politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » YouGov finds 7 out 10 voters, and 4 out 10 Tories don’t Mrs May to fight the next general election
YouGov poll for The Sunday times finds 7 out 10 voters, and 4 out 10 Tories don't want Mrs May to fight the next general election.
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When she finally does go and people look back, they will realise just how cosmically bad she is.
For now, some weird spell of inertia captivates the Tory party.
Smacks of desperate aftertiming from a guy who is now basically unemployable.
'How dumb are Tory MPs?'
Do they believe what is in the papers?
Do they allow 'opinion formers' to manipulate them?
Are they keen on quick and long term trip to powerless obscurity?
If they can answer yes to these three questions, then there may be an overloaded postman in Westminster. If they can't, another weeks headlines are destined for the recycle bin or chippie.
Whilst 40% might want her to fight the next election, of that 60% might include a significant chunk of Don't Knows.
I would find it astonishing if she leads the Tory party into an election again.
So saying, as you need to dissolve parliament to hold an election, we come back to the fixed term parliament act. Was there a sunset clause in the fixed term parliament act? Something tells me at the back of my head that there was, but I am not sure.
Whenever I read that, I first think it stands for "AntiFatcha"
Maybe it does.
The sunset clause will now kick in after that election.
But she will not lead into the 2022 election. Sometime between August 2019 and spring 2020 she will stand down or be pushed
Her biggest failure is her inability to express herself well and I do not believe she can do anything about that
Far better for both the party and the leadership hopefuls to let May draw off all the poison of Brexit so the next leader won't be immediately toxified by it.
Again, I've go no love for the loser May. But I'll be damned if we lose the country to Momentum just because some Tories want her out immediately due to personal dislike.
If Mrs May loses parliamentary votes on something that fundamental then she's a goner.
Just look at her attempted power grab with the Henry VIII clauses.
For the record, I'd prefer the humiliation! But neither of these outcomes is going to be a vote winner whoever carries it through...
But change leaders and risk and election now? Hell no!
Once the party of government starts losing seats it seldom recovers until after a period of opposition.
I'd bet Labour would gain >5% during any election campaign, thay have the ground game, better social media tactics and (excuse the pun) momentum on their side.
Burma is a complex place politically. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi does not have sole contol. She has a tiger to ride.
Hmm, tricky. As far as the government is concerned Brexit has to be declared a success.
From the most accurate pollster at the general election, in terms of VI
Anyway, I am off on a week's cruise tomorrow and as I am too tight to pay P&Os extortionate internet access charges, I'll be missing PB for a week...
I wonder what you'll all be talking about by the time I get back? Er, let me see if I can guess...
Can we end this snap election speculation?
- Mike Smithson, March 30th, 2017.
We get 500 minutes internet between us but it is very expensive otherwise
We have a new political poll out in tomorrow's MoS. LAB 43% (+2) CON 38% (nc) LD 7% (-1) UKIP 4% (-2*) Others 7% (+1) (chg since July 15th)
What sort of power has she got then that she cannot stop genocide ?
UKIP are on 4% in that Survation, they got 1% at the general election so if the Tories squeeze UKIP they are on 41% then they just need 1% from Labour to be level pegging
You cannot divorce a country from its history, and the last century in Burma has been very bloody. I am not unsympathetic to the religious minorities in Burma, and my oldest Burmese friend is a Muslim who spent 7 years in the Jungle as punishment for his participation in the 1988 student protests.
Burma is a lovely country, and these are delightful people, but with a very dark history.
Our own history has shown that.
Moving from a Police State to a functioning democracy is hard and involves many compromises. It also requires heroes of the liberation to speak out and lead as Mandela did.
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