought we to be developing/buying more unmanned aircraft rather than the very expensive indeed F35 ?)
There is no near or medium term UAS that can do all of the F35 missions so probably not. F35 is not an expensive platform when you consider the breadth of its capabilities. The Typhoon is the really money pit. The entire program cost is north of 40bn quid and the RAF is going to end up with 160 airframes. Do the maths; it's the second most expensive combat aircraft ever produced after B2 and the MoD takes brand new ones off the production line and reduces them to spares...
UAS acquisitions are one part of defence policy that has been managed anomalously well. Possibly because we've bought the best available product on commercial terms and then not dicked around with it because we think we know better. Certifiable Predator B was a very wise acquisition and gives the RAF a genuinely leading edge UAS capability.
Taranis/FCAS/nEUROn is a just a Soviet style pay people to dig holes and fill them in work creation scheme. However, that now looks like it may fall apart over Brexit so every cloud and all that...
I wasn't really talking about existing systems; one of the reason there aren't that many is the resistance of the ex-pilots making the decisions to replacing manned jets. More a road not taken than one available to us right now.
"The scheme is expected to cover single-use glass and plastic bottles, and steel and aluminium cans."
I can understand the plastic somewhat, but leave off the aluminium cans. I collect aluminium for Cafod. Some cans I pick up from the street but most come from the local churches (including the Anglican one). Last year this amounted to about £400 worth with about half of that from cans. Where will they come from now?
Bottles with a deposit - that takes me right back to my childhood. Why not burn the plastic that can't be recycled? There's waste-to-energy power stations around. Most of the pollution plume the Greens moan about is steam.
"The scheme is expected to cover single-use glass and plastic bottles, and steel and aluminium cans."
I can understand the plastic somewhat, but leave off the aluminium cans. I collect aluminium for Cafod. Some cans I pick up from the street but most come from the local churches (including the Anglican one). Last year this amounted to about £400 worth with about half of that from cans. Where will they come from now?
Bottles with a deposit - that takes me right back to my childhood. Why not burn the plastic that can't be recycled? There's waste-to-energy power stations around. Most of the pollution plume the Greens moan about is steam.
"The scheme is expected to cover single-use glass and plastic bottles, and steel and aluminium cans."
I can understand the plastic somewhat, but leave off the aluminium cans. I collect aluminium for Cafod. Some cans I pick up from the street but most come from the local churches (including the Anglican one). Last year this amounted to about £400 worth with about half of that from cans. Where will they come from now?
Bottles with a deposit - that takes me right back to my childhood. Why not burn the plastic that can't be recycled? There's waste-to-energy power stations around. Most of the pollution plume the Greens moan about is steam.
Gove's brainchild.
He needs a distraction from his betrayal of Scottish fishermen.
It seems to be easier to get into Sunderland Uni than Oxford, Cambridge or Imperial. Who knew?
Though actually part of the problem is pre - A level offers. Private schools over egg their predictions while at the higher grades State schools under predict. Our Medical School has moved to post results offers, in part to encourage a broader range of interests, and in part to improve access. No dumbing down, the same exams are required, but more state school candidates, and often from hard to reach areas.
Oxford could change its admissions requirements but yes, the pipeline needs addressing. Making Oxbridge post-graduate only would also be sensible but I'm not holding my breath. In the short term, it should be possible to weight offers by poverty or any other factor.
Oxford could change its admissions requirements but yes, the pipeline needs addressing. Making Oxbridge post-graduate only would also be sensible but I'm not holding my breath. In the short term, it should be possible to weight offers by poverty or any other factor.
The test isn't how many you take, it is how many you take and get through to finals. In my day lots of people who got in on a special pass for being from shit comps were thrown out again within the year for failing mods/prelims. Harsh, but what can you do? You can't lower the bar for them in public exams, and you can't get them up to speed in the time available.
The first three lines are from rolling over some of the boxes with red text on the left (quoting the Harris report), the final is calculated from offers made to UK domiciles.
Warner will not be considered for team leadership roles ever.
Back in yer box.....
The Easter holidays might buy Gauke some time.
Burgon's a very fine solicitor.
Some of us are on at 100/1 from him to be Corbyn's successor.
the Parole Board in the context of providing information on matters of public
concern to the very group of individuals who harbour such concern, namely thepublic itself. Indeed, it seems to us that there are clear and obvious reasons why
the Parole Board should do so. This information can readily be provided in a
fashion which in no way undermines the Article 8 rights of the prisoner and the
confidentiality which attaches to it
Seems a crucial point.
Alas my stake was limited to £3
What year will Boris cease to be Foreign Secretary? - Boris Johnson Special
Potential Returns:
What year will Boris cease to be Foreign Secretary? - Boris Johnson Special
2020 or later
Potential Returns:
What year will Boris cease to be Foreign Secretary? - Boris Johnson Special
Potential Returns:
Great odds, tiny stakes.
He's an ambitious chap and will be looking at a bigger job than Mayor soon.
Please try harder next time
And now I hope he does resign. With £25 on it that would be a nice little present to have, particularly since I missed out on a promotion not long ago.
I just about broke even at the GE despite getting almost everything wrong, thanks to SCON.
The constant moaning about it (in public) helped greatly in amplifying its message, and consequently helped Leave win the referendum. Something you lot still don't understand.
Thanks for helping out.
Least we won't have to pay for them(*) post Brexit.
(*)Save accrued salary, golden goodbye and overly generous pension pot
Still, I have benefited from the odd fluke in the past. Miffed the 201 on Perez last year (Azerbaijan) didn't come off, but the 251 on Verstappen in Spain 2016 remains a rather nice memory.
It appears the ultra remainers are unleashing a coalition of Rolf Harris, Bella Emberg, the cast of the full Monty, rat boy and some public sector extras from a 1990s Labour PPB.
(Hope that doesn't get OGH into trouble.)
I almost feel embarrassed for them.
"Clara Ponsati: Scottish police arrest Catalan politician"
I took expert legal advice from leading counsel on whether I should bring a challenge. The bar for judicial review is set high. I considered whether the decision was legally rational - in other words, a decision which no reasonable Parole Board could have made.
The advice I received was that such an argument was highly unlikely to succeed. And, indeed, this argument did not succeed. However, the victims succeeded in a different argument.
The court summary says:
We uphold the challenge by DSD and NBV, as we have slightly reformulated it, to the rationality of the decision of the Parole Board directing the release of Mr Radford on the basis that it should have undertaken further inquiry into the circumstances of his offending and, in particular, the extent to which the limited way in which he has described his offending may undermine his overall credibility and reliability. That is so even in relation to the offences of which he was convicted, let alone any other offending
Not that much of a different argument, if I've understood correctly.
I hope this doesn't wreck David Gauke's career, because I think he's a talented minister. But that juxtaposition doesn't look good.
Mr. Royale, come, come. There's nothing wrong with state authorities determining which jokes are acceptable and which warrant prosecution.
Reminds me a bit of a BBC news segment I saw years ago about Burma and how oppressive it was. Even comedy was banned.
Edited extra bit: as an aside, my own comedy came out recently. Better buy it now, before the anti-elven jokes get it reported to the Scottish police by someone who self-identifies as an elf... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sir-Edric-Plague-Thaddeus-White-ebook/dp/B07BN2W1L7/
This is truly shameful.
Damn. I just said it. Bugger!
But clearly there is an outreach problem.
There is this:
while @PeoplesMomentum is retweeting this, saying Jezza "f***ed up":
Seriously, many organisations ask applicants to not put the name of their university on their application.
Almost 3/4 of those from the poorest homes have less than 2 A Levels, let alone 3 A grades
"The scheme is expected to cover single-use glass and plastic bottles, and steel and aluminium cans."
I can understand the plastic somewhat, but leave off the aluminium cans. I collect aluminium for Cafod. Some cans I pick up from the street but most come from the local churches (including the Anglican one). Last year this amounted to about £400 worth with about half of that from cans. Where will they come from now?
Bottles with a deposit - that takes me right back to my childhood. Why not burn the plastic that can't be recycled? There's waste-to-energy power stations around. Most of the pollution plume the Greens moan about is steam.
Cambridge took only 3% from the poorest homes, virtually the same as Oxford's 2.8%
Note that Warner has been 'banned for life' from any leadership position, unlike Smith. (No great loss, some might opine.)
He needs a distraction from his betrayal of Scottish fishermen.
Though actually part of the problem is pre - A level offers. Private schools over egg their predictions while at the higher grades State schools under predict. Our Medical School has moved to post results offers, in part to encourage a broader range of interests, and in part to improve access. No dumbing down, the same exams are required, but more state school candidates, and often from hard to reach areas.
It was to stop a perceived red brick bias.
7% of Students
15% of all A level entries
30% of all A grade
33% of all AAA candidates
41% of Oxford offers.
Problems at all points in the pipeline...
David Gauke read law at St Edmund Hall.
Must be up there with Blair reading Jurisprudence and not being aware he needed primary legislation to abolish the role of Lord Chancellor.
I'm doing a thread on education and that will useful for said thread.
The first three lines are from rolling over some of the boxes with red text on the left (quoting the Harris report), the final is calculated from offers made to UK domiciles.