So keeping Ed off the air , no major speeches at all. and the poll goes up slightly.. gonna be fun when the election campaigns start..maybe a paper bag will do the trick
Labour yet again in the 36-40% bracket. Red Ed's leadership qualities or lack of are surely now priced in. Looks like the crossover Lib Dem limpets are going to vote Labour no mater what. Looks like no matter what the Conservatives say or who they hire, they cannot crack the Labour bracket.
Labour have at last found the magic bullet that will lead to election victory ... Keep Ed off the air, no public policy statements..Looking good for the Reds .. Now what was the leaders name again?..
Interesting comment on the Com Res poll from Anthony Wells:
The rest of the poll has lots of my beloved agree/disagree statements, but of particular interest is one that was a repeat from way back in 2009. Back then 58% of people agreed that citizens of other EU countries should have the right to live and work in the UK, four years on, with immigration within the European Union having become more of an issue, that figure has dropped to 23%, with 57% disagreeing that EU citizens should have the right to live and work here.
What should encourage Labour is that Ed's ratings have every possibility of improving. He's still relatively unknown. Cameron's by contrast are only likely to go down. If voters don't like him now they never will.
Roger "Ed is unknown" that is a statement of the bleeding obvious...Can't wait until his magnetic, charming personality is unleashed on an unsuspecting voting public..along with a few policies...
What should encourage Labour is that Ed's ratings have every possibility of improving. He's still relatively unknown. Cameron's by contrast are only likely to go down. If voters don't like him now they never will.
I'm not sure that's a valid conclusion. Voters are very fickle, as can be seen by the gradual change.
It's interesting to see that most of Ed's decline during the period shown was down to 'Don't knows' moving to 'disagree'. Cameron's 'Don't knows' have been much more stable. This is almost certainly due to the fact that Ed had just become leader at the start of the tables, when he was a relatively unknown quantity.
It might be interesting to see similar charts for a similar three-year period after Cameron was elected leader (or perhaps another set of him against Brown after Brown became PM). I.e. the honeymoon periods for new leaders.
Anyone else still waiting for Ladbrokes to settle the 'Paxman's beard on Aug 16th' market? It was full beard, right? He hasn't shaved that I can see. Come on Shadsy...
@Jonathan - Found any links for the absurd straw man argument you tried to introduce earlier? That being that supporters of fracking say it is zero-risk, free and unlimited. Or have you, uncharacteristcally showing a little wisdom, shelved that one?
Something for everyone here. Disastrous polls for Miliband, but calamitous polls for the Tories, consistent support for UKIP, so all parties can.... oh, wait, the Lib Dems, uniquely, can take no solace at all.
Funny that goes unmentioned.
If you are in UKIP surely its excellent, no publicity for months and still 19.
Ed has got a very long way indeed to go until he plumbs the depths of awfulness set by Gordon Brown and Michael Foot.
All three parties, in my view, have capable leaders and that surely is the point beyond which their prime importance ends. When you have a capable leader then policy becomes the most important thing. (Of course there's a loop here in that leaders influence policy etc, but hey).
Labour definitely lack a bit in terms of policy at the moment. Beyond actual current government policy the other two parties do too maybe.
I don't pretend to keep up to date with all party policies, but the one 'change' that I can think of that will (definitely!!-hah, you say) be delivered is the EU referendum if the Tories form a majority government. Given that all three parties are actually proposing a change of government it'd be nice if there were some actual certainties in all this.
Voters have turned against the principle of free movement of workers in the European Union over the past four years, according to a ComRes poll for tomorrow’s The Independent on Sunday and Sunday Mirror.
I thought tonight was going to be night of that outlier when the great crossover would have taken place. Well, never mind.
I repeat as others have also said the same thing: Labour 29% [ from 2010 ] + LD 8% from 2010 gives 37%. Tories start at 37% and will lose 3% to UKIP. So, for the Tories to take a lead of 8% on Labour, they need to take 11% of the LD's. If that is case, the LD's will end up at just 5%.
LD's will get about 15% in the next election. Labour will get, at least 35%., UKIP 6%. That leaves the Tories at 37%. That is the very best the Tories can hope for.
Labour majority party ! If UKIP gets 8%, then Ed will be at No.10 without any help.
@surbiton LD's will get about 15% in the next election. Labour will get, at least 35%., UKIP 6%. That leaves the Tories at 37%. That is the very best the Tories can hope for.
Something for everyone here. Disastrous polls for Miliband, but calamitous polls for the Tories, consistent support for UKIP, so all parties can.... oh, wait, the Lib Dems, uniquely, can take no solace at all.
Funny that goes unmentioned.
If you are in UKIP surely its excellent, no publicity for months and still 19.
Yep, great poll for them, I was just focussing on the poor LDs being stuck on a wretched 8, because, weirdly, OGH does not see this catastrophe as being noteworthy.
The Lib Dems on 8 is dire been in government has its compensations for the individuals with a minesterial seat.
However they seem remarkably calm that they may be facing a rout in 2015, especially outside the south.
Q6. David Cameron is turning out to be a good PM? (p.58)
UKIP: +14% / -73% Don't Know: +20% / -44%
Do you really think these kippers will go back to the Tories under Dave or will they stay at home ?
The Tories are between a rock and a hard place. They need gimmicks to prove how "tough" they are on immigrants to bring some kippers back. But it pisses off many centrists including many ethnic voters who might have voted for them.
Q.6 Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Ed Miliband is right to accept that the last Labour government made major mistakes on immigration Base: All respondents:
Agree: 76 Disagree: 8 DK: 16
Q.6 Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? It is wrong for firms to recruit from overseas while a million young people in Britain are unemployed Base: All respondent
Agree: 74 Disagree:14 DK: 14
Q.6 Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Businesses cannot be blamed for hiring foreign workers because too many British workers are lazy Base: All respondents
Q6. David Cameron is turning out to be a good PM? (p.58)
UKIP: +14% / -73% Don't Know: +20% / -44%
Do you really think these kippers will go back to the Tories under Dave or will they stay at home ?
The Tories are between a rock and a hard place. They need gimmicks to prove how "tough" they are on immigrants to bring some kippers back. But it pisses off many centrists including many ethnic voters who might have voted for them.
That's the problem with this talk - many will not be 'kippers'. They have been asked a question in a poll, and currently their answer is for UKIP. They are not members, and some will not have seen the full gamut of their policies, which may convince them either way.
I am amongst those who think that the polling for UKIP in a GE is way off. I expect them to do very well in the Euros, though.
Q6. David Cameron is turning out to be a good PM? (p.58)
UKIP: +14% / -73% Don't Know: +20% / -44%
Do you really think these kippers will go back to the Tories under Dave or will they stay at home ?
The Tories are between a rock and a hard place. They need gimmicks to prove how "tough" they are on immigrants to bring some kippers back. But it pisses off many centrists including many ethnic voters who might have voted for them.
A majority of voters are anti-immigration. Not just UKIP supporters.
q.6 All citizens of other European Union countries should have the right to live and work in the UK. (p.62)
The last topic by @david_herdson was, looking back, excellent in many ways. It was thought provoking and so it encouraged some educational and non-partisan comments; it also unusually stayed on topic right to the end. Thanks again David.
"That's the problem with this talk - many will not be 'kippers'. They have been asked a question in a poll, and currently their answer is for UKIP. They are not members, and some will not have seen the full gamut of their policies, which may convince them either way."
One of the most stupid paragraphs I've ever read. Do you expect only UKIP members will vote for that party at the GE. If you think that, then you can say that only Tory members will vote Tory, etc. Ridiculous!
UKIP will gain ever more members and adherents, so don't think you can put the clock back.
The tories were unquestionably doing better after May with a blatantly obvious correlation. Recently they started banging on about immigration again which always runs the danger of giving the kippers a boost.
If the tory spin machine still hasn't learned from the May local election results and Eastleigh precisely what happens when they bang on about core kipper issues, then they never will.
They'll find out yet again if the swivel-eyed loons decide to bang on about floods of Romanians and Bulgarians.
Roger "Ed is unknown" that is a statement of the bleeding obvious...Can't wait until his magnetic, charming personality is unleashed on an unsuspecting voting public..along with a few policies...
You mean like Attlee? Vs Churchill. Just think what he could have done if he'd been better known and up against someone like Cameron!
I'm quite amused that the link to UKIP's website on google says this:
"Libertarian, non-racist party seeking Britain's withdrawal from the European Union"
Actually calling itself a "non-racist" party is surely akin to a person who, perhaps after expressing some borderline racist views, likes to point out that they "have black friends"
And similar, I feel, to the "United People's Party" who contested the by-election the other night; I think they describe themselves as "non-xenophobic"
"That's the problem with this talk - many will not be 'kippers'. They have been asked a question in a poll, and currently their answer is for UKIP. They are not members, and some will not have seen the full gamut of their policies, which may convince them either way."
One of the most stupid paragraphs I've ever read. Do you expect only UKIP members will vote for that party at the GE. If you think that, then you can say that only Tory members will vote Tory, etc. Ridiculous!
UKIP will gain ever more members and adherents, so don't think you can put the clock back.
You miss my point: referring to people who answer 'UKIP' to a polling question as 'kippers' is blatantly false. In the same way calling people who answer 'Conservative' are all 'Tories', or people who answer 'Labour' 'Labourites'.
If it was that simple, then polling and politics would be much simpler.
The majority will be non-members, will owe no particular allegiance to UKIP, and can probably be won back by the Conservatives (and the other parties) with effort. Especially as the new UKIP base level has yet to be determined.
UKIP's entire effort should be towards keeping as many of the people who answer 'UKIP' in polling questions within their tent. That is not a done deal.
And it will not be a done deal as long as UKIppers such as yourself and others are so stupidly aggressive.
Also, both the UKIP link and the BNP link on google have sub-links to the Woolwich killing. Do UKIP need to posture in the style of the UPP/BNP to attract supporters?
Blair didn't take long to make an impact as Leader of The Opposition, he didn't need 2 years for the public to recognise him as an exceptional politician. Ed M is not in Blair's class. Blair did more to damage the Tories as an electoral force than any other Labour leader, and too may of the current Labour supporters forget his strengths. Blair convinced floating voters, and Tory voters that he was a PM in waiting. 1997 was followed by another crushing GE victory in 2002. Cameron had a mountain to climb to turn the Tories round from 165 seats in 1997 & 166 in 2001, to 198 in 2005.
The seven-page hand-written letter – a copy of which has been seen by the Sunday People – also makes allegations over Soldier N’s behaviour towards his wife and her family following the collapse of the couple’s marriage.
If the Sunday Peephole beat the Sunday sExpress to this one Desmond will NOT be a happy bunny. That's his story they are treading on.
I think Omnium is correct that all the parties have reasonably competent leaders, though leaders who aren't highly rated by the public, and that's making the leadership ratings less significant - you just don't meet voters who say "I'm going to vote to stop X" about any of the three. The Tories were convinced that they were onto a winner with the "Miliband is silent and weak" theme and they played it non-stop for a month, to no effect whatever. I wonder if they'll keep trying, or switch to something else?
A more general point is that we all overestimate the effect of any political event. Miliband is hit by an egg - does he gain credit for stoicism or derision for the incident? Neither, people don't care. Bryant makes a shaky speech on an issue many people do care about, do the public rejoice or recoil? Neither, they don't notice. The same goes for gaffes by the other parties. Perhaps we should all just shut up until about April 2015?
Plenty of variety, volatility, variability and vagaries on offer there.
All in the low-to-mid 40s.
That's a big difference across the polls from 41 to 47. Let's hope Epping to Ongar doesn't have the same cavalier attitude to its timetable tomorrow as Mrs Stodge will be most displeased.
Plenty of variety, volatility, variability and vagaries on offer there.
All in the low-to-mid 40s.
That's a big difference across the polls from 41 to 47. Let's hope Epping to Ongar doesn't have the same cavalier attitude to its timetable tomorrow as Mrs Stodge will be most displeased.
Plenty of variety, volatility, variability and vagaries on offer there.
All in the low-to-mid 40s.
That's a big difference across the polls from 41 to 47. Let's hope Epping to Ongar doesn't have the same cavalier attitude to its timetable tomorrow as Mrs Stodge will be most displeased.
What cavalier attitude, Mr Stodge?
An attitude that sees no difference between 41 and 47. In polling terms, that's a yawning chasm. It's also interesting to note that it's ICM (the so-called Gold Standard) that has the lowest Con-UKIP share.
I think Omnium is correct that all the parties have reasonably competent leaders, though leaders who aren't highly rated by the public, and that's making the leadership ratings less significant - you just don't meet voters who say "I'm going to vote to stop X" about any of the three. The Tories were convinced that they were onto a winner with the "Miliband is silent and weak" theme and they played it non-stop for a month, to no effect whatever. I wonder if they'll keep trying, or switch to something else?
A more general point is that we all overestimate the effect of any political event. Miliband is hit by an egg - does he gain credit for stoicism or derision for the incident? Neither, people don't care. Bryant makes a shaky speech on an issue many people do care about, do the public rejoice or recoil? Neither, they don't notice. The same goes for gaffes by the other parties. Perhaps we should all just shut up until about April 2015?
"Miliband is silent and weak"
I think you'll find that's a fact, not a theme.
Oh, and can you get tim to shut up till April 2015...?
Plenty of variety, volatility, variability and vagaries on offer there.
If one firm produced the five figures above in answer to a question, from five one-thousand respondent surveys, and the true figure was 44%, they would all be within the margin of error.
As it is, they were produced on different days using different methodologies so you'd expect some variance anyway.
You can see how the underlying themes of today politics have developed.
The various strands of then conservative thinking are clearly displayed, including the hatred for Thatcher. I wonder whether this program had an impact on conservative poling at the time it was originally shown in 1993?
Plenty of variety, volatility, variability and vagaries on offer there.
All in the low-to-mid 40s.
That's a big difference across the polls from 41 to 47. Let's hope Epping to Ongar doesn't have the same cavalier attitude to its timetable tomorrow as Mrs Stodge will be most displeased.
What cavalier attitude, Mr Stodge?
An attitude that sees no difference between 41 and 47. In polling terms, that's a yawning chasm. It's also interesting to note that it's ICM (the so-called Gold Standard) that has the lowest Con-UKIP share.
David Cameron, eh. What priorities and judgement the man has.
After leaving Britain early, Mr Cameron became the first world leader to visit Egypt since President Hosni Mubarak was toppled.
Mr Cameron is still taking a large delegation from business and industry, including eight representatives of defence firms attempting to secure contracts in the Gulf states. Among them are: Ian King, chief executive of BAE Systems; Alastair Bisset, group international director at QinetiQ; and Rob Watson, regional director of Rolls-Royce.
Meanwhile, the Defence minister Gerald Howarth is in Abu Dhabi, where he is leading Britain's biggest ever delegation to an international arms fair. More than 100 UK firms are showcasing their products at the International Defence Exhibition and Conference, which is aimed at governments in the Middle East and North Africa.
You can see how the underlying themes of today politics have developed.
The various strands of then conservative thinking are clearly displayed, including the hatred for Thatcher. I wonder whether this program had an impact on conservative poling at the time it was originally shown in 1993?
Tonight was the first time I saw this program. The distain, fear and hatred for Thatcher from the Tory bigwigs was so palpable one could seem to smell it coming through the screen. It's one of the reasons for the increasing loss of membership for that party, why it will never win a GE again in it's present form and why more and more people are, finally, turning to UKIP.
Labour have at last found the magic bullet that will lead to election victory ... Keep Ed off the air, no public policy statements..Looking good for the Reds .. Now what was the leaders name again?..
The ComRes poll reports that those who agree that Ed M is 'turning out to be a good leader' has dropped 11 points since May, and those who disagree has risen 8 points, with the 'Don't knows' hardly changed.
Meanwhile the Cameron figures have changed by just a net 2 points.
Unless Mike has been looking at a very different set of media from those I've been following, I'm struggling to see how this 'doesn't fit the media narrative'.
Diana's story is grist to the mill for conspiracy theorists liek the JFK murder. I do believe she sadly died in a car crash because probably a driver driving well over the limit was driving too fast to lose chasing papparazzi.
One incident that has never been cleared up was the one when she herself said from Dodi's yacht to newsmen below that she was going to make a significant announcement in two weeks time. This was reported in newspapers. She died in less than two weeks.
This weekend, a YouGov poll for The Sunday Times finds that Labour, on 38%, has a six-point lead over the Tories, well below the 10 point or more lead it had earlier this year. Miliband’s rating remains poor, with 65% saying he is doing badly — his worst figure since April 2012.
LABOUR is to go into the next election with a pledge to give the right to vote to 16- and 17-year-olds.
The reform, drawn up by one of Ed Miliband’s key lieutenants, Sadiq Khan, would be introduced in time for the 2020 election if Labour is returned to power in 2015.
LABOUR is to go into the next election with a pledge to give the right to vote to 16- and 17-year-olds.
The reform, drawn up by one of Ed Miliband’s key lieutenants, Sadiq Khan, would be introduced in time for the 2020 election if Labour is returned to power in 2015.
A great opportunity for Cammo to outflank him by pledging to give votes to 5-year olds.
LABOUR is to go into the next election with a pledge to give the right to vote to 16- and 17-year-olds.
The reform, drawn up by one of Ed Miliband’s key lieutenants, Sadiq Khan, would be introduced in time for the 2020 election if Labour is returned to power in 2015.
I read recently that more young people than ever are tending to favour the Tories?
However, pollsters warned the change may not help Labour. Peter Kellner, president of YouGov, said young people showed a “sort of unrooted social liberalism” but were not necessarily left wing.
Diana's story is grist to the mill for conspiracy theorists liek the JFK murder. I do believe she sadly died in a car crash because probably a driver driving well over the limit was driving too fast to lose chasing papparazzi.
One incident that has never been cleared up was the one when she herself said from Dodi's yacht to newsmen below that she was going to make a significant announcement in two weeks time. This was reported in newspapers. She died in less than two weeks.
This doesn't seem credible. Why would The Queen use the SAS to deal with Diana instead of just dropping her in the palace shark tank?
One day there will be an Express headlines that covers, Diana, House prices AND the weather.
There has to be an EU angle to this?
Diana's story is grist to the mill for conspiracy theorists liek the JFK murder. I do believe she sadly died in a car crash because probably a driver driving well over the limit was driving too fast to lose chasing papparazzi.
One incident that has never been cleared up was the one when she herself said from Dodi's yacht to newsmen below that she was going to make a significant announcement in two weeks time. This was reported in newspapers. She died in less than two weeks.
This doesn't seem credible. Why would The Queen use the SAS to deal with Diana instead of just dropping her in the palace shark tank?
Because the Queen's a 'goodie'. She would send Bond to eliminate the traitor. Only 'baddies' drop people into shark tanks, silly...
Diana's story is grist to the mill for conspiracy theorists liek the JFK murder. I do believe she sadly died in a car crash because probably a driver driving well over the limit was driving too fast to lose chasing papparazzi.
One incident that has never been cleared up was the one when she herself said from Dodi's yacht to newsmen below that she was going to make a significant announcement in two weeks time. This was reported in newspapers. She died in less than two weeks.
This doesn't seem credible. Why would The Queen use the SAS to deal with Diana instead of just dropping her in the palace shark tank?
Who is suggesting that ? She died sadly in a car crash perhaps as a result of negligence of one kind or another.
My point was about her remarks to reporters from the yacht. I have always wondered what she was going to announce. I do not think that and her death was in any way connected.
Diana's story is grist to the mill for conspiracy theorists liek the JFK murder. I do believe she sadly died in a car crash because probably a driver driving well over the limit was driving too fast to lose chasing papparazzi.
One incident that has never been cleared up was the one when she herself said from Dodi's yacht to newsmen below that she was going to make a significant announcement in two weeks time. This was reported in newspapers. She died in less than two weeks.
This doesn't seem credible. Why would The Queen use the SAS to deal with Diana instead of just dropping her in the palace shark tank?
Who is suggesting that ? She died sadly in a car crash perhaps as a result of negligence of one kind or another.
My point was about her remarks to reporters from the yacht. I have always wondered what she was going to announce. I do not think that and her death was in any way connected.
She was going to announce that the Royal Family are really Lizard people...
LABOUR is to go into the next election with a pledge to give the right to vote to 16- and 17-year-olds.
The reform, drawn up by one of Ed Miliband’s key lieutenants, Sadiq Khan, would be introduced in time for the 2020 election if Labour is returned to power in 2015.
I read recently that more young people than ever are tending to favour the Tories?
MORI has the 2010 vote among 18-24 as Con 30 Lab 31 LD 30, so that's substantially worse for Con and better for LD than overall (Con 37 Lab 30 LD 24). But turnout is only 44%, compared to 65% overall. I'd imagine turnout would be particularly low in the 16-18 range, so a modest Lab advantage like that won't really make a dent in the overall vote shares.
IMHO low turnout is an argument _for_ lowering the minimum age: People don't vote until they're old enough to pay attention, so as long as they're old enough to make decisions independently from their parents (no problem there with 16-year-olds) you don't need an artificial restriction to prevent people who aren't ready to vote from voting.
Diana's story is grist to the mill for conspiracy theorists liek the JFK murder. I do believe she sadly died in a car crash because probably a driver driving well over the limit was driving too fast to lose chasing papparazzi.
One incident that has never been cleared up was the one when she herself said from Dodi's yacht to newsmen below that she was going to make a significant announcement in two weeks time. This was reported in newspapers. She died in less than two weeks.
This doesn't seem credible. Why would The Queen use the SAS to deal with Diana instead of just dropping her in the palace shark tank?
Who is suggesting that ? She died sadly in a car crash perhaps as a result of negligence of one kind or another.
My point was about her remarks to reporters from the yacht. I have always wondered what she was going to announce. I do not think that and her death was in any way connected.
Sorry, my post should have been a reply to whoever posted the original story.
Diana's story is grist to the mill for conspiracy theorists liek the JFK murder. I do believe she sadly died in a car crash because probably a driver driving well over the limit was driving too fast to lose chasing papparazzi.
One incident that has never been cleared up was the one when she herself said from Dodi's yacht to newsmen below that she was going to make a significant announcement in two weeks time. This was reported in newspapers. She died in less than two weeks.
This doesn't seem credible. Why would The Queen use the SAS to deal with Diana instead of just dropping her in the palace shark tank?
Who is suggesting that ? She died sadly in a car crash perhaps as a result of negligence of one kind or another.
My point was about her remarks to reporters from the yacht. I have always wondered what she was going to announce. I do not think that and her death was in any way connected.
I assumed it was just another game she was playing with the media/Royal family.
She played the game like no one before or since has ever done (even Campbell and Blair were amateurs at media manipulation next to Diana)
Of course it was her un-doing in the end, by my god did she know how get attention...
It's a Private Member's Bill (i.e. won't happen) by Phillip Hollobone. He's not published the text yet but it seems to be part of the right-wing package that some MPs suggested a while back:
At present, he doesn't seem to have given the Bill any text or referred to it on a website, so I am not sure his heart is in it. But perhaps it's all yet to come. The 2nd Reading is down for September 6, though I don't know if it will be reached.
LABOUR is to go into the next election with a pledge to give the right to vote to 16- and 17-year-olds.
The reform, drawn up by one of Ed Miliband’s key lieutenants, Sadiq Khan, would be introduced in time for the 2020 election if Labour is returned to power in 2015.
I read recently that more young people than ever are tending to favour the Tories?
MORI has the 2010 vote among 18-24 as Con 30 Lab 31 LD 30, so that's substantially worse for Con and better for LD than overall (Con 37 Lab 30 LD 24). But turnout is only 44%, compared to 65% overall. I'd imagine turnout would be particularly low in the 16-18 range, so a modest Lab advantage like that won't really make a dent in the overall vote shares.
IMHO low turnout is an argument _for_ lowering the minimum age: People don't vote until they're old enough to pay attention, so as long as they're old enough to make decisions independently from their parents (no problem there with 16-year-olds) you don't need an artificial restriction to prevent people who aren't ready to vote from voting.
I've always thought 16 is a fair age to vote to be honest.
If your old enough to be sent to war and be killed your old enough to vote for the people who send you to war....
I think I would be quite good at being PM.
Is that a prompting difference? Anything else to it?
Now what was the leaders name again?..
The rest of the poll has lots of my beloved agree/disagree statements, but of particular interest is one that was a repeat from way back in 2009. Back then 58% of people agreed that citizens of other EU countries should have the right to live and work in the UK, four years on, with immigration within the European Union having become more of an issue, that figure has dropped to 23%, with 57% disagreeing that EU citizens should have the right to live and work here.
tim will no doubt dismiss the poll as a rogue.
It's interesting to see that most of Ed's decline during the period shown was down to 'Don't knows' moving to 'disagree'. Cameron's 'Don't knows' have been much more stable. This is almost certainly due to the fact that Ed had just become leader at the start of the tables, when he was a relatively unknown quantity.
It might be interesting to see similar charts for a similar three-year period after Cameron was elected leader (or perhaps another set of him against Brown after Brown became PM). I.e. the honeymoon periods for new leaders.
ComRes for IoS/SM has Ed M net leader ratings down to worst ever -28, down from -11 in May
Mike Smithson fails to mention UKIP keeps up momentum, I wonder why?
Labour 37
Coalition 36
"Q.3 If there was a general election tomorrow, would you vote Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat or some other party?"
All three parties, in my view, have capable leaders and that surely is the point beyond which their prime importance ends. When you have a capable leader then policy becomes the most important thing. (Of course there's a loop here in that leaders influence policy etc, but hey).
Labour definitely lack a bit in terms of policy at the moment. Beyond actual current government policy the other two parties do too maybe.
I don't pretend to keep up to date with all party policies, but the one 'change' that I can think of that will (definitely!!-hah, you say) be delivered is the EU referendum if the Tories form a majority government. Given that all three parties are actually proposing a change of government it'd be nice if there were some actual certainties in all this.
ComRes for IoS/SM: 67% say firms shd be able to favour Brits over other EU citizens "even if UK forced to leave EU"
Voters have turned against the principle of free movement of workers in the European Union over the past four years, according to a ComRes poll for tomorrow’s The Independent on Sunday and Sunday Mirror.
UKIP at 25% in Wales. (Comres Poll)
UKIP at 25% in Wales. (Comres Poll)
Must be the language.
I repeat as others have also said the same thing: Labour 29% [ from 2010 ] + LD 8% from 2010 gives 37%. Tories start at 37% and will lose 3% to UKIP. So, for the Tories to take a lead of 8% on Labour, they need to take 11% of the LD's. If that is case, the LD's will end up at just 5%.
LD's will get about 15% in the next election. Labour will get, at least 35%., UKIP 6%. That leaves the Tories at 37%. That is the very best the Tories can hope for.
Labour majority party ! If UKIP gets 8%, then Ed will be at No.10 without any help.
UKIP: +14% / -73%
Don't Know: +20% / -44%
LD: +29% / -52%
LD's will get about 15% in the next election. Labour will get, at least 35%., UKIP 6%. That leaves the Tories at 37%. That is the very best the Tories can hope for.
Cloud cukoo land figures by a wishful thinker.
However they seem remarkably calm that they may be facing a rout in 2015, especially outside the south.
The Tories are between a rock and a hard place. They need gimmicks to prove how "tough" they are on immigrants to bring some kippers back. But it pisses off many centrists including many ethnic voters who might have voted for them.
Q.6 Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?
Ed Miliband is right to accept that the last Labour government made major mistakes on immigration
Base: All respondents:
Agree: 76
Disagree: 8
DK: 16
Q.6 Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?
It is wrong for firms to recruit from overseas while a million young people in Britain are unemployed
Base: All respondent
Agree: 74
DK: 14
Q.6 Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?
Businesses cannot be blamed for hiring foreign workers because too many British workers are lazy
Base: All respondents
Agree: 35 (Cons & LDs mostly)
Disagree: 48 (Lab & UKIP mostly)
DK: 17
I am amongst those who think that the polling for UKIP in a GE is way off. I expect them to do very well in the Euros, though.
So we accept this poll as gospel yet ICM has the LDs at 14% and UKIP at 10% so that's a huge discrepancy.
Somebody is wrong somewhere.
Ed, of course, just chilled whilst the Tories were running round like madmen trying to gain the upper hand. Probably laughing at them.
It would be interesting to see the distribution of LD voters. What do the local by-elections tell us.
q.6 All citizens of other European Union countries should have the right to live and work in the UK. (p.62)
Con: +21% / -61%
Lab: +26% / -58%
LD: +45% / -34%
UKIP: +5% / -86%
Don't Know: +22% / -41%
"That's the problem with this talk - many will not be 'kippers'. They have been asked a question in a poll, and currently their answer is for UKIP. They are not members, and some will not have seen the full gamut of their policies, which may convince them either way."
One of the most stupid paragraphs I've ever read. Do you expect only UKIP members will vote for that party at the GE. If you think that, then you can say that only Tory members will vote Tory, etc. Ridiculous!
UKIP will gain ever more members and adherents, so don't think you can put the clock back.
Why throw out all the polling when you can simply use the all polls average which gives a good picture of what's happening.
The tories were unquestionably doing better after May with a blatantly obvious correlation. Recently they started banging on about immigration again which always runs the danger of giving the kippers a boost.
If the tory spin machine still hasn't learned from the May local election results and Eastleigh precisely what happens when they bang on about core kipper issues, then they never will.
They'll find out yet again if the swivel-eyed loons decide to bang on about floods of Romanians and Bulgarians.
Just think what he could have done if he'd been better known and up against someone like Cameron!
"Libertarian, non-racist party seeking Britain's withdrawal from the European Union"
Actually calling itself a "non-racist" party is surely akin to a person who, perhaps after expressing some borderline racist views, likes to point out that they "have black friends"
And similar, I feel, to the "United People's Party" who contested the by-election the other night; I think they describe themselves as "non-xenophobic"
If it was that simple, then polling and politics would be much simpler.
The majority will be non-members, will owe no particular allegiance to UKIP, and can probably be won back by the Conservatives (and the other parties) with effort. Especially as the new UKIP base level has yet to be determined.
UKIP's entire effort should be towards keeping as many of the people who answer 'UKIP' in polling questions within their tent. That is not a done deal.
And it will not be a done deal as long as UKIppers such as yourself and others are so stupidly aggressive.
ICM: 42%
YouGov (latest): 45%
Populus (latest): 44%
ComRes: 47%
Plenty of variety, volatility, variability and vagaries on offer there.
Princess Diana death: Police probe sensational claim she was killed by the SAS
If the Sunday Peephole beat the Sunday sExpress to this one Desmond will NOT be a happy bunny. That's his story they are treading on.
This should prove hilarious.
What part of "Rest in Peace" do they not understand.
The part where it sells shitloads of papers.
A more general point is that we all overestimate the effect of any political event. Miliband is hit by an egg - does he gain credit for stoicism or derision for the incident? Neither, people don't care. Bryant makes a shaky speech on an issue many people do care about, do the public rejoice or recoil? Neither, they don't notice. The same goes for gaffes by the other parties. Perhaps we should all just shut up until about April 2015?
I think you'll find that's a fact, not a theme.
Oh, and can you get tim to shut up till April 2015...?
As it is, they were produced on different days using different methodologies so you'd expect some variance anyway.
You can see how the underlying themes of today politics have developed.
The various strands of then conservative thinking are clearly displayed, including the hatred for Thatcher. I wonder whether this program had an impact on conservative poling at the time it was originally shown in 1993?
After leaving Britain early, Mr Cameron became the first world leader to visit Egypt since President Hosni Mubarak was toppled.
Mr Cameron is still taking a large delegation from business and industry, including eight representatives of defence firms attempting to secure contracts in the Gulf states. Among them are: Ian King, chief executive of BAE Systems; Alastair Bisset, group international director at QinetiQ; and Rob Watson, regional director of Rolls-Royce.
Meanwhile, the Defence minister Gerald Howarth is in Abu Dhabi, where he is leading Britain's biggest ever delegation to an international arms fair. More than 100 UK firms are showcasing their products at the International Defence Exhibition and Conference, which is aimed at governments in the Middle East and North Africa.
Not sure I'm convinced by this poll. I think the gap's a shade narrower.
It's one of the reasons for the increasing loss of membership for that party, why it will never win a GE again in it's present form and why more and more people are, finally, turning to UKIP.
Has anyone heard from Tapestry recently? I fear for his well-being. He may have spontaneously combusted.
A Diana story on page 1????
No, it is Len isn't it???
Doesn't make up for all the other 1,000 pointless Diana Headlines The Express has run in the past 16 years, though.
Meanwhile the Cameron figures have changed by just a net 2 points.
Unless Mike has been looking at a very different set of media from those I've been following, I'm struggling to see how this 'doesn't fit the media narrative'.
One incident that has never been cleared up was the one when she herself said from Dodi's yacht to newsmen below that she was going to make a significant announcement in two weeks time. This was reported in newspapers. She died in less than two weeks.
LABOUR is to go into the next election with a pledge to give the right to vote to 16- and 17-year-olds.
The reform, drawn up by one of Ed Miliband’s key lieutenants, Sadiq Khan, would be introduced in time for the 2020 election if Labour is returned to power in 2015.
What will this do to house prices?
Only 'baddies' drop people into shark tanks, silly...
Populus most recently showed the Conservatives closing the gap to 3%, and both MORI and ICM have had Ed Miliband with appalling leader ratings.
But nevertheless, it is a useful corrective to received wisdom.
My point was about her remarks to reporters from the yacht. I have always wondered what she was going to announce. I do not think that and her death was in any way connected.
IMHO low turnout is an argument _for_ lowering the minimum age: People don't vote until they're old enough to pay attention, so as long as they're old enough to make decisions independently from their parents (no problem there with 16-year-olds) you don't need an artificial restriction to prevent people who aren't ready to vote from voting.
Although Mr Cameron did once push some sort of Duke of Edinburgh Award version of national service.
She played the game like no one before or since has ever done (even Campbell and Blair were amateurs at media manipulation next to Diana)
Of course it was her un-doing in the end, by my god did she know how get attention...
At present, he doesn't seem to have given the Bill any text or referred to it on a website, so I am not sure his heart is in it. But perhaps it's all yet to come. The 2nd Reading is down for September 6, though I don't know if it will be reached.
If your old enough to be sent to war and be killed your old enough to vote for the people who send you to war....