RodCrosby There was no Green Party then, on 2PP forecast 53-47, par for the course for a change of government, better than Keating got in '96 and not the landslide massacre some expected and Gillard would probably have got
Apparently we didn't invent a lot because the Chinese were the first to domesticate goldfish.
That's quite funny. Some on the left seem to have a problem with people saying that Britain has been great in the past, and still punches above its weight. We saw it with the recent Top Gear episode.
Yes, we are not perfect. Yes, we have made deep mistakes in the past. And yes, we are no longer a superpower.
But that is no reason to dwell in a well of self-hatred. Britain has done many amazing things in the past, and this little island of 70-million odd people (and some of us are very odd) still does some amazing things.
Let's glory in them, from the pop bands to the engineers preparing the British designed and built cars for today's F1 qualifying.
I don't usually mind the BBC, but yesterday, I caught the end of a weird interview with some woman who was promoting the welfare of voles!!!
The interviewer was clearly sharing her pain, and they discussed ways to eliminate the rascally minks that were killing them. What's going on? Minks are useful, you can make coats out of them. Voles are water rats! They are not cuddly little creatures, they are rodents.
Were you to fall asleep near a dyke, would you appreciate one of these "cuddly" creatures running up your trouser leg?
I expect the BBC to campaign soon to protect those other cuddly "voles" that infest the food bins at the back of fast-food outlets.
Voles are NOT rats - that's the mistake Kenneth Grahame made!
Apparently we didn't invent a lot because the Chinese were the first to domesticate goldfish.
Thanks to Junior* for fixing the CSS issues! New [Oz] thread please...!**
* Or Eit
** Where is DC! Bring back Maggsie...!
Others seem to be doing well
Yes, we are not perfect. Yes, we have made deep mistakes in the past. And yes, we are no longer a superpower.
But that is no reason to dwell in a well of self-hatred. Britain has done many amazing things in the past, and this little island of 70-million odd people (and some of us are very odd) still does some amazing things.
Let's glory in them, from the pop bands to the engineers preparing the British designed and built cars for today's F1 qualifying.