What May should really have said today . A few weeks ago I called an unnecessary GE for purely partisan reasons on the pretext of needing a strong and stable government . My weak and wobbly campaign has distracted and weakened the resources of our security services and contributed to the deaths of many young people in Manchester . As PM the buck stops at my desk and I will be seeing the Queen to tender my resignation later today .
That's pretty unhinged.
In fact, after reading Marks post again its not just unhinged, its down right disgusting. I would of expected better of him. I guess Tim Farron disastrous leadership of the Libdems has effected his critical faculties.
I suggest he sticks to Parish council by elections, like most LDs he is clearly not ready for the big time
To be fair, Marks quality of post has been going down hill. They have been interesting previously, but have become more divorced from reality.
Mark is consumed by hatred, it really is not pretty.
Probably still bitter over the locals.
I had to laugh how he tried to spin them as a good result.
After running away and hiding for a few days to lick his wounds post the local elections.
Didn't the americans hold a presidential election during the american civil war?
I've often wondered how free and fair a process it was.
They did.
We held a general election during the second world war.
5th of July 1945.
We were still at war with Japan, who didn't surrender until the 15th of August, and didn't sign the surrender documents until the 2nd of September 1945
May in her statement mentioned possibility of functioning terrorist network. I don't remember on previous occasions there has been any mention of such a thing (albeit I think most people suspect there has to be of some sort of ISIS supporters network).
I suspect there are already some forensics about the bomb that point to it not being something improvised by one guy in his shed, like fireworks, black powder, or the like.
A non-improvised IED? Paradox time.
The Mirror agrees with you, though: "Manchester suicide bomber's IED was 'sophisticated kilo of explosives packed with nuts, bolts and screws - and he couldn't have built it alone'"
I think if there is a possibility this election could be cancelled .If normal political activity can not be continued and campaigns suspended for over a week and the PM and government having to do it's best to control the situation .
It will go ahead, just with heightened security, she gets her 100+ majority and we move on
I agree but if they keep suspending any election activity for any length of time .They undermine their case that we do not change how we live.
That, in any case, has always been a lie we agree to tell ourselves.
Didn't the americans hold a presidential election during the american civil war?
I've often wondered how free and fair a process it was.
It wasn't.
I am stunned!
Basically Lincoln furloughed every US Army soldier he could spare and had them - how can I put this? - dropping heavy hints to voters going into polling booths.
Mind you, he'd probably have won anyway, but it doesn't do to leave these things to chance.
I feel a bit dirty raising this, but as others have said this is a political website based on the idea of analysis.
Think back to previous attacks. At the international summits this weekend May will get press conferences where she is flanked, and supported, by world leaders. That can't fail to affect the election. Meanwhile Corbyn or one of his minions will show their true colours. For one thing Stop the War will comment.
Time to take the gloves off...it is often stated that MI5 have hundreds if not 1000s on their watch list, but do not have sufficient resources to track them all. So send every one of them an email to pop down to the local police station for a friendly and voluntary chat. Inform them that they are are on a watch list and with immediate effect they are banned from attending certain events, mixing with certain individuals, and have to submit a weekly log of their movements to MI5. Then tag them with a RFID chip like they have on dogs. RfID scanners to be used at all airports, train stations , events etc to look for chipped suspects. Providing they have logged their movements in advance and expect to be regularly and 'randomly' searched then no problem.
Meanwhile everyone who does not cooperate to be rounded up and given the same treatnent but also given a gps tracker that must be carried with them at all times to allow active tracking. Tracker can be removed for activities like swimming etc...providing notified in advance. Unauthorised removal of tracker to result in arrest and fixing of unremoveable bracelet.
That should hopefully balance security with liberty....
Most already have these tracking devices. They are called mobile phones.
Best thing about Penddu's plan, it will provoke D Davis into another flouncy by-election.
May in her statement mentioned possibility of functioning terrorist network. I don't remember on previous occasions there has been any mention of such a thing (albeit I think most people suspect there has to be of some sort of ISIS supporters network).
I suspect there are already some forensics about the bomb that point to it not being something improvised by one guy in his shed, like fireworks, black powder, or the like.
It typically will not be the bomb maker who makes the attack
You kind of sense the BBC are trying to down play things by sticking to IED as the bomb description. As though you can just go down a shop and buy a standard off the shelf high explosive nail bomb that fits in a rucksack
And be able to detonate it at the right time in the right place, etc
May in her statement mentioned possibility of functioning terrorist network. I don't remember on previous occasions there has been any mention of such a thing (albeit I think most people suspect there has to be of some sort of ISIS supporters network).
I suspect there are already some forensics about the bomb that point to it not being something improvised by one guy in his shed, like fireworks, black powder, or the like.
A non-improvised IED? Paradox time.
The Mirror agrees with you, though: "Manchester suicide bomber's IED was 'sophisticated kilo of explosives packed with nuts, bolts and screws - and he couldn't have built it alone'"
May in her statement mentioned possibility of functioning terrorist network. I don't remember on previous occasions there has been any mention of such a thing (albeit I think most people suspect there has to be of some sort of ISIS supporters network).
I suspect there are already some forensics about the bomb that point to it not being something improvised by one guy in his shed, like fireworks, black powder, or the like.
All indications I've read say that this was a sophisticated bomb, cleverly designed for maximum lethality, and ISIS would not waste a talented bomb-maker in a suicide bid.
So, presumably, the ISIS bomb-maker is still out there, and MI5 don't know who or where he is, and he is expected to attack again, soon, before the security forces solve the puzzle.
This explains the Critical rating. TMay had, literally, no choice.
You are probably correct. I am not sure the government itself knows much but obviously knows the man and slowly will fill the jigsaw puzzle.
It would have been helpful if our American friends were a bit more cooperative. STFU.
I think if there is a possibility this election could be cancelled .If normal political activity can not be continued and campaigns suspended for over a week and the PM and government having to do it's best to control the situation .
It will go ahead, just with heightened security, she gets her 100+ majority and we move on
I agree but if they keep suspending any election activity for any length of time .They undermine their case that we do not change how we live.
That would happen more if they postponed the election, democracy goes on
May in her statement mentioned possibility of functioning terrorist network. I don't remember on previous occasions there has been any mention of such a thing (albeit I think most people suspect there has to be of some sort of ISIS supporters network).
I suspect there are already some forensics about the bomb that point to it not being something improvised by one guy in his shed, like fireworks, black powder, or the like.
A non-improvised IED? Paradox time.
The Mirror agrees with you, though: "Manchester suicide bomber's IED was 'sophisticated kilo of explosives packed with nuts, bolts and screws - and he couldn't have built it alone'"
Bizarre. I did the same. As you imply, act in haste, repent at leisure. Five long years in that particular case!
There is more that unites us than divides us!
Indeed. I don't know if you saw my post the other evening but the hatchet was buried from my point of view many months ago. I probably went a bit far with the knuckle dragging stuff. Sorry.
Thanks. I did see you earlier post. And I'm sorry for snapping at you in the past. It's the risk we all run as a result of debating politics.
Indeed. Thanks. As @topping says, these interminable debates over rival voting systems bring out the worst in us all
They should everybody else has to carry on and go to work .If it is that bad call the election off.
Maybe it'll be wrapped up in a day or two - bit early to be calling things off, never mind the hows of that occurring.
It won't be, campaigning will resume at the weekend under heightened security, though I doubt even ISIS can be bothered to assassinate Corbyn, Farron and Nuttall
Bit below the belt for you.They have just killed young people and recently there was an attack on westminster .
I've voted Labour at every GE since 1983, but the prospect of Diane Abbot being in charge of the security services is in itself reason enough to vote Tory this time round - and I suspect after last night I won't be the only one who thinks that way.
You can still vote labour safely in the knowledge that they have no chance whatsoever of winning, the issue is how big (and undeserved) the tory majority is. Its a toss up between wanting to make sure that there is an opposition, and wanting not to prolong the misery of having Corbyn and Abbot etc and the naive hard left controlling the main opposition party. Quite a difficult decision. I don't know if I can bring myself to endorse Corbyn for the reasons you describe.
Yes, took me a lot of agonising, but I finally decided this weekend I will have to vote Tory - and that is my settled decision. I've been posting here off and on since 2005, and I never thought I'd live to become a PB Tory! But there we are.
You have decided to throw in your lot with the 'lower form of life' .
He couldn't resist the power of the dark side.
Well I have a niece in her mid-20s who works for the NHS and lives in Gower the most marginal seat in the country. Three weeks back she was talking in terms of voting for May -over Brexit in essence. I have no idea as to her present intentions but if I subsequently discover that she has voted Tory , she will cease to be a beneficiary of my estate. It would effectively cost her circa £75,000 - though she will never know that because I am saying nothing.
Is there some insane pb competition to construct the looniest post?
Mark Senior's was good, but this is better.
It is just a clear statement of my intentions!
Might I enquire why you ever thought of leaving her anything anyway? You don't appear to have any affection for her.
May in her statement mentioned possibility of functioning terrorist network. I don't remember on previous occasions there has been any mention of such a thing (albeit I think most people suspect there has to be of some sort of ISIS supporters network).
I suspect there are already some forensics about the bomb that point to it not being something improvised by one guy in his shed, like fireworks, black powder, or the like.
A non-improvised IED? Paradox time.
The Mirror agrees with you, though: "Manchester suicide bomber's IED was 'sophisticated kilo of explosives packed with nuts, bolts and screws - and he couldn't have built it alone'"
You kind of sense the BBC are trying to down play things by sticking to IED as the bomb description. As though you can just go down a shop and buy a standard off the shelf high explosive nail bomb that fits in a rucksack
To be fair IED is a military description for any hand-made bomb to distinguish from "real bombs" which are the things you drop off of planes. So even if it sounds incongruous what it really means is that it is not a proper bomb built by a defence contractor, it's hand-made, often a one-off, and usually small; but the sophistication can vary from fireworks, through home-made high explosives, repurposed shells, all the way up to sophisticated remotely detonated bombs that were more common in the 70s and 80s.
Was out for drinks with a close friend that I hadn't seen for ages - he's a socialist, far more left wing than me, I had him down as a Corbyn supporter (but not a corbynista). I told him I would probably be voting labour tactically and he actually looked surprised by it and said he couldn't vote Labour with Corbyn as leader, due to his terrorist sympathies and his incompetence. Made me reflect again on my vote. not a good sign for Labour
So if he only just came back from Libya, was the bomb already built and waiting for him upon his return?
The most shocking thing about the Panorama special on the various attacks in Europe was there is a network of suppliers. One ISIS guy who couldn't go through with it described how he was told phone his number and you will be told an address and a car reg...and when he arrived at the car everything was waiting for him.
I've voted Labour at every GE since 1983, but the prospect of Diane Abbot being in charge of the security services is in itself reason enough to vote Tory this time round - and I suspect after last night I won't be the only one who thinks that way.
You can still vote labour safely in the knowledge that they have no chance whatsoever of winning, the issue is how big (and undeserved) the tory majority is. Its a toss up between wanting to make sure that there is an opposition, and wanting not to prolong the misery of having Corbyn and Abbot etc and the naive hard left controlling the main opposition party. Quite a difficult decision. I don't know if I can bring myself to endorse Corbyn for the reasons you describe.
Yes, took me a lot of agonising, but I finally decided this weekend I will have to vote Tory - and that is my settled decision. I've been posting here off and on since 2005, and I never thought I'd live to become a PB Tory! But there we are.
You have decided to throw in your lot with the 'lower form of life' .
He couldn't resist the power of the dark side.
Well I have a niece in her mid-20s who works for the NHS and lives in Gower the most marginal seat in the country. Three weeks back she was talking in terms of voting for May -over Brexit in essence. I have no idea as to her present intentions but if I subsequently discover that she has voted Tory , she will cease to be a beneficiary of my estate. It would effectively cost her circa £75,000 - though she will never know that because I am saying nothing.
Is there some insane pb competition to construct the looniest post?
Mark Senior's was good, but this is better.
It is just a clear statement of my intentions!
Might I enquire why you ever thought of leaving her anything anyway? You don't appear to have any affection for her.
She's lucky really. In Justin's twisted imagination people tend to get gangrene, polonium poisoning or heart attacks, so being cut out of £75,000 that probably doesn't exist is comparatively mild.
Was out for drinks with a close friend that I hadn't seen for ages - he's a socialist, far more left wing than me, I had him down as a Corbyn supporter (but not a corbynista). I told him I would probably be voting labour tactically and he actually looked surprised by it and said he couldn't vote Labour with Corbyn as leader, due to his terrorist sympathies and his incompetence. Made me reflect again on my vote. not a good sign for Labour
What's your constituency ? I thought you were an En Marche man
There is no real need for active campaigning before then
As someone said earlier on here GE1945 was contested during a war
Only technically: VE day 8 May, GE 5 July, VJ day 14 August. My (English) mum says that VE day felt like the end of the war for practical purposes, VJ just a footnote (quite an interesting footnote if you were interested in physics).
Was out for drinks with a close friend that I hadn't seen for ages - he's a socialist, far more left wing than me, I had him down as a Corbyn supporter (but not a corbynista). I told him I would probably be voting labour tactically and he actually looked surprised by it and said he couldn't vote Labour with Corbyn as leader, due to his terrorist sympathies and his incompetence. Made me reflect again on my vote. not a good sign for Labour
Two about to graduate students on the train this morning were bemoaning Jezza's £80k tax threshold.
All that debt then finally get a good job then get clobbered by a wealth tax.
May in her statement mentioned possibility of functioning terrorist network. I don't remember on previous occasions there has been any mention of such a thing (albeit I think most people suspect there has to be of some sort of ISIS supporters network).
I suspect there are already some forensics about the bomb that point to it not being something improvised by one guy in his shed, like fireworks, black powder, or the like.
A non-improvised IED? Paradox time.
The Mirror agrees with you, though: "Manchester suicide bomber's IED was 'sophisticated kilo of explosives packed with nuts, bolts and screws - and he couldn't have built it alone'"
There is no real need for active campaigning before then
As someone said earlier on here GE1945 was contested during a war
Only technically: VE day 8 May, GE 5 July, VJ day 14 August. My (English) mum says that VE day felt like the end of the war for practical purposes, VJ just a footnote (quite an interesting footnote if you were interested in physics).
It's technically correct, the best kind of correct.
I'm somewhat used to soldiers on the streets, it's been commonplace in Paris for a while, I sometimes stepped out of my apartment building and opened the door to soldiers on my street. but certainly a worrying development for the U.K. How many times has this happened before?
May in her statement mentioned possibility of functioning terrorist network. I don't remember on previous occasions there has been any mention of such a thing (albeit I think most people suspect there has to be of some sort of ISIS supporters network).
I suspect there are already some forensics about the bomb that point to it not being something improvised by one guy in his shed, like fireworks, black powder, or the like.
A non-improvised IED? Paradox time.
The Mirror agrees with you, though: "Manchester suicide bomber's IED was 'sophisticated kilo of explosives packed with nuts, bolts and screws - and he couldn't have built it alone'"
There is no real need for active campaigning before then
As someone said earlier on here GE1945 was contested during a war
Only technically: VE day 8 May, GE 5 July, VJ day 14 August. My (English) mum says that VE day felt like the end of the war for practical purposes, VJ just a footnote (quite an interesting footnote if you were interested in physics).
That rather depended on which regiment you were in at the time.
May in her statement mentioned possibility of functioning terrorist network. I don't remember on previous occasions there has been any mention of such a thing (albeit I think most people suspect there has to be of some sort of ISIS supporters network).
I suspect there are already some forensics about the bomb that point to it not being something improvised by one guy in his shed, like fireworks, black powder, or the like.
A non-improvised IED? Paradox time.
The Mirror agrees with you, though: "Manchester suicide bomber's IED was 'sophisticated kilo of explosives packed with nuts, bolts and screws - and he couldn't have built it alone'"
There is no real need for active campaigning before then
As someone said earlier on here GE1945 was contested during a war
Only technically: VE day 8 May, GE 5 July, VJ day 14 August. My (English) mum says that VE day felt like the end of the war for practical purposes, VJ just a footnote (quite an interesting footnote if you were interested in physics).
VE day was my mother's 11th birthday. For years she couldn't get out of her head the notion that Churchill's "brief moment of celebration" was in her honour.
Was out for drinks with a close friend that I hadn't seen for ages - he's a socialist, far more left wing than me, I had him down as a Corbyn supporter (but not a corbynista). I told him I would probably be voting labour tactically and he actually looked surprised by it and said he couldn't vote Labour with Corbyn as leader, due to his terrorist sympathies and his incompetence. Made me reflect again on my vote. not a good sign for Labour
Two about to graduate students on the train this morning were bemoaning Jezza's £80k tax threshold.
All that debt then finally get a good job then get clobbered by a wealth tax.
Having the cohort immediately behind fees subsidised but not theirs would sting too.
I'm somewhat used to soldiers on the streets, it's been commonplace in Paris for a while, I sometimes stepped out of my apartment building and opened the door to soldiers on my street. but certainly a worrying development for the U.K. How many times has this happened before?
Quite often - it's called military aid to the civil power (MACP) and can be called upon from time to time. And has been (at airports typically).
They should everybody else has to carry on and go to work .If it is that bad call the election off.
Maybe it'll be wrapped up in a day or two - bit early to be calling things off, never mind the hows of that occurring.
It won't be, campaigning will resume at the weekend under heightened security, though I doubt even ISIS can be bothered to assassinate Corbyn, Farron and Nuttall
Bit below the belt for you.They have just killed young people and recently there was an attack on westminster .
If they go for anyone it will be May or even Sturgeon, they are not focused on lower ranked opposition figures, though of course Westminster as a whole still remains under threat
It typically will not be the bomb maker who makes the attack
Historically with the sorts of IRA, PLO, Red Brigade type of terrorist who often had nation state support that was true. With suicide bombers it ranges from total idiots, like in Glasgow, who appear to know nothing about explosives and die in their attack, to people who are carrying more sophisticated bombs made by others. That's why the forensics are so important to get ASAP, as the explosives and sophistication are a good clue as to whether it's Dave in his shed and he's now dead, or Mohammed carrying a bomb made by others.
No, look at Iraq as an example - the bomb makers are to valuable to use as expendable foot soldiers
I'm somewhat used to soldiers on the streets, it's been commonplace in Paris for a while, I sometimes stepped out of my apartment building and opened the door to soldiers on my street. but certainly a worrying development for the U.K. How many times has this happened before?
Was out for drinks with a close friend that I hadn't seen for ages - he's a socialist, far more left wing than me, I had him down as a Corbyn supporter (but not a corbynista). I told him I would probably be voting labour tactically and he actually looked surprised by it and said he couldn't vote Labour with Corbyn as leader, due to his terrorist sympathies and his incompetence. Made me reflect again on my vote. not a good sign for Labour
What's your constituency ? I thought you were an En Marche man
Harrow West - where I grew up. A labour marginal now. I was in Paris full time until October (hence the username), currently doing a lot of back and forth as I'm back here for a while.
We have to be prepared for another attack. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow.
So either the guy wasn't a 'lone wolf' after all, or they have strong intelligence reasons for expecting a copycat.
As I pointed out this morning an IED is a world away from a rented truck or kitchen knife.
I imagine an IED merely entails a web search and a couple of weeks' work deploying basic DIY skills on things not that hard to obtain on the internet or elsewhere, and could therefore quite easily be the work of an enterprising "lone wolf". I am not going to attract the attention of GCHQ by testing the web search part of this theory.
It's actually pretty easy to make serious explosive with slightly better than GCSE chemistry knowledge. My friends and I used to do it in our teens, but for shit and giggles rather than murder. I won't post a recipe.
It is interesting that as an adult in any public place I am always looking for something suspicious. I have wondered if the Manchester attack may have been contrived because children don't look for these things? It is a sickening thought I know but it is an easy target more likely to get the result they want.
While I appreciate a news update as much as anyone, could US Officials please at least wait for British officials to make these announcements.
I think it might be a D Notice in effect or maybe we do have some very strict contempt of court/sub judice rules which might also be driving the British media.
May in her statement mentioned possibility of functioning terrorist network. I don't remember on previous occasions there has been any mention of such a thing (albeit I think most people suspect there has to be of some sort of ISIS supporters network).
I suspect there are already some forensics about the bomb that point to it not being something improvised by one guy in his shed, like fireworks, black powder, or the like.
It typically will not be the bomb maker who makes the attack
You kind of sense the BBC are trying to down play things by sticking to IED as the bomb description. As though you can just go down a shop and buy a standard off the shelf high explosive nail bomb that fits in a rucksack
They should everybody else has to carry on and go to work .If it is that bad call the election off.
Maybe it'll be wrapped up in a day or two - bit early to be calling things off, never mind the hows of that occurring.
It won't be, campaigning will resume at the weekend under heightened security, though I doubt even ISIS can be bothered to assassinate Corbyn, Farron and Nuttall
Bit below the belt for you.They have just killed young people and recently there was an attack on westminster .
If they go for anyone it will be May or even Sturgeon, they are not focused on lower ranked opposition figures, though of course Westminster as a whole still remains under threat
Really? I had the impression that one dead white kaffir was as good as another to them. Do they have form for targeting VIPs?
While I appreciate a news update as much as anyone, could US Officials please at least wait for British officials to make these announcements.
I think it might be a D Notice in effect or maybe we do have some very strict contempt of court/sub judice rules which might also be driving the British media.
I don't understand why people think it's necessary to leak details like these.
It typically will not be the bomb maker who makes the attack
Historically with the sorts of IRA, PLO, Red Brigade type of terrorist who often had nation state support that was true. With suicide bombers it ranges from total idiots, like in Glasgow, who appear to know nothing about explosives and die in their attack, to people who are carrying more sophisticated bombs made by others. That's why the forensics are so important to get ASAP, as the explosives and sophistication are a good clue as to whether it's Dave in his shed and he's now dead, or Mohammed carrying a bomb made by others.
No, look at Iraq as an example - the bomb makers are to valuable to use as expendable foot soldiers
If it is a serious organisation yes.
If it is literally a lone wolf who has improvised his own crude device and self-immolated then no.
You can use the address in the electoral register to find the house on google maps and see if it matches the one they raided.
You have to pay to get the address, and I didn't care that much. The free search just gives the general area and the names of the other residents. Edit/ you get the address if it has a landline, but his didn't.
It typically will not be the bomb maker who makes the attack
Historically with the sorts of IRA, PLO, Red Brigade type of terrorist who often had nation state support that was true. With suicide bombers it ranges from total idiots, like in Glasgow, who appear to know nothing about explosives and die in their attack, to people who are carrying more sophisticated bombs made by others. That's why the forensics are so important to get ASAP, as the explosives and sophistication are a good clue as to whether it's Dave in his shed and he's now dead, or Mohammed carrying a bomb made by others.
No, look at Iraq as an example - the bomb makers are to valuable to use as expendable foot soldiers
If it is a serious organisation yes.
If it is literally a lone wolf who has improvised his own crude device and self-immolated then no.
May in her statement mentioned possibility of functioning terrorist network. I don't remember on previous occasions there has been any mention of such a thing (albeit I think most people suspect there has to be of some sort of ISIS supporters network).
I suspect there are already some forensics about the bomb that point to it not being something improvised by one guy in his shed, like fireworks, black powder, or the like.
A non-improvised IED? Paradox time.
The Mirror agrees with you, though: "Manchester suicide bomber's IED was 'sophisticated kilo of explosives packed with nuts, bolts and screws - and he couldn't have built it alone'"
She also stressed that it was being raised "for the time being", which to me suggests she doesn't think it likely to last that long. Though, of course, even if privately the police think it's more serious, she may be deliberately trying to play it down to prevent a public panic.
I would take "for the time being" quite literally, it almost certainly means "until the police have rounded up his associates". Once the police are confident they have them all I would expect the threat level to go back down.
Will we ever see the threat level at "low"? A depressing thought.
Not whilst Ireland isn't united.
Right........ that's the main cause of the threat levels.
She also stressed that it was being raised "for the time being", which to me suggests she doesn't think it likely to last that long. Though, of course, even if privately the police think it's more serious, she may be deliberately trying to play it down to prevent a public panic.
I would take "for the time being" quite literally, it almost certainly means "until the police have rounded up his associates". Once the police are confident they have them all I would expect the threat level to go back down.
Will we ever see the threat level at "low"? A depressing thought.
Not whilst Ireland isn't united.
Right........ that's the main cause of the threat levels.
I think TSE's point was it sets a floor on the threat level.
They should everybody else has to carry on and go to work .If it is that bad call the election off.
Maybe it'll be wrapped up in a day or two - bit early to be calling things off, never mind the hows of that occurring.
It won't be, campaigning will resume at the weekend under heightened security, though I doubt even ISIS can be bothered to assassinate Corbyn, Farron and Nuttall
Bit below the belt for you.They have just killed young people and recently there was an attack on westminster .
If they go for anyone it will be May or even Sturgeon, they are not focused on lower ranked opposition figures, though of course Westminster as a whole still remains under threat
Really? I had the impression that one dead white kaffir was as good as another to them. Do they have form for targeting VIPs?
They will either target mass public killings, high profile buildings or powerful figures, the UK government is as much an enemy as the Assad government as far as ISIS are concerned
I've voted Labour at every GE since 1983, but the prospect of Diane Abbot being in charge of the security services is in itself reason enough to vote Tory this time round - and I suspect after last night I won't be the only one who thinks that way.
You can still vote labour safely in the knowledge that they have no chance whatsoever of winning, the issue is how big (and undeserved) the tory majority is. Its a toss up between wanting to make sure that there is an opposition, and wanting not to prolong the misery of having Corbyn and Abbot etc and the naive hard left controlling the main opposition party. Quite a difficult decision. I don't know if I can bring myself to endorse Corbyn for the reasons you describe.
Yes, took me a lot of agonising, but I finally decided this weekend I will have to vote Tory - and that is my settled decision. I've been posting here off and on since 2005, and I never thought I'd live to become a PB Tory! But there we are.
You have decided to throw in your lot with the 'lower form of life' .
He couldn't resist the power of the dark side.
Well I have a niece in her mid-20s who works for the NHS and lives in Gower the most marginal seat in the country. Three weeks back she was talking in terms of voting for May -over Brexit in essence. I have no idea as to her present intentions but if I subsequently discover that she has voted Tory , she will cease to be a beneficiary of my estate. It would effectively cost her circa £75,000 - though she will never know that because I am saying nothing.
Is there some insane pb competition to construct the looniest post?
Mark Senior's was good, but this is better.
It is just a clear statement of my intentions!
Might I enquire why you ever thought of leaving her anything anyway? You don't appear to have any affection for her.
It is any citizen of sound minds right to settle their will as they choose.
I wouldn't do the same, but there is no right to inherit.
I've voted Labour at every GE since 1983, but the prospect of Diane Abbot being in charge of the security services is in itself reason enough to vote Tory this time round - and I suspect after last night I won't be the only one who thinks that way.
You can still vote labour safely in the knowledge that they have no chance whatsoever of winning, the issue is how big (and undeserved) the tory majority is. Its a toss up between wanting to make sure that there is an opposition, and wanting not to prolong the misery of having Corbyn and Abbot etc and the naive hard left controlling the main opposition party. Quite a difficult decision. I don't know if I can bring myself to endorse Corbyn for the reasons you describe.
Yes, took me a lot of agonising, but I finally decided this weekend I will have to vote Tory - and that is my settled decision. I've been posting here off and on since 2005, and I never thought I'd live to become a PB Tory! But there we are.
You have decided to throw in your lot with the 'lower form of life' .
He couldn't resist the power of the dark side.
Well I have a niece in her mid-20s who works for the NHS and lives in Gower the most marginal seat in the country. Three weeks back she was talking in terms of voting for May -over Brexit in essence. I have no idea as to her present intentions but if I subsequently discover that she has voted Tory , she will cease to be a beneficiary of my estate. It would effectively cost her circa £75,000 - though she will never know that because I am saying nothing.
Is there some insane pb competition to construct the looniest post?
Mark Senior's was good, but this is better.
It is just a clear statement of my intentions!
Might I enquire why you ever thought of leaving her anything anyway? You don't appear to have any affection for her.
It is any citizen of sound minds right to settle their will as they choose.
I wouldn't do the same, but there is no right to inherit.
She also stressed that it was being raised "for the time being", which to me suggests she doesn't think it likely to last that long. Though, of course, even if privately the police think it's more serious, she may be deliberately trying to play it down to prevent a public panic.
I would take "for the time being" quite literally, it almost certainly means "until the police have rounded up his associates". Once the police are confident they have them all I would expect the threat level to go back down.
Will we ever see the threat level at "low"? A depressing thought.
Not whilst Ireland isn't united.
Right........ that's the main cause of the threat levels.
Read what the discussion is about before jumping in like an ill trained spaniel.
We're talking about what the 'floor' is for the terrorism threat.
And for the thousandth time on PB.
The Sunday Times had a report which said MI5 was more concerned about dissident Irish republican terrorism than Islamist terrorism, simply because the dissidents have a readily available stock of semtex, bombs, and other weapons.
One of the consequences of the Dunblane massacre is that it is very hard to have handguns, rifles, and other weapons of that ilk, which is why we've not seen mass shooting terrorism in the UK, so far.
She also stressed that it was being raised "for the time being", which to me suggests she doesn't think it likely to last that long. Though, of course, even if privately the police think it's more serious, she may be deliberately trying to play it down to prevent a public panic.
I would take "for the time being" quite literally, it almost certainly means "until the police have rounded up his associates". Once the police are confident they have them all I would expect the threat level to go back down.
Will we ever see the threat level at "low"? A depressing thought.
Not whilst Ireland isn't united.
Right........ that's the main cause of the threat levels.
Read what the discussion is about before jumping in like an ill trained spaniel.
We're talking about what the 'floor' is for the terrorism threat.
And for the thousandth time on PB.
The Sunday Times had a report which said MI5 was more concerned about dissident Irish republican terrorism than Islamist terrorism, simply because the dissidents have a readily available stock of semtex, bombs, and other weapons.
One of the consequences of the Dunblane massacre is that it is very hard to have handguns, rifles, and other weapons of that ilk, which is why we've not seen mass shooting terrorism in the UK, so far.
But others had a different recollection. Mohammed Saeed, a senior figure of Didsbury Mosque and Islamic Centre, said Salman Abedi had looked at him “with hate” after he gave a sermon criticising Isis and Ansar al-Sharia in Libya.
Saeed said he gave a strong sermon against terrorism and about the sanctity of life in 2015. He said 2,000 members of the mosque were with him; a small number were not; and a few signed a petition criticising him.
“Salman showed me a face of hate after that sermon,” he said. “He was showing me hatred.”
Saeed said a friend was so worried that he got his adult children to sit beside Salman Abedi in case he was attacked by him.
Saeed, who was born in Libya and came to the UK in 1980, said he was worried he would be labelled a “snitch”. But he said: “I have to speak out to protect our community, to protect innocent people.”
What May didn't say this evening was as important as what she did. Theres a fairly stock standard politician and other authority phrase prefacing talk of threats 'though we have no specific intelligence....' Unless I missed something, I didn't hear it.
This guy was networked that much they know but how connected was he? They know he travelled (the money is on that he went to his ancestral home at the very least). They know his associates.
Certain amounts of deduction are clearly being made but how much versus highly specific info is hard to tell. The deductions are a bit like a kid's maths exam, you might not get the right answer but if you show your working out there is still marks to be had for logic and method.
But others had a different recollection. Mohammed Saeed, a senior figure of Didsbury Mosque and Islamic Centre, said Salman Abedi had looked at him “with hate” after he gave a sermon criticising Isis and Ansar al-Sharia in Libya.
Saeed said he gave a strong sermon against terrorism and about the sanctity of life in 2015. He said 2,000 members of the mosque were with him; a small number were not; and a few signed a petition criticising him.
“Salman showed me a face of hate after that sermon,” he said. “He was showing me hatred.”
Saeed said a friend was so worried that he got his adult children to sit beside Salman Abedi in case he was attacked by him.
Saeed, who was born in Libya and came to the UK in 1980, said he was worried he would be labelled a “snitch”. But he said: “I have to speak out to protect our community, to protect innocent people.”
Not to get all "SeanT" about it, but instinctively I kinda think a Mosque should have a duty to report any people who get visibly outraged about an anti-terrorism speech, or sign a petition against it....
I've voted Labour at every GE since 1983, but the prospect of Diane Abbot being in charge of the security services is in itself reason enough to vote Tory this time round - and I suspect after last night I won't be the only one who thinks that way.
You can still vote labour safely in the knowledge that they have no chance whatsoever of winning, the issue is how big (and undeserved) the tory majority is. Its a toss up between wanting to make sure that there is an opposition, and wanting not to prolong the misery of having Corbyn and Abbot etc and the naive hard left controlling the main opposition party. Quite a difficult decision. I don't know if I can bring myself to endorse Corbyn for the reasons you describe.
Yes, took me a lot of agonising, but I finally decided this weekend I will have to vote Tory - and that is my settled decision. I've been posting here off and on since 2005, and I never thought I'd live to become a PB Tory! But there we are.
You have decided to throw in your lot with the 'lower form of life' .
He couldn't resist the power of the dark side.
Well I have a niece in her mid-20s who works for the NHS and lives in Gower the most marginal seat in the country. Three weeks back she was talking in terms of voting for May -over Brexit in essence. I have no idea as to her present intentions but if I subsequently discover that she has voted Tory , she will cease to be a beneficiary of my estate. It would effectively cost her circa £75,000 - though she will never know that because I am saying nothing.
Is there some insane pb competition to construct the looniest post?
Mark Senior's was good, but this is better.
It is just a clear statement of my intentions!
Might I enquire why you ever thought of leaving her anything anyway? You don't appear to have any affection for her.
It is any citizen of sound minds right to settle their will as they choose.
I wouldn't do the same, but there is no right to inherit.
A very provincial statement, I expect you are one of them Leavers. In Roman law systems (including for this purpose Scotland and most of Europe) it's 1/3 to the spouse, 1/3 to the children and it's only the remaining 1/3 you have any say about.
But others had a different recollection. Mohammed Saeed, a senior figure of Didsbury Mosque and Islamic Centre, said Salman Abedi had looked at him “with hate” after he gave a sermon criticising Isis and Ansar al-Sharia in Libya.
Saeed said he gave a strong sermon against terrorism and about the sanctity of life in 2015. He said 2,000 members of the mosque were with him; a small number were not; and a few signed a petition criticising him.
“Salman showed me a face of hate after that sermon,” he said. “He was showing me hatred.”
Saeed said a friend was so worried that he got his adult children to sit beside Salman Abedi in case he was attacked by him.
Saeed, who was born in Libya and came to the UK in 1980, said he was worried he would be labelled a “snitch”. But he said: “I have to speak out to protect our community, to protect innocent people.”
Not to get all "SeanT" about it, but instinctively I kinda think a Mosque should have a duty to report any people who get visibly outraged about an anti-terrorism speech, or sign a petition against it....
As should DIY stores if someone buys certain quantities of certain goods. There are various ways he could have dropped onto MI5s list, including who he happens to know in Libya.
Not to get all "SeanT" about it, but instinctively I kinda think a Mosque should have a duty to report any people who get visibly outraged about an anti-terrorism speech, or sign a petition against it....
After running away and hiding for a few days to lick his wounds post the local elections.
We were still at war with Japan, who didn't surrender until the 15th of August, and didn't sign the surrender documents until the 2nd of September 1945
Mind you, he'd probably have won anyway, but it doesn't do to leave these things to chance.
Think back to previous attacks. At the international summits this weekend May will get press conferences where she is flanked, and supported, by world leaders. That can't fail to affect the election. Meanwhile Corbyn or one of his minions will show their true colours. For one thing Stop the War will comment.
It shouldn't affect the vote, but it will.
There is no real need for active campaigning before then
As someone said earlier on here GE1945 was contested during a war
It would have been helpful if our American friends were a bit more cooperative. STFU.
Oh, the bomb yesterday was in a suitcase. I thought it was when he was flying back.
My guess is they'll resume local Thursday perhaps.
Bit soon for canvassing I'd guess, perhaps leafleting - will have to ask my sources.
The most shocking thing about the Panorama special on the various attacks in Europe was there is a network of suppliers. One ISIS guy who couldn't go through with it described how he was told phone his number and you will be told an address and a car reg...and when he arrived at the car everything was waiting for him.
I thought you were an En Marche man
All that debt then finally get a good job then get clobbered by a wealth tax.
If it is literally a lone wolf who has improvised his own crude device and self-immolated then no.
The forensics will narrow that down.
I wouldn't do the same, but there is no right to inherit.
We're talking about what the 'floor' is for the terrorism threat.
And for the thousandth time on PB.
The Sunday Times had a report which said MI5 was more concerned about dissident Irish republican terrorism than Islamist terrorism, simply because the dissidents have a readily available stock of semtex, bombs, and other weapons.
One of the consequences of the Dunblane massacre is that it is very hard to have handguns, rifles, and other weapons of that ilk, which is why we've not seen mass shooting terrorism in the UK, so far.
But you know better than MI5.
Saeed said he gave a strong sermon against terrorism and about the sanctity of life in 2015. He said 2,000 members of the mosque were with him; a small number were not; and a few signed a petition criticising him.
“Salman showed me a face of hate after that sermon,” he said. “He was showing me hatred.”
Saeed said a friend was so worried that he got his adult children to sit beside Salman Abedi in case he was attacked by him.
Saeed, who was born in Libya and came to the UK in 1980, said he was worried he would be labelled a “snitch”. But he said: “I have to speak out to protect our community, to protect innocent people.”
This guy was networked that much they know but how connected was he?
They know he travelled (the money is on that he went to his ancestral home at the very least). They know his associates.
Certain amounts of deduction are clearly being made but how much versus highly specific info is hard to tell. The deductions are a bit like a kid's maths exam, you might not get the right answer but if you show your working out there is still marks to be had for logic and method.
And at Depeche Mode 3 June 2017!