A spokesman for the bookie said: “Theresa May’s time as PM has been a constant case of one step forward followed by several steps backwards – and that’s just her political viewpoints. The pressure is ramping up on May, and the odds are shortening that she’ll be ousted, prompting another General Election and – likely – another Brexit Referendum.”
That's a 10/1 shot at best
You should perhaps instead ask yourself what kind of relationship you want with Ireland in 10, 15, 20 or 100 years' time.
Do the DUP want to lose seats?
Labour says will not accept further donations from Max Mosley
This raises a question as to whether Max Mosley is a fit and proper person to fund IMPRESS
I just can't fathom it #innocentface
Take care out there all. Better still, stay put.... Now a hot chocolate beckons.
The shift in the brexiteer/neobrexiteer position over the past 18 months is illustrative of their complete lack of pragmatism, wit and imagination.
Only a fool would leave the single market
We will leave the single market
Only a fool would risk the peace process by establishing a hard Irish border
We will establish a 'limited' hard Irish border
Next up: we will establish a hard Irish border and crash out on WTO terms.
Anything – anything – to preserve PURITY!!!
Or maybe we can finally agree that trying to resolve the status of the Irish border separately from our relationship with the EU generally is simply nuts and that the EU position is completely barking.
If we have a FTA with the EU what problem exists on the EIre border that does not exist right now and which both sides are quite happy to ignore? The only thing I can think of is third party imports into Eire or the UK. Surely that is just paperwork? And once again exactly the same issue we need to resolve with the rest of the EU?
Ireland is miles from anywhere else in the EU out on the NW extremes of Europe. An island off an island. It's not like it's the border between France and Germany in the heart of Europe. A Schodinger's solution is there if both sides give a bit. After all I can't right now load up with a van full of cigarettes in Belfast and drive to Dundalk and sell them, so there's not seamless alignment now.
Any supporters of it now will be tarred by the unpleasant views of Max Mosley.
The kind of bullying we see from the EU often indicates a desperation and weakness behind the scenes.
Are they just worried about losing the money, or could it be beginning of the end?
I infer something from what you say.
Those who are making impossible are the brexiteers/neobrexiteers who have dropped any notion of compromise. Wake up!
Fat Chance(r)!
Or perhaps you do mean block.
In any case, Boris is a busted flush. A wally. An embarrassment.
The creation of the "Irish Border Question" seems to have been entirely created for the purpose of frustrating Brexit negotiations, and hence Brexit itself.
You cannot have no hard border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland without regulatory alignment say the EU.
Hence for Brexiteers there may be no alternative to leaving the single market and a hard Irish border in order to end free movement and ECJ jurisdiction over the UK
What they really fear, is our leaving totally and the world not ending (which it wouldn't despite the Jeremiahs), and representing an attractive plan "B" in due course. when others get pissed off with that lack of democracy.
Hope it’s nowhere near as bad as that but the incompetence currently being displayed by the Government and to a lesser extent the Opposition suggests the possibility.
Being part of the EU has given them enough power to stand up to the UK rather than having to go along with whatever the UK decides.
I can see attractions, logic and advantages with that (as well as some negatives), but it is a tempting offer.
The only other sensible (some will dispute the use of that word) option is out.
I would vote as follows:
1 Full membership, in up to the hilt
2 Out, and out means out
3 Staus quo of half in half out (which we are moving from, as it is the worst of all worlds in medium to long term).
Had the Euro and Schengen been on the cards it would have been 90% of constituencies voting Leave
Rowing back by the sounds of it
No, creating it as a separate question to be answered before we even know the future trading relationship with rest of the EU.
A50 says "the Union shall negotiate and conclude an agreement with [the UK], setting out the arrangements for its withdrawal, taking account of the framework for its future relationship with the Union".
So pushing the Irish Border question ahead of everything else is a breach of the EU's own process.
I'm happy for my predictions to be framed and preserved:
Theresa May still PM at Christmas 2018,
No general election in 2018,
No second referendum on EU.
Jeremy Corbyn will fail to become PM.
I have every general election result correct since 1970.
On the other hand, without our constant complaining and whinging, the EU could become stronger.
It is quite clear that the governments Brexit strategy (!!) requires a hard border as we will not be in CU or SM. Even an FTA requires a degreedof infrastructure on the border. The DUP just need to suck it up. In addition it probably needs the GFA to go back to the drawing board, Stormont ain't working even apart from Brexit.
... and keep putting the issue back to the people until they get it right.
Time will tell of course.