Natalie Gumede was installed as the favourite for Strictly, because she has some training as a dancer in the past, the same type of experience helped Denise Van Outen finish third last year and Kara Tointon win in 2010. Previous dance experience helps in this show.
Newspoll: Coalition 54%-46%
Nielsen: Coalition 53.5%-46.5%
Must be a case of follow the money. POEMWAS. Will he be rehiring Watson? Looks like utter horlicks c. Jack Straw.
It's nearly as bad as his Syria cockup.
It's now titled "How to win enemies and annoy people".
I wish I had a view on Strictly Come Dancing but it's up there with Scottish Independence and the minutiae of internal Labour party politics.
It may interest others but I really couldn't give a proverbial...
I thought the Faeroes might nick a draw against Kazakhstan and got on at 7/2 but no joy. I'll stick to the horses from now on.
And Ed stands by Putin...
After the decision over Falkirk, I'm sure @jimmurphymp would wish to retract his comments about the role of @unitetheunion.
He surprises to the downside yet again.
::Innocent face::
Unite's the union taking action. In Falkirk.
May back the top girl you mention, though I've never heard of her.
Me – can’t stand either of them. ;-)
Tomorrow's Telegraph Leader - Britain must remain an outward-looking nation
"Yet the taunt hit home because we fear its element of truth. Doubtless there are people who would like to retreat behind the walls of our island fastness; but that has never been the British way. We have always been an outward-looking nation and must remain so. Mr Cameron’s task on his return is to rise above the self-referential navel-gazing that has become a hallmark of our modern political discourse and articulate that global vision. An American politician once said we had lost an empire but had yet to find a role. It would seem that is still true today."
N.B. This is a bet. Not a prediction. This is not the start of a BBC Breakfast surge. Smart readers will understand this.
It is a bad season so far. Worth stating that (not counting 2009 as that was incomplete) I was behind in 2010 as well (should've been flat, but I increased my stakes and then started getting bets wrong).
Ahead on tennis, though.
When the French Ambassador stated that the Dauphin rejected Henry V's claims on French territory and titles as the misdirected folly of youth and presented Henry with a gift of tennis balls so that he may indulge his thirst for competition in harmless games, Henry V (with Shakespeare's assistance) replied:
We are glad the Dauphin is so pleasant with us;
His present and your pains we thank you for:
When we have march'd our rackets to these balls,
We will, in France, by God's grace, play a set
Shall strike his father's crown into the hazard.
And tell the pleasant prince this mock of his
Hath turn'd his balls to gun-stones; and his soul
Shall stand sore charged for the wasteful vengeance
That shall fly with them: for many a thousand widows
Shall this his mock mock out of their dear husbands;
Mock mothers from their sons, mock castles down;
And some are yet ungotten and unborn
That shall have cause to curse the Dauphin's scorn.
When Queen Elizabeth I was counselled against taking on the Spanish Armada in 1588, she reviewed and addressed the Earl of Leicester's troops at Tilbury:
My loving people, we have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit ourself to armed multitudes for fear of treachery; but I assure you, I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people ... I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a King of England too, and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain, or any Prince of Europe should dare to invade the borders of my realm.
When French Marshal Philippe Pétain, future leader of the collaborationist Vichy French government who was convinced that Germany would successfully invade Britain as it had done France, sneered to Winston Churchill that in three weeks Britain would "have its neck wrung like a chicken", Churchill later replied:
"When I warned them that Britain would fight on alone whatever they did, their generals told their Prime Minister and his divided Cabinet, 'In three weeks England will have her neck wrung like a chicken.' Some chicken! Some neck!" [Ottawa, Dec. 30, 1941]
When Vladimir Putin's spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, mocked Britain by saying it was “just a small island … no one pays any attention to them”, David Cameron responded:
"Britain is an island that has helped to clear the European continent of fascism and was resolute in doing that throughout the Second World War.
Britain is an island that helped to abolish slavery, that has invented most of the things worth inventing, including every sport currently played around the world, that still today is responsible for art, literature and music that delights the entire world.
We are very proud of everything we do as a small island - a small island that has the sixth-largest economy, the fourth best-funded military, some of the most effective diplomats, the proudest history, one of the best records for art and literature and contribution to philosophy and world civilisation.
Anyway, your betting is safe from cruel mocking eyes as @Scott_P (for it is he) has made a bet prediction on this thread which will be thrown back at him by his creepy stalker for years to come.
Us humble punters (and I did very nicely on the Kempton donkeys today, as it happens) luckily have him as a shield
Whilst displeased with how things are going, I had a pretty good 2011 and even better 2012, and, as Miyamoto Musashi observed, in nature all things entail rising and falling.
I'm going for just the very fragrant Rachel Riley, not only because she happens to be the best looking, but she's also the brightest of the bunch.
What do these qualities have to do with her dancing skills?
@Markfergusonuk: After this, the clamour for the Labour Party to reveal the #falkirk report is going to get louder
Caesar has defeated Pompey in Egypt and is with his troops on the banks of the Nile. Pompey has survived and his wife and son plead to Caesar for clemency and his life. Caesar agrees provided Pompey presents himself in person.
Ptolemy, co-ruler of Egypt with Cleopatra, seeking to ingratiate himself with Caesar and to save his kingdom, orders his general, Achilla, to find and apprehend Pompey.
Achilla arrives carrying a casket enclosing Pompey's head which he presents to Caesar as a gift from Ptolemy and Cleopatra.
Caesar being a ruler in the Great British tradition is not amused.
He sings an aria of anger, "Empio, dirò, tu sei", criticising this breach of humanitarian norms:
Written for a castrato, here it is in sung in English by one of our finest sopranos, Janet Baker, at the ENO in 1984.
Britain and Caesar taking their usual stand against the barbarism of the south mediterranean coast.
@Andrew4Pendle Good to hear that a Labour councillor has joined Pendle Conservatives. Milliband's weak leadership is destroying his party.
Apart from sopie ellis bextor who sang a great dance track, i have not heard of any of these people or seen them dance. Nonetheless i would suggest betting on Ben Cohen as hunky boys get the votes of hormonal people with nothing to do on a Saturday night!
@PeteWishart: Labour clear Labour of any Labour irregularities in the Labour party in Falkirk. #labour
Non-story successfully buried.
Nick Palmer will switch to the Greens.
tim needs a little more time.
Southam Observer will go down with the ship.
Cameron has shown himself to be shallow, impetuous, a headline chaser. Clegg is just invisible and as for Milliband, well, God help us if he gets to number 10.
As for Strictly, Natalie Lowe is injured, so it's not worth watching.
Made sense at the time - a populous and very "modern" country (in its new constitutional form, about 30 years of age) with strong economic growth and an industrial lead in several key areas (e.g. dyes and chemicals).
While it turned out to be the American century after all, it was Germany's attempts at a rise that drove many of the most devastating events of the first half of the century.
Have you got Tourettes? Seriously? Every time I visit the site you've posted something with the line "Non Story". If it's a non story why don't you stop typing it and find a dark room where your your tics wont bother everyone else....
Either that or I am getting a bit pissed on some left over Malmsey.
As someone once said, you can always reach for the off button if you don't like what's on offer.
Gerry Braiden @GerryBraiden 7m
Scottish Labour politician charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice. Details @TheHeraldPaper tomorrow
Much better to listen to Craig Charles soul and funk show on 6music in the kitchen!
Target list:
I expect it will be the cause of many Labour councillor defections.
The obsession with prestigious colonial expansion clearly didn't help Germany very much, and it is a bit of a wonder that after the devastation of the two world wars the country remains one of the most advanced and desirably liveable societies in the world, but not a great surprise that its global influence (beyond Europe) is so far reduced.
It does make me wonder when so many of the pundits talk of the upcoming "Chinese Century" that they might be backing the wrong horse. A century's a long time for things to change, and turning a backwards economy into a successful post-industrial one is pretty hard. I think you've said before that a politically united Europe would be a serious force to be reckoned with. I don't know if the demographics hold out on that, but economically and culturally the European bloc undeniably has some serious potential clout. India has a lot of people, a well-educated and globally-connected elite, 60 years of cultivating alliances around the world, and some positive demographics. I'm sure China is justly the pundits' favourite, but if I'm about in twenty years time it'd be interesting to see which way things are pointing by then.
Andrew Stephenson MP ✔ @Andrew4Pendle
Delighted to welcome @PendleBC Cllr Abdul Aziz to @PendleTories joining after leaving @UKLabour
I think it was Lynton Crosby who was in charge of a regional election campaign in Australia about 15 years ago where one party was supposed to be winning by miles but somehow the other party managed to pull it out of the bag.
Now with most of the world lined up against them and most of their own population and that of their few remaining allies against them as well American hegemony will suddenly go pop out of the blue when their bluff is finally called - so a whimper not a bang imo.
The world afterwards will go back to the way it was with a lot of competing regional powers and lots of small wars.
Stick to the facts. You're still usually wrong, but at least it's less embarassing than to fib continually.
I used to loathe that programme but it does have some advantages.
Personal stirring obviously but also true.
Plymouth Moor View
Croydon South
Tonbridge and Malling
So they are now starting to select on safe seats too.
Franco was allied to the fascists both internally and externally, but didn't follow the ideology and was more of a Catholic traditionalist and would-be autocrat himself. After winning the war, he effectively subsumed the Spanish fascists inside his Nationalist coalition and kept a thumb on them. So while fascist politicians took part in the Spanish government, it wasn't a fascist state, didn't throw its lot in with the cause of global fascism during WWII, and the overall political direction was Carlist. Like the Greek colonels, it was a deeply unpleasant regime, but it wasn't "fascist" in the ideological sense.
I think there's a vanilla/safari issue.
Logging in via chrome seems to be ok on an iPad.
I actually think Tony Blair is insane. Maybe those devil posters with the red eyes were right on the mark.
"Daily Mail - 'Being nice to Iran is not a policy': Labour heavyweights slam Ed Miliband over Syria with even Tony Blair saying he got it wrong"
I've just read the article and can't understand a word. Who exactly is supporting what?
Everyone's posts could be numbered 0-10 in terms of likeability.
Each week the person with the lowest score could be kicked out of the competition (would be Tim first obviously)
The winner at the end of the year could get the POTY glitterball!
All cheese eating surrender monkeys look the same to me.
Is this Weygand?
"(not that anyone reads my posts)"
Well I do. The Tories on here have a button devised by Edwin which means they don't have to read non Tory posts.
Sorry I can't answer your question about Ipads
Will Rudd face the same fate he inflicted on John Howard? How ironic that would be.
I still have the problem where the website tries to reload itself every few seconds which means it keeps sending you to the top of the page.
What are the rules on exit polls and counting?
Will it all be silent until 11.00 tomorrow (UK time)?
Michael Savage @michaelsavage 1m
So Labour internal tussle now out in the open, at least. Ed Miliband has some battles on his hands. Starting with big TUC speech next week.
CCHQ Press Office @RicHolden 7m
VIDEO: Ed Miliband's weak u-turn is 'a very significant victory for Unite union' says Eric Joyce, MP for Falkirk:
... good job there is a radio in the kitchen.
I wonder if he would be allowed to leave the Venezuelan embassy if he were elected?