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LAB pushed into 3rd place in the Q4 2016 party donation totals from @ElectoralCommUK . UKIP got just £33k. CON top pic.twitter.com/k6ufeXHbVj
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So UKIP want to kick out their only MP, that'll help with the funding problems.
Perhaps that is tiding them over for a long while ?
They had a Scottish Parliament campaign and a referendum to finance, one year after a general election campaign, donor fatigue might be an issue.
Sessions could have avoided this mess by being clear and disclosing his meetings.
Now at best he looks shifty, at worst...
For now. Doesn't exactly make for a happy house though.
You are pushing against the tide. Cash is already banned in several places – as you would know if you had ever been to London (try catching a bus and paying with cash!). It may be the same in Leeds, I don't know?
The bit we are all arguing about is from 3:25 onwards on that video.
He is going to to have to paddle pretty damn hard to sell that as a misunderstanding.
Small margin, but a nice morale booster for the yellows.
Failing to simply count people in and out certainly gives the impression of a gov't that has 'lost control'.
Those are Electoral Commission charts.
would give a powerful incentive for getting some well-funded campaign groups going now.
Yes, thanks for the clarification. That's important to know.
JK Rowling can't be far from making the leap.
I’ve been using a bus pass for nearly 14 years now, and TBH find it very useful. Unless I’m going somewhere the bus doesn’t, or where there’s a triangular route involving two buses I now don’t often use a car. And there’s a route directly from about 200m away directly to both the local hospital and the county cricket ground. Which, given the parking issues at both, is a blessing.
EDIT: Eurovision winner. quarante-sept point.
The vote was only two and a half years ago. The only major change since is the EU vote. Power flows to the EU centre. In UK devolution, it's flowed away from the centre to Holyrood.
If you want independence, then a desire for the EU over the UK just seems bonkers to me. I know lots of Yes types don't care about joining the EU, but it sounds like most are in favour.
As someone who supports both unions for essentially the same reason, it sucks.
Don't have a mobile, so I'd be less than impressed if I needed apps or other such bullshit just to travel by bus.
I'm not against technological progress. E-books (especially old, free ones) are great, and the use of Wikipedia and other sources have made researching things a lot easier.
But not everything is best served by trying to make it electronic. Voting is one such example, and making payment electronic-only is something I'm also dead against.
Extra bit: the passionate Remainers in Scotland are to be found in the entrails of Scottish Labour. The Scottish WWC have moved to the SNP
Thankfully those days are behind us here. You will see the light soon enough.
And that's without considering the eurozone. Do Scots want to join the euro? It's a funny sort of independence that involves handing Frankfurt control of your monetary policy.
Sturgeon bleats about losing single market access, but the (non-Scottish) UK single market is worth four times more to Scotland. It's like complaining you've lost a toe, and prescribing cutting your foot off as the answer.
And no, neither their parents nor myself gave them massive handouts.
But if someone were to come up with a well thought through plan for a federal UK, I'd be supportive (even, probably to @Morris_Dancer 's disgust) supporting the re-creation of Wessex, Mercia, London, East Anglia and Northumbria as states.
Carving England into pieces is not acceptable.
The movement among this group has been offset by a much larger swing among those who voted yes to independence in 2014 but then voted to leave the EU last year. Despite only making up 14% of Scottish voters, 43% of these leave/yes voters have since abandoned their pro-independence position, with 28% now saying they would vote to stay in the union.
Thanks for posting @TissuePrice That is an absolutely brilliant piece by Hatwal and is required reading for ALL PBers and punters. Possibly worth a threader @TSE @MikeSmithson?
My only advice would be not to hold your breath.
Certainly within the Tories, all central money stays there. We then pay them a fee, a % for deigning to be a local association. We raise our own cash to pay for staff, leaflets etc. Don't think it gets counted nationally. Unless you know different.
* Happy to be corrected by a Kremlinologist.