"Ed Vaizey, a former minister, today became the first Tory MP to break ranks and said that "quite a few people are firmly of the view that she should resign" after her disastrous conference speech."
Why now? It wasn't her fault she had a cough or that the comedian got past security or that the set started falling to bits.
No, but it is her fault that she needed a good conference to restore her reputation.
Didn’t give me the impression of a good, i.e positive, confident, conference before the speech.
She was seriously going nowhere. All the momentum was with Corbyn and she needed a game changing conference and a speech to wrap it up that put energy, hope and ideas back into her party while making the non-aligned voter give her and the party another look... Frog, prankster and Fs falling off aren't the reason she has failed to do that!
When does Parliament reassemble? Is it Monday. If it is there’ll be a PMQ on Wednesday. Wonder what JC will make of it.
I suspect Jezza will not mention it, and concentrate on policy.
For all his faults, he doesn't personalise politics, indeed he looks appropriately sheepish at the adulation.
"Ed Vaizey, a former minister, today became the first Tory MP to break ranks and said that "quite a few people are firmly of the view that she should resign" after her disastrous conference speech."
Why now? It wasn't her fault she had a cough or that the comedian got past security or that the set started falling to bits.
No, but it is her fault that she needed a good conference to restore her reputation.
Didn’t give me the impression of a good, i.e positive, confident, conference before the speech.
She was seriously going nowhere. All the momentum was with Corbyn and she needed a game changing conference and a speech to wrap it up that put energy, hope and ideas back into her party while making the non-aligned voter give her and the party another look... Frog, prankster and Fs falling off aren't the reason she has failed to do that!
When does Parliament reassemble? Is it Monday. If it is there’ll be a PMQ on Wednesday. Wonder what JC will make of it.
Well I think we can be sure he will ignore completely the mishaps and focus on policy.
That this is pretty obvious is in itself bad for May and another plus point for Jezza.
But if Leavers are out to get TM - who do they want instead?
Surely they don't trust Boris - who at the very least took his time on declaring for leave side - and has a pro immigration, let's vote to leave to renegotiate past?
For all his faults, he doesn't personalise politics, indeed he looks appropriately sheepish at the adulation.
That this is pretty obvious is in itself bad for May and another plus point for Jezza.
Surely they don't trust Boris - who at the very least took his time on declaring for leave side - and has a pro immigration, let's vote to leave to renegotiate past?