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Until the LibDems have to try and convince people to rejoin the EU, take on the Euro, join the EU-Army, and generally show themselves to be connected to reality by a wisp of ectoplasm....
And thanks to Harry for a bravura performance this year.
Years ago (maybe 20) I remember the Home Office trying to set up comparison schemes whereby, for example, police forces could be judged against a set of performance indicators against others in a family with similar demographic/social/deprivation indicators. Has anything similar been done for local authorities?
On topic, the Tories losing council seats ever since Dave was replaced by Mrs May.
Bring back Dave, if not Dave, then Osborne.
EUGMP = European GMP
Nothing to do with the European Union.
You weren't muddling up the EU with Europe were you? Rookie error.
I liked the first comment in response to that tweet.
We often open our Christmas presents before the big day, as we have a full car to travel up to my parents' house. This year Mrs J had a big box for me.
So I opened it, and inside ... oh no, she's only gone and done it:
Nearly 4,000 pieces of Technics joy. The manual is about two centimetres thick ...
It says "12-16" on the box...
Somewhat related: All things being equal, do you think the UK would need to employ more civil servants inside or outside the EU?
And EUGMP is set by the EMA - your argument (such as it is) is circular
Which 6 "Davids" have a Premier League Winners Medal?
On the other hand, Ma'am, in return for having your house cluttered up, and probably your dining room table lost for three months, you get a happy and contented husband, who will not be straying or even disappearing off to the pub but who will be giving your child a boost to his intellectual development. I'd say it was a bargain.
I just hope Mr. Jessup keeps us up to date with his construction. Some sort of illustrated diary would be good, Mr. J. A dedicated blog/website perhaps.
Ignore the naysayers.
I have bought my husband a cadence sensor and heartrate monitor to go with the cycling GPS thingy he got for his birthday. He goes off out in his middle-aged man lycra for hours at a time. Then he spends hours on the computer, micro-monitoring his performance over each section of the route. Lovely peace and quiet at home ensues... it's great.
In the past when I'd gradually extended the distance cycled, I always ended up with Old Man Hip Syndrome and had to give it a rest, so I'm just doing six miles or so at a time now.
I don't remember May
It only takes 25 minutes to put together ;-)
It is a vital tool for my mental wellbeing in the year ahead. Besides, I think she's just glad that I haven't got into model railways ...
I don't have the link any more, but NASA puts (or put) a wallpaper picture out every day, and one of them was of that digger. It was crossing the road, which entailed a prolonged wait for the miniscule cars trying to make a journey.
Some advantages from having finished wrapping presents a few days back, and having the little 'un in the nursery today. It's also the first time I've properly played with Lego for 25 years, so it's a bit of fun regression.
It is a really good model. The instructions are exemplary, the organisation of the bits superb, and everything just works. It's also *massive*.
https://t.co/zSKSU5qnwI https://t.co/WgjKJbjQQ1
Normally they'd be dismantled once their job is done at one site, but this time they decided to drive this one from one site to another nearby site. Even that required huge amounts of planning, such as taking down power lines and build earth ramps over roads. Loads of people turned out to watch it on its way. 13,500 tons of mobile machine isn't something you see every day!
The idea that the UK is being held back by oppressive EU regulations imposed on us by dictatorial faceless bureaucrats is so removed from reality as I've experienced it that I find it hard to imagine that anyone who believes has any experience of the world at all.
But I don't want to sound like a bitter remoaner. Can someone can point out a regulation that we can get rid of that will make us better off to compensate for what we are losing. That would make me feel better.
Season's Greetings to all of my fellow PBers, whether left or right, leave or remain.
PB should have a Christmas amnesty.
Nah, it is not just you. It is quite a common attitude amongst men albeit in different circumstances. For example when I gave up salaried employment Herself insisted that I could use some of my new "free time" to work on the allotment and I did. I would go to the allotment work like mad for an hour and then go to the pub until it was time to go home for tea.
The most outrageous of this sort of man behaviour that I ever came across was on old pal of mine whose wife decided that he should "get fit". So each evening after coming home from work he would change into running costume and, with cigarettes, lighter, cash and reading glasses carefully concealed, would jog to the pub. There he would read the evening paper, drink a couple of pints with accompanying smokes, before jogging back. The great thing about his system is that he was gradually able to extend it - as he got "fitter" he needed a longer run so he could stay out for a third pint. I never made up my mind as to whether his wife, who was no fool, actually believed him or was just glad to have him out of the house for a bit longer each day.
This is the first year in a very long time that my shifts fall right, and I'm actually not back to work until the 27th. It feels really strange actually planning a proper Christmas (not withstanding taking into account of a few close relatives about to fall off the perch due to cancer!)
Good evening, everyone.
Mr. Stopper, a few of my relatives are in precarious shape too.
Personally not a footballist. Two hundred miles per hour too slow.
The absolute timing of the Kipper Tie Joke is, I think, variable depending on how Mr. Putney is doing in the present/family stakes. It usually occurs mid morning, but we hopefully will have the crossword to sustain us until then.
I'd start with the daft rules about cookie notifications on websites.
Then move onto co-ordinated internal VAT regulations.
Even as someone generally supportive of the EU (and certainly more international co-operation) it's not hard to find places the EU has over-stretched and lost sight of subsidiarity. Not sure that saying there are no daft EU rules will persuade any non-believers.
Anyway, must be off before my eyes go even fuzzier.
What is a politician doing interfering with police business?
Faking the news.
Something else that is seriously screwed up is your quotes
So much is fairly common, but I did like his justification. "When on a diet it is very bad manners to lose more weight than your wife!".
I have of course copied his excellent manners ever since ;-)
It is much more important that the rabble are given GoodFacts, not WrongFacts. Otherwise they might act Wrongly.
For example, the ethnicity of the scumbag who stabbed a Muslim for being a muslim was a WrongFact.
Could Corbyn kick the ball into an empty net?
Just asking.
A very fair whisky, not especially to my tastes but well worth ensuring you have enough in stock over this difficult period when merchants are shut for days on end and thirsty visitors are more likely to appear on the doorstep than usual.
I am pleased to confirm that the Llama household has enough of The Grouse and of The Laphroaig to see it through the most demanding of Christmas seasons, along with ample stocks of ladies' drinks.
I really think it is quite nice that the gentleman in question had an iPhone. It shows that the terrible "Digital Divide" that forced our noble political representatives to purchase iPhones and iPads on expenses has been closed.
I reflect that my youngest daughter was 6 years old before I actually got a Christmas at home with her. Such was the life of a mariner however it was what you did, you bore it with silent fortitude though considerable sadness. Made up for it since though.