I’ve always felt the topics of the betting markets are an indicator of how parties, governments, and leaders are doing. This market by the famously publicity shy bookmaker Paddy Power sums up the Trump Presidency, this is the sort of market I’d expect to see about Silvio Berlusconi, if a Trump Presidency was going well, we wouldn’t get a market like this.
Edit: an adventurous person might make more money by registering a domain such as "donaldtrumpsextape.com" and parking a little text and a few adverts on it.
edit2: it's already been done!
But we all could do without a jackass for Pres.
Admittedly the most Trump can aspire to is joint second, alongside say, Bill Clinton, I'm not sure that the parallel is a happy one. We could all do with someone vaguely sane and competent in the Oval Office.
And of course if such a tape did emerge his supporters would simply dismiss it as fake, irrelevant or both. Remember how many Democrats said Lewinsky's dress must be a put-up job (sorry) because she would have taken it to the cleaners if it had been stained?
Autocorrect fail. This should have read -
"And on topic, does Donald Trump himself have to be in the sex tape for it to count? There are smurf sex tapes out there but nobody thinks real smurfs are involved."
Edit. Maybe its just the logical conclusion of her aversion to speaking to UK voters.
(but that would be a really weird fetish)
* And yes, pedants, I know it's now the Diocese of Europe. But the old name is better.
But I would rather he were there for four years than eight.
But what on earth is the point of the UK PM going there to make a speech? If she wanted to make such a speech and move the negotiations along perhaps she should have accepted the invitation from the European Parliament.
F1: yesterday had a trio of early tips. 7 for Verstappen to top FP1, 8 and 8.5 respectively for Ricciardo and Verstappen to win the race (all each way). Bit iffy on the practice one, feel more confident of the race bets.
On-topic: it's big. So big. The biggest you ever saw. It's true, folks. We're making porn great again.
Edited extra bit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FguJqN5VQw
And I gather from the reports that it’s not a deal the Republicans are all that happy about.
May seems to be one of those people who do the right thing... only after they have pursued all the wrong options first.
this is one of those markets you’d wish the bookie would offer the other side of the bet as well.
Given that they'd probably quote odds of 100/1 or something, you can see why they don't.
(edit) Though at 100/1, I'd be tempted by the original bet. The Steele dossier doesn't look anywhere near as shaky as it did when it first appeared.
O/T, this is the sort of thing to tackle the housing crisis that I grew up with and I've been arguing for since years:
As a lawyer I do idly wonder whether saying it is 14/1 that {defamatory statement} is true is defamatory, and whether the punter is in an even worse position because he impliedly thinks the statement is true. In the latter case the punter would have to call OGH as an expert witness to tell the court it's not about whether you think it's true, it's about where the value is.
150 years today since publication of Das Kapital;
100 years next month since the Russian revolution;
100 years in December since Finnish independence.
All connected, but only one worth celebrating.
He blames the left.
The right was busy at the time...
Government taking stakes in housebuilders - fine
Government involvement in building houses to sell - fine
Traditional council house building - fine
Government companies building power generation, nuclear or tidal - fine
Government subsequently franchising out operation or privatising built assets - fine
Bringing in house a failing franchise - fine (and franchising and privatising are separate things, I do not consider that we have private railways)
Refranchising a publicly operated business unit - fine
Finance with PFI - if it's a good deal, fine, but beware the public and media conflating CapEx, OpEx, TCO, debt element, non debt element and make sure every component represents value for money
Get something built and operated privately - fine
If it truly needs doing, just get it done...
I wouldn't consider the types of high density housing the private sector is throwing up these days - with associated hidden subsidy to enable the young to purchase them- to be any great paradise. Likely many of these are the sinks of tomorrow.
Can we hope for a response today ?
A simple 'Rising house prices are good' or 'Rising house prices are bad' would suffice.
I suppose you could ask Osborne Central for a handy tweet to copy and paste but it would be nice to read your own thoughts.
They are good because rising house prices = feelgood factor = continued or increased consumer spending = 2/3rds of our GDP = "strong" economy.
They are bad because they prevent people from buying in the first place = send them back home to live with their parents; or = push up the rental market = general malaise and frustration in the economy.
When house prices are high they act as a block on socioeconomic mobility, lock too much capital into a non-productive asset and increase inequality by transferring wealth to the old and the rich.
There can easily be synthetic mechanisms to allow government to share in the upside, but I don't think classic equity is a good idea.
The rest of list is fine.
House prices rising at more than 3x the increase in the average wage rate (as a rule of thumb) is bad.
They should increase slightly (because of the feel good factor) but at a rate which deflates the average purchase multiple gently over time
When I was last in Italy there was considerable support for the UK position and on the beaches in Genoa the EU flag had been removed and replaced with the Union Jack
It was the parcelling up and the rating agency flaws that were the major issue.
There are many things wrong with the housing market in this country, and one of the biggest is not that we're building too few houses: it's that too many of the houses we're building are of poor quality.
Once again - fine.
I like to think of myself as one of the contributers who doesn't (always) come on here to be right, but rather to explore ideas. A few took my Pro-Rata moniker to imply another legal worker, which was flattering, but it be is actually more a reminder to self (regularly ignored) to scale down my contribution according to the limits of my knowledge and reading.
I suspect swings to Labour are closely correlated to reducing affordability of homes.
A must-watch for JRMologists. I still find him impressive but I think his range is limited and he is right to aspire to Speakerdom and no higher.
Edit: and ends with a masterclass on how to bat away the "how much does a pint of milk cost" question (actually how much is a McD quarter pounder).
I just don't trust them in the board room (which is where they would end up if they owned equity)
In the full financial years (Apr98-Apr10) of the previous Labour Governments the Housing Association completed builds averaged
24,352 per year
In the full financial years 2011-2016 the Housing Association builds averaged
30,157 per year
Council housing under the Labour years = 407 per year
Council housing under Coalition/Conservative = 2,606 per year
As far as I am aware the only other time Florence saw a cow flying a kite was when Ermintrude did it in The Magic Roundabout:
@davidallengreen: "Where's Florence," asked one supporter of the Prime Minister.
"With Dougal and Zebedee," answered another.
@AndreaMann: Re May's speech: If the headlines tomorrow aren't 'Florence and the machine', we will have have failed as a nation.
I have often wondered why this works for them and not for us. If jerry-building is a serious concern why not embrace it by adopting the Japanese model? Good long-term employment implications.
Edit: how you do it is of course the $64 question.
How do you know?!?
You may not like or agree with the PM, but why call her a "cow"?
I still struggle with living in a wood house in California...
"Most German papers focused on Juncker’s call for all EU members to adopt the euro. Süddeutsche Zeitung noted the proposal was contrary to the stance taken by the French and German governments, who don’t want a rerun of the Greek debt crisis in countries that join the euro with dubious finances. Frankfurter Allgemeine labeled Juncker’s proposals thus: “More euro, more Brussels, more money.” In a scathing opinion piece on its front page, right-leaning Die Welt called Juncker’s plans “absurd,” asking on which “star the EU spaceship and its captain Juncker have spent the past years.”"
Chris CookVerified account @xtophercook
May's speech is in Florence. Great idea - I can't think of any jokes about going to a once-major banking hub that drifted into irrelevance
11:55 pm - 13 Sep 2017
Small hypocrite warning: I'm just about (god willing) to rent out my 2-bed semi to tenants at a monthly rent (£1,000pcm) that's over £200pcm more than my full repayment mortgage was on a 12 year term. That's in the South-East, of course.
It works if you have 2 x working adults living there (paying £500pcm each) but it doesn't leave much room for saving for a deposit unless you are earning decent money.
I'm not going to sacrifice myself £200pcm of rental income for the good of my health, am I?
The agent did want me to put it on at £1,100pcm if that's any consolation, which I refused as I thought it too greedy, so I take some solace in that.
Right now, they get it by stealth (on their terms, when it suits them): for example, we invite a million "Syrian refugees" in, it goes a bit wrong, the EU helps us sort it out by making it a European problem and imposing quotas on other EU states to help deal with it.
Why would they want to replace that with a treaty that makes that all subject to QMV where they could, theoretically, be outvoted?
This is my best theory to date but it is still a work in progress.
What of David Cameron? With this referendum he must be feeling like the couple who agreed to make home made porn. It sounded like a good idea at the time, he thought it would be fun to do, but now as he sits back and views his production, he must be thinking this hasn’t turned out how he expected it to turn out, whilst regretting his initial descision and feeling a bit nauseous about it all.