Apparently the standard today is pretty critical of the government over Grenfell. If Osborne regrets the coverage over the election, he's not showing it
I really cant understand what more the Government can currently do at the moment
You are Gavin Barwell and I claim publication of Part B of the 2010 Buildings Regulation Review.
Twitter cryptologists are almost as bad as Twitter poll rampers.
Me three
I presume he means that MPs are finding that their constituents are not entirely enthusiastic about the way the government seems to be dissolving into chaos.
Any prickliness is caused by concern at the alarming turn of political events and the spineless subservience of the PLP, who now seems to think the far left is absolutely fine.
As damningly pointed out by Portillo last night in his evisceration of the hapless Liz Kendall. The PLP will live to regret their capitulation to Corbyn.
He hardly eviscerated her. He merely talked at her while she elegantly sat there and responded when she could get word in edgeways.
To be fair, she made her leadership campaign all about electability rather than policy position. So her falling in line now is entirely consistent
Twitter cryptologists are almost as bad as Twitter poll rampers.
Me three
I think the implication is that Conservative MP's are finding that Mrs May presently enjoys somewhat less support than a KKK enthusiast at the Notting Hill carnival.
Similar to me then. I doubt we'd disagree about much. I'd chance that probably be a touch more left than you on both economics and social areas, but not by any massive degree.
We'd disagree sharply on Brexit though I suspect...
I thought you had switched to Remain now? I distinctly remember your saying so last week??
Nope. I still think we've got to honour the referendum result.
Though I do think the upshot of May's election disaster is that we'll probably finish up not Brexiting... But I don't agree with it if that happens.
How do we get from here to not Brexiting? I can't see the political route. Not least because Corbyn and McDonnell are probably keener on Hard Brexit than John Redwood and Bill Cash.
Parliament and the DUP will decide Brexit and given it is a hung Parliament that makes fudged Brexit more likely
If the Queen's speech doesn't pass with a majority of the House next week, or the negotiations break-down straight away on Monday, then May is toast. But this fire may finish her off over the weekend.
I think the EU will run rings around her.
Can I write a letter to Graham Brady as an ordinary party member?
You can! Won't have the same weight as from an MP though.
I've posted repeatedly that May is a political zombie. The only reason that she is still moving and turning up to screw up the NI peace process or try and incite a riot in Kensington is that her own party are cowards unable to decapitate her.
"If we remove her we have to have a leadership election which would be divisive and delay Brexit talks"
But LOOK at her. She is incapable of doing the basics like speaking to residents after a disaster. Like seeing past the immediate effects of her dealing with the Red Hand Commando. Like "we start Brexit negotiations next week".
If the plan is to utterly destroy the Tories lingering reputation for competence, and tar the whole party with her actions as Clegg did the LibDems, then leave her in place. The longer this goes on, the worse things get. That 6 point Labour poll lead will be 16, and thats before Britain gets told "here's your bus fare home" in the "negotiation" with the EU.
She has to go. The fuck now.
In 1990 Kinnock had a 20 to 30 point lead over Thatcher, 2 years later Major won by 7% having dumped the poll tax
I do feel a shade sorry for May about the criticism of her regarding her visit to yesterday.
Not seeing residents has been taken to imply she has no empathy (part of the Maybot criticism that came up in the campaign). I have no doubt she's deeply shocked and upset about what happened - you don't have to be a great at emoting to be genuinely upset.
It's also the case that being photographed putting her hand around shoulders is NOT the most important thing a PM can do in practical terms. Establishing a public inquiry which is prompt, thorough and acted upon, and responding to the best advice to ensure the safety of those in similar blocks now is actually more important in the bigger scheme of things. And, in fairness, she does seem to be doing those things.
BUT... it is indicative of her lack of political ability and judgment in the role of PM, which has been painfully exposed in recent weeks. You cannot hide away in "the Department" as PM, controlling when you're seen and when you're not. The top job is different - you are always in the spotlight when big things happen and people do look to you. And if your character is ill-suited to an uncomfortable, horribly emotionally draining half hour with understandably angry residents, then you just need to do it anyway because I'm afraid it's in the job spec - you don't really get to duck out of it.
Mr. Gin, maybe. The media hardly held Corbyn to account during the campaign.
The idea that the media failed to scrutinize Jezza is risible. Were you in a political coma for the campaign?
I'm afraid people like to believe comfortable myths, it saves facing reality. The usual culprits printed screeds of anti-corbnyn stuff throughout the campaign.
Papers like the Mail have little impact because they say the same thing about every Labour leader whether it's justified or not. Social media has now given people who can't afford to buy newspapers to push their political agenda a potent alternative. Times have changed
Sorry, but many people used to buy papers as a matter of course in their daily routine. They now choose not to, quite simply because the newspapers and magazines, even TV and radio are increasingly irrelevant. And let's look at it honestly, most of the news printed is so extremely biased that it bears no contact with actual reality. People now have access to news resources, even from actual combatants in a war zone or a rescue operation, they can now recognise the twist that the news media put on a situation. Too many people do not trust the Main Stream Media. With the Internet, there are many sources, some fake (which, quite quickly are recognised by consensus), many express views and can lead to debates from which a consensus can appear, while there are more which provide accurate and instant news.
Her performance at Grenfell towers is becoming an issue.
How do you solve a problem like Theresa?
Not seeing residents has been taken to imply she has no empathy (part of the Maybot criticism that came up in the campaign). I have no doubt she's deeply shocked and upset about what happened - you don't have to be a great at emoting to be genuinely upset.
It's also the case that being photographed putting her hand around shoulders is NOT the most important thing a PM can do in practical terms. Establishing a public inquiry which is prompt, thorough and acted upon, and responding to the best advice to ensure the safety of those in similar blocks now is actually more important in the bigger scheme of things. And, in fairness, she does seem to be doing those things.
BUT... it is indicative of her lack of political ability and judgment in the role of PM, which has been painfully exposed in recent weeks. You cannot hide away in "the Department" as PM, controlling when you're seen and when you're not. The top job is different - you are always in the spotlight when big things happen and people do look to you. And if your character is ill-suited to an uncomfortable, horribly emotionally draining half hour with understandably angry residents, then you just need to do it anyway because I'm afraid it's in the job spec - you don't really get to duck out of it.