politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » This is one betting market I’m absolutely confident the punters have undoubtedly got right
Let's have a look at where the money has been going in next year's exciting Russian Presidential Election. pic.twitter.com/DHb1eEsKo1
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Who is the 0.1% on?
Thought this was an interesting take, chimes with what HYUFD has said on Labour Leavers potentially leaving Labour in certain circumstances.
It’s probably a good political strategy by Labour, even if I personally don’t like it.
Porn star announces she will stand against Putin in Russian elections and vows to bring in the death penalty for sexual harassment in the wake of Weinstein scandal
In all seriousness, isn't the "genuine" opposition candidate ineligible because he now has a criminal conviction?
/pie chart spam.
A porn star is appropriate to go up against a cock.
Insert any other mildly sexist but quite funny jokes below according to taste.
Even just taking the figures for all voters the Tories would still be the largest party on 297 seats to 283 for Labour.
(I'm assuming it's a typo, btw and should be 333.)
' Manufacturing orders strongest for nearly 30 years
Growth in manufacturing output accelerated in the three months to November according to the latest monthly CBI Industrial Trends Survey.
Order books also continued to fill up. Total orders were, by a small margin, the strongest since August 1988, while export order books were the joint highest in more than 20 years. '
This site benefits from having lots of very good contributors. Invidious to name them all. But I would mention Miss @The_Apocalypse who brings a very welcome and different perspective.
This person is personally charming, and unfailingly polite on-line. His posts bring light where there was previously only heat. He is insightful, intelligent, and modest. His betting tips have been unfailingly profitable and his musical taste is unsurpassed.
And he is, in short, me.
rcs1000 for POTY. You know it makes sense. (And anyone who suggests otherwise is going to get banned.)
That Corbyn is still behind on some measures and barely ahead on all the others says quite a lot about his severe shortcomings as leader that people have been more reluctant to talk about since June but have emphatically not gone away.
To my mind the most damning statistic is that he has far better net approval ratings than May but trails on the 'Best PM' ratings. Even though people are thoroughly disillusioned with and sick of May, all but a fairly large minority still see him as a worse option.
(I've always been a follower)
Also, does he understand the importance of handbags (a vital component in British/EU politics)?
It's not quite easy as you think..........
It matches up with my own estimates from earlier today. Union and SPD down, minor parties up. I think AfD will outperform that a bit as well just as they did in the previous election vs their polling rating.
Medvedev wiki entry is amusing as President
Preceded by Putin
Prime minister Putin
Succeeded by Putin
I like different posters for different things. Cyclefree for verve. Peter the Punter for integrity. Richard Tyndall for objectivity even when it doesn't suit his argument. Big G for amiability. another_richard for his repeated reminder that not all voters are ABs. kle4 for patient exposition. fox for being such a Corbyn tease - we'll actually get you to vote with us one day! TSE for fun. Most people, really - it's still an excellent site even though we all sometimes whinge.
And I still think Corbyn is worse, and clearly I am not untypical.
That doesn't mean I often agree but that is the strength of this forum
The one thing that really disappoints me is when posters use unnecessary and sweary language in an attempt to force an opinion
And I couldn't imagine what Corbyn would serve up.
I'll get my coat...
Northern Ireland - £11,042
Scotland - £10,651
London - £10,192
Wales - £10,076
North East - £9,680
North West - £9,429
UK average - £9,159
West Midlands - £8,846
Yorkshire and the Humber - £8,810
South West - £8,549
East Midlands - £8,282
East - £8,155
South East - £8,111
Funny how the BBC focuses upon the change since 2012-13. The East Midlands being on a par with the richer parts of the country is interesting.
The most ridiculous lawsuit in years.
Amusing his degree was in law too... Hopefully he'll be ripped to shreds and bankrupted
Do you think he is slightly annoyed Medvedev got a higher vote in 2008 than he got in his last election?
No 1 for me but I may just pip you to 10,000 posts
Northern Ireland at the top is no surprise of course, and it just went further ahead
Your posts are pretty interesting as well! I don’t think we have too many centrist, Remainer history teachers on here! I have found your analysis of the current problems with the education system right now well worth a read.
Though I can forsee people wanting their tuition fees back from the likes of 'Scumbag University' in future.
In other matters, Liverpoor reverting to type.
And yet the polls continue to show Labour with tiny leads, less than Miliband and Kinnock, and the likelihood of Tories who abstained because of the Tory campaign and policies against the old, voting in droves to stop Corbyn next time remains very high.
I wonder what will happen when the next exit poll shocker in 2022 foretells a sound defeat for Corbyn.
I also remember Michael Gove, in the days when he was an acerbic and witty journalist rather than a dogmatic and hectoring Cabinet Minister, said of Iran that it was a perfect democracy of one person, one vote. The Supreme Ayatollah being the Person with the Vote (obviously borrowed from the late and much-missed Sir Terry, but still a good line).
Is It Me You're Looking For?
America's top forensic scientist has warned that axing the UK's Forensic Science Service (FSS) will increase the risk of miscarriages of justice.
Now it turns out Owen Paterson is being paid £500/hr for "consultancy work" by the company who were faking the results of forensic tests.
The tories have really screwed up the country.
He seems very decent moving forward, I don't know why he isn't just officially made a midfielder.
So how come it's so low? It suggests either an odd method of calculation or literally no other payments are made.
"a Labour win is mailed on"
Indeed it is, with postal voting...
so those 10000 forensic miscarriages of justice didnt happen ?
It loses its way halfway through, but in the opening chapters some of the comments are very interesting. Basically he suggested Labour benefited from an unexpected perfect storm for the Conservatives in 2017 and may get brutally hammered next time if they become complacent.
I think he pitches it too strong, but certainly Labour are taking a great deal for granted and building a castle in the air based on an underwhelming poll position while literally shackled to a leader who is widely despised and/or actively hated.
Keeping an open mind is a wonderful attribute and difficult sometimes
Those who do not learn from History are doomed to repeat it, as I will spend my time reminding the head when the next timetable allocation comes up...
All he is going to be mainly remembered for now is suing for £1 million in one of the most absurd lawsuits in legal history, if he had actually knuckled down and realised you get out of life what you put in he may well have had a perfectly good career.
Something that might happen (no insider knowledge):
Sony buys Fox's media assets (including the 39% of Sky)
Sony sells the 39% of Sky to Vodafone
Vodafone buys up the remaining 61% of Sky and takes control of Sky UK/IRE, DE and IT.
I know there is major enmity between Sony and Vodafone, but tbh, I doubt Sony will be interested in owning 39% of a fixed line provider and there are no other logical buyers.
Reasons why Sony makes more sense than anyone else being touted:
Trump is already clamping down on vertical monopolies (see TW/AT&T) if he blocks that merger then VZ or Charter would not be able to buy Fox's media assets, plus there is a sense that if they do it, they want the whole lot not just movies/TV production.
Disney, the original party have expanded twice in recent years and there will be anti-trust concerns regarding their purchase of another movie/TV division.
On the other hand, Sony are looking to buy, it's always been a case of sell the division or buy to expand, they are stuck in no man's land wrt to media assets at the moment.
All in all, I think we're in for a interesting time over the next few years.
Theresa May's party: 42%
Angela Merkel's party: 32%
The fact Putin is probably the most moderate of those 3 tells you everything about how illiberal Russia is today.
The pro free market and socially liberal Grigory Yavlinsky is on just 1%.