I'm not a constitutional lawyer, but seems to be have been a complete waste of time. Publish a Bill and get on with it if it must be done.
It should have been tabled and passed with 48 hours of the referendum. (Or, at the very least, immediately after May took over.)
To be honest, I think I'd have gone for it were I May.
No political downside - if anything May has probably cemented a good third of 2015 Kippers within the Tory fold by continuing down this course
I'm sure the Civil Service were strongly arguing for Royal prerogative - why give up power voluntarily & create precedent - and as you write, politically doubt its done any damage - to the Tories!
Is the Def Sec safe on the back of his handling of the Trident mis-fire? Michael Fallon seemed a rather dull "safe" pair of hands but I am left wondering whether his time is looking short. he is one of the older cabinet ministers and I think a post A50 shuffle say in March/April will see him gone. he was in the Def Sec chair under Cameron and made some fairly hard attacks on S Khan's mayoral campaign, I suspect he will be carrying the can for sunday's slip up
I'm very suspicious of any politicians whose name matches this regex: fa[a-z]{2}on
Wow, I didn't think we'd see much regex-ing today. Bravo pb, bravo.
I think that Theresa May has played a blinder. If she had just served A50 it would have been in chaos now, furthermore by going to appeal she has instantly clarified the devolved administration positions and thereby prevented subsequent challenges.
It must be impossible now for any politician to survive if they attempt to delay or stop the process and that includes the HOL.
A girl's hair was set on fire in one and luckily patted out before it caused serious injury. A guy was shot outside a Milo presentation at Uni Washington - .
'The guy' being an anti-Trump protestor and the shooter a Milo fan.
The Daily Mail Europhile rating is evidently out of whack. Lord Carnwath was rated a five star Europhile in December yet was one of the dissenters.
Or just possibly, the judges approached this independently of their views on the referendum?
That's very reassuring. I assumed Lord Sumption would be a dissenter.
Thank Goodness our Supreme Court is not like that in the USA.
The crazed attempts by your fellow Leavers to try to see everything through the prism of the referendum reflects very badly on them.
This case was about far more important things than membership of the EU.
These are emotional times.
I am very pleased we have the objective and fair (although not perfect) legal system we do and this gives me great confidence we will fairly rule on all cases in an independent UK post Brexit.
Of course UK regoins don't get to frustrate foreign policy. Stupid question.
Thank Goodness our Supreme Court is not like that in the USA.
It must be impossible now for any politician to survive if they attempt to delay or stop the process and that includes the HOL.
A good day at the office for her
This case was about far more important things than membership of the EU.
'The guy' being an anti-Trump protestor and the shooter a Milo fan.
I am very pleased we have the objective and fair (although not perfect) legal system we do and this gives me great confidence we will fairly rule on all cases in an independent UK post Brexit.