politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Toxic Theresa’s terrible polling continues as YouGov gives Corbyn’s Labour an 8 point lead
Exclusive: 8 point lead for Labour in first YouGov / Times poll since election..Lab 46Con 38 pic.twitter.com/PFe2ktnY3n
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EDIT: Ah, I over-estimated the rest of you
Because the tactic of co-ordinated resignations worked so well for Labour MPs?
Toxic is unfair. She isn't poisonous, just uninspiring and hopeless.
Your comment is here
Also YouGov's polls weren't too far out until they made 2 "minor changes" to their method for their final poll (which cmacked of herding).
She should stay until we leave the EU/vote to stay.
And yet I thought they wanted to keep the BBC post independence, generously funded as it is (largely) by other UK residents.
She may be right on the public sector pay cap but it is just bad politics. The deal with the DUP opens Theresa to attack when it probably was not necessary. Grenfell media coverage has been wall to wall pain and suffering and traumatised residents being politicised, and of course Brexit going pear shape day by day.
I have no idea how long Theresa will survive but I expect the polls to continue to reflect the mood of the Country and things could get worse and the only light at the end of the tunnel for the conservative party is that they do have time and they need to use it wisely
And I say that on the day I received my renewed membership card
Surely you mean re-toxifying ??
The 9/4 on her to be PM when we leave the EU, and even the 5/1 on her to survive to 2020, are both value in my mind (both PP). Though the prospect of a leadership election is much stronger than a general election - granted.
(EDIT: Actually, ignore the 9/4. Just take the 3/1 on her leaving in 2019 and 5/1 on 2020 or later.)
Wtf is she thinking with her stance on public sector pay for example?
The only surprise is that the Labour lead isn't double 8%...
Seriously? Seriously??
LDs down to1.6% to 6% but up 1 seat ??
Are YouGov still using their seat predictor model that predicted a hung parliament for the GE?
Also won't be blanket - eg anyone earning over say £40k will be held to the 1%.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Not going to happen
(And to pay for it we're going to freeze income tax allowances, or find some other tax to increase, because we still want to see the defecit removed and public debt start to come down.)
After Newsnight last night there has been a constant barrage of rubbish from the remain wimps, doing their utmost to scuttle Brexit completely by some sort of coordinated last minute push.
I keep reading on here how the Govt is making a complete fuck up of the negotiations, yet no-one on here has a single clue as to what is going on behind the scenes, me included.
Barnier's outburst today says to me that they are a little nervous as to what is happening, trying to lay the law down in public to save face, but behind the scenes who knows?
They certainly don't want to lose 10 billion a year, and the Germans certainly don't want to make up the shortfall. They know they have a crisis looming in Italy and I suspect that the very few realists among them realise they may not be so powerful after all.
Someone below said we have to pay our bills on exit, how much do you think that should be? As far as I have read they want 100 billion, do you remainers think we should pay that?
Personally I think we should honour the pensions of the British MEP's, and possibly any commitments up to 2020, but we will be paying until March 2019 anyway so by the time you take off the 9 billion we have sitting in the ECB I would suggest the settlement should be very little.
Anyway I'm off as I am going to Lords tomorrow so an early start for me.
It really isn't rocket science.
Everything OK I hope?
JRM absolutely rocking on QT.
We need the support of the EU27.
No quarters for any politicians.
The 1% pay cap saves the government money (constrains spending if you like). Raising the tax allowances loses the government revenue, whereas freezing allowances would increase revenue (in times of inflation). So freezing allowances could help pay for breaking the 1% pay cap. I haven't done the sums, so I don't know if it would be enough but it would certainly help.
Worth remembering too, that public sector pay increases at the rate of inflation should be affordable without increasing spending in real terms.
He'd make a good party chairman though...
And move the public sector to DC pensions whilst they're at it